HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-28-2020 WS MinutesCITY COMMISSION MINUTES ` SEPTEMBER 289 2020 WORK SESSION The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, September 28, 2020, at 4:00 PM, in the City Commission Chambers, 1st Floor, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Art Woodruff Vice Mayor Kerry S. Wiggins, Sr. Commissioner Sheena R. Britton Commissioner Patrick Austin City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. City Attorney William L. Colbert City Clerk Traci Houchin Deputy City Clerk Cathy LoTempio Absent: Commissioner Patty Mahany Mayor Woodruff called the meeting to order at 4:09 PM. 1. Interviews for Vacant City Board Committees. The Mayor and Commission interviewed (16) applicants for various boards and committees. After a brief discussion, the Commission asked the Clerk's Office to make a note for next year regarding the re -appoint process prior to interviewing applicants for board/committee vacancies. The Commission reviewed the applicants to re- appoint/appoint members at tonight's meeting. Appointments to the Sanford Housing Authority and the Planning and Zoning alternate is continued to the October 12, 2020 City Commission meeting. 2. Presentation: Myrtle Avenue Streetscape Project, Bilal Iftikhar, Public Works and Utilities Director. Mr. Bonaparte introduced Bilal Iftikhar, Public Works and Utilities Director CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 289 2020 WORK SESSION Mr. Iftikhar presented a power point presentation on the Myrtle Avenue Streetscape Project that will run from Myrtle Avenue from Fulton Street to 3rd Street. He said the project consists of 152 angled parking spaces, brick roads and storm water improvements. The savings from prior 3" Generation Sales Tax Projects will fund this project. Commissioner Austin asked Mr. Iftikhar to send a copy of the power point presentation to the Mayor and Commissioners. Mr. Iftikhar addressed the flooding issues that occurred over the past weekend. He said the City has received a lot of rain this season and the ground water levels are very high. On Sunday, the City received 4" of rain from the storm. Mr. Iftikhar said that staff is working on a storm water project for the Georgetown area and will present it to the Commission in the next few months. Commissioner Britton thanked Mr. Iftikhar and his staff for the great job they did during the storm as well as after. She also commended Jeff Davis on a great power point presentation. Mr. Iftikhar said the new storm water park at 24th Street & Park Avenue is completed. He said that there is an educational feature with a Baffle Box, demonstrating how it separates debris before going into Lake Monroe. He said this would allow the City to receive additional credits from the Department of Environmental Protection 3. Presentation: Quarterly Financial Report by Cindy Lindsay, Finance Director. [Commission Memo 20-189] Ms. Lindsay reviewed the Quarterly Financial Report. She said the overall report looks good. She said the pensions have turned around quite a bit and look better this CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 WORK SESSION year compared to last year. The Police pensions have losses on the report due to new officers signing up with the Florida Retirement System. Mayor Woodruff asked about the Golf Course Budget as the narrative shows a loss and the spreadsheet shows a profit. Ms. Lindsay said that is a typo and the loss should be $47,000 not $477,000. She said the golf course budget is a combination of the City of Sanford Mayfair Golf Course and Mayfair Management Inc. She said the budget includes a capital budget transfer, which makes it look like there is a profit. Overall, there is a loss of $47,000. Mayor Woodruff asked about the Heritage Park Funds. Ms. Lindsay said the funds are sitting in the account because there has not been many invoices and the CRA contributions are in the CRA Budget and marked for the project. 4. Regular Meeting Items — additional Information A. Amendment to Classification and Pay Plan in the amount of $37,762 to fund and authorize (1.0) FTE College/University intern position. [Commission Memo 20-184] (RM 10.E) Mr. Bonaparte said this amendment is to authorize and fund an additional FTE for college students who need credits for their degrees. Commissioner Austin said there is a lot of interest from college students coming to the City to intern and he thinks that this is a great idea. Commissioner Britton said Mr. Thomas has used interns from Career Source and had a lot of success. This is an action item on tonight's agenda. 5. Briefing Items 0 Request from the Central Florida Zoo CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 289 2020 WORK SESSION Mr. Bonaparte said the Central Florida Zoo has received a $1.3M commitment from the Seminole County CARES Act. However, that is not enough money to get the Zoo back on track. He said the Zoo plans to ask each of the Seminole County cities for contributions but they wanted to ask their home city, Sanford before reaching out to the others. After a brief discussion, the Commission agreed to make a motion at tonight's meeting to contribute money to the Zoo. • Rescue Outreach Mission Mr. Bonaparte said the Commission received an email on behalf of the Rescue Outreach Mission requesting each City in Seminole County contribute $15,000 towards a Fund Raising Executive. After a brief discussion, Commissioner Britton said she would like additional information on this request. Mr. Bonaparte said he will invite the Rescue Outreach Mission to the October 12, 2020 City Commission Work Session. He will request the Rescue Outreach mission provide the Commission with historical information on prior events. He said the City, Seminole County and United Way worked together to assist the Rescue Outreach Mission this year. • Special Events Discussion Mr. Bonaparte said City staff is seeking the thoughts of the Commission on starting up Special Events. He said staff sent out a survey to the local business owner's downtown. Jennifer Brooks, Special Events Supervisor, said the City did receive positive responses from several business owners; however, ten well-known businesses did not respond. Ms. Brooks said the City is following the CDC Guidelines to ensure the safety of CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 289 2020 WORK SESSION the public. Open-air events should not have more than 250 people, there should be social distancing and masks are to be worn at all times. She said that staff would shut down events if the applicants do not comply. Ms. Brooks said the applications have been revised to include all the CDC Guidelines and a clause informing the applicant if they have to be shut down, it could affect future events from being held at the City of Sanford. Commissioner Austin said this past Friday night was a prime example of events that are too big. He said the high school stopped the football game until everyone was back in his or her seats. He asked the Police Department how they feel about having a part in the special events. Cecil Smith, Police Chief, said the Police Department would intercede if they need to. (Mr. Bonaparte said they would not be the mask police). Chief Smith said that is up to the applicants to make sure the event is staying complaint with all guidelines. Ms. Brooks said vendors would have signs up regarding masks and proper social distancing. Mayor Woodruff said he does not like the same streets continually being shut down for special events. Commissioner Britton said she is not about starting events up yet. Mr. Bonaparte shared a comment from one of the surveys returned, `Without events Sanford is the Miracles without Smokey Robinson, the Supremes without Diana Ross. We would practically be Deltona'. Commissioner Austin said he is all for starting up events. 6. City Manager Comments Mr. Bonaparte said the Commission is scheduled to have a Goals and Objectives Work Session on October 1, 2020. However, one Commissioner is not able to CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 289 2020 WORK SESSION attend. He asked the Commission if they would like to reschedule the meeting to October 19, 2020 from 3:30PM — 6:30PM. The Commission agreed to move it to October 19, 2020. Regarding Item 9.E, the developer has requested that the Commission continue this to the October 12"' City Commission Meeting. The Commission agreed to make the motion at tonight's meeting. Commissioner Wiggins said that he would like to bring back the Race and Inclusion Committee discussion. Commissioner Britton said that she is open for discussion and requested that Mr. Thomas not facilitate that. Mr. Bonaparte said staff would present a plan for the committee at the next meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:22 PM. ATTEST: City Clerk (cl) C�n