HomeMy WebLinkAbout912 Maple Ave 18-4475 (a) NEW SFHU13 PERMIT APPLICATION Application No: Documented construction Value:$ t38',000_-W 1S'5_2,(-A5A0 Job Address- 912 Maple Ave. Sanford, fl. Historic District, Yes[] NoN Parcel ID1 25-19-30-512-1110-0050 Residential El Commerchal 11 Type of Work: New N Addition Allieration 0 Repair D Demo [I Change ofUse El Move R Description of Work: Reconstruction of a Single Family Residence containing 1,060 S.F. of living space and with a one. car attached garage for a total of 1508 S.F. Plan Re -view Contact Person.: Glen Holt Title: General Contractor Phone: (352) 267-6395 Fax-. Email: holtaluminum(Maol.com Property Owner lnformation Name -_Mrs. Charleen Brinson Phone: (407) 936-5300 Street: 912 Maple Ave. aq,st.atezip; Sanford:Fl. 32771 Name Glen Holt Aluminum LLC. Street: 4044 Williams Street Resident of property? - — Yes Contractor Information city, state zip: Fruitland Park, Fl. 34731 Phone: (352) 267-6395 Fax: StateLicenseNo.: CGC1521327 Architect/Engincer Information, Name: Jack Gries Engineering, Inc. Phone; Street: 715 Balmoral Circle City, St, Zip: Leesburg, Fl. 34748 Bonding Company: WA Address: 352) 787-6161 - Fax. (352) 326-2931 E-mail: griesengineering@embaqmail-corn Mortgage Lender: Address: WA WARNIN(3TO OWNER- YOUR FAILURETO RECORD A NO110E OF COMMENC EMENTMAYRESUIJIN YOUR PAYING TWl(1',E FOR I M I'll OVEMENTS `1'0 YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENTMUST BE RECORDI- ' 1) AND POSTEO ONTHE 1013 SITE BEFORETHE FIRSTINSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND 1*0 OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSUIJ WITH YOUR LENDER ORAN ATFORNEY-BEFORY. RECORDING YOUR NO'1'1('E-OF,('OMMEN(EllIL-'N'lI Appikation is livrvily madc lo obinh) a pvrinh to do the Nvork and instalkifions as inkh,:aled. I cin-fify thal no ivork or installatim) lizis cornmenced prior to the issuaitce ofa permit and thal -all %vork %vill be performed it) meet ;tandards of M1 la%vs rqpikiiini isdiction. i understandgcon, truction,in 1111sJur thot a separate permit must be secured for electrical work, plumbing, signs, wells, prwls, furnacts, boflers., hearers, banks, and air conditioners, etc, I FBC lffi3AA be inscribedwith the datrofapprmmfion and the code in efficta5 of thd dalc& Edition f2017) FloridaBuildimgCode N(Y11V In addition to the requirmwnts ol this pmi-At, d=e Tuay bc additional r,-.Qrk-tiv-wxi appricable, to ffiLs pwpeny diat, -fi in - publkmaytvxmdthe recortLe of this cimniyl akid there may be additional permiLs required frmu oft r gowrinuental entitik-s such a-k walcr managenient di:Qricv. state agencic-,;- Acceptanceof rxnnit ii verificat7wo, that I will notify 1heownerisf the pro1wrty Lien Law. 1-S71-3. The City of *—Pwxkord rcquires ray-w of a plan roricu fi-M at ffit' linle of jVnilil suhmiltal. A cc,%- of OK, rucuted conuad is requir,-d in "der 10 c-alculate a plan review charge aM vrill be- coib-idered the L-.fintated construction -.-Aue of thLlub at the time of subminaL '11L-actr2j congruction -;Auc will Ix- figured IniLd on the current It-tValuation'I'able in c - ftect at the tLrn% the pcmAt is -L-;NucLL inaccordance with local ordinance- Should --kulatcd dtarges ikeured offthe executiLd contract exceed the actual comstruction value.credit will lvapplkd to y0ur permit fees. when dw permil isivwW- OWNEWS AFFIDAVIT: I certify that 211 of the foregoing information is accurate and that all veork wM bc done in compliance -with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning- N 1 1, / - N - m1. MOW E Signature of Oumer.-*Agmt Date 'i,turk oft'-Aint.-aa4w,'Agent Date 1'rint c-th-fter—Agwes -V=n, Print Lontractoe-kp=s Name WKCONW Z 8"M mamh 15, i\)marv-Staxc' M, Owner/Agent is Personally Know n to Me or Contractor/A I an e orgen p Person qwn to M Produced I D Type of ID Produced1l) V -rype of I D rQT BELOW IS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permits l"itired: Building 0 Electrical El Mechanic-AE] Plumbing [] Gas n Ro6f- Construction Type.-,-- Occupancy Use. Total Sq F1 of Bid Min. Occupancy Load: Flood Zone- X 0 7 0 F of Stories: New Construction: Flectric - # of Amps Plumbing - # of fixtures Fire SpAnMer Permitt. Yes E]No [] -- of Hea&- Fire Ahm Permit: Yes F1 No APPROVAIS: AiNG: A *,5;t UTILITIES: WASYE NVATEP-- IENGINtFRING: V, (- - I I - (4- 1 FIRE. COMMENTS--- Ok to construct single family home with setbacks and impervious area shown on plan. ScWLAle L-1 5eC+i4M Ll PA? C-e I -S 0 Reco,-j 201 a OC) 0/ BUILDING: f Z1.14-ty CITY OF NOV 0 -7 12018 PERM, IT APPLICAT10N6ANFORD BUILDING I DIVISION Applicat! on No,; 14, Docu, men-ted Construictio.,ti ValuY e. $ ob Address. 912 Maple Ave. Sanford, Fl. 32771 Historlic Divirict: Yes",13 NOIN Parcel IR 25-19-30-512-1110-0050 Residential 91 commercia][1 Type of Work: New [I Ad ditiun,[] Ahter4i,o p Repaj!r [j DeTno KI Change of UseE] Move El e I)escription of Work: Ekwanfifien of e)dsbng isingle family home. Plan Review Contact Person- Glen Holt Title, General Contractor Phone: (352) 267-6396 Fax. Email, holtaluminumgDaol.com Propert-y Ournu Iiiformation Name Mrs. Charleen Brinson Phone: L407) 936-5300 street: 912 Maple Ave. Resident of property?. Yes city, state zip: Sanford,'Fl. 32771 Name Glen Holt Aluminum LLC. C01311tradOr 111fOTMation Pbon e: (352) 267-6395 Street: 4044 Williams Street Fax: City, State Zip: Fruitland Park, Fl. 34731 Statte]-IcenseNo,:: CGC1521327 Architect/Engincer Information Name: N/A Phone; Street: Fax: City, S I, Zip: E-mail- Bonding Company. WA Address: Mortgage Lender; AddMSS: WA N/A WARNINGTO OWNER! YOUR FAILURETO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMM EN CEMENTMAY RESULTIN YOUR PAYING TWI(T 1:011 1 M I'll OW.M EN'J'S TO YOUR PROPE'RTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENTMUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ONTHE JOB SITE BE*FORETHE FIRST INSPECT10N. IFYOU INTEND 1*0 OBTAIN FINANCING, ("ONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN A170, RNEYJUT( r) IRE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF C,O, MMENCEMENT Aj)pficafion is li rvbv made it) obioin 11 PVrII)iI 11) Lit-) iht Nvork and instaliallons a indic-mc-d. I cerfil [hit no Nvork or himathilion hos. connimit.-cd priory to thc issuance of i pernfil -,ind 1hat all work will K- ImfOrmed to nleL I stmid,11-d" of all laws re6kilmilig construction,ill Ih!". ' jurisdiction. i understand that a selyarale per-mit must be secured for electrical 7work-, plumbing, signs., wells, pools, fbrn-aces, boilers, hejte rs, tank% and aiT cundit-ioner.% etc. FBC 105-3Sb2H be inscrOwd-Ahthe daft of application and thecode in effect as of fbaidale:e Edition 12917)FloridaBuilding Cv& In addition to the requitvniLms Of this pernut, there may bLadihfional mqrktions applicable- to thii p yropert. that mar be fiound in the pubk recor& Of dtis counly. and there may b%- additional pernfiv; required frt)m tither govcrinnental entitiLssuch a-.; water ruanagement liqrkLs. agencitN.. Or lederal agencics. Acceptance of permit is verification that I will nufifv the owner of ffix propmv %if th% rcquinnuenis %-if Florida lic') Law. PS 7 13. The Oty tof Sanford requires pm-m-ni Of a plan re%riew fee at the tbw )I r-c-ratil sulin-Allal- A copy Of thel txecultd '-fintrad is required in order to Ac ulate a Plan revii, %v chargw am veal tk- con§itlered dw, esfunated ctinstruc lit i n v A ue tif the .ob -at dix, time of submittaL '11x- actual construction TA ne. villix-fTguredluiedon thecurrent thetin-1vthemmliti" - issued, iaaccorda—nevvith la-ical Ordinance- Shindd c,-k-1daj%4 chart A off the m-cutkd contract excted the actual a-wnstruction v-aluc. credit xvill be applied to your Tvnnit Rx-s when tlw verjuil is Lqsucdges- figure OWNEWS AMDAVIT: I certify that all of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work wM be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. Sitmmm of Ourner.-FA--ent Print ChvnevApmfs -'%bme Date Signature of Notary -State offlorida - Date Oumer/Agent is Personally Know n to Me or Produced 11) . rYpe of I D 4/400'--, //- 6 -,;6 / 3, Mgnattm- oW Dateont-maor.'Agc n t t-1- . 1 ffc) 1-r INint jA9176cmmfom#GG we Eat -,fofowvSC Contractor/Aggenti,%, Pemnall Kn to Me or Produced ID V"' T)w of 11) BUOW IS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permits Requiredt Building 0 Electrical El Mechanical E] Plumbing 0 Gas 0 Ro&`. El Construction Type.-,_ Occupancy Use: Total Sq Ft of Bid Min- Occupancy Load: Flood Zone.- Of Stories: New Construction- Electric - * of Amps--_ Plumbing - # of Fixtures Fire Sprinkler Permit: YesE]No[] --ofHea& Fire AIarm Permit: Yes [I No APPRO'VAIS: ZON71NG: UTILITIES: A-VASTE NVATEF-- ENGINEERING: COMMENTS- FIRE: BUILDING-_ PA Parcel View: 25-19-30-512-1110-0050 littp://parceldetail.scpafl.oi-gllparcelDetaiilnfo.aspx9PID=25193... Preiparty Record Card Parcel-' 25-19-30-512-1110-W,50PARNP91% Property Address: 912 MAPLE AVE SANFORD, FL 32771 Parcel Information Value Summary Parcel 25-19-30-512-1110-0050 2018 Working 2017 Certified Owner(s) BRINSON, CHARLEEN Values Values Valuation Method CasllMarkel CosMarket Property Address 912 MAPLE AVE SANFORD, FL 32771 Number of Buildings 1 1 Ma&N 9 12 S MAPLE AVE SANFORD, FL 32771-2426 Depreciated EWg Wue S63,209 559.675 Subdivision Name MARTINS ADD A C D Wecialed EXFT Value Tax District S1-SANFGR0 Land Value (Market) S9.918 S9.9-118 DOR Use Code 01-SiNGLE FAL41LY Land Value Ag Exemptions 00-HOMESTEAD(1994) Just"Mail et Value S73,127 S(39 593 Portability A(A Sau-- Our Homes Adil $13,132 Z1Ga32 Amendment I Adil so P&G Adi so so Assessed Value :559.995 S58.761 Tax Amountrathout SOH: $604.7,5 2017jaxBRIAmount S.533.60 Tax Estimator Save'Our Homes Savings, !71.15 TRIM Notice Help Does NOT INCLUDE Non Ad Vakwern Assessments Legal Description LOT 5 BLK 11 TR 10 A C MARTINS ADD PB 1 PG 98 Taxes Tbxrng Authority Aszcssmenl N.atue- Exempt vaw.as Taxable Value County General Fund S59.995 1534. 995 S25,OW Schools S59.5-95 S25 000 34.995 City Sanford 34,995 S25.000 SJWM(Saint Johns Water Management) S59.995 S34,995 25,000 County Bonds S59995 34.995 S25,000 Sales Description Date O K Page Amoum, Qualified VacAnrp QUIT CLAIM DEED 11111995 02878 03691 5100 No Improved QUIT CLAIM DEED 9!111989 02110 0602 100 N o Vacant Find Comparable Sales Land Method Frontage Depth Units Units Price Land Vakie FRONTFOOT & DEPTH 57.00 117 00 0 S17400 S9,918 Building Information Is Bedl8alh count inm-recl? Click 44efe- Description Year Built Fixtures Bed Bath Base Area Total SF Living SF Ext Wall Adj Value Rapt Value AppendagescActual/Effe five I SINGLE 1991 6 2 1.5 1,048 i,iu 1,048 SIDING S63,209 SM625 Description Area FAMILY GRADE3 OPEN PORCH FINISHED 84.00 of ') 9/12/2018..6:24 PM Name Address City: Phone: City of Sanford Planning and Development Services Engineering — Floodplain Management Flood Zone Determination Request Form Glen Holt Frim Glen Holt Aluminum. LLC 4044 Williams Street Fruitland Park State FL 352-267-6395 Fax: Property Address: 912 Maple Avenue Property Owner: Charleen Brinson Parcel Identification Number; Phone: 407-936-5300 Zip Code: 34731 Email: holtaluminum(@aol.com 25-19-30-512-1110-0050 Fax: Email: N/A The reason for the flood plain determination is: New Structure F-1 Existing Structure (Pre-2007 FIRM Adoption) Expansion/Addition F-1 Existing Structure (Post 2007 FIRM Adoption) Pre 2007 FIRM adoption = finished floor elevation 12" above BFE Post 2007 FIRM adoption = finished floor elevation 24" above BFE (Ordinance 4076) P V Y, Flood Zone X Base Flood Elevation N/A Datum N/A FIRM Panel Number 120294 0070F Map Date September 28, 2007 The referenced Flood Insurance Rate Map indicates the following: The Parcel is in the Floodplain Floodway A portion of the Parcel is in the Floodplain Floodway The Parcel is not in the Floodplain Floodway The Structure is in the Floodplain Floodway The Structure is not in the Floodplain Floodway If the subject property is determined to be flood the base flood elevation is: zone 'A', the best available information used to determine BP# 18-4474 Reviewed by: AheICW, 64 1-ff - Michael Cash, CFM Date: 11/08/2018 T:\Engr-Fi1es\E1evation Certificate\M\Map1e\912-FZD F_ - A - __ __ __ _- -'- " ' " __ " " Department of Planning & Development Services 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford. Florida 32771 Phone: 407-688.5140 Fax: 407.688.5141 Q 1dewalk or Use & This permit authorizes work to be done on the subject property or in the City of Sanford's right-of-way in accordance with the City's regulations and the attached construction plans approved as part of this permit The permit is required for driveway or sidewalk construction over 100 square feet of concrete or other material on the subject parcel and / or any construction of a driveway, walkway or landscape improvements within the city right-of-way. It does not approve any Work within any other jurisdiction's right-of-way, All requested information below as well as a current survey, site plan or plat clearly identifying the Kmw*haftbelow. L-e and location of the eA*ting right-of-way and use shall be provided or application could be delayed. ClillbellieTwilig. 1. Project Location/Address: 912 Maple Ave. Sanfbrd, Fl. 32771 2. Proposed A0vIty-.. Driveway Walkway r] Other. 3. Schedule of Work- Start Date T.B.D. Completion Date T.B.D. El Emergency Repairs 4. Brief Description of Work: To pour approx. a 9 x 25 concrete driveway with apron. This application op isubmitted by. Ignatureet' Print Namel Address.- 912 MapYe Ave. Sanford, Fl . 32771 Phone: (4q7) 936-5300 Far. Email: Date: Maintenance Responsibilitieslindemnification The Requestor, and his successors and assigns, shall be responsible for perpetual maintenance of the improvement installed under this Agreement This shall include maintenance of the improvement and unpaved portion of right-of-way adjacent thereto. Requ—estor may, with written City authorization, remove said Instaltationrimprovement fully restoring the right-of-way to its previous condition. In the event that any future constrvction of roadways, utilities, stormwater facilities, or any general maintenance activities by the City becomes in conflict with the above permitted activity, the permittee shall remove, relocate andfor repair as necessary at no costto the City of Sanford insofar as such facilities are in the public iightmof-way. If the Re-questor does not continuously maintain the improvement and area in accordance with previously stated criteria. or ownple "_ restore the right-of-way to its previou5 condition, the City shall after appropriate notice, restore the area to its previous condition at the Requestor's expense and, if necessary, file a lien on the Requeator's property to recover wsts of restoration. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Requestor agrees to defend. indemnity. and hold harmless the City, its councilpersons, agents, servants, or employ- ees (appointed. elected, or hired) from and against any and all liabilities, claims, penalties. demands, suits, judgments, losse.s, expenses, damages (diire4 indirect or consequential), or injury of any nature whatsoever to person or property, and the costs and expenses Incident thereto (including costs of defense, settlement and reasonable attorney's fees up to and including an appeal), resulting in any fashion from or arising directly or indirectly out of or connected with the use of the Ciyr right-of-way. I have d d understa d the above statement and by signing this application I agree to its terms. Ian - r,\/--AYSignature, Date: This permit shall be posted on the site during construction. Please call 407.688.5080 24 hours in advance to schedule a p"our inspection. Pre -pour Inspection by: Date: Official Use Only Application No: Fee: Reviewed: Public Works utilities Approved: Engineering Site Inspeded by: Special Permit Conditions: Date. Date; Date. 1 t: Date; Date: Property Record Card Parcel : 25-19-30-512-1110-0050 Property Address: 912 MAPLE AVE SANFORD, FL 32771 r-, ' ' "--- "" Value Summary 9 or" gTV2O19Working 1 2018 Certified Val.Xs Lya. a . 3tion Method Cost/MarketMethod Cost/Marketon , Number of Buildings 1 Depreciated Bldg Value ]—$-66—,3--7-1 63,209 Depreciated EXFT Value Land Value (Market) $9,918 Land Value Ag Just/Market Value $76,289 73,127 Portability Adj Save Our Homes Adj $15,034 13,132 Amendment I Adj so i $0 P&G Adj so 0 A ssssessed Value $61,255 59,995 Tax Amount without SOH: $615.25 2018 Tax Bill Amount $532.34 Tax Estimato Save Our Homes Savings: $82.91 Does NOT INCLUDE Non Ad Valorem Assessments Legal Description LOT5 BLK 11 TR 10 A C MARTINS ADD PB 1 PG98 Taxes Taxing Authority Assessment Value Exempt Values Taxable Value County General Fund 61,255 1 36,255 1, $25,000 Schools 61,255 25,000 $36,255 City Sanford 61,255 36,2 - 55 $25,000 SJWM(Saint Johns Water Management) 61,255 36,255 $25,000 61,255 36,255 $25,000 Sales Page A ount Qualified Vac/ImpJID.Description ___!Bo.k QUIT CLAIM DEED 1/1/1995 02878 0369 i 100 No Improved QUIT CLAIM DEED 9/1/1989 02110 0602 100 No Vacant I-F—ind-c-o-m-parable Sales Land Frontage Dept its Units Pr": L-nd Val EPTH 57.00 117.00 174.00 Building Information Is Bed/Bath count incorrect? Click Here. Year Built Fixtures Bed I athDescription Actual/Effective Ba.e Are. I: I iii 1 3 1 1 1,, 11 11 1 :t Wall],!!, 1. Value Repl Value Lppendage. 1 SINGLE 1991 5 1 2 1.5 FAMILY 1,048 1,132 1,048 SIDING GRADE 3 I $ 66,371 i 74,574 Description Area OPEN PORCH 84.00 FINISHED Permits Permit # Description rmit Date No Permits Permit data does not originate from the Seminole County PropenyAppralser's office. For details or questions concerning a permit please contact the building department of the tax district In which the property Is located. Extra Features Description ]_Lear Built Units alue New Cost No Extra Features L— r—, Grant Maloy, Clerk Of The Circuit Court & Comptroller Seminole County, FL Inst #2018127159 Book:9245 Page:41 1; (1 PAGES) RCD: 11/7/2018 10:52:25 AM REC FEE $10.00 THIS I%JRUfflNJ "'MName: en o Wumin ILLC (Glen Holt) Address: 40" Illarns Street Finiffland Park Fl- 34731 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT State of Florida County of Seminole Permit Number: RTIFI D C0P G NT ALOY L RK ' F 7 H !R URT I FL BY DEPUTY CLERK Date Parcel ID Number: 25-19-30-512-1110-0050 The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following Information Is provided In this Notice of Commencement. DESCRIPTION OF WPERTY: (Legal description of the property and street address if available) LOT 5 BLK 11 10A MARTINSADDPBIPG98 912 MAPLE AVE. SANFORD, FLORIDA 32T71 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT: DEMOLMON OF EXISTING STRUCTURE & RECONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE FAL41LY RESIDENCE. OWNER INFORMATION: Name: CHARLEEN BRINSON Address: 912 MAPLE AVE. SANFORD. FL. 32771 Fee Simple Title Holder (if other than owner) CONTRACTOR: Isinnap, GLEN HOLT ALUMINUM LLC. Address: 4044 WILLIAMS STREET FRUITLAND PARK. FL. 34731 Persons within the State of Florida Designated by Owner upon whom notice or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(i)(b), Florida Statutes. Name: In addition to himself, Owner Designates To receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as Provided in Section 713.13(l)(b), Florida Statutes. Expiration Date of Notice of Commencement (The expiration date is I year from date of recording unless a different date Is specified) WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713, PART 1, SECTION 713.13, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts stated in it are true t e est o1my kin, edge and belief. r's Signature Owners Printed Name Florida Statute 713.13(l)(g):'The owner must sign the notice of commencement and no one else may 'e permitted to sign in his or her stead." State ofEloai-'-- —Countyof isp—,yoloole— The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me this dayof V)rL)eM et- 20 by ChArLlfefl Who Is personally known to me 0 Name of person making statement OR who has produced Identification G;Ktype of identifiration produced: RITA F. HENDRICKS MY COMMISSION #GG ON150 EXPIRES: Sepleniberg, 2020 Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters CONSTRUCTION SERVICES AGREEMMINT PROJECTS UNDER $200,000 CC-2092-Ig/TAD) TIRS AGREEMENT is dated as of the &'day of 201S-, by and between GLEN HOLT ALUMINUM LLC, duly authmized to conduct business in the State of Florida, whose address is 4044Williams Sftw Fruitlan(t park Florida 3473 1, in this Agreement referred to as "CONTRACTOR,!, and SEMINOLiE COUNTY, a charter county and P10htical subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is Seminole, County Services Buil gdin 1101 East I st Stect Sanford, Florida 32771, in this Agreemew referred to as "COUNTy.,, COUNTY and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth in this Agreement, agree as follows: Section I- Work CONTRACTOR shall complete all work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents, including the Scope of Serviceis, attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A, and the solicitation package, all addenda to this package, and CONTRAcTOWS submission in response to this solicitation. The work is generally described as the 912 Maple Avenue, Sanfiqd, Florida 32771 Reconstruction Project. Section 2. Contract Ttme. a) AH provisions reguding cOntlact time are essential to the Performance of -this Agreement. b) The work must be substantially completed as dcscri-bed in subsection 14.13 of the General Conditions within one hundred fifty (ISO) calendar days after the date when the contract time begins to run as provided in subsection 2.2 of the General Conditions, The work mu. . st be finally completed and ready fbr final Payment in a=rdance with subsection 14-9 of the General Conditions within thirty (30) calendar days after the actual date ofsqb"Val completion- COnsftucWn Savmw Agmmentprojeas Undff$M,', CC-2092-1 &TAD) 912 M-Vle Avenur, S-fbrd, Florida 32771 Reemstaction Prujcxt page I of 19 CERTIFIED copy - GRANT MA10y F THE CIK ff MUR'T 7 W The parties acknowledge that the contract time provided in this Secton ncludes consider -&on of adverse weather conditions cOmmon to Central Florida, including the possibi* ofhm:ricanes and tropical storms. d) The contract time provided for in this Sect[on includes tl (3()) days allocated specifically to COVrRACTOR's responsibility for utility coordinaton or relocation of utilities at or adjacent to the, Project Site. CONTRACTOR shall depict tins thirty (30) days float time not hnPacting controlling work items on CONTRACrORs critical path scheduling. No conu-,Ict firne M=ons will be considered related to uhlitY cooWmation matters, including, but not linuted to, utility relocations and condhas unless the utility related time impacts ex ceed thirty (30) days On C013ft011ing -items of work in acemiance with the project schedule e) In the event that the work requa-es phased construction, then multiple points of substantial IIPII, may be established in the Supplemergay Conditions. Section 3. Contmd price, 3) COUNTY shall Pay CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work in accordance WIth the Contact Documents on the basis Of the total bid (original contact pnce). CONTRACTOR's total compensation is-0-NE-HUNDRED FORTY,-,THR-,EE T190MAND, AND NG1100, -DOLLARS,.($l43,*0ft0Q);.: subject only to increases or decreases made in strict conformance with the Contact Documents. b) CONTRACTOR shall accept the conftW price as M compensation for Perfonnance of all work and providing all materials embraced in the ConftaLt Documents; for all loss or' damage arising Out OfPcrformance ofthe work and ft0m the action ofthe elements or from aftY unforeseen or unknown difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encouritered in the CC-2092-I&TAD) 912 Maple Av—'-, S-fbr4 Flozida 32771 Reoonsmmtion Ptojea Page 2 of 19 Section 25. Compliance with Laws and Regulations. In providing all services pursuant to flus Agreement, CONTRACTOR must abide by all statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations perWning to or regulating the provision of such services, including th6se now in effect and subsequently adopted. Any violation of such statutes, ordinances, rules or regulations Will constitute a material breach of this Agreement and will entitle COUNTY to terminate this Agreement immediately upon delivery of written notice of termination to CONTRACTOR_ Section 26. Headings and Captions. All headings and captions contained in this Agmement are provided for convenience only, do not constitute a part ofthis Agreement, and may not be used to define, describe, mterpret or construe any provision of this Agreement IN MIM]ESS WIMMF, the parties have executed this Agreement All portions of the Contract Docurnents have been signed or identified by COUNTY and CONTRACTOR - ATTEST: qk' kh , A&M Print Name witliess V/1-0cs-3a Print Name GLEN HOLT ALUM]NUM LLC By* GLEN 116LT, Man4icr Date: Sfgnatory page confin ues an Page 19 - 7 C4nstruuion Services Agr=mcat Projects Under $200,000 OC-2M-IS/TAD) 912 Maple Avcnue Sanford, Florida 32-771 Reconstuction Prqjed Page 18 of 19 a L wiinas 414,691 Print i4ai e witnkA Print Name Date: I C> 112-116 For the use and reliance of As authoTized fbT execution by Seminole Smninole County oniy. County A&riiniWation Code Secti(m 3.554(9) Approved as to fonn and legal siIciency. IVe 611ty Attorney DGS/ 9/18/18 Aftchraents: Exlnbit A — Scope of Services Exhibit B — Bid Form Exhibit C — Trench Safety Act Exhibit D — Amcdcan with Disabilities Act Affidavit Exhibit E — Seminole County Rehabilitation Standkds T-U Saac=YCSBW ff ZIINCCQW IS TAD&8O(X6TMXMMAT9U Con.druchon Serhow Agr=ment Projects Und= $200,WO CC-2092-Ig/TAD) 912 Maple Avcnuei Sanfont Flotida 32771 Reccintruction Project Page 19 of 19 CITY OF kNFORD PLANNING & DEVELOPMENf SERVICES DEPARTMENT Legal Description of the Property: Jq.0D9( Development Review Team Variance - Staff Recommendations Address of Property: 912 Maple Avenue Sanford FL 32771 Zoning District: MR-2 Name and Address of Owner as shown in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida: Charleen Brinson 912 Maple Avenue Sanford, FL 32771 Application Submitted By: Glen Holt Address 4044 Williams Street Phone 352-267-639S Fax: Fruitland Park FIL 34731 E-Mail: holtaluminum@aol.com Standards for Consideration for Conditional Use. In considering and acting upon an application for Conditional Use the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Administrative Official shall observe the following standards and make findings as to whether the application meets the standards, except that, pursuant to Article VIII, one and two family dwellings shall be exemptfrom concurrency review: A. The conditional use must be consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and the land development regulations. B. Public facilities and services including, but not limited to, roadways, park facilities, schools, police and fire protection, drainage systems, refuse and disposal systems, water and sewer must be adequate to serve the proposed use. C. The proposed development must not adversely affect known archeological, historical or cultural resources. D. The design of the proposed development must minimize adverse effects, including, but not limited to, visual, noise and traffic impacts, of the proposed use on the surrounding properties. E. The conditional use must be compatible with the nature and intensity of the development surrounding the premises and with the community character of the immediate vicinity of the parcel proposedfor development. F. The location and topography of the premises proposed for development must make the use an appropriate use which will not adversely affect the public interest. It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove compliance with said standards prior to the issuance of a Development Order. Variance: Reduce the land area and dimension requirements to parcel of record standards for a 57' x 117' lot of record at 912 Maple Avenue. Does this Request meet the Standards for Consideration? Yes Fi_1 No F-1 Staff's Motion: Richard Blake made a motion to approve the request with conditions: (1) Parking for 2 vehicles on site and a driveway meeting City standards; (2) The development shall meet the infill lot grading requirements Marlon Hooks seconded. Motion carried 5 to 0. Staff Recommendations/Conditions: Staff recommends to approve the Variance subject to the conditions listed. T:\Development Review\11-DRT Agenda-CoverMemos\DRT Recs\DRT-Variance -912 Maple Ave -Parcel of Rec.doc CITY OF Development Review TeamSANFORD PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Variance - Staff Recommendations SERVICES DEPARTMENT The Development Review Team (DRT) held a Public Meeting at 9 AM on November 6, 2018 to consider a to consider a variance request to the setback requirement construct a single family home on a undersized vacant parcel at 912 Maple Avenue. The project was presented at the October 30, 2018 meeting. As part of the Variance process, the standards for consideration were reviewed. As part of the evaluation, the standards for consideration were reviewed. Special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same district. The lot size required by the MR-2 zoning is 10, 000 square feet and the existing lot is 6,669 square feet. The literal interpretation of the provisions of the land development regulations would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district under the terms of the land development regulations. The owner has requested to construct a single family home on the 57'x 117'platted parcel of record. The property does not meet the minimum standards designatedfor the MR-2 zoning classification. The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. The parcel is the plotted lot of record. The opplicont is requesting the vorionce in order to construct a new home utilizing the existing nonconforming lot size and parcel of record standards. Granting the variance will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by the land development regulations to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same district. Other properties in the area are permitted to request a variance to the requirements of the Land Development Regulations including for residential use as well as land area and dimension requirements. There are existing homes within the neighborhood that do not conform to the land area and dimension requirements for the MR-2 zoning district, therefore the neighborhood will not be adversely affected. The reasons set forth in the application justify granting the variance, and that the variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure. Other properties in the area are permitted for development of permitted uses. The granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the land development regulations and will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Based on existing neighborhood conditions the variance does appear to be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the land development regulations and not injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. After deliberation of the standards a motion was made and an action taken as follows: Consider a variance request to reduce the land area and dimension requirements to parcel of record standards for a 57' x 117' lot at 912 Maple Avenue. After discussion of the applicant's request Richard Blake made a motion to approve the variance request subject to the following conditions: (1) Parking for 2 vehicles on site and a driveway meeting City standards; (2) The development shall meet the infill lot grading requirements. A Second was made by Marlon Hooks Motion carried 5 to 0. Discussion: There was no additional discussion. T:\Development Review\11-DRT Agenda-CoverMemos\DRT Recs\DRT-Variance -912 Maple Ave -Parcel of Rec.cloc 10 JIMMY PATRONIS CHIEF FINANICAL OFFICER CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT FROM FLORIDA WORKERV COMPENSATION LAW CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY EXEMPTION This certifies that the individual listed below has elected to be exempt from Florida Workers' Compensation law. EFFECTIVE DATE: 9/10/2017 EXPIRATION DATE: 9/10/2019 PERSON: HOLT GLEN E FEIN: 830376355 BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS: GLEN HOLT ALUMINUM LLC. 4044 WILLIAMS STREET FRUITLAND PARK FL 34731 SCOPE OF BUSINESS OR TRADE: Licensed General Contractor Licensed Residential Contractor IMPORTANT: Pursuant to Chapter 440.05(14), F.S.. an officer of a corporation who elects exemption from this chapter by fifing a certificate of ekmtlon under this section may not recover benefits or compensation under this chapter. pursuant to Chapter 440.05(12), F.S., Certificates of election to be exempL.. apply only within U* scope of ft business or trade lisW on 0* notice of election to be exetnpt. Pummit to Chapter 440.05(13), F.S.. Notim of ellaction to be exempt and certificates of ellaction to be exempt shag be subject to revocation if, at any time after the " of the notice or the issuance of the cartificalle, the person named on the notice or certificate no lonW meets the requirements of this section for Issuance of a certificate. The department shall revoke a certificate at any time for failure of the person named on the certificate to meet the requireffwmft of this section. DFS-F2-DWC-252 CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION TO BE EXEMPT REVISED 08-13 QUESTIONS? (&-)0)413-1609 ACCWtir CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE Al BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATIf OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUIN(- REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(les) must have ADDITIONAL INS If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require at this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONT CT Geralyn Addonizio Lassiter -Ware Insurance, Inc. PHONE (800)845-8437 fAIC, No. Exit: 1317 Citizens Blvd. F-MAIL GeralynA@Iassiter-ware.ccADDRESS: INSURERS) AFFORDIP Leesburg FL 34748 INSURER A: Main Street America Prote INSURED INSURER 8: Auto Owners Insurance Glen E Holt, DBA; Glen Holt Aluminum INSURER C: 4044 William St INSURER D: INSURER E: Fruitland Park FL 34731 INSURER F: U W111-1t.all- MIMM1-14. — I ' Mwal THIS 13 TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSRLTR TYPE OF INSURANCE AUUL INSD bUtSK WVD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF mmfppfyyyy,) POLICY EXP NiNifDorryYY) LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS -MADE —1 OCCURFx MPG45737 05/13/2018 05/13/2019 EACH OCCURRENCE s 1,000,000 T07ROEQUM=SES(Ea oc7rurence) S 500,000 MED'EXP (Any one person) s 10,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY s 1,000.000 GENT AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRO - POLICY El JECT F] LOC OTHER: GENERAL AGGREGATE S 2,000.000 PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG S 2.000,000 Hired and Non Owned S 1,000,000 B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS HIRED NON -OWNED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLYN 5117679100 04/25/2018 04/25/2019 COMBINED 9INGLE LIMIT Ea accident) S 1.000,000 X BODILY INJURY (Per person) BODILY INJURY (Per accident) S PR ERTY DAMAGEOpcodent) sPera Medical payments s 2,000 UMBRELLA LIAB i I EXCESS LIAB OCCUR CLAIMS -MADE EACH OCCURRENCE s AGGREGATE s EID:ED I I RETENTION S r s WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERVUABILITY YIN ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNEWEXECUTIVE OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? Mandatory In NH) If yes. describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below NIA PE—R TH- STATUTE] EOR E-L- EACH ACCIDENT s E-L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE S E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT S DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101. Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached If more space Is required) df-lu Lit SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN City of Sanford ACCORDANCE WTH THE POLICY PROVISIONS._ PO Box 1788 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Sanford FL 32772-1718 0 1988-2019 ACORD CORPORATION. All dahts remarved. ACORD 25 (2016/03) The ACORD name and loqo are reqlaterod marka of ACORD 90B MWEE 2018 / 2019 ACCT NO. 6668 LAKE COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR LAKE COUNTY BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT RECEIPT NO. 7300001101 EMPLOYEES, 2 STATE OF FLORIDA EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30, 201S TYPE OF- CONTRACTING BUSINESS ORIGINAL TAX 30.00 BUSINESS GLEN HOLT ALUMINUM LLC 4044 WILLIAMS ST PENALTY 0.00 TRANSFER FEE 0.00 AMOUNT PAID 30.00 GLEN HOLT ALUMINUM LLC TOTAL DUE 0.004044WILLIAMSSTREET FRUITLAND PARK, FL 34731 Receipt #2018-0017787 Paid 07/18/2018 30.001 RECORD COPY FORM R405-2017 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation - Residential Performance Method Project Name: Holt Aluminum - Brinson, Chadeen 10-24-2018 Builder Name: Glen Holt Aluminum Street: 912 Maple Ave Permit Office: City, State, Zip: Sanford , FL, 32771 Owner: Brinson, Charleen Permit Number: 418 - 4 4 75Jurisdiction: Design Location: FL,Apopka County: Seminole (Florida Climate TZone2 1. New construction or existing New (From Plans) 9. Wall Types(1056.0 sqft.) Insulation Area 2. Single family or multiple family Single-family a. Concrete Block - Int Insul, Exterior R=4.0 928.00 ft' 3. Number of units, if multiple family 1 b. Frame - Wood, Adjacent c. NIA R=13.0 128. DO ft' R= ft. 4. Number of Bedrooms 3 d. N/A R= ft 5. Is this a worst case? No 10. Ceiling Types (1060.0 sqft.) Insulation Area a. Under Attic (Vented) R=30.0 1060.00 ft' 6. Conditioned floor area above grade (ft 1060 b. N/A R= ft2 Conditioned floor area below grade (ft') 0 c. N/A R= ft, 7. Windows(114.5 sqfl.) Description Area 11. Ducts a. Sup: Attic, Ret: Attic, AH: Garage R ft2 6 212 a. U-Factor: Dbl, U=0.33 114.50 ft' SHGC: SHGC=0.23 b. U-Factor: NIA ff2 12. Cooling systems k BtuthT Efficiency SHGC: a. Central Unit 23.8 SEER:14.00 c. U-Factor: N/A ft. SHGC: 13. Heating systems kBtu/hr Efficiencyd. U-Factor: N/A ft2 a. Electric Heal Pump 23.8 HSPF:8.20 SHGC: Area Weighted Average Overhang Depth: 2.818 ft. Area Weighted Average SHGC: 0.230 14. Hot water systems 8. FloorTypes (1060.0 sqft.) Insulation Area a. Electric Cap: 40 gallons a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0 1060.00 ft2 b. Conservation features EF: 0.960 b. N/A R= W None c. N/A R= ft, 15. Credits None Glass/Floor Area: 0.108 Total Proposed Modified Loads: 35.28 PASSTotalBaselineLoads: 37.48 1 hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by Review of the plans and VIAE S this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. specifications covered by this indicates 0 calculation compliance ith z VtheFloridaEnergyCode. WBeforePREPAREDBY: I r-, construction is completed DATE: % this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance Florida Statutes. with the Florida Energy Code. WE OWNERIAGENT: BUILDING OFFICIAL' DATE. IA-y P-6` DATE: X-H I Compliance requires certification by the air handier unit manufacturer that the air handier enclosure qualifies as certified factory -sealed in accordance with R403.3.2.1. Compliance requires an Air Barrier and Insulation Inspection Checklist In accordance vAth R402.4.1.1 and this project requires an envelope leakage test report vvith envelope leakage no greater than 7.00 ACH50 (R402.4.1.2). 10/24/2018 5:40 PM EnergyGaugeO USA 6.0.02 (Rev. 1) - FlaRes2017 FBC 61h Edition (2017) Compliant Software Page 1 of 5 FORM R405-2017 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT PROJECT Tide: Holt Aluminum - Brinson, Cha Bedrooms: 3 Address Type: Street Address Building Type: User Conditioned Area: 1060 Lot # Owner Name: Brinson, Chadeen Total Stories: 1 Block/Subdivision: of Units: 1 Worst Case: No PlatBook: Builder Name: Glen Holt Aluminum Rotate Angle: 0 Street: 912 Maple Ave Permit Office: Cross Ventilation: No County: Seminole Jurisdiction: Whole House Fan: No City, State, Zip: Sanford , Family Type: Single-family FL , 32771 New/Existing: New (From Plans) Comment: CLIMATE V Design Temp Int Design Temp Heating Design Daily Temp Design Location TMY Site 97.5% 2.5% Winter Summer Degree Days Moisture Range FL, Apopka FL—ORLANDO—SANFOR 38 93 70 75 677 44 Medium BLOCKS Number Name Area Volume 1 Entire House 1060 8480 SPACES Number Name Area Volume Kitchen Occupants Bedrooms Infil ID Finished Cooled Heated 1 M Bath 71 568 Yes 0 3 1 Yes Yes Yes 2 Master 156 1248 No 2 1 Yes Yes Yes 3 Dining 127 1016 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 4 Bedroom 2 133 1064 No 1 1 Yes Yes Yes 5 Kitchen 139 1112 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 6 G Bath 47 376 No 0 1 No Yes Yes 7 Living Room 224 1792 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 8 Bedroom 3 148 1182 No 1 1 Yes Yes Yes 9 Hall 15 120 No 0 1 No Yes Yes FLOORS V# Floor Type Space Perimeter Perimeter R-Value Area Joist R-Value Tile Wood Carpet 1 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio M Bath 18 ft 0 72 ft2 0 1 0 2 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio Master 11.5 ft 0 155.3 ft2 0 1 0 3 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio Dining 22.5 ft 0 126.5 ft' 0 1 0 4Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulatio Bedroom 2 13.5 ft 0 133 ft' 0 1 0 5 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio Kitchen 11.5 ft 0 139.3 ft2 0 1 0 6 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio G Bath 1 ft 0 46.8 ft2 0 1 0 7 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio Living Room 27ft 0 224.3 ft' 0 1 0 10/24/2018 5:40 PM EnergyGauge@ USA 6.0.02 (Rev. 1) - FlaRes2017 FBC 6th Edition (2017) Compliant Software Page 2 of 5 FORM R405-2017 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT FLOORS Floor Type Space Perimeter Perimeter R-Value Area Joist R-Value Tile Wood Carpet 8 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio Bedroom 3 12 ft 0 147.8 ft2 0 1 0 9 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulatio Hall I ft 0 15 ft2 0 1 0 ROOF V Roof Gable Roof Rad Solar SA Emitt Emitt Deck Pitch Type Materials Area Area Color Barr Absor. Tested Tested Insul. deg) 1 Gable or Shed Composition shingles 1185 ft2 266 ft2 Medium N 0.9 No 0.9 No 0 26.6 ATTIC V# Type Ventilation Vent Ratio (1 in) Area RBS IRCC 1 Full attic Vented 300 1066 ft2 N N CEILING V# Ceiling Type Space R-Value Ins Type Area Framing Frac Truss Type I Under Attic (Vented) M Bath 30 Blown 71 ft2 0.1 Wood 2 Under Attic (Vented) Master 30 Blown 156 ft2 0.1 Wood 3 Under Attic (Vented) Dining 30 Blown 127 ft2 0.1 Wood 4 Under Attic (Vented) Bedroom 2 30 Blown 133 ft2 0.1 Wood 5 Under Attic (Vented) Kitchen 30 Blown 139 ft2 0.1 Wood 6 Under Attic (Vented) G Bath 30 Blown 47 ft2 0.1 Wood 7 Under Attic (Vented) Living Room 30 Blown 224 ft2 0.1 Wood 8 Under Attic (Vented) Bedroom 3 30 Blown 148 ft' 0.1 Wood 9 Under Attic (Vented) Hall 30 Blown 15 ft2 0.1 Wood WALLS Adjacent Cavity Width Height Sheathing Framing Solar BelowVitorotSpaceToITVpeR--VWup Et -In Ft In Area----R-Value-F-raction--Absor--Grade%- I N Exterior Concrete Block - Int Insul M Bath 4 12 0 8 0 96.0 ft2 0 0 0.1 0 2 W Exterior Concrete Block - Int Insul M Bath 4 6 0 8 0 48.0 ft2 0 0 0.1 0 3 W Exterior Concrete Block - Int Insul Master 4 11 6 8 0 92.0 ft2 0 0.1 0 4 S Exterior Concrete Block - Int Insul Dining 4 11 6 8 0 92.0 ft2 0 0 0.1 0 5 W Exterior Concrete Block - Int Insul Dining 4 11 0 8 0 88.0 ft2 0 0 0.1 0 6 N Exterior Concrete Block - Int InsuBedroom 2 4 13 6 8 0 108.0 ft2 0 0 0.1 0 7 S Exterior Concrete Block - Int Insul Kitchen 4 11 6 8 0 92.0 ft2 0 0 0.1 0 8 E Exterior Concrete Block - Int Insdliving Room 4 13 0 8 0 104.0 ft2 0 0 0.1 0 9 S Exterior Concrete Block - Int Insdliving Room 4 14 0 8 0 112.0 ft2 0 0 0.1 0 10 E Garage Frame - Wood Living Room 13 4 6 8 0 36.0 ft2 0 0.01 0.1 0 11 N Exterior Concrete Block - Int InsuBedroom 3 4 12 0 8 0 96.0 ft2 0 0 0.1 0 12 E Garage Frame - Wood Bedroom 3 13 11 0 8 0 88.0 ft2 0 0.01 0.1 0 13 S Garage Frame - Wood Bedroom 3 13 0 6 8 0 4.0 ft2 0 0.01 0.1 0 10/24/2018 5:40 PM EnergyGaugeO USA 6.0.02 (Rev. 1) - FIaRes2017 FBC 6th Edition (2017) Compliant Software Page 3 of 5 FORM R405-2017 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT DOORS V# Ornt DoorType Space Storms U-Value Width Ft In Height Ft In Area 1 E Insulated Living Room None .6 3 7 21 ft2 WINDOWS Orientation shown is the entered, Proposed orientation. V # Wall Omt ID Frame Panes NFRC Overhang U-Factor SHGC Imp Area Depth Separation Int Shade Screening 1 2 3 4 5 6 N 1 Vinyl W 3 Vinyl W 5 Vinyl N 6 Vinyl E 8 Vinyl N 11 Vinyl Low-E Double Yes Low-E Double Yes Low-E Double Yes Low-E Double Yes Low-E Double Yes Low-E Double Yes 0.33 0.23 N 6.0 ft' 1 ft 4 in 1 ft 0 in 0.33 0.23 N 15.0 ft2 1 ft4 in 1 ft 0 in 0.33 0.23 N 33.5 ft2 1 ft 4 in I ft 0 in 0.33 0.23 N 15.0 ft2 1 ft 4 in I ft 0 in 0.33 0.23 N 30.0 ft2 7 ft 0 in 1 ft 0 in 0.33 0.23 N 15.0 ft' 1 ft 4 in 1 ft 0 in Drapes/blinds Drapes/blinds Drapes/bfinds Drapes/blinds Drapes/blinds Drapes/blinds Interior 5 Interior 5 Interior 5 Interior 5 Interior 5 Interior 5 GARAGE V# Floor Area Ceiling Area Exposed Wall Perimeter Avg. Wall Height Exposed Wall Insulation 1 382.8 ft2 382.8 ft2 64 ft 8ft 1 INFILTRATION Scope Method SLA CFM 50 ELA EqLA ACH ACH 50 1 Wholehouse Proposed ACH(50) .000356 989.1 54.3 102.12 .1338 7 HEATING SYSTEM V # System Type Subtype Efficiency Capacity Block Ducts 1 Electric Heat Pump/ Split HSPF:8.2 23.8 kBtu1hr I sys#1 COOLING SYSTEM System Type Subtype Efficiency Capacity Air Flow SHR Block Ducts 1 Central Unit/ Split SEER: 14 23.8 kBtu/hr cfm 0.7 1 sys#1 HOT WATER SYSTEM y# System Type SubType Location EF Cap Use SetPnt Conservation I Electric None Garage 0.96 40 gal 60.9 gal 120 deg None SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEM V FSEC Cent # Company Name Collector System Model # Collector Model # Area Storage Volume FEF None None ft2 10/24/2018 5:40 PM EnergyGaugeO USA 6.0.02 (Rev. 1) - FlaRes2017 FBC 6th Edition (2017) Compliant Software Page 4 of 5 FORM R405-2017 INPUT SUMMARY, CHECKLIST REPORT DUCTS Supply — Return Air CFM 25 CFM25 HVAC # V # Location R-Value Area Location Area Leakage Type Handler TOT OUT QN RLF Heat Cool I Attic 6 212 ft2 Attic 96 ft2 Default Leakage Garage Default) (Default) 1 1 TEMPERATURES Prograrnable Thermostat: N Ceiling Fans: Cooling Jan He JanH 11 Feb Feb Mar MHX Apr Apr I May Ma yI jXj JUunn JurlJul) AugrjAug ep Seprl S Oct OctJ HX Nov Nov Dec DecHVeiJanFebMAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Thermostat Schedule: HERS 2006 Reference Hours Schedule Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cooling (WD) AM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 80 80 80 80 PM 80 80 80 80 78 78 78 78 79 78 78 78 Cooling (WEH) AM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 80 80 80 80 PM 80 80 80 80 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 Heating (VVD) AM 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 68 68 68 68 68 PM 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 Heating (WEH) AM 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 68 68 68 68 68 PM 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 MASS Mass Type Area Thickness Furniture Fraction Space Default(8 lbs/sq.ft. 0 ft, 0 ft 0.3 M Bath Default(8 lbs/sq.ft. ft2 ft 0.3 Master Default(8 lbs/sq.ft. ft ft 0.3 Dining Default(8 lbs/sq.ft. ft2 ft 0.3 Bedroom 2 Default(8 lbs/sq.ft. ft2 ft 0.3 Kitchen Default(8 lbs/sq.ft. ft2 ft 0.3 G Bath Default(8 lbs/sq.ft. ft2 ft 0.3 Living Room Default(8 lbslsq.ft. ft2 ft 0.3 Bedroom 3 Default(8 lbs/sq.ft. ft2 ft 0.3 Hall 10/24/2018 5:40 PM EnergyGaugeO USA 6.0.02 (Rev. 1) - FlaRes2017 FBC 6th Edition (2017) Compliant Software Page 5 of 5 Manual S Compliance Report Job: Glen Holt Aluminum wrightsoft, Date: 10/2/2018 Entire House By- Nick Rapture Air, Inc. P.O. Box 1326, MoLrt Dora, R 32756-1326 Phone: 352-735-6611 License: CAC057807 For: Glen HoltAluminum - Brinson, Chadeen 912 MapleAve, Sanford, A 32771 Design Conditions Outdoor design DB: 93.0'F Sensible gain: 16420 Btuh Entering coil DB: 76.0'F Outdoor design WB: 76.0'F Latent gain: 3613 Btuh Entering coil WB: 62.6'F Indoor design DB: 74.0'F Total gain: 20033 Btuh Indoor RH: 50% Estimated airflow.- 793 cfm Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipmentbype: SplitASHP Manufacturer Rheem Model.- RP1424AJ1NA+RH1T2417STANJA Actual airflow. 793 cfm Sensible capacity: 16660 Btuh 101 % of load Latent capacity: 7140 Btuh 198% of load Total capacity: 23800 Btuh 119%ofload SHR: 70% Design Conditions Outdoor design DB: 42.0'F Heat loss: 14281 Btuh Entering coil DB: 67.4'F Indoor design DB: 68.0*F Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipmenttype: SplitASHP Manufacturer Rheem Model: RP1424AJ1NA+RH1T2417STANJA Actual airflow. 793 cfm Output capacity". 22800 Btuh 160% of load Capacity balance: 31 'F Supplemental heat required: 0 Btuh Economic balance: -99 'F Backup equipment type: Elec strip Manufacturer Model: Actual airflow. 793 cfim Output capacity: 6.8 kW 163% of load Temp. rise: 50 'F Meets are all requirements ofACCA Manual S. 1 + - wrightsoft, RgIl-SLiteO Unversal 2017 17.0.21 RSU08242 2018-Oct-24 17:46:19 It Aluninm - BrjrsoR Charleen 10-24-2018.rLp GaIc = W8 faces: E Page I wrigbtselft, Project Summary Entire House RaptureAir, Inc. P.O. Box 1326, Moul Dora, n 32756-1326 Phore: 352-735-6611 Licerise:CAC057807 MY 7r I ecii , f6r 10111MEWIN For: Glen HoltAuminum - Brinson, Chadeen 912 MapleAve, Sanford, FI 32771 Notes: Glen HoltAluminum - Chadeen Brinson 912 Maple Ave. Sanford, Fl. 32771 ON IMIAM117 10100MY3091 Weather: Orlando, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Outside db 42 IF Inside db 68 IF Design TD 26 IF Heating Summary Structure 11938 Btuh Ducts 2343 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh qone) Humiclification 0 Btuh pipigg 0 Btuh Equipment load 14281 Btuh Method Construction quality Fireplaces Area (ft Volume (fP) Air change-sviriour Equiv.AVF (cfm) Infiltration Simplified Semi -loose 0 Heating coolinq 106D 1060 8480 8480 0.70 0.36 99 51 Heating Equipment Summary Make Rheem Trade RHEEM Model RP1424AJINA AHRI ref 7489174 Job: Glen Holt Aluminum Date: 10/2/2018 By Nick Summer Design Conditions Outside db 93 IF Inside db 74 IF Design TD 19 IF Daily range M Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 46 grAb Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 12415 Btuh Ducts 4005 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh none) Blower 0 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swin MUSI,ieir 0.98 E 'I si Iquipmensene oad 16092 Btuh Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 2978 Btuh Ducts 634 Btuh Central vent (0 cfim) 0 Btuh none) Equipment latent load 3613 Btuh Equipment total load 19704 Btuh Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR 1.9 ton Cooling Equipment Summary Make Rheem Trade RHEEM Cond RP1424AJINA Coil RH1T2417STANJA AHRI ref 7489174 Eficiency 8.2 HSPF Efficiency 11.5 EER, 14 SEER Heating input Sensible cooling 16660 Btuh Heating output 22800 Btuh @ 47-F Latent cool i ng 7140 Btuh Temperature rise 26 IF Total cooling 23800 Btuh Actual airflow 793 cfirn Actual air flow 793 cfm Airflowfactor 0.056 clm/Btuh Airflowfactor 0.048 cfim/Btuh Static pressure 0.50 in H20 Stab c pressure 0.50 in H20 Space thermostat Load sensible heat rat o 0.82 Capacity balance point 31 IF Backup: lnput=7kW, Output= 23235 Btuh, 100 AFUE Calculations approved byACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wrlightsoft, 2018-Od-24 17:46 19 gft-SUteV Uriversal 2017 17.0.21 RSU08242 Page 1 14CCK oftAlunin-rn-BririsoriCharleenlO-24-2018-rLp Calc=MJ8 faces E wrigh', tsoft Right-M Worksheet Job: Glen Holt Aluminum - Entire House Date: 10/2/2018 Rapture Air, Inc. By: Nick P.O. Box 1326, Mount Dora, R 32756-1326 Phone: 352-735-6611 License: CAC057807 1 Room name Entire House M Bath 2 Exposed mdl 116.0 ft 18.0 ft 3 Room height 8.0 ft d 8.0 It heat/oDol 4 5 Room dimensions Room area 1060.0 ft, 6.0 x 12.0 ft 72.0 ft' Ty Construdon U-value Or HTM Area (ft Load Area (fl Load number Btuhlftk'F) BtuhAn or perimeter (ft) Btuh) or petimeter (ft) Bluh) Heat Cool Gross N/P/S H eat cool Gross N/P/S Heat cool 6 T 13A-40(s 0.143 n 3 * 72 3.00 300 982 793 96 90 335 27b 4A5-20v OA70 n 12.22 12.88 6 0 73 T7 6 0 73 77 4A&2qv Q.470 n 12-22 1Z88 30 0 367 386 0 0 0 0 1 Gt:Z 13A-4ocs 4A5-2ov 0.143 0.470 e e 3.72 1222 3.00 13.60 104 30 53 58 197 367 159 408 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W ,. T::13A-4ocs G 11,10 13A-4ocs 0600 0.43 0.143 e s w 15.60 3.72 3.72 19.32 3.00 3.00 21 296 228 21 296 180 328 1101 667 406 889 539 0 0 48 0 0 48 0 0 178 0 0 144 4A5-2ov OA70 w 12-22 31.38 15 0 183 471 0 0 0 0 G 4A5-2o%d OA70 w 12-22 31.45 34 1 409 1054 0 0 0 0 1-0 2C-Osw111,10 0.091 2.37 1.57 128 1N 253 168 0 0 0 0 16B-30ad 0.600. 0.032 n 15.60 0.83 19.32 1.78 21 1060 21 1060 328 882 406, 1889 0 7 0 72 0 60 0 128C F - 22A-tpl' 0.989 25.71 0. . 00 1060 1 . 16 2983 0 18 463 0 6 c) AED e)cursion 601 14 Emdopeloss/gain 9119 8246 1109 606 12 a) Infiltration 2819 1059 437 164 b) Room entilation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains: Occupants @ 230 7 1610 0 0 Appliances/other 1500 0 Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 11938 124151 15471 771 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Lesstransfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 11938 12415 1547 771 15 Dudloads 2 09/o 1 32%1 2343 4005 20% 32% 304 249 Total room load I 14281 16420 1850 1019 Air required (cfm) 793 7931 103 49 Calculabons ar)r)roved bvACCA to meet all recluirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 201 8-Oct-24 17A61 9t= 4F "rig[htsoll't- Rgft-SLite(@ Universal 2017 17.0.21 RSU08242 Page IA5b" .... ItAiLrnirLm-BririsoRCharleenlO-24-2018.rLp Calc=MJ8 faces: E wHghtsofir Right-J@ Worksheet Entire House Rapture Air, Inc. P.O. Box 1326, Mourt Dora, F1 32756-1326 Phone: 352-735-6611 Licerre:CAC057807 Job: Glen Holt Aluminum Date: 1012/2018 By- Nick 1 Room name Master Dining 2 Exposed vdl 11.5 ft 22.5 ft 3 Room height 8.0 It heat/cod 8.0 ft heal/cod 4 5 Roomclimensions Room area 1.0 x 155.5 It 155.5 IF 11.0 X 11.5 ft 126.5 ft' Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (fl?) Load Area (ft Load number Btuh/F-'F) BtuhiT) or perimeter (ft) Btuh) or perimeter (ft) Btuh) Heat cool Gross NP/S Heat Cod Gross N/P/S Heat cool 6 1 j 13A-4ocs 0.143 n 3.72 3.00 0, 0 0 0 0 o 6 4A5-2w 4AS-2ov 0.470 0.4170 n n 12.22 12.22 12.88 12.88 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J G 1 3A-4 0143 e 3.72 300 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 11 4A.5-2ocsOV 0,470 e 12.22 13'.60 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 D W 11jo 1 M46cs 0600 0.143 e S 15.60 3.72 19.32 3.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 92 0 92 0 342 0 276 w 13A-4ocs 0.143 w 3.72 3.00 92 77 286 231 88 55 203 164 4A5-2ov 0.470 w 12.22 31.38 15 0 183 471 0 0 0 0 4A&2o\id 0.470. w 12.22 31 A5 0 0 0 0 34 0 409 1054 T-D 12C-OsN 0.091 2.37 1.57 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 11jo 0.600 n 15.60, 19.32 0 0 0, 0 0 0' 0 0 C 16B-30ad 0.032 0.83 1:78 156 156 129 277 127 127 105 225 F 22A-tpl 6.989 25.71 0.00 156 12 296 0 127 2 79 0 6 c) AED excursion 219 524 Envelope loss/gain 895 1198 1638 2243 12 a) Infiltration 279 105 547 205 b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 131 Inten-d gains: Occupants @ 230 2 460 0 0 Appliancestother 3001 0 Subtotal (lines 6 to 1,3) 1174 2063 1 2185 2448_ Less extemad load 0 0 0 0 Lesstransfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 1174 2063 2195 2448 15 Duct loads 2" 230 666 20% 320/6 429 7901 Total room load 14051 27291 26131 3238 Air required (dim) 78 132 145 156 Cak ulabons approved byACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 2018-Oct-24 17 46:1941- Right-Sute@ Uriversal 2017 170.21 RSU08242 Page 2 It Alumirim - BrinsoR Gharleen 10-24-2018.rup Calc = MJ8 faces: E wrigh, tsctr Right-M Worksheet Entire House Rapture Air, Inc. P.O. Box 1326, Mourt Dora, F1 3275&-1326 Phone: 352-735-6611 Liaerse:CAC057807 Job: Glen Holt Aluminurn Date: 10/2/2018 By. Nick 1 Room name Bedroom 2 Krtchen 2 Exposed mdl 13.5 ft 11.5 ft 3 Room height 8.0 It heaVccd 8.0 ft heallbod 4 Room dimensions 1.0 x 133.0 ft 1.0 x 139.3 It 5 Room area 133.0 ft2 139.3 T Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area OF) Load Area Yt Load number Btuhffl2_-n Btuhlft or pedmeter (ft) Bluh) or perimeter (ft) Btuh) Heat cool Gross N/P/S Heat coal Gross N/P/S Heal cool 6 G 13A4ocs 0.143 n 3.72 3.00 108 93 346 279 0 0 0 0 4M-2o 0.470 n 12.22 12.88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4A5-2 0.470 n 12-22 12.88 15 0 183 193 0 0 0 0 T 13A-4ocs 0.143 e 3.72 3.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 4AS-2ov OA70 e 12-22 13.60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 liX 0.600 e 15.60 19.32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w 13A-4ocs 0.143 s 3.72 3.00 0 0 0 0 92 92 342 276 w 13A4ocs 0.143 w 3.72 3.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4A5-2ov 0.470 w 12.22 31.38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0G G 4A5-2ovd 0.470 w 12.22 31.45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T---D 2C-0sw111jo 0091 2.37 1.57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0*600 n 15.60 19.32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 1613-30ad 0.032 0.83 1.78 133 133 ill 237 139 139 116 248 F 22A-tpl 0.989 25-71 0,00 133 14 347 0 139 12 296 0 6 c) AED excursion 151 32 Envelope losstgain 987 695 754 492 12 a) Infiltration 328 123 279 105 b) Room ventilation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains 0-panis @ 230 0 0 a 0 Appliancestother 0 1200 Subtotal (lines6 to 13) 1315 8181 1033 1797 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Lesstransfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 4 9 0 0 14 Subtotal 1319 827 1033 1797 1 uct oads 200/61 32%, 259 267 20%1 329/61 203 580 Total room load 1 15781 1094 1 1 1236 23 Air required (cfm) 881 51 69 1 1 Calculabons approved byACCA to meet all Tguirements of Manual J 8th Ed. R 2018-Oct-24 17 46:19 lez"K Right-SuteO Uriversal 2017 17.0.21 RSU08242 Page 3 ItAiLrnin-rn-Brirsor CharleenlO-24-2018.rLp Calc=MJ8 faces: E wrigh. tsoft- Right-J@ Worksheet Entire House Raptum Air, Inc. P.O. Box 1326, Mount Dora, R 32756-1326 Phone: 352-735-6611 License: CAC057807 Job: Glen Holt Aluminum Date: 10/2/2018 By: Nick 1 2 3 Room name Exposed wall Room height G Bath 0 ft 8.0 ft heat/cod I-Nng Room 27.0 ft 8.0 ft heat/ocd 4 5 Room dimensions Room area 5.5 x 8.5 ft 46.8 ft2 1.0 x 224.3 ft 224.3 f12 Ty Construction number U-%due Btuh/fe-'F) Or HTM BtuhA2) Area (fF) or perimeter (ft) Load Btuh) Area (ft2) or perimeter (ft) Load Btuh) Heat cool Gross N/PIS Heat cool Gross N/P/S Heat cool 6 1 1 j 13A-4ocs 4A5-20V 4A5-2ov 13A4= 4A&2ov A143 0.470 OA70 0 143 0470 n n n e e 3.72 12.22 12-22 3 ' 72 1222 3.00 12.88 1288 3.00 13.60 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 104 30 b O 0 53 29 o 0 Or 19 1 7 367 0 0 0 156 408G w w 11,10 13A-4ocs 13A-4ocs 4A&2ov 4A-5-2oW 12C-Gsffl 11jo, 16B-30ad 22A-tpl 0.600 0.143 0.143 0.470 0.470 0.091 0:600 0.032 0.989 e s w w w n 15.60 3.72 3.72 12.22 1222 237 15.60 71 1932 3.00 3.00 31.38 31A5 1.57 19.32 1.78 abo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 b a 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 b 21 112 0 0 0 36 21 224 22 21 112 0 0 0 15 21 224 27 328 416 0 0 0 36 328 187 694 406 336 0 0 0 24 406 400 0 C F 6 c) AED excursion 58 Envelope loss(gain 39 82 2552 2080 12 a) Infiltration 0 0 656 247 b) Room enblation 0 0 0 0 13 Interned gains. Occupants @ 230 0 0 4 920 Appliancestother 01 1 0 Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 39 821 3208 3246 Less external load 0 0 0 0 14 Lesstransfer Redistribution Subtotal 0 2 41 0 4 86 0 2 3210 0 4 3250 15 Dud loads 20% 32'61 8 28 200/c 321/6 630 1049 F Total room load Air required (drn) I I 1 49 31 113 51 3 12 31 4299 2n8 Calculationsawroved bvACCA to meet all reauirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 201 8-Oct-24 17:46:19A-_ 44zl- vvr1q1htsoTt- Ngll-Suite@Uriversal 2017 17.0.21 RSLJ08242 Page 410d\ .-.. It Alurninrn - BrinsoQ Charleen 10-24-2018rup Calc = M.18 faces* E wr6ghtscft- Right-M) Worksheet Entire House Rapture Air, Inc. P.O. Box 1326, Mourt Dora, R 32756-1326 Phone: 352-735-6611 License:CAC057807 Job: Glen Holt Aluminum, Date: 10/2/2018 By: Nick 1 Room name Bedroom 3 Hall 2 Exloosed %Ad[ 120 ft 0 ft 3 Room height 8.0 It heaVcool 8.0 ft heaV000l 4 Room dimendons 1.0 x 147.8 It 6.0 x 2.5 It 5 Room area 147.8 ft' 15.0 fl? TY Construction U-value Or HTM Area (ft) Load Area (fl Load number BluhV--q BtuW or perimeter (ft) Btuh) or penmeter (ft) Btuh) Heat cool Gross NP/S Heat cool Gross NP/S Heat cool 6 13A-4ocs 0.143 n 3.72 3.00 96 81 301 243 0 a 0 0 4A5-2(yv 0.470 n 12.22 12.88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4A&2ov 0.470 n 1222 12 88 15 0 183 193 0 6 0 0 3A-4ocs 0.143 e 3 ' 72 3 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4A.5-2ov 0.470 e 12-22 13.60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11jo 0.600 e 15.60 19.32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w 13A-4ocs 0.143 s 3.72 3.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w 13A-4ocs 0.143 w 3.72 3.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OA70 w 12-22 31.38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Ei4AS-2ov4AS-2ovd 0.470 w 1222 31.45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t—D 12C-'0iw 0.091 2.37 1.57 92 92 218 145 0 0 0 0 11 J0 0.600 n 15.60 19.32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 16B-30ad 0.032 0.83 1.78 148 148 123 263 15 15 12 Z7 F 22A4P1 0.989 25-71 0.00 148 12 3G9 0 15 0 0 0 6 q) AED excursion 21 0 EnWope losstgain 1134 824 12 26 12 a) Infiltration 292 110 0 0 b) Room wanfilation 0 0 0 0 13 Intemad gains. Occupants @ 230 1 230 0 0 Applianoeslother 0 0 Subtotal (lines 6 to 13) 1425 1163 12 26 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 4 9 12 26 14 Subtotal 1430 1173 0 0 15 Dud loads 1 209/61 32%l 281 3781 20%, 321%, 0 0 FTotal room load5R-7—ulril —(d I I I 1710 1551 1 1 001Airrequired (chm) 95 751 Calculabons approved byACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. Fv Wriolhtsoirt- 2018-Oct-24 17 46 19 Pjgft-SLite@ Unversal 2017 17.021 RSU08242 Page 5 Olt Aluminrn - Brinson, Charleen 10-24-2018.rup Cale= MJ8 faces: E N Glen HoltAluminum, Performed by Nick for: Glen Holt Aluminum - Brinson, Chadeen 912 kbpteAw Sanford, Fl 32771 Main floor Rapture Air, Inc. P.O. Box 1326 Mount Dora, Fl 32756-1326 Phone: 352-735-6611 Scade: 1: 80 Page 1 Right-SurteOD Universal 2017 17.0.21 RSU08242 201 8-0ct-24 17:46 38 Brinson, Chadeen 10-24-2018.r-jp 2017 EPL DISPLAY CARD ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE INDEX* = 94 The lower the Energy Performance Index, the more efficient the home. 1. New home or, addition 1. New (From Plans) 12. Ducts, location & insulation level a) Supply ducts R 6.0 2. Single-family or multiple -family 2. Single-fami y b) Return ducts R_ 6. 0 c) AHU location Garage 3. No. of units (if multiple -family) 3. 1 4. Number of bedrooms 4. 3 13. Cooling system: Capacity___23.8 a) Split system SEER - 14.0 5. Is this a worst case? (yes/no) 5. No b) Single package SEER c) Ground/water source SEER/COP 6. Conditioned floor area (sq. ft.) 6. 1060 d) Room unit/PTAC EER e) Other 7. Windows, type and area a) U-factor: (weighted average) 7a. 0.330 b) Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) 7b. 0.230 14. Heating system: Capacity__L3.8 c) Area 7c. 114.5 a) Split system heat pump HSPF 8.2 b) Single package heat pump HSPF 8. Skylights c) Electric resistance COP a) U-factor:(weighted average) 8a. NA d) Gas furnace, natural gas AFUE b) Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) 8b. NA e) Gas furnace, LPG AFUE 0 Other 9. Floor type, insulation level: a) Slab -on -grade (R-value) 9a. 0.0 b) Wood, raised (R-value) 9b. 15. Water heating system c) Concrete, raised (R-value) 9c. a) Electric resistance EF 0.96 b) Gas fired, natural gas EF 10. Wall type and insulation: c) Gas fired, LPG EF A. Exterior: d) Solar system with tank EF 1. Wood frame (insulation R-value) 1 OA1. e) Dedicated heat pump with tank EF 2. Masonry (insulation R-value) 1 OA2. 4.0 0 Heat recovery unit HeatRec% B. Adjacent: g) Other 1. Wood frame (Insulation R-value) 110131. 13.0 2. Masonry (Insulation R-value) 10132. 16. HVAC credits claimed (Performance Method) 11. Ceiling type and insulation level a) Ceiling fans a) Under attic 11 a. 30.0 b) Cross ventilation No b) Single assembly 1 1b. c) Whole house fan No c) Knee walls/skylight walls I 1c. d) Multizone cooling credit d) Radiant barrier installed 1 1d. No e) Multizone heating credit f) Programmable thermostat No Label required by Section R303.1.3 of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, if not DEFAULT I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before final inspection. Otherwise, a new EPL display card will be completed based on installed code compliant features. Builder Signature: Date: Address of New Home: 912 Maple Ave City/FL Zip: Sanford, FL 32771 10/24/2018 5:41:34 PM EnergyGauge@ USA 6.0.02 (Rev. 1) - FlaRes2017 FBC 6th Edition (2017) Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 FORM R405-2017 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE DOCUMENTATION CHECKLIST Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation Simulated Performance Alternative (Performance) Method Applications for compliance with the 2017 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation via the residential Simulated Performance Method shall include: 0 This checklist 0 A Form R405 report that documents that the Proposed Design complies with Section R405.3 of the Florida Energy Code. This form shall include a summary page indicating home address, e-ratio and the pass or fail status along with summary areas and types of components, whether the home was simulated as a worst -case orientation, name and version of the compliance software tool, name of individual completing the compliance report (one page) and an input summary checklist that can be used for field verification (usually four pages1may be greater). El Energy Performance Level (EPL) Display Card (one page) M HVAC system sizing and selection based on ACCA Manual S orper exceptions provided in Section R403.7 I 0 Mandatory Requirements (five pages) Required prior to CO for the Performance Method. 0 Air Barrier and Insulation Inspection Component Criteria checklist (Table R402.4. 1, 1 - one page) 0 A completed Envelope Leakage Test Report (usually one page) 0 If Form P405 duct leakage type indicates anything other than "default leakage", then a completed Form R405 Duct Leakage Test Report (usually one page) 10/24/2018 5:40:12 PM EnergyGauge@ USA 6.0.02 (Rev. 1) - FlaRes2017 FBC 6th Edition (2017) Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 Envelope Leakage Test Report (Blower Door Test) Residential Prescriptive, Performance or ERI Method Compliance 2017 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, 6th Edition Jurisdiction: Permit #-. Job Information Builder: Glen Holt Aluminum Community: Lot.- NA Address: 912 Maple Ave City: Sanford State: FL Zip: 32771 Air Lealkage'Test ReSults F a_ssing results must ITieeteither'the Performance, PresOptive, orzER/ Method P PRESCRIPTIVE METHOb--Thebuilding or'd%teljlingu6it shall,b6lested and ve'rifi6d as'having anairleakar te of,not exceeding'7 air! g,e rat changes per hour at a pressure Qof0.2 inch w.g (WPascals)jh'Climate Zo et-l'and 2. RFORMANCEorERIMETHOD-Tho-buildin.g or.,'Owellin unit shall be testedarid,verified,as"having an: air leakage rate,of not exceeding' Qthe, selected A6'k0b) value, as shown on For'nin, R405-201,7(Perfqqnaince).or R406- . 2017 (ERI), gectionlabeled'as infiltration; sub-section,ACH50.i ACH ecffl d -(ERW 7-00050),§p oh Foir,R405-20,li7-,Energy C61c (PeiYonnan or-R106-2017 x 60 8478 Method for calculating building volu e: CFM(50) Building Volume ACH(50) 0 Retrieved from architectural plans 1-1 PASS 0 Code software calculated When ACH(50) is less than 3, Mechanical Ventilation installation 0 Field measured and calculated must be verified by building department. I R402.4.1.2 Testing. Testing shall be conducted in accordance with ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380 and reported at a pressure of 0.2 inch w.g. (50 Pascals). Testing shall be conducted by either individuals as defined in Section 553.993(5) or (7), Florida Statues.or individuals licensed as set forth in Section 489.105(3)(fi, (g), or (i) or an approved third party. A written report of the results of the test shall be signed by the party conducting the test and provided to thecode official. Testing shall be performed at any time after creation of all penetrations of the building thermal envelope. During testing: 1. Exterior windows and doors, fireplace and stove doors shall be closed, but not sealed, beyond the intended weatherstripping or other infiltration control measures. 2. Dampers including exhaust, intake, makeup air, back draft and flue dampers shall be closed, but not sealed beyond intended infiltration control measures. 3. Interior doors, if installed at the time of the test, shall be open. 4. Exterior doors for continuous ventilation systems and heat recovery ventilators shall be closed and sealed. 5. Heating and cooling systems, if installed at the time of the test, shall be turned off. 6. Supply and return registers, if installed at the time of the test, shall be fully open. Testing Gpmpany Company Name- Phone: I hereby verify that the above Air Leakage results are in accordance with the 2017 6th Edition Florida Building Code Energy Conservation requirements according to the compliance method selected above. Signature of Tester: Date of Test. - Printed Name of Tester: Lice nse/Certifi cation Issuing Authority: 10/24/2018 5:42:14 PM EnergyGaugeOD USA 6.0.02 (Rev. 1) - FlaRes2017 FBC 6th Edition (2017) Compliant Software Page I of 1 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, 6th Edition (2017) Mandatory Requirements for Residential Performance, Prescriptive and ERI Methods F7777 912 Maple Ave Permit Number: Sanford , FL , 32771 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS See individual code sections for full details. V/ SECTION R401 GENERAL R401.3 Energy Performance Level (EPL) display card (Mandatory)The building official shall require that an energy performance level (EPL) display card be completed and cerfified by the builder to be accurate and correct before final approval of the building for occupancy. Florida law Section 553.9085, Florida Statutes) requires the EPL display card to be included as an addendum to each sales contract for both presold and nonpresold residential buildings. The EPL display card contains information indicating the energy performance level and efficiencies of components installed in a dwelling unit. The building official shall verify that the EPL display card completed and signed by the builder accurately reflects the plans and specifications submitted to demonstrate code compliance for the building. A copy of the EPL display card can be found in Appendix RD. D R402.4 Air leakage (Mandatory). The building thermal envelope shall be constructed to limit air leakage in accordance with the requirements of Sections R402.4.1 through R402.4.5. Exception: Dwelling units of R-2 Occupancies and multiple attached single family dwellings shall be permitted to comply with Section C402.5. R402.4.1 Building thermal envelcT#P- building thermal envelope shall comply with Sections R402.4.1.1 and R402.4.1.2. The sealing methods between dissimilar materials shall allow for differential expansion and contraction. R402.4.i.1 Installation.The components of the building thermal envelope as listed in Table R402.4.1.1 shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and the criteria listed in Table R402.4.1.1, as applicable to the method of construction. Where required by the code official, an approved third party shall inspect all components and verify compliance. R402.4 - 1.2 Testing. The building or dwelling unit shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate not exceeding seven air changes per hour in Climate Zones 1 and 2, and three air changes per hour in Climate Zones 3 through 8. Testing shall be conducted in accordance with ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380 and reported at a pressure of 0.2 inch w.g. (50 pascals). Testing shall be conducted by either individuals as defined in Section 553.993(5) or (7), Florida Statutes, or individuals licensed as set forth in Section 489.105(3)(f), (g) or (i) or an approved third party. A written report of the results of the test shall be signed by the party conducting the test and provided to the code official. Testing shall be performed at any time after creation of all penetrations of the building thermal envelope. Exception: Testing is not required for additions, alterations, renovations, or repairs, of the building thermal envelope of existing buildings in which the new construction is less than 85 percent of the building thermal envelope. During testing: 1. Exterior windows and doors, fireplace and stove doors shall be closed, but not sealed, beyond the intended weatherstripping or other infiltration control measures. 2. Dampers including exhaust, intake, makeup air, backdraft and flue dampers shall be closed, but not sealed beyond intended infiltration control measures. 3. Interior doors, if installed at the time of the test, shall be open. 4. Exterior doors for continuous ventilation systems and heat recovery ventilators shall be closed and sealed. 5. Heating and cooling systems, if installed at the time of the test, shall be turned off. 6. Supply and return registers, if installed at the time of the test, shall be fully open. R402.4.2 Fireplaces. New wood -burning fireplaces shall have tight -fitting flue dampers or doors, and outdoor combustion air. WhereE] using tight -fitting doors on factory -built fireplaces listed and labeled in accordance with UL 127, the doors shall be tested and listed for the fireplace. Where using tight -fitting doors on masonry fireplaces, the doors shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 907. R402.4.3 Fenestration air leakagdWindows, skylights and sliding glass doors shall have an air infiltration rate of no more than 0.3 cfm per square foot (1.5 L/s/m2), and swinging doors no more than 0.5 cfm per square foot (2.6 L/s/m2), when tested according to NFRC 400 or AAMA/ WDMA/CSA 1 01/1.S.2/A440 by an accredited, independent laboratory and listed and labeled by the manufacturer. Exception: Site -built windows, skylights and doors. 10/24/2018 5:41 PM EnergyGauge@ USA 6.0.02 (Rev. 1) - FlaRes2017 FBC 6th Edition (2017) Compliant Software Page 1 of 5 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS - (Continued) R402.4.4 Rooms containing fuel -burning appliances. In Climate Zones 3 through 8, where open combustion air ducts provide combustion air to open combustion fuel burning appliances, the appliances and combustion air opening shall be located outside the building thermal envelope or enclosed in a room, isolated from inside the thermal envelope. Such rooms shall be sealed and insulated in accordance with the envelope requirements of Table R402.1.2, where the walls, floors and ceilings shall meet not less than the basement wall R-value requirement. The door into the room shall be fully gasketed and any water lines and ducts in the room insulated in accordance with Section R403. The combustion air duct shall be insulated where it passes through conditioned space to a minimum of R-8. Exceptions: 1 . Direct vent appliances with both intake and exhaust pipes installed continuous to the outside. 2. Fireplaces and stoves complying with Section R402.4.2 and Section R1 006 of the Florida Building Code, Residential. F] R402.4.5 Recessed lighting. Recessed luminaires installed in the building thermal envelope shall be sealed to limit air leakage between conditioned and unconditioned spaces. All recessed luminaires shall be IC -rated and labeled as having an air leakage rate not more than 2.0 cfm (0.944 L/s) when tested in accordance with ASTM E283 at a 1.57 psf (75 Pa) pressure differential. All recessed luminaires shall be sealed with a gasket or caulk between the housing and the interior wall or ceiling covering. SECTION R403 SYSTEMS R403.1 Controls. F R403.1.1 Thermostat provision (Mandatory). At least one thennostat shall be provided for each separate heating and cooling system. R403A.3 Heat pump supplementary heat (Mandatory). Heat pumps having supplementary electric -resistance heat shall have controls that, except during defrost, prevent supplemental heat operation when the heat pump compressor can meet the heating load. F] R403.3.2 Sealing (Mandatory) All ducts, air handlers, filter boxes and building cavities that form the primary air containment passageways for air distribution systems shall be considered ducts or plenum chambers, shall be constructed and sealed in accordance with Section C403.2.9.2 of the Commercial Provisions of this code and shall be shown to meet duct tightness criteria below. Duct tightness shall be verified by testing in accordance with ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380 by either individuals as defined in Section 553.993(5) or 7), Florida Statutes, or individuals licensed as set forth in Section 489.105(3)(f]I, (g) or (i), Florida Statutes, to be "substantially leak free" in accordance with Section R403.3.3. R403.3.2.1 Sealed air handier. Air handlers shall have a manufacturer's designation for an air leakage of no more than 2 percent of the design airflow rate when tested in accordance with ASHRAE 193. R403.3.3, Duct testing (Mandatory). Ducts shall be pressure tested to determine air leakage by one of the following methods: Rough -in test: Total leakage shall be measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch w.g. (25 Pa) across the system, including the manufacturer's air handier enclosure if installed at the time of the test. All registers shall be taped or otherwise sealed during the test. 2. Postconstruction test: Total leakage shall be measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch w.g. (25 Pa) across the entire system, including the manufacturer's air handler enclosure. Registers shall be taped or otherwise sealed during the test. Exceptions: 1. A duct air leakage test shall not be required where the ducts and air handlers are located entirely within the building thermal envelope. 2. Duct testing is not mandatory for buildings complying by Section 405 of this code. A written report of the results of the test shall be signed by the party conducting the test and provided to the code official. nR403.3.5 Building cavities (Mandatory). Building framing cavities shall not be used as ducts or plenums. D R403.4 Mechanical system piping insulation (Mandator y). Mechanical system piping capable of carrying fluids above 105'F (41'C) or below 55'F (1 YC) shall be insulated to a minimum of R-3. R403.4.1 Protection of piping insulation. Piping insulation exposed to weather shall be protected from damage, including that caused by sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance and wind, and shall provide shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material. Adhesive tape shall not be permitted. oR403.5.1 Heated water circulation and temperature maintenance systems (Mandatory)Heated water circulation systems shall be inaccordancewithSectionR403.5.1.1. Heat trace temperature maintenance systems shall be in accordance with Section R403.5.1.2. Automatic controls, temperature sensors and pumps shall be accessible. Manual controls shall be readily accessible. R403.5.1.1 Circulation systems. Heated water circulation systems shall be provided with a circulation pump. The system return pipe shall be a dedicated return pipe or a cold water supply pipe. Gravity and thermosiphon circulation systems shall be prohibited. Controls for circulating hot water system pumps shall start the pump based on the identification of a demand for hot water within the occupancy. The controls shall automatically turn off the pump when the water in the circulation loop is at the desired temperature and when there is no demand for hot water. R403.5.1.2 Heat trace systems. Electric heat trace systems shall comply with IEEE 515.1 or UL 515. Controls for such systems shall automatically adjust the energy input to the heat tracing to maintain the desired water temperature in the piping in accordance with the times when heated water is used in the occupancy. 10/2412018 5:41 PIVI EnergyGauge@ USA 6.0.02 (Rev. 1) - FlaRes2017 FBC 6th Edition (2017) Compliant Software Page 2 of 5 7i MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS - (Continued) E] R403.5.5 Heat traps (Mandatory). Storage water heaters not equipped with integral heat traps and having vertical pipe risers shall have heat traps installed on both the inlets and outlets. External heat traps shall consist of either a commercially available heat trap or a downward and upward bend of at least 3 % inches (89 mm) in the hot water distribution line and cold water line located as close as possible to the storage tank. R403.5.6 Water heater efficiencies (Mandatory). R403. Automatic controls. Service water -heating systems shall be equipped with automatic temperature controls capableEJofadjustmentfromthelowesttothehighestacceptabletemperaturesettingsfortheintendeduse. The minimum temperature setting range shall be from 1 00'F to 140'F (38'C to 60*C). R403. Shut down. A separate switch or a clearly marked circuit breaker shall be provided to permit the power supplied toF-1 electric service systems to be turned off. A separate valve shall be provided to permit the energy supplied to the main bumer(s) of combustion types of service water -heating systems to be turned off. R403.5.6.2 Water -heating equipment Water -heating equipment installed in residential units shall meet the minimum efficiencies ofDTableC404.2 in Chapter 4 of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, Commercial Provisions, for the type of equipment installed. Equipment used to provide heating functions as part of a combination system shall satisfy all stated requirements for the appropriate water -heating category. Solar water heaters shall meet the criteria of Section R403.5.6.2. 1. R403. Solar water -heating systems. , Solar systems for domestic hot water production are rated by the annual solar energy factor of the system. The solar energy factor o ' f a system shall be determined from the Florida Solar Energy Center Directory of Certified Solar Systems. Solar collectors shall be tested in accordance 'With ISO Standard 9806, Test Methods for Solar Collectors, and SRCC Standard TM-1, Solar Domestic Hot Water System and Component Test Protocol. Collectors in installed solar water -heating systems should meet the following criteria: 1. Be installed with a tilt angle between 10 degrees and 40 degrees of the horizontal; and 2. Be installed at an orientation within 45 degrees of true south. R403.6 Mechanical ventilation (Mandatory). The building shall be provided with ventilation that meets the requirements of the Florida Building Code, Residential, or Florida Building Code, Mechanical, as applicable, or with other approved means of ventilation including: Natural, Infiltration or Mechanical means. Outdoor air intakes and exhausts shall have automatic or gravity dampers that close when the ventilation system is not operating. R403.6.1 Whole -house mechanical ventilation system fan efficacy.When installed to function as a whole -house mechanical ventilation system, fans shall meet the efficacy requirements of Table R403.6.1. Exception: Where whole -house mechanical ventilation fans are integral to tested and listed HVAC equipment, they shall be powered by an electronically commutated motor. R403.6.2 Ventilation air. Residential buildings designed to be operated at a positive indoor pressure or for mechanical ventilation shall meet the following criteria 1 . The design air change per hour minimums for residential buildings in ASHRAE 62.2, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, shall be the maximum rates allowed for residential applications. 2. No ventilation or air-conditioning system make-up air shall be provided to conditioned space from attics, crawlspaGes, attached enclosed garages or outdoor spaces adjacent to swimming pools or spas. 3. If ventilation air is drawn from enclosed space(s), then the walls of the space(s) from which air is drawn shall be insulated to a minimum of R-1 1 and the ceiling shall be insulated to a minimum of R-1 9, space permitting, or R-1 0 otherwise. R403.7 Heating and cooling equipment (Mandatory). R403.7.1 Equipment sizing. Heating and cooling equipment shall be sized in accordance with ACCA Manual S based on the equipment loads calculated in accordance with ACCA Manual J or other approved heating and cooling calculation methodologies, based on building loads for the directional orientation of the building. The manufacturer and model number of the outdoor and indoor units (if split system) shall be submitted along with the sensible and total cooling capacities at the design conditions described in Section R302.1. This Code does not allow designer safety factors, provisions for future expansion or other factors that affect equipment sizing. System sizing, calculations shall not include loads created by local intermittent mechanical ventilation such as standard kitchen and bathroom exhaust systems. New or replacement heating and cooling equipment shall have an efficiency rating equal to or greater than the minimum required by federal law for the geographic location where the equipment is installed. TABLE R403.6.1 WHOLE -HOUSE MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM FAN EFFICACY FAN LOCATION AIRFLOW RATE MINIMUM CFM) MINIMUM EFFICACY CFMANATT) AIRFLOW RATE MAXIMUN CFM) Range hoods Any 2.8 cfm/watt Any In -line fan Any 2.8 cfmtwaft Any Bathroom, utility room 10 1.4 cfmtwaft 90 Bathroom, utility room 90 2.8 cfmtwatt Any For SI: 1 cfm = 28.3 Umin. a. When tested in accordance with HVI Standard 916 10/24/2018 5:41 PM EnergyGauge@ USA 6.0.02 (Rev. 1) - FlaRes2017 FBC 6th Edition (2017) Compliant Software Page 3 of 5 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS - (Continued) EJR403.7.1.1 Cooling equipment capacity. Cooling only equipment shall be selected so that its total capacity is not less than the calculated total load but not more than 1.15 times greater than the total load calculated according to the procedure selected in Section 403.7, or the closest available size provided by the manufacturer's product lines. The corresponding latent capacity of the equipment shall not be less than the calculated latent load. The published value for AHRI total capacity is a nominal, rating -test value and shall not be used for equipment sizing. Manufacturers expanded performance data shall be used to select cooling -only equipment. This selection shall be based on the outdoor design dry-bulb temperature for the load calculation (or entering water temperature for water -source equipment), the blower CFM provided by the expanded performance data, the design value for entering wet -bulb temperature and the design value for entering dry-bulb temperature. Design values for entering wet -bulb and dry-bulb temperatures shall be for the indoor dry bulb and relative humidity used for the load calculation and shall be adjusted for return side gains if the return duct(s) is installed in an unconditioned space. Exceptions: 1 Attached single- and multiple -family residential equipment sizing may be selected so that its cooling capacity is less than the calculated total sensible load but not less than 80 percent of that load. 2. When signed and sealed by a Florda-registered engineer, in attached single- and multiple -family units, the capacity of equipment may be sized in accordance with good design practice. Heating equipment capacity. R403. Heat pumps. Heat pump sizing shall be based on the cooling requirements as calculated according to Section R403.7.1.1, and the heat pump total cooling capacity shall not be more than 1.15 times greater than the design cooling load even if the design heating load is 1.15 times greater than the design cooling load. R403. Electric resistance furnaces. Electric resistance furnaces shall be sized within 4 kW of the design requirements calculated according to the procedure selected in Section R403.7.1. R403. Fossil fuel heating equipment The capacity of fossil fuel heating equipment with natural draft atmospheric burnersnshallnotbelessthanthedesignloadcalculatedinaccordancewithSectionR403.7.1. R403.7.1.3 Extra capacity required for special occasions. Residences requiring excess cooling or heating equipment capacity on an intermittent basis, such as anticipated additional loads caused by major entertainment events, shall have equipment sized or controlled to prevent continuous space cooling or heating within that space by one or more of the following options: A separate cooling or heating system is utilized to provide cooling or heating to the major entertainment areas. A variable capacity system sized for optimum performance during base load periods is utilized. R403.8 Systems serving multiple dwelling units (Mandatory). Systems serving multiple dwelling units shall comply with Sections C403 and C404 of the IECC—Commercial Provisions in lieu of Section R403. o R403.9 Snow melt and ice system controls (Mandatory) Snow- and ice -melting systems, supplied through energy service to the building, shall include automatic controls capable of shutting off the system when the pavement temperature is above 50'F (I O*C), and no precipitation is falling and an automatic or manual control that will allow shutoff when the outdoor temperature is above 40'F (4.8'C). E] R403.10 Pools and permanent spa energy consumption (Mandatory). The energy consumption of pools and permanent spas shall be in accordance with Sections R403.10.1 through R403.10.5. R403.10.1 Heaters. The electric power to heaters shall be controlled by a readily accessible on -off switch that is anF1 integral part of the heater mounted on the exterior of the heater, or external to and within 3 feet (914 mm) of the heater. Operation of such switch shall not change the setting of the heater thermostat. Such switches shall be in addition to a circuit breaker for the power to the heater. Gas -fired heaters shall not be equipped with continuously burning ignition pilots. R403.10.2 Time switches. Time switches or other control methods that can automatically turn off and on according to a preset schedule0shallbeinstalledforheatersandpumpmotors. Heaters and pump motors that have built-in time switches shall be in compliance with this section. Exceptions: 1. Where public health standards require 24-hour pump operation. 2. Pumps that operate solar- and waste -heat -recovery pool heating systems. 3. Where pumps are powered exclusively from on -site renewable generation. R403.10.3 Covers. Outdoor heated swimming pools and outdoor permanent spas shall be equipped with a vapor -retardant cover on or at the water surface or a liquid cover or other means proven to reduce heat loss. Exception: Where more than 70 percent of the energy for heating, computed over an operation season, is from site -recovered energy, such as from a heat pump or solar energy source, covers or other vapor -retardant means shall not be required. R403.10.4 Gas- and oil -fired pool and spa heaters. All gas- and oil -fired pool and spa heaters shall have a minimum thermal efficiency of 82 percent for heaters manufactured on or after April 16, 2013, when tested in accordance with ANSI Z 21.56. Pool heaters fired by natural or LP gas shall not have continuously burning pilot lights. 10/24/2018 5:41 PM EnergyGauge(D USA 6.0.02 (Rev. 1) - FlaRes2017 FBC 6th Edition (2017) Compliant Software Page 4 of 5 M D R403.10.5 Heat pump pool heaters. Heat pump pool heaters shall have a minimum COP of 4.0 when tested in accordance with AHRI 1160, Table 2, Standard Rating Conditions -Low Air Temperature. A test report from an independent laboratory is required to verify procedure compliance. Geothermal swimming pool heat pumps are not required to meet this standard. R403.11 Portable spas (Mandatofte energy consumption of electric -powered portable spas shall be controlled by'the requirements of APSP-1 4. SECTION R404 ELECTRICAL POWER AND LIGHTING SYSTEMS F] R404.1 Lighting equipment (Mandatory). Not less than 75 percent of the lamps in permanently installed lighting fixtures shall be high -efficacy lamps or not less than 75 percent of the permanently installed lighting fixtures shall contain only high -efficacy lamps. Exception: Low -voltage lighting. R404.1.1 Lighting equipment (Mandatory)Fuel gas lighting systems shall not have continuously burning pilot lights. 10/24/2018 5:41 PM EnergyGaugeO USA 6.0.02 (Rev. 1) - FlaRes2017 FBC 6th Edition (2017) Compliant Software Page 5 of 5 2017 - AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA TABLE 402.4.1.1 AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA Project Name: Holt Aluminum - Brinson, Chadeen 10-24-2018 Builder Name: Glen Holt Aluminum Street: 912 Maple Ave Permit Office: City, State, Zip: Sanford , FL , 32771 Permit Number: Y Owner: Brinson, Chadeen Jurisdiction: 0 LU Design Location: FL, Apopka 0 COMPONENT AIR BARRIER CRITERIA INSULATION INSTALLATION CRITERIA General A continuous air barrier shall be installed in the building envelope. Air -permeable insulation shall requirements The exterior thermal envelope contains a continuous air barrier. not be used as a sealing material. Breaks or joints in the air barrier shall be sealed. Ceiling/attic The air barrier in any dropped ceiling/soffit shall be aligned with The insulation in any dropped ceiling/soffit the insulation and any gaps in the air barrier shall be sealed. shall be aligned with the air barrier. Access openings, drop down stairs or knee wall doors to unconditioned attic spaces shall be sealed. Walls The junction of the foundation and sill plate shall be sealed. Cavities within comers and headers of frame walls The junction of the top plate and the top of exterior walls shall be shall be insulated by completely filling the cavity sealed. with a material having a thermal resistance of R-3 Knee walls shall be sealed. per inch minimum. Exterior thermal envelope insulation for framed walls shall be installed in substantial contact and continuous alignment with the air barrier. Windows, skylights The space between window/doorjambs and framing, and and doors skylights and framing shall be sealed. Rim joists Rim joists shall include the air barTier. Rim joists shall be insulated. Floors The air barrier shall be installed at any exposed edge of Floor framing cavity insulation shall be installed to including insulation. maintain permanent contact with the underside of above -garage subfloor decking, or floor framing cavity insulation and cantilevered shall be permitted to be in contact with the top side floors) of sheathing, or continuous insulation installed on the underside of floor framing and extends from the bottom to the top of all perimeter floor framing members. Crawl space walls Exposed earth in unvented crawl spaces shall be covered with Where provided instead of floor insulation, insulation a Class I vapor retarder with overlapping joints taped. shall be permanently attached to the crawlspace Shafts, penetrations Duct shafts, utility penetrabons, and flue shafts opening to exterior or unconditioned space shall be sealed. Batts in narrow cavities shall be cut to fit, or narrow Narrow cavities cavities shall be filled by insulation that on installation readily conforms to the available cavity spaces. Garage separation Air sealing shall be provided between the garage and conditioned spac 3s. Recessed lighting Recessed light fixtures installed in the building thermal envelope Recessed light fixtures installed in the building shall be sealed to the drywall. thermal envelope shall be air tight and IC rated. Plumbing and wiring Batt insulation shall be cut neatty to fit around wiring and plumbing in exterior walls, or insulation that on installation readily conforms to available space shall extend behind piping and wiring. Showerttub The air barrier installed at exterior walls adjacent to showers and Exterior walls adjacent to showers and tubs shall on exterior wall tubs shall separate them from the showers and tubs. be insulated. Electrical/phone box or The air barrier shall be installed behind electrical or communication exteriorwalls boxes or air -sealed boxes shall be installed. HVAC register boots HVAC register boots that penetrate building thermal envelope shall be sealed to the sub -floor or drywall. Concealed When required to be sealed, concealed fire sprinklers shall only be sprinklers sealed in a manner that is recommended by the manufacturer. ICaulkingorotheradhesivesealantsshallnotbeusedtofillvoids between fire sprinkler cover plates and walls or ceilonas. a. In addition, inspection of log walls shall be in accordance with the provisions of [CC-400. 10/24/2018 5:41 PM EnergyGaugeO USA 6.0.02 (Rev. 1) - FlaRes2017 FBC 6th Edition (2017) Compliant Software Page I of I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 5, BLOCK 11, TIER 10, A.C. MARTIN'S ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SANFORD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 98, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. LEGEND: MW WA TER METER FAI AIR CONDITIONER OVERHEAD UTILITY OH- LINE(S) CATCH 13ASIN SANITARY MANHOLE MANHOLE CONC CONCRETE CLF CHAIN LINK FENCE WPF WOOD PANEL FENCE RIW RIGHT OF WAY CENTERLINE PCP PERMANENT CONTROL POINT LB LICENSED BUSINESS LS LICENSED SURVEYOR PROFESSIONAL PSM SURVEYOR AND MAPPER PLS PROFESSIONAL LICENSED SURVEYOR x 26.42 SPOT ELEVATION PROPOSED DRAINAGE FLOW SCALE: ill = 20' NW CORNER OF LO T ' 3 FOUND 112 1 0 0RNRD BOUNDARY SURVEY 912 Maple Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771 FENCE CORNER 1,1-0.3' N, 0.2' E N90'00'00"E SET 112 " IRON ROD & CAP X ROGERS LB 8163" to LO c 04 r< LLJ Lur) JJ LJ J, C) CL P 0 SET 112" IRON ROD & CAP ROGERS LB 8163"- 6' 1-10 ol in .(:D CONC- APRON ROGERS, SURVEYING AND MAPPING, INC.4 352-735-8734 357 E 7TH AVE, MOUNT DORA, FL 32757 4 LB 8163 16 30.8' xl 30.8'- Qz 0 LOT 4 4' CLF o 60.7' PROPOSED ONE STORY RESIDENCE 912 PROPOSED FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION=28.03 37.3' n PROPOSED LOT GRADING TYPE 8 UiCN X X N90*00'00"W bll FOUND 112- 4) 1 "7* 13.7 X IRON ROD N90'00'00'!E X-(( bl) 41.00' a FOUA NAIL C) PCP 25.5' PROPOSED PROPOSED u7i a) CONCRETE CONC DRIVEWAY 50 APRON CD 4- 23.3' r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LLJ r 0 r 0 ro- 0 25. 5'- PROPOSED WALK 0 0 M r+ M 0 a CL 0 0 elf Quj UJ Co r+ LOT 5 BLOCK 11 OAK TREE 36" Ix C UJ A, TIER 10 100 1-17. 00' CP 11, " SET 112" IRON ROD & CAP ROGERS LB 8163" EDGE OF PAVEMENT ASPHALT PAVED ROADWAY TENTH STREET 100 ro - 66' PLA TTED PUBLIC R1WCENTERLINEOFPAVEMENT SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1) North and the bearings shown hereon are referenced to the assumed bearing of SOO'00'00"E, along the west right of way line of Maple Avenue. 2) An abstract of title was not performed by or furnished to the undersigned. Any easements or ericumbrances that may appear as a result of said abstract is not certified hereon. 3) Underground improvements, if existing, were not located as a port of this survey, except as may be shown. 4) Based upon a graphic determination, this property is located in Zone X, according to the Federal Emergency Manogement Agency's FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for Seminole County, Florida; Map Number 12117CO070F, doted September 28, 2007, This note is provided for information purposes only, and the undersigned assumes no liability for the correctness of the cited map. 5) The subject property as depicted hereon contains 0.153 acres, more or less. 6) Interior improvements, and some perimeter improvements, were not located1shown as a port of this survey, except as shown. 7) Elevations shown hereon ore based on Seminole County Benchmark #3297001 NAVD 1988 Datum). REVISED 1111312018 8) Proposed building placement was provided by the client. - CHANGED PROPOSED FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION Vv) a- _J i 3 SL 04 CIO 0 a 0 CERTIFI,-- Glen Holt Glen Holt Aluminum, LLC. N- 11 A, ....... T ' Digitally signed by Brian S - 00 "', 1111 S. Rogers C, 1, 0 V ON: cn=Brian S. Rogers, 7067 o-Rogers Surveying Mapping, ou, ilan ernail-Brian@RogersMa oo E F FL I p.CorW s ----- Date: 2018.1', 1.13 urve 18:02:42 -05'00' BRIAN S. ROGERS, PSM $ LS 7067 FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER RECORD COPY OPTIONAL LOAD CALCULATION FOR DWELLING UNITS PER ARTICLE 22-30 NEC PROJECT: GLEN HOLT ALUMINUM LLC. TYPE UNIT: NEW BUILD 01 912 MAPLE AVE. SANFORD FL. 32771 LIVING AREA: 1060 SQ FT GENERAL LIGHTING 1,060 X 3 Watts per sq. ft. 3,180 Microwave 1,000 Dishwasher 1,500 Disposal 600 Dryer 5,000 Laundry 1,500 Range or Oven 10,000 Cooktop 0 Whirlpool 0 Pool 60 Amp 0 Small Appliance Load @ 1600 Watts Each 4,500 Well's 0 Water Heater 4,500 Future Pole Barn U/c Ice Maker U/c Ref. Patio Grill Car Lift TOTAL 31,780 Ist 10 kw @ 100% 10,000 @ 100% 10,000 Balance @ 40% 21,780 @ 40% 8,712 A/C Unit @ 100% 3,840 Electric Heat @ 100% KW 10,000 TOTAL NET COMPUTED LOAD 32,552 Total Load 32,552 240 135.6 - AMP rq6, Q L)D,,V S 4 4 A 7 This document has been electronically signed using a Digital Sigruitu, t. Prnn'ted RECORD COPY copies without an original sig '..t be verified using the original electronic version. H. ALffF--"11t%4E ANfTWCOMPMY COA #0 278 10/31/2018 70861 STATE OF 41 ORID., Alpine, an ITW Company 6750 Forum Drive, Suite 305 Orlando, FL 32821 Phone: (800)755-6001 www.alpineitw.com Site Inf6rmatiow",', Pag Customer Angle Truss Company Job Number: 96963 Job Description: -96963 /BRINSON RESIDENCE /Fill in later Address: 912 MAPLE STREET, SANFORD, FL 32771 Job Engineering Criteria: Design Code: FBC 2017 RES View Version: FBC 2017 RES JRef #.- lWfM67040002 WindStandard.- ASCE7-110 RoofLoad(pdo: 20.00-7.00-0.00-10.00 Wind Speed (mph): 140 Floor Load (pso: None This package contains general notes pages, 14 truss drawing(s) and 0 detail(s). Item Seal# Truss 1 302,18.1705.12148 T 1 3 302.18.1705.12147 T3 5 302.18.1705.12567 T5 7 302.18.1705.12163 T7 9 302.18.1705.12194 T9 1 302.18.1705.11990 CJ3 13 302.18.1705.12021 EJ7 lteml Seal #. Truss 2 302.18.1705.12240 T2 4 303.18.1646.27073 T4 6 302.18.1705.12164 T6 8 302.18.1705.12459 T8 10 302.18.1705.11991 Cil 12 302.18.1705.11976 CJ5 14 302.18.1705.12458 HJ7 41'5 ING SANFOP0 10 PAR' General Notes Truss Design Engineer Scope of Work, Design Assumptions and Design Responsibilities: The design responsibilities assumed in the preparation of these design drawings are those specified in ANSI/TPI 1, Chapter 2- and the National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction, by the Truss Plate Institute. he truss component designs conform to the applicable provisions of ANSI/TPI 1 and NDS, the National Design Specification for Wood Construction by AF&PA. The truss component designs are based on the specified loading and dimension information furnished by others to the Truss Design Engineer. The Truss Design Engineer has no duty to independently verify the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by others and may rely on that information without liability. The responsibility for verification of that information remains with others neither employed nor controlled by the Truss Design Engineer. The Truss Design Engineer's seal and signature on the attached drawings, or cover page listing these drawings, indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the truss component designs and not for the technical information furnished by others which technical information and consequences thereof remain their sole responsibility. The suitability and use of these drawings for any particular structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer in accordance with ANSI/TPI I Chapter 2. The Building Designer is responsible for determining that the dimensions and loads for each truss component match those required by the plans and by the actual use of the individual component, and for ascertaining that the loads shown on the drawings meet or exceed applicable building code requirements and any additional factors required in the particular application. Truss components using metal connector plates with integral teeth shall not be placed in environments that will cause the moisture content of the wood in which plates are embedded to exceed 19% and/or cause corrosion of connector plates and other metal fasteners. The Truss Design Engineer shall not be responsible for items beyond the specific scope of the agreed contracted work set forth herein, including but not limited to: verifying the dimensions of the truss component, calculation of any of the truss component design loads, inspection of the truss components before or after installation, the design of temporary or permanent bracing and their attachment required in the roof and/or floor systems, the design of diaphragms or shear walls, the design of load transfer connections to and from diaphragms and shear walls, the design of load transfer to the foundation, the design of connections for truss components to their bearing supports, the design of the bearing supports, installation of the truss components, observation of the truss component installation process, review of truss assembly procedures, sequencing of the truss component installation, construction means and methods, site and/or worker safety in the installation of the truss components and/or its connections. This document may be a high quality facsimile of the original engineering document which is a digitally signed electronic file with third party authentication. A wet or embossed seal copy of this engineering document is available upon request. Temporary Lateral Restraint and Bracing: Temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing shall be installed according to the provisions of BCSI chapters B1, B2, B7 and/or 1310 (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA), or as specified by the Building Designer or other Registered Design Professional. The required locations for lateral restraint and/or bracing depicted on these drawings are only for the permanent lateral support of the truss members to reduce buckling lengths, and do not apply to and may not be relied upon for the temporary stability of the truss components during their installation. Permanent Lateral Restraint and Bracing: The required locations for lateral restraint or bracing depicted on these drawings are for the permanent lateral support of the truss members to reduce buckling lengths. Permanent lateral support shall be installed according to the provisions of BCSI chapters B3, B7 and/or B10, or as specified by the Building Designer or other Registered Design Professional. These drawings do not depict or specify installation/erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar building stability bracing which are parts of the overall building design to be specified, designed and detailed by the Building Designer. Connector Plate Information: Alpine connector plates are made of ASTM A653 or ASTM Al 063 galvanized steel with the following designations, T;T gauges and grades: W=Wave, 20ga, grade 40,- H=High Strength, 20ga, grade 60; S=Super Strength, 18g .grade 60. Information on model code compliance is contained in the ICC Evaluation Service report ESR-1 118, available on-line at www.icc-es.org. 7 General Notes (continued) Key to Terms: Information provided on drawings reflects a summary of the pertinent information required for the truss design. Detailed information on load cases, reactions, member lengths,,forces and members requiring permanent lateral support may be found in calculation sheets available upon written request. BCDL Bottom Chord standard design Dead Load in pounds per square foot. BCLL Bottom Chord standard design Live Load in pounds per square foot. Des Ld = total of TCLL, TCDL, BCLL and BCDL Design Load in pounds per square foot. HORZ(LL) = maximum Horizontal panel point deflection due to Live Load, in inches. HORZ(TL) = maximum Horizontal panel point long term deflection in inches, due to Total Load, including creep adjustment. HPL = additional Horizontal Load added to a truss Piece in pounds per linear foot or pounds. L/# = user specified divisor for limiting span/deflection ratio for evaluation of actual Udefl value. L/defl = ratio of Length between bearings, in inches, divided by the immediate vertical Deflection, in inches, at the referenced panel point. Reported as 999 if greater than or equal to 999. Loc = Location, starting location of left end of bearing or panel point (joint) location of deflection. Max BC CSI = Maximum bending and axial Combined Stress Index for Bottom Chords for of all load cases. Max TC CS1 = Maximum bending and axial Combined Stress Index for Top Chords for of all load cases. Max Web CSI= Maximum bending and axial Combined Stress Index for Webs for of all load cases. NCBCLL = Non -Concurrent Bottom Chord design Live Load in pounds per square foot. PL = additional Load applied at a user specified angle on a truss Piece in pounds per linear foot or pounds. PLB = additional vertical load added to a Bottom chord Piece of a truss in pounds per linear foot or pounds PLT = additional vertical load added to a Top chord Piece of a truss in pounds per linear foot or pounds. PP = Panel Point. R maximum downward design Reaction, in pounds, from all specified gravity load cases, at the indicated location (Loc). R maximum upward design Reaction, in pounds, from all specified gravity load cases, at the identified location (Loc). Rh maximum horizontal design Reaction in either direction, in pounds, from all specified gravity load cases, at the indicated location (Loc). RL = maximum horizontal design Reaction in either direction, in pounds, from all specified non -gravity (wind or seismic) load cases, at the indicated location (Loc). Rw = maximum downward design Reaction, in pounds, from all specified non -gravity (wind or seismic) load cases, at the identified location (Loc). TCDL Top Chord standard design Dead Load in pounds per square foot. TCLL Top Chord standard design Live Load in pounds per square foot. U = maximum Upward design reaction, in pounds, from all specified non -gravity (wind or seismic) load cases, at the indicated location (Loc). VERT(CL) maximum Vertical panel point deflection in inches due to Live Load and Creep Component of Dead Load in inches. VERT(LL) maximum Vertical panel point deflection in inches due to Live Load. VERT(TL) maximum Vertical panel point long term deflection in inches due to Total load, including creep adjustment. W = Width of non -hanger bearing, in inches. Refer to ASCE-7 for Wind and Seismic abbreviations. Uppercase Acronyms not explained above are as defined in TPI 1 References: 1. AF&PA: American Forest & Paper Association, 111, lqh Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 2003 www.afandpa.org. 2. ICC: International Code Council; www.iccsafe.orct. 3. Alpine, a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.: 13723 Riverport Drive, Suite 200, Maryland Heights, MO 63043; www.alpineitw.com. 4. TPI: Truss Plate Institute, 218 North Lee Street, Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314; www.tpinst.org. 5. SBCA: Wood Truss Council of America, 6300 Enterprise Lane, Madison, Wl 53719-1 www.sbcindustry.co SEQN: 768592 / T5 / COMI Ply:, 18 Job 4umber: 96963 FROM: PC Qty BRINSON RESIDENCE -96963 /BRINSON RESIDENCE /Fill in later Truss Label: T1 Cust: R R6704 JRef: 1 WIM67040002 DrwNo: 302.18.1705,12148 FV 10/29/2018 7"1 1 11"2 14'4 20'8"14 7'_,;;i 4 - 4 6'4"14 + 6'4" 14 4X4 E 28-8" VT 28'8" 4 77'14 1 10'3"4 3' 12 " !2 1 10'3"4 114iii 4' 18 2 28'8" 10'3"4 1 Loading Criteria (psq Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defi1CSI Criteria A Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE7-10 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PIP Deflection in loc L/defi U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 140 mph Pf: NA Ce: INA VERT(LL): 0.111 J 999 360 Loc R+ I R- Rh /Rw /U /RL B 1193 /613 /128 /178BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.198 J 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: 11 Snow Duration: INA HORZ(LL): 0.033 J - - H 1193 /613 /128 Des Ld: 37.00 EXP: C . Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.060 J Wind reactions based on MWFRS Code / Misc CriteriaNCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft TCDL: 4.2 psf Creep Factor: 2.0 B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 2.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2017 RES Max TC CSI: 0.602 H Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h to 2h TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.403 Bearings B & H are a rigid surface. Spacing: 24.0 C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0,259 Members not listed have forces less than 375# Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/l 0(0) Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (lbs) Chords Tens -Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: 17.02-02.1208.15 B-C 759 -2259 E-F 701 -1986 C-D , 678 -1992 F-G 678 -1993 Wind Duration: 1.25 WAVE Lumber D-E 701 -1985 G-H 759 -2260 Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP SS Dense Webs 2x4 SIP #3 Purlins In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 75 0.15 28.52 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Loading Truss passed check for 20 psf additional bottom chord live load in areas with 42"-high x 24"-wide clearance. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Additional Notes Refer to General Notes for additional information Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed. M, Ff % I 408NI 0 14X n Al Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B-L 2025 -585 K-J 1388 -316 L-K 1388 -316 J - H 2025 -601 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. C - L 296 -400 E-J 681 -169 L- E 680 -169 J- G 296 -400 COA 10/31/2018 WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! IMPORTANT— FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS require extreme care in fabricating, handlinp, shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCS] (Buildingenaet, In a n b an SB A 0 aEly es, . erf 11 n he e n n In ta e hal de te ' f- ro 0 1 t I s fu ct'o s s " Is s ' prov mpo h hn aInd bot' m cho d shall h e a pro s v c' P . p I r t 0 M , g t t s Oract c h d tnuc ura s ea fo TP', s p C ' rtha f ha e er a ac ehchords srop b hall ha e b a n sa d e BC n B3 B7nnIprt'.1in f in I r IN 'o - e'f f ' to ss noted 0 erw e y '. h._n to _anen latera ret S tes to each face 0 truss and position a. shown above and on the J.' n Deta, is unless noted otherwise I e B S nl d ce 1, L cal15 . App y s1 60 _Z for s PI t p.st,. rAandardaen , a division of ITW Building_Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing,any failure to build themnfnrmAnnPwithAN.';[ PI 1 nrfnrh;;nt1Iinn hinninn inqtqllntinnqnrihririnnnftniqp,Aqp;klnnthi-rirawinnnrenvi-rnan,- ALPINE m com"y SEQN: 768595/ T4 / HIPS Ply:: 12 Job 4umber 96963 Cust: R R6704 JRef: 1 WIM67040002 FROM: PC Qty BRINSON RESIDENCE -96963 /BRINSON RESIDENCE /Fill in later DrwNo: 302 18.1705.12240 Truss Label: T2 / FV 10/29/2018 6712 13' 22'0"6 6 0 6'4"6 1711j.". 6'4'r. 4X4 --4X4 D E 3X5 28'8" 6'6-2 1 6-6-2 13' 28-8" 6710 t 2 ID I t Loading Criteria (ps Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (pg,Pf in PSF) Defi/CSI Criteria A Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 WindStd: ASCE7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PPDeflectionin locL/defl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 140 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0. 117 J 999 360 Loc R+ R- /Rh /Rw /U /RL B 1138 /617 /338 /164BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0248 J 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: 11 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.047 1 - - G 1138 /617 /338 Des Ld: 37.00 EX P: C Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.088 1 Wind reactions based on MWFRS Code I Misc CriteriaNCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft TCDL: 4.2 psf Creep Factor: 2.0 B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 2.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2017 RES Max TC CSI: 0.495 G Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.695 Bearings B & G are a rigid surface. Spacing: 24.0 C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.706 Members not listed have forces less than 375# Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/l 0(0) Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords' Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: B-C 813 -2227 E-F 668 -1594 C-D 668 -1594 F-G 812 - Wind Duration: 1.25 WAVE Lumber D-E 660 -1403 Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #3 Purlins In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) TC 24 13.00 15.67 BC 75 0.15 28.52 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Additional Notes Refer to General Notes for additional information Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed. U wtmvoz. 1 0 A% Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp B-M 2003 -650 K-J 1403 -391 M-L 1999 -652 J - 1 1999 -667 L-K 1403 -391 I-G 2003 -665 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. C-L 301 -716 J - F 300 -716 S1 I COA MP IONALer7-iz mm"o 10/31/2018 WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! IMPORTANT'* FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS require extreme care in fabricating, handling shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (BuildingncE I a division of ITW BuildinA-Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing,any failure to build themnfnnrn;;nr,P.%vithAN.qI PI I nrfr)rhAnrilinn qhinninn in,.;tqIlqtinnnnr1 hririnn nf trijqqpqA qpal nn thiq drawinn nr r.nvpr nano 10^11., ALPINE SEQN: 768598 / T3 / HIPS Ply:: 12 Job Slumber: 96963 Cust: RR6704 JRef: 1 67040002 FROM: PC Qty BRINSON RESIDENCE -96963 /BRINSON RESIDENCE /Fill in later DrwNo: 302.18.1705.t7147 Truss Label: T3 / FV 10/29/2018 64"110 64"110 111 17-8" 5'76 6'8" 4X8 ffl4X6 ID E 28'8" 23-T-6 28'8" 57"6 54"10 11 52 3' 36"4 1 M' 4 14 1. i 5:32::1114 1 11: 2 1 i4, 7.6.4 E'_F"12 288 . Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (pg,Pf in PSF) DefilICS1 Criteria A Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL 20.00 WindStdi ASCE7-110 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PPDeflectionin IocIJdefI U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCIDL 7.00 Speed: 140 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.120 L 999 360 Loc R, I R- Rh /Rw /U / RL BCLL 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.223 L 999 240 B 1138 /619 /339 /142 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: 11 Snow Duration: INA HORZ(LL): 0.047 1 - - G 1138 /619 /339 Des Ld 37.00 EXP: C Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.088 1 Wind reactions based on MWFRS NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft Code / Misc Criteria Creep Factor: 2.0 B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 2.00 TCIDL 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2017 RES Max TC CSI: 0.447 G Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.667 Bearings B & G are a rigid surface. Members not listed have forces less than 375# Spacing: 24.0 C&C Dist a 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.375 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: not in 9.0() ft FT/RT:20(0)/l 0(0) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Wind Duration: 1.25 WAVE VIEW Ver: B-C 855 -2273 E-F 737 -1778 C-D 739 -1786 F-G 854 -2273 Lumber D-E 740 -1599 Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #3 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Purlins B-M 2053 -700 K-J 1596 -493 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins M-L 2050 -702 J - 1 2050 -717 to laterally brace chords as follows: L-K 1596 -493 I-G 2054 -715 Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) TC 24 11.00 17.67 BC 75 0.15 28.52 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (lbs) Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. C - L 225 -488 J - E 386 -30 Wind D-L 385 -23 J - F 226 -494 Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Additional Notes Refer to General Notes for additional information Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed. S C OA AL mmi 10/31/2018 WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS xtreme care in fabricatino, handfin hi talling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (BuildingponenSafetyInformation, b T[Plan SBCA) Airssq'ire inl?Jct=s prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary in er BCSI. Unless noted o herwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathinq and bottorahord shall have a pro erlyicheriidceilin . Locations shown forpermanent lateral restirdint of webs shall have brja0c np installed per B I sections B3 B7 or 9103pplicae. App y vlates to each face ot truss and position as shown above and on the In Details, unless noted otherwis6. kefier to' wings 160A-Z fbr s andard plate positions. ALPINE ine, a division of ITW Buildinr$Components Group Inc., shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing,any failure to build theqinrnnfnrnn2nnP. with ANSI P1 1 nrfnrh:;nr1Iinn hnninn inqtnllntinnqnrihrqrinnc)ftriigqp.qA;tpalnnthi,drawinnnrr.nvprnang- SEQN: 770475 T2 HIPS Ply:: 1 2 J9ob Number. 96963 Gust: R6704 JRef: 1 67040002 FROM. PC Qty _ 6963 /BRINSON RESIDENCE /Fill in later DrwNo: 303.18.1646.: 77073 Truss Label: T4 I / WHK 10/30/2018 91 14-4" 28-8" 5-4" .1 9. i i 164" " 91 6X8 1112X4 6X8 G D T2 E 12 F 5 B F A K i I H 3X5(AlT) 1112X4 3X5 -- 3X7 1112X4 =-3X5(AlT) 28'8" 9'1"12 "8" 57-4 9'1"12 9'1"12 '3., 1 14'4"! 19'6"4 28'8" 1 Loading Criteria (psq Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (pg,Pf in PSF) Defil/CSI Criteria A Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 WindSt& ASCE7-110 Pg NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PPDefiectionin IocL/defi U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 140 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.111 D 999 360 Loc R+ R- Rh /Rw /U / RL B 1138 /617 /341 /121BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.204 D 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: 11 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.043 H - - F 1138 /617 /341 Des Ld: 37.00 EXP: C Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.080 H Wind reactions based on MWFRS Code / Misc CriteriaNCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 1500 ft Creep Factor: 2-0 B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Soffit: 2.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2017 RES Max TC CSI: 0.624 F Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Load Duration: 1.25 BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.885 Bearings B & F are a rigid surface. Spacing: 24.0 C&C Dist a 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0. 127 Members not listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. GCpi: 0. 18 Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: B-C 808 -2055 D-E 878 -2002WindDuration: 1.25 WAVE C-D 878 -2002 F-F 808 -2055 Lumber Top chord 2x4 SP SS Dense:T2 20 SP #2: Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #3 Purlins In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) TC 24 9.00 19 67 BC 75 0.15 28.52 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above - Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (lbs) Chords Tens.Comp- Chords Tens. Comp B-K 1821 -612 I-H 1829 -626 K-J 1829 -610 H-F 1821 -628 i - 1 1829 -610 member design. Additional Notes Refer to General Notes for additional information 4' Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed. 0 C). 7,08 1 S 0 CON Q N A L. 10/31/2018 WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS rrusses require extreme care in fabricating, handling shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (BuildingomponentSafetyInformation, by TPI an SBCA) or sa Ety practices phor to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporaracingDerBCSI. Unless noted olherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a pro e'ry Mch6drimiciceilin,a Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracinp installed per BCSI sections B3 B7 or910Isapplicabe. App y vlates to each face of truss and position asshownaboveandontheJoin Details, unless noted otherwis6. keferto' irawings 160A-Z fbr s andard plate positions. Mpine, a division of ITW Buildinq Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drag.w,ing,apy failure to build thenk-q in mnfnrmqnns-_ with AN.RIrrPI 1 nrfnrhqndIinn ghinninn inqt;kll;;tinnin(ihrnt,.innnftrii-qc;p.,.qA-.%C-ainnth rawinn nr rnvpr wanp 14116141 ALPINE Co~ SEQN: 768610 / T7 / HIPS Ply: I FROM: PC Qty: 1 SOCn 1 -4 1 ) 7' 7' 12 1. rl"12 i 7'1"12 Job Number 96963 BRINSON RESIDENCE -96963 /BRINSON RESIDENCE /Fill in later Truss Label: T5 121 1717 5,1" 47 2 6X8 3X5 1112X4 C D E Cust: RR6704 JRef: 1VVfM67040002 DrwNo: 302.18.1705.12567 FV 10/29/2018 21'8" i 1 81, 4'11 "4 7 H0610 28'8"- 47'12 9" 4' 91. i '§'E' - 11'9"8 16 1764-4 it '6"4 6X8 F 7'1"12 28'8" I] T Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (pg,Pf in PSF) Defi/CSI Criteria A Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defi L/# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 140 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.313 E 999 360 Loc R+ R- Rh /Rw /U RL BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.586 E 580 240 B 2230 /661 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: 11 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.084 1 - - G 2230 /661 Des Ld: 37.00 EXP: C Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.158 1 Wind reactions based on MWFRS NCBCLL: 0.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft Code / Misc Criteria Creep Factor: 2.0 B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 2.3 Soffit: 2.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2017 RES Max TC CSI: 0.942 G Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 2.3 Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.983 Bearings B & G are a rigid surface. Members not listed have forces less than 375# Spacing: 24.0 C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: No Max Web CSI: 0.584 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: NA FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp- GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Wind Duration: 1.25 WAVE, HS VIEW Ver: B-C 1429 -48134 E-F 1668 -5783 C-D 1650 -5739 F-G 1427 -4879 Lumber D-E 1668 -5782 Top chord 2x4 SP SS Dense:T3 2x4 SIP #2: Bot chord 2x4 SP SS Dense Webs 2x4 SP #3 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Plating Notes B-M 4441 -1282 K-J 5795 -1682 1 plate(s) require special positioning. Refer to M-L 4471 -1294 J - 1 4467 -1282 scaled plate plot details for special positioning L-K 5795 -1682 1 - G 4437 -1280 requirements. Purlins Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins Webs Tens.Comp- Webs Tens. Comp. to laterally brace chords as follows: C-M 609 -40 E - J 329 -565 Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) C-L 1489 -429 J - F 1533 -450 TC 24 7.00 21.67 BC 61 0.15 28.52 L-D 332 -577 1 - F 609 -37 Apply pudins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. NO Loading 1 hip supports 7-0-0 jacks with no webs. Wind Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Additional Notes Refer to General Notes for additional information 0 9. A, 0 Q "ift 0 COA ONAIL 10/31/2018 WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlinp, shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Buildingom.ponent a ty Information, bl TPI an SBCA) or sa Ety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporabacterCSI. Unless noted oi herwise,top chord shall have property attached structural sheathinq and bottom chord shall have a pro Iy aftrac ri id ilinq. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint 6f webs shall have bracinq installed per BCS1 sections B3, B7 or F110, as ap i e. PPTY ates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joinf"Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawin s 160A Z for Xndard plate positions. Alpine, a division of ITW BuildinA-Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing,any failure to build thetriireinnorifnn-rinrirp. with ANSI PI 1 rir fnr hnnrilinn ghinninn ingtMIntinn And hrnninn hf tri ii;,PmA qpal nn thiq r1rawirin nr c.nvpr nanp- ALPINE Co SEQN: 768618 / T1 / HIPS I Ply: 1 FROM: PC Qty: 1 T 12 Job Number 96963 BRINSON RESIDENCE -96963 /BRINSON RESIDENCE /Fill in later Truss Label: T6 7' "4 1.67 7' 14 '1111 7' . 1'2 6X8 1112X4 3X5 C D E H0610 Z 5xio F Cust: RR6704 JRef: lWfM67040002 DrwNo: 302.18.1705.12164 FV 10/29/2018 28-8" 7- 28'8" 1. il : it i2 4'9"8 12 7, 1 2 7'1"1210 11I'll 1 "4 1' 06 ", 1 140 " 1 2 . 28'8" 11 Loading Criteria (ps Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defil/CSI Criteria A Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL 20.00 Wind St& ASCE7-10 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc Udefi U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 140 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.289 D 999 360 Loc R+ I R- Rh /Rw /U RL BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.540 D 630 240 B 2191 /649 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: 11 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.081 1 - - G 2400 /721 EXP: C Kzt: NA Des L& 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft HORZ(TL): 0.151 1 Wind reactions based on MWFRS NCBCLL: 0.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Code / Misc Criteria Creep Factor: 2.0 B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 2.2 Soffit: 2.00 Bldg Code: FBC 2017 RES Max TC CSI: 0.905 G Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 2.4 BCDL: 5.0 psf Bearings B & G are a rigid surface. Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.963 Members not listed have forces less than 375# Spacing: 24.0 C&C Dist & 3.00 ft Rep Fac: No Max Web CSI: 0.555 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Loc. from endwall: NA FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Wind Duration: 1.25 WAVE, HS VIEW Ver: B-C 1398 -4785 E-F 1579 -5502 Lumber C-D 1621 -5631 F-G 1412 -4760 D-E 1621 -5631 Top chord 2x4 SP SS Dense Bot chord 2x4 SP SS Dense Webs 2x4 SP #3 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens- Comp. Purlins B-M 4350 -1253 K-J 5558 -1610 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins M-L 4380 -1255 J-1 4278 -1219 to laterally brace chords as follows: L-K 5558 -1610 I-G 4263 -1225 Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) TC 24 7.00 21.67 BC 62 0.15 28.52 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. C-M 614 -40 E-J 323 -579 Loading C-L 1458 -426 J - F 1438 -423 1 hip supports 7-0-0 jacks with no webs. D - L 336 -578 Wind Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Additional Notes Refer to General Notes for additional information o. A08 I S AT 0 0Jr. 4Z kZ' , rii ......... C 0 A W47/_ONAI- ft*WMl0'10 10/31/2018 WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS require extreme care in fabricating, hapdling shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building a division of ITW Buildina Components Grou ALPINErgfnc.,shall not be responsible for any deviation from,this drawing,any failure to build thernnfnrmnnrPwithAN.911TP1 I nr fnr hnnril ghnninn in t:;Il;itir)nqnrihrArinnhftrii,.,k.-.qAq,-.a nrithi-qvirawinvinrr.ovarnana SEQN: 7685751 T17 / COMN Ply:, 14 Job Yumber 96963 Cust: R R6704 JRef: 1 WfM67040002 FROM: PC Qty BRI NISON RESIDENCE -96963 IBRINSON RESIDENCE /Fill in later DrwNo: 302.18.1705. 2163 Truss Label: T7 / FV 10/29/2018 I I ED zo W71 Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria TCLLi 20.00 WindStdi ASCE7-10 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 140 mph BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: 11 EXP: C Kzt: NA Des Ld- 37-00 Mean Height: 15.00 It NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 2.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h to 2h Spacing: 24.0 C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.25 Lumber Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #3 Purlins In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 75 0.15 15.19 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Additional Notes Refer to General Notes for additional information Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed T8" 7'8" 1114X6 B 164" T8" 7'8" Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg:NA CtiNA CAT:Ni Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Durabon: NA Code I Misc Criteria Bldg Code: FBC 2017 RES TPI Std: 2014 Rep Fac: Yes FT/RT:20(0)/l 0(0) Plate Type(s): WAVE 15'4" 7-13" 7'8" 15'4" Defl/CSI Criteria A Maximum Reactions (Ibs) PIP Deflection in loc L/defi U# Gravity Non -Gravity VERT(LL): 0.022 E 999 360 Loc R, I R- / Rh /Rw /U /RL VERT(CL): 0.040 E 999 240 A 576 1- /301 /59 /97 HORZ(LL): 0.011 E - - C 638 /352 f75 HORZ(TL): 0.020 E Wind reactions based on MWFRS Creep Factor: 2.0 A Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 MaxTCCSI: 0.554 C Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Max BC CSI: 0.626 Bearings A & C are a rigid surface. Max Web CSI: 0. 130 Members not listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (lbs) Chords Tens.Comp- Chords Tens. Comp. VIEW Ver. 1 A-B 391 -925 B-C 375 -925 C 0 A 0 N A 10/31/2018 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (lbs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. A-E 795 -244 E-C 795 -244 WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS require extreme care in fabricating, handlinp, shipping, in$talling.and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (BuildingnentSfetyInformation, b c E ) performing these functions. Installers shall provide tempo11TPIanSBCA) or safety practices pnor t( d ri 38SL Unless noted o herwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathin q and bottom chord shall have a proFX0 ymidceilin,% Locations shown for ermanent lateral restraint 6f webs shall have bracinp ins ailed per BCSI sections B3 B7 or 10iical5e. App y ates to each face op, russ and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwis6. Refer to' is 160A-Z fbr &dard plate positions. a division of ITW Buildi7,$Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawinra,ang failure to build themnfnrmnnnPwithAN.q1I P1 1 nrfewhnnrilinn qhinninn in,tqlqtinnnnrihrA(-.innnftriiRRiz-qA-qp;llnnthi-qr11 wi netre-nvarnacip ALPINE M cow SEQN: 7685761 T16 / COMI Ply:: 14 Job 4umber: 96963 Cust: R R6704 JRef: 1 WfM67040002 FROM: PC Qty BRINSON RESIDENCE -96963 /BRINSON RESIDENCE /Fill in later DrwNo: 302.18.1705.12459 Truss Label: T8 I FV 10/: ZD 1 Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria TCLL 20.00 Wind Std ASCE7-110 TCDL 7.00 Speed: 140 mph BCLL 0-00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL 10.00 Risk Category: 11 EXP: C Kzt: NA Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 2.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h Spacing: 24.0 C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.25 Lumber Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #3 Purlins In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 75 0.15 15.19 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Additional Notes Refer to General Notes for additional information Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed r8" 7'8" 1114X6 C 164" T8" T8" 15 4" 7'8" T8" 15'4" v - Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defi/CSI Criteria A Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defi U# Gravity Non -Gravity Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.022 F 999 360 Loc R+ R- Rh /Rw /U / RL Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.040 F 999 240 B 638 /352 /191 /106 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.011 F - - D 638 /352 /191 HORZ(TL): 0.020 F Wind reactions based on MWFRS Code / Misc Criteria Creep Factor: 2.0 B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Bldg Code: FBC 2017 RES MaxTCCSI: 0.554 D Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.621 Bearings B & D are a rigid surface. Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0. 129 Members not listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) FT/RT:20(0)/l 0(0) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Plate Type(s): WAVE VIEW Ver- B-C 367 -925 C-D 368 -925 a a 4 IE 0 08 1X81 8 A * P COA TP12YON Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. 8 - F 795 -219 F-D 795 -219 10/31/2018 WARNING** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS i require extreme care in fabricating, handlinp, shipping, installing.and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (BuildingcE a division of ITW BuildiaComponents Group Inc., shall not be responsible for any deviation from,this drawing,any failure to build the rnnfr)rm.qnrP. with ANSI PI I nrfnrhnnrHinn ghnninn in-qtnllntinnnnrihrqr.innnftrit.goiz.qAqpa nnthi_qdrAwinnnrr.nvc_hrnanp ALPINE cwp SEQN: 768624 / T1 8 / HIPS Ply:: I Job 4urnber: 96963 Cust: RR6704 JRef: 1WIM67040002 FROM: PC Qty BRINSON RESIDENCE -96963 /BRINSON RESIDENCE /Fill in later DrwNo: 302.18.1705.12194 Truss Label: T9 / FV Loading Criteria (psq TCLIL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 3700 NCBCLL: 0.00 - Soffit: 2.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Spacing: 24.0 " Lumber Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #3 1 Wind Criteria WindStd: ASCE7-10 Speed: 140 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: 11 EXP: C Kzt: NA Mean Height: 15.00 It TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: NA GCpi: 0. 18 Wind Duration: 1.25 7' 8-4" T 1-4- 4X6 ffl4X6 C D 7'1"12 7T'12 Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pgi NA Ct NA CAT: N/ Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Code / Misc Criteria Bldg Code: FBC 2017 RES TPI Std: 2014 Rep Fac: No FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): WAVE 15'4" 15'4" 7' 7'1"12 15'4" Cn I Defl/CSI Criteria A Maximum Reactions (Ibs) PP Deflection in loc Udefi U# Gravity Non -Gravity VERT(LL): 0-060 G 999 360 Loc R, R- /Rh /Rw /U RL VERT(CL): 0112 G 999 240 B 1095 /334 HORZ(LL): 0.023 G - - E 1095 /334 HORZ(TL): 0.042 G Wind reacbons based on MWIFIRS Creep Factor: 2.0 B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Max TC CSI: 0.661 E Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Max BC CSI: 0.764 Bearings B & E are a rigid surface. Max Web CSI: 0.208 Members not listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. VIEW Ver: 1 B - C 609 -2044 D-E 609 -2044 Purlins In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) TC 24 7.00 8.33 BC 75 0.15 15.19 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Loading 1 hip supports 7-0-0 jacks with no webs. Wind Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Additional Notes Refer to General Notes for additional information o IL rN 0A C-D 530 -1852 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp- Chords Tens. Comp. B-H 1825 -525 G-E 1825 -525 H-G 1852 -530 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp- C-H 546 -98 G-D 546 -98 10/31/2018 WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlinp, shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (BuildingComponentSefetyInformation, by TPI an SBCA) or sa Ety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporabracingper3S1. Unless noted d1herwise,top chord shall have pro erig attached structural sheathinq and bottom Chord shall have a progVy attached rAid ceiliny,_ Locations shown for permanent lateral restrapint of webs shall have bracinp installed per BCS1 sections B3 B7 or 10, as applicab e. App y ates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwisii. Refer to drawings 160A-Z fbr &clard plate positions. Alpine, a division of ITW BuildinA-Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing,any failure to build thetnmqinmnfnrrninrP. with ANAI PI 1 nrffirhinrilinn ,zhinninn inOnlintinn nnrl hrnninn hftniqgP.qA --Pal nnthiq drawirin nrenvarnanp ALPINE Job Number 96963 Ply: 1 SEQN: 768574 / T10 / JACK Cust: RR6704 JRef: 1 .=67040002 BRINSON RESIDENCE -96963 /BRINSON RESIDENCE /Fill in later Qty: 10 FROM: PC DrwNo: 302.18.1705 1991 Truss Label: CJ1 SSB / DF 10/29/2018 T_ 41 L Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria TCLU 20.00 Wind Stdi ASCE7-10 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 140 mph BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: 11 EXP: C Kzt: NA Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 2.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFIRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 Spacing: 24.0 C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: Any GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.25 Lumber Top chord 2x4 SIP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Purlins In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 9 015 0.91 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. 12 5 F—— C 2X4 (A 1 T) 10115 10"15 I Snow Criteria (Pg,Pt in PSF) Defi1CSI Criteria Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PIP Deflection in loc Lldefl U# Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): NA Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): NA Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): -0.000 ID HORZ(TL): 0.000 D Code / Misc Criteria Creep Factor: 2.0 Bldg Code: FBC 2017 RES MaxTCCSI: 0.175 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.022 Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000 FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): WAVE VIEW Ver: Additional Notes Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed. Provide (2) 16d common(0.162"0.5") toe -nails at top chord. Provide (2) 16d common(0.162"05') toe -nails at bottom chord. Lj 6 % % o 08 1 COA -ONAL T D A Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- /Rh /Rw /U /RL B 150 /- /115 /62 /29 D 12 /-3 /12 17 C 16 /-20 /23 /25 Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 ID Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - C Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Bearing 8 is a rigid surface. Members not listed have forces less than 375# 10/31/2018 WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handling shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCS1 (BuildingComponentSafetyInformation, by TPI and SBCA) or sa ety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide tempora bracing er BCSI. Unless noted dtherwise,top chord shall have proped attached structural sheathinq and bottom ghord shall have a propeX I y aattacheTrigidceilin,?,. Locations shown forpermanent lateral restraint f webs shall have bracing ins Iled per BC I sections B3, 7 or BI 0 0asapplicab e. App y ,Iates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joinf"Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to' drawings 160A-Z fbr s andard plate positions. Alpine, a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing,any failure to build the tni-,-q in mnfnrmnnr%-. with AN.qIrrPI I nrfnrhqnrilinn qhinninn in-qtAlIntinn:4nrihrnr.innnftrii--qpqAqpalnnthiqdrawinnnrr.nvprn;inp 141116b" . ALPINECc.p_ Job Number. 96963 Ply: 1 SEQN: 768567 / T9 / JACK Cust: RR6704 JRef: 1WIM67040002 BRINSON RESIDENCE -96963 /BRINSON RESIDENCE /Fill in later Qty: 10 FROM: PC DrwNo: 302.18.1705.11990 Truss Label: CJ3 SSB / DF 10/29/2018 12 C 2'10"15 2'1015 Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CS1 Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in toe L/defl Lt# TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 140 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): NA BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): NA BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: 11 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.001 D Des Ld: 37.00 EXP: C Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.002 D Code i Misc CriteriaNCIBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 2.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2017 RES MaxTCCSI: 0.180 Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.091 Spacing: 24.0 C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Factors Used: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000 Loc. from endwall: Any FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) GCpi: 0. 18 Plate Type(s): rVIEW Vr 17 02.02.1208.15WindDuration: 1.25 WAVE Lumber Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Sot chord 2x4 SP #2 Purlins In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 33 0.15 2.91 Apply pudins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Additional Notes Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed. Provide (2) 16d common(O.162"x3.5") toe -nails attop chord. Provide (2) 16d common(O.162"x3.5") toe -nails at bottom chord. N 0. E I* 0.7.08 1 S 0 A%, co 10/34/2018 TC:) D 0 A Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh /Rw /U / RL B 189 1- /129 /51 /63 D 49 1- /26 /- C 69 /31 /41 Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 D Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - C Big Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Searing B is a rigid surface. Members not listed have forces less than 375# WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! IMPORTANT'* FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS 5 require extreme care in fabricating, handling, shipping, in talling.and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of SCSI (Buildingnfunctions. Installers shall provide temporary a r. ' 7 p 10orefrto a division of ITW Buildin;+ComponFnts Group Inc. shall not be,responsible for any deviabon from this dra w,ing,aqy failure to build the r,nnfnrmnnr-n with ANRI PI 1 nr or hnnrilinn qhinninn inqtql Minn ;4nri hrnr.inn of tri iqqp.,A gpal on th , rawinn or rnvpr nano ALPINE Mco~ Job Number: 96963 Ply: 1 SEQN: 768571 1 T8 / JACK Cust: RR6704 JRef: lWfM67040002 BRINSON RESIDENCE -96963 /BRINSON RESIDENCE /Fill in later Qty: 10 FROM: PC DrwNo: 302.18.1705.11976 Truss Label: CJ5 SSB / DF 101: Loading Criteria (psf) TCLL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 10.00 Soffit: 2.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Spacing: 24.0 " Lumber Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Purlins 1 Wind Criteria Wind Std: ASCE7-10 Speed:140 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: 11 EXP: C Kzt: NA Mean Height: 15.00 ft TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 C&C Dist a 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: not in 4.50 ft GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.25 In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purtins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 57 0.15 4.91 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. 4'10"15 41 0"l 5 Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in.PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: Ni Pf. NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Code / Misc Criteria Bldg Code: FBC 2017 RES TPI Std: 2014 Rep Factors Used: Yes FT/RT:20(0)/l 0(0) Plate Type(s): WAVE Additional Notes Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed. Provide (2) 16d common(O. 162"x3.5") toe -nails at top chord. Provide (2) 16d common(0.162"x3.5") toe -nails at bottom chord. Defi1CSI Criteria PIP Deflection in loc Udefl Lt# VERT(LL): NA VERT(CL): NA HORZ(LL): 0.006 D HORZ(TL): 0011 D Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.366 Max BC CSI: 0.234 Max Web CSI: 0.000 VIEW Ver: 0.7.08 1 0A 14 COA -ONA 10/31/2018 Fee C) SO NQT C14 A Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh /Rw /U / RL B 258 /169 /63 /97 D 87 /48 /- C 119 /62 [76 Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 D Big Width = 15 Min Req = - C Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Bearing B is a rigid surface. Members not listed have forces less than 375# WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS require extreme care in fabricating, handling, shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (BuildingientSafetyInformation, b E rforming these functions. Installers shall provide tempora11TPIanSECA) r sa ety practices phor to peeerBCSI. Unless noted o herwise,top chord shall have properl attach d structural sheathin and bottom chord shall have a progel d ce'l'n Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint f webs shall have bracinq insialled per BCSI sections B3 B7 or 10ncabl'e. Pil it plates to each face oftruss and position as shown above and on the JoinfDetails, unless noted otherwis6. Refer to' s 160A-Zpfoprystandard plate positions. ALPINE a division of ITW BuildinA-Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this dr? in an ilure to build the .OD~ in g far.nnfnrrnnnr,-.vAthAN.qI PI I nrfnrhqnrilino qhinninn inztnintinnqnrihrArinnnftrit.p..A5tpalnnth ,r envpr nanp Job Number 96963 Ply: I SEQN: 768568 / TI I / EJAC Cust: R R6704 JRef: 1 67040002 BRINSON RESIDENCE -96963 /BRINSON RESIDENCE /Fill in later Oty: 15 FROM: PC DrwNo: 302.18.1705. 2702 1 Truss Label: E.17 SSB / DF 10/29/2018 Loading Criteria (ps TCLL 20.00 TCDL 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 10.00 Soffit: 2.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Spacing: 24.0 " Lumber Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 11 I, Wind Criteria Wind Std: ASCE7-10 Speed:140 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: 11 EXP: C Kzt: NA Mean Height: 15.00 It TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h C&C Dist a 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: not in 4.50 ft GCpi: 0. 18 Wind Duration: 1.25 Purlins In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 75 0.15 7.00 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CATi Ni Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Code / Misc Criteria Bldg Code: FBC 2017 RES TPI Sid: 2014 Rep Factors Used: Yes FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): WAVE Additional Notes Top Chord overhang(s) may be field trimmed. Provide (2) 16d common (0. 1 62"x3.5") toe -nails at top chord. Provide (2) 16d common(O-162"x3.5") toe -nails at bottom chord. r Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc L/defi U# VERT(LL): NA VERT(CL): NA HORZ(LL): 0.017 D HORZ(TL): 0.032 D Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.675 Max BC CSI: 0.493 Max Web CSI: 0.000 VIEW Ver: 017 H N-0 .0"s 0.7.08 1 S 0 42 COA 10/31/2018 C Cl) A Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ R- Rh Rw / U /RL B 334 213 178 /133 D 126 171 /- C 172 92 /111 Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 D Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - C Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Bearing B is a rigid surface. Members not listed have forces less than 375# WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! IMPORTANT- FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS require extreme care in fabricatino, handling shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (BuildingnentSafetyInformation, b c i s prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporaryITPIanSBCA) or sa ety pracbceerBCSI. Unless noted o herwise,top chord shall have properly aftached structural sheathin and bottom chord shall have a progerly lid ceiliny,. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing ins ailed per BCS] sections B3 B7 or 0, icab e. App y ates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the JoinfDetails, unless noted otherwisii. kefer to is 160A-Z fbr =dard plate positions. ALPINE a division of ITW Buildin .Co r$ Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drgwing,a9y failure to build the r,nnfnrmnnr.P. with ANRI PI I nrfnrhqnrilinn qhinninn in-,t;ilntinnqnlhrgr.innf)ftrii.qp.qAqp;ilnnth rawinn nr r.ovpr nanp SEQN: 768627/ T21 / HIP Ply:: 1 5 Job Slumber: 96963 Cust: RR6704 JRef: 1=:7040002 FROM: PC City BRINSON RESIDENCE -96963 /BRINSON RESIDENCE /Fill in later DrwNo: 302.18.1705. Truss Label; HJ7 / FV 10/2912018 1 3 1 3 1'5" Loading Criteria (pst) Wind Criteria TCLU 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE7-110 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 140 mph BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: If EXP: C Kzt: NA Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 It NCBCLL: 0.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 2.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS, Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 Spacing: 24.0 C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: NA GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.25 Lumber Top chord 2x4 SP #2 Bot chord 2x4 SP #2 Webs 2x4 SP #3 Purlins In lieu of structural panels or rigid ceiling use purlins to laterally brace chords as follows: Chord Spacing(in oc) Start(ft) End(ft) BC 75 0.15 9.61 Apply purlins to any chords above or below fillers at 24" OC unless shown otherwise above. Loading Hipjack supports 6-11-8 setback jacks with no webs. Wind Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. 5'8"5 5'8"5 97'5 97'5 9110,11 4'1"12 FBI N Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria A Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PIP Deflection in loc Udefl U# Gravity Non -Gravity Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.028 E 999 360 Loc R+ R- Rh Rw / U RL Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0052 E 999 240 B 315 /99 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.009 E - - E 387 /53 HORZ(TL): 0.016 E D 196 /116 Code / Misc Criteria Creep Factor: 2.0 Wind reactions based on MWFIRS Bldg Code: FBC 2017 RES Max TC CSI: 0.640 B BrgWidth=11.3 Min Req = 1.5 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.706 E Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Rep Fac: No Max Web CSI: 0.291 ID Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Bearing B is a rigid surface. FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Members not listed have forces less than 375# Plate Type(s): Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) WAVE VIEW Ver: Chords Tens.Comp. B-C 297 -638 Additional Notes Refer to General Notes for additional information Provide (2) 16d common(O.162"x3.5") toe -nails at top chord. Provide (3) 16d common(O.162"x3.5") toe -nails at bottom chord. NNIV -I I Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. B - E 609 - Z71 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. C-E 294 -662 S WATO C0Awoa;gY0NAL'F Wown" 31/2018 WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS require extreme care in fabricating, handling shipping, installing.and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Buildingn0E I a division of fTW Buildinr$Components Group Inc. shall not be,responsible for any deviation from this drawing,any failure to build ther.nnfnn'nnnr,p with ANSI PI 1 nrfnrhqnrflinn qhinninn in-,t2intinnnnrihrqr-inne)ftrii-qpqAqp;ilnnthiqrirawinnnrrnvprnanp Aak, . ALPINE 28V 5/1217 cil Cil CJ3 L CJ3 CJ5 CJ5 L T3, y f2 F T2 L T3, T4 T6 CJ5L CJ3 H- 7 CA F- wQzw C) 5/12 uj 7- Q Z- o 0 1! 2 -6 Zo 2 -1 - L T9 rr Sh M.= C iz CJ5 CJ5 E :: m 1 E E2 CJ3 CJ3 pz . 2) co 0 Cil Cil o CD U) 5/12 L> JOB NO: 13'4" 15'4" 96963 PAGE NO: I OF I RECORD COPY City of Sanford Building and Fire Prevention Permit # # 1 8 - 4 4 7 5 specificatio rm Project Location Address 912 Maple Ave. Sanford, Fl. 32771 As required by Florida Statute 553.842 and Florida Administrative Code 9N-3, please provide the information and product approval number(s) on the building components listed below if they are to be utilized on the construction project for which you are applying for a building permit. We recommend that you contact your local product supplier should you not know the product approval number for any of the applicable listed products. Be aware that windows, skylights, and exterior doors must be tested in accordance with the Florida Building Code, Section 1714.5- More information about Statewide Product Approval can be obtained at www.floridabuilding.org, The following information must be available on the jobsite for inspections: 1. This entire product approval form 2. A copy of the manufacturer's installation details and requirements for each product. Category / Subcategory Manufacturer Product Desc ption Florida Approval # include decimal) 1. Exterior Doors Swinging Masonite International Co!p. V220:ggp Steel Inswing En#y Door FL 22513.6 Sliding PGT Industries Inc. VinA Sliding Glass Door FL 251.9 - R30 Sectional Clopay Building Products One Car Garage Door FL 15279.1 Roll Up Automatic Other 2. Windows Single Hung Jeld-Wen Windows Vinyl Windows FL 14104.1 Horizontal Slider Casement Double Hung Fixed Awning Pass Through Pr9jected Mullions Wind Breaker Dual Action Other June 2014 Category / Subcategory Manufacturer Product Description Florida Approval # including decimal) 3. Panel Walls Siding Soffits canL(a Vinyl Vented & Solid Soffit FL 12198.3 Storefronts Curtain Walls Wall Louver Glass block Membrane Greenhouse E.P.S Composite Panels Other 4. Roofing Products Asphalt Shingles GAE Asphalt Roof Shingles FL 10124-R20 Underlayments CAF SynOwfic UrmWaynwd FL 1062"14 Roofing Fasteners Nonstructural Metal Roofing Wood Shakes and Shingles Roofing tiles Roofing Insulation Waterproofing Built up roofing System Modified Bitumen Single Ply Roof Systems- Roofing slate Cements/ Adhesives Coating Liquid Applied Roofing §ystems Roof Tile adhesive Spray Applied Polyurethane Roofing E.P.S. Roof Panels Roof Vents Other June 2014 Categ ory / Subcategory Manufacturer Product Desq!Vtion Florida Approval # Lnclude decimal) S. Shutters Accordion Bahama Colonial Roll up, Equipment Other 6. SWights S ylights Other 7. Structural Components Wood Connectors Anchors Truss Plates Engineered Lumber Railing Coolers/Freezers Concrete Admixtures Precast Lintels Insulation Forms Plastics Deck / Roof Wall Prefab Sheds Other 8. New Exterior Envelope Products Applicant's Signature Applicants Name Glen Holt Aluminum LLC. — Glen Holt Please Print) June 2014 3 7 NOTICE OF PRODUCT CERTIFICATION C:" Company: Masonite I nternational Corporation Certification No,; N1013747-RI 1955 Powis Road Certification Date 06/0812017 We st Chicago, I L 60185 Expiration Date 06/3012021 Revision Date 0411312018 Product: Wood -'Edge Steel Opaque'! nsMng or OutwingDoor,w/Non4mpact Rated-Siddites w/Wood Frame unless noted) Specification: TAS2011202f203-94 Impact.- Large Missile Impact Rated Non -I mpact Glazing: Insulating Glass (Tempered) The' Noticeof Product Certification' lsonly valid If the NAM! Certification Label has been applied to theproduct as described vAthin thisdocument. Theoertification label representsproduct conformity tothe applicablespecification and that all certification criteria has been satisfied, This product has been approved for listing within NAM I's Certified Product Listinq at "Av.Namicertitimtion.com. NAM I's Certification Proaram is accredited bv TheAmerican National Standards I n4itute (AN9. I Insming Glazed Structural -_ water Missile Test Report Number Configuration or or Maximum De ign Test 1 mpao Dra.mng Number & OutsNing Opaque Sze Pressure Pressure Rated Comments Its Opaque 3 0` X go' 70/-70 0.0 PSI Yes ATLNC 1001,01-13 Single Madnw.'r, Paml S= TV x eg* AnChOrDetal QWG-MA-FL0211-17 X Ols VX 6 70/-70 3o psv Yes ATLNC 1001,0i-i3PJV-1857 4.5 psf - Madr=n Pmd Sze 3101 x ffir 7.50 psf k,, Anchor DetaHs-DWC_MA-FL02ii-17 xx Its Opaque 6(r X 615" 551-55 0 psf Yes CTL,-2INT9:1 Double Maximun Pormi Si= & W x (Fir AndworDejdl DWGwMA-R021IA7 xx O/S Opaque 60* X 68* 551_55 3.0 psV Yes 14cTL-Z1,0-2M1 Double 4,5 psf ' klaxilu" Pond Sim 7 V X 6 8, 7.5()p-4' Anchor Delails-OW&MA-FL0211-17 x0/0X I/S Opaque Door 6'(r x 687 W-55 0 pst Door -Yes NCR,210-293D-1 inglew/SjWjje Gazed Sidelite ScIdite-No Madnun Pland Sm TV x SEr (Sidelita TV x Vr And Daail Dbr,.MA-FLWI-17 X0/0x 04S OpaqueDoor GOr X GEr 55f-55 3.0 psfl Door -Yes NCTL.210-293D-1 Sfnqlewl iidelite Glazed Sicielite 4.5 psf - SdeliWNo Madmurn P nd Sm NO" x 68"Mddita TOP x 68* 7.50 psf' Anchor Detafl DVW MA-FLC211-17 0X0 I/S Opaque Door 9cr X Gir 551-55 OP4 Door -Yes NCTL-21D.2920.1 Singlew/Siddites Gazed Sidelito Sidelites-No M=dnnurn P" 5m TV x Vir Mdollis TVx 6Z Anchor 004W[Mr?AA-FL0211-17 QXO 013 OpaqueDoor 910' X UT 55455 3.0 psfl Door -Yes NCTL 210-2930-1 Sirqew/Siciclites Gazed Sidelite 4.5 psf Sidelites-No MID inn Pad SL V ; X 0 8' 19delfle TO' x 90" T50 psf Anchor D4w1S-DVVC MA-RCQjj-j7 QxxO us Opaque Door IZ47 x 9W 551n% 0 psr Dw-Yes NCTL-210-2930-1 Doublewl"ites Gazedadellte Sidelites-No Mi-iff. w RrW Stze XW x 6 8' 13dollia NW x 61 Ir Anchor DdsiJ 0VVC_MA-FL(1211-j7 OXX0 OIS Opaque Door JZ4! x 68' 551-55 1 3.0 -psr Door -Yes NCTL-Zj0-283D-j DoLdgewlSiftites Gamd 51delite I 4-5 1& Sidelites-No Mmdrinurn Pand Szm, 310P X Grtr 13defita No' r&WIAnchorDetailrDWO-MA-FL0211-17 DeftNesBumpHo.r(?Lrtp 41!gTtwmhdd 2-DC4X1cSZ-S iC3WSvdflQThreMD1d _%Hi-D=0Ut%vin9ThreMD1d 4 ProTlThresh'id 5-HP0.1,V,1njiThr%hdd National Accreditation& M anagement 1 nstitute I nc./4794 George Washi ngton M emor ial Highway/H ayes, VA 23072 Tel: (804) 684-5124/Fa-x: (804) 684-5122 NAM I AUTHORIZED S GNATURE: 92 ok I 1R MASONITE. WOOD -EDGE STEFt DOOR UNFrrVOUBLEDOORWIT7r, H1WrrHOU7'S(0ELffES U-621L-ww F%q1LwrD FM 4! WMIT=11" ToCulLoWl'. K., Urrm-11-M loy Ast 17 K"l Lo" mA mullLM14z V) Mlm muu-WRMLrIm. I T %cmo oN Exctu.. -115 AN'f',-5 QR MI aN PAIM Q I T"T TL I M X: swf .wwre I 'F-105a.y- ly,`tN Lc—n I- TMI MRiNCIN %FliM WEATMEMQ i= 4OLM AN(w *c rm."D t 13E3 E3 0 1-0 0 0000 loo: i*o 0 00 00i) 100JOON S Mak-gu M2- WX olfRu FIM 36.375" Mm. 7.5" rpwr momL M 013 DL Lj lu wll=-c=R-vNff KM!M),111 4r.t &lv KURT VALTtWIQR PICRZA P,r. Isawi qEZ DETAILSHT. AJIkCH1MEN I, ANCHOR ANALYSIS MR LOADING CONDITIONS PREPARED, SIGNED AND SZA111D BY ROBERTO L.OMAS. PE FLORIDA 1162511) WIT-1 THE LOWEST (LErST) FK.-,'rNER RATING FROM THC DIFFZRFNT FAS-IENERS BEING r N0, SIDERED FOR USE. )AMEI. HEAD. AND TH.4F.SHOI-D FAqTENERS ANALYZED FOR 7HIS UNIT INCLUDE 10 WOOD SCREwss OR 1/4." TAPCONS, A PHYSICAL SHIM MUST BE PLACIZO IN SHIM SPACE AT FACH ANCHOR LUI A IUN 1APICON EDGE DISTANCE MIN 2-1/21-. 1WOOD >LRFill EDGE DISTANCE MIN 3/4". a L J—L;7 1. KWIKSET S%-RIFS 400 GRADE 3 CYLINDRICAL WICK ANDISERIES980GRADEIDEADLOCKHARDWARETOeEINSTALLED 5-1/2- CF:NT-ERLINE, JAT 2, 14" X 4" FULL MORTISE BUTT HINGES. 1 1 5. CORPUGATED I I On' 1yoM o- PC% E No 4' FROM IF A2RTYPICALUASONRY ANCHOR INSTALLATION Ll—cllL 2. THF WOOD SCRENY SINGLE SHEAR DESIGN VALUFS COIAF FROM ANSI/AF&-A NIDA IR SOUTHERN PINE LUMBER AND ACHICIVEMENT OF 1-1/2- MINIMUM EMB-OMENT. THE TAPCON MUST ACHIEVE MINIMUM EMBEDMENT 6F- 3. WOOD ',qUC.KS 8), OTHERS MUST BF ANCHORED PROPERLY TO TRANSF`DR LOADS TO STRUCTURE. 4. MINIMUM DEWN VALUE' STRENGTH 0? ANCH,)RS 155 03S. COMBINATION WOOD COMBINADON WOOD MULLION (BOXED) MULLION (aOXED) UN MH NDMer--1 IYPICAL WOOD 13UCK ANCHOR INSTALLA1.10N. INTEGRAL WOOD MULLION (CHS) T 3 r-, rM rr7 R, 6 6 SEt MOLL n Q) tf) 2 ASTRAGAL RETAINFR SOLT HOLE MUST BE DRILiEo THROUGH THE THRESHOLD & INTO TH x 2 5/5 DETA;L E" 4 A ,-I, ATTACH ASTRAGAL RETAINER BOLT MIXTURE DEEP ENOUGH A 1 375- THROW S-IRIKE PLA—, TO AS SHOVIN wink MAJL T' V II 1.37" OW'I 1 - i 1 7 HOT MaT C7 is X I-1/y P s T ESHOQ 1.4 J 37* Dw. . E4 D!L T MIAWDADE MIAINJI-DADE CQW-TY PRODUCT CONTROLSECTION 11805 %3W 2A'zl I D I DEPARTNIFNT OF REGULATORY AND FCONONJ WRESOURCES (HER) I—, In W, BOARD AND CODE AW Miatili, HoTichl 33171-2,174 I INISTRA."VION MWSION T(786)315-2.590 P(736)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) 11-W. inniidide.g ovIeconom T(f 1,11dustries,1ne. 1070 'Technology Drive, North Venice, Fie 34275 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and re,,UlatirOnS govel-ning the Use Of c0l'Stl`Uction rriatet dOc-Umentition submitted has been reviewed and accepted. boy Miami -Dade County RER -Product Crnitrol Sectioll to be used, in Nfiami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Tjaving Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall riot be valid after the expiration. date stated below. The tyliami-Dadc County Product Control Section fix 'Mianii Dade County) and/or the ild-D (in areas other than Miatui Dade County reserve the right to lj._jvQ this product or material tcstcd for quality assurance purposes, If this product or material fails to perfomi in the acceptc(l inanilcr, the manufacturer will incur tile expense of such testing and the AID may immediately revokc, modif, or suspend thr; use of such product or matcTial within Their junisdiction. RER resentes the right to revoke this occcptancc, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to rnect the requiremcnts of 01t; applicable building code' This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Build* Code, includin.g tile Ijigh Velocitv Hurricane Zutle. Ing DF,SCRII>TlOiN.Se'rtes"'.'64,-7 OlI PPROVAL DOCUNLE NT: Drawing No. SGD-5470, titled"Vinyl Sliding Glass Door NQA (M)", sliects I through 21 oF2 1, prepared by manufacturcr, dated 10,'051'15, with Revision A. dated 0105117, signed and sealed by Anthony L. Miller, U., bearing the Miarn i-Dade COU11tv Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by tile Nfi-amii-Dadc County Product Control Scction. MISSILE TiVIPACT RAT[N.G: None: Approved Hurricane Protection devices, complying %v/ "C, as applicable are rcq uired. UBE LLNG-: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with thc manufacturer's name or logo city. stateand series and following statement: "Miarril-Dade County Product Control Approved", noted, here' g tn. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application, has been filed an(,] there has been no charge Ill tile applicable building code negativeLy affecting the performance of this product. T'URN 101N of this NOA wi I[ occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the ulaterials, usc, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse ofthis NOA as an endonsemer -ro uitofany1, d ct, fOr sales, advertising or any other purpOSCS S11311 automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTINEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dadc County. Florida, and followed by tile expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall bedoneinitsentirely, P WSPECTION- A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and slild! be available for inspQctlon at thejob site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA #15-1210.02 and consists of this page 1, and evidence pages E-1 & E-2,,js well as approval documetit mentioned above. The submitted docunicatation was reviewed by Jorge H. Plasencia, PX AM1 ME !U',,W`$`. NOA No. 17-04. Expiration Date: April 21, 2021, g APprovall),te: September 28,2017 Page 1 13 7cm () QM) PQT Industries, Inc- NOTICEOF ACCUPTANCE, VVIDPNCE SUBMITTED A DRAWINGS I , Manufacturer's die drawings andsections, Submilted untler N10.4 X6, 11-0107,09) 2. Drawing No. SGD-5470, titled "Vinyl Sliding Glass Door NQA (M)", sheets I tbrough 21 of 21, prepared by nianUfildUrer, dated 10!05/1 5,,Mth Revision A dated 04/05/17., signed and scaled by Anthony L. Mi tier, P.I-,. B. TEM I - Test report on 1) Air Infiltiation'fcst, per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, per FBC,TAS 1-02-94 3) Water Resistance Test, per FBC, TAS 202-94. 4) Forced Entty 'rest, per FBC, TAS 202-94 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram. of vinyl sliding glass door, prepared by FenestratioriTcsting Lab, Inc., Test Report No. FTL 6637 (.5amples A- I thru A-5), dated 11/19110.. s,ignexj and sealed by Jorge A. Cau-so, P. Subinlited rinder !V0A JYo. 11-0107.09) 2. Additional test report'No. FTL 6638 (sainpics A I thru A"212) per TAS 201/2203-94, issued by FcaestrationTesting Lab, Inc.. dated 1,1!19/10, signed and sealed by Jorge A. Causo, P.'E. Subniftfed ujid-erNOA JVo. 11-0107.04) 3., Additional test report No. FTL 8717, issued by Fenestration Testing Lab. Injo,dated 12107/15, revised on 02115116 and 02,124/16, signed and scaled by Maln-lis Ortega, P. R. Submitted under iVOA Alo. J5-1210.01) 4. Additional, test report No. YTI. 8546 isI sued by Fenestration Testing Lah, Inc., dated 11.106/15, revised on 01/04/16 arid 021/1. 1/16, signed and sealed by Idalinis Ortega, P. E. Su bmilte(l un der iYOA jVo. I 5-12J 0. 01) 5. Additional test report No. FTL 8-547 issued by Fenestration Testing Lab, Inc., dated I) I V04115, d on 0'?/] 5'16, signed and sealed by Idalmis One a, P. F'. revise Subinitted untler MOA No, 15-1210. 01) 6. Additional test report No. FTL 8548 issued by Fenestration Testing Lab, Ine., dated 12/04/15, revised o n 0 1104116 ' and 02/11/16, signed and scaled by ldalmi-,, Ortega, P P. Subinitted under A10.11 NO. 15-1210. q1) 7. Additional test report No. YU 8549issuccl by Fenestration Testing. Lab, Inc., dated' 11104115, revised on ; 2/04/1-5 and 02/1 Ul 6, signed and sealed by Idah-nis Ortega, P. E. Siibrnit1ed,wzderJV0A Mo. 15-1210.01) 8, Additional test report No. FTL 8552 issued by FencstrationTcsting Lab, Inc., dated 12J04115, revised on 02/15/16, signed and sealed by Idatrais Ortega, P. E. Vubmitted untler NO.4 No. 15-1210. 01) C. CALCU1,XYMNS 1. Anchor verification calculations andstructural analysis coniplyino -witil VBC-2014, prepared by PUT, dated 12/09115 and last revised on 02/15/16, signed and sealed by Anthony T.'Millcr, P.E. Subinitted under NOA No. 154210.02) Product Control Unit Superviw NOA No. 17-042OX7 Expiration Date: April 21,2()21 ApprovnlDate: September 28, 2017 RGT Industries. Inc. NOTICE OF A(':(,FPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED C. CALCULATIONS (continued) 2. Olazing complies with ASTMEM300-02, -04 & -09. 0. QUALITY ASSURANCF, P INflami Da.de Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS I . Notice t)f A.cceptance No. 1,55-0528.1.4 isstied to Vision Fxtrusion l,imited for their "White Rigid PVC Exterior Extrusions for Windows and Doors", dated 08/13,11,5, expiri 09/30/19. . 1118 on 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 16-0920.08 issued to Vision Fxft-Lision I.imited. for their "VE 1000 Tan 202 and lighter Shades (Non-Wbite) Rigid PVC Exterior Extrusions for Windowsaad Doors"', dated 12/08/16, expiring on 12.129/2 1. 3 Notice of Accuptance No. 15-0528.15 issued to Vision F>irusion Limited of r their "Brown Coated (Painted or Laminated) Wbite Rigid PVC Lxtcrior Extrusions for Windows ind Doors", dated 08/13/15, expiring on 09f301119- 4. Notice of Acceptance No. 16-0712.02 issued to ENERGI Fenestration SoNtions T.JSA, Inc. for heir"TAN 3040 and Lighter Shades (Non-Wbitc) Rigid PVC Exterior Ex(rusions for Windows and. Doors" dated 09/1 S/1 6, expiring on 02/04/2 1. 5. Notice of Acceptance No. 10-0712.04 issued to ENERG1. Fenestration S011.1tiOnS USA, Inc. for their "Bronz and Lighter Shades of Cap Coated Rigid PVC It"',xterior Extrusions for Windows and Doors" dated 09/15/16, expiriag on 04/16/20. 6, Notice of Acceptance No. 16-0712.03 isstied to ENERGI Fenestration Solutions USA, Inc. for their "White Rigid PVC Exterior Fxtrusions for Windows and Poors" dated 08/10/17, expiring on 02/2 8/18. 7. Test reports No(s). 10-002-792(A) 10-06-MO527, 535753-09, per ASTME-84, ASTMD 19219 and ASTIVTD 635, issued by T-X0VA to Vision Extrusion for cellulosi.c composite material. Stibmitted under NOA. JVo. 11-0107.04) F, STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter o-rconforntancewith Ydition (2014) and FBC-61h I ICidition (2017), issued by manufacturer, dated 08/14/17, signed & scaled by Lynn Miller, P.P. 2. Statement letter of no financial interest, dated 04/18/17, issved by MUBUIaCtUrer, sigiled sealed by Lynn 1\41[ler, P.E. 3. Letter of lab compliance, part of the above test reports. G- OTffER 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 15-1210.02, issued to PGI'Indllstrics, fbr their Series "5470" Vinyl Sliding Glass Door (Reinforced) —N.Y.", approved on 0310316 and expiringon 04/21/9— Jorge IVL Plasencia, PX Pr6duet Coittrol Uii it Supervisor NOA No. 17 0420.07 Expiration Date: April 21, 2021 Approval Date: Septenilmr28,2017 E-2 WT v LAMINAlikDIGCAAZNGAWHORE 1,CRPAINV=DSUBSTPATL,, m D jjoN PRESSUREE . RW"E&. r LIE" 12 I m; HEAD ANCHORAGE DETAILS RMIX (3.-TRACK) AMM JiS DR GU FA two SILL ANCHORAGE DETAILS ( M I AWtCN K-Omw KNOWNG THE PRODUCTS REQUIRZ`IENTS, WAN THROUGH TABLES 14 PRODUCT EVISED FOR A DESiGM PRESSURE THATIVIEETS DR E KCEEDS THE RF.CIUJR',-tAgur OP 40",G AT A NOM. PMEL SIZE OF 41r)( 114. FROM TABLE 1. SKEET T THE END PANEL ANCHOR EXCEPTION- RoA-" QrS,'CN PIREMRS IS -M-CD WHITCH EXCEEDS THE PR04ECT DESIGN PRESSURE RE-CILAREMENTS. = T.; 7 A To -6 a. FOR WOOD INSTAMA' ION USANCHORINGROUPASEETA=ZTAEIE i SPOrm ANCHOR RECUIMENTS OFF: 2) ANCHDR LOCATION DETAAA CAN BE FOUND ON,. do MR' THE'CX CLUSTER ANCHOFIS ATWhC%RT-1= T = (OM-k - Hr ftT 12 FOR S& L (SHOWN) AN D H FAP. A-N"CHC'R~SATE T`4-.a& V i HES sKEET 12 FOR THh-A ICHORS AT THE M DM;NT OF END PANVLS ARE ONLY REQUIRED IF THE W, O.C. DISTANLr TO THE NEXT Clf OR CLUSTER IS OVER TI P —f— P-MOOK JAA18 SUL JQULTT HORS SKEET I '. FOR THE -CS' CLUSTER ANCHORS. AT 26-37, OTHIERVASE AMIRM ARE NOT KOURE-0 AS Alii,5KQWGIF ANdiT6§ AGE THE INTEKOCKIASTRA(W. REN THE FIGURE ABOVE: I . .......... . SILL,PnMtSD .MqnrLSH5V 11 FOR THE WANCHORSAT THEATE2FTAIL, 'jaD. I TA I MirSPAN OF EACH PANEL SVCS 4A%I L S ANCHORS, SHEET 13 FOR GEN LAYOUT. INYL SlIo1w, GLArZ DCOR NDA (NI) IQM-1415 f E-HOOK: 7 ANCHORS, SHEET 13 FOR GENEMORALLWABLEEW0GURATtWZANDEXACTLAYOUT. SHMI . o OR FXAXPLE J Ro CATIONS FIDROSS-SECTIONDRANVINGS, 11 rliFli 3J G, GTlQo NSTALLATIQN 015sw_ FOR SPECIFIC GLAZINI. TYPES. 3)6 -TAILS INTO WOOD CAN =-. D-Q. THlSr"FcT- SHEIFT, 'IT FOR A1.10MU1,11. PAN'54 TYPrS AND CALL PMM 5. BE poUND otj HFAD & S!U: SHERT 4SHEETS4 & 18 FOR 00 RUSION CROSS-SECTON DRAWIN 4HEF-r in mR awAtIATtom or ADgmqwA =Ri N_ VENIC FL 34275 9OF21 AOF, lKST24PORAHILLO' TEMAIS I LACCL M t=: $HFIET 3 ISGO-4470 =pzSHMT (I ETV TWANCHOPT)ePF, C DM4,W AAID FDGk DISTANCE PER_ suaSTRATS,rEE TABLEA.SHEETIA x3TE 3L aum 1-BLICKSTRIP. SEE NOTE 3. SMEFT 1 PLATS. AT L D TAF ::IL ? IMADSTIPOR I DETAIL B11 END, Oc FWAZ WIDTH cQvr Q,R- I WWO,c. DAYLIGHT WIDTH METAL M, 5E15 ANCHOR i NOTE 4. SHWt 1; I.W OF 3 THREADS02YONPTHE MGITAL SUWTRATE M-0 M?TKAV EDGE fhM.W. PMAT W4* M X, -a I A Tt W---T E", BEDMENT L - - - - - - - t- PDX 39*SP4S REINFORCEMENTSCMV.7 Typ ANCHOR--,\ C.)PM STIM LOCATED AT CENTERLM AND V. HORIZONTAL SEC-110N __ $1-10 r A I r FROM Ff=' (FACTORY INSTAkLM). FFaEDIAF NTANV ED45E DISTANCE PER. SUF$STRATJ SES-- E TAILC21 DEVAFL12 Dr -TAIL U TAZLE A. SI-IMT I a F NOTE 3. MOVJF WSMAE34T DAYI-131IT PRODUCT REVISED TYP. ANCHOR TYP EmarmuSINT AND SI)QU: DISSTANCE R SUBSTPATE4 I & NOTR 3 SELOW IL 1W MAX. H0RIZqNTAL SEC-nDNI Q 0 HOWN CC, 7 M—M PER ASTRAGALMff 8U AKCHOR R&CtJ!RZMFW INSTALLED W EITI-I.M I- FIXED PANEL CLIP a INTE.: OR OR ANCHORS, CFZ- M-ERIOR D;REC3!QN, 0; 111., A.SAPPLY TO Z 3 AND 4 TRACK CONFIGURATIONS. 21 RZFER TO AWHOR NOTES. SHI-ET 1. 15 ICE' DETAIL SHEET i ALL PAR NTICAL. 3) *E.B SRML 13 J OR ANCMOR LOCATID lq SPACING— FOR ANCHOR OUANTMES, SM TABLES I d 2. 393-1 WNYL rLIDjN.G CLASS DOOR NOA (MI) A 4)CONT"JCA'-'Akl:tQRPWP..ITFA#4.tE;R-'L'UREDATALL FRAME ANCh'Qft LOCATIOW5. 1 INSTALLATiOAHORIZONTAX CUT, 4 JROSOVVSKJu 5 FANM VrDTH DOES NOr INCLUDE Wrt"-= OR ASTRACAL ADD -ON. 6; SMI TAB= I di 2 FOR REINFCACBU-NT REQUIPFIAENTS ALL NO CHANGE$ T14:5 8HSST. 04105,'17 z RERIFORCIFIAW[U. ARS APPROMMAMY TLW FULL LENGTH OF TMz EXTRUMN REF;!R TO TEST REPORTS FOR EXACT DIME NSIOI, 7Frccmt5c e N, VENM- F L W 7" isis 7) Sa Emu ;p"FOR SCRI.FNI DFTAILS. tg4l)-4913,160) TS ill 3.F21' N-41 NTD-54T0,0Tll!;TA 84 7 P5 Z:A CIA 9A 13. w:M %.InN 1 4W 1MVE2 A TiS!P.Y* 4RS 51Z _J s ECTION B r Or P, ABJ I xA5 b, sEt 06 imcricb.-t Ex O*-S mn 5"e 0C.'a —1) r., cc l C., rAL%1 11UL rL.1c r' 4i, mve-o wm&-c- Ri Or" 0 IAL P OIPAIJII E 1. 5;'r JI:;, . Ml( , k Y!, 'Y' F . . . . . . . . 1 We M WIV Al'Ac-t., 11/C 4""a 1 Ccl S.JCIDIN SEA V DcZq ; zI I F STCI Elio Oci 4, 6 iV;5ID 2b tom 24! 4p":,O "YE14 Iry V!11. Vgtl'i CN. 0, PAV.- C. r,, ctm 13 YO.A,.!r i,;I", tc5/1" PA7i .14 SEL., 0-0;q5w Elf, Ft:1vto LA; L- VE C 11i,'OIwz, 13 cz, 41-, 1-1_ 1*1. -vr?,1,rM '.. ;VCK A I-JI'll 11.!NW, V, ;2; fil X R—S714 1,0,'-C Vv 14 7,. scrZE.S. SLEtVZ I:- Q -015 C11 ;i-*/;- C, 05 ._c 2` T "A Ujlc, S_Zr s s Moe. -tl cll*..:,- 10, :Wor. kl.V,!! X1 W C, IV nCA1;M TL llac`Ie uloill 5 z , or L-2 1 1 aS r 'O"o DR v!-0 T:E o-j2"i D VIE 'Dp) N.-I A-,. 11i4o r15 V EF5 w"M (els, FrIl TTTr, 7,-71 kA3 m AL.L,, ti. u.1) .-IED 41,mj -xNgt - I G, "., 0_-.. 5-C."L C%: L"Ov: C x C% F T'l r C...? CIFIr AC '.5 '.ep d FIJNP 1 T.;,ZA ell Vll' VS At,ca C,',l ROLIr4 rOl 42. 7`1 Cll: rUr4, 4 6111 6 VIZET Zvr.. Or. cz_.- !qw.7 ST, fMj_ Qadll WEE. -..",E :1 CE DE".. ' E CLvo 1,0 7.1 Ts I c n ri (; I I "e 0-acernOer X 5, 2011 (rvi5od 8/ 17/17) Evaluation kcporl: For'Clopay GaMRo-Vtper% W-7 throulb V119 - I have, OWUatod the wrid IoDd door rie,-igwl w shtnvrl on tho dk'awirilt Wtad belovi. i hovo rQvlvv,,od the Wvl; repoetr,, wW.-h were generated by accrelfted Indpix-odent laboraLoric-, ati requircd by the refewynt mcrwa AdminiswVve Ruia, the engineering rational ann;ysi% and the product drawings. The tosr reports are Nm.,J below. Rnfing vvos conducted by Amtelcan Tes, Lab Nurth OirOwta and Hurricario Erigineer1lig and ToWng [tic. ror Vie dftr.q fk;tod iti Lhe Tablos balow, Stadc I)r%sure Tnstu wera. condudc::I: in arcordiore witftT&S 202-1.994, ASTM-L-.330-2002 and ANS11DASMA 108-2005, M19511e 1111part an cyrilc Prosstit'n, Test:j wcr" wiiductd la accordario- with TAS 201-1994 and TASI 203-1594 and A51'M E 10136-MG5 and ASTt4 C1996-2009 and ANSIMASMA, 115-2005. The pressuros, li%tod on Ole draivingi are eJllier direct roskilts ofthun, tcjW or rtzsuitg obl.afoed through crogfoeering rational anolysis busled on actLo tcstti. i liove cincluded that tho sectionai jarage door dr--ufqns)i!Acd below in the TabIcs b-clow are In cornp%utict- V,11th these Iliffil Velocity Hurricane Zonc tast re4t.&CM120.tS OF the Florldo Building Code and tiievpf6re are oual rw-d as as;eml-;Pon (larIge inissIle impact). TABLE I OvawigrIlki trip _15rodug'Lgm!- C MA-N--121 1 3 Zonry. 01702--6 1-27-nax. d6or size 9 b '-46 P5 gry oa( 4 / IK' CS' 101309-i(evI5, irtax. door size 10'2:: x IWO", +42/-48 PSF (desigil 1 oad) JU1296-6tevIl, max. door size 9'0- x J.G'O", .1-4,6/-50 PSI-- 4de0go load) TABLE 2: Dravei%js for doorg with M--j uFarbirlop Produq Codo e" IF143: i*K oor Size X IWO", +41/-4b PSF usign oa 103287-ilavGii, inax. door size 9'0:: x 16'0" -1-54/-62 1151- de5i n load') 103547-11ovOS, trax. door size 9'() x 1(5'0"' 08/-54 PSI' design load) t01300-imvIG, max. door si?e 1G'2,:: x Is' 0", 4-46.6/-52 Psill (design load) 1017015-rWY13, max. door it;ize 9'0 x A)'O", 4-62/-72 I;sl: (dtsign load) TABLE 3: nravit r fer do)rs vil Manufocturiq Product Coda (MPC) DGIE-11`171: 18/40 PSF- (desigii loa(l) 10110-kavi-j. mix. door size 16 . 2:: x 16 -46.131-52 11!,ii (desio 'load) 103028-ftevoa. Wax, door, 17Q 18'2 x IG :,)::: D +4ril-50 VSIT (desion load) 3 E 4: Drowitins for rinar,: with Man(sGicuirli pi'Odurt 7q: 103436-RevOZ, otax. duor-5-1-i F 9W' x 1637". 4-54,1-60 P31- (desiqallfiO8 1.03560-RevO4, max. door %ixe 1r),7." x V.rw (de2iga luad) TABLE 5: DrAvIlitQ5 far dOOM with aiiuractu ipu Product (u J_C-D ItaIF447: - is T _$ 'I181j", 4L5Z/-58 PSF: M (In5gn ad P,st L oF!i Vw,: Cak:.l U21!i-A 2 NVY SEITIViAL QMW-t !jC_-AS VI T[ABLIR 6, Qrh Awjq0iford' or-, v .......... ' _LIO?c45-fAONiiW_' ma'V r" i-M " , "':SG vsP Spr S f.50/ 50 rd sign load) I SG 103288-itevD3, max. door si:,a 1.4'Z" x M'V, /-5"(jPSr dee I(n TABLE 7: 0m!,vifjqa rar doors v LLLLLLLLLL &trtLii;!pp ProcimAt Qod C PAN-W44 1,., SIZ . Iii-I " ' M - 11--id) PSF dnsign r) Max . aoO F S i z x IF>'u ' +46 fif-TIN9 204121-ReV03, max. dom Mzp 9'0' X 16'0": +50-58 PSr (design load) TABLE 8: Prawin93 fal- Stpor3 with ManufIctu P oduct Code (H CIL - VIE-F47 ), AFOIV 54,,-, PSF-(dQS Un loa4T_ 11 x IG*O": ', 0 (1104038-ftPOZ, max. door Vi;,.e jr,12 4(j /-57. PsF I Psic"n, load) TABLE 9.' DrIwfna-g f'or door, with Mil FaLtur nu Product M 50 On*r Sizo PSI Is gn w(l) x I sl door siv104280-novOl, max. p W Z:, X X 4,16-k/-, Z PsIf design load) 104M. RevOl, max. drDr sim! 18:2 x 16 a +4(1/-50 IISV (de!5ign load) TAI) L 6_19 J. tardopq with Mn '-AK4L. If,myveign , (Mf ; 0$1 1c_ - k 104P7-RovD2, max. clam, %IZO -5 Ito—'i-w-W duign (016) 1.04278-11c-,Q. -imax, dvoo sizo 16'2" x IWO", 16,61-52 Vsr- (cresign, load) lur.t Cewla '- (:A2$ I* 5L4vwjthMnniifhckyrin Prrj, (MRC, - 'H -17: 10, 2 ax18 .0 46M6 i'sr (driRurk TABLE 12: Drawinc , ror doors wiffi " practurinu Product Code IMPC ' TO_424_5_-jIpvO;?, mx, door size IR' , x 1 '0", 4-'j2/-5U PSF dc ign -61 d) Test Reportsi ATL 0428.01-09 (6130/09), U12.01-96 (11113,196), 0808,01-06 (10/12/06), 0305.01- 08 (VZ8,108), U924.02-02 (10129/02), OB23.0i-06 (12/iBIOS), 0627.CL-04 10/22/04), I.(;OU.01-07 (jI/.-,iQ7), 0606,01-05 (7/29105), 0107.01-09 (2.12109), W0.01-04 f7!13/1(), 0415.01-08 0331.01-Ou (5/1.3/0U), I.I(MOI-07 IIJ29107), 0128.01-0 (3A.3JOU), OaV,01-" (5/13/013), 06MM)I-011 (7/j6/08)' 12.02.UL-00 (12/17/08), 120.01-08 Or)09.01-09 (7/28109), 0512.01-09 G/?,2,109), 0127.01-09 (214JOSI), FIETI 95-4r)4 & 95-490 (10/2.1 195)t 94-252 & 94-254 7129197), 02-1267 8, 02-1268 (11,121/02), 03-135LI & 03-059 (11/19/03). '111CSO reporh, documents clolrpliinw vVittl Oic TAS tc:Aing standards and are sioned by tInvid ohnswi (RL PC ATL. or William McNiev tFl. RE 749G), A'rt. or Heikor mcidIna (11 RE 13008), HETI or Ikafoei Oroz-Seda (FL RE M)2,211), HETI. prodoct DqsgrjI)tion ror doors with L4,17C_PAN 21-153:, These doors Consist or 2" thick Steel Ron sccdum wilh mirk. 25 go, (G.W91skins. Ille steal skin i5 at Icust GZ DDS per ASTM AG53. The maximurn SeCtion 11,119111; Is" 21', 'IIIGW GloorS May IIOVO opl:1011al lrnpaLt-Rcs;:;Wmt Gla?mV (mckldcd) Ot)tlonll Impact-RcskWit GlazIng, Ig a One-piece injoctOn-molded front franic and'91,izing. The rollow,im"J modGIS, are at lea5t strurturally equivolent to the tested door: 73, 5, 6RST, 42, 428, 54.4, 94, 98, 4031', 4r, 48, 0313, 190, !;, U.5U. Not all models may bu 51iown on a givcn dravving, Imt 2 or 5 CIIL':CVPr_ 1;12L:;,A.Z 17 V,Wxlilj I F Poar I CM CurAy D-JUM-10 Pnt"-C I's CONYMY SIM,111,11flAt t,00,17. W -- W9 Oj!!.:k_tCs n iMrorcioqrs:wittiMP-rPA,4-2EI43: I'llim- doors consist of 2" thick stnel van soctions with min. 24 go. (0-0239') skins. The steel skin Is at least 0 40 ODS per ASTM AG5J. The maximum scLtion height ig 21', Tlieso doors rilay havG optional impact -Resistant Glazing (moldcd). Or"Voll'it Impact- Resista Fit Glazing is a ono-picco injccUon-niolded front fraine and glazing. The follolv.tillo nimall are Fit least structurally equivalent to the testerl door: 134A, 93, 94, 4RST, 411 4lj, 41A3. Not all roodelv ri-iny Ue clim-m on q 91van &avAlq. Product Descrivirion (or doors, vykb M M. OSIE-IF171: Thest., doors Cons st VFZ'* CfOL11716-Ori !FISUIJ d- aeCt o,)D -withan EPS cnrc j@1111flotp d tQ I)Q#1 130k.li inner a nO oitter Skinq are min. .77 go. (0 016') G40 D05 per ATI*M A653, The maArrium $eCtion heljht is 211. Theso doom may have optlonat Glazing, (molded), OrdDriall 1nipact-Rcsl5Lant Glazing 1% a ona-pl ea Injection-mWilrd front rrumcc and glazing. Tlie following. models Ve at least structural)y equiwilvit to the tv,;ted door; 4300, 4 301, 4310, 44w, 1AUG, HOGL, HDGF, Go, 6CG, V, G70, 68, i3rxG, Q00, 5201, $203, SP200, 917200, SE2DO. Not a)l madels may be shown on a giver, drawlnq for doonsyditi, 01, P5"rp:, DIM 7 9: - These doors col"Filst of a base 2' doublo-skin filsiflawd section with an L-PS Cora laminated to buO skins, Daccrat:lvo ovorfays are attachcd to the extortor G-10), adrillig not niom thall 5/8' to the total thft:kncs,.;. Both inner and outzr sklris are niln. 27 go. 0.010') G40 CS Typo B per ASTM AG53. Thr, maximum sectlon. height Is, 24". The foltowing rnocyeI5 areat roast structu'rally eqviv,11ent to, the. tested door: CGnAt, Unn, 1111nn, CXon, SXnn, AGoil. Note that'rin'represenis the arrangUnIORt 01 OP. dP.C9Y8tlVe ovLrfays. Not all modeI5 may be shown on a given Irod - ror doors %,&h M17C C-PAN-JE448; hipse, (loors ronsl5t of 2" thick Steel i-On doors with m1n. 24 go. (.0.02.2') outer sklnu, The steel skiii is at teaot (340, C5-A per A51-M A,rj53. The niaximurn section height N 24% The following models are at lea5t strUcturally equivalwit to the LeStccr door: 524, 520, 224, C,IST COS1-, Not all models rnay be shown on a given drawing. 11roduct 9 nq -rlI)l;fqil for dolltir with MPC: PA 21--44it These doors consist of 2' thick steel pan doors, vAth min. 24 go. (0,022') outer Skins, 1,11C, 51:00 SMIN is it 1011)5t C340 DDS pat'ASTM A653. Tho elaximunn section height is 24', These cloorg may have optional Impact-Reshitani: Glizing (AIUMInurn). Opt*nal Isn[jact-Rcsistant Glaxitig Is in aluminum front framo and a sepilrate Volyced7onato qfaLiny, The Vlowinq models ora at least :Aruchlrally uquivnictit to tho tevtod door: 4S, GS4, (3D4S, GR4S, G4SV, GS4V, GD4SV, GR4SV, E45, EV45, E45V, CD4SV, MR45, 554, AR415, MR45V, SS4V, AR45V, Not all models may Ise shown oil a givall wit.11 MPC These LiOD1*5 c.,onstfit of 2" doublv-skin insulatcd sQcL!cns w1th an -Vs core. lorninatod to budi skills, Both inner and OUterskins are ruin. 27 9,5. (0.016") G40 LIDS per ASTM A653, Tfic mixfolurn SCCUUn height is 24'. These doors May h0ve Optional lit Glazino (Alumitium), Ortigoal Import- IkQs !skrt lit- rlazing, is an aluminklm front frame and a sepamte imlyrarhonike glaxh%g. The (ollovAng models are V 3 OF 5 O v- CliVC-1 I.J. 2 IX VCMI f Ilk C"wy.wir W7 at Joust structurally e%fivalerit to tho tested dwor: G02511, G112SP, GDZLP, GRUR AR2SPI, AR21-1), 15D2SP, H021Y, 431)2, HDGC, 6202, MI-C61, 4305, FIX-R, MFAGO, 6205, brROU, SFC-68, Not Lill models may be shown on a give%) draWing, Produgti oggrilition for docg, wich MPC PAN-M,51: These doom congiA of, 2" Mick sicel pan doors with inim, 25 go., (0.019'1 outer i7,', inf,. The stoof sl4n iq at-, lc=t 040 DDS per ASTM A653. The mincirriim Section height Is 21*. Tho W10villig modo"V elfe fit (east structurally equivalent kc, the tosta door. 76, 76V, Won ror doom wifil MVC DSIU-IFI-71: Thesep oors consIst of 2" douWa-skin Insulated seatoiI5 wlth polyurathane insulotioll foamed (n, place between liot4 51'dns. Cloth inner Ind eater skins tire min, V ga. (0 016') G40 DDS par ASTM A653. Tha inaxtrnurn sccUun 1w; fit is 21', These doors may 111ya opliunal ImpacL-Rosistant Glazing in ciLltur the top section or the next- to-the-tcj) 5erVakl' OlAlonfI6 lmpact-Rexi Aant Glazing 15 d f11j0CUQ11-1nC)dCd rront rrame and glazIng. 'Ilae fallowing moeo?Sore at Iaaw;tructurally ecItsivaient to the tested door: HOP21), HURF-70, 7200, 7201., 7203, MG, 820L, 8203, 9200, 9211, 9203, I'Voi all modivis rnuy ba slivwn on a givan dravoing. Pcqfltjct,J3r,srrfl2 q_n-fqr gLoqrs wLrt Q-1,K479, These, dears con-sist ofa baw 2' doutAo-skin ln!wlowd section MV poly4j(ethane hl'sufatlort foamed in place betwoon both Skins. IDLcorutivo overlays Ind optional rV)ddhig ava attached to thol exterior s jn, adding not morr dian V to the totil thick(foss. Uoth inner and ou.er Skinsr are mirv. 27 qA. Cie. 0 a Typo a per ASPA A653. "llie maxtiliorn secklon hc!ght IS Z4". The follolAng, models arc at feast Aruchirrilly equivalent to the te,;ted door: CAN2iltn-U, GLN2nr.-XX, MWL2nn-XX. Note that'im' r,,pi1LscnW tho -lailngement of the oecor,,v.lvo ovorlays aud 'XX' ropresesitt; the type of cladding. Not all inodels may be shown on a given drarilng. fo. Thesia doa'- ooi5l5t of 2" doub!P-nkin lns jlatqo 5-rldons %vith In CPS Core laminated to both inin. 24 go. (0,019') extarlor and 27 go, (0.016") interior Skins. Tliq Vtc.lcl skins arc, at least G40 CS-13 per ASTM A653, The moximuin socIion helght Is 24", The following modcl5 arc at least structurally equivalent to the msted door: 3200, 3205, VZO, R40, 240G. Notall niodcl may be shown on a given drawing. Product 12escrintlan ror doom with MPC C-D03LLJ-tF447! These doors consIst cfa baw, 2' doublo-skIn insulated section with polyurethane ItIsulatlon roarnorl in ploco betwoon both skinu. (33oth Inner and outer skins alre 1111h. 21 go. (0.016') G40 CS Type B per ASTM A653. The maximuin section ho.1011t Is 24'. The rvilovilrig models are at [CaSt strucLura)[y equivalent t,. the tested doon 3720, CM20, IOU, 37Z2, COX22, 3724, C7X24, Not Oil modds may be 1hovin on a oiven dravihig. Prod i&t Dasc1p Theze doors consist of a base 1-3W (inim) doubio-skin insulated Section vilth polyurethane insulaUoFt foamed fis plocc, bc',ween both skim. Both inner an6 moter skIns are min. 27 go. G40 CIT Type B per ASTM AG53. The maximutin section hzfghl: Ig 2et'. 11-te fojltr jjjq rriodels am at lea!;L Aructurally cquivalcat, to ttic, tested door; Rm 1 F 4 1! S* Fw: COPC-IL121 A2 Ev."walm MI:mrt*,)c"IAyw,%,;Wjm-,u,,mC.4 ti,,.S,,n,.-4 0J1M--4.0C.k-VV,W1--,Y9 3717, C7XV, CMU, VZO, CIXZC, 2401j, 37ZZ, Oxa 3724, C7X24. Not a4 models ir,,Iy I)e- 5hown on v given ctraMfig. rho optional Impact resistant glazing is on InjPcAIon-rn&Mi;d polycar-Lonate front rrannu and glazin.9 (Gr LEXAN SLX24321') that is an approved C1 plastic in occoeclance with tesVing rcqLPfrcd. Ly FBC--B 2612, Approval basttll op raview or Lim roVowing tosbi NPTL-00-A002 ASTM GISS; HETI-06-TS66 ASTM D638 (be(Ore), HL—Q-06-TG34 ASTM V638 (after); r:TC-06-jU?4-L7496.0 ASTM tM343, A5TM D635, ASTM, D1929, Lill act r1sistaig Glazing (Alumlnqgri., The optlotial i(nj>act resistant glazing is an aluminQm, ?fent frame and a separate polycirbonake qliz nq, that Is an aprroved Cl plastic Jr, accordance with testing rcquircd by MC-B 2612.. Approvcd poJycarbonato ilia tcr-laig are Sabit: IP Lexon 9034 versloris W5,a approvcd: MR110, 9030, 90318, 90316, 917317, 90311, 90314, 90355) andl 2ayar, Makrolon GP (version:1, also 6p,proved; SL, AR, 1,i:), Approvol Izsed On roviGiv, of NOA 1,3-0717.01 (Sab ir'IP, exp. 7117/18) 3nJ NUA J.2-0G05,05 (Bayer, CIXD. A/27/17). UInit0oll'i ,_ rile dvawlriu(s, cltcd ai ove am -Dry milrit p-cirt Of I:hi5 evakintion. rcrort. The text of th4s report does riotatzerript to, address all design details and relies on. kilo illustrations and text of these draidrigs or well, larnbs, Mtels, silis or other structural clenicrits rcquircil to prnpife openings are not covered. Tfte dosigo OF LIAO 5111plWU119 StrUCtUral eleirmots sh-0 IM 61a responsIbMt/ cf ilia professional of record for the building or srructurL and in av-ordance with ciirreivt building codes for the loads listed on Oe draviin 9(s) rorcrenced above. InsLallation requfromenbi rr,,r the relcIvant r1orlda Administrative Rule, Including attachn"wnts, are datii1cd on the drawhig(s) listed rti7avo. Installation must be In 8OCOrddnCC With fT1UflL:f0CtUrCr`s ingta)IaUani instructiona aind' must be as shown oil thu drawIng(3) listed above. Tile mealufacturerla ticenscd design prorm;lonal li5tc-d on the draw,ingfs) has reviewed the attachment details and lnsallitlGri requIrerrients. Sign3tUl-C! Scott Hamilton, P, E, I-lorld,s P. C-. No. r 3281 Data: -/1-1/17 rM.s 5 c47 I.' "A j i 12IS-A 2 AAMA Validator / Operations Administrator) CERTIFICATION PROGRAM AUTHORIZATION FOR PRODUCT CERTIFICATION JEED!WEN-'W ndoiave,&"Duors P.D. Box 1329 Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Attn: Jason Kantola This authorization Is based on the successful completion of tests, and the reporting to the AANIA Validator of the results of the tests by an AAMA Accredited Laboratory. The product information below will be added to the next update of the AAMA Certified Products Directory. SPECIFICATION RECORD OF PRODUCT TESTED AAMA/WDMAICSA 1011I.S.21A440-08 R-PG50-1219x1956 (48x77)-H, COMPANY AND CODE CPD NO. SERIES MODEL & PRODUCT MAXIMUM SIZE TESTED DESCRIPTION BUILDERS VINYL TILT SH. FRAME SASH JE D-WEN Windows& Doors 9795 PVC)(O/X)(OG)(INS GL) 1219 mm x 1956 mm 1168 mm x 973 mm Code: JW MODIF)(REINF)(TILT) 4'0" x 6'5") 3'10" x 3'2") ASTM) This Certification will expl're October 4, 2021 (extended firom October 4, 2016 per AAMA 103-15) and requires validation until then by continued listing in the current AAMA Certified Products Directory. Product Tested and Reported by: National Certified Testing Laboratories Report No.: SJW2012-202 Date of Report: October 2% 20112 Evaluated for Gertificafix)w JT une 21, 201*6 4Arci,ctILI ies, Inc. MIDSPAN' 4" MAX. FROM CORNERS 16 1/2- O.C. MAX, 8LOCK Installation Notes: 1. Seal flangelframe to substrate. 2. Use 3116" Tapcon arequivalent fasteners through frame with sufficient length to penetrate a minimum of 1114" Into concrete Or masonry at each location with a 2 1/2* min from edge distance, For concrete min. = 3000psi) or masonry (CMU shall conform to ASTIVI C90). 3. Host structure (wood buck, masonry, steel) to be designed and anchored to properly transfer all loads to the structure. The host. structure is the responsibility of the architect or engineer of record for the project of installation. MIN. DISTANCE FOA EWE! 2 I/V 1 IA'MIN. WfnaWr j — 11V MAX5RI^5PA.- FRAME SECTION (TYP) VERTICAL. SECTION IMAWVTJASPACE. IMASONRY INSTALLATI.O.14 t 1/4' #Art4. EMBEDMENT 111'11AX IAM.WSTANCE I SHIMSPACE FOR ease. a 112" Li BLOCK JAMB SECTION (TYP HORIZONTAL SEMON Max Frame OP RATI 48 x 77 +50/-50 1 NO I General Notes: 1. The product shown herein is designed, tested and manufactured to comply with the wind load criteria of the adopted International Building Code(IBC), the friternati4nal Residential Code(IRC), the Florida Building Gode(FBC) and the Industry requirement for the stated conditions. 2. All glazing shall conform to ASTM E1300. 3. At minimum, glazing shall be single strength annealed insulating glass. This schedule addresses only the fasteners required to anchor the to design to the limitations S F. window ach-leve the rated pressure up size noted,. It is not Intended as a. guide to the installation process and does not address the seal'Mg consideration that may arise, In different wall PmEcr ENONEM: DRA%N BY., conditions. For the complete installation procedure, see the instructions J.H.AWKINS packaged with the window or go to www.jeld-wen.ocm. Z Z CHECKED BY: 0 D.BELAU APPROVED BY: DISCLAIM ER: 1GOOSSEN This, drawing and its contents are confidential and are riot to be reproduced or copied in whole, or in partor used or disclosed to others 7- except as authorized by JELD-WEN Inc. 396 FR'L 1?XXf'vjqr vi 11 Wun m, r?o 110-16-134 2017 3737 Lakeport BWdiJELRVENKIannathFa9s, OR. 97601 NTS I Phone: (541) 882-3451 MWE AND LOCAJIMI; BU dders'VI ny I -Trl t Sin.9 lex H u n g,7 - 4 EXTEF40R FESSM;01 & DMGN, LM catificate of AAhoriwion #95o3 3MG-IFISIFIANSIRE1 UNIT#13TRINITYERDOXFOM, Cr 06478 EVALUATION FU:ICW ( 203)262-9245 GAF - Evaluation Fbport 01506.01.08-M2 I Campus Drive R-10124-MO Parsippany, NU 07054 Date of Issuance: 01/ 0312008 800) 76&,3411 FW-sion22:09/20/2017 SOOPE This BMuation Peport is issued under Rile 61G2G-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Rorida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Fbbert Niem inen, RE for use of the product under the Rorida Building GDde and Rorida Buildi6g Cade, Reddential Volume. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 0 h Edition (2017) Rorida Building (bde sections noted herein. DESMPTION: 'WAsphaltftofShingles LAEEIJNG Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein and FBC 1507.2.7.1 / MM.2.6. 1. ODNTINUED OOMRJAWE -This Evaluation Peport is valid until such time as the- named product(s) changes the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this &-duation Fbport by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Fbbert Meminen, P E if the product changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. Trinity] EM requires a complete review of this Bduation Fbport relative to updated (bde requirements with each Oode 01de. AxwflswBm The RiAuation Report number preceded by the words"Trinityl &D &-JuaFkEmay be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Fbport is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSIMnON: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Wilding Official. This Evaluation F;LWrt consists of, pages 1 through6. Prepared by: Fbbert JM. Nierninen, RE Horida P-4stration No. 59166, Rorida DCAANE-1983 The famirnilo"MwanwMadhortmd by Wben Nffnffm, REOnMMM17, lNsdomrasemwaneL OroNcaaysj d=Mnt. Ca:znRcA-nc oF1NDB,ENoENcF- 1. Trinity] EFD does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. Trinityl ER)isnot owned, operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing productsit evaluates. 3. Fbbert Nieminen, RE does not have nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reportsare being issued. 4. Fbbert Meminen, RE does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. 5. This is a building code evaluation- Neither Trinityl UU nor Fbbert Nierninen, RE are, in any way, the Designer of Fboord for any project on which this Evalu4ion Fbport, or previous versions thereof, istwas used for permitting or design guidance unless, retained specifically for that purpose. Ini r4-4 - O)r 7- RO0RNGSYSFBASEVAWAnON: Product Category: Fbofing ajb-Category: Asphalt 9iingles O)mplianoeStatement: WAsphalt.Fbof Ehingles asproduoed'by CAF, have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the d' Edition (2017), Rorida Building ODde and Rorida Building Gode, Residential Volume through testing in accordance with the following Standards Compliance is subject to the Installation Fequirerrents and Limitations/ Condit ions of Use set forth herein. 2- SmNaaxls Saction Property Standard Year 1507-2.4/ 1507.1-1, Physical Properties ASrM D1970 2015 R9M.2.3 / R90, 1.1 1507.2.5, FR9%-2.4 Physical Properties ASTM D3462 2010 1507.2.7.1, R905.2.6.1 V%find Fesistance ASMA M161 2016 1507271, FE052.6.1 Wind Resistance ASIM D7168 2011 1507.2.7.1, F905.2.6.1 Wnd Resistance TAS107 19% 3. RffEF84Cffi pUty E)camination Reference Date GAF(PDM 1915) Letter of Equivalency S.-.zd-XRdge Impact Resistant IR 01/13/2012 PR CM75878) Physical Properties GAF-025-02-01 03127/2002 PR (Th75878) ASIM D3462 GARM-02-01 09/02-/2004 PRI (Tb75878) ASTM D3462 GAF-080-02-01 05125/2005 PR (TbT5878) Physical Properties GAF-324-02-01 12101/2011 PR (FS7 5878) Wind Driven Fbin GAF-407-02-01 01/21/2013 UL CrbT 1740) ASI-M D3462 93NI13295 11129/1993 UL M 1740) ASI-M D3462 99NK43835 01/1212000 LJL(M71740) TAS 107 94NK9632 03/29/2000 LIL JS7 1740) ASM W462 01NKD6632 02102J2001 UL (Th7 1740) ASIM D3161, TAS1 07 OINPU226 05/21/2001 UL CFST 1740) ASTM D3161 01NIG7122 12118/2ODl UL (Th7 1740) ASrM D3462 01 NK37122 1211912001 UL (Th71740) ASFM D3161, TAS107 09-NK12980 04/1012002 UL M 1740) ASIM D3161, TAS 107 02NK30871 09109t2OO2 UL(Th71740 ) ASIM D3161 03CA5367 03/11/2003 VL (TI7> 1740) ASTM D3462 03NP26444 10117/2003 UL (TSr 1740) ASI-M 03462 04NK13850 06/0712004 UL 0-bT 1740) ASTM 03161 04W13&90 06/23/200.4 LIL (Th7 1740) ASIM D3161 04NK30546 03/10/2005 ULC11,71740) ASTM D3462 04NK22009 05(06/2005 UL Crb71740) ASTM D3161 0-4NK2009 05/09/2005 UL (Th7 1740) AM D3462 05NIQ7924 02/10/2006 UL CM7 1740) ASTM D3161 05NPQ7924 02111/2006 UL O-ST 1740) ASIM 03161, D3462 06CA18077 06M2006 LIL O-ST 1740) ASrM D3161, D3462 OBCA18074 06116/20% UL (ThT 1740) ASTM 03161, D3462 06CA35251 10/18/2006 UL Cr,$71740) ASrM M462 06MI603 12101/2006 LIL Oa 1740) ASIM D3161, D3462 OBCA41095 12127/2006 LIL (T-ST 1740) ASTM D3161 07NIM5228 ON1312007 UL (U 1740) ASIM D3161 06M1611 04/04/2007 ULCM71740) ASTM D3161 OBMIW 04109/2007 LIL CU 1740) ASrM D3161, D3462 07CA31742 11/08/2007 LIL(T7,1740) PSM M161, D7158, D3462 08G W`100 03/13/2008 Bderior Rewarch and Design, LIL Evaluation Report 01506.0l.Oa-FQ2 Omificateof Authori2Wion 49503 e EDITION (2017) FBGNOl4-HVFIZ EJALUAMON FLIG124-FQO Bit -ity Examination Peference Date UL(rb71740) ASIM D3161, D3462 070k55908 04101/2008 lit-J71740) ASIM 031611, D3462 09CA10592 03/26/2009 UL(TSIF 1740) ASIM D3161, D3462 09CA06856 05/15/2009 UIL (T-Sr 1740) ASrM D3161, D71,58, D3462 09NHX647 08/01/2009 UL(T-S71740) Asrm D3161, D7158, D3462 WCA27281 08/27/2009 UL O-ST 1740) ASIFM D3161, D7158, D3462 lOGk35554 03/05/2010 VL (f7 1740) ASIFM D3161,D7158,D3462 10CA13686 05/15/2010 ULCrb71740)' ASrM D3462 10CA07264 05/27/2010 UL (R7>1740) ASTM D3462 10CA11953 1W29/2010 ULUS71740) ASIM D3161, D7158, D3462 IONK11951 10/30/2010 LIL(I7bT1740) ASrM D3161, D7158, D3462 1ONK12070 11/04/2010 LIL (TST 1740) ASI'M D3161, D7158,03462 08CA06100 01/30/2010 UL (17,173 1740) ASW D3161, D7158, D3462 1OW3934 03/31/2011 UL Crb7 1740) ASIM D3161, D7158, D3462 11 CA48924 1012V20111 L11- (T671740) A917M D3161, D7158, D3462 11 CA47919 12/03/2011 UL07SF1740) ASTM D3161, D7158, D3462 11 CAA8408 12/011/2011 UL(TSf 1740) ASIM D3161, EY7158, D3462 11C448725 12109/2011 ul ULC (110796m) ASIFM D3462 12CA34891 1011212012 LILI LLQ (ThTOW8) AS17M D3161, 07158, D3462 12CA58151 02115/2013 UL, U-C ja9m) ASTM 03161 k38083 OV26/2013 UL, LLr- (rsrg6m ASIM D3161 13CA32332 0&18/2013 UIL, 11C (TSF %28) ASM C3161 1=7934 08tO2/2013 ULI U-C crbTSIM8) ASIM W161, D7158, D3462 4786875675 07117/2015 UL, LLC (TSI-9mei) ASTM D3161, D7158, D3462 4787434542 05fl7/2016 UL, LLG (QUA W6) Quality Control Inspection Feport, M1, Mobile, AL 1012512016 UL, ILLC (QUA9625) Quality Cordrol Inspection FL -port, W1, Myerd.own, PA 10t2012016 UL, LILC (QLJA 9M5) Quality Control Inspection Peport, F21, Tuscaloosa, AL 1111112016 UL, LILC (QUA 9M5) Quality Control Inspection Fbport, F21, Michigan Cty, IN 11101/2016 UIL, LLC (QUA 96M Quality Control Inspection Fbport, MI, Rrafter, CA 11/1712016 UIL, ILLC (QUA 9625) QuaJityCDntrol Inspection Peport, F;21, Sarannah, GA 11/11/2016 UL, ILLC (QUA 9625) Quality Cantrol Inspection FL -port, F211, Minneapolis MN 10125/2016 UL, LLG (QUA90M QualftyCantrol Inspection Report, F;21, Mt. Vemon, IN lOt2512016 UL, LIJC (QLJA9625) Quality Control Inspection Report, W1, Baltimore, MI) 10(21/2016 UIL, LLC (QUA 9625) Quality0ontrol inspection Fbport, F21, Tampa, FL, 11/17/2016 Lll LLC ("9625) Quality Control Inspection Peport, F211, Ddlas,TX 11/04/2016 UIL, LUG (QtJA%25) Quality Control Inspection Peport, W1. Ennis, TX 11/03t2016 UL, LOG (CKJA9625) Quality Control Inspection Fbport, M1, Fontana AC 11/01/2016 4. PRODUGMESCRPnON: 4.1 fthalt EhiMles 4.1.1 MarquisgWeather!VlaxO Fbyal Sbvereign@and SentinelOare a fiberglass reinforced 3-tab asphalt roof shingles. 4.1.2 Camelote Camelot@ 11, FbrMgm, GenwoodTm, Grand CanyonR Grand S quoi -4 Grand 8 quoia@ IR Gran[D8'equoiaV ArmorcMIDEMonacoo SennaQ Timberline@) American H.xvestQ Timberline@ ArmorEhielclTmil, Timberline@NaturalEhadowo Timberline HM TmberIine@Q)ol -Sarie-A' Timberline Ultra HDftnd Woodiand8are fiberglass reinforced, lamincted asphalt roof shingles 4.1.3 Sateline0sa fiberglass reinforced 5-tab asphalt roof shin gi e. 4.2 Flip & Rdgt2Lingles 4-2.1 S al-A-RdgeO Rdge,Cap Siingles S a]-A-RdgeO IR Impact -Resistant Rdge Cap chingles Saal-A-Rdge& Armor,c;551EIPR Cap ZEMYeElind TimbertexOPrernium Rdge Cap Shingles areliberglass reinforced, hip and ridge asphalt roof shingles Ecterior Fesearch and Design, UC Evaluation Peport 01506.01-08-FZ22 02rt!ficEiteofALahor1zwjon#q5ou e ED-FION (2017) FBCNMWWB/AUJA-nON FL101244;20 TRINITY ERD 4.3 Accesso[y Starter qrips: 4.3.1 Proclart@E Rake Starter Strip Shingles and Weatherl3lockerTM Premium EavelR*e Starter Strip Shingles are starter strips for asphalt roof shingles. 4.3,2 Quickqart@ Peel & Stick Starter FbIl is a is a mineral-su ff.am., d, fiberglass -reinforced, self -adhering MS; modified bitumen starter strip, nominal 9-inch x33ft roll, for use with asphalt shingles with exposure of 6- inch or less. 4.3.3 algMaMYPStarter Strip Shingles are color-=rdinated starter strips for use with Grand Canyon@and Grand SaquoiaO series asphalt shingles cQlgma are in[Mfle EaDnEmg for GranELI Canyon0and Grand Saquoia@iseriesinstallationa 5. Lwiwjow 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither Tdnityl UD nor Fbbert Nierninen, RE are, in any way, the Designer of Fboord for any project on which this Evaluation Pewrt, or previous versions thereof, istwas used fQr permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 This Braluation Report is not for use in FBC HVHZjurisdictiona 5.3 Fire Oassification is not part of this Raluation FbPort; refer to current -Approved lRoofing Materials Drectory for fire ratings of this product. 5.4 Wind aassification: 5-4.1 The Wasphalt shingles noted in Section 4-1 are aassified in accordance with F-13CTables 1507.2.7.1 and M05.2.6.1 to ASTM D3161, aass Fand/or ASFM D7158, (lass FL indicating the shingles are acceptable for use in all wind 2vnesup toVw 150 mph (Vuft = 194 mph). Refer to Slaotion 6 for installation requirements to meet this wind rating. 5.4.2 The Whip & ridgeshingles noted in Section 4.2 areaassified in accordance with FBC Tables 1507.2.7.1 and FW5.2.6.1 to ASIM D3161, (lass F, indicating the shingles are acceptable for use in all wind zones up toV,w=150mph(VO=194mph). Wer to Section 6 for installation requirem. -ents to meet this wind rating. 5.4.3 Cassification by ASrM D7158 applies only to exposure category B or Q as defined in FBC 1609.4.3, and a mean roof height of 60 feet or les& Calculations by a qualified design professional are required for conditions outside these limitations Contact the shingle manufacturer for data specific to each shingle, 5.5 All products in the roof amembly shall have quality assurance audit in accordance with FAC Rile 61G20-3. 6. Nsmuwnom 61 Underl?yment- 6.1.1 Underlayment shall be acceptable to GAF and shall hold current Ronda Statewide Product Approval, or be Locally Approved per Rile 61G20-3, per FBC1507.2.3,1507.2-4 or fW5.2.3. 6.2 Starter SIllincilps or Starter SI:rip: 6.2.1 Installation of Pro-aart Eav6l F;bke Starter Strip Shingles, Weatherl3locker Premium Eavel Rake Starter Strip Shingles and QuickStart PL-el & Stick Starter Poll shall comply with the GAFcurrent published instructions, 6.3 fthalt aingle, 6.3.1 Installation of asphalt shingles shall comply with the G.AFairrent published instructionss-, using minimum four 4) nailsper shingle in accordancewith FBC1507 * 2.7 or R91Z.2.6, with the following exception& ED Camelot, Camelot 11, Grand Canyon, Grand Sequoia, Grand Sequoia IR Grand Sequoia ArmorShield, and Woodland require minimum five (5) nails per shingle. Slateline requires minimum six (6) nails per shingle. 6.3.2 Raqenersshall be in -cmrEhoewil-aanufacLierEpubliEU13a em MMD09[U1RFBC 50quiren. 1 7.26 or M05.2.5. Staples- we not permitted. 6.3.3 Where the roof slope. exceeds 21 units vertical in 12 units horizontal, special methods of fastening are required. Contact the GAFfor details Werior fb search and Design, U-C Evaluation Peport 015506,01.0a-F22 0artillcoleofAuthorizationA95M EDITION (2017) FECINION-MV11ZEVALUATION FL10124RM TRINITY ERD 6.4 Hip & Mdg Shingles: 6.4.1 Installation of S a]-AAdge Rdge Cap Shingles, Saa]-A-Rdge, IR Imp ant d ing andadResstMgeCapShles al-A-Rdge ArmorShield Rdge Cap Shingles; shall comply with the GAF cur ' rent published instructions with a minimum two (2) najls rninimum 3/84nch head diameter, per shingle and nominal 0.254nch diameter beads of Henkel " Wdalt S30 Fbof & RaMg S alanO 11-S' Sealant 292 mm) Sellanto 5 MM) (25 mm) Encluit d6tanqhdiO 0 12" 1 ( rnm) Nail Clavo 6 5/8" - 7 5W Clouar 168 - 194 mm) 6.4.2 12" 305 rnm) Installation of Timbertex Remium Rdge Cap Shingles shaJI comply with GAF current published instructions with a minimum two (2) nails minimum 3/ 84nch head diameter, per shinde and beads of %nneborn NP1 O.in Grade Pblyurethane Szsdant or Henkel PL Fbofing and Rashing Saalant. i:23-, min: rim. -: 25 1 r I V. 1-4 rdwl -j'6t,-rch6tA P 220!rr): I L- M Tnwr; 6.4.3 Pasteners; shall be in accordance with GAF published requirements but not less than FBG 1507.2.6 or F7905.2-5. Elaples are not permitted. Bderior Resewch. and Design, LLC &aluation Fbport 01506.01.0&-F;22 ceillficateoTAuthonzation #9503 EDITION (2017) FBCNON-WHZB/ALUA-nON FL101244*0 F- 7. LABWNGC 7.1 LabeJing shall be in accordance with the requir . ents the edited Quality Assur oe Ag cy notedemAbuanen herein. 7.2 Asphalt shingle wrappers shall indicate compliance with one of the required classifications detailed in FBC Table 1507.2.7.1 / FR905.2.6. 1. 8. EUMNG PEFmrrF?EQuiF;EmRim As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Irisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of this product. 9. MANuFAcrumNGRAN17s bntact the named QA, entity for inforn-lation on which plants produce products covered by Rorida Rile 61 G!0-3 QA requirements 10. QUAUTYASSJR410EEKBIY UL U-C— QUA9625-,(847) 664-3281 ENDOFRIAWAMONFUM- Euterior Research and Design, LIC Evaluation Fbpori 01506.01,08-F;22 Q rl if Imte of Auttulmtlon #9503 EDMON (2017) HCNQFI.HVFV RIALUAMN FL10124-M Product Evaluation Revort Rule fl 024F.A4. I Report No. 26111 1 PMj'C-tN*, 417-CS121 I I Wilil I Par 1 CF4 product Mnufacw'e' Product N"@. Model and/or OliscrIlLtion Kaycan Ltd. Vitro Sdflt - Various I Memorial Drive Rich-ord, VT 05476 Code: Current Edition of the Florli!a 1300nii Code Compliance Method: 6 1GW-3MS(1)(dj - Product Evahoation Rtport by a Licensed ProfftWonal Er.eneer Product Name, Model and/w Destnation: Products covered by this evalualSon Include the felievving. K00607 - Sir& Spans 12* TME 4 SOLID SOFFIT 12* TR.TPLE 4- VENTED SOFFIT 12" TRIPLE 4 CENTER-VENTSOFFIT' 1r TRIPLE 4 CIENTER40-VENr SOFFIT Ir'TRIPLE4 FULLONENTSOFIFIT Ur'DOUMES SOLID 1OFFIT DCU2LESVFNTEDSOFF1T 8'-CgEADEDSO1JD SOFFIT 8" ESAWaVIIWEDSOFFIT KAY0009 -U.-ONted Spans 12"TP.IFLE4SOUDKO.062XSOUD-OFFIT 12'TR)FIE4FULL-06VENTN0,0622VEPgEDSOFfir 12"TRIFLE4FULL-0-VEN'TECONO,.0639VENrEDSOFFir KAY001.1 -Single Spans IVTR.T-LE4 OLEDN0.0623 CLID-OFMT 12*TR',PLf4FU1L-0-VENT, 1,10.0622VENTED SOFFIT 12'TRIFLE 4 FUEL-0-VENTECO, NO. 0639 VENTED SOFFRT KAY17012 - UnfirrItec! Spans 12' TRIPLE 4 FULL.O-VENr ECO, NO. 0619 VENTED SOFFIT KAY0013 - Sngle Spans 12' TR?PEE 4 FULL-O-VENT ECO, NO, 0633 VENTED SOFFIT Product frunallation Instruction.- PTC Product Uesign Group LLC, Drawing No. KAY0007, Rev. C, Dated 11/27/17, bl/ Robert 1. Amoruso. P.E., Kayma LT& Vinyl Soffit - Sold and Vented, Installation Anckormse Dtalfs. PTC: Product DesIgn Group LLC, Gra%idng No. KAY0009, Rev. A. Dated 11/27fl7. by Robert 1, Amoruso, P.E., Kaymn LTd. Vinyl SoVit-Varfervit Solid and Vented with Unlimited Spans, Installation Anchorage Detallb. PTC Product Design Groiulp LLC, Drawlig: No. KAYCOU, Rev. A, Dzteif 11127/17, by Robert). Amoruso, P.E., Kaycan tTd. VInyl S&fftt:- Solid and Vented with Single Spam, Installation Anchorage Details. PT; Product Design Croup, LLC t r0 Eox 520775 Lor?gwc J, Fl- 327E2.07775 APR-9-6 32147,17,88 1 No 2;935 inlq$ Product Evaluation Report We $132.3 F.A.C, j Report No, 2511 1 ProjeM No. 4174612 1 11127117 1 Pegs 2 af4 PTC Product Design Group UC, OravAng No, KAY0011, Rev. A, Daw611/27/17, by Robouti,Am.oruso, P.9., Kzvum ad.viny! Soffit - 12" Trlpta,t Full-O-VonrEco (No. 0639)wlth Anchorage Oettlis. PTC Product Design Grovp ILLC, Oratving No. KAY0013, Rov. A, Dated 11/27/1.7, by Robert 1. Amoroso, P.E., Kaftan LTd. Vinyl Soffit - 12" Triple 4 Fu!I-O.Vcnt Eca (No. 06391 with Single Spans, installation Anchorage Details. industry Standard -Wayl Sidlalitrnstitute's VW SW,.ng InstatlatlonManval, Decernbtr 2025. Test Reports and, Performance Tesiff" Standards Used: WOW Fenestratim Testing Laboratory, f=.TcstlnR Report No. 7267, dated 6/1/11inchidinitassociated I , aboratory stamped dravitgs; farl(sycon'olnyl Sofflt tentnji.to ASIM E33W2. w Archlle=ral Testing Inc, Testflepeu.1, No. AT] 55533.0t-106-3.8. dated 2/3/M for Kayean Vinyl Safr.! and Sld!n matertali testing to: 1) ASTM 036119-01c, for RW6 Poly Nlnyr Chierfdol PVC) SfdlnB U) AS-UAG155-Mae1, Standard Practice f*r Operating X n Arc Light Apparatus for Extem-re Of Nor. Metalk materfab fiNj ASTM 0639-03, St*nbrdlTes Method torTenslile Prepertits of Pzgtics tv) ASTMO2843-99, Standard Test Metnad for bansAy of SMOL- from the Burring of Decomposition of Rastles v) ASTMO1925-96 POW)aD 1, Stan*,d Test Method for Beterm!ning tfirdlJon Temperaywe of PfarstIcs A) ASTM D635-98, SrarrlardTest Method farkate ofUrnhig and/of Extent and TIrne of SurrIng of vastics'In a KAY0009, KAYWEI, KAY0012 Is KAY0013 4 Wilma ArchtteCMrall ProductTestIng, 1410 Eden Road, York, Pernmy*anb 17402 - VI" Saffit Product Testing 1) Test Report No. U69.01-406-1t, SERIES/ MODEL: 0623 Scffd Vinyl Soffit, ") Ch2nuel/ F25C4. Installation, ASTM 030-14 dated 2/13/17 Is) Test Report No. 1169,02-10641, SEK-ES/MODEL: 0623 Solld lArM Soffit, "I Channel/ OJ Channel Installation, ASTM, E330-14, dated 2/13117 5) Test Report No. 1110.DI-106-11,. SERIES /MODEL: 0622 Vented VInyl Soffit,'I' Channel / Fascia Installation, ASTM E330-14, dated 2/1.3/17 Ivj Test Report No. 1170.02-106-11, SEMES / MODEU 0622 Vented V" Sofflt,"J' Channel /'J" Channel Insta9ation, ASYM E330-14, dated 2113/17 v) Test Report No. 1171-03-106-11, SERIES I MODEL. 0639 Vented 0* Soffit, "J4 Channel [Fascia Installation, ASTM E330-14, dated 2/13/17 0) Test RaportND. 117M4-106-11, SERIES / MODEL: 0639 Vented WnylSofflt, 'Y' Channel I "J" Channel InstaiJadort, ASTM E330,IA. dated 2/13117 v5I) Test Report No. 1171.02-106-11-RI, SERIES / MODEL 0639 Vented WnVl Soffit, 'J* Channel / Fascia Installation, ASTM E310-14, dated 1131/17 PT* Product Do-; gn Group. LLC I PG Box 6207, 6 Lon5wood. FL 32752-0775 B'fld6 20-139)-1763 1 FEFE Cerlification ofikuthonzat,on Uo 259Z!i Piroduct Evaluation Report RLI* 61024F.A.C. I Repro flat. 2611 1 P,cj'e-1 No. 417-CSIZ I W27A7 I P_=, Jf 4 ArchItLcv`r3ITescJngLnc. Test Report No. ATISS93101-1015,18, dated 1/3/2006 for KayanVirroscmit and.-idfng, materials testjrg to: I) ASTM 03679- Die, Standard Specification for R414 Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVCJ Sid Ing U) ASTMGISS-a(lael, Standard Practice for Operathsli)(Onon AmLight Apparazus for Exposure of Nor. Metallic Materials 1.19 ASTM 063&03, Eta ndard Test Method for Te ncille Properties of FlaistIcs, IV) ASTM D294 3-S9, Standard Tast Method far Density of Stroke frorn the Burning or Decorn parsItion of Plastics v) ASTM DI 929-516 (2000)eo 1, Standard T. est Method for 0 ale rnuning ranit ion'remperstur a a f Plastfri vl) ASTM 06SS-93, Standard Test Method for Rate of Punning andlor Exi ent and Time of Burning of Plastics 1. a Horizontal Poetion. Engineering M uathtn: Anchorage engineering and rest resu;t Interpretation are documented In the fol'twing: PrC. Product Design Croup LLC, Report No. 2240, Engineering a nalysis fat Kaircan Vinyl and Xurnfinum Soff7t, daied 7/11113, by Robert 1. Antorwo. PZ. PTC Product Design Group LLC, Repon No. 202, Engineturing arua?&Fs for KavcauaVI.,vA artz! Alurninum Soffit, dated 3/20/117 bv Rcr&rtf.Annvruso, P,E. UmItatlarns & Conditions of Usei - Thfs product has= been evaluated for use Inside the high Velocity Hurrhams Zone (14VHZ). Rcler to Product installation fratructlons no", alyinjefDr. a Maxanuma0awable,rind loads alleatedmaxrmum allowaWesizeis), Qustrated ciagrems of the attachnant of the product to substrate structure. Anchor type(s), sirels), sUbstratteis). embedment, edge d!stanco, and spaclingAmtIons, S!tL,w!rtd pressures strait bedeterrinked by a licensed Professions) engineer in accordance %Ath t1m current edition of the Florida ettiltrins Code and/or ASCE 7-10 far ocarnpornmb and ciadding Ilased an MavraWastressecOgn. Site conditions notcernred in tfifs product eva)uavon document are subject to aclelitIonaf enill neerfr,4 ana.-y&- by a Hoursed professional angincer at registered architect as required by the authority having jurisdiction, Adequacy of the entitling structural substrates as a min vAnd force resIsting syslere capable of vifthal2rul!ng and transferring applied product loads to the favndaticn Is the responsibility of the Onenstal professional engineer or registered architect acting as the desigr. professional ofrecord for the project ofinstallation. PT FrM,,ct Dngn Group. ILLC I r 0 Box 520775 1 Lonfiwpc d, FL 32762-0715 A-7& 2!915 Product Evaluation Report RuIa 8102.3 F.A.C, I Repctt He. 2511 j PrajertfID. 417 0412 1 11;27117 1 Page 4 of 4 Certfifnale of Independent a per Pro&jct Approval Rule 61GZO-3.00,J I PTC Prodvct Design Group, UC and Robert J. Amoruio, P.E. does not have, nor vAM acquire, any rinamcial Interest ir, the company marrufacturInjor dfttrIbuting productis) covered by thl-'s Product. Evaluatinn ReporL PTC Prochuct DCS%nGnxrp, LLC andRobertf, Amomrso, P.E. do nothava, nar wO acquire ary fIrnamcfal interest h) anyatherenthy fnvotved rn the apprawl process or tesUnj of the prod,-rct(s) covered bythig Pnoc!"t Evaluated by: Robert I. AMMID, P.E. F L FE Lfcens-- No- 40752 Appendlk A—Cocls Conformance Eva uatlon Irryl Wilt tested to LS x DullinPresiure. Vinyl SoMt pWtks campfy V.th Chapter 26 ci thre, Florida MAUP.ril Code as shevrn below. TestStardard Acceptance Criteria Tensile Sell- T113 Smelce IST.I.do M Class Test P/F NIA vat fatio Density Temp Icc or Test Report Report product 120% 75 343-C CC2 Date AT] SSSB3.01. 1/312006 Inyl Soffit Passed Tested B.L% 46.0 454C to CCI 101i'la I I Pas!ed I Max Mal 497;'C PTC Prod-ict "vesign Grcup, LLC 1 520775 1 Lcngv.*d. I'l-527,522-07's fl—H A6 321 -GSO. 1 7B3 1 FEFE Ccrt ifi cavcr. of Aultrortzation No 2--35 KAYCAN 1TD VINYL SOYFIT - 12" TPJ?lE 4 FUILL-0-VENT ECO (NO. 0639) WITH SffNGIE SPANS INSTALLATION ANCHORAGE DETAILS RINFRAL.NOTES: 1. THISPRODUCTW20 III TESTED ANDOESIMNED TO CWPLY VXTK Tie CURRENT EDITION OF FLORIDA SUILIX.IM COOS. WILDING AND RELKOENTIAL VOLUL-123 O(CLUDING TRE H Z111 VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE 0WH2) AT THE DESIGN PRESSURES SNOYIN ON SHEET i. THIMS PRODUCTS VIERETUTED OA9T'AE4'0. -ST RE14. STRUCTURAL TC -SULTS VAS50 ON ASPA E33044 WEITE OrnED ITY 1,6 AS RSOU;RW BY THIVoullolma CODE. 2. MIDN PASMI RE MP? RATINGS S IOV.TJ ON THIS SHEET ARE WEI) W IVHo CAVE VA)TKS IN 81!*LF SPAI`13 EPXl WDTMS AT tir. 12', W AND W AREV SHMM OlftlIZET 2. 3, THE PRODUCT DETAILS CONTPJMED MERSIN ARE MED UPOII T071143 PREITFORWID AT MOLAMID ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCT TESTNO. t 1,4 10 EDEN ROAD, YORK PA, 1744L 4. ADErlUACY OF THE EXTITM STRUCTURAL MICREM. MASONRY AIM WOOD 1`11AMWO CWPR7S-,qO THE ArTAL-WAV41 SUBS TRArE FOR TH!E SOFFIT emALLezD=-T.ErLll'.4-rDTCU-C.&-ABIEOFVATHSTANIX,40AJtD TRAN-FErAiNOr APPLIED PRODUCT LOAD& TO'nTAT. 3TrUCTURE AND 13 THE RSSPONSIMILITY Of THSARCHITECT ORWGINEER OF RECORD FOR THE PROJECT. 5, OV.RHAff6S rECEIVIN'O SOFF9 SMALL E CHECKED FOR STRUCTURAL ADEQUACY. DA.-AAGE. CRACKS OR DEFECTS THAT IAXY PRECLUDE THE VOFPrrFM - EFECT4F.""ORIANO ITS INTENDED FUNCTIONS. SUCII 0 8 SMALL C= EL WMATED PRIORTO SO,-Frr VISTALLATION. 0. LISTALLAITOU OF SOFFITAND ACCEESOMrS SUCH AS CORNER POSTS. STAKIESTRIPS AID TALkAROUND OPENIN"WeHALLOIS DONE IN Arcoro&-icc%%i.:niTii.-cum--tr;E wqOtgOFTTI---FLCMDAWLDMCOOE eu=,NoAno RE-emimveLum7_9 AND TMVlA:VL-,ACTIJR--- NSTRUC=NS. TECONOrnD43Tfik7CE AATEMO.ITH--D-TAUOF-TMISDRK%AtIO EVAWATIO' .4 OY A LICENS=- WGUEER OR R:GrMR-O AftrHrrcr.lr 8, SOFFIT SHALL OF LACELED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE FLOMXBUILDNG Coos. 0. SOFFrF N 2.1 FREE AIIEA IN ACCORDANCE TMTN THE CUrVEWr EDITION OF THE FLORIDA BUlLrWO CODE ARE SHOYAJ IN THE APPROVED SOFFIT SCHEDULE ON SHEET 1 10 RIALS' t.L'KAYCAN BUILDING PRODUCTO VINYL SOFFIT AND TRIM 13 ktANUFACTUIlSo FROM A FORt.V.LATEO PVC. PCI.'.VER COMPOUND W-a-TINGTHE SPECIFICATIONS OF ASrM D38`0' 0.2. KAYCA14 BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMMIA TrIM IS MANUFACTURED FROM ALUMINVU ALLOY WIN ASTIA E& TEST ED TENSILE STRENGTH OF 21 KSI ANDjJjLD STRENGTH OF 0,53 KSI. I DESIGN PRESSURE (PSF) RATING AT 10" SPAN (NOTE 2) 1 NSTALLATIO PRESSURE FRSN fE A NET ..EAN"-a VINYL SOFFIT SERIES ISHETSEENOTE j =.E (80, INJSO, F1',, 1 'T.' .I I As:a / 4.10 12" TRIzLE 4 FIXL-C-11CUT ECD SaA / I -'!" /- 06.7 MD. 0-33 "-Eur.D M- rf0`E Ii Of-OCU FESV.F.l: RAIMCS SIfO.Ts ARDl Vlt LL e CcoW P 10 towo."a eA---M Cc, V m BAfrZ 'Xwt SrEE,'S. MWEL"I XWFI PrESELRES AS MON A-CE 7- ID EO SE ON vx-t mm m-to srFEps AitE cm, j;TTSD To Ez tw1ripleg by 0.6 PER tUrRDUT =Df OF Tit: ELORCA "-1324, COOS FSIT COWAMMt TD !HE MEW FRESSL- RX.9IG5 AWVE. 00r, 2: SEE DIEM 2 P09 DEEK-1 P,--fSMjrE-S Al It'. 12'. W AND 16- SEE -NESTS 3 VJD 4 rGA SWGLE SPA DISTALLATION3 FOR jTrtl3"=D FRAWW C.A`LEVER M-D-CATRIW4 VIA ^01Wr ScVofl, sf- SHEET 5 FOR colOjEcrrh rl Als. VINYL SOFFIT AND TRIM SCHEDULE VINYL SOFFIT J-CHANNEL I F-CHANNEL FASCIA SERIES 2' TTZIPLIE 4 FULL-O-VENT 11,/2" J-CKAWNEL I/Z- F -CHNNNEL FASCIAEco NO. b639 VIENTIED VVYL AL SOFFIT NO. t gooI NO. " 7B NO. 97GO TABLE OF CONTENT uOYES. PERFD),'VXE P1,3114S. SOFFIT SCIEDULE 2 IITS7mJ.Al00NI NOTES mD DP wiNGS TT-WMI SPANS_ 3 943TALA'A01? DErk%S, cmnxmi. co*ismicnot, 4 INSTALLATI011 OVERP&4C 5 IIISFALLAIIION OErV-S A 7.11ROUGH F I 0 Sam P nrlie 7 Ct")IEL Nil) FAXCA PRnLES / OW X- ft*-J—.i`Z rlc,hd P.F l*. M62 Zil IF VINYL AND ALUMINUM SOFFIT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS DP RATINGS AT VARIOUS SPANS INSTAL OON NOrES: i, EAVEWMTH3 (SPANS! 1.1, THE I-ISTALLA71ON CROSS SSCTION'S SHOWN ON SHEETS 3 AND4 DERCT SINGLE SPANS FOR FAVE CONSTRUCTION OF TRUSSW OOD FRA41NO IN EnHER C&NTILeVER On OVERHANG CONFIGURATIONS. HOVIEVER. THIS DOES NOT LIMIT SOFFIT INSTALLATION TO THESE CONFIGURATIONS ONLY AS LONG AS MIMMUM FASTENER. REOUIREMENTS AND SPAN LIMITS AR MAINTAINED. 12. SEE TABLE ON THiS SHEET FOR SPANS OF 101 $7. 14'AND 16*, 2. INSTALLATION FASTENERS 2.1. FASTENERS SHALL BE THE. TYPE, SIZE. EMBEDMENT AND EDGE DISTANCE SROWN HERFJ14 FOR RESPECTI'VE SUBSTRATE. SEE FASTENER SCHS DULE ABLE ON THIS -SHEET, 2.2— MW-kWM FJA2ED 41E.NT EXCLUDE WALL FINISHES (INCLLrD;NG BUT NOT UMJTED TO STUCCO. FOAK ERICK VENEER AND SLOING1. EDGE DISTANCE$ SHALL BE SUCH TO PRSVENTNS CRACKING OF SUBSTRATE MATEMAI.. 2J. FASTENER LENGTHS SHOVO4 IN THE INSTALLATION DETAILS 00 NOT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT WALL.R.MSMES. WALL FINISH THICKNESS SHALL BE ADDED TO THE 'EQUIRED FASTENER LENGTIIS. SEE FAVENSR SCHEDULE TABLE ONr IHMSHEET. 2X2 NOMINAL BATTEN INSTALLATM TO SUPPORT1140 SUBSTRATE STRUCTURE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE EU011NEF-R. OR. ARCHITECT OF RECOFM 4. ALL FASTENERS SHALL HAVE COMOSSION RESISTANT COATINGS OR BE hIADE OF CORROSION REVSTANT M.TERLALS CONPATIBLE VATH THE SUBSTRATE MATERIALS, S. SEE INSTALLATIO24 MOUNTING DETAILS AND ILUSTRATWE INSTALLATIONS ON SHEETS 3,4AND S. FASTENER SCHEDULE O.C131' IXAM- SAT 2- T-HXL A wAso"Ry D.9)2' Ow"ETE-1 x 3/' V4* Te Irm '"If. 10 " X 7/16* WVT11 Cr y.';Tl STAPLE I' t!71. yfoic 1/8- 1/4' uEr.V'H 19 , 3' FH ViDOD SCREW oR 18 . 3" FH TAPP011 woclo 1-/2" 5/6' ScRul. 311C im opcou c"ElE CONICFETE SIREW on wschRy NOTE : EMEECUEtil' CASED 0:1 120M!!L LENIGTH OF FASTE!IER 5=4 SIIiFIT OR C=E, L4TD 50POVING SURSTRITF IN/11 WALL FINIB4ES VMEF.--, V;ALL rit.-tS JES Ar PFSEESIT, THE FASTEtWq Lamp WILL L'.'CRj jEo 3 F_ -myn CrAkbuou DEP711 WTI) 0 J W!MD F sum"Wr. DESIGN PRESSURE (PSF) AT VARIOUS SINGLE SPAN LENGTHS 12" TRIPLE 4FULL-0-VENTECO/ NO. 0639 VENTED SOFFIT Single Span Length L" INSTALLATION DETAILS A RU F (SHEET 5) Positive Negative 10 ALL 66.7 66.7 12 ALL 55,6 55.6 14 ALL 47.6 47.6 16 ALL 41.7 A TRUSSI(FRAMING CANTILEVER EAVE CONSTRU(JION FAVI W.D7H F SOFFIT—/" A' SEE DETA:L "B" SEE DET;4i — 111 EAVE CROSS-SECTION SINGLE SPAN W/F-CHANNEL IT CHANNEL@ WALI,,.FASCrA.@ FASCIA END px,4 IC —i.- SOFFIT E.AYE WrTH OVEfZ,-MNG) MJCrIETE. SOFFIT—" I N ckfu OR , —cr,ICR.71 WOOD SEE DETAIL SEE DETA:., "C" L—i 0MU OR EAVE CROSS-SECTION ( NOTE 1) SINGLE, SPAN W/J-CHANNE LS J-CFIAN.%qEL@ WALL AND FASCIA END FAVE Vi;DIH ROOF OVERHANG) SEE SHEET 2 FOR INSTALLATION NOT, ES, FASTENER SCHEDULE AND DESIGN PRESSURE PERFORMANCE RATING TABLES. SEE SHEET 5 OR DETAILS A, B, C & D. SEE DET&IL "A" SEE OETAL "C" EAVE CROSS-SECTION SINGLE SPAN W/J-CHANNEL J-CHANNET, @ WAL( FASCIA 0 FASCIA END NOTE 1: hCNIMUM SPRUCE-P;NE-FIR FRA14ING @ 24" O.C. OR CONCRETE/MASONRY. BUILDING, CODE REOUIREMENTS FOR SUBSTRATE MATERIAL MUST BE MET. i-LL kill h AM, 41- PX. F,Mt—W52 TRUSSTRAMINGOV ZAVE WIDTH ROOF OVEPKkNG) EAVE CONSTRUCTION F- SPAN EMIE VPDrH POOF aVEPM-la) T 7- 7- u U§U OR z -bWOODSOF;rT— NOTE i) SEE DETAl SEE DEAL Dlu OR WOOD rqOTE 1) I,,* A7SEEDETA61 SEE DE'Al 8" E, AVE CROSS-SECTION EAVE CROSS-SECTION SINGLE SPAN W/F-CHANNEL SINGLE SPAN Wd-CHANNELS V-CMANNEI,491VALL FASCIAO FASCIA END J-CHAN! M. 0 WALL AND FASCIA END EPAR' T' P.DOF LyvERPAN-G) I Chlu CIR WOOD eti-OTE 1) IL— SCfRT--"' SEE MTAIL "A' SEE DETAl -E-_z SEE DEMIL -r—;, FEE DUNL "13- EAVE CROSS-SECTION EAVE CROSS-SECTION SINGLE SPAN W/J-CHANNEL SINGLE SPAN W/Fq -CHANNEL J-ClIANNEL @ WALI, FASCIA @ FASCIA END F-CHANNFI.@ WALL,J CIIANNEL@ FASCIA END SEE SHEET 2 FOR INSTALLATION NOTES,. FASTENER SCHEDULE AND DEMN Pf PERFORMANCE RATING TABLES. SEE SHEET 5 OR DETAILS A, B, E & F. NOTE 1: WNIMUM SPRUCE —PINE —FIR FRAMM @ 24" O.C. OR CONCRETE/MASONRY. BUILDING CODE REQUIREmENTS FOR SUBSTRATE mATERIAL MUST CE MET. EAVE MIDTH POU,F MIERNANG) cidu CIR WOOD NOTE ft.. J. A- P'r I P- 7w 1 PUS MW4D 0 CC. 117D VARET C! M, I— w 12' 04. 1. mrRm".mmm') 0 12' OZ. WM 07 T cz p am T_rm a tr G — 85 C0IKrET1WA=.9"ej V cD 1 /8' PAAY,. vu M. wom W-c 1) DETAIL A. DETAIL B DETAIL C FASCIA F-CHANNEL 3-CHANNEL V ES Im04' Mcx' 070 swA20" CCM_ AnOklmlW_'4tdNF b7-DIER !71" W 2 VLESOT .3-'PCD ll'_E:_521! r 7 " W'S M.11-0, scm al S:M. Wral (a) ATTACM (`Vmu VACID Z4 — OZ. t 0 12* ot. 0"" 0 OVD.-aw am, 0012* OX. m cwl' LES ..'V.1ropra el, ro i/B.. I -AM. OR `.A 0 a.— J. &-- P.EC12' OX. 1/0- MAX. OnWe= ftk P& Ift 4m co"c"E"" cmu OR DETAIL D -DETAIL E (t:cTE 1) DET)UL F J-CRANNEL J-CHANNEL J-CRANNEL FASCIA. FASCIA NOTE 1: KIMMUM SPRUCE—PNE—FIR FRAMING 0 24' 0,0. OR CONCRETE/lAASCINRY. FULDNG. CGOE RECUREMENTS FOR SUSSMAIE WTCRIAL MUST BE LIFT_ rM DEWL A I 12 TRIPLE 4 FULL—O—VENT SOFFIT ECO VINYL -- NO. 639 Lff jA N' 5 kid J. mm"MoM 1/2" F—CHANNEEL/TRIM VINYL (No. 1178) 1 5 4" FASCl/k 'SMOCTH ALUMINUM (No. 9700) BILL OF MATERIALS criciapnoij MATSM& FFI' E Sr:ttEDULIE 04 S14EU. I MID OROA-Wrs ON S112-T-6 W4 r, fSEE U071E 10 ON StCET 1) 2 F- - SEE: DpAime ar SF Er 6 3 ij-CHANNU - SEC DUOLIC 0.1f SFI:ET 6 4- FASVA. - SEE EIZAMNO 0' 7A SHEET 8 CEE ti AL IA MJTEIDON SHEE7 Og "IA"OER . V-1/2" FOR CONCRUE AND STEEL mso";?y SITTWES. 1.072' EIM ZTEP. K I-J/4- rFZ%l NAII STEEL 7 16 CA. X 7/16- i-MOTH CROWN STAPLE I" Wh LEIICTk STEEL a x 3" FM -V7 ok H TAPP.140YTODSCF' 15ED TO A H VA !48Txl ,"QFOQ 5"FUP-TWE, SCIZRI, 9 3il6" ITW TAPI-ON CNICRETE ScrEV. MIN. 1. DIIE IT STEEL I IE110, 2' X 2' NOWIAL ODOD 13ArEr( - Cl - 0.42 WN. IYCIOD —i 165 li.49q— 0. 0 4 Pl-, 5 4i—i J—CHANNEL/TRIM VINYL (No. 1100) Mll 2 L OHI. i, a NEMO I etc. Certificate of/luthormation #3245S 353 Christian Street, Unit #13 Oxford, CT 06478 203) 262-9245 ENC21NEER EVALUATE TEST CONSULT CERTIFY NOW 1111q "IMM GAF Evaluation Report 01506.04.09-1114 lCampus Drive FL10626-1114 Parsippany, NJ 07054 Date of Issuance: 04/25/2008 800) 766-3411 Revision 14- 06/06/2018 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the Wh Edition (2017) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: GAF Roof Underlayments LABELING; Labeling shall'be in accordance with the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named Client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. of ny changes to the product(s), the Quality Assurance or the production facility location(s). NEMO I etc. requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADvERTISEMENT- The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "NEMOletc. Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by.the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building. Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages .1 through 11. Prepared by - Robert J.M. Nieminen, P-E. Florida Registration No. 59166, Florida DCA ANE1983 The facsimile seal appearing was authorized by Robert Niernmen, P.E. on 06/05/2018. This does not serve as an electronically signed document CERTtFICAPON OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. NEMO ETC, LLC does not have, nor does it intend to acquire, or will it acquire, a financial interest in any Company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. NEMO ETC? LLC is not owned, operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen, P,E. does not have nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4 Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. 5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither NEMOletc. nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 02 1 Q-Q11A NEMO I etc. ROOFING, COMPONENT EVALUATION: Product Category: Roofing Sub -Category: Underlayment Compliance Statement: GAF Roof Underlayments, as produced by GAF, have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations/ Conditions of Use set forth herein. Section Proee Standard Year 1.504,3,1 Wind Uplift FM 4474 2011 1507.1.1, 11905,1.1 Exception Unrolling, Breaking Strength, ASTM D226 2009 Pliability 1507.1,1, R905.1.1 Exception Tear Strength ASTM D4533 2015 1SOl IS07-1.1 Physical Properties ASTM Dil 2016 1507.2.4 1507.1.1, ISOT2,9t2 Physical Properties ASTM D1970 201S 15073.3 Physical properties FRSA/rRI April 2012 (04-12) 2012 1507.11.2 Physical Properties ASTIVI D6164 2011 Z'l w!''11115NORwe Enti Examination Reference Rate ERD (TST 6049) Physical Proper -ties R3360.02,07-2-RI 03/13/2DO7 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties G12110.12.08 12/02/2008 ERD (TST 6049) FRSA/TRI April 2012 (Slippage) G34150.08.11 11/14/2011 ERD (TST 6049) ASTM D6164 340630.01.14 213 01/07/2014 ERD (TST 6049) ASTM D6164 G46160.09.14-3A 09/09/2014 E RD (TST 6049) ASTM D1970 GAF-SC13285.03.17-3 03/01/2017 ERD (TST 6049) ASTM D1970 GAF-SC13285.03.17-4 03/01/2017 PRI (TST $878) Physical properties BRY-003-II 03/19/2002 PRI (TST 5878) ASTM D1970 GAF-026-02-01 03/2612002 PRI (TST 5878) ASTM D1970 GAF-027-02.-Ol 03/26/2002 PRI (TST5878) Physical properties GAF-042-02-01 06/0312005 PRI (TST 5878) Physical properties GAP-224-02-01 07/27/2009 PRI (TST S878) ASTM D1970 GAF-238-02-01 03/03/2010 PRI (TST 5878) ASTM D1970 GAF-275-02-01 11/11/2010 PRI (TST 5878) Physical properties GAF-349-02-01 07/03/2012 PRI (TST 5878) Wind Uplift GAF-434-02-01 09/16/2013 PRI (TST _5878) Wind Uplift GAF-4-34-02-03 09/16/2013 PRI (TST 5878) Wind Uplift GAF-434-02-04 09/1612013 PRI (TST 5878) FBC 1507.1.1 (Exception) GAF-818-02-01 12/05/2017 PRI [TST 5878) FBC 1507.1.1 (Exception) GAF 826 02-01 06/04/2018 PRI (TST 5878) FBC 1507.1.1 (Exception) GAF--847-02-01 06/04/2018 UL (TST 1740) Physical properties 02NK22569 06/04/2002 UL (TST 1740) ASTM D6757 IONK11990 05/18/2011 Miami -Dade (CER 1592) HVHZ compliance 16-1216.02 02/02/2017 Miami -Dade (CER 1592) HVHZ compliance 18-0119.15 02/22/2018 ICC-ES (EVL2396) IRC/IRC compliance ESR-2053 0710112017 CC-E,S (EVL2396) IBC/lRC compliance ESR--2808 07/01/2017 tCC-ES (EVL2396) IBC/IRC compliance 1SR-1322 01/01/2018 ICC-ES (EVL2396) IBC/IRC compliance ESR-3286 02/01/2018 UL, LLC (QUA 962S) Quality Control Inspect, File R1068i (BC) 06/27/2017 UL, LLC (QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspect, File R10689 (CA), 07/07/2017 UL, LLC. (QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspect, File 1110,689 (GA) 02/02/2018 UL, LLC. (QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspect, File R10689 (IN) 01/10/2019 NEMO ETC, III Evaluation Report 01SO6.04.09-11114 Cert67CUte ofAuthorization 1132455 67"EDITION (2017) FEC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION FL10626-RI4 NEMO I etc. Ent Examination Reference bate UL, LLC. (QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspect, File R10689 (NC) 03/14/2018 UL, ILLC (QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspect, File R10689 (OK) 06/2012017 UL., LLC (QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspect, File R10689 (ON, QC) 05/18/2018 UL, LLC (QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspect, File R10689 (SC) 06/1612017 UL, LIC (QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspect., file R10689 (TX) 05124/2016 UL, LLC (QUA 962S) Quality Control Inspect, File R10689 (INDIA) 04/13/2018 UL, LLC (QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspect, File R1.0689 (LA) 04/2312018 4.1 Self -Adhering Undeflayments: 4.1.1 Libertr SBS Self -Adhering Base/Ply Sheet is a smooth -surfaced, fiberglass -reinforced, self -adhering SBS modified bitumen roof underlaymentl- meets ASTM D1970. 4.1.2 Storm.Guard' Film $urfaced Leak Barrier is a film -surfaced, fiherglass-reinforced, self -adhering SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment; meets ASTM D1970. StormGuarWl Film Surfaced Leak Barrier is also used as a secondary water barrier to seal roof decks. 4.1.3 WeatherWatchO Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier is a mineraksurfaced, fiberglass -reinforced, self -adhering Sas modified bitumen roof underlayment; meets ASTM D1970. WeatherWatch' Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier is also used as a secondary water barrier to seal roof decks. 4.2 Mechanically Fastened Underlayments: 4.2.1 VerssaShieldO Fi e-Resistant Roof Deck Protection is a non -asphaltic, fiberglass -based roof underlayment and/or fire barrier; meets physical requirements of ASTM D67S7. 4.2.2 Deck Armot'" Premium Breathable Roof Deck Protection is a non -woven, spun -bonded polypropylene laminated polyethylene scrim sheet roof underlayment, available in 48-inch or 54-inch roll widths; meets FBC 1507.1.1 & R90S.1.1 (Exception), 4.2.3 RoofProm SBS-Modified All -Purpose Underlayment is a fiberglass -reinforced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment; meets AC165. 4.2.4 Shingle-MateO Roof Deck Protection is a fiberglass reinforced, asphaltic roof underlayment; meets FBC IS07.1-1 & R905.1.1 (Exception). 4.25 StormSaW' Anchor Sheet is a polypropylene woven fabric which serves as an anchor sheet in two-ply roof underlayment systerns,* meets FBC 1507.1.1 & R905.1.1 (Exception). 4.2.6 Tiger PaW"' Roof Deck Protection is a non -woven, polypropylene reinforced, polymer coated roof underlayment; meets FBC 1507.1.1 & R.905.1.1 (Exception). 4.3 Aspha"A plied Underlayments: 4.3.1 Ruberoid" Mop Granule is a granule -surfaced, polyester reinforced, asphalt -applied SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment;. meets ASTM D6164. 4.3.2 RuberoidO Mop Granule FR is a granule -surfaced, polyester -reinforced, asphalt -applied SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment; meets ASTM D6164. NFMn FTC, LLC Evaluafton Report 01506.04.09-R14 CertiflMe of Authatization #32455 eEDITION 12017) FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION FLIM6-1414 NEMO etc. N3 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither NEIVIO ETC, LLC nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in. anyway, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or., previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC HVHZ jurisdictions. 5.3 Fire Classification is not part of this Evaluation Report; refer to current Approved Roofing Materials Directo ry or test report from accredited testing agency for fire ratings of this product. 5.4 GAF Roof Underlayments may be used with any prepared roof cover where the product is specifically referenced within F8C approval documents. If not listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction for approval based on this evaluation combined with supporting data for the prep red roof covering, S-5 Allowable Roof Covers: Elm, Asphalt Foam -On Wood Slate or Underlayment Nall -On rile Metal Shakes & Simulated hi ngles rile Shingles Slate Deck -Armor" Premium Breathable Contact Contact Contact Roof Dock Protection Yes No No GAF GAF GAF RoofPro— SEIS-Modified All -Purpose Underlayment Yes No No No Yes Yes Sh ingle-Matell Roof Deck Protection Yes No No No No No Tiger Paw— Roof Deck Protection Yes No No Contact, Contact Contact GAF GAF GAF VersaShieldO Fire -Resistant Roof Deck Protection Yes No No No No No Liberty'* SBS Self -Adhering Base/Ply Sheet Yes No No No No No StormGuard19 Film Surfaced Leak Barrier Yes No No Yes No No WeatherWatch* Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier Yes No No No No No Ruberoid* Mop Granule Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes See 5.5-1 Ruberoid@ Mop Granule FR Yes Yes Yes No Yes, Yes See 5,5_1 5.5,1 "Foam -On Tile" is limited to use of the following Approved tile adhesives/ underlayment combinations. 0 L! N0_0 Adhesive Florida Product Approval Underlayments DowTileBond— FL22525 Ruberoid" Mop Granule; Ruberoid' Mop Granule, FR Refer to Tile Manufacturer's or Adhesive Manufacturer's Florida Product Approval for Overturning Wnent Resistance Performance, NEM0 ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 01506.04.08-1114 Cerriftate of Anthoibation 032455 e EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVH! EVALUATION 1`1.1062f-RJ_4 NEMO I etc. 5.6 Allowable Substrates: 5.6.1 Direct -Bond to Deck: Libertr SBS Self -Adhering Base/Ply Sheet; StormGuardO Film Surfaced Leak Barrier and Weather WatchO Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier self -adhered to new untreated plywood or existing untreated ASTM D41 primed plywood, Ruberoid' Mop Granule and RuberoidO Mop Granule FR in hot asphalt to ASTM D41 primed structural concrete. 5,6.2 Bond to Mechanically Attached Base Layer: Liberty' SIAS Self -Adhering Base/Ply Sheet; StormGuard" Film Surfaced Leak Barrier and WeatherWatch" Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier self -adhered to ASTIVI D226, Type 11 felt Ruberoid' Mop Granule and RuberoidO Mop Granule FR in hot asphalt to GAFGLASI #80 Ultimal Base Sheet or Ruberold' 20 Smooth. 5.6.3 BNo —nd-to Other Substrate Tvpes Vr ASTM D41 primed metal (flashing metal, valley metal, etc.) 5 6A Wind Resistance for Underlayment Systems in Foam -On Tile Applications: FRSA/rRI April 2012 (04-12) does not address wind uplift resistance of all underlaVment systems beneath foam - on or mortar -set tile systems, where the underlayment forms part of the load -path. The following wind uplift limitations apply to underlayment systems that are not addressed in FRSA/TRl April 2012 (04-12) and are used in foam -on or mortar -set tile applications. Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2 (the 2 to 1, margin of safety per FBC 1504-9 has already been applied). Refer to FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12), Appendix A. Table 1A or FBC 1609 for determination of design wind loads- 1 Maximum Design Pressure= -45 psf. Deck-, Min. 19/32 inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Layer: GAFGLASO #80 Ultimal Base Sheet or RuberoidO 20 Smooth mechanically attached with 12 ga., min. 1.25-inch long ring shank nails through 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps spaced 9-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 9-inch o.c. at two (2), equally spaced, staggered center in the field of the sheet. Top Layer; RuberoidO Mop Granule or Ruberoid' Mop Granule FR applied in full mopping of ASTM D312, Type IV hot asphalt at 20 to 25 lbs/square. 2 Maximum Design Pressure = -75 p . Deck: Min. 19/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Layer: GAFGLAS11 #BO Ultima,' Base Sheet or RuberoidO 20 Smooth mechanically attached with 12 ga., min. 1.25-inch long ring shank nails through 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps spaced 8-inch o.c. at the 44 ' rich wide side laps and 8-inch o.c. at three (3), equally spaced, staggered center in the field of the sheet. Top Layer: Ru.beroidO Mop Granule or RuberoidO Mop Granule FR applied in full mopping of ASTM D312, Type IV hot asphalt at 20 to 25 lbs/square. 3 Maximum Design Pressure = -W.5 Deck: Min. 2,500 psi structural concrete to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction Base Layer: GAFGLAS #75 Base Sheet, Tri-My #75 Base Sheet, GAFGLAS #80 Ultima Base Sheet, GAFGLAS Ply 4, Tri-Ply Ply 4 or GAFGLAS Flex Ply 6 applied in full mopping of ASTIVI D312, Type IV hot. asphalt at 20 to 25 lbs/square. Top Layer; Ruberoid" Mop Granule or Ruberoid' Mop Granule FIR applied in full mopping of ASTM D312, Type IV hot asphalt at 20 to 25 lbs/square. NEMO ETC, LLC EValuatlon Report 01,506.04.08-1114 Cer0ficate of Aufftorization M455 0 EDITION 12017) FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION FL1062&R14 NEMO etc. 5.6-4.1 For mechanically attached Base Sheet, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed that required under 1FRSA/TRl April 2012 (04-12), Appendix A, Table I& Alternatively, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed the Zone 1 design pressure determined in accordance with FBC 1609. In this case, Zones 2 and, 3 shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly used methods are ANSI/SPRI WD1, FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1 29 and Roofing Application Standard RAS 117. Assemblies marked with an asterisk* carry the limitations set forth in Section of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29 (January 2016) for Zone 2/3 enhancements. 5.7 Exposure Limitations: 5.7.1 Deck -Armor"' Premium Breathable Roof Deck Protection; RoofProl SBS=Modified All -Purpose Underlayment; Shingle -Mate' Roof Deck Protection; StormSafe' Anchor Sheet and Tiger Paw" Roof Deck Protection shall not be left exposed for longer than 3"ays after installation. 5.7,2 VersaShield' Fire -Resistant Roof Deck Protection, RuberoiO Mop Granule and Ruberoid6' Mop Granule FR shall not be left exposed for longer than 180-days after installation. 5.7.3 Libertr SBS Self -Adhering Base/Ply Sheet; StormGuard" Film Surfaced Leak Barrier and WeatherWatchO Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier shall not be left exposed for longer than 30-days after installation. 5.8 Tile Slippage Limitations (TAS 103 per FRSA/TRI Aeril 2012 (04-12)): When loading roof tiles on the underlayment in direct -deck tile assemblies, the maximum roof slope shall be as follows. These slope limitations can only be exceeded by using battens during loading of the roof tiles. 6.1 6-2 6.3 6.4 6.5 900 Underlayment Tile I Profile Staging Met I hod Maximum Slope Flat Max, 10-tile stack 4:12 Flat ax, 6-tile stack J4 over 2) 5:12RuberQid' Mop Granule Lugged Max. 10-tile stack 5:12 Ruberoid' Mop Granule FR Flat o r Lugged Max. 6-tile stack (4 over 2) 12 Lugged Max, 10-tile stack 4:12 GAF Roof Underlayments shall be installed in accordance with GAIF published installation instructions subject. to the Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below. Re -fasten any loose decking panels, and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris priorto application and prime thesubstrate (if applicable). Install self -adhering underlayments when ambient temperatures are minimum 45T and rising. All metal surfaces shall be primed with Matrix -307 Premium Asphalt Primer or alternate GAIF accepted ASTIVI D41 primer prior to application of self -adhering membranes. I Deck-Armoe" Premium Breathable Roof Deck Protect -ion: I 6.5.1 Shall be installed in compliance with the requirements for ASTM D226, Type I or 11 underlayment in FBC Table 1507.1.1 or R905.1.1 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed, considering the wider sheet -width for double -layer applications. 6.S.2 Minimum fasteners shall be 1-inch diameter plastic -capped -corrosion resistant nails or 1-inch diameter plastic - capped, corrosion resistant staples. Code Reference: The Exception statement in FBC 1507.1.1 and FBC R905.1.1 requires use of metal cap nails where the ultimate design wind speed, V,,rt, equals or exceeds 150 mph. NEMD ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 01506.04.08-1114 Certificute afAuthorRatton 93M53 e EDITION 12017) FBC NON.-HVHZ EVALUATION FL1062&RI4 ONEMOjetc. 6,53 Optional, or if required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction: Install a leak barrier of Liberty'" SBS Self -Adhering Base/Ply Sheet; StormGuard' Film Surfaced Leak Barrier.; UnderRoof'u 2 Polyester -Surfaced Leak Barrier or WeatherWatchO Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier at vulnerable leak areas, including but not limited to eaves, valleys, rakes, skylights and dormers. At eaves and valleys, install the leak barrier prior to installation of the underlayment. Along the rake, install the underlayment, leaving 6 to 8-inch of the deck exposed, and then install the leak barrier over the Linderlayment and exposed decking. At other areas, install the leak barrier over the underlayment, 6.5.4 Non -Tile Roof Installations: Single Laver; Roof Sloge > 4:12: Starting at the eave, fasten the eave edge and 6-inch wide end -laps 6-inch o.c. Fasten in the field of the roll 12- inch o.c. in two, equally spaced, staggered center rows. Continue upslope in a. similar manner, maintaining minimum 3-inch side -laps and minimum 6 inch end -laps. Fasten 6-inch o.c. in the laps and 12-inch o.c. in two, equally spaced, staggered center rows in the field. Ensure all end laps are staggered at least 3-feet apart. Double Laver; 2:12 < Roof Slope < 4:12- If leak barrier (6.3.3) is not used, install a half -width sheet at the eave prior to subsequent courses. Starting at the eave, fasten the eave edge and 6-inch wide end laps 6-inch o.c. Fasten in the field of the roll 12-inch o.c. in two, equally spaced, staggered center rows. Continue upslope in a similar manner, with minimum 25.5-inch side -laps for 48-inch wide rolls (resulting in maximum 22--inch exposure) or minimum 28-5-inch side -laps for 54'-inch wide rolls (resulting in maximum 25.5- inch exposure) and minimum 6-inch end -laps. Fasten 6-inch o.c. along the low edge and end laps and 12-inch o.c. in two, equally spaced, staggered center rows in the field. Ensure all end laps are staggered at least 3-feet apart. 6.6 Tiger Paw"' Roof Deck Protection: 6.6.1 Shall be installed in compliance with the requirements for ASTM D226, Type I or 11 underlayment in FBC Table 1507.1.1 or R905.1.1 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed, considering the wider sheet -width for double -layer applications. 6.6.2 Minimum fasteners shall be 1-inch diameter plastic -capped corrosion resistant nails or 1-inch diameter plastic - capped, corrosion resistant staples. Code Reference: The Exception statement in FBC 1507.1,1 and FBC R905.1.1 requires Ilse of metal cap nails where the ultimate design wind speed, V,,ft, equals or exceeds 150 mph. 6.6.3 Optional, or if required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction: install a leak barrier of Liberty" SBS Self -Adhering Base/Ply Sheet; StormGuardO Film Surfaced Leak Barrier; UnderRoo-l" 2 Polyester -Surfaced Leak Barrier or WeatherWatch" Mineral'Surfaced Leak Barrier at vulnerable leak areas, including but not limited to eaves', valleys, rakes, skylights and dormers. At eaves and valleys, install the leak barrier prior to installation of the underlayment. Along the rake, install the underlayment, leaving 6 to gAnch of the deck exposed, and then install the leak barrier over the underlayment and exposed decking. At other areas, install the leak barrier over the underlayment, 6.6.4 Non -Tile Roof Installations: Single Laver-, Roof Slope > 4:12: Starting at the eave, fasten the eave edge and 6-inch wide end -laps 6-inch o.c. Fasten in the field of the roll 12- inch o.c. in two., equally spaced, staggered center rows. Continue upsiope in a similar manner, maintaining minimum 3-inch side -laps and minimum 64nch end -laps. Fasten 6-inch o.c. in the laps and 12-inch o.c. in two, equally spaced, staggered center rows in the field. Ensure all end laps are staggered at least 3-feet apart. NEMO ETC, I.LC Ev2luation Report 01S06-04.0&RI4 Certificate ofAuthorbalon #32455 6711 EDITION (2017) F13C NON-HVH2 EVALUATION, F1.10.626-1114 NEM01 etc. Double Laver 2:12 < Roof Slooe < 4:12: If leak barrier (6.4.3) is not used, install a half -width sheet at the eav'e prior to subsequent courses. Starting at the eave, fasten the eave edge and &inch wide end -laps 6-inch o.c, Fasten in the field of the roll 12-inch o.c. in two, equally spaced, staggered center rows. Continue upslope in a similar manner, with minimum 25.5-inch side -laps (resulting in maximum 22.5-inch exposure) and minimum 6-inch end -laps. Fasten 6-inch D.c. along the low edge and end laps and 12-inch o.c. in two, equally spaced, staggered center rows in the field. Ensure all end laps are staggered at least 3-feet apart. 6.7 StormSafe'" Anchor Sheet: 6.7.1 StormSafer'' Anchor Sheet is limited to use as a mechanically attached base layer in 2-ply underlayment systems—. 6.7.2 Minimum fasteners shall be 1-inch diameter plastic- or steel -capped corrosion resistant nails; corrosion -resistant nails & 1-5/8-inch tin -caps; or Drill-Tec screws and plates. Code Reference: The Exception statement in FBC 1507.1.1 and FBC R905.1.1 requires use of metal cap nails where the ultimate design wind speed, V,,,,, equals or exceeds 150 mph. 6,73 Non -Tile Roof Installations - Starting at the eave, fasten the eave edge and 6-inch wide end -laps 6-inch o.c. Fasten in the field of the roll 12- inch o.c. in two, equally spaced, staggered center rows. Continue upslope in a similar manner, maintaining minimum 3-inch side -laps and minimum 6-inch end laps. Fasten 6-inch, o.c. in the laps and 12-inch o.c. in two, equally spaced, staggered center rows in the field, Ensure all end laps are staggered at least 3-feet apart. One the same day, install Liberty SBS Self -Adhering Base/Ply; StormGuardO Film Surfaced Leak Barrier or WeatherWatchO Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier over the StormSafeT" Anchor Sheet. 6.8 RoofPW" SBS-Modified All -Purpose Underla —1II _yment and Shingle -Mate" Roof Deck Protection: 6.8.1 Shall be installed in compliance with the requirements for ASTM D226, Type I or 11 underlayment in FBC Table 1507.1.1 or R90S.1.1 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed. No hammer tacks or staples are permitted. Code Reference, The Exception statementin FBC 1507.1.1 and FBC R905.1.1 requires use of metal cap nails where the ultimate design wind speed, V&t, equals or exceeds 150 mph. 6.8.2 Optional, or if required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction: Install a leak barrier of Liberty' SBS Self -Adhering Rase/Ply Sheet; StormGuardO Film Surfaced Leak Barrier or WeatherWatchO Mineral Surf -aced Leak Barrier at vulnerable leak areas, including but not limited to eaves, valleys, rakes, skylights and dormers. At eaves and valleys, install the leak barrier prior to installation of the underlayment. Along the rake, install the underlayment, leaving 6 to 8-inch of the deck exposed, and then install the leak barrier over the underlayment and exposed decking. At other areas, install the leak barrier over the underlayment. 6.9 VersaShield" Fire -Resistant Roof Deck Protection: 6.9.1 Shall be installed in compliance with the codified requirements for ASTM D6757 underlayment in FBC Table 1507.1.1 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed. No hammer tacks or staples are permitted. 6 91 Optional, or if required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction: install a leak barrier of Liberty' SBS Self -Adhering Base/Ply Sheet; StormGuardO Film Surfaced Leak Barrier or WeatherWatchO Mineral Surfaced at vulnerable leak areas, including but not limited to eaves, valleys, rakes, skylights and dormers. At eaves and, valleys, install the leak barrier prior to installation of the underlayment. Along the rake, install the underlayment, leaving 6 to 8-inch of the deck exposed, and then install the leak barrier over the underlayment and exposed decking. At other are -as, install the leak barrier over the underlayment. NEIVIO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 01506.04.08-1114 Certiflcote Of Auffionmion #32455 6- EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL1062&R14 ONEMO etc. 6.10 Liberty' SRS Self -Adhering Base/Ply Sheet: 6.10.1 Shall be installed in compliance with the codified requirements for ASTM D1970 underlayment in FBC Table 1S07.1-1 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed. 6.10.2 The minimum and maximum roof slopes are 36-12. and 6:12, respectively. Back -nailing is required when slope is 1:12 or greater. Back -nailing shall consist of minimum 1-inch square or round cap nails spaced 18" o.c. within 3- inch side laps. 6.10.3 Non -Tile Applicati o_ns. Shall be fully self -adhered to the substrates noted in Section 5.6, For direct -bond to deck applications plywood shall be primed with Matrix' 307 Premium Asphalt Primer or alternate GAF accepted ASTM D41 primer at Yz to Y. gallon per square. Prior to removal of release film, align sheets properly starting at the low -point of the roof (eave) with the selvage edge upslope and for minimum 2-inch overhang at eaves and rakes. Roll out sheet and allow to'relaxfor min. 30 minutes. Remove the lower piece of release film and bond to substrate and fold the overhanging 2-inch over the eave and nail into place 12" o.c. Remove the top piece of release film and bond to substrate. Install primed drip edge and fasten to meet FBC Chapter 16 wind load requirements. Install 1/8-inch troweling of Matn' 20xl Premium SBS Flashing Cement over drip edge. Continue upslope in a similar manner, maintaining minimum 3-inch side -laps and. minimum 6-inch end -laps, Ensure all end laps are staggered at least 18-inch apart. Use a weighted lawn or linoleum roller to ensure complete adhesion to the substrate. Use a hand roller to firmly bond side and end laps. 6,11 rd4l Film Surfaced Leak Barrier: stormGuaE_ 6.11.1 Shall be installed in compliance with the codified requirements for ASTM D1970 underlayment in FBC Table 1SO7.1.1 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed. 6.11.2 Back -nailing is required. Back -nailing shall consist of minimum, 1-inch square or round cap nails spaced 19" o.c. within 3-inch side laps. 6.11.3. Non -Tile Applications: Shall be fully self -adhered to the substrates noted in Section 5.6. Prior to removal of release film, align sheets properly starting at the low -point of the roof (eave) with the selvage edge upslope and for minimum 2-inch overhang at eaves and rakes. Remove the lower piece of release film and bond to substrate and fold the overhanging 2-inch over the eave and nail into place 12" o.c. Remove the top piece of release film and bond to substrate. Install primed drip edge and fasten, to meet FBC Chapter 16 wind load requirements. Install 1/8-inch troweling of Matrixm 201 Premium SBS Flashing Cement over drip edge. Continue upslope in a similar manner, maintaining minimum 3-inch side -laps and minimum 6-inch end -laps. Ensure all end laps are staggered at least 18-inch apart. Use a hand roller to firmly bond side and end laps. NEW ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 015K.04.08-1114 GWfflWfe QfMthorkaftn 932,455 6- EDITION J2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL10626-RI4 1 NEMOletc. 6.12 WeatherWatchO Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier: 1 6.12.1 Shall be installed in compliance with the codified requirements for ASTM D1970 underlayment in FBC Table 1SO7.1,1 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed. 6.12.2 WeatherWatchO Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier may be installed as a secondary water barrier using minimum 4- inch wide rolls to seal plywood deck joints prior to installation of the primary underlayment system. 6.12.3 Back -nailing is required. Back -nailing shall consist of minimum 1-inch square or round cap nails spaced 18" o.c. within 4-inch side laps. 6.12.4 Non -Tile Applications: Shall be fully self -adhered to the substrates noted in Section 5.6. Prior to removal of release film, align sheets properly starting at the low -point of the roof (eave) with the selvage edge upslope and for minimum 2-inch overhang at eaves and rakes. Remove the lower piece of release film and bond to substrate and fold the overhanging 2-inch over the eave and nail into place 12" o.c. Remove the t op piece of release film and bond to substrate. Install primed drip edge and fasten to meet FBC Chapter 16 wind load requirements. Install 1/8-inch troweling of Matrix— 201 Premium SBS Flashing Cement over drip edge. Continue upslope in a similar manner, maintaining minimum 3-inch side -laps and minimum 6-inch end -laps. Ensure all end laps are staggered at least 18-feet apart. Use a hand roller to firmly bond side and end laps. 6.13 Ruberoid' Mop Granule; RuberoidO Mop Granule FR: 6,13.1 RuberoidO Mop Granule or RuberoidO Mop Granule FR shall be installed in compliance with current GAF published installation requirements. 6.13.2 For use in tile applications, RuberoidO Mop Granule or Ruberoid' Mop Granule FR are for use as an alternate to Mineral Surface Roll Roofing" (ASTM D6380, Class M) in the "Single Ply System" from FRSAARI April 2012 (04, 12) beneath mechanically fastened tile roof systems or the Hot Asphalt applied "Cap Sheet" in the 'Irwo Ply System" from FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) beneath mechanically fastened or adhered tile roof systems- 6.13.3 Fully adhere in ASTM D312, Type IV hot -asphalt to the substrates noted in Section 5.6. Side laps shall be minimum 4-inch and end -laps minimum 6-inch wide, and offset end -laps minimum 3-feet from course to course, Side and end -laps shall be fully adhered in a complete mopping of hot asphalt with asphalt extending approximately 3/8-inch beyond the lap edge.. 6.13.4 Consult GAF instructions regarding back -nailing requirements. 6.14 Tile Staf!ing (Ruberold" Mop Granule; RuberoidO Mop Granule FR)- 6.14.1 Tile shall be loaded and staged in a manner that prevents tile slippage and/or damage to the underlayment. Refer to Table 2 herein, and GAF published requirements for tile staging, 6.14.2 Battens and/or Counter -battens, as required by the tile manufactu rer and FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) must be used on all roof slopes greater than 7:12. Precautions should be taken as needed, such as the use of battens or nail -boards, to prevent tile sliding and/or damage to the underlayment during the loading process. NEMQ ETC, LK EwILmtion Report 01506.04.09-1114 Gertilkate OfAuthwaution 032455 e EDITION (2017) FSC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION FL 1062"14 NEMO I etc. 1_d NIN A As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction to properly evaluate the installation of this product. EW_Mlfl 1! 111.11 I'll iN.—- Contact the noted QA agency for information on product locations covered for F.A.C. 61620-3 QA requirements. The following plants have qualified products under their respective physical properties specifications. Plant Specification Product sl Charleston, SC FBC 1507.1.1 (Exception) Tiger Paw— Roof Deck Protection Conover, NC ASTM 067S7 VersaShieldO Fire -Resistant Roof Deck Protection Dadra, India FBC 1507.1.1 (Exception) Tiger Paw— Roof Deck Protection Fontana, CA AC16S RoofPro— SBS- Modified -All- Purpose Underlayment Homer, LA FBC 1507.1.1 (Exception) Tiger Paw— Roof Deck Protection (WIP) McGregor, TX FBC 1507.1.1 (Exception) Shingle -Mate* Roof Deck Protection Mission, BC FBC 1507.1.1 (Exception) Tiger Paw'" Roof Deck Protection Mt. Vernon, IN ASTM D1970 LibertyT11 SBS Self -Adhering Base/Ply Sheet; StormGuarc10 Film Surfaced Leak Barrier, WeatherWatchO Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier North Bay, Ontario I FBC 1507.1.1 (Exception) Deck -Armor"' Premium Breathable Roof Deck Protection, StormSafe l Anchor Sheet, Tiger Paw" Roof Deck Protection (conversion) Pryor, OK FBC 1507.1.1 (Exception) Shingle-MateO Roof Deck Protection Savannah, GA ASTM D1970 StormGuard' Film Surfaced Leak Barrier; WeatherWatchO Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier tASTM D6164 Ruberoid@ Mop Granule; RuberoidO Mop Granule FR A U7 -- 1 UL, LLC. — QUA9625; (847) 664-3281 END OF EVALUATION REPORT - NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report OIS06.04.09-R14 Cert(fto;te OfAuthorhWim M455 6T" EDITION (2017) F13C NON-HVH2 EVALUATION FL,10626-R14