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Furthermore, pursuant to Chapter 163.356, Florida Statutes, the City of Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency is hereby created and established. SECTION 3: COMPOSITION OF THE AGENCY: The City Commission shall appoint the members of the Agency, which shall consist of a total of five (5) members. Two (2) of the five (5) members shall be nominated by the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County and appointed by the Sanford City Commission. The other three (3) members shall be nominated and appointed by the Sanford City Commission. (a) Any person may be appointed as a member if he resides or is engaged in business, which means owning a business, practicing a profession, or performing a service for compensation, or serving as an officer or director of a corporation or other business entity so engaged, within the City of Sanford corporate limits. (b) The City Commission shall designate a chairman and vice chairman from among the members of the Agency. SECTION 4: TERMS OF OFFICE AND REMOVAL FROM OFFICE: (a) The terms of office of the members shall be for four (4) years, except that three of the members first appointed shall be designated to serve terms of 1, 2, and 3 years, respectively from the effective date of their appointments, and all other members shall be designated to serve for terms of 4 years from the effective date of their appointments. (b) The City Commission may remove a member of the Agency for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or misconduct in office only in that manner prescribed by law. SECTION 5: DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The Agency shall be the redevelopment agency to carry out the redevelopment of the areas hereinbefore described, designated the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area and the Seminole Towne Center Community Redevelopment Area, and to that end and as such, shall have and exercise all of the powers of redevelopment agencies pursuant to Chapter 163, Part III, Florida Statutes, as amended, and shall have the power granted to it by Semin61e County Board of County Commissioners' Resolution No. 95-R-246. (a) The Agency shall exercise all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions 2 of community redevelopment and related activities except the following which shall be vested in the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida: (1) The power to determine an area to be a slum or blighted area. (2) The power to grant final approval to community redevelopment plans. (3) The power to authorize the issuance of revenue bonds. (4) The power to approve the acquisition, demolition, removal, or disposal of property. (b) The Agency shall file with the City Commission and with the Auditor General, on or before March 31 of each year, a report of its activities for the preceding fiscal year, which report shall include a complete financial statement setting forth its assets, liabilities, income, and operating expenses as of the end of such fiscal year. At the time of filing of the report, the Agency shall comply with all procedures regarding notice and publishing as set forth by law. SECTION 6: WATERFRONT MASTER PLAN STEERING COMMITTEE AS THE OFFICIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE CITY OF SANFORD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: The City of Sanford Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee established by Ordinance No. 3158 shall be the official advisory committee to the Agency. By representing the many public and private interests that play a role in the development and revitalization of the downtown and waterfront areas, the Committee shall assist the Agency in the development, review and modification of all plans and major redevelopment activities and projects within the Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Community Redevelopment Area. The Agency shall submit proposed plans and projects to the Committee for review and recommendations as to its conformity with overall master plan concepts for the redevelopment of the Waterfront and Downtown area prior to final action by the Agency. Members of the Agency may be members of the Committee. SECTION 7: FUTURE MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: The City of Sanford, at its option, may consolidate the Community Redevelopment Agency created in this ordinance with a multi-jurisdictional or countywide Community Redevelopment Agency that may be established in the future bySeminole County. The City shall structure the Community Redevelopment Agency created herein so as to facilitate the consolidation of the Community Redevelopment Agency into a multi-jurisdictional or countywide Community Redevelopment Agency, and so as to provide for the transfer of any and all projects, programs, assets, property, funds, obligations, and liabilities to Seminole County and/or a multi-jurisdictional or countywide Community Redevelopment Agency established by Seminole County. SECTION 8: SEVE~BILITY: If any section or portion Of a section of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be heldto impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or part of this Ordinance. SECTION 9: CONFLICTS: That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the sae are hereby revoked. SECTION 10: EFFECTIVE DATE: That this Ordin~ce shall become effective i~ediately upon its passage and adoption. 1995. _ CITY CO~ISSION OF S~_~~ ... ": ATTEST: CERTIFICATE i, Janet R. Dougherty, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the %~ , 1995, was posted at front doo of't e City 1995.