HomeMy WebLinkAbout1461 CPH - Riverwalk Phase II - work orderEXHIBIT A WORK ORDER FORM q) Work Order Number CPM -030 CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA Master Agreement/Contract Number: Q11306.116R00 Dated: December 12, 2011 Contract/Project Title U.S. 17-92 Riverwalk Phase 11 Solicitation No: ISanford Project No. Purchase Order No. Consultant/Contractor: CPH Engineers, Inc. Consultant/Contractor's Business Address, Phone Number, Fax Number and E-mail Address 500 West Fulton Street, Sanford, FL 32771 Phone: 407-322-6841 Fax: 407-330-0639 Email Address: kluman@cphengineers.com ATTACHMENTS TO THIS WORK ORDER METHOD OF COMPENSATION XX DRAWINGS/PLANS/SPECIFICATIONS XX FIXED FEE BASIS XX SCOPE OF SERVICES TIME BASIS-NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT SPECIAL CONDITIONS TIME BASIS-LIMITATION OF FUNDS PRICING IINFORMATION UNIT PRICE BASIS-NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT WO TERMS AND CONDITIONS TIME FOR COMPLETION: 730 Days of the effective date of this Work Order Effective date- this Work Order: Date of Execution by City Time for completion: The services to be provided by the Consultant/Contractor shall commence upon execution of this Work Order by the parties and shall be completed within the time frame indicated above. Failure to meet the stated completion requirement may be grounds for termination for default. Work Order Amount: Dollars Expressed in Numbers: $ 626,289.00 Dollar Amount Written Out: Six Hundred Twenty Six ThousanclTwo Hundred Eighty Nine Dollars In Witness Where of, the parties hereto have made and executed this Work Order on the respective dates under each signature: The City through its City Commission taking action on the and the Con sultant/Contractor by and through its duly authorized corporate officer having the full and complete authority to execute same. CONSULTANT/CONTRACTOR ATTEST: EXECUTION: (X1 Signature, Corporate Officer Signature, Corporate President Linda M. Gardner, SeclTreasurer, Dec12, 2011 David A. Gierach, December 12, 2011 Corporate Officer Printed Name, Title and Date Corporate President, Printed Name and Date CITY OF SANFORD P Vo ,,§@Ktdre, urc iog anager /V -r4, Purchasing McInager, Prihtqbf Name and Date Signatureity Clerk' /gri-a re, Mayor _ �y P�� 1 -2-. 1 .Z_0>I City Clerk, Printed Name and Date Mayor, Printed Name and Date Revised: 1-6-2011 SCOPE OF SERVICES U.S. 17-92 RIVERWALK PHASE 11 November 29, 2011 BASIC SERVICES OF THE CONSULTANT 1.1 The CONSULTANT agrees to perform professional engineering services in connection with the project as hereinafter stated. 1.2 The CONSULTANT will serve as the CITY's professional engineering representative in those phases of the project to which this Scope of Services applies, and will give consultation and advice to the CITY during the performance of his services. 1.3 The purpose of the project is the design of two segments of U.S. 17-92 Riverwalk Phase 11 within the US 17-92 right of way along Lake Monroe in the City of Sanford and Unincorporated Seminole County. The first segment being from French Avenue to Mangoustine Avenue, (STA 9+00 to STA 40+00), with an Optional Service to continue the project to approximately 2,100 -ft west of the Central Florida Regional Hospital Driveway (STA 40+00 to STA 64+00), and the second segment being from east of the zoo entrance to existing trail at CR -15 (STA 159+00 to 176+00) for a distance of 1,700 feet with the improvements within the aforementioned segments being as shown on the June 2011 Concept Design Analysis plans, including parking/pull-off. The CITY has requested that the services provided include survey, environmental, design (roadway, trail, landscape, hardscape, utility adjustments/relocations, electrical, seawall, boardwalk, and prefabricated pedestrian bridge), and permitting of improvements. 1.4 CONSULTANT will provide project management and quality control for the CITY. 1.5 CONSULTANT will perform the proposed services in accordance with the contractual conditions contained in the Continuing Professional Services Agreement for Engineering Services dated November 29, 2006 and RFQ 10/11-21. 2.1 SURVEY 2.2 Right of Way Retracement CONSULTANT will conduct additional investigations into the discrepancy between the FDOT R/W maps located near 1-4 and confirm the tracement survey in the area. 2.3 Specific Purpose Topographic Survey CONSULTANT will prepare additional Topographic Survey of the corridor in accordance with the Minimum Technical Standards of the State of Florida, and in accordance with list below: Pa-qe 1 of 15 • Obtain ground elevations at 100 foot stations and locate all individual trees larger than 3" DBH from existing tree line located north of the US 17-92 edge of pavement to the US 17-92 right of way line from STA 166+00 to STA 176+00. ■ Locate 1,000 I.f. of wetland flags set by CONSULTANT from STA 166+00 to STA 176+00. • Locate the Mean High Water elevation within the limits of STA 166+00 to STA 176+00. ■ Collect topographic data at 100' cross-sections from STA. 9+50 west 3,250 feet to STA. 40+00 as referenced on Sheets EX -01 and EX -02 of the US 17-92 Riverwalk Phase 11 Conceptual Design Analysis, dated June 2011 for the City of Sanford. Topographic area to be three (3) shots north of the north right-of-way at the following locations: 1 foot north, 50 feet north and 100 feet north of the seawall. 3.1 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3.2 Preliminary Ecological & Wildlife Assessment • Aerial Photography: CONSULTANT will obtain Digital Ortho Quarter Quadrant (DOQQ) electronic files and construct a composite color infrared aerial (CIR) covering the project site. Vegetation and Land Use: CONSULTANT will prepare a Vegetation and Land Use Map covering the project site. The mapping will follow Level III nomenclature of the Florida Land Use Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCFCS). The approximate acreage of each classification will be tabulated for the site. The map will be digitized ArcView 9.3 based on "desk top" interpretation of features evident on the DOQQ aerial photography, correlation with soil types (SCS Soil Survey of Seminole County) and field verification for each mapped classification. The dominant vegetation of each classification will be recorded. Map product will be used in FDEP and ACOE permitting. Threatened and Endangered Species: CONSULTANT will review Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) web based files and distribution mappings and review the Atlas of Breeding Sites of Herons and Their Allies (FFWCC) to identify recorded listed species within the project site. CONSULTANT will conduct a preliminary survey by general reconnaissance of the site for the occurrence or potential occurrence of protected species (threatened, endangered, or special concern). The approximate location of all observed protected species shall be identified on the FLUCFCS map or aerial photograph prints. Those species referred to as protected are listed under Florida Administrative Code 68A and Florida Statue 581.185 and Code of Federal Regulation (50 CFR 17.11 and 17.12). Wetland Delineation: The approximate wetland limits will be delineated in the field with flagging tape and/or stakes in accordance with methodologies outlined in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) Wetland Delineation Manual (1987), the 2008 Corps Interim Regional Supplement to the Corps Wetland Delineation Manual.- Atlantic & Guff Coastal Plain Region and the Florida Unified Wetland Delineation Methodology (Chapter 62-340, F.A.C.). CONSULTANT will also locate in the field the location of Seasonal High or Ordinary High water marks for location by the project surveyor. CONSULTANT will locate at least four water mark locations. Wetland delineation will only occur when upland areas are located between the seawall and the Lake (areas towards 1-4). Page 2 of 15 Tree Survey: CONSULTANT will conduct a tree survey in the location of the proposed boardwalk located from 1-4 to the Central Florida Zoo. CONSULTANT shall number each tree, record DBH, species and health. The data collected during the tree survey will assist with a mitigation plan during project permitting with the FDEP and ACOS. Survey Coordination: CONSULTANT will coordinate with the project surveyor and/or engineer to provide wetland delineation information such as a map showing the approximate location of the delineated wetland line (flag numbers), tree survey data and water levels identified. • Archaeological: CPH will utilize a subconsultant to perform the Cultural Resource Reconnaissance meeting Chapter 1A-46, F.A.C. Archaeological Consultants, Inc (ACI) will perform the required background research, reconnaissance survey, and prepare and submit Cultural Resource Assessment Survey(CRAS) report meeting local and state requirements. 3.3 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Permitting CONSULTANT will prepare ecological elements of the FDEP Individual Permit application. • Arrange for and conduct a field review of the estimated wetland limits with representatives of the FDEP after permit application submittal. • Attend one (1) pre -application meeting with FDEP in Orlando, Florida. • Coordinate with the Project Engineer to produce Dredge & Fill permit sketches, 8.5" by 11.0" drawings that show wetland impacts, cross sections, and development plan (assumes 12 sheets). • Coordinate with the CITY and the Project Engineer as may be required in the preparation of the ecological elements of the Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) Permit application to FDEP. CONSULTANT will prepare draft responses to ecological questions in Sections C, E and G of the ERP application. • Coordinate with the project surveyor regarding applying for a Sovereign and Submerged Land Lease from the State for use of the footprint area greater than 3,000 square feet for the preempted area; a SSL is required if the proposed improvements are not within the area where the City holds claim to the Lake bottom. ■ Unified Mitigation Assessment Methodology (UMAM): An analysis will be prepared of pre- & post -development wetland impacts and mitigation value following the UMAM as required by FDEP. • Prepare a Post -Development FLUCFCS Map for purposes of the FDEP permitting. Mapping will follow the Florida Land Use Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCFCS) (FDOT 1999). • Prepare an assessment of Secondary and Cumulative Impact Analysis. • Archaeological and Historical Resources: CONSULTANT will submit all archaeological/historical information as prepared by Panamerican Consultants, Inc. with the FDEP application. Any necessary site specific cultural resource assessments are not included. 3.4 U.S Army Corps of Engineers Permitting Page 3 of 15 CONSULTANT will prepare a wetland jurisdiction determination (JD) package. For purposes of this determination, CONSULTANT will prepare documentation to be submitted with the ACOE's 8 page Form. The JD will be submitted with the permit application request. This package of information will include the following: ■ Site Location Map — a street map locating the site ■ USGS Quadrangle Map - excerpt from map showing project boundary, section, township and range of the project and the latitude and longitude coordinates of the approximate center of the site • Soils Map — tabulation of descriptions of soil types shown on the soils map excerpted from the County Soil Survey. • Preliminary Wetland Delineation — a print of the digital ortho-rectified color infra- red aerial photograph: 1) property boundary; 2) estimated jurisdictional wetland boundaries; 3) enumeration of each wetland; ■ Wetland Studies Description - for each enumerated wetland a summary description of the wetland type and status (dominate vegetation, disturbance, etc.) as well as a discussion of contiguity, adjacency or isolation factors (e.g. distances from ditches and/or other waters) • Data Form — a completed ACOE data form for each upland community type and each enumerated wetland • Conduct an on-site meeting with the ACOE to review the JD package and delineated wetland boundaries. CONSULTANT anticipates one day for this field meeting. 3.4.1 ACOE Permitting CONSULTANT will prepare a permit application request and submit the Individual Permit application to the ACOE. • The CONSULTANT will attend one (1) pre -application meeting with the ACOE in Cocoa, Florida, • Practicable Alternative Analysis: CONSULTANT will assist the applicant to prepare an analysis consistent with Sec 404.1(b) CFR. The CONSULTANT will provide such exhibits and graphics as may be necessary. • Archaeological and Historical Resources: CONSULTANT will submit all archaeological/historical information as prepared by Panamerican Consultant Inc. with the ACOE application. Any necessary site specific cultural resource assessments are not included. • Prepare and tailor portions of the ERP Application specifically ecological elements of Sections C&E of Joint ERP Application to meet the ACOE requirements. • Provide a narrative description of direct, indirect and adverse cumulative impacts anticipated as a result of impacts to the wetlands. 3.5 Wetland Mitigation Plan Design Mitigation Plan: It is assumed wetland mitigation will be accomplished on-site. The CONSULTANT will prepare a mitigation plan and will include the following: • Narrative summary of proposed mitigation plan. • A soils map of the restoration area(s) and other soils information pertinent to the specific restoration actions proposed. Page 4 of 15 ■ Topographic map of the mitigation area(s) and adjacent hydrologic contributing and receiving areas. ■ A hydrologic features map of the project site specifically of the mitigation area(s) and adjacent hydrologic contributing and receiving areas. ■ A description of current hydrologic conditions affecting the mitigation area(s). ■ A map of vegetation communities in and around the mitigation area($). ■ Drawings illustrating proposed topographic alterations and all structural components associated with proposed activities. It is assumed that 10 drawings will be prepared. ■ A detailed schedule for the construction phasing, planting, maintenance and monitoring of mitigation area(s). ■ A vegetation -planting scheme and schedule for implementation. • Sources of plants and soils used in mitigation area. ■ Measures to be implemented during and after construction to avoid adverse impacts related to proposed activities. ■ A management plan comprising all aspects of operation and maintenance, including, vegetation establishment, exotic and nuisance species control, and control of access. • A proposed monitoring plan to demonstrate success criteria. ■ A description of activities proposed to control exotic and nuisance species should they become established in the mitigation area. 3.6 Requests for Additional Information CONSULTANT shall prepare written responses to two (2) Requests for Additional Information (RAI) by the FDEP and the ACOE regarding ecological elements of the ERP application prepared by CONSULTANT Environmental, 3.7 Meetings & Coordination Throughout the project, the CONSULTANT Environmental will attend up to five (5) meetings or participate in telephone conferences with the CITY (including the City Kick-off meeting), CITY's representative, agency personnel and/or other project consultants as necessary to properly coordinate the preparation of the permit application submittal and processing the submittal. 4.1 TRAIL/ROADWAY ENGINEERING 4.2 PRELIMINARY DESIGN PHASE Based on the City/FDOT/County approved Concept Plans, CONSULTANT will prepare Preliminary Trail Plans and associated roadway improvements and parking improvements to provide the Fishing/Pull-Off areas. CONSULTANT will prepare the Preliminary Opinion of Probable Construction Cost for the Preliminary Trail/Roadway Plans. The Preliminary Plans will consist of 30% complete trail plans, and will include preliminary infrastructure design, including relocation of the existing reclaim main, but excluding design of relocations to the existing communication conduits, which will be designed by the utility owner. Plans will be prepared in accordance with the local jurisdiction of City of Sanford, FDOT Design Standards, and FDOT PPM, with precedence given to the FDOT PPM since the improvements will be located in the FDOT right of way. Plans will be supplied to the CITY in reproducible form at a Paqe 5 of 15 suitable scale to fit on an eleven inch by seventeen inch (11" x 17") plan sheet and will be accurate, legible, complete in design, and suitable for submittal to the City of Sanford, FDOT, and Seminole County. The plans and preliminary opinion of probable cost will be reviewed with the CITY prior to submittal. This task will be performed and billed as a lump sum service. Refer to the Compensation section of this proposal for the proposed fee. 4.3 FINAL DESIGN PHASE After the City of Sanford, FDOT, and Seminole County complete their review of the 30% Plans completed under the previous task, then CONSULTANT will continue with the following analyses and preparation of the final plans as discussed in detail below. 4.3.1 Engineering Analyses Under this task, CONSULTANT will complete the engineering computations necessary to support the final design and regulatory agency submittals, including: 100 Year Flood Plain: Nearly all the proposed improvements are located within the limits of the FEMA FIRM 100 year flood plain, and thus, will require analyses of the impacts and off -setting mitigation that will likely be created by the project. CONSULTANT will analyze the impacts and mitigation in accordance with FDEP requirements. If off-site mitigation, i.e., beyond the project corridor, becomes necessary, then an amendment to this agreement will be required. FDOT Variations Package: The design of the trail will necessitate deviations from FDOT standards for roadway and trail design. CONSULTANT will submit these deviations for review and consideration by FDOT through the submittal of a Variations Report by the Engineer of Record. ACOE Dredge/Fill Exhibits: To support the ACOE permit application, CONSULTANT will prepare 8.5"x11" dredge and fill sketches for all the proposed dredging or filling activities located within the ACOE jurisdictional areas. Note: Per our previous meetings with FDEP, the agency with ERP jurisdiction for the project, the trail is exempt from stormwater water quality treatment requirements. 4.3.2 Final Plans Based on the City/County/FDOT-approved Preliminary Plans, CONSULTANT will prepare the Final Plans (Construction Plans) consisting of 90%, and 100% complete submittals and corresponding Opinions of Probable Construction Costs at the same intervals. The Final Plans will be compiled in a manner so the CITY can be append his landscape, hardscape, boardwalk, etc. sheets to the plans, and will include the following sheets: • Key Sheet • General Notes Sheet • Summary of Pay Items Sheet (incl. items provided by other professionals under contract with the CONSULTANT) ■ Typical Sections Sheet • Summary of Quantities (incl quantities provided by other professionals under contract with the CONSULTANT) Page 6 of 15 ■ Project Layout Sheet ■ Trail Plan and Profile Sheets ■ Roadway Plan Sheets ■ Drainage Structure Sheets • Wetland Mitigation Plan • Drainage and Pavement Details • Soil Survey Sheet • Trail Cross Sections (100 foot stations) • Roadway Cross Sections (100 foot stations) • Utility Relocation Sheets for Reclaim Water Main (P&P) ■ Utility Adjustment Sheets for Reflecting Utility Designs by Others ■ Pedestrian Bridge and Boardwalk Structures Sheets • Sea Wall Structures Sheets • Signage and Pavement Marking Plans • Signalization Plans - Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons, Two Locations ■ Lighting Plans • Landscape Plans ■ Irrigation Plans • Hardscape Plans ■ Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) For the Utility Adjustment Plans, CONSULTANT will evaluate the existing utilities, both buried and overhead for conflicts, separation issues, and construction impediments. CONSULTANT will review the existing utilities with the proposed design plans to minimize utility impacts. CONSULTANT will coordinate with the owners of the private communication companies to review potential conflicts and request mark-ups for the project. CONSULTANT is not responsible for the design or cost associated with the design of the relocation of the private communication companies' facilities. Design of relocations to the City's reclaim water main will be performed by CONSULTANT, shown on relocation plans, and displayed on the Utility Adjustment Plans. Project -specific traffic control plan will be compiled for the roadway construction portion. A four phase MOT Plan will be designed in accordance with the latest Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the FDOT Design Standards. No project specific traffic control plans will be prepared for the trail construction; the plans will reference the FDOT Design Index, Series 600. Final Plans will be prepared in accordance with the local jurisdiction of the City of Sanford, Seminole County, FDOT Design Standards, and FDOT PPM with precedence given to the FDOT PPM standards. Stormwater Management will be designed in accordance with FDEP and FDOT requirements, and will include the "Best Management Practices" proposed by FDEP. Plans will be supplied to the CITY in reproducible form at a suitable scale to fit on an eleven inch by seventeen inch (11" x 17") plan sheet and will be legible, complete in design, and suitable for submittal to the City of Sanford, Seminole County, and FDOT for review and approval. The plans and cost estimates will be reviewed with the CITY at the 90 and 100% completion stages, prior to submitting the plans to the permitting agencies. This task will be performed and billed as a lump sum service. Refer to the compensation section of this proposal for the proposed fee. Any modifications to these plans requested by the CITY or City of Sanford after the plans are prepared for submittal to the agencies will be performed as an additional service and billed at the Standard Hourly Rates enclosed. 4.4 PERMITTING PHASE Page 7 of 15 Upon receipt of the CITY, County, and FDOT's approval of the 90% Final Plans, CONSULTANT will prepare the permit applications and support data for the applicable regulatory agencies, including; FDEP, ERP Exemption ■ FDOT JPA Submittal and response to ERC comments ■ FDOT MOA (landscape/hardscape within the US 17-92 right of way) Seminole County (informational notice only) Note: Other required permits are listed under the Environmental Services task of this proposal. CONSULTANT will coordinate the processing of the applications through the regulatory agencies, including attendance at a limited number of meetings with the agencies that may be necessary to receive the approval. Within this service are up to two (2) meetings or conference calls with each of the regulatory agencies, one (1) submittal of the applications and supporting documents, and two (2) responses to agency comments. in order to minimize travel, meetings with multiple agencies will be scheduled, when possible. Meetings required beyond these will be handled as additional service, and billed in accordance with our Standard Hourly Rates. The CITY will be financially responsible for any application or filing fee required by the agencies. This task will be performed and billed as a lump sum service. Refer to the Compensation section of this proposal for the proposed fee. Any modifications to the plans requested by the Regulatory Agencies pertaining to the infrastructure design in the previously mentioned plans, required to meet code, will be addressed by CONSULTANT as part of these services. Any modifications requested that are not code issues, or modifications requested by the CITY will be addressed as additional services and billed at the Standard Hourly Rates enclosed, Any other permits that may arise during the design or review process, and not outlined above, will be handled as an additional service, and billed in accordance with our Standard Hourly Rates. 4.5 SPECIFICATIONS CONSULTANT will prepare a Project Manual in addition to referencing the FDOT Standard Specification, consisting of Technical Specifications and front end bidding documents (Division 1). CONSULTANT will compile the FDOT Supplemental Specifications and Special Provisions for the trail and roadway construction elements of the project and include them into the Project Manual for the project. This task will be performed and billed as a lump sum service. Refer to the Compensation section of this proposal for the proposed fee. 5.1 LAN DSCAPEIHARDSCAP E/LIGHTI NG DESIGN SERVICES CONSULTANT will utilize a sub -consultant for the Landscape/Hardscape and Lighting design services. Bellomo-Herbert will prepare Landscape and Hardscape plans based on the previously completed Conceptual Design Analysis plans. Lighting Design will be performed by Clear Engineering. The Landscape, Hardscape, and Lightning Design Services as described in Sections 5.2 through 5.4 below: Paqe 8 of 15 ;I 04411M I H-11 W&Kt�]L ■ CONSULTANT will utilize the previously completed Conceptual Design Analysis plans and all available site information (i.e. survey and geotechnical information) and shall prepare a Preliminary Design Plan to indicate the final horizontal location of the boardwalk at the west Riverwalk section, identification of the location and layout of a pedestrian bridge to be placed at the east Riverwalk section, identification of the location and layout of cantilevered fishing "overlooks", along with the associated landscaping, lighting locations, furnishings and pedestrian crosswalk paving design. ■ CONSULTANT will provide Preliminary Design drawings (sections, plan enlargements and/or elevations) of the proposed gravity wall embellishments, crosswalk paving, railing at seawall, fishing "overlooks" and railings, boardwalk, pedestrian bridge and any proposed specialty features as may be needed to convey overall design intent and to further detail the final design of these elements. • CONSULTANT will prepare Preliminary Design drawings of the west Riverwalk 11 area, particularly the area adjacent to the zoo, which may include a fishing pier, observation platform, pedestrian crosswalk across US 17-92 and other features proposed that might be funded by parties other than the City of Sanford, FDOT or any other public agency. ■ CONSULTANT will attend up to two meetings with CPH and CITY during this phase of work. • CONSULTANT will attend one meeting with FDOT staff during this phase of work. ■ CONSULTANT will provide an estimate of probable cost for the features proposed. 5.3 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT & CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS CONSULTANT will prepare complete Design Development drawings for the amenities identified in 5.2, above. These items are further described as follows: • Lighting Fixture selection and Layout using bollards, lights in the gravity wall, pole lights or a combination of any of these fixtures. Electrical circuiting plans are to be provided by Clear Engineering. ■ Hardscape: Specialty paving layout plans; pedestrian crosswalk layout plan; seawall railing plans; fishing "overlook" plans including railings; site furnishing plans; pedestrian bridge plans (structural drawings by others) boardwalk plans (structural drawings by others). Plans for the construction of the proposed fishing pier are not a part of this Scope of Services. ■ Specialty feature location and elevations with selection of materials and colors. This may include embellishments to the gravity wall, shade structures or other features as yet to be determined. ■ Landscape plan indicating existing plants/trees to remain and proposed plantings. ■ Irrigation: Preliminary irrigation drawings including, sleeving, main line piping and water source. ■ CONSULTANT will attend up to two meetings with CPH and CITY during this phase of work. ■ CONSULTANT will attend one meeting with FDOT staff during this phase of work. ■ CONSULTANT will provide Bidding Services as required. Based upon the approved design Development Documents, the CONSULTANT shall prepare complete Construction Drawings and specifications for the work as described in 5.3 (above). The CONSULTANT'S services do not include geotechnical services, mitigation plans or the cost of any permit application fees or jurisdictional inspections. Paqe 9 of 15 All of the drawings above shall adhere to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 5.4 LIGHTING DESIGN Electrical Engineering Design services include the following: • Pathway Lighting for pedestrian/ bike trail to meet City Standards. • Selection and specification of lighting fixtures. ■ Electrical Services as needed. ■ Coordination with electric utility.. ■ Power circuiting to lighting. • Photometric study. • Voltage drop calculations. ■ Estimate of probable construction costs. ■ Three design review meetings as needed with Design Team, City of Sanford, as needed. ■ Responding to review comments on electrical design plans included in basic services. ■ Specifications on drawings. 6.1 SEAWALL DESIGN SERVICES CONSULTANT will utilize a sub -consultant for the design of the seawall replacement. TLP Engineering will provide structural engineering services to prepare the seawall replacement plans and specification. Scope of Services includes the following elements: ■ Attend a pre -design meeting with the Design Team and the City of Sanford. ■ Conduct a field visit to perform a visual assessment of the condition of the existing seawall and photograph observed conditions. ■ Coordinate with the Geotechnical Consultant regarding seawall design parameters. ■ Upon receipt of the Final Geotechnical Report, proceed with preparing design calculations and drawings for the construction of 3,100 Lineal feet of seawall commencing at the terminus of the existing seawall constructed under Phase I of the Sanford Riverwalk project, extending from STA 9+00 to STA 40+00. ■ Submit 90% Plans, in electronic format, and attend a 90% review meeting with the Design Team and the City of Sanford. ■ Upon approval of the 90% plans, make any revisions agreed upon, and produce drawing files for submittal to the permit agencies. We are assuming that the permit agencies include Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the Corps of Engineers. ■ Assist in responding to any Requests for Additional Information (RAI) from the agencies regarding the seawall design. The fee is based on 2 RAI's submitted by the agencies. ■ Finalize the plans and prepare specifications for final review by the City of Sanford. • Services during bidding will consist of attending a pre-bid meeting, responding to contractors Requests for Information (RFI), and assisting the City in evaluating bids. 7.1 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES CONSULTANT will utilize a sub -consultant for the structural engineering services. Avcon will provide the following services: 7.2 Pedestrian Bridge: Paqe 10 of 15 a. Coordinate with Bridge Manufacturers on selection of prefabricated bridge to determine foundation details and loading requirements. b. Coordination with the geotechnical engineer on allowable bearing pressures for the foundation design — geotechnical investigation to be provided by others. c. Preparation of design calculations for the footing / foundation design. We have assumed that based on an approximate bridge length of 75 feet, the foundation system will be spread footings. d. Design of the foundation size, dimensions, details and attachments to accommodate the selected prefabricated pedestrian. 7.3 Pedestrian Boardwalk a. Provide a concept of the structural design for approval by CONSULTANT and the City. It is assumed that the structural system will consist of timber superstructure and concrete footings. b. Prepare Structural Calculations for the selected concept. c. Provide a plan and elevation of the proposed boardwalk structure. d. Prepare structural details for the boardwalk assuming standard bent spacing with limited special design sections. 8.1 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES The CONSULTANT will utilize a sub -consultant for the Geotechnical Engineering Services. Ardaman & Associates services will include exploring soil stratigraphy on the lake side of the proposed seawall, developing up to three soil profiles for use by the structural engineer to design the seawall, and performing a review of the geotechnical engineering part of the structural engineer's seawall analysis. For the pedestrian bridge the services will explore soil stratigraphy in the lake using SPT borings, and soil stratigraphy on land using hand auger borings to provide soil bearing capacity recommendations for shallow spread footings for the pedestrian bridge. The following summarizes our proposed scope of work and associated fees for conducting the subject exploration. 8.2 FIELD EXPLORATION The field exploration will include performing eleven, 20 -foot deep SPT borings for the seawall and two, 30 -foot deep borings for the pedestrian bridge in the lake on the north side of the seawall. Please note that the boring depths are measured below barge deck. We will also perform two, 3 -inch diameter 5 -foot deep hand auger borings will be performed on the land side of the existing seawall relative to the pedestrian bridge. The SPT borings will be drilled using a procedure similar to the Standard Penetration Test outlined in ASTM 0-1586. The borings will be sampled at 18 -inch intervals to 10 feet deep and at 5 -foot intervals below 10 feet. Each sample will be removed from the sampler in the field and then examined and visually classified by our crew chief. Representative portions will be sealed and packaged for transportation to our laboratory for further analysis as required. Water level observations will be made in the boreholes during the drilling operation. 8.3 LABORATORY PROGRAM Page 11 of 15 Routine laboratory visual classification will be performed along with specific classification tests deemed necessary (i.e., percent fines and organic contents). 8.4 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS AND REPORT Engineering analysis of all data obtained will be made to evaluate general subsurface conditions and to develop up to three typical soil profiles for use by the structural engineer to design the seawall. The soil profile parameters will include recommendations for the soils' angle of internal friction, cohesion, and unit weight. In addition, the Geotechnical Engineer will perform a review of their appropriate portion of the structural engineer's seawall analysis. The analysis will include up to 3 cross-section geometries. Please note that our review of the structural engineer's analysis will be limited to assessing the recommended sheetpile tip depth, the moment of inertia, the minimum anchor length, and the force per foot of wall required for the anchor system. For the pedestrian bridge, engineering analysis of all data obtained will be made to guide site preparation and foundation support. The Geotechnical Engineer's recommended soil profiles for the seawall and the recommendations for the pedestrian bridge footings, together with data developed during the exploration, will be submitted in a written report upon conclusion of the study. A written report presenting the results of our geotechnical engineering review of the seawall design. 9.1 BIDDING ASSISTANCE CONSULTANT will assist the CITY by attending a pre-bid meeting to discuss the project with prospective contractors and answer questions they may have about the project design. CONSULTANT will assist in preparing any necessary clarifications or addendums during the bidding phase. Prior to receipt of bids, CONSULTANT will update the Opinion of Probable Costs for the project and prepare the estimate on the project bid form. In concert with the CITY, CONSULTANT will review and evaluate the bids for the project, attend City of Sanford evaluation meetings and recommend award, The CITY will be responsible for the costs of printing the bid documents, including plans, to be used by prospective bidders and others during the bidding and construction phases. This task will be performed and billed as a lump sum service. Refer to the compensation section of this proposal for the proposed fee. 10.1 PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP OUTREACH CONSULTANT will prepare and manage a Public/Private Partnership Outreach program to identify and attempt to secure additional funding sources for the project. CONSULTANT will coordinate with local and state stakeholders including local business leaders to further enhance the project amenities. Private funding sources could potentially provide enhancements such as fishing piers or boat docks which could create economic development opportunities or eco -tourism opportunities, or complete the trail. CONSULTANT will prepare renderings to facilitate the amenities and tie them into the proposed Landscape/Hardscape features previously described. CONSULTANT will administer Public Involvement meetings to discuss the potential features and amenities to obtain critical community buy -in. Paae 12 of 15 11.1 OPTIONAL SERVICES 11.2 If requested by the CITY, CONSULTANT will expand the Basic Services approximately 2,400 -if (STA 40+00 to STA 64+00). These services will include the following: ■ Preliminary and Final Design (trail and the necessary roadway improvements identified in the Conceptual Design Plans date, June 2011), Environmental Analysis and Permitting, Seawall Design, and Landscape/Hardscape/Lighting design services will be in conformance with the above described services for the additional length. ■ Survey - Collect topographic data at 100' cross-sections from STA. 40+00 west 2,400 feet to STA. 64+00 as shown on Sheets EX -02 and EX -03 of the US 17-92 Riverwalk Phase 11 Conceptual Design Analysis, dated June 2011 for the City of Sanford for full right-of-way of SR 15/600 and extending 10 feet south of the south right-of-way. Also extending three (3) shots north of the north right-of-way at the following locations: 1 foot north, 50 feet north and 100 feet north of the seawall. ■ Geotechnical — Perform eight additional 20 -ft borings north of the seawall and five, 20 -ft deep borings for the retaining wall along the southern R/W. For the retaining wall, engineering analysis of all data obtained will be made to evaluate subsurface conditions and develop up to two typical soil profiles for use by the structural engineer. The soil profiles will include recommendations for the soils' angle of internal friction, cohesion, and unit weight. In addition, Ardaman will perform global stability analysis, including analysis of rotational and sliding-type failure for retaining wall and ground surface geometry behind and in front of the wall. Recommendations will be summarized in report format. ■ Structural — Retaining wall design will include evaluation approximately 950 -ft for alternate wall structural systems. A cost comparison of MSE wall, cast -in-place concrete wall, and sheet pile will be performed. Preparation of structural calculations required to complete the wall design. Preparation of Wall Control Drawings for the 950 -ft of wall. Preparation of Design Details associated with the selected wall type. 11.3 If requested by the CITY, CONSULTANT will prepare an amendment to the above scope of services to perform Construction Engineering and Inspection and/or Construction Administration services in accordance with City of Sanford and FDOT criteria. 11.4 In the event additional funds are secured as a result of the Public/Private Partnership Outreach, CONSULTANT will prepare an amendment to the above scope of services to provide additional design, permitting, and CEI/CA services. CITY -FURNISHED INFORMATION It is understood that CONSULTANT will perform services under the sole direction of the CITY. In the performance of these services, CONSULTANT will coordinate its efforts with those of other project team members as required. The CITY shall provide CONSULTANT with project - related technical data. CONSULTANT will rely upon the accuracy and completeness of City of Sanford and CITY -furnished information in connection with the performance of services under this Agreement. Paqe 13 of 15 12.1 COMPENSATION Labor CONSULTANT will perform the Scope of Services contained in this Agreement as lump sum. The following is the break down of fees for each task. Phase No. Phase Description Billing Method Fee 2.1 SURVEY 2.2 R/W Retracement Lump Sum $2,600 2.3 Specific Purpose Topographic Survey Lump Sum $12,500 3.1 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3.2 Prelim. Eco. Assessment Lump Sum $8,350 3.3 FDEP Permitting Lump Sum $7,500 3.4 ACOE Permitting Lump Sum $6,500 3.5 Wetland Mitigation Design Lump Sum $2,900 3.6 RAI's Lump Sum $6,000 17 Meetings/Coordination Lump Sum $6,000 4.1 ROADWAY ENGINEERING 4.2 Preliminary Design Phase Lump Sum $30,023 4.3 Final Design Phase Lump Sum $121,882 4.4 Permitting Phase Lump Sum $18,440 4.5 Specifications Lump Sum $5,500 5.1 LANDSCPAPEMARDSCAPE DESIGN SERVICES 5.2 Preliminary Design Lump Sum $16,568 5.3 Design Development and Construction Docs Lump Sum $31,120 5.4 Lighting Design Services Lump Sum $8,500 6.1 SEAWALL DESIGN SERVICES Lump Sum $138068 7.1 STRUCTURAL SERVICES 8.1 9.1 10.1 11.2 Lump Sum GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Lump Sum BIDDING ASSISTANCE Lump Sum PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP OUTREACH Lump Sum Expenses Basic Services Total OPTIONAL DESIGN SERVICES (STA 40+00 TO (64+00) 1 $27,114 $30,698 $6,860 $25,480 $9,000 $521,153 Lump Sum $102,136 Expenses $3,000 Basic Service plus Optional Services Total $626,289 Page 14 of 15 SERVICES NOT INCLUDED The following services are not anticipated and, therefore, not included in this Agreement at this time: • Boundary Survey or ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey ■ Easement or right-of-way vacation or dedication services or platting services ■ Traffic Analyses ■ Services resulting from changes made by CITY following the completion of specific project tasks that require re -work by CONSULTANT • Any other issues not specifically described in this proposal Should work be required in any of these areas, or areas not previously described, CONSULTANT will prepare a proposal or amendment, at the CITY's request, that contains the Scope of Services, fee, and schedule required to complete the additional work item. J:\Z6582.00-2011\Sanford\Riverwalk Phase IRCity of Sanford -- Riverwalk Phase 11 -- 11-09-2011 (2).doc Pacie 15 of 15 Notes: ** Provided by TLP - Environmental mitigation costs are not included since new seawall is assumed to fall within 12" of existing seawall. CONSTRUCTION SUB TOTAL $7,603,865.16 Contingency (10%) SANFORD RIVERWALK MULTI-USE TRAIL, PHASE 11 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST FRENCH AVENUE TO 14, INCLUDING 2 FISHING PULL OFFS, EXCLUDING W OF HOSPITAL ENTRANCE TO E OF ZOO ENTRANCE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $8,364,251.67 ITEM NO. $626,289 PAY ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 101 1 MOBILIZATION 5.0 % mIg"p-e $345,630.23 102 1 MAINTENANCE F TRAFFIC 5.0 % " I— I I 1 ­111 1 �_ $345,630.2323 104 10 3 SEDIMENT BARRIER 11,500 LF 10i1 $10..50.00 104 11 FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIER 8.000 LF $49,920.00 107 2 MOWING 3 AC $88.83 110 1 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING 8 AC AC 19-01184Z $18,750.00 120 1 REGULAR EXCAVATION 12,000 CY 44111 $35.640.00 120 4 SUBSOIL EXCAVATION 3,000 CY 160 4 TYPE B STABILIZATION (TRAIL) 13,530 SY W011V $28,277.70 160 4 TYPE B STABILIZATION (ROADWAY) 11,774 SY "I'MM"'ItAle $24,607.66 285 704 OPTIONAL BASE, BASE GROUP 04 (rRAIL ) 10,317 SY iilt'11' 51 $101,931.96 285 709 OPTIONAL BASE, BASE GROUP 09 (ROADWAY) 10.664 Rte, QRNW'7' $114,957,92 334 1 13 SUPERPAVE ASPHALTIC CONC, TRAFFIC C, 1.26' (TRAIL) 670 TN $48.166.30 334 1 13 SUPERPAVE ASPHALTIC CONC, TRAFFIC C, 3" (ROADWAY) 1.300 TN $93,457.00 337 7 32 ASPHALT CONCRETE FRICTION COURSE, TRAFFIC C. FC-9.5 430 TN $42,552.80 400 0 11 CONCRETE CLASS NS, GRAVITY WALLS 1,200 CY$490,368.00 400 1 11 CONCRETE CLASS 1, RETAINING WALLS 300 CY A $182,745.00 415 1 3 STRUCTURAL STEEL, RETAINING WALLS 18.000 LB$1300.00 425 1 541 INLET, DITCH BOTTOM TYPED (<10') 30 EA ----------- 0, $70,717.80 515 2 202 54" PICKET RAIL PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE RAILING 6.630 LF $323,212.50 520 1 10 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, TYPE F 760 LF $11,050.40 520 2 4 CONCRETE CURB, TYPE D 487 LF $5,542.06 520 5 11 CONCRETE SEPARATOR - TYPE 1 (4- WIDE) 175 LF $4,361.00 536 1 1 GUARDRAIL - ROADWAY 4,400 LF $66,176.00 636 85 24 GUARDRAIL END ANCHORAGE ASSEMBLY - PARALLEL 12 EA $16,932,72 570 1 1 PERFORMANCIETURF 15,000 SY $5,550,00 700 20 11 SINGLE POST SIGN, F&I, LESS THAN 12 SF _7 ET $2,177.00 700 20 40 SINGLE POST SIGN, RELOCATE 711 11 121 THERMOPLASTIC, STANDARD, WHITE, SOLID, 6" 7,026 LF 4,00 $3,934.56 711 11 122 THERMOPLASTIC, STANDARD, WHITE, SOLID, 8" 1,333 LF 090 $1,173.04 711 11 124. THERMOPLASTIC, STANDARD, WHITE, SOLID, 18" 326 LF $741.28 711 11 125. THERMOPLASTIC, STANDARD, WHITE, SOLID, 24" 53 LF N1,6,4, $168,01 711 11 160 THERMOPLASTIC, STANDARD, WHITE, MESSAGE I EA 1','Affi, $105.69 711 11 170 THERMOPLASTIC, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROW 9 EA MW $424.08 711 11 221 THERMOPLASTIC, STANDARD, YELLOW, SOLID, 6- 7,046 LF % WN $3.663.92 711 11 224. THERMOPLASTIC, STANDARD, YELLOW, SOLID, 18" ---LIGHT —POLE 821 LF WPM$ $2.233.12 715 4 129. COMPLETE, F&I, SPEC FOUND, WIND SPD 130, CUSTOM HT 36 EA 715 7 12 LOAD CENTER, F&I, PRIMARY VOLTAGE I EA $6.500.00 1050 14004 UTILITY PIPE, RELOCATE 8. 19.9" 2,000 LF 1p1,90 $34.720.00 1820 1 50 UTILITY CABLE, TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS, ADJUST & MODIFY 2,000 LF KOWOO WOODEN BOARDWALK (STA 166+00 TO 174+00) 930 SY $246,450.00 580 1 1 LANDSCAPE COMPLETE - SMALL PLANTS 1 LS $10,000.00 580 1 2 LANDSCAPE COMPLETE - LARGE PLANTS 1 LS $17,500.00 590 70 IRRIGATION SYSTEM I LS 1a 24°0«ifQ $20,000,00 66* PEDESTRIAN HYBRID BEACON 2 EA as "'vWf $50,000,00 HARDSCAPE — FURNITURE I LS $8'000.00 SEAWALL REPLACEMENT 5500 LF— 1 E !1-�W '4120111M� $4,570,137.00 PREFABRICATED PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE - 25 FT SPAN $75,000.00 Notes: ** Provided by TLP - Environmental mitigation costs are not included since new seawall is assumed to fall within 12" of existing seawall. CONSTRUCTION SUB TOTAL $7,603,865.16 Contingency (10%) $760.386.52 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $8,364,251.67 Design (7.5%) $626,289 GRAND TOTAL $8.990,540.74 12/13/2011