HomeMy WebLinkAbout3260 ORDINANCE NO. 3260 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING, AND ABANDONING THAT CERTAIN NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY BETWEEN EAST 4TH STI~EET AND EAST 7TH STREET AND BETWEEN WILLOW c> c> AVENUE AND BAY AVENUE; PROVIDING FOR r- SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, an application has been filed with the City of Sanford to close, vacate and abandon that certain North-South alley between East 4-th Street and East 7th Street and between Willow Avenue and Bay Avenue; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on April 26, 1995, for consideration and C: cO ~ ~- determination as to whether or not the closing, vacating and abandoning of that certain r~ North-South alley between East 4th Street and East 7th Street and between Willow Avenue -~ r--_! and Bay Avenue should be allowed; and c~ ~ WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that the closing, vacating and · ~ ' ~ abandoning of that certain property does not conflict with the Comprehensive Plan of the ~ City of Sanford, Florida, and that the public health, economy, comfort, order, convenience, ~ and welfare will be promoted by such closing, vacating and abandoning. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION I: That certain North-South alley between East 4-th Street and East 7th Street and between Willow Avenue and Bay Avenue, more particularly described as follows: That certain North-South alley lying in Block C, Fellowship Addition, Plat Book 8, Page 3 and Block 8, Tier G, Town of Sanford, Plat Book 1, Page 115, Seminole County, Florida, cO be and the same is hereby closed, vacated, abandoned, and retained as a utility easement. · -~ ~ SECTION 2: If any section or portion of a section of this ordinance proves to be ~' ~ invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect ~ ~- u_ of any other section or part of this ordinance. ~ SECTION 3: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and ~ ~'~ the same are hereby revoked. ~ SECTION 4: That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage ~ and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED th~S3~ day of June, A.D. 1995. ATTEST:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ the Ci~ Commition of the Ci~ of Sanford, Florida CERTIFICATE I, Janet R. Dougherty, City Clerk of the City or Sanfo~d, Florida, do hereby cercify 199 , was posted ac the front:~doOt~0fF.~h:e City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on c.9'~day of June, 1995. ~c.: ,! ;,.~') .:-.~ ;o~Sa~ord, Florida "2'- Ordinance No. ~260