HomeMy WebLinkAbout2317 PBA Financial Consulting Svcs - Raftelis - piggyback w City of Lk WalesCITY OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT Tuesday, February 16, 2021 j PURCHASING DEPARTMENT TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM -ro: City Clerk/Mayor RE: PBA 20/21-07 Financial Consulting Services- Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc., PBA with the City of Lake Whales Contract # RFP 19/465 The item(s) noted below is/are attached and forwarded to your office for the following action(s): Development Order Final Plat (original mylars) Letter of Credit Maintenance Bond Ordinance Performance Bond Resolution Once completed, please: — Return originals to Purchasing- Department F-1 Return copies F] Mayor's signature ❑ Recording Rendering Safe keeping (Vault) Deputy City Manager F-1 Payment Bond F-1 City Manager Signature City Clerk Attest/Signature City Attorney/Signature Special Instructions: Piggyback contract with the City of Lake Whales Please route appropriately and return both fully executed agreements to purchasing. From T:\Dept_fomis\City Clerk Transmittal Memo - 2009.doc Date Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. Piggyback Contract (PBA 20/21-07) (Consulting Services to Update Development Impact Fees) The City of Sanford ("City") enters this "Piggyback" Contract with Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc., a North Carolina corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Vendor"), whose principal and mailing address 227 West Trade Street, Suite 1400, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202, under the terms and conditions hereinafter provided. The City and the Vendor agree as follows: (1). The Purchasing Policy for the City of Sanford allows for "piggybacking" contracts. Pursuant to this procedure, the City is allowed to piggyback an existing government contract, and there is no need to obtain formal or informal quotations, proposals or bids. The parties agree that the Vendor has entered a term contract with the government of the City of Lake Wales, Florida, said contract being identified as "Professional Services Agreement Between City of Lake Wales, Florida And Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc." implementing "RFP No. 19-465" relating to the procurement of certain consulting services to update development impact fees, as may have been amended, in order for the Vendor to provide goods and services relating to the City's need for consulting services to update the City's development impact fee programs (said original contract being referred to as the "original government contract" which is based upon procurement activity conditions). (2). The original government contract documents are incorporated herein by reference and attached as Exhibit "A" to this Contract. All of the terms and conditions set out in the original government contract are fully binding on the parties and said terms and conditions are incorporated herein; provided, however, that the City will 1jr. a o e, El negotiate and enter work orders/purchase orders with the Vendor in accordance with City policies and procedures for particular goods and services. (3). Notwithstanding the requirement that the original government contract is fully binding on the parties, the parties have agreed to modify certain technical provisions of the original government contract as applied to this Contract between the Vendor and the City, as follows: (a). Time Period ("Term") of this Contract: (state N/A if this is not applicable). N/A. (b). Insurance Requirements of this Contract: (state N/A if this is not applicable). N/A. (c). Notwithstanding anything in the original government contract to the contrary, the City's terms and conditions relating to the issuance of purchase orders or work orders, or referenced in such documents, shall prevail over any inconsistent provisions of the original government contract. (d). Address change for the City: Notwithstanding the address and contact information for the government entity as set out in the original government contract, the Vendor agrees that he/she/it shall send notices, invoices and shall conduct all business with the City to the attention of City Manager, at: City of Sanford, 300 North Park Avenue; Sanford, Florida 32771. The City Manager's designated representative for this Contract is Marisol Ordohez, Purchasing Manager, Finance -Purchasing Division, 300 North Park Avenue; Sanford, Florida 32771, telephone number (407) 688-5028 and whose e-mail address is Marisol.ordonez@sanfordfl.gov. 2 1 P a 3 e (e). Notwithstanding anything in the original government contract to the contrary, the venue of any dispute will be in Seminole County, Florida. Litigation between the parties arising out of this Contract shall be in Seminole County, Florida in the Court of appropriate jurisdiction. The law of Florida shall control any dispute between the parties arising out of or related to this Contract, the performance thereof or any products or services delivered pursuant to such Contract. (f). Notwithstanding any other provision in the original government contract to the contrary, there shall be no arbitration with respect to any dispute between the parties arising out of this Contract. Dispute resolution shall be through voluntary and non-binding mediation, negotiation or litigation in the court of appropriate jurisdiction in Seminole County, Florida, with the parties bearing the costs of their own legal fees with respect to any dispute resolution, including litigation. (9). Notwithstanding any other provision in the original government contract to the contrary, the Vendor shall provide the City with most favored nation pricing. (h). All the services to be provided or performed shall be in conformance with commonly accepted industry and professional codes and standards, standards of the City, and the laws of any Federal, State or local regulatory agency. (i). Public Records Requirements. (1). IF THE CONTRACTOR/VENDOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE CONTRACTOR'S (VENDOR'S) DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT, CONTACT THE 3 1 P a g, TRACI HOUCHIN, MMC, FCRM, CITY CLERK, CITY OF SANFORD, CITY HALL, 300 NORTH PARK AVENUE, SANFORD, FLORIDA 327711 TRACI. H OUCHI N@SAN FORDFL.GOV. (11). In order to comply with Section 119.070 1, Florida Statutes, public records laws, the Vendor must: (A). Keep and maintain public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the City in order to perform the service, (B). Provide the public with access to public records on the same terms and conditions that the City would provide the records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or as otherwise provided by law. (C). Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law. (D).Meet all requirements for retaining public records and transfer, at no cost, to the City all public records in possession of the Vendor upon termination of this Contract and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to the City in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the City. (111). If the Vendor does not comply with a public records request, the City shall enforce the provisions of this Contract in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract. (IV). Failure by the Vendor to grant such public access and comply with public records requests shall be grounds for immediate unilateral cancellation of this Agreement by the City. The Vendor shall promptly provide the City with a copy of any request to inspect or copy public records in possession of the Vendor and shall promptly provide the City with a copy of the Vendor's response to each such request. 0). All other provisions in the original government contract are fully binding on the parties and will represent the agreement between the City and the Vendor. Entered on the last date of a signatory hereto as set forth below. SIGNATURE BLOCKS FOLLOW: 5 1 1 c, Attest: /Joe Williams Manager Raftellis Financial Consultants, Inc., a North Carolina corporation. By: Tony Hairston C,/ Vice President , I Date: 1 � 9"1/ 57, Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. -11�vAgifr �.OlbiertdliyAttbnmy J xt� �"/k/ ILZ- /,V/, &� QS - F 6 1 Page Exhibit "A" [Attach original government contract documents] 71 Page PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF LAKE WALES, FLORIDA AND RAFTELIS FINANCIAL CONSULT.ANTS, INC. This Consulting Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into this —15th day of October, 2019 (hereinafter referred to as the effective date of the agreement) by and between, the City of Lake Wales. Florida (the "Client") and Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc., 227 W. Trade Street, Suite 1400, Charlotte, NC 28202 ("Raftelis"). Witnesseth WHEREAS, Raftelis has substantial skill and experience in public finance, management, and pricing, and service delivery, and WHEREAS, The Client desires to hire Raftelis and Raftelis desires to provide services to the Client, NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree to the terms and conditions set forth herein. Article 1. Statement of Work Raftelis shall provide professional consulting services to update the Client's Development Impact Fees. Raftelis will perform these services as set forth in its scope of services which begins on pa.=e 15 of its project proposal associated with RFP No. 19-465 to the Client dated August 8th. 2019 and included herein as Attachment A. Article 2. Time for Completion This agreement will commence upon approval by the Client and remain in effect for a period of one year. Further renewals of this Agreement are at the option of the Parties and shall be in writing. Article 3. Cam pensati n Client shall pay to Raftelis the sum not to exceed $46,905 which includes professional fees and direct expenses incurred in performing the scope of services, as well as an hourly technology expense reimbursement, outlined in Attachment B. The parties understand that this sum is based upon the scope of work contained herein at Raftelis' current standard hourly rate schedule included in Attachment B. Any expansion of the scope of work by the Client shall involve the discussion of additional fees by both parties. Raftelis shall submit invoices to the Client on a monthly basis for services rendered to the date thereof. Such invoices shall be supported by appropriate documentation; at a minimum, the task performed, the individuals working on such task, the level of each such individual, and expenses incurred. Each invoice will contain all hours and expenses from the Raftelis for the month. Upon receipt of monthly invoice, the Client will remit payment of same amount to the Raftelis within .3 )0 days. Article 4. Additional Services At the Client's request. Raftelis may submit proposals for additional professional services. Each proposal submitted shall detail: (1) scope of work for the additional services, (2) period of services to be performed, and (3) method and amount of compensation. The Client shall provide written acceptance and authorization to Raftelis prior to the commencement of work on any proposed additional services. Each proposal for additional services accepted and approved by the Client shall become part of this Agreement and shall be governed by the terms and conditions contained herein. Article 5. Place of Performance Raftelis shall be responsible for maintaining its own office facilities and will not be provided with either office facilities or support by the Client. Article 6. Indemnification Raftelis hereby agrees to indemnify the Client and to hold the Client harmless against any and all claims, action, or demands against the Client and against any and all damages for injury to or death of any person and for loss of or damage to any and all property arising out of the negligent acts, errors or omissions of Raftelis under this Agreement. Raftelis shall not be held responsible for any claims caused by the negligence of the Client. Article 7. Insurance Raftelis shall maintain the types and levels of insurance during the life of this Agreement as specified below. The Client will be named as additional insured on Raftelis' Certificates of Insurance and Raftelis will provide the Client with these Certificates of Insurance. Commercial general liability insurance - $1,000,000 for each occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate Comprehensive automobile liability insurance - $1,000,000 combined single limit each occurrence - hired and non -owned only Workers Compensation insurance — Statutory limits Professional liability insurance - $5,000,000 occurrence and $5,000,000 in the aggregate Excess or Umbrella Liability - $5,000,000 occurrence and $5,000,000 in the aggregate Article 8. Confidential Information Raftelis acknowledges and agrees that in the course of the performance of the services pursuant to this Agreement, Raftelis may be given access to, or come into possession of, confidential information from the Client, of which information may contain privileged material or other confidential information. Raftelis acknowledges and agrees, except if required by judicial or administrative order, trial, or other governmental proceeding pertaining to this matter, that it will M not use, duplicate, or divulge to others any such information belonging to or disclosed to Raftelis by the Client without first obtaining written permission from the Client. All tangible embodiments of such information shall be delivered to the Client by Raftelis upon termination hereofz or upon request by the Client, whichever occurs first. The Client acknowledges Raftelis has the right to maintain its own set of work papers which may contain confidential information. Article 9. Independent Contractor Status It is understood and agreed that Raftelis will provide the services under this Agreement on a professional basis as an independent contractor and that during the performance of the services under this Agreement, Raftelis' employees will not be considered employees of the Client within the meaning or the applications of any federal, state, or local laws or regulations including, but not limited to, laws or regulations covering unemployment insurance, old age benefits, worker's compensation, industrial accident, labor, or taxes of any kind. Raftelis' employees shall not be entitled to benefits that may be afforded from time to time to Client employees, including without limitation, vacation, holidays, sick leave, worker's compensation, and unemployment insurance. Further, the Client shall not be responsible for withholding or paying any taxes or social security on behalf of Raftelis' employees. Raftelis shall be fully responsible for any such withholding or paying of taxes or social security. Article 10. Reliance on Data In performance of the services, it is understood that the Client and/or others may supply Raftelis with certain information and/or data, and that Raftelis will rely on such information. It is agreed that the accuracy of such information is not within Raftelis' control and Raftelis shall not be liable for its accuracy, nor for its verification, except to the extent that such verification is expressly a part of Raftelis' scope of services. Article 11. Opinions and Estimates Raftelis' opinions, estimates, projections, and forecasts of current and future costs, revenues, other levels of any sort, and events shall be made on the basis of available information and Raftelis' expertise and qualifications as a professional. Raftelis does not warrant or guarantee that its opinions, estimates, projections or forecasts of current and future levels and events will not vary from the Clients's estimates or forecasts or from actual outcomes. Raftelis identifies costs, allocates costs to customer classes and provides rate models. It does not establish rates, which is the legislative responsibility of the Client. Article 12. No Consequential Damages To the fullest extent permitted by law, neither party shall be liable to the other for any special, indirect, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages resulting from the performance or non-performance of this Agreement notwithstanding the fault, tort (including negligence), strict liability or other basis of legal liability of the party so released or whose liability is so limited and shall extend to the officers, directors, employees, licensors, agents, subcontractors, vendors and related entities of such party. Article 13. Terminatiou of Work This Agreement may be terminated as follows: 1. By Client (a) for its convenience on 30 days' notice to Raftelis, or (b) for cause, if Raftelis materially breaches this Agreement through no fault of Client and Raftelis neither cures such material .breach 'nor makes reasonable progress toward cure within ithin 15 days after Client has given written notice of the alleged breach to Raftelis. 2. By Raftelis (a) for cause, if Client materially breaches this Agreement through no fault of Raftelis and Client neither cures such material breach nor makes reasonable progress toward cure within 15 days after Raftelis has given written notice of the alleged breach to Client, or (b) upon five days' notice if Work under this Agreement has been suspended by either Client or Raftelis in the aggregate for more than 30 days. 3. Pavment ui)on Termination. In the event of termination, Raftelis shall be compensated for all work performed prior to the effective date of termination. Article 14. Notices All notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed deliverable when delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: If for the Client: Kathy Bangley Development Services Director 201 W Central Avenue, Lake Wales FL 33859 If for RFC: Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. 227 W. Trade Street Suite 1400 Charlotte, NC 28202 Article 15. Compliance with Applicable Laws Raltelis agrees not to discriminate in its 6inDloyment practices, and will render services under this Agreement without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, veteran status, political affiliation or disabilities. Any act of discrimination committed by Raftelis, or failure to comply with these statutory obligations when applicable, shall be grounds -for termination of this Agreement. - Article 16. General Provisions A. Entire This Agreement represents the entire and sole agreement between the Parties Agreement: with respect to the subject matter hereof. B. Waiver: The failure of either Party to require performance by the other of any provision hereof shall in no way affect the right to require performance at any time thereafter, nor shall the waiver of a breach of any provision hereof be taken to be a waiver of any succeeding breach of such provision or as a waiver of the provision itself. All remedies afforded in this Agreement shall be taken and construed as cumulative; that is, in addition to every other remedy available at law or in equity. C. Relationship: Nothing herein contained shall be construed to imply a joint venture, partnership, or principal -agent relationship between Raftelis and the Client; and neither Party shall have the right, power, or authority to obligate or bind the other in any manner whatsoever, except as otherwise agreed to in writing. D. Assignment Neither Party shall assign or delegate this Agreement or any rights, duties, or and obligations hereunder without the express written consent of the other. Delete: Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors, legal representatives, and assignees of the Parties hereto. E, Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is declared invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary and possible to render it valid and enforceable. In any event, the unenforceability or invalidity of any provision shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall continue in force and effect, and be construed and enforced, as if such provision had not been included, or had been modified as above provided, as the case may be. F. Governing,, This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the Law: laws of the State of Florida. G. Paragraph The paragraph headings set forth in this Agreement are for the convenience .HeadinL,s: of the Parties, and in no way define, limit, or describe the scope or intent of this Agreement and are to be given no legal effect. H. Third Party Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create or confer any rights Rights or interest to any third party or third party beneficiary. It is the intent of the parties that no other outside, non-party claimant shall have any legal right to enforce the terms of this Agreement. Article 17. Public Records L Public Records. Raftelis acknowledges that it is actino on behalf of a Public a2encv and that this A2reement is subiect to the provisions of §119.0701, Florida Statutes. and that Seller must comply with the public records laws of the State of Florida. Raftelis shall: (1) Keep and maintain public records required by the public agency to perform the service. (2) Upon request from the public agency's custodian of public records, Raftelis shall provide the public agency with a copy of the requested records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in this chapter or as otherwise provided by law. (3) Raftelis shall ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the contract term and following completion of the contract if the contractor does not transfer the records to the public agency. (4) Raftelis shall, upon completion of the contract, transfer, at no cost, to the public agency all public records in possession of Raftelis or keep and maintain public records required by the public agency to perform the service. If Raftelis transfers all public records to the public agency upon completion of the contract, Raftelis shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. If Raftelis keeps and maintains public records upon completion of the contract, Raftelis shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records. All records stored electronically must be provided to the public agency, upon request from the public agency's custodian of public records, in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the public agency. (5) A request to inspect or copy public records relating to a public agency's contract for services must be made directly to the public agency. If the public agency does not possess the requested records, the public agency shall immediately notify Raftelis of the request, and Raftelis must provide the records to the public agency or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time. (6) If Raftelis does not comply with a public agency's request for records, the public agency shall enforce the contract provisions in accordance with the contract. (7) If Raftelis fails to provide the public records to the public agency within a reasonable time may be subject to penalties under s. H 9.10. (8) If a civil action is filed against Raftelis to compel production of public records relating to a public agency's contract for services, the court shall assess and award against Raftelis the reasonable costs of enforcement, including reasonable attorney fees, if - (a) The court determines that Raftelis unlawfully refused to comply with the public records request within a reasonable time; and (b) At least 8 business days before filing the action, the plaintiff provided written notice of the public records request, including a statement that Raftelis has not complied with the request, to the public agency and to the Raftelis. (9) A notice complies with subparagraph (8)b if it is sent to the public agency's custodian of public,records and,to.Raftelis7auhe, their address listed on its contract with the public agency or to Raftelis' registered agent. Such notices must be sent by 'cominon carrier delivery service or by registered, Global Express Guaranteed, or certified mail'. with postage or shipping paid by the sender and with evidence of delivery, which may be in an electronic format. (10) If Raftelis complies with a public records request within 8 business days after the notice is sent is not liable for the reasonable costs of enforcement. — L 'A 'I'll City of Lake Wales Attn: City Clerk 201 W. Central Ave Lake Wales, FL 33853 843-678-4182 ext. 270 jnanek@cityoflakewales.com IN WITNESS WRE-kbuf, the Parties have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized representatives. By: Signat e City Manager Title Raftelis F inXcial Consultants, Inc. By: Sign, ure dein T*tl ,), e , -d I CI bat� Witness This is to certify that an appropriation in the amount of this contract is available therefore and that fAhas been authorized to execute the contract and approve all requisitiyn aid change orders. Title Seal.: KNIN 341 N. Maitland Ave Phone 407 . 960 . 1806 v,,vvyv. ra Re Ili r; �c on ffplil�� R A F IF EL. I S Suite 300 116 Maitland, FIL 32751 February 11, 2021 Cynthia Lindsay Finance Director City of Sanford 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, FL 32771 Subject: Proposal to Provide a 2021 Municipal Impact Fee Study Dear Cindy: Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. (Raftelis) is pleased to provide you with this proposal for a police, fire, and recreation impact fee study. Raftelis last completed a study for the police and fire impact fees in 2015. This proposal is being provided pursuant to the piggy back agreement the City of Sanford (City) is entering into based on the RFP process performed by the City of Lake Wales, Florida through issuance and services provided in RFP No. 19-465. Additionally, the scope of services has been largely extracted from the recent competitive bid for the City of Lake Wales, FL for municipal impact fee services where Raftelis was retained. The following represents the terms and conditions that comprise the work order associated with the 2021 municipal impact fee study to be provided by Raftelis. Project Team and Billing Rates With respect to the performance of this engagement, Tony Hairston will be the project director and Joe Williams will be the overall project manager and primary contact with the City. Other analysts and administrative personnel will be utilized during the course of the engagement as needed. Attachment A, which is made a part of this Agreement, summarizes the direct labor hourly billing rates relative to this engagement. Scope of Services The scope of services for this work order is included herein as Attachment B. Compensation and Billing Based on the scope of services as summarized in Attachment B and the direct hourly labor billing rates summarized in Attachment A, we propose a not to exceed fee for this Work Order of $34,305. This fee reflects the direct cost of personnel anticipated to be assigned to the project as well as any indirect costs such as travel, telephone, reproduction, printing and shipping charges. The costs incurred by Raftelis for such indirect costs, if any, will be billed to the Client at the actual cost incurred by Raftelis. No additional services above the cost estimate will be performed without the prior written authorization of the Client. The project labor cost will be billed monthly based upon the actual hours of service furnished toward the completion of the project. Indirect expenses will be billed as they are incurred. Term of Agreement The terms of this proposed agreement and the associated direct hourly labor billing rates for Raftelis personnel shall be in effect and continue for twelve (12) months after the date of execution of this agreement. Ms. Cynthia Lindsey City of Sanford February 11, 2021 Page 2 Thank you for this opportunity to serve the City of Sanford on this engagement. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Tony at 407-960-1811, aliaii-stoji(ii),i-artelis.coiii. Respectfully, RAFTELIS FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Tony Hairston Vice President Accepted By: City of Sanford, Florida ATTACHMENT A RAFTELIS FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS SCHEDULE OF DIRECT LABOR HOURLY RATES AND STANDARD COST RATES DIRECT LABOR HOURLY RATES Project Team Title Vice President Senior Manager Manager Senior Consultant Consultant Associate Analyst Administration Direct Labor Hourly Rates [*] $295.00 $265.00 $240.00 $210.00 $185.00 $155.00 $110.00 $70.00 [*] Direct labor hourly rates effective twelve months after the date of execution of the Agreement; rates will be adjusted by not more than the net percentage change (but not less than 0%) in the Consumer Price Index — Urban Consumers per annum (rounded to the nearest dollar) or as mutually agreed between parties for invoices rendered after each anniversary date of each year thereafter until project completion or termination of the Agreement between the parties. '® Attachment B — Scope of Services Understanding of the Project It is our understanding that the City is seeking to conduct an impact fee study to include updates to the City's existing police, fire, and recreation impact fees. Raftelis completed the City's most recent police and fire impact fee study in 2015. Scope of Services The project approach for this engagement includes the following activities which are intended to achieve the project objectives and provide updated police, fire, and recreation impact fees in compliance with Chapter 163.31801 Florida Statutes. ITask 1: Project Initiation, Data Collection and Review I This task will involve coordinated with the City regarding data needs, project scheduling, expectations, and collection of data. This task will include the delivery of an initial data request along with a kick off meeting (in-person or web meeting) with key staff from each department to review the impact fee study process and gain an understanding of the key issues to address. Task 2: Initial Review of Additional Land Use Designations, Functional; Population, Level of Service and other Parameters Raftelis will review available data and compile potential land use designations for police, fire, and recreation impact fees. In previous studies, land use designations were an important consideration. The potential land use categories will consider availability and suitability of data, development trends within the City, and ease of implementation. This task also includes a review of population projections, including projections for various land use categories. The population projections will be used to determine capital cost allocations and level of service requirements within the capital planning period. Finally, Raftelis will coordinate with City staff to update the current level of service statistics, determine any changes to the planned level of service, and compile regional statistics for other communities' level of service standards where readily available. ITask 3: Update qf Capital Costs, Allocations, and Documentation I This task includes the review of the City's capital improvement plans and allocation of historical and planned capital costs by function. Allocations will consider various police, fire, and recreation functions, and allocation of such costs to existing population and future growth. Attachment B: Municipal Impact Fee Study Scope of Services Task 4: Calculation of Credits for Other Funding Sources This task includes the identification of grants and other funding sources that are to be credited against the cost of growth related police, fire, and recreation capital expenditures. The determination of credits may include grants and other ongoing City revenue sources other than impact fees; to the extent such revenue sources will include contributions from growth. Task S: Police, Fire, and Recreation Impact Fee Calculations This task includes the unit cost determination for police, fire, and recreation impact fee functions, and allocation of such costs among residential and various non-residential land uses (excluding recreation, as this fee area typically is allocated to residential development). A summary impact fee revenue analysis will be provided under existing and proposed impact fee schedules. Task 6: Develop Impact Fee Comparisons and Review Analysis with City Raftelis will meet with the City to review the impact fee calculations, methodology, and comparisons. Themeetingis intended to provide direction for final land use designations, data interpretation and sufficiency. Task 7: Preparation of Report Raftelis will prepare a draft report in order to illustrate the methodology, background, and calculation of the proposed police and fire impact fees. The draft report will be provided to staff for comment and review. After incorporating comments, Raftelis will prepare a final report in electronic format for distribution to the City. Task 8: Review of Impact Fee Ordinance and Presentation at Commission Workshop Raftelis will review the City's draft impact fee ordinance revisions provided by the City attorney relative to the proposed fees within the final report. Raftelis will present the recommendations at a City Commission workshop. Task 9: Additional Services Additional Services will be provided as specifically requested by the City for other matters not provided for in the scope of services, such as but not limited to: preparation for and attendance at 2 of 4 Attachment B: Municipal Impact Fee Study Scope of Services additional meetings not specified above; changes, adjustments and/or modifications of filial study recommendations after the final draft; development of alternative impact fee structures; meetings with development, builders associations, or other stakeholders. Deliverables The following deliverables are contemplated within the scope of services • Fire impact fee analysis • Police impact fee analysis • Recreation impact fee analysis • Proposed police, fire and recreation impact fee schedule • Impact fee comparison with other jurisdictions • Impact fee report Project Team Joe Williams will serve as the Project Manager and will oversee the day to day aspects of the project, including ongoing communication with City staff during the project. Tony Hairston will serve as the project director and will be responsible for the overall project accountability, review materials, and will provide assistance during the course of the study. 3 of 4 Attachment 13: Municipal Impact Fee Study Scope of Services Project Budget The not -to -exceed budget for the Project is based on the cost estimate as follows: Sanford 2021 Impact Fee Study TH- Tonyl-fairston, Vice President Total Expenses JW- Joe Williams, Manager 1111'al! ' ' MG - Michelle Galvin, Associate Total Fees & Expenses Admin - Administrative Staff F2111's 11121,1111111, Project Schedule Raftelis will provide the draft impact fee analysis within 90 days of Notice -to -Proceed, and impact fee report within 120 days of Notice -to -Proceed; contingent on the timing and sufficiency of data provided by the City. 4 of 4 Num be r of Tasks Meetings 1. Project Initiation, Data Collection, and I Review 2. Initial Review of Additional Land Use Designations, Functional Population, Level of Total Fees & Service and other Parameters JW 3. Update of Capital Costs, Allocations, and 1 Documentation Expenses 4. Calculation of Credits for Other Funding 4 Sources 2 5. Police, Fire, and Recreation Impact Fee $2,370 Calculations 1 6. Develop Impact Fee Comparisons and Review Analysis with City $3,890 7. Preparation of Report 6 8. Review of Irn pact Fee ordinance and 1 Presentation at Commission Workshop $3,330 Total Estimated Meetings / Hours 4 Hourly Billing Rate Total Professional Fees $2,170 TH- Tonyl-fairston, Vice President Total Expenses JW- Joe Williams, Manager 1111'al! ' ' MG - Michelle Galvin, Associate Total Fees & Expenses Admin - Administrative Staff F2111's 11121,1111111, Project Schedule Raftelis will provide the draft impact fee analysis within 90 days of Notice -to -Proceed, and impact fee report within 120 days of Notice -to -Proceed; contingent on the timing and sufficiency of data provided by the City. 4 of 4 Hours Total Fees & TH JW MG Admin Total Expenses 2 4 4 2 12 $2,370 2 6 12 20 $3,890 2 6 8 16 $3,330 2 4 4 10 $2,170 6 16 32 54 $10,630 1 2 8 11 $2,016 2 16 16 34 $6,910 4 6 2 12 $2,990 21 60 86 2 169 $295 $240 $165 $70 $6,195 $14,400 $13,330 $140 $34,065 Total Fees $34,065 TH- Tonyl-fairston, Vice President Total Expenses JW- Joe Williams, Manager 1111'al! ' ' MG - Michelle Galvin, Associate Total Fees & Expenses Admin - Administrative Staff F2111's 11121,1111111, Project Schedule Raftelis will provide the draft impact fee analysis within 90 days of Notice -to -Proceed, and impact fee report within 120 days of Notice -to -Proceed; contingent on the timing and sufficiency of data provided by the City. 4 of 4