HomeMy WebLinkAbout3257 ORDINANCE NO. 32~7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMEND ING ORDINANCE NO. 3 0 8 7, TO PROVIDE AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING EXTENDED PAYMENT ALTERNATIVE FOR CITY IMPACT FEES; PROVIDING APPLICATION PROCEDURES; AUTHORIZING THE CITY COMMISSION TO APPROVE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING EXTENDED PAYMENT ALTERNATIVE FOR CITY IMPACT FEES; DEFINING QUALIFIED AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR BUYERS AND SANFORD RESCUE OUTREACH MISSION; AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO EXTENDED PAYMENT AGREEMENTS WITH QUALIFIED AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUYERS AND WITH THE SANFORDRESCUE OUTREACH MISSION; PROVIDING EXTENDED PAYMENT OF CITY IMPACT FEES FOR QUALIFIED AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUYERS AiqD THE SANFORDRESCUE OUTREACH MISSION; PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT FEES, THE FILING OF A CLAIM OF LIEN, FORECLOSURE; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, recognizes the characteristics of the local housing market and the shortage of affordable housing; and, WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, desires to encourage the development of affordable housing within the City of Sanford to meet the housing needs of homeless families who are residing at the Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission, very low 'income, low income, and moderate income families and individuals; and, WHEREAS, an affordable housing extended payment alternative for City Impact Fees will allow more very low income, low income, and moderate income families and individuals to qualify for the purchase of a home within the City of Sanford. WHEREAS, an affordable housing extended payment alternative for City Impact Fees for Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission will allow the Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission to reach and serve more of the needs of the City's homeless by providing affordable housing through the construction of shelters for the City's homeless women and children. WHEREAS, providing available housing for the homeless families of the City of Sanford through this new shelter for homeless women and children at Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission serves a valid public purpose as it provides for the health, safety, and welfare of the homeless families of the City of Sanford. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That Chapter 18~, Article IV, of the City Code is hereby created to read as follows: Article IV. Affordable Housinq Extended Payment Alternative For City Impact Fees. A. Subject to an availability of funds, the City may enter into agreements to extend payment of City Impact Fees over a period not to exceed ten (10) years with qualified affordable housing buyers of residential property located within the City of Sanford. Subject to an availability of funds, the City may enter into an agreement to extend payment of City Impact Fees over a period not to exceed ten (10) years with Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission so as to enable affordable housing for the City's homeless through the construction of a new shelter for homeless women and children. Prior to the City entering into any agreements to extend payment of City Impact Fees and from time to time thereafter, the City Commission shall identify a specific source of funds to be used relative to providing initial payment of the City Impact Fee by the City, the costs of such funds, including all expenses or costs incidental to obtaining or providing same, the interest rate that the City will employ in offering extended payment with interest and a reasonable estimation or description of the administrative costs or expenses associated with administering the extended payment alternative. B. Any developer of residential property seeking to participate in the Affordable Housing Extended Payment Alternative for City Impact Fees shall file with the City Manager an application for participation in the Affordable Housing Extended Payment Alternative. The application for participation in the Affordable Housing Extended Payment Alternative shall contain, but not be limited to, the following: 1. The name and address of the developer; 2. The legal description of the residential development; 3. A description of the size, number and type of homes in the residential development; and 4. The proposed selling price of the homes in the residential development. The developer's application shall be submitted to the City Commission for formal approval of the residential development's participation in the extended payment alternative prior to any buyer participation in the Affordable Housing Extended Payment Alternative. C. Once a residential development has been approved for participation in the Affordable Housing Extended Payment Alternative, any buyer seeking to participate in the Affordable Housing Extended Payment Alternative shall file with the City Manager an application for extended payment of City Impact Fees for the proposed purchase of a residence in the approved development. The application for the Affordable Housing Extended Payment Alternative shall contain, but not be limited to, the following: 1. The name and address of the buyer; 2. The legal description of the property upon which the residential development is located; 3. The proposed selling price of the residential Ordinance No. 3257 development. 4. Documentation that the total income of the family unit does not exceed 80% of the median income of the Orlando SMSA. 5. A copy of all loan applications prepared by or on behalf of the buyer for purchase of the residence. D. The following requirements shall be met for a buyer to qualify for participation in the Extended Payment Alternative: 1. The buyer shall reside within the City limits of the City of Sanford at the time of making the application; and 2. The total income of the buyer's family unit shall not exceed 80% of the median income of the Orlando SMSA. E. If the buyer meets the requirements for the Affordable Housing Extended Payment Alternative and specific funds are available for payment of the City Impact Fees by the City, then the City may enter into an agreement to extend payment of the City Impact Fees with the qualified buyer. Said agreement shall be binding on the qualified buyer, and any and all subsequent owners, purchasers, successors in interest, and assigns. F. The designated representative of the Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission seeking to participate in the Affordable Housing Extended Payment Alternative for City Impact Fees relating to construction of a new shelter for homeless women and children shall file with the City Manager an application for participation in the Affordable Housing Extended Payment Alternative. The application for participation in the Affordable Housing Extended Payment Alternative shall contain, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Name of designated Sanford Rescue 0utreach MiSsion representative. 2. Legal description of the property upon which the Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission is located. 3. A description of the new housing facility (new shelter for homeless women and children), and the maximum number of families that may be housed at said facility. 4. A copy of all grants, including but not limited to, Hud (CDBG) County administered grants. 5. Any available documentation evidencing the goods, services, land, and equipment donated for the new shelter project. 6. Copies of all loan data for new shelter project. 7. Any other documentation of Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission relating to any monies provided for new shelter project. No family shall be afforded the opportunity for family housing at Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission unless they fulfill all the requirements as set forth by the Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission. G. With the exception of the City Commission's formal approval of the residential development or Sanford Rescue "3'- Ordinance No. 3257 Outreach Mission for participation in the Extended Payment Alternative, the City Commission hereby delegates to the City Manager the power and authority to enter into Extended Payment Agreements with qualified buyers or Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission in conformance with the provisions of this Ordinance. The agreement, and any other associated documentation, shall be in a form approved by the City Commission and acceptable to the City Attorney and the agreement shall be recorded in the Official records of Seminole County. Simultaneously, the City shall place a lien on the real property to secure payment of the City Impact Fees and any expenses associated with providing the Extended Payment Alternative to the qualified buyer or Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission. H. The obligation for extended payment of City Impact Fees and the benefits derived therefrom shall run with the land. I. After the City, the buyer or Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission, have entered into an agreement to extend payment of City Impact Fees, the City shall pay into each appropriate City Impact Fee trust account the amount due by the buyer or Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission, for each City Impact Fee. J. The amount of the City Impact Fee payment made by the City, including any title verification expenses, recording fees, and a reasonable estimation of the cost and expense associated with providing the extended payment alternative, shall be paid to the City of Sanford by the buyer or Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission, in equal monthly payments with an annual interest rate as determined and promulgated by the City. The interest rate charged shall be representative of the City's cost of funds, including all expenses or costs incidental to obtaining or providing same, if any. The monthly payment discussed in Subsection J above, shall be delinquent if, within thirty (30) calendar days from the effective due date of the monthly payment, the monthly payment has not been paid and received by the City. All time periods contained within this Ordinance shall be calculated on a calendar day basis, including Sunday and legal holiday. In the event the due date for the monthly payment fails on a Sunday or legal holiday, the last due date prior to becoming delinquent shall be the next business day. Upon becoming delinquent, the monthly payments shall bear interest at the statutory rate for final judgments calculated on a calendar day basis, until paid. K. Should the monthly payments become delinquent as set forth above, the City shall serve, by certified mail return receipt requested, a notice of delinquency upon the qualified buyer or Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission, at the address appearing on the most recent records maintained by the Property Appraiser of the County. The notice of delinquency shall serve to notify the buyer or Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission, that failure to pay the monthly payment will cause the City to foreclose on its lien in the Circuit Court of Seminole County. L. Upon mailing of the notice of delinquency, without further direction of the City Commission, City staff shall proceed to expeditiously collect or otherwise enforce said lien pursuant to the provision of this ordinance. Ordinance No. 3257 M. The City Clerk shall file a Notice of Satisfaction of Claim of Lien with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for recording in the Official Records upon receipt of full payment of all delinquent monthly payments, interest due, and any recording expenses. Said Notice of Satisfaction of Claim of Lien shall reflect the appropriate information shown on the previously recorded lien, N. All liens imposed hereto shall be superior and paramount to the interest on such parcel or property of any mortgage or buyer, lessee, tenant, or other person except the lien of federal taxes and shall be on a parity with the lien of any City taxes until paid as provided herein. Oo Upon re-sale or change in ownership of the property of the buyer or Sanford Rescue Outreach Mission at any time before the full amount of the money due the City has been paid, the full amount of the money due the City shall become due and payable. The new buyer may apply for participation in the Extended Payment Alternative and if the new buyer meets all the qualifications of Subsection D, herein, the benefit of the prior Extended Payment Agreement may pass through entirely and on the same terms to the new buyer. Section 2: Codification. That this Ordinance shall be codified and made a part of the City Code of Ordinances. Section 3: Severability. If any section or portion of a section of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or part of a section of this ordinance, Section 4: Conflicts. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby revoked. Section 5: Effective Date. Shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ??nd day of MSy , A.D. 1995. ~j~-_ .~~the City of Sanford, Florida --5-- Ordinance No. 3257 CERTIFICATE I, Ja~%e~-- ~--'~E ~-IA, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 3257, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the22nd day of May, 1995, was posted at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, On the 24th day of May, 1995. ' As the ~~~ City DeDut~~2ity Clerk of the of Sanford, Florida --6-- Ordinance No. 3257