HomeMy WebLinkAbout4598 Modifications to Schedule BOrdinance No. 2021-4698 An ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida substantially and comprehensively revising and amending the provisions of Schedule "B", City of Sanford Code/Land Development Regulations (LDRs), relating to permitted uses and Article 11 of the LDRs pertaining to land use and zoning requirements; providing for a savings provision; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing for codification and the correction of scrivener's errors and providing for an effective date. Be it enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. Substantial And Comprehensive Revision And Amendment Of Schedule "B" And Article 11, City of Sanford Code/Land Development Regulations, Permitted Uses And Land Use And Zoning Requirements. (a). Schedule "B" and Article 11 of the City of Sanford Code/Land Development Regulations are substantially revised and amended to read as set forth in the Exhibits to this Ordinance which, by this reference thereto, is incorporated herein as if fully set forth herein verbatim. (b). The Exhibits to this Ordinance are, to some extent, legislatively coded with underling representing additions or amendments and strike-throughs as deletions. (c). Regardless as to whether the coding is present or not, the City Commission adopts the text that is not stricken through as the text that is enacted by this Ordinance. Section 2. Conflicts. All ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to I I P �1 �7 ", invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional. Section 4. Savings; Effect Of Ordinance. The prior actions of the City of Sanford in terms of the matters relating to any and all actions and activities of the City pertaining to the City's Land Development RegulationslLand Development Code, or of an associated nature, are hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Codification; Scrivener's Errors. (a). The Exhibits referenced in Section 1 of this Ordinance shall be codified and all other sections shall not be codified. (b). The sections, divisions and provisions of this Ordinance may be renumbered or re -lettered as deemed appropriate by the Code codifier. (c). Typographical errors and other matters of a similar nature that do not affect the intent of this Ordinance, as determined by the City Clerk and City Attorney, may be corrected with the endorsement of the City Manager, or designee, without the need for a public hearing. 21P�� �,, %, Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon enactment. Passed and adopted this 26th day of April, 2021. Attest: mal)j , oy) Traci Houchin, MMC, FCRM City Clerk Approved as to form and legal suffici William L. Colbert City Attorney City Commission of Sanford, Florida _ M City of I ARTICLE 11: LAND USE AND ZONING 2 3 4 SECTION 2.1 ZONING DISTRICTS 5 6 Consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan Fultwe Land Use Map and related polieies 7 (Sec. 1.21, Comprehensive Plan), all land and water areas located within the ineer-por-ated 8 tefriter-5, of the City of Sanford, Fierida, shall be designated for use and development based on 9 the following zoning districts which districts shall be reflected on the City's Zoning District Map 10 for- the City of Sanford, Fier-ida, by the Zening Distfiet Map symbols set forth below. The term 11 'zoning district' is shall be synonymous with the term 'zoning classification.' 12 13 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 14 15 SR-lAA Single Family Dwelling Residential. Which shall identify those areas of the 16 City of Sanford which are intended for one -(l) -family dwellings on ten thousand 17 (10,000) square foot lots and related accessory uses. 18 19 SR -1A Single Family Dwelling Residential. Which shall identify those areas of the 20 City of Sanford which are intended for one -family dwellings on seven thousand 21 five hundr-ed_(7,500) square foot lots and related accessory uses. Where located 22 on land with a Comprehensive Plan designation of "Low Density Residential," the 23 gross residential density shall not exceed six(6) units per acre. 24 25 SR -1 Single -Family Dwelling Residential. Which shall identify those areas of the 26 City of Sanfefd which are intended for one -family dwellings on six thousand 27 (6,000) square foot lots and related accessory uses. No new lots shall be platted 28 under this zoning classification except for plats for subdivisions with ten or less 29 urban infill lots. Where located on land with a Comprehensive Plan designation of 30 "Low Density Residential," the gross residential density shall not exceed six -46) 31 units per acre. 32 33 SR -2 Mobile Home Residential. Which shall identify those areas of the City of 34 Sanford which are intended for mobile- homes and related accessory uses. 35 Maximum gross residential density shall not exceed si"6) units per acre. 36 Replacement of existing mobile homes on existing mobile home parks and sites of 37 record, as of the effeetive date of the Comprehensive Plan, 38 shall be permitted. 39 40 MR -1 Multiple -Family Residential. Which shall identify those areas of the City of 41 Sar&r-d which are intended for multiple -family dwellings at a maximum density 42 of eight (8) dwelling units per acre and related accessory uses. 43 44 MR -2 Multiple -Family Residential. Which shall identify those areas of the City of 45 Sanford which are intended for multiple -family dwellings at a maximum density 46 of 15 dwelling units per acre and related accessory uses except, however, that 47 multiple -family dwellings located adjacent to single-family dwellings or single - 48 family zoning districts shall have a maximum density of ten410) dwelling units 49 per acre. Ord. MR -3 Multiple -Family Residential. Which shall identify those areas of the City of Sanfer-d which are intended for multiple -family dwellings at a maximum density of 20 dwelling units per acre and related accessory uses except, however, that multiple -family dwellings located adjacent to single-family dwellings or single- family zoning districts shall have a maximum density of x-(10) dwelling units per acre. MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL/OFFICE/INSTITUTIONAL (RMOI) DISTRICT RMOI Multiple -Family Residential -Office -Institutional. The multiple -family Residential/Office/Institutional (RMOI) peliey -district is a planned mixed use -district designed to accommodate business and professional offices as well as high density multiple family residential opportunities and institutional uses. --The allewable maximum residential density shall be Grp-te-a mffldmum of 20) units per acre except, however, that multiple -family dwellings located adjacent to single-family dwellings or single-family zoning districts shall have a maximum density of ter -(10) dwelling units per acre. The maximum intensity of nonresidential development measured as a floor area ratio is .35. The mix of residential and office/institutional uses shall contain at least twenty pereenA(20%) of the lesser use based on intensity a&id/or density of uses. This land use peliey deli . a*' district expressly excludes general retail sales and services, warehousing, and outside storage._ Furthermore, this district is intended for sites which: (a) Have accessibility to major thoroughfares or are located along the outer fringe of core commercial areas; (b) Build on the purpose and function of the central business district and Lake Monroe waterfront; (c) Encourage reinvestment in declining residential areas adjacent to commer- cial core areas; (d) Have potential to be served by a full complement of urban services; (e) Contain sufficient land area to accommodate good principles of urban design, including sufficient land area to provide adequate landscaping and buffers to separate existing as well as potential future adjacent land uses of differing intensity; or (f) Frequently serve as a transition area which buffers residential uses located in one area from a nearby area which accommodates uses of a higher intensity. II -2 Ord. 99 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS 100 101 RC -1 Restricted Commercial. The RC -1 district is intended to implement the 102 Comprehensive Plan "Neighborhood Commercial ((NC) future land use Map 103 designation and is intended to serve limited areas that are predominantly 1104 residential in character., but which require some supporting neighborhood office 105 and retail establishments. Property assigned to this district should be accessible to 1106 major thoroughfares near residential neighborhoods. -The maximum density of 107 development within the RC -1 district measured as a floor area ratio is .35. 108 Commercial development within this district is intended to serve the 109 neighborhood in which the development is located and is generally restricted to 110 business and professional offices, neighborhood convenience stores and drug III stores, specialty shops, limited item retail shops and services such as beauty 112 parlors, barber shops, laundry and dry cleaning pick-up stations. The RC -1 district 113 is not intended to accommodate large scale retail sales, service or trade activities 114 or residential development except for single-family and duplex units approved as 1115 a conditional use. 116 117 GC -2 General Commercial. The GC -2 district is intended to implement the 118 Comprehensive Plan "General Commercial" (GC) future land use Map 119 designation. Properties assigned this district should accommodate community - 120 oriented retail sales and services; highway -oriented sales and services; and other (121 general commercial activities. -The GC -2 district is intended to include the 122 easterly portion of the First Street business district and. The nonoral eefilmer-eial 123 designation also is intended to include pre-existing commercial corridor 124 development along such major thoroughfares as French Avenue, Orlando Drive 1125 (US 17-92), and strategic intersections along Airport Boulevard. -The GC -2 126 district generally shall be located in highly accessible areas adjacent to major 127 thoroughfares which possess necessary location, site, and market requirements. 128 The maximum intensity of general commercial development measured as a floor 129 area ratio is .35. 130 131 Transient residential facilities including hotels and motels, or residential care 132 facilities are permitted uses in this zoning district. 133 134 SC -3 Special Commercial. The SC -3 district is intended, in part, to implement the 135 Comprehensive Plan's Waterfront Downtown Business District (WDBD) future 136 land use Map designation for mixed use residential and general commercial uses 137 as well as related accessory uses. 138 139 The SC -3 district is intended to provide a planning and management framework 140 for promoting development and redevelopment within the core of the downtown 141 commercial area, the central business district, including the Lake Monroe 142 waterfront, the historic downtown commercial area, and its environs as designated 143 on the Future Land Use Map Series. 144 - - - ------- 11 1 ­­ - --L the date of adoption o 145 these revisions to the land development regulations. 146 11-3 Ord. 147 In the SC -3 district, the maximum intensity of development measured as a floor 148 area ratio is 2.0 east of U.S. 17/92 and .35 west of U.S. 17/92 for commercial 149 development. The maximum density of residential development is 50 units per 150 acre_ although intensities and densities may be impacted by overlay districts 151 assigned to property. Refer- to Sehedule U for maximum k4ensities and densi 152 of par -eels zoned SC 3 loeated in Overlay Dis:6-iets. 153 154 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS 155 156 The following industrial districts are designed to implement the Comprehensive Plan future land 157 use Map "Industrial" designation. Industrially designated areas are not adaptive to residential 158 use and as such residential activities shall not be located in areas designated for industrial 159 development. This provision shall not prohibit residences for exclusive use by night watchmen 1160 or custodians whose presence on industrial sites is necessary for security purposes when a 161 development order is issued restricting the use to that purpose. 162 163 RI -1 Restricted Industrial. This district includes areas of the City of Sanfefd which 164 are intended for light wholesale and manufacturing uses and related accessory 165 uses. The maximum intensity for industrial development shall be a floor area 166 ratio of .50. 167 168 MI -2 Medium Industrial. This district includes those areas of the City of Sanford 169 which are intended for heavy wholesale and manufacturing uses and related 170 accessory uses. The maximum intensity for industrial development shall be a 171 floor area ratio of .50. 172 173 AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT 174 175 AG Agriculture. The Agricultural (AG) district is intended to implement the 176 Comprehensive Plan "Suburban Estates" (SE) future land use Map designation. 177 Residential densities in this zoning district shall not exceed ens -(1) dwelling unit 178 per one -(I) acre. 179 180 PARKS, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE DISTRICT 181 182 PRO Parks, Recreation and Open Space. The Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PRO) 183 district is intended to implement the Comprehensive Plan's future land use 184 designation of the same name and to distinguish the City's parks, recreational 185 facilities and open space facilities from other uses. Properties assigned this district 186 have developed City parks and areas of significant open space including, but not 1187 limited to, cemeteries. -Parks and recreation areas should be readily accessible at the 188 neighborhood and community level. -Parks shall be developed and redeveloped 189 according to the level of service standards for parks and recreational facilities, 1190 community demand and community input as appropriate. -While parks generally 191 provide outdoor recreational facilities, community centers and indoor facilities are 192 also permitted up to a floor area ratio of .50. 193 11-4 Ord, - 194 195 1196 197 198 199 koo 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 (217 218 219 W# 221 Site plans for recreation and open space, shall incorporate measures which mitigate against land use incompatibility as well as adverse environmental impacts and shall include appropriate buffering, landscaping and screening. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PD Planned Development. Properties assigned the Planned Development LED) zoning district are intended for residential and nonresidential uses that utilize flexible and creative site design to achieve a more desirable environment and more efficient land use. If projects are not located in one of the major activity centers noted below, the project shall be a combination of two or more land uses from the following categories: commercial/office, industrial, single-family residential, multiple -family residential, public/semipublic and transient lodging/entertainment in order to be considered for the Planned Development zoning classification. The mix of uses shall contain at least twenty pereent420%) of the least prevalent use. The planned development land management strategy is a technique for negotiating innovative development options and a design to achieve public objectives such as natural resource protection, which might not otherwise be achieved. In addition, planned development district regulations shall be used to manage development of industry and commerce in the following major activity centers: (1) the 1-4 High Intensity area; (2) the Westside Industry and Commerce area; and (3) the Airport Industry and Commerce Center, all of which are delineated on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map. -The underlying Comprehensive Plan land use designation shall control the maximum density/intensity for planned unit development. HISTORIC AND OVERLAY DISTRICTS DOWNTOWN 'The Downtown Commercial Historic District was created in 1985 COMMERCIAL by Ordinance No. 1777. The district is generally bounded by Fulton HISTORIC DISTRICT and Commercial Streets on the north, Myrtle Avenue on the west,: Sanford Avenue on the east, and Third Street on the south. Map S-1 shows the boundaries of the district. All properties within the SANFORD RESIDENTIAL HISTORIC DISTRICT Ord. Downtown Commercial District are subject to the rules and ,regulations contained in Schedule S. The Sanford Residential Historic District, originally designated ;under the name of Old Sanford District, was established through �Ordinance No. 3184 in 1993. The district is generally bounded by: I Second and Third Streets on the north, French and Elm Avenues on ,the west, Fourteen Street on the south and Sanford Avenue on the :east. The boundaries of the district are shown on Map S-1. All ,properties within the Sanford Residential Historic District arei subject to the rules and regulations contained in Schedule S. 11-5 NATIONAL REGISTER Sanford's National Register Commercial District, listed in the HISTORIC DISTRICT'' °) ;National Register in 1976, is generally bound by Commercial Street on the north, Oak Avenue on the west, the alley between Palmetto Avenue and Sanford Avenue on the east, and Second Street on the south. The Sanford Residential Historic District was listed in the National Register in 1989, __...:._... _,.....; ._._ �.,: _�: and.�wixz�l LAKE MARY The Lake Mary Boulevard Overlay District includes all lands BOULEVARD located within the Sanford city limits that lie within 320 feet of the OVERLAY DISTRICT ,centerline of Lake Mary Boulevard between the CSX railroad line near Country Club Road and the intersection of SR 46 and CR 415. ; If any part of any parcel abuts the right-of-way line of the designated roadway, the entire parcel shall be subject to this part as if the parcel were wholly within the stated corridor. WEST SR/46 The SR 46/West First Street Overlay District includes all lands. RINEHART ROAD located within the Sanford city limits that lie within 320 feet of the GATEWAY OVERLAY centerline of SR 46 between the Interchange at 1-4 and Airport DISTRICT Boulevard (existing) and Rinehart Road. If any part of any parcel abuts the right-of-way line of the designated roadway, the entire parcel shall be subject to this part as if the parcel were wholly within the stated corridor. RIVERFRONT The purpose of the Riverfront Overlay District is to provide for a OVERLAY DISTRICT mixed-use area for high-density residential, offices and retail uses. MIDTOWN OVERLAY The primary purpose of the Midtown Overlay District is to DISTRICT encourage residential uses and to provide for a mixed-use area for single-family, multifamily housing, offices and neighborhood serving retail, where appropriate, and is not in direct conflict with the residential usage. DOWNTOWN The primary purpose of the Downtown Overlay District is to: OVERLAY DISTRICT encourage commercial uses and to provide for a mixed-use area for single-family, multifamily housing, hotel, offices, and retail, where appropriate, and is not in direct conflict with the residential usage j and the historic district. 11-6 Ord..: 222 223 224 SECTION 2.2 ASSIGNMENT OF ZONING DISTRICTS AND ADOPTION OF 225 ZONING DISTRICT MAP 226 227 A. Adoption of Zoning District Map. All land and water areas located within the 228 ineor-porated territory of the City of Sanford, Flerida, are hereby assigned the zoning 229 districts reflected on the City's Zoning District Map for- the City o€ -San ford, Florida, 230 adopted ineide-pt. te —And as a paft 4-this:6-r-dinanee, a certified eopy of w-hieh is located i 231 the Offiee of the Administr-ative Offieial. Changes, amendments and r-eassignment-of 232 distr-iets thefeon shall be made only in aeeor-danee with the pr-evisions of or by 233 amendment to this Or-dinanee. 234 235 B. Interpretation of Zoning District Map Boundaries. The following rules shall be used 236 to interpret the exact location of the zoning district boundaries reflected on the Zoning 237 District Map. 238 239 1. Where a zoning district boundary approximately follows a parcel or property line, 240 that line is the boundary of the zoning district. 241 242 2. Where a zoning district boundary follows a street or railroad the centerline of the 243 street or railroad right-of-way is the boundary of the zoning district. 244 245 3. Where a zoning district boundary follows a stream or canal or a lake or other 246 body of water, the centerline of such stream or canal or the shoreline of such lake 247 or other body of water is the boundary of the zoning district. 248 249 4. Where a zoning district boundary does not clearly follow any of the features 250 mentioned above, its exact location on the ground shall be determined by 251 measurement according to map scale and/or legal descriptions of the land area 252 involved which are filed in the Office of the Administrative Official and related to 253 the zoning district question. 254 255 5. In any instance in which the exact location of a zoning district boundary is not 256 clear, the Administrative Official shall apply the criteria herein cited to confirm 257 the exact location prior to issuing a site development permit or certificate of 258 completion. The decision shall be issued by means of a development order that, 259 when final, shall be recorded by the City at the expense of the property owner(s) 260 who are the subject of the determination. Also, upon becoming final, the City 261 Clerk shall maintain a copy of the recorded development order in the public 62 records of the City. The applicant may appeal the decision of the Administrative 63 Official in the manner set forth in the City's Land Development Regulations this 264 0fdinanee. I NO 266 C. Unzoned Areas. If any land and/or water area does not appear to have an identifiable or 267 specific zoning district map symbol reflected on the Zoning District Map, the Planning 268 and Zoning Commission shall initiate an amendment to the Zoning District Map within 269 thii4y (30) days after notification of such fact in order to establish a zoning district for 270 such area and no site develeigment i3ermits or eeftifieates of eomi3letion Sh-all he iqsue A 11-7 Ord. 271 for- sueh areas until after- the City Commission has taken final aetion on the proposed 2722 acct. In the period of time in which a property is not assigned a zoning district, i 273 the property is assigned a land use designation under the City's Con7prehensive Plan, the 274 provisions of Section 163.3194, Florida Statutes, relating to the legal status of 275 comprehensive plans, shall apply and all development undertaken by, and all actions 76 taken in regard to development orders by, the City in regard to the real property must be 77 consistent with the Coinprehensive Plan. 278 279 D. Currency of Zoning District Map. The Administrative Official shall ensure that all 280 zoning district boundaries are accurately reflected on the Zoning District Map. 281 282 If a proposed development is for a combination of uses, the acreage required for each use shall k83 be determined independently based on the floor area ratio or the intensity or density for each 284 individual use such that no acreage shall be dedicated for more than one use. 11-8 Ord. J)(_Hhu ULh 15 - PhKivll I I hij U gh) ILAND USE CATEGORY 1 SR -JA I SR -1 I SR -21 MR -1 I MR -2 I MR -3 I RMOI I RC -I+ I GC -2+1 SC -3+1 RI -I I MI -2 AG PD PRO RESIDENTIAL I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 One -Family Dwelling A C C LZ -51 P One -Family with Garage P P P P P P P C C (Z5) P One -Family with Garage or Carport P P P P P P I C 1 C (25) P Two -Family Dwelling C C C (1) C C LZ5) Mobile Home (3) P Multiple Family Dwelling (3) P P P P (1) C C Townhouses (3) P P P P C C MISCELLANEOUS I❑ Day Care Facility: I to 5 Individuals P P P P P P P P P P P P 6 or More Individuals (11) (11) (11) P (2) P (2) P (2) P P P P Community Residential Home (3) 1 to 6 Residents (3) P(13) P(13) P(13) P(13) P(13) P(13) P P(13) P P(13) (1,13) 7 to 14 Residents (3) P(14) P(14) P(14) P(1,15)1 P (15) P(15) (15)1 Residential Care Facility - 15 or More Residents (3) (16) (16) P P (16) Nursing Home C C P P Boarding House C C C C C Accessory Dwelling Unit A A A C C C A C C A C C C Accessory Residential Structure A A A C C C C C C C Urban Infill Project (24) c c c c c c c c c c c c c PUBLIC AND SEMI-PUBLIC - _1 I I❑ Noncommercial Amusement Facility Indoor C P P P P P C P Outdoor C C P C P P C P Educational Facilities Elementary School C C C C C C C C P P C C Middle School C C C C C C C P P C C High School C C C C C C C C P C C College, University or Vocational School C C C C C P P P P C Library C C C P P P P C Cultural Facility C C C P P P P C House of Worship C (4) C (4) C (4) C (4) C (4) C (4) P C P C Cemetery(21) C C C C C C C C P C C C C Hospital/Medical Clinic C C P C Public Transportation Terminal C C C C C C C Communication Tower (3) C C C C C C (19) (19) C C Solid Waste Disposal Facility C C C C Government Owned Use/Public Facilities (6) C C C C C C P P P P P P (6) p Community Resource Facility (3) (21) (21) (21) (21) (21) Ord. No 4434 02/26/2018 B-1 J(-HhL)ULh b - PERMI IThl-) U�E� ILAND USE CATEGORY I RMOI RC -I+ GC -2+ SC -3+ RI -I MI -2 AG PD 1COMMERCIAL Retail Sales & Service (3) Indoor P P P A C Outdoor Display - New Merchandise P C C C Outdoor Display - Used Merchandise C C C C Outdoor Storage C C C Temporary Commercial Amusement C C C C C Business & Professional Office P P P P P P Bail Bond P P P Exceptional Uses (3) (20) C Nonhazardous Research & Testing Lab. (3) P P P Business Training Schools P P C (23) P P Restaurant P P P C C Drive-Tiru Restaurant C P Sidewalk Caf6 P (22) Pharmacy/Drug Stores and Medical Marijuana Dispensary P(3) (3) ITRANSIENT LODGING& ENTERTAINMENT Transient Lodging Establishment P P Commercial Amusements Indoor (Except Adult Performance Establishments and Adult Arcade Amusement Centers) (8) P C Adult Performance Establishment (18) P P Adult Arcade Amusement Center (3) (12) (12) Outdoor (Except Adult Performance Establishments and Adult Arcade Amusement Centers) C C Motion Picture Theater Indoor P P Outdoor P VEHICULAR USES (3) Vehicular Service (8) C C P P Vehicular Repair C C P Vehicular Rental C P P Vehicular Rental Office (5) C P P P P Major Equipment Rental (5) C P P Major Equipment Repair C P Vehicular Dealer Sales (9) C Vehicular Accessory Sales and Installation C C C Ord. No 4434 02/2612018 B-2 Y-HhllULh b - PEKM11TEU Uoh�i LAND USE CATEGORY RMOI RC -1+ GC -2+ SC -3+ RI -I MI -2 AG PD MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS AND SERVICES Funeral Home and/or Crematory (17) P C P P Laundromat C C C C Printing & Publishing P P P P Domestic and Business Service Indoor P P P P Outdoor C C P P Landscaping Service Establishment Indoor P P P P P Outdoor C P P P Auction Sales Establishment Indoor P P P P Outdoor C P P Aircraft Sales Establishment Indoor P P Outdoor P P Small Animal Boarding Kennel Indoor C P C P P P Outdoor C P P C Veterinarian & Animal Hospital Indoor C P C P P P Outdoor C P P C Welding Establishment (3) C P P INDUSTRIAL Wholesale & Storage (10) Nonhazardous (3) Indoor C P P Outdoor C C P Tank C C P Hazardous (3) Indoor C P P Outdoor C C C Tank C C Junkyard (3) C Laundry And Dry Cleaning Plant C P P Manufacturing Nonhazardous (3) Indoor C P P Outdoor C C C Hazardous (3) Indoor C P Outdoor C AGRICULTURAL Agriculture P Animal Raising C Mining (3) Agriculture Processing Establishment C C C FOOTNOTES "P" Indicates that the use listed is permitted as -of -right within the corresponding zoning district (See Schedule C, Area and Dimension Regulations). "A" Indicates that the use is permitted only after review by Planning and Development Services staff and approval by the Administrative Official. "C" Indicates that the use listed is allowed within the corresponding zoning district only after being approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission as a major conditional use. Indicates that the use listed is allowed subject to complying with Planned Development Project Regulations (See Schedule D, Planned Development Project Regulations). "+" Schedule S, Historic Preservation, and Schedule U, Overlay Districts, may impose additional regulations in this zoning district. "A" Only for existing platted lots and new subdivisions with ten (10) or less lots. Ord. No 4434 02/26/2018 B - 3 Y_11hL)ULh]J -,VLLKMDl'l'hLJ U�)t�) (l) Residential uses in the RMOI Zoning district shall be only in conjunction with office and/or institutional uses. (2) Day care is only permitted as an accessory use to a residential complex or development and is not permitted in an individual residential unit. (3) This use is subject to certain specific requirements. (See Schedule E, Additional Requirements and Provisions for Specific Uses.) (4) A house huthe SR-)AA'SR'lA,SD'l^MD,LMD,2and k8D' zoning districts shall hn permitted to have only /bnbed educational and day care facilities and only as an accessory use. No facilities defined in Schedule A, Glossary, as community resource facilities shall be permitted as accessories to a house of worship in these residential zoning districts. (5) [oaddition tothe parking requirements nfSchedule B.the rental use shall provide pmbiogfhrrental vehicles and/or equipment. (6) Government owned uses are allowed subject ^uthe same requirements t owneduses ofthe same type except for noncommercial amusement facilities which shall be allowed within any zoning district and shall not require conditional use approval. (7) Reserved for future use. (8) Automobile and Truck Service includes the following: Automobile Parking Establishment, Automobile Cleaning Establishment and Gasoline Service Station. (9) Automotive Dealer Sales includes the following: Automobile Sales, Truck Sales, Boat Sales, Major Equipment Sales, Mobile Home Sales, Travel Trailer Sales and Automotive Specialty Sales. (10) Wholesale and Storage includes the following: Construction and Contractor Yards, Heating Fuel Sales and Nonretail Sales and Service. (||) If such use is in conjunction with a church and/or an elementary school, such use is allowed as a conditional use. (12) Such use is allowed within the corresponding zoning district only after being approved as a conditional use and after approval hythe City Commission. (13) Such use shall be allowed provided that such use shall not be located within a radius of 1,000 feet of another existing Community Residential Home. (14) Such use shall be allowed provided that such use shall not be located within a radius of 1200'of another home in a Multi -Family Zone o,within 500'ofuSingle Family Zone boundary. (15) Such use shall be allowed provided that such use shall not be located within 500'of a Single Family zone. (16) Such use shall be allowed as a conditional use provided that such use shall not be located within a radius of 1200'of another residential care facility or a community residential home in a multi -family zone or within 500 feet of a single family boundary. (17) Crematory facilities only allowed inKi-\ and &{|-2Zoning Districts. (18) Adult Performance Establishments shall comply with all requirements and provisions eetforthinO, iummoY4o.3|X5,omhhd"7hoCby ofSanford Adult Entertainment Code" and all other applicable provisions of the Sanford City Code and state law. (19) Communication towers up to a maximum height of two hundred (200) feet shall be allowed by right. Communication towers gncmzr than two hundred (200) feet in height obaU be allowed only after being approved as auondidonal use. Such use is allowed within corresponding zoning district only after being approved uouConditional Use. Further, such use shall not helocated within uradius of 1,500' of another such use nor shall such use be located within 300' of a school, church, park or residentially zoned land. (20) Such use is allowed within corresponding zoning district only after being approved as a Conditional Use. Further, such use shall not bc located within a radius of 1,500' of another such use nor shall such use be located within 300' of a school, church, park or residentially zoucd|uod. (21) Such use is allowed within corresponding zoning district only after being approved as a Conditional Use and after approval bythe City Commission. Further, such use shall not be located within uradius oflj00'of another such use nor shall such use be located within 300' o[aschool, church, park or residentially zoned land. The City Commission shall have the authority mwaive this provision during tile approval process if the Commission determines that the proposed community resource facility primarily serves the interests of the specific neighborhood. (22) See Schedule E,Section 20.0for Sidewalk Cufdprocedures and requirements. (B} Business training schools are not permitted onthe ground floor. (24) Schedule Emay impose additional requirements onsome uses. Section liB(Permitted Use) nfSchedule Edoes not apply for Two Family Dwellings in any single family zoning district pursuant to Ordinance No. 4226. (25) Such uses shall be allowed within the Downtown Overlay District and Riverfront Overlay District, according to Schedule U. Ord. mo4434 02/26o018 B-4 WS RM Item No. CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM 21-103 APRIL 26, 2021 AGENDA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the 9itX Commission PREPARED BY: Sabreena Colbert, Senior Planner SUBMITTED BY: Norton N. Bonaparte Jr., City Manager SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 2021-4598; Land Development Regulations. Schedule "B" and Article 11. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: F-1 Unify Downtown & the Waterfront F] Promote the City's Distinct Culture Z Update Regulatory Framework F] Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities SYNOPSIS: Approve to modify the City's Land Development Regulations (LDRs) related to minor conditional uses has been prepared to eliminate the minor conditional use process while other edits are also being made to the text of Schedule "B" and Article 11 is requested. FISCAL/STAFFING STATEMENT: There is no anticipated cost to the City to implement the new regulations. Although the overall amendatory process should make the administrative processes of the City more efficient for City staff and stakeholders as well as making the text of the LDRs more user friendly. BACKGROUND: To ensure that the Florida Sunshine Law is not violated, the roles and responsibilities of the Development Review Team (DRT) need to be reduced. Currently, minor conditional use requests are approved, with conditions or denied by the Administrative Official after a review and recommendation by the DRT at a public meeting. The proposed modifications to the LDRs will eliminate the minor conditional use process and introduce a process that will include a determination by the Administrative Official after review by City staff. In addition, other certain uses will be permitted by right in certain zoning districts while other uses will require a major conditional use approval. Additional revisions are being proposed to address uses that are regulated under State law and to correct inconsistencies. A synopsis of the proposed modifications follows: Schedule B — Permitted Uses Modifications to the entire permitted uses table and footnotes have been made. Article II: Land Use and Zoning Modifications to the entire article have been made to simplify/clarify references and to provide consistency with both current and previous revisions to the LDRs. LEGAL REVIEW: The Assistant City Attorney has reviewed this item and drafted Ordinance No. 4598. The City Commission approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 4598 on April 12, 2021. The City Clerk purchased notice of the 2nd Public Hearing in the Sanford Herald on April 25, 2021. RECOMMENDATION: Section 163.3174, Florida Statutes, requires the City's local planning agency (the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&ZC)) to review proposed land development regulations and make recommendations to the City Commission as to the consistency of the changes with the adopted comprehensive plan. Accordingly, on March 4, 2021, the P&ZC unanimously recommended the City Commission approve an ordinance to adopt the modifications to the LDRs to eliminate the minor conditional use process including the proposed changes to Schedule B and Article Il of the LDRs. Additional comments or recommendations may be presented by staff at the meeting. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4598." Attachments: (1). Schedule B — Permitted Uses. (2). Article II: Land Use and Zoning. (3). Ordinance No. 4598. 2�