HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_12.03.2020_SignedPlanning and Zoning Commission
December 3, '?0')0 Meeting Minutes
Planning and Zoning Commission
December 3, 2020 -10 AM
City Commission Chambers
City Hall, Sanford, Florida
Members Present
Michael Loader, Chairman
Victoria Nilson
Daniel Levis
Steve Ester
Jerry Mills
Derrick Thomas
Dominick Fiorentino III
Zach Miller, Alternate
Members Absent
Others Present
Lonnie Groot, Assistant City Attorney
Amye King, Planning Director
Eileen Hinson, Development Services Manager
Sabreena Colbert, Senior Planner
Jordan Smith, Senior Planner
Julie Scofield, Historic Preservation Planner
Giuliana Pieras, Administrative Coordinator
Mr. Loader called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM.
Moment of Silence
Pledge of Allegiance
Rall Call
Mr. Mills moved to approve with corrections the minutes for the October 1, 2020 meeting. Mr. Fiorentino
seconded. Motion carried, 7-0.
Development Plans
DP -1 Consider a request for a Preliminary Subdivision Plan for North Park Industrial, a proposed 15
lot industrial development on 24.93 acres with a project address of 3849 Church Street.
Tax Parcel Numbers: 16-19-30-5AC-0000-0560 and 16-19-30-5AC-0000-0630
Property Owner: DL Fox Properties, LP
Applicant: Bryan Potts, P.E. -- Tannath Design, Inc (2494 Rose Spring Drive, Orlando, FL)
114 11 S i o I,
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Steve Eslei,- disclosed, that he niade a sifte visit
,A4i-. Evlei inoved to al?prove the Preliti'linary SLIbdivisilon Plan f"or North Par kIndUstrial at 3849
Church Street" as recornnilendedby stat'I". Mr. Alfills.vecotr(led. Motion carried, 7-0.
"Pubfit Hearing
'I If #
PH -1, Hold a Pubfic,t-teanng, to consider a Conditional Use request to expand the existing house of'
worship and, devel.op a parking lot l'orthe existmg non-conf'onnn-ig use at, 1203 W. 1, 1"' Street
(inel udIng 1204 'W. 11, t" & 10 1, 8 Avocado Ave).
'Tax Parcel N''Urriber's -, 2 5- 19-30-5 10-3 5 00-0, 11 01 2 5 -19-3 0- 5 110-2400-0070 and 25-19-3 0-5 10-
Property uwnet-: tinterna,t],onal Worship Deliverance M,'inistrv, Inc.,
Aplant. Veri.,l "I"'n hompso— Parad,�Ise Des'ign
,picc 1.
iVfillove�d to qpproi7ev the Conditio.nal'Use, to expand the existli,.ig house of worshipztnd
develop a par.king lot l'or the existing non -conforming 'use,, with irrigated, grass at 1203 W. 11'11
Street (includiti'g, 1204 W. 11. "" & 101 Avocado Ave), subject to a, Development Or� that
inicludes the conili.ons recominiended, by stafl",'. Le'vtris seconitleod. Motioned cauled!, '7-0.
'Hold a Pub"lic lleariing to consider modifications, to the City of"Sanf,6rd Land Deve, lopment
Regulati.ons, ScIledule 1 4 '— Reqlirenlents,For Buildings flarcels, Yards, Bu,�Ildlng, Setbacks A:n.d
Llighting for Specil"i,c Uses as lit ret to tofences and walls on residiential propei-ties.
Representative': it,',*,iteen 11insonAICP — Development Serv�ices Maniager
Mi-. F4 iorenlino moved to reconimend the City Conimission approve the modificat�lons to
1171 --vid. Motion,
Schedule f", Section 5 o,f** the f and, Development Regulao,ons,Wv. I *I.Yon secontle
cair�led, '7-0.
PH -3 Hold a Ptiblic Ileartng to consider ni,od1fications to the City 1. Safi ord 1.111dand, Devetopmetit
Regulations Schedtile K — Sign JZegulafions.
Representative: Jordan Smith, A11CP — Senior Planiwr
Ab,1181. Wily nioved' to confinue this iteni, to the next meeting on January '7, 2021. Allt-. Mills
secontl�mt Motton cart*1 , ed� 7-0.
PH -4 Hoild a, 1ilic 11e tag to consider m.odifirano ns to the City of Sanford, Land Developni.ent
I I -king and proced"Ural
Regutabons Schedtt]e S - Historic Vieslei,*vatwn, as it relates to signage, pai
lZep17esen'tative: Julie Scofield — "U'listor"Ic Pre sery ati, oil 1)1 anner
,Mi-. Levtis, n�'to confillite this item totlie next meeting on.lainiary' 7,,'10,21. Mr. gills
secoittte,d. Motion carried, 7-0.
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PH -5 Hold, a Public I-learing to, consider modifications to the City of San�J'o�rd Land Development,
deg ,ulations Schedule U — Overlay Districts as it relates to &i.gi,.i.age.
Regi* ellfatlvJordan, Smith, AIC P — Sen.ioPlanner
No action. The Item will be re -age n.dized.
Ofizen Parfi16padon
Staff Reports
Quasi-Judiclial Training: December 10, 2020
Commisslioners Reports
Frash, on the Highway
Norton C,oinmons: Appeal
Steve Eller Resignation