HomeMy WebLinkAbout110 Rand Yard Rd._ . . _..._ __ a !C_1JlJ_.t".�.Llil\ V: :. J.L_� 'i :...i'. ✓1J4:=..L'�i . APPLICATION FOR PM1IT CHAFI`F.R 40C-42 ST. Jor'INS RIVER WATER MANAGEM= DISTRICT MAIL TO: ST. JMIS RIVER WATER M3T. DIST. RECORDS DIVISION. PO BOX 1429 PALAMCA,- FL 32078-1429 APPLICATION NO. FEE RECEIVED ASSIGNED REVIEMP r t • print. Read BIB instructions on the back of this s'�eet. IPlease,type,or (1) : ; _ .. ... NAME OF OWNER 0:5E5 MI LA ADDRESS ZG� i3 (or-SeS(.im� Co r t -; z CS' BOG o.6. OCUNTY p S= f-Ld . ZIP CODE 3 2 q?�2_ TELEPHONE NO .30!c) 6 5 z" S g 8 g E + (2i " NAME OF APPLIc'At�►r _ ADDRESS a' CITY W1�TEi? Co.Vo�us1 A, ZIP 32.FTEL=NE -3 4a�z aS=tL x - (3),:. NAME OFF 'r(l. EV-- rQ7 S�ZUtCE o tom• lJ E�C.1 NAME ; OF FIRM �4M QO'`7TACx , r2+ a a .. �C�pSS .. G , J•V .•" ��/- I"��'� ,.. t t """'' try"' ADDRESS ? a w CITY .:. ... ' W 1ai apIIfTly ". VOy S l �H^, r-LA ZIP CODF` 3203Z. TELEPDONE NO. 2 _ J W (4) ,. mrn�ry SEt�tt N©L SE:CTIOAL�-7 TCreMHIP I ` o _., U93S TOPO QUAD, r,7,Fn �. b3 �c .. PROJECT ACI.EAGE i • 6-3 ACREAGE . CW= OR CONTR _ :t1 OF :PrMECT 'T2Uay- Tm A (WA L z r-ESCRIPTION OF PR ST: ' , �� 5'- u• �� Sow Dad S F o� a +�o Eri NAME(S) OF SURFACE WATERS IN1�0 TJHICH SMgV= TJTrJL EE DISC HAPGED r oat/ z H (5)3E DISCHARGE FACILITY IS: - NEW STORK%MTER DISCHARGE FACILITY ZA EXISTING STCSR DISCHARGE NEW DISCBARGE POINT FROM AN .RATER ' FAC:IIzITY PART OF AN M ARGR4MV OR O= MODIFICATION ,CF AN EXISTING v STORYk7ATER DISCHARGE FACILITY-PEI;MIT/FILE NO w _A NEW REGIONAL STCRMA= DISCHARGE FACILITY a (6) DER PERMITS EUR THIS PRCl,= HAVE BEEN:. ; DENIED DER NO. DATE ISSUED o- / X DER NO. DATE ' PENDIM / DE:R NO. EXEMPT DER NO. DATE. . 7. INDICATE BELOW THE TYPE CF DEVELOP.4EflT 8. TYI-v. OF TREATY= FRC1'OSED PROMSED AND EvERCENTAGE OF IMFERVICUS (C= NLRE TF.AN ONE, IF -, I w AcREA& A-PIFLICABLE). z �. 1t �c7TfT7 • ACRES %1141TERV 1WS ACRES W RESIDENTIAL PETMION EC EATI NA _. DF7TEDTi'I0N WITH RECREATIONAL .FILTRATION L.(off 77,47 EXFILTRATMN T.MC3� 111D(JSTRIAL ': `UNDERDRA,41 y , AGRI=TURAL O'1iIE�t• O►ISER ALTM=IVE : i 9. ON -SITE AREA CONTRIBUTING RUNOFF '= 10. , .• 'OFF -SITE . AREA O z CO`=UTII�ENT G RUNOFF 11. POST-DEVELOPMRUNOFF H COEFFICIENT 12. WATER TABLE ELEVATIONS SEASONAL H HIGH SEASONAL LOW 13. PERMABILITY ON IN -SITU SOILS N 14. PERMEABILITY AS CBTAINID FRCM WHAT METHOD OR `SOURCE? W` y r , 15 TRENCH, �pEPTt_� 6 'PIPE DIAMETEi�, ' •`rz� y w 17. FILLABLE POROSITY OF TRENCH BACK FILL 18.. TIME TO RECY7JER TRENCH VCGUMF� ( PROVIDE DRAWDCWWN CALCiJLFiTIONS) .19 . DOES THIS " SYSTEM INCLUDE ' (CIiFX:K IF APPROPRIATE) . t , t q a) TRENCHES; ONLY. (NO.OUTFALL) H E- b)TRENCHES`WITH EVENTUAL OU'I'FALL. CONTELEVATION c) TRENCHES OUTFALLiNG Tt0 RETENTION/DETENTION PONDS''`J' a F1 20. DESCRIBE MAINTENANCE: 21. PIL'L LL'NG'1T��aIA1'pI11MLI'1:1�k1IN. INVERT 220. ATTACH A,FILTER MEDIA GRADATION AND UNDERDRAIN DETAIL:` r 23: PERME "set ABILITY'OF FILTER'MIDIA " 24. ` UNIFOIMIW..,,ODEFFICIENTr;OF z FILTER .MEDIA 25... EFFECTIVE GRAIN 'SIZE DIAMETER(0.2mm�D10 40.55am) 26.- MAXIMUM FLOW IN PIPF. 27. TAILWATEt ELEVATION 28. DRAWDOWN TIME (ATTACH CALCULATIONS) . �z 29.. DESCRIBE. MAINTENANCE. 30. SHALE LENGTfL Va-Aec_DEPTH SIDESLOPES" Cd 31. SWALES ARE OPEN SDGMENTED BY SHALE BLOCKS. � c� 32. TIME OF CONCENTRATION 33. RAINFALL INTENSITY FOR 3- Ri YEARN 1-HOUR SI'OM OBTAINED FRCM WHAT SOURCE? 34. VOLUME OF INFTAW 35. PEAK RATE OF , INF7 )W` 36. RATE OF PEN2COLATIOrt 37. TIME TO PEROOLATE 80% OF 3 YEAR, 1-HOUR RUNOFF VOLUT, (ATTACH CALCULATIONS). 38. ATTACH INCZMMAL STAGE-MRPGE TABULATION FOR. ALL PONDS, 39. PONDS ARFi DETENTION RETENTIO IOI�/DETENTION 40. CONTROL ELEVATION 41. SKIMMER PRCJIDED7 w 42. BOTTOM ELEVATION OR LCSIGN' NOIMAL 4,W1TSR H F 43. PONDS ARE LESIGNFD FOR YEAR, HOUR STORM.. 44. FREMOARD PROVIDED FOR DESIGN MRM. 45. IF NO A z O UNDERDRAINS, DRAWDCWN TIME FOR NATURAL PERCOLATION (A7TACiH CALCULATIONS) . 46. LESCRIBE mjA1 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION SCHEDULES F_ORn THE w PROPOSED STORM4=R TREATMENT FACILITY: ae : �e-�. d-o 6 1•wo (- i ea s u:ce v►-i o,.�--c. �oa5 i �t, wJ'-o � � �C P.�l, coe, �-w- ce �- �/ ea-{- a-w�. cgwe� . �. y ea•Y` h- %1� e S � 6 H ' '4 , WP 20 121 0 zo I ... r. kvi• SLR: FILL IN ALL SPACES OF APPLICATION FORM. THE PHRASE •"NOT > • APPLICABLE" (WA) SHOULD BE USED'• TO`` INDICATE 'THOSE QUESTIONS WHICH -DO NOT PERTAIN TO THE PROPOSED SYSTEM. INCLUDE APPLICATION,'FEE. , THIS FORM', IS7-TO BE USED FOR PROJECTS. TO BE PERMITTED AS GFNF,RAL STURMATER. PERMITS. ..d REFER.._.,. TO CHAPTER 40C-42''FOR APPROPRIATE 'IHRESHCLDS. AN APPLICATION.` FOR A'PROJECT __.. WHICH DOES NOT QUALIFY FOR A GENERAL PERMIT WILL AUTOMATICALLY' BE (DNSILERI;U AS AN APPLICATION FORM FOR AN INDIVIDUAL" PERMIT' THIS DISTRICT WILL PROVIDE- ASSISTANCE IN INTERPRETING QUESTIONS- AND';IN (TJMFPLETING `111 .. _ � . �. i t 6 PROVIDE THE NAME, STREET ADUVSS, OR POST OFFICE BOX .AS ,APFROPRIATEw,.:,..,. CITY OR TOWN, COUNTY STATE, ZIP CODE AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF THE PROPERTY, CANER.. -THE GWNER IS IDENTIFIED AS THE PERSON -OR PERSONS-HAVIN3.TITLE, TEED, OR SIMILAR CONVEYANCE TO SAID PROPERTY. $p�LIC 7r: r-RoviLE APPLICANT' S NAME, SIREET-_ADMESS OR- FOST OFFICE BOX'"'..;i AS APPROPRIATE, CITY OR ,T WN, COUNTY, STATE, ZIP CODE AND TELEFSONE NUMBER. IF THE APPLICANT -IS' NOT THE CANER OF THE INVOLVED'`PfROPERTY, ".THEN A COPY OF A DOCUMENT INDICATING THE RIGHT TO THIS CONlRCL' MUST BE,ATTACHED.TO TEE _ APPLICATION (EXAMPLE,; LEASE, RECEIVERSHIP DOCUMENTS, ;OR WRITTEN AGREEMENT) , '.:-CO NSULT'ANT OR FMINEER:_ WHEN APPLICABLE, PROVIDE:.THE NAME OF THE ,. INDIVIDUAL, EL�INEE RING FIRM, OR SC5 DISTRICT CONSERVATIONIST'WBO DESIGNED i THE PROJECT AND WHO..CAN BE CONTACTED RFN3ARDIM THE. APPLICATIONI-,,'INCLUDE THE NAME,:.ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER IF THE CONSULTANT OR EMINEER IS ACTING AS i-GENT,. PLEASE FILL IN THE . M NSULTANT OR EICE=" SECTION OF THE I.... APPLICATION, INDICATE THE. FIRM ACTING AS THE' AGENT, INDICATE .CONTACT PERSON AND LEAVE -MIE APPLICANT! S SECTION BLANK. • f. I INFOFdR�TION;.. PROVIDE THE NAME BY WHICH THE `PRCIJFX.T WILL BE:` I KNOWN.' PROVIDE THE' ACRES C9NED AND THE SIZE OF THE PRCIJECT ' IN ACRES. THE IDCATION OF THE PRQJECT IS TO BE IDENTIFIED BY, THE NEAREST CITY AND THE MUNT'Y WFERE IACATED. SECTION,, TOWNSHIP AND RANGE MUST BE GIVEN. IDENTIFY 'THE UEDS QUADPMELE (QUAD). MAP ON WHICH THE PROJECT IS LOCATED PROVIDE THE NAMES(S) OF ME SURFACE WATERS INTO WHICH THE. STIORMWATER WILL BE DISCHAFilED. IF THE APPLICATION IS NOT FOR A NEW STOR igAT'ER DISCHARGE. FACILITY BUT. FOR i AN ALTERATION OF A PERAITTED SYSTEM OR FOR MODIFICATION OF 'A PEIMIT CONDITION& . PRCN IDE - EXCIS= PERMIT NUMBER .:_ .._ , v A s� DESCRIBE THE OVERALL PROJECT SCOPE, IE. , AGRICULTURAL MULTI -FAMILY', SINGLE i FAMILY SUBDIVISION PHASE, -ETC:. CALCULATE THE PERCENT IMPEIVICUS. ATTACH. EXTRA, SHEETS IF NECESSARY. INDICATE THE TYPE OF TREATMENT PROPOSED. IF AN ALTErMTE SYSTIIK IS CHOSEN; j PLEASE DESCRIBE ON - ADDITIONAL SHEETS. T'F',=CAL IPIFU TION: PROVIDE ALL THE RELATIVE INFORMATION PERTAINING TO ZiE STURMWATER DISC3AFCE FACILITY. LIST M MODS AND/OR CALCULATIONS WE= INDICATED. ATTACH EXTRA SHEETS AS' NECESSARY. REFER TO. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RE(A LATION' S, "THE FLORIE A DEVELOPMENT MANUAL: A GUIDE TO S= LAND AND WATER MANAGEMDFT, " FOR METHODS, "DEFINITIONS 'AND ' CALCULATICNS. F • � � .awe °DERAOC--42 MRMIATER MAIUCEMENT­'a GENERAL l tl IGENERAL PERMIT CATPGORY (aIECR ONE) s `' • i A I Facilitiesi,which-discharge into a stormwater discharge Iaci11ty j which is `permitted` pursuant to Section 40C-424041 for °Section : { 40C-42.035_.(1)..(b) or.-(•d),.-.F•A.C.., or which was previously f j approved pursuant to a noticed exemption . under Section` 17-25. 03 where the appropriate; treatment criteria -:specified in this Chapter' and applied to the permitted or exempt facility ` -'are 'not'i`.` } ex eded the...disciharge • B. Facil'ities-whicYi'::provide. retention, or }decent on with filtration of the runoff from the first one inch of rainfall; or, as an option, for projects or project subunits'whicYir''o�risist of. less,.tharn •80%,-(impervious surf ace. with areas ;less than 100 acres,., facilities which provide retention, or detention with filtration`of'the first one-half=inch•of'�`runoff'Ha�iever, r facilities which directly discharge to Class I,; C1assJI—,or s Outstanding Florida Waters shall provide additional treatment 15 ' } -pursuant-to SectionAOC. 42.025(10) 1 F.A.C., or � , C. Modification or reconstruction ty a .city, county, Mstate agency^ I or special 'district ° with drainage'responsibility� of .an existing ° H . stormwate: management;system`which` is not intended,, to :serve •new; � � + ' develoFment,,'�•and which will, not increase pollution loading, _or T r I change points` of discha'r' ge in .a' manner` "that�Would adversely ��.� s affect =the desighat6d uses of waters , of , the state, or, - �actilities of stormwater. management _systems;,that.,, include,a,-r j canbination of management practices including but not limited to 3 `•�retentiori' that"will provide for the percolation-�of. the --runoff J -- t - frcm a three-year, one. Your design .t • q i fl ea j d 12.... ,.,.w= , ..., t til: I V ..... L i F Y , . .-:.., ...,-. ...., .... ... ...,, .., .. •. ,.."._.. •� ..4.M ...............:.... •-mac ....r:-.-»m { _ GaMRAL INFORMATION FOR STORMdATER MANAGEMENT APPLICATION FOR PERMIT R_M_ UIR D SITE AND SYSTE74 DESIGN WO MRTION A SITE INFORMATON INCLUDING; ` ' "' 1. Three sets of engineering plans and specifications. for General Permits and four sets for udual;;Permts. f. .1 2. Three/four sets of appropriate: a. Design analyses b. .Calculations _ c. Drawings d. . Narrative description ' e. Other information necessary to document and 'varify that the ", proposed facility qualifies for a permit 3. A.drawing, to scale, indicating: ;+ins il {`{, g a.,,.,! Routes aE : conveyance b..; The points_ of discharge into state waters ` C. : _rlhe slope "elevation.Wf d. ]Drainage. area ,boundaries of the storrrwater 'management syste! ` ' 71:I e. The approximate locations of impervious an pervious 'areas. f. Physical dimensions and elevations of all treat mnt `device's dhd conveyances. 4. A map depicting soil types or representative soil prof iles'fran-, actual soil borings (minimum 6 foot depth) .' B. DESIGN_ANAt ALYIS INMUDTN0 1. Descriptions ofr.any,_additional management practices .which will -be used to mitigate. the water quality effects of the'-'stormwater discharge..: l 2. Descriptions of factors which may have a- bearing on'the issuance of a stormwater discharge facility ` construction,;SSpermit for ,`this' , proj ect,. including: a. The public, interest served by the discharge t.sA b. The probable efficacy and cost of alternative controls r c...T#ie proposed. water quality benefits, being reasonably, relayed Ito the .cost of the. control d.'. ,The provisions made for the maintenance of` the proposed C. ALTERNATIVE S OPMAT'ER TREATMENT• If equivalent. treatment is to be provided; it'is the 'applicant's s responsibility to demonstrate that ' the stormwater ,management syste�t as planned,.. will meet or exceed the requirements` set ,forth in the rule. Describe the subject 'stormwater discharge `facility. '� Discus's how' the design is intended to achieve treat ment' level equivalent to" `that provided. I:y either retention or detention with filtration of the runoff f ran the . f irst . one inch or one-half inch of rainfall.-{ C>t J_ c � 1 r ^A D EJPTIGNS FOR SMRM�IATER M�1N1'�EMENI' SYSTEMS ' �I 1. Facilities designed to accammod to only one single''family c felling ' unit, duplex, triplex; or quadruplex is not'-partof a ' larger' common---_ plan cf ,'develogmnt or sale. 2. Facilities which are designed to serve single family residential --- projects; including duplexes, triplexes and quadruplexes;- of less than 10 acres total land .area and which. have less ;than 2, acres impervious surface, provided that the stormwater system is not Tart, of a larger common plan of development or . sale. - 3. Stormwater discharge facilities whose functioning,'trea,tment components consist entirely of scales. However,` this' exemption is valid only if the swale, as constructed, meets or ..exceeds. the :_ requirements specified -in Section 40C-42.021 (13) and'Section`''40C="`` 42.-025(5) 4. Facilities for agricultural lands, provided those -facilities are part of an approved Conservation Plan; however;; if ;the'-Wnservation Plan is not implemented according to its terms,, 'this' exemption shall` be void. a 5. Facilities for silvicultural lands, provided that the facilities are constructed and operated in accordance with,the Silvicultur6test`,'' Management Practices Manual (1979) . published by `the State of Florida, Department of Agricult�re..,and .0pnsumer Services, Division of Forestry, which is adopted .and ,made "a part,,., of., this rule by reference. A copy of this manual may. be obtained by writing the Department of Agriculture, Division of Forestry,- 3125 Conner Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida and may be inspected at all Department of Eavirormental Regulation or District -of f ices. 6. Facilities certified pursuant to Sections 403.501-403.519, F.S. (Electrical Power Plant Siting Act) or pursuant to -Sections 403.42- 403.539 F.S. (Transmission Line Siting Act),. a II. STATEMENTS BY APPLICANT � APPLICATION. IS MADE FUR RM A PEIT TO AUTHORIZE 713E ACTIVITIES DESCRIBED' HEREIN A. I understand I may have to provide any additional informatiorV&ta that may be necessary to provide reasonable assurance or'evidence to. show that the proposed project will comply with the applicable 'State' Water Quality. Standards or other envirormental standards. both before i construction and after the project is completed. B. In addition, I agree to provide entry to the projbct'site for inspectors with proper .identification or documents. as required by -law from the environmental 'agencies for :the "purpose"'ofr'makng preliminary analysis,.of,the site. Further, I`agrep to.provide entry to the, project sitetor.'such inspectors to monitor_"'permitted work` if a. pennit, is granted..` j C.. Further, I hereby acknowledge the obligation and responsiblity for obtaining _aIU of the required, state, federal, or local permits„ I bef e cc mencegment of construction activities'. - D. The undersigned agrees to retain the design engineer 'registered `in: Florida, to conduct on=site observations of construction to ensure that . the . f acility is constructed in accordance with the plans sdmitted;to and, approved 1:y the St. Johns River Water Management; '. District (District).' ! E. The operation phase . of the permits shall: not become `effective until' a . Florida Registered Professional Engineer certifies that' all facilities have 'been constructed in accordance' with the design' • approved by .the District, . Within 30 days after, completion of construction of the surface water management' system; the-`permittee' shall suhznit the certification or one -set of plans which reflect me surface water management system as actually `constructed and 1 ..a_' notify the District that the facilities are ready.for inspection' and approval:. ;Upon approval of th.g completed `surface water").' management system;-` the, permittee shall . request -transfer `of the.a permit to the responsible' entity approved by the District. =r I certif iy that I am familiar with the information wnta ed in this x-, ` application, and that to the best of my knowledge and; belief such information is true complete and accurate. I' further certify that I`' possess the. uthor' o undertake the proposed activities:' plicant Date A 1 NOTE: THIS, APPLI TION MUST: BE SIGNED by the person who' desires�'to undertake e proposed activity or by an authorized agent.-` if=an agent is applying .on behalf of the applicant; attach 'proof or authority for the aunt to sign and bind the applicant,' III.. SrATEM NT BY PERSON RESPONSIBLE MR MAINTaWCE Zhe undersigned,agrees to -maintain and operate the discharge facilities. in; such .a manner• as to comply with the provisions- of Chapter' 40C-42; F.A.C.:. Responsibility for maintenance and 'operation'may be transferred' to another 'entity upon written notice` to the >District fran the undersign the entity assuming responsibility, certifying that the transf e of esponsibility for maintenance and operation .in } I ccmplianee .with Ch pter 40C-4 , F. C. has been accepted. Signatur f the entity es sible for maintenance Ncumn �'ieasi �(ot3 {+02SIS.4091 � isrZT, racn'lt',' Ft_d :.3Z�2(P yew CROWN W1 METAL BUILDINGS P.O. Box 1245 • Cabot, Arkansas 72023 February 8, 1988 Jose Mila Mila Buildings P.O. Box 1188 Merritt Island, Florida 32952 Re: Crown Job No. 02-122-88C SO' span x 100' long x 12'-0" eave height with 1.0/12 roof slope and bay spacing of 4 @ 25'. Jobsite: Sanford, Florida Gentlemen: This is to certify the above referenced building will be designed in accord with American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) and American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) design procedures and good engineering practice and for the following loads. All welding is per the American Welding Society (AWS) Code. Loads are applied in' accord with the Metal Building Manufacturers Association "Recommended Design Practices Manual". Dead Load...........................metal building structure only as furnished by Crown Wind Load ...........................25 PSF Live Load based on tributary area: 0-200 sq.ft.................20 PSF 201-600 sq.ft.................16 PSF over 600 sq.ft.................12 PSF This Letter of Certification applies solely to the steel building and its component parts as furnished by Crown Metal Buildings and specifically excludes any foundation, masonry or general contract work. Sincerely, �. Miciael R. Murphy, P.E. ` -M-RM • ww. Ark. Watts. 1-800-331-6684 (501) 843-5856 Nat'l. Watts 1-800-527-0963 ICHAEL R. MURPHY, P.E. Consulting Engineer P.O. Box 461442 GARLAND, TEXAS 75046 JOB SHEET NO CALCULATED BY�-K n CHECKED BY- SCALE - OF DATE DATE MICHAEL R. MURPHY, P.E. Consulting Engineer P.O. Box 461442 GARLAND, TEXAS 75046 JOB SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY �~~r CHECKED BY SCALE OF DATE L- O y o� DATE f i Load Tables for Cees and Zees 0S 85 9 X 21/2" Allowable Load Allowable Load Span Allowable Load Lbs/Ft Lbs/Ft in Lbs/Ft Deflection (L/180) Wind Load Controlling Condition Ft. Stress Controlling Controlling Includes 331/3 allowable stress increase 16 Gauge 14 Gauge 12 Gauge 16 Gauge 14 Gauge 12 Gauge 16 Gauge 14 Gauge 12 Gauge 2.91 Lbs/Ft 3.67 Lbs/Ft 5.00 Lbs/Ft 2.91 Lbs/Ft 3.67 Lbs/Ft 5.00 Lbs/Ft 2.91 Lbs/Ft 3.67 Lbs/Ft 5.00 Lbs/Ft 16 '160 215 289 160 213 287 `213 286 385 18 '126 170 228 119 150 201 '168 226 304 Simple Span 20 102 138 185 87 109 147 136 183 246 Zee or Cee 22 85 114 153 65 82 110 112 151 204 24 71 96 128 50 63 85 94 127 171 25 65 88 118 44 56 75 87 117 158 28 52 70 94 32 40 54 70 94 126 30 45 61 82 26 32 44 61 81 110 2 SPAN 16 177 238 343 177 238 343 235 316 458 18 139 186 271 139 186 250 184 248 362 Short Lap 20 111 149 220 111 149 185 148 199 293 Zee 22 91 122 182 91 122 142 121 163 242 24 76 102 153 76 102 111 101 136 203 25 70 94 141 70 94 99 93 125 188 28 62 82 112 53 74 72 82 110 149 30 48 64 92 48 1 64 60 64 85 130 16 235 316 451 '235 316 451 313 420 602 18 '177 238 339 `177 238 339 `236 317 451 Long Lap 20 138 185 263 138 185 263 183 246 351 Zee 22 111 150 211 111 150 211 148 199 281 24 91 122 173 91 122 173 121 162 230 25 83 111 157 83 111 157 110 148 210 28 65 87 122 65 87 122 87 117 162 30 51 74 104 51 74 104 68 99 139 'Requires web stiffener for end bearing. Note: 1. Tabulated values are total loads. Purlins or girls weights have not been subtracted from them. 2. Weight of roofing material and other dead loads must be subtracted from tabulated values of purlins to determine net live load capacities. 3. Allowable loads have been calculated in accordance with the 1980 edition of the AISI specifications. These values are valid only if the compression flange of the 'Z' section is adequately supported laterally. 4. Short lap values are based on the use of 1/2'' diameter ASTM A-307 bolts and a 7112 inch lap length. 5. Long lap is 2' - 31/2" long. 6. Values are based on the use of plates or clip angles at supports. If sections are to bear directly on supports, web crippling must be evaluated in accordance with AISI Section 3.5. 7. For end spans of three or more span short lap configurations, use two span short lap values. 8. Maximum live loads for deflection ratios other than L/180 can be calculated, using the values tabulated, as follows: For L/240: Maximum LL (Lbs/Ft) = 180/240 x (Tabulated Value). For L/360: Maximum LL (Lbs/Ft) = 180/360 x (Tabulated Value). 9. Wind load values can be used direct by dividing by girt spacing to get allowable wind load, or by dividing by wind load to get girt spacing. S-1 'T' _,,TFN7 ,, F, r -7 Load Tabies for Lees and Zees W11 x 2 Alowat+ie 1 o,,id Allowable Lord Span I Allowable Loaa Lb --'Ft Lbs/Ft -11!ing in LbsIFt r,I Wind Lod C aomr, Condit,on Ft. Stress Controlling Incluces 331/3 r--Iowabk, st:e:;s ,xr,�.2.se 16 Gauge 14 Gauge 1. 2 Gauge H., Gay 14 1 12 Gauge 16 Gauge I 14 Gaugc1 ' 2 Gaoqe 2.91 Lbs/Ft 3.67 Lbs/Ft 5.00 Lbs/ 2 1,1 L b�,,:�t 167 5�00 !..bs/F� 2 91 Lbs/Ft 3.67 Lbs/Ft 5.00 Los;Ft If 3 SPAN OR MORE cRiq SPAN C(DN`!-'('t,1 t'JG) 18 "163 220 63 220 290 217 292 I r,06, 1 20 131 176, 246- 31 176 218 174 1 234 329 1 Short Lap 1 22 I 10-1 144 i 204 Off !44 169 4 143 1(41 21,1 i Y - qr, Zee 24 90 i 10 134 119 160 228 25 82 111 151 8 120 log 147 2 to 28 71 93 I 111-3 94 125 165 30 56 76 IT 18 6%, i 74, 75 146 16 I '292 394 560 3V 560 389 524 /47 18 '218 '29a 42t 8 '283 421 290 '390 j !,6 1 227 I 328 I 10 1 206 328 '225 302 437 Long Lap I 22 135 181 1 263 I 1 H, 263 180 1 201 350 Zee I 24 ti0 1 1 148 215 9� 215 ji� q-/ 287 2.5 I 700 135 196 I 64 0S 196 I 133 179 261 52 09 1452 108 -� 2042 28 119 i09 1 4I 66 3 30 48 1 130 88 119 t 74 30 9 3 SPAN OR M:-1R!E 'AN see No 7 below 16 1 '251 337 467 '337 1 467 '333 '448 623 I 265 1 369 263353 49 2 "8 197 265 369 Lap 20 160 I 2-5 299 '160 1 06 287 I '213 286 399 t Zee 22 132 176 i 247 5 216 176 236 3 11 0 24 110 1 148 1 i 208, 95 1.,9 166 i 147 197 2717 25 I 100 135 84 I 1,,J6 147 133 i 1 7;1 1 2`5 26 011 I 1.10 50 7 5 i05 i 11119 !46 2D3 30 66 69 133 48 85 177 Requires- Y--b st,ffener for end bearing. ratulated values are total lloads. Purlins or girts weigrltt . ; ;--ot been iron thcrn 2. Weight of roofing i-naterial and other mead load must L71ci .-*,ad frorr pudins to cieterm;ne net 1;vu loan capacities. These WflJeS re vaiid ()n1v it I Allowalale toads have neen calrulated in accordan"a tlh--,- COMpression flange of the 'T section is adequately SU'�')Clrt; d lateriall., 4 Shor! la ' L, values are based on the _Ise of 112- diamwen �3*1"F,-! A-307 bogs ant at 7V2 inch lap length. 5. Long lap is 2' - 31/?" ic,)ng. 6. Values are based ori tile w:we cf plates or clip angies at to '-')ear djrecilv or, -,,pports, web crippling n;.st evaluated in accor-d;,i-.ct;? with AlSl Section 3.5. 7. For end spans of iiire-> or more spin short lap confic two ap values- 8. Maximum live !oads deflocl4on ratios other than L ' 11' !he values t'11%.taied as For 1240: Va0num ILL (Lbs!F,,) 1801240 x Ja For L/360i Maximum LL (Lhs/Ft) 1801;360 x (T a t. 1 ci -, F3 -11 1, 9. Wind load values can be used direc, by dividing by 2, i,-, --mul kjad, or 116 to "4 girt sparing. JOB —�1.�> W .,. — 11 I— — 'c'% C/ MICHAEL R. MURPHY, P.E. Consulting Engineer P.O. Box 461442 GARLAND, TEXAS 75046 t V SHEET NO. -� CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE -_ OF DATE 2 ?�% DATE ............ . ....... ............... .... ........ _ .. INS P E `EGG � /G. `/� �t A 15 C; TSPE CONSULTING ENGINEER RIGID FKk,E ANALYSIS AND DESIGN WITH ELECTRONIC COITl- R 1.0 PROGRA_IM FLEXIBILITY: This Electronic Computer Program designs rigid frame steel buildings, based upon the following considerations: 1.1 All frames are designed in accordance with the latest edition of "Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings" by the American Institute of Steel Construction. 1.2 The bases of the rigid frame columns are considered pinned. 1.3 The building can be either clear span or it may have interior columns. 1.4 Both base and top of interior columns are considered pinned. 1.5 Any unsymetrical shape frame may be analyzed. 1.6 The program will allow variable loading combinations of the frame to meet any building code or specification with unifor-m and/or concen- trated loads. 1.7 The frame analysis will accept a variable moment of inertia and the ` design may incorporate unequal flanges. 2.0 PROGRA:� ABSTRACT: The flexibility method of statically indeterminate frame analysis is employed in this program. The frame is designed to allow only small deformations under the critical loading conditions. The solution is therefore exact within the elastic range. The frame is divided into four basic members and each of these members is subdivided into 50 segments to enable use of numeric integration and to provide extensive analysis through- out the frame. An initial moment of inertia is obtained based upon input web depths, defined RIGID ANALYSIS zND DESIGN '.:'I7"H ELECTRONIC CG'��TER r Page 2 web thickness, and defined flange plate area. The frame is then loaded, first with actual loads and then with unit loads, and the right column base is released to deflect horizontally in order to reduce the structure to a stable, statically determinate system. All deflections are computed by the method of virtual work. Each support that must be released to create static determinancy.is termed redundant. Hence, a clear span rigid frame has only one redundant while a rigid frame With interior columns has one additional redundancy per each interior column. If interior columns are present, the deflections at the location of each interior column of the statically deter- minate structure must be obtained first with actual loads and then with unit loads. The deflections due to the unit loads are terms of the flexibility matrix which governs the behavior of the structure under any arbitrary loading condition. The flexibility matrix is then coupled with the array of deflec- -,tions.of the structure under the actual loading conditions. The resulting set of .simultaneous equations is then solved by the Gauss -Jordan elimination method. The solution of these equations yields all redundant reactions. From these i reactions, moments, shears and axial fortes are computed. The frame Web thick- ness is then preliminarily sized based upon the shear stress and the frame flange areas are preliminarily obtained based solely upon bending stress. The moment of inertia of the frame is recomputed and the final frame reactions, moments, shears, and axials are recomputed reflecting this more precise moment of inertia. Positive moments compress the outside flange of the frame and negative moments compress the inside flange of the frame. Also, a positive axial force indicates compression and a negative axial force indicates tension. From the final shear values, web thicknesses are determined. From final bend- ing moments, minim-un flange area_ are sC.re s c7:1-, EXPLANATION OF COMPUTER PRINTOUT SY'43OLS First Portion of Program K A consecutive numbering system for the 200 segments analyzed around the rigid frame; all 200, or every fourth point may be shown. N and M = An alternate numbering system for the segments using 50 points for each column and each side of the rafter. Depth = The depth of the web only in inches at each segment (In) DL+LL Mom =• Computed moment for the dead load plus live load. combination of loading, with auxiliary loads if any exist. (Ft -Rips) Web Web thickness designed by the computer for the DL+LL loading condition. (In) Shear m Computed shear for the DL+LL combination of loading, with auxiliary loads if any` exist. (Rips) bL+WL Mom m Computed moment for the dead load plus wind load combination of loading, with auxiliary loads if any exist. (Ft -Kips) Web = Web thickness designed by the computer for the DL+WL loading condition. (In) Shear Computed shear for the DL+WL combination of loading, with auxiliary loads if any exist. (Kips) Axial m Computed axial load for the DL+WL combination of loading, with auxiliary loads if any exist.(Kips) Second Portion of Program Printout of input data and column reactions shown in this portion of program is self-explanatory. EXPLKNATiON OF CO PJTER PRINTOUT SY*4DOLS Page 2 Third Portion of Program Output of minimum balanced flange areas to satisfy bending stress only. This infor-mation is to help identify critical points and give a tentative flange size to begin design. a 0- 8 C_'ROWN t_-Jc� L 2.7 D'L4-L'L 75 1271 ClY." v D ICT I I Lf R+LL MOM i 1-7" W; R A X i -A L D'+WL NO! IDR SHE W bU_ C.-, 1 J. 849 L '_4 -7 4 7 t 8. 534 jl*, I i 25 411 11. 849 1584 63- 1 4 C, r, 748 -4, 95 1 1 �'c -6. 608 11, 84SI 4, `487 E, 553 -8. 4 11 1 -6i Flop 11, 84-1 6. 6_3 .471 :., 4P -7. 78C) r )F, Elf 11 843 7, 7 4;") i 21 Q.- i 7 12� _L Eds 11,849 i Elc 6 -8. 4t.' 8 i 8 9. 603 0. 6 1 -6. 608 11. 849 10. 14" 2 6' C�- S. 224 -8. �_Qs 9 8 7 i- 001 -F 11.849 1 76 6. 142 4 C 1 10 i 0. f I in -13", 43S' '6.608 11. PA'j NJ C.;t b. 060 -8. 10. 224 4 -14. 854 icy _6r 608 11. 84971 14. 315 lc ! 5.978 -8. 38 12 i i 21 1 V.4 5 8 - I E, 2, G 8 12 5 6()8 11. 849 15. 577 5. 895 -8. 13 1 13 W� E.71 -17, 683 icy -6. 608 11. 849 IL 8212, 125 5. 8137 -8. 3K, 114 -19,098 1LJ -6. 606 11a 849 18.049 125 5. 7;1 6 i 9 14 1 10.985 i 1, 013*3 ­2 0, 51 2' c -6, 608 11. 849 19. "J8 125 5. 649 -8. -,7� b 15 15 ci 2c ,3., iL -6. E�O 11. 2,49 22 0, 5 CJ 5. HE -e., -7' 6 3C -6 � F", 18 849 1. 6 c c4 I J. 'S 18 i 1 1 7: 1, 4, 7' -6, 603 849 1�5 5. 40L JJ4 b c_ I I . 8 4S) c 5. r Ic -6, Wirt 11 84", 2 5 41 L U Lu ..N%t U, D. c - I't 5, 4� -0-C -6. 0 B4 E7, 23' I L J J (_T 24 24 1, 64- 4. 909 c -1 1 LD 1 r 4. 6- c b cu U)PI _b b. I J 84'S' 6 if- �7 27 1 -7, F,� 48c 'i bb� L F-77 h CAL, i i 4 j� 84r --8: 3 4, 3 4. 55; p" 4. 4 6 0. i+4 b: F 1, 94.i 4. ',4 A'S iL X i LJ 64; 4 J i 5 15, 8 .4 ir. 1 V. [4 4 b 41, 4 1 4 G 1 t b 6 4-S U.- I LC 157 17,662 -0,11 Sn 2 5 it NK AW 4 133 i7. 08 -11, .49, 17,053 -45, j b, E74 16.509 -35. W. 61 2 12 16.344 -32 4 S 2 W 16,015 -26,10 ET 1: 15 :5.850 -23. SF P 2 W 15.585 -21. 01; P 2 17 15. 520 -18.13 • 61 2 18 W, 355 -0,781 2 2 19 15.191 -13,252 ? 20 is AK AIRT 71 2 a 1 14. BE S. W D� D. 13 2 23 14. v_. 3 E -4z 05S 74 2 E4 14.367 -1.31, 75 2 25 14. 2v W9 75 1 26 14.037 1,308 77 2 27 1185 171? 71 a 18 au, 7 ---.3 2 5,441 "i 2 29 13.543 7,074 31. 0 11378. 6SJI 7 31 04,2', 2 33 12.884 12.715 n 1 34 2719 Ef 2 35 1 ".. z "715 it 1 1 L 12,389 in 12 17 7!" 1: 41 11,710 15.161 to 21 of 20,582 'E' -_47 5: 1' 42 lick F" B9 7 yo to 25 vz A E 1 E5 121 K 0, 10 7, W BA 0 Q A '15 7, A Vol 7. 316 1213 0 Ai , E -" 5. 157zl - EY 05 1 HP 7. 4K ,125 K 45, 7151 it &1 .25 :125 7,58 -A 2".11., A25 S, y7n N 85, 7160 aLTS Z ys - jf, _':1 __`1 05 51 sit 7. 03 11 1 in _n -1 K - T 22� 1125 1, fl; 7. Roc Tf. is h5 -1 TA -A E 12S S !21 7.211 11 4 7., -- 7, 'i. S 1224 175, no -1 Q -12`1 .11 A 217 n. E72 n 1,571 7,202 -7, L 1125 lot 1, in 2 NZ .25 -1 Tn -L 19_� .125 Q03 7.57 in 319 1 M -1 6W -1191", 25 1,521 is 11) 7. &57 5 -2 IS OC .125 3,111 7, 173 57 15 0 no -118,71 ,125 n 40 5 7. j 15 35) i 25 1125 SOIS 7.40 V W-5 �5 -i' .33'1 --7. 25 104 L 11 1 X .1E -L 2C -1176 0 1, 80Y A :Q C HA . An 151 - 71 1 K. 25 ish his 1.187 1, OR 1 -7. 16 ,125 h A 7, in! 7. T 125 in 325 Wy 7 A Q_Q -16K -h2A -OIL '125 its A All 7 64; 3 7 4-_ vs -7 12 _ - 11,181 8.6 - -.. ... ... ...� ..__ .. .. .t.. ._ 44' - tlx: .}. ,._. 11011 <., 18p, it ,., r_ .,.:. 04 :.__t- .. __ a.._., ,.. ... - - .•.r. - 7 - :c - 4 3 5, 525 _ W. 193 , : _' 1 �.1 .i •.I .._ ��e :la"�-f 7 i` -:-'Lv (�•�.6 1 "is 1_. .: _. .._. // �-: IeL.J� _. ���L :5 :e�J < .is J°` ek.w1�. i:C. 141. 3 16,678 37.166 AT 1,625 LET ,235 05 OEM ,W., 05 .7,20 17i v 44, 2`5 E0,1,5 14 17.008 . _ L. C.. .. - ... Ff: -wFL. .„.. .J -JLv ... _ I._.. _. .. aLt .: .I<944 •�`}'.' _ ,.. -�� 17,832 --I:rrc ,,.sr; 1L;_ ;{... C, .. C., �:u :L ._, _ .• 12 :s . �, 7 __ , .1__ _. r_'. _. , s -101 .., ,. , 46 4 v . a_ ... n , •: "i _ 1. 1'.: 7 An ' t. •. �, 1.1 1 V a .., ... ..ill.+ •, , .. .._ ._ .. 1 s r KU 4 33 11.740 a I. 12-5 u.but 11.149 4 ^34 1LAV Al 341 .125 El60/ 11.819 | �85 4 35 11.313 ^21.927 .125 6.5-1 11.P49 � 186 4 M, �1.099 ^20 512 .125 6.608 11.8+9 | 187 4 37 10.9)5 -19.098 .125 6,607 11.849 | IN 4 38 10,671 -17.680 .125 6.608 11.849 ' 189 4 39 1V.458 -16.268 .125 6.60/ 11,8O � 190 4 48 10.244 -14,854 .125 6, E08 11.849 | 191 4 41 10.030 -13,419 .125 6.608 11.849 ' 192 4 41 8,817 4a N14 .125 E1607 11IB41 � 193 ' 43 9.603 -10.60 .125 Mop 11.849 194 4 44 9.389 l/f; .125 6,617 11.849 i95 4 45 9.175 -7.78: .125 61608 11.849 l96 4 4-6 8�962 -,.3U, .121 1.608 \1.849 | ' 197 4 �' ^� 8.748 -4 ��1 ' / 125 ' E^6v7 1� 249 ' | 198 4 48 8.534 -31537 .125 6,654 11.849 | 199 4 49 8~321 -2.122 .125 6.6V/ U.M9 | . 2O0 4 50 8.107 ` 70 .125 � G.Gus 11.849 � ° .300 .125 555 -2.AVA .19F . 125 ' .To - [.no- .095 .25 5� -.066 .125 �35� -F.�� -.1JA .125 '.2� -.i83 .\25 '`2 47 -2.3,32 -.M4 .35 ' 196 0 33�, '.255 .IF5 .i4n -2.388 .275 .�25 ^093 -2.lK -.284 .125 '.V4i -2.384 010 -fL-K .269 .125 -,245 .12� i13 ��378 -1210 .125 .164 -2.T6 -.163 . 125 05 -1371, | -.106 .125 .26J / -2.-372 -1038 .125 .30 -2.3 7C oi-7 r'E E GY lN BIC C. I X- A 7 1 TF KK P;T K F P 0 T H-�T!-' CT LIEF7 E--P�H :l a FT 'S Y 1 i :i 3 STEEL F, W!%D l-'S IN W1 -P.. MIS, MIFT FKTOP ON ANNUD ENE CMUY Wz �.T '-0t.,--�-,-,i-,l- 4tG, W-H COX: P., won BALDING SUL LK T-K 1 L, �W Rik MAST. r----�--�----- - ---'--'--------- . / � � - . ` ' { T8Ni'VlVE rLANGE AREAS � / X LfT CKMN LEFT RAFTER 0EP.- COLUMN � L� 2� `` ��49 1,11K [ .0953 LW .607k L1M 3 .�D8 � L07\. All L1M A 5 .0974 .93 5658 \-0834 6 .1480 .8619 .646f 0732 ? .1961 .7934 0627 ' 8 .2419 .7256 9 .2855 .6586 .4709 L0406 �. 1 3270 .5983 19S LA29V t .J666 .5267 .4087 LOSS 12 .4$44 .4619 1.N44 13 .4405 .3979 ,3M ^9914 14 .47�0 .3]4Q . .9780 15 .5NDO .2725 vol .964V 18 .5396 ,2112 . .9496 17 .'199 .1507 |�� .9346 18 .59�3 .1�8 .| .919Y 19 .6267 .093o .0786 .9030 20 .6534 .0754 .V427 .8863 2� .679O .V81� .0626 .8M .7035 .1368 .0734 .8509 0 72/2 .1980 . .8J22 L ,7498 .242 .q; .8128 .7/l7 .2956 .2382 .7M � .772E, .2381 .2957 .7 71/ E? .O128 .180 .2441 .74T, 26 .8322 .1268 .1312 AT . 29 `8509 .1193 .1407 .703� 30 .8689 .1387 .S' ,6795 31 .8863 .1576 .178405Y, ' .90"'-kx ,1761 .1513 .626: h .9191 .1942 . .598� .o .9346 .2118 12243 ,569" 25 .949 ,221) ,2403 . . .9140 -2588 .2723 ,9780 .2994 .3345 .475O J8 .99l4 .3380 .3976 ,4485 ` 39 1.0044 .3M5 .4�16 ON *0 LOT, .4090 .2263 4: L8290 .4413 .5919 4E 1.0406 .4 i� 4: 1.0519 .4989 .725� ^ 4* 1.027 ,5M .7330 45 1.0732 .5465 At5 /811, � 44 1.0834 .5683 .9306 _ .178' 4- L0932 .5810 1,0004 ' '1751 -� 1.1026 .59?> \.V709 172. - W117 .6079 6 1419 �r ^l°. 5. L12VS .604 1.W .` � ^ +j f~ ' ' --- ----'---- | / DrSIGN ' ~ ^ CALCU!AT{0N� | | WE8T= 1.5492 i i ~ 3�V0�� | AXTAL= 11.8� UBLA 1.7 / BO MM= -6a1 UBLM= 72.00 [�' 1.75 |/ AX�TR = ^ ^ fc/FBAL� .820� 7�/.6«.�`� .8174 i �C�SC= .9189 PCST= .8174 -8.30 UBLA= 72.00 TL= 12f\.��' K=1.7 50.00 UBLM= 72.00 / AXSTR= -1.58 FAAL= 30.00 17.87 FBT= 17,87 E= .00 | fa/FAAL= .0527 fc/FBAL= .6()18 ft/,6*ff 5957 PCST= .6484 ���`�RA�� D���[S� CALCULATIONS FY=�T.'��= 17.87 0XI.�L= 1658 r LA.; no &jP% i r_rri�_or_va%., i ir%.ors u%joL-Lj it% %.x -�,wmo env%., I I%j I% SECTION 5 to, BUILDING DESIGN BY COMPONENT PERFORMANCE APPROACH U*FORM 500-86 ADMINISTERED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS STATISTICS: RESIDENTIAL AND NON—RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (SEE S. 501.1) PROJECT NAME: ZONE: ADDRESS: IZA41) BUILDING CLASSIFICATION(S): CITY ,ZIP CODE: BUILDING PERMIT NO.: BUILDER: PERMITTING OFFICE: OWNER; JURISDICTION NO.: BUILDING INFORMATION COMPONENT U-VALUE (Total) NET AREA (Square Feet) _j Concrete Block Structure (CBS) Wood frame Other /_`iz U= U= U= Other U= 8 Z U LV)wn ir Under Attic Cavity Single Assembly Other U= U= U= Total Conditioned Floor Area Concrete Over Unconditioned Space Wood Over Unconditioned Space Slab on Grade U= ZR 7- t5 U= Clear Single Glaze Clear Double Glaze Tint Single Glaze Tint Double Glaze Skylights Other U= U= U= U= U= U= Wood Metal Insulated Other U= U= U= U= -9 W U cc CC D _j UO cc 0 um Total Lighting Wattage ................................... 151�1' Total Conditioned Floor 15 Q Watssqft.I easq. .)....................................... Lighting Budget Maximum Watts!sq. ft. SYSTEMS INFORMATION AIR CONDITIONER EFFICIENCY (EER. or (SEER or (COP-) HEATING SYSTEM TYPE STRIP til/HEAT PUMP [:) GAS-E] OIL ❑ SOLAR 0 HEATING SYSTEM EFFICIENCY COP or EFFICIENCY = % (Steady-state) HOT WATER SYSTEM TYPE ELECTRIC T-_HEAT RECOVERY ❑ GAS [j OIL [:) SOLAR ❑ U0 wall Allowable U0 wall Actual Uc, roof/ceiling Allowable Uo roof/ceiling Actual U0 floor Allowable Uo floor Actual If complying under the provisions of S. 502.1, enter the combined U0 values, for the entire envelope, in this section. Uo envelope Allowable U. e - nvelope Actual OTTV wall Allowable 01i OTTV wall Actual I - OTTV roof/ceiling Allowable OTTV roof/ceiling Actual In accordance with Section 553.967 F.S., I hereby certify that the plans and Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicate oorn- specifications covered by this c cu lion are n compliance with the Florida Energy plian'cot with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed, this Code. bull ding will be i nspected for mpliance in accord rice with Selion 553.908 F.S. OWNER/AGENT DATE: L. I L BUILDING OFFICIAL: r__ V, 12 1 PATE: LWJ k 9* 03/12/88 JOB TITLE TRUCK TERMINAL SANFORD JOB NUMBER 241.7...: ENERGY CALCULATIONS SECTION FIVE WALIL NORTH SOUTH EAST WESI'' LENGTH 26.5 26.5 50 0-1 TOTAL HEIGHT WINDOW AREA 24 0 36 21 81 DOOR AREA I I 2: 1 0 -42, 6::--,: 0 R 0 212 212 400 401--1 122-4 NET 188 191 364 ? 3 i::, 10 8 R WALL 13 13 13 1:]�: R G L A S:; 1. I. I I R DOOR 1 1 2 SOLAR FACTOR 42 146 142 A-'.; GROSS ROOF AREA SKYLIGHT AREA MET ROOF AREA TOTAL UO .159785068 20NE SHADE FACTOR .6:3 TOTAL OTTV 8.4385181 1825 ROOF UO 0 ROOF OTTV 18 2! 5 .052631579 .-I MAX I MUM 1: MAX I MUM INFILTRATION WINDOWS .5 CFU/FT. I LESS THAN 3 STORIES DOORS 11 CFU/FT. I UO=.38, III' TV=30, SF=119.. I MINIMUM EER/SEE RICOF-'' E-W.H -- LOSS ON STANDBY 110 DEG F.1 UNDER 65000 BTU/H 8.0 SETBACK THER. REQUIREMENT I OVER 65000 BTU/H SF -II WEI:;i: I L L I lEAT PUMPS 7. 5 LAVATOR'-r' I COP 2.2 MAXIMUM DELTA l' 12 DEU F.1 1UCT INSULATION RESIDENT- R=3.8