HomeMy WebLinkAbout710 Pecan Ave; 17-2207; ROOF4' XrY OFSANFORD MILVING&FIRERREVENTION PEMM WMATION Ap-phoation No Docurneated Construction Value: S —4d 11W.0 ricIIn:7Distric.t y es ElJob AddressUL11iReS011IA000 CommercialType ofWaik- Mer Addidorto Ajter fioa0:Re Mir, I)ti,40 0 c4age-jousel. MoMel. msetiption of work.., PlanRevkwcontactrerson- tL, 4..) 4 1'krl row—L, Lzq;L-'— Phone- SW6 3' t"-r;7 v; riax'- Etvail: /T Property Owner Information Ax-tiLy Name tvmor) 7" Yo 9 -6!:;*f Street: (1- a/ 'g cr-, e.'5 v- /Ao -4 Resid eat of prap" City; state Zip; mn A Contractor Information VNaw'e Phone. Street: Fax: Cat' , state Zip: 6' State. License No.: C-C-C',h 033!92 Airchitect/Engineer information Name: Phone: Street: Fax: City, St, Zip: Bonding C- 01ripany: Address, E- mail: Mortgaige Under: Address: WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAjLuR'E 1,0 RECORD, A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY MULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVENJENT'S 7ro vOUR FROMM A XMICE OF COINIMENCEMENTMIS7r"RE RECORDED AND POSTED ONME J09 SITE BFFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN F'N-AJVCING, CONSU11,T IVITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOME OF COMMENCEMENT. Appliemion is. hest - by made to obtain a IMMit to dO dle work and installations as iMicalvd- I certify d-,Xt no wank or iimabatiwn has C*M=nced prior to the iss"nce of A, pemitmd that a-11,4vork will bee perfflonve .Io ineet stand of all laws regulatiog coamuction in this junsdic- don. I asidorstwW thAt a separate permit mast be sseeurtd for electrical work, p*"h, g, signs, wills, pooh. rarm"ft, b0m, heattirr- Tanks, and air coadmantrs, etc. RX 1195-3 Shafl bt i;x$cribtd with the d"te 8f4VPHcz00ft and the code in clUct as affbat dz4g; Vh Edition t29lxtp Florida Handing Code pevisad: Sun: 30, 20ts pema Ran, f N=Cg: to addition tb ttte requirements of Ws iserrnit, titers may be additional reMiotlow applic2b..1e to this property drat uxky be lboad in Ilse public records Of this zotmty, and brace rmy be additim- l petatits required imi other governmental entities s=h as w.-ucer rutmagsrswati.rl:igdcts, MW aeeneksi, or federal ageacies. Itocoptan= of pennit is vcrircmtior. that. I +xiil notil the, owner of tlt£ proprity of tt e uirempau oft larida Lien Lz% FS 713. The City of Sm ord tegu-im ,payment of a plan review fee at the tiete ofpermit svbrniml. A ccspy of the erecuted car -tract is required in ondvr to cgi :Mate. a -ian mieaw chargt; etas will be considered the estirpatrd cxattsttsactioq value of the job ad the time of submittal. The actual 0=1ruction value will he figured b4sed on the curreatt 1CC Valuation Table, in olffiw at the time ft p at is issutd, in. zowrdancevith local on5nan 2Au1d .caicul ed. C1S7.0 C5 ftgur'sd ot7 the exccuteti corttas# ex trtk ;fire sat es ttstrtrctlon #r 1ue: cred. 4 swill be: aplslietl to your pftzit fees whM the pertsat is isseed. 07WNMV EP'€€3AV : I te0 ty that all of The. foregoing informa0an .h accurate and that All work will be done in comp€iaxt eiaith all applicable, law regulating ce astruf6on gudi zouitwg. Prim Ower'AVW's Man Owrr / Age it is Pemnally'Known. to W or roduced ID _ _ _ 7 of ID aL , 7 D Contractor/ agent is Pamowatily Kreosvn to €vie Of Produced ID _ Type of ID -,1.«2jng ' ewwc,e. Pertni€ s Required: Building[] Flectrica.lo Mcc} anic:es D PlurnhingD Gasp Roof Construction Type:-. - - - - Occupancy Use: _ _ _ _ Dood Zone: Total Sq. Ft of Bldg: Min. Occupancy Load; 0 of Sto ies: New Construction: Electric # of Attaps __ Plumbing - # of F'is:tures_ Fire, Sprinkler Permit: Yes [J- No E 4 of Heads M _ Fire Alarm €'erfult: Yes D No El APPROVALS: ZONING, _ UTILITIES: _ WAS'3TE WATER: COMMENTS: R2 46.3: hwe!%J.!-W5 ii NG11Y41..i.ti'WV..-.-....,- -.!'TRE-.`....__...._._...._..,`.......- L3l.I i.Fil Ot. ......v.. Fcrrdl App eastico 3618 Dovetail Lane South Lakeland, F1.33812 863-644-4693 . cir ts-e—consti'yL,-( Urica— fahoo,coi_t Bill To: 105 Meadow Blvd. Sanford, FL. 32.771 PO Dosx rtptlnn ins' t S gate'ria.t from M ty metal Invoice Number: 17-6028 Invoices Rate: 7-Mar»17 Invoice Due D e; Payment Ternw Customer POPt} Numbec Customer Contact: Ret learth Construction Projeo, Location: fftadm 91rd aiue 5 Arrmtint i E_.,_ Deck Damage, first board free after that $80.00 x soard Workmanship Warrant will three years 2. Original Contract amount r 2, Change Order Arrount I..ol W} -• 3. Revised Contrast Amount 4. Amount Complete to Date Mo( 6+aorn io .-'sutyScribe before she 5. Less Retained T _ . Oyu $d £1 6. Net amount earned El twrarySnaeA_ _ Notary f'Uw M apt for ,* State or s •ni 7. Amount PreviousiV Invol;,ed city Cnmmssiar F.Oms; Total !amount Date This Invoice.# t PAIN NOTARY FUaM STATE OF FLOMO{q City of -Saafford BuMing.M..,ision RvsideaWl Ae-Rooflnsppucfian. Policy & Procedures PERMITYINC RFQUIREMENTS —.No PLAN Rkwmw RFQUIREj) Mis document (Signed) along with an accurate and completed Residential Re. -Roof Scope of Work pare required it be scibitted as part of'yaYttr pe-rrzrit tion. The Scope of Work timst include all appliciable Florida Product Approval numbers tbr all roof components that will be installed On the prqjject. A permit will not be issued without ihese doctiments. Copies will be triade to past o-n the job site. Projem kwated in the Sanford HiMoric District will regluire plan revitm and approval by the Sanford Historic Preservation Hoard INSPECTION POUCV & 11p,0CEDIrems A fia9LRQqjf Impextiq2, is the only ins"Pection required for Resii enti I (Single Famd Home. Apmtment and/or Cor-doniinium) Re -Roof Perro.it.s. romibenlse, Mobile, " The followying 4 required to be provide tin tfle job site: is Perrmt Card. posted bri a Conspicuous and weathcrprf"flrx a ilon Comp:Wtcd and 1,16tarized Inspection Affidavit All Florida Pioduct Approval anal ConTesponding Installation Instructions e (Produrcl Approval shall match what is on the s "qv of work) a Digital Pholusgraps (must 4.1cludethe per mitnumber or address in each pictuml, o Each tilaric of the mashot pingthe underlay. Izni. insta ged to Roof Deck. Nailing Paltem & Spacing (including a measuring davice or ruler) o Roof Deck Nails used (includinga measuring. devke or ruler ShOwirlg sic: Of naiIS) c. Underlayment Pattenj & Spacing ( including a measuringdevice Or ruler) o Drip Edge &, Valley Aftachinent (includin g measuring device or &_10 rL 0 mail patternand lc -=ion of trails Skylights (if applicable) Digital photographs showjrqg all i gtallation C.01,11pollex, per Fl, ucP C Prod tApprovalDigitalphotograplissilowing, all re% lir8d flashmg. per FL Product, Approval Failure to -follow these speciric gt1iijejiges I i Su t in an affidavit provided by a Florida Des-ign Profe-mional (architector engineer), Certi code Compliance by pemnal in", ecdon. ti sm-,NArums: DA, City of Sanford Building DMsjon Resideatial Re -Roof &ope of Work STPUCITRETYPt": 0 moalLs I -tome 0 A P AR TN, 5N T/C0M4 m tN., UM RE-ROOFTWE., 0 R&LAcEum4TjIrF_AR OFF hwSMr, Root ANE) RF ,pLkC:i WtTH NEW COM PO.;ENTS) 0 Mr-CONIa (NEW RaoF INSTALLED MR LX=M FOOF) Mcx TvpE (PLEAst Srm"): 11 *Pte4sEATorm om. Y 1#0 SMAkSIF TOF ME Zw-UMV p-rcx ArPERMIMM ro M."Ut"Crio" ROOF VEM'ILA-raw OOFI.-RIWE (2r'1'JDGIE 0SOFFIT 0P0t,T0.DVF-NT 0TUPRFNES PWMICT APPROVAL MAIN aggfARRA. ROOP SLM. 0 LOS THAN 2:12 0 k 12 OR GRTATE EL TmRF 0 FLORIDA PRODI-CT AMOVAL FO i FU TO=Ir)Ow" FL# 0 IMWLAIIM FI-4. FL9 ocmrm F19 ROOF % E41L%" ROOFSLOPF: OLESS ThAN212 02:12-4-12 0 4.12 OR. CREATFR R Of ROOF 0 r11tA CiI A. XUFAMMA FLORMA. PRODUCT APPROVAL FLO OM I E FAL--- FL4 0 Mm rJay am MEN 0 TORCII I)r-,WN rolILFFT,* FL4 ODN- 10U,TED FLA 0 FU