HomeMy WebLinkAbout185 E Airport Blvd (4)INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (for distributors and "do -it -your -self" homeowners) ESTIMATING JOB REQUIREMENTS Measuring exactly how much fence will be required is always the first consideration, of course. Pick a start point such as the steps M the pool, using the rolling measure stay a minimum (if possible) of two feet from the water line of the pool and simply walk the roller around the pool and back to the starting point. We try to encourage customers to maintain at least the two foot distance to allow for easy walking, playing, cleaning, efac, on the inside of the fence so that pool use and care are easily accomplished by just opening the gate section at the steps. If the two foot clearance cannot be maintained then you will have to compromise and bring the fence in closer. Do not set up a layout in which you will be drilling closer than 2 inches from the outer edge of a concrete pool deck. SAFETYGUARD, INC. fence is manufactured in 15' section lengths with 36" hole spacing on center. .Order fencing by dividing theitotal footage required by 15 and round up to the nearest whole section. Example: The job is 129 ft. total (129/15=8.6). Your order would be. for 9 sections of fence which totals 135 feet. Cut sections of fence that are left over from this job can be applied to a future job or cover any errors you may have made in doing your estimate. Keep this in mind when ordering for your next job, over several jobs you will acolumulate cut sections and may not have to order additional footage. INSTALLATION LAYOUT The customer has chosen for the fence to be located 24 inches from the water line of the pool with a single standard gate opening! at the steps.. The example pool will be a elongated style with the entry steps centered at one end. The most important part of th; installation is the -initial layout of where the holes will be drilled. All references to measurements' and; the fence are made from'the perspective that you are facing the pool from the outside of the fence When doing a layout, always face the pool as you measure and mark the holes. If you must measure s anding between where the fence will be installed and the pool, be extremely careful in bulls eye (turns) measurements. If the measurement is made from the wrong side of the bulls eye template, the fence will not fit properly. TOOL LIST: LAYOUTINSTALLATION 1.48" STEEL RULER (forimeasuring between holes) 2.13ULLS EYE TEM PLAT (3.5"X4.0" piece of Lexan with a one and a 1/8" hole in the center of i ). 3.MARKING PENCIL (Magic Marker, grease pencil etc.) t.STRAIGHT EDGE (8 It- 2'W" / used to maintain a straight line while sliding your bulls eye along between measuringlholes) 5.FULL SECTION TEMPLATE (a template which allows you to mark a full section of fence. This is a must for Distributors, but optional for a single installation) 6.CORE DRILL' (water cooled, and it must be able to accept a one and 1/8" diamond core drill bit) "Available at most rental centers TDRILL BIT (one and 1�8" diamond core drill bit) E &GARDEN HOSE (used for -drilling and rinsing off the deck) d��am�A correrebit�' � 9.EXTENSION CORD (tp operate the drill) 10. NEEDLE NOSE PLIERS (to remove the cores from the hcles after.._ they are drilled) 11. SLEEVE SETTER (a 1" diameter pipe or wood dowel used to set the sleeves in tneir holes) 12. RUBBER MALLET {for setting the sleeves) 13. SCISSORS (for cutting the mesh on the fence) 14. STAPLER (used in reattaching the border material after a fence cut has been made) 15. CORDLESS SCREW GUN (installing screws in the poles) 16. Number 10 Sheet -Metal Tap 1.. The first consideration for layout is the location of the gate. Gate sections are setup so that they are easily opened and closed by the average adult. The only ifference between a gate section and where two standard sections eet is the way in which it is installed. In the majority of your installations, consider an opening at the steps as the only true gate ection specified for the installation. Special circumstances such as `additional openings at the ladde-s or skimmers will be covered separately. be where the gate section of steel ruler with the inside sid the template and mark the c you (the outside of the fence on center between sections; allow for easier use by the h( the next gate section will star (Fig 2, A) for the centerline i the holes between you and 1 check the distance from the the centerline orientation to hole. A second ridged ruler properly, measuring for the I the bulls eye is set properly, All layouts will begin at the gate section. Locate the center point of ;the steps and measure 24 inches straight out from the water line. This will .ns. Place the bulls eye template under the of the hole at 24 inches. Draw the hole using nte0ne in the front inside of the hole -acing e _ A standard section is installed 2'/z inches ` == "le Cate section is measured differently to 'necwner. Measure over 2'/4 inches to where and mark for the centerline only. Put the s eye template centerline on the mark you just made, verify that the inside ie hole is also 24 inches (Fig 2, C) from the pool, draw the hole. all section panels except the gate, pcle spacing will be measured and •ked at 36 inches on front center exactly. For the two opposing section els that form the gate opening, deduct between 1/8 to 1/4 inch from the 'nal 36 inch spacing, i.e. when.measuring from either gate hole to where next pole will be located, measure oct between 35 3/4 to 35 7/8 inches the next pole. Start tl-.e measurement at the front (the side facing you with pool) centerline of the first hole of either section. Don't forget to also Dol, 24 inches (Fig 2, C) for our example. Rotate the bulls eye to maintain pcol maintaining the desired pool spacing dimension at the front of the n come in handy tryirg to juggle between placing the bulls eye template le spacing and still maintaining the desired distance from the pool. Once 'aw the hole and mark the centerline. Repeat the same procedure outlined in paragraph - b for the other gate section panel (Fig 2, A) going in the opposite direction. The 1/8 to 1/4 inch extra allowance on these two opposing section panels provides for much easier opening by the homeowner 84 the primary gate section. Use this technique only where the two primary gate section panels meet. Now select a direction to continue the layout from. You have two holes each already marked for two separate sections, select theiiast hole marked from one or the other section and proceed in that direction with the layout. 2. For standard elongated and rectangular style pools you can greatly speed up the layout process by using the full section (6 pole)ltemplate on straight runs. But first, you need to complete the curved end of the example pool. All layout spacing will be stardard from this point on, 36 inches on front centerline between section panel poles and 2 Y2 inches font centerline between joining sections. For the next holes the bulls eye is still required to measure the 0orrect distance between holes. This is because of our example pool's curvature and the need to maintain centerline orientation to the pool. -orner of the ruler on the front centerline of the last hole Je the bulls eye template under the ruler with the front of the template at 30 inches on the ruler. Measure 24 the pool and position the template with correct pool making sure that 30 inches is maintained at the front of the template (Fig. 2, B). Mark the hole and the next four e way. ' I ou now have marked out holes for a complete 15 foot section of ence. The next step is to mark the first hole for the next section. The bulls eye template measures exactly 2 h inches from its edge to its front centerline mark. Lay the edge of the bulls eye template along the centerline of the last hole drawn. Double check the measurement from the pool (24 inches for our example) to the inside of the template hole. Mark the hole for the beginning to the next section; Lay the first hole of the 6 pold template over the hole you just drew on the deck and unfold the template in the direction you're going +th the layout. Measure from the pool to the inside edge of the template for a reference. Measure again atthe hinge (mid -point) of the template and one more time at the end of template; adjusting as necessary to maintain a straight line. Mark all your holes from the template, including the double at the ertd of the template for the next section. Slide the template down to the start of the next section and repeat step D above. Continue this way until you reach a point wherejturns for the other end of the pool are coming up. Measure into the turns and mark your holes just as a did starting with step A above. Once you've marked approximately half way around the pool; and have marked the first hole of a new section, stop. Go back to the second hole Marked for the gate section at the pool steps going in the opposite direction and repeat proceduries from steps A to E. The final hole you mark on the deck will more than likely not measure 36 inches from the last hole you marked in step F. We'll address this later. Mark the extra holes (lay back holes) that the gate section poles will fit into when the fence is opened. .,\ 'll '1 *. /, r. to DRILLING -. fence to hold gate poie�.- when open.-., _ - Do not attempt to install a fe ce in a concrete deck using a hammer drill or hand dril. To maintain a straight fence, properly angi d poles, and complete a professional installation, you will need a fill size diamond core drill setup with leveling adjustments and a bubble level. Setup the drill on the deck. Attach water hoses, layout enough elects cord to go around the pool (riot through or across it). Taping the drill bit at 41/z inches with electrical tape provides a good method of measurement for drilling depth. After completing the layout of the fence on the deck, it's time to figure out how t9 drill the holes. The most import, step in the drilling process is the leveling of the drill. You first thought would be toll' make sure that the drill is perfec level before drilling eac ' hole. If this were a regular (wooden, chain link) fenle you would be correct. However, this is a tension -based system that will require you to lean the drill on various holes. The amount of lean that is placed on the drill is not as important as the direction of the lean. By following some simple rules your fence installation should go smoothly. 1. Start by standing on a marked hole somewhere along a: straight section of your fence. We will name this the number one hole. The doublJ holes where two sections come together should be treated as la single hole when figuring out how to, lean the drill. Every f�,llowing hole will also be assigned a number (2,3,4...). Wile standing on number one draw an imaginary straight ling between one and number three. Whichever side of th t line number two falls on, that is the direction that the topbf the drill will lean when drilling number two. The farther the distance from the line, the more you will need to lean the drill. The difference between a large lean and a small one is only a few degrees. While drilling number twD draw an imaginary line between number two and four. Whichever side of the line three. falls on that is the direction that the top of the drill will lean. Remember that the greater the distance from the line, the greater the lean. This rule will work in determining how to lean each hole in yol4r layout. The design of the pool will not matter. 2. Please take thiv time to walk around the pool and survey how each hole should be drilled. When the direction of the lean has been determined on a particular hole place a small arrow inside the marked circle showing the direction. This will save a lot of guessing when it comes time to drill the fence. Adjust the water flow to meet the application and drill to the tape line. Proceed to the next hole andl repeat until all the holes are drilled. Using the long nose needle Pliers, go around and pull all of the cores out of the holes. Using the sleeve setter and hammer, set the sleeve the rest of the way into - the deck until the rim is flush iwith the deck. 3.Once all of the sleeves are installed, it will be time to measure for the odd section of fence at the back Qf the pool. Note whether you will be cutting from the right or left side of a full section. Measure the outside centerline of the odd panel. Add %< inch to this measurement and write it down Count the number of poles that will be in this section and again note if the odd panel will be a right hand or a left hand cut (facing the fence). Count poles from the opposite side of where the cut panel is. Example: for a 5 pole left hand cut section, count over 4 poles from_ the beginning of the section starting at the right. From this pole measure from the centerline on the cove molding to the point that the panel will be cut. Measure at both the top and the bottom. Using; a straight edge, mark the cut line with a white china marker. Double check that you are cutting he proper panel (left or right) at the correct pole and make the cut Staple the end cut border material to the open cut you just made (optional). Now attach the end cove molding over the border to the pole. 4. Now install all standard sections and the special cut section of fence. Turn poles to adjust bottom tension and bring the cove molding inline as you go. Install the latching hardware ;Onto the fence at each joining section; placing the eye on the left and the latch on the right. The holes for the hook and eye are pre -drilled to a smaller size on the end poles to allow for a snug fitting connection. It is suggested that you use a number 10 sheet -metal tap to initially thread the pre -drilled holes. 8e careful not to exert too much force when screwing in the brass hook and eye. Connect the latches and eyes as you go; turning poles so that the mesh becomes tight at the bottom and the cove molding is facing out. When latching to an independent structure, install the hook portion of the latch on the fence. Install the eye into a substantial surfacO_ nf the adjacent structure or use with an appropriate anchor. 5. Instruct your customer oh how to open the main gate. Squeeze the poles together using one hand and open the latch with the other . Put one arm over the fence fzicing the gate opening and place your thumb and for on the top of the pole. Push towards the gate opening in line with the fence and the pole. will turn in your hand once it is centered in the sleeve. Push again on the top of the pole and lift out as the pole centers in the sleeve. This can obviously bel done in one step, but make sure that the fence owner understands the process. NOTES 1. FOR RESIDENTIAL POOLS UP TO WATER DEPTH OF 8'-0". #3 REBAR 12" O.C.E.W. OVER 8'-0": SPECIAL ENGINEERING REQUIRED AND IS NOT A PART OF THIS DRAWING SPECIFICATIONS. WALL THICKNESS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO PROVIDE CODE COVER OVER REINFORCING. FOR OVER 8'-0", SPECIAL DESIGN REQUIRED. 2. CONCRETE THAT IS PERMANENTLY CAST AGAINST AND EXPOSED TO EARTH SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 3" OF CONCRETE COVERAGE OVER THE STEEL. IF AN APPROVED BARRIER (SUCH AS STEELTEX)IS PLACED BETWEEN -THE STEEL AND EARTH, AND THE STEEL IS #5 OR SMALLER, THE MINIMUM COVERAGE CAN BE 1-1/2 PER FBC 1907.7. 3. CONCRETE COVER OVER REBARS MUST BE 3500 L.B. PER SQUARE INCH AND COMPLY WITH ALL BUILDING CODES. THIS POOL IS NOT DESIGNED FOR POSSIBLE HYDROSTATIC UPLIFT FORCES. THE WATER SHALL NEVER BE REMOVED FROM THE POOL STRUCTURE UNLESS ALL HYDROSTATIC UPLIFT FORCES ARE TOTALLY REMOVED. 4. REINFORCING BARS SHALL BE D-FORM STEEL".BARS AND CONFORM TO FBC 1903.5. ACI 318. SECTION 3 AND ASTM A615/A615M. 5. OUTDOOR SWIMMING POOLS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A BARRIER TO COMPLY WITH FBC R4101.17.1 THROUGH R4101.17.3. ADEQUATE PROTECTION SHALL BE GIVEN AROUND POOL DURING EXCAVATION. 6. ALL PIPING SHALL BE PVC SCHEDULE 40. PIPING SYSTEMS SHALL BE PRESSURE TESTED TO NOT LESS THAN 35 PSI FOR 15 MIN PRIOR TO COVERING PIPES. 7. THE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH ABACK FLOW PREVENTOR. UNLESS AN APPROVED TYPE OF FILLING SYSTEM IS INSTALLED FBC R4107.9t - 8. THE MAXIMUM VELOCITY IN SUCTION SHALL BE 8 FEET PER SEC. THE MAXIMUM PIPE VELOCITY IN PRESSURE PIPES SHALL BE 10 FEET PER SECOND, FBC R4101.6.3. 9. FLOOR THICKNESS SHALL 134INIMUM OF 6" WITH VAPOR BARRIER ,7" WITHOUT, (SEE NOTE 2) W/ CODE REQUIRED COVER OF REINFORCING. FLOOR REINFORCING SHALL BE #3 BARS 0 12" E.W. 10. WHEN THE DISTANCE FROM THE FOOTER TO THE POOL 1S CLOSER THAN 1 FOOT MORE THAN THE DEPTH OF THE POOL AN ANGLE OF REPOSE LETTER WILL BE REQUIRED FROM THE ENGINEER. 11. THE QUANTITY OF UNDERWATER UGHTS, SKIMMERS, WALL INLETS, ETC. MAY VARY. HOWEVER, MERE SHALL BE AT LEAST 1 SKIMMER PER 800 SO. FT. OF POOL SURFACE, (FBC R 4101.21.2) 1 WALL RETURN INLET PER EVERY 300 SQ. FT. (FBC R4101.21.5), AND 2 MAIN DRAINS (FBC R4101.6.6.4) WITH A HYDROSTATIC RELIEF VALVE (FBC R4101.21.4), AND ATMOSPHERIC VENT SYSTEM OR APPROVED SVRS (FBC R4101.6.6.3). 12. PLACEMENT OF THE FILTRATION AND PUMPING EQUIPMENT SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL LOCAL CODES AND NEIGHBORHOOD RESTRICTIONS. 13. ALL .BUILDING, GAS, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING AND ENERGY TO CONFORM TO FBC 2004 AND AND 2006 REVISIONS. ELECTRICAL TO CONFORM TO NEC 2005, SECTION 680 WITH SPECIAL - ATTENTION TO 680-26(C), INCLUDING. BONDING AND/OR GROUNDING OF ALL METAL PARTS. 14. THE SOIL BEHIND THE POOL WALL IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE STRUCTURE AND MUST NOT BE REMOVED WHEN THE POOL IS FULL OF WATER. -15- SWIM -OUTS AND/OR LADDERS WALL BE REQUIRED IN RESIDENTIAL POOLS . AND WHERE DEPTH EXCEEDS 5 FEET OR MORE. FBC R4101.18. '16. ALL GLASS LOCATED WITHIN 5 FEET OF THE POOLS EDGE SHALL BE CONSIDERED A HAZARDOUS LOCATION. GLASS SHALL BE GLAZED OR PASS CPSC 16-CFR, PART 1201 OR COMPARATIVE TESTING. 17. ALL POOL AND SPA SUCTION INLETS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITHA COVER THAT HAS BEEN TESTED AND ACCEPTED BY A RECOGNIZED TESTING FACILITY AND COMPLY ANSI/ASME A112.19.8M, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF SURFACE SKIMMERS AND GRATES HAVING A MIN. AREA OF 144 SQ IN., FBC R4101.6.6.2. 18. PRESSURE AND LEAKAGE TESTS WILL BE REQUIRED BEFORE INSPECTION. 19. ALL DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE IN CONFORMITY WITH 1 ANSI/NSPI-3, ANSI/NSPI-4, ANSI/NSPI-5. ANSI/NSPI-6. A- - #3, BAR 20. AT CONTRACTORS OPTION EITHER DUAL DRAIN VENT SYSTEM, OR CONTINOUS MDX DEBRIS REMOVAL SYSTEM OR APPROVED SVRS CAN BE USED TO COMPLY WITH FBC R4101.6.6. m ��l BAR CON TI N OUS DECK EDGE (CONTRACTOR S OPTION) s BULLNOSE TILE COPING OR DECKING 10" MIN. - COVER OVER ALL BARS 6" TILE -i E 4 '-10" MIN. 2 #3 BEAM BARS 3" FROM 45' ANGLE o TOP OF BEAM. a 6" MIN. SHELL o U * With Vapor Barrier 1 F STEPS DETAIL BRICK (see note 2) N.T.S. BRICK N.T.s. ALL METHODS AND MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE RESIDENTIAL FLORIDA BUILIDNG CODE 2004 AND 2006 REVISIONS APPROVED SWIMMING POOL AND WADING POOL DUAL MAIN DRAIN ATMOSPHERIC VENT ARRANGEMENT COMPLIANT WITH R4101.6.6 OF THE RESIDENTIAL FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2 MAIN DRAINS 3 FT. MIN/ NO MAX. MAX. DISTANCE TO VENT TEE CONNECTION 12" (SEE MAIN DRAIN PIPE SIZE CHART)' MAIN DRAIN SUCTION PIPING MAIN DRAIN EQUIVALENT LENGTH OF STRAIGHT PIPE FOR VARIOUS PVC FITTINGS PIPE SIZE 1 1 /2 2" 90' ELBOW 3.6' 5.0' 45' ELBOW 2. 0' 2.5' PIPE SIZE SAME AS MAIN DRAIN LINE SIZE X 1 1/2" TEE -1 1/2" VENT PIPING MAX. UNDERWATER LENGTH OF VENT PIPING 30 FEET MIN. OF 18 FEET THE MAX. VACUUM WITH ONE SUMP PUMP PLUGGED PVC VELOCITY AND A BODY TRAPPED ON THE OTHER LESS THAN 6 FT/SEC. WILL NOT EXCEED 4.5 INCHES OF MERCURY IN 3 SEC. INSTALL A DOUBLE -90' PVC ARRANGEMENT (as shown) MIN. 12" ABOVE GRADE PROTECT THE OPEN END OF THE VENT WITH A HAYWARD VENT COVER MODEL SP-1019 (OR EQUAL) TO PREVENT BLOCKAGE BY PUMP DEBRIS, INSECT INFESTATION OR FILTER MICROBIOLOGICAL CONTAMINATION. A LABEL SHALL BE .PLACED TO PREVENT TAMPERING. LABEL VENT: POOL SAFETY DEVISE - 00 NOT HANDLE" TO RETURN MAIN DRAINS TO COMPLY WITH ANSI/ASME A 112.19.8M AS MANUFACTURED BY HAYWARD POOL PRODUCTS, INC. OR EQUAL. ALLOWABLE FLOW RATES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: MODEL MAX. FLOW RATE (GPM) MIN. PIPE SIZE SP 1048-E 108 3 - 2 1 2 A REDUCER SHALL BE USED WHEN NEEDED TO CONNECT DRAIN TO SUCTION LINE. DUAL DRAIN AND VENT PIPING N7S *MAIN DRAIN PIPE SIZES POOL VOLUME GALLONS SUCTION LINE SIZE - INCHES MAX. FLOW RATE GPM 0 - 5,000 1-0" 15.6 5,000 - 10,000 1-1 2" 30 10,000 - 20,000 2 60 20.000 - 30,000 2-1 2 85 30 000 - 45 000 3 130 45 000 - 80 000 4" 230 80,000 - 180,000 1 6 525 BASED ON 6 F I/SEC. MAX. DIMENSION REMARKS A UP TO 40'-0" B 7'-0" 15'-0" D VIN. OF 8'-0" APPLIES TO E IN. OF 7'-0" DIVING POOLS F IN. OF 8'-0" G IN. OF 5'-0" H IN. =0F 3'-0" A B C D SURFACE SKIMMER , m NOTE: VENT SYSTEM NOT REQUIRED WHEN -VACALTERT SYSTEM IS _ _ a INSTALLED ul I Ili-11I ° 1EWcu II=III Iil-II I11 IL Iilllll III III=III 00 Iilllililllllllll III-III_ii1=11 2.. CIOF SIANFORL) FOOTING 3000 PSI CONCRETE FOOTING 3000 PSI CONCRETE 6 x 6 x 10/10 WIRE MESH OI I WITH 1 #5 OR 2 #3 BARS CONT. WITH 2 #5 BARS CONT. (THE BONDING GRID SHALL 7 MEET THE 3' EQUIPOTENTIAL SEE STEEL CLEARANCE NOTE #2 SEE STEEL CLEARANCE NOTE #2 BONDING GRID AS DESCRIBED RIBBON FOOTING RIBBON FOOTING TYPE 2 IN THE NEC ARTICLE 680.26 N.T.S. N.T.S. DECKING TRANSFORMER (IF LOW YOLTAG 5" DECK POOLNHIGH POINT WITH LOW LIGHT #3 BAR ® 4' CUT-OFF WATER 3 REBAR 12" O.CEW. VPOROW87EU"pEPTHS APOR BARRIER d ° 12' MAX. NAT TGROUNDING fffJJJ )) 2#3 BARS ° Q POOL SECTION N.T.S. 2-#3 REBARS CONTINUOUS AROUND POOL 1 BAR ® 8" #3 REBAR ® 12" O.C. EACH WAY (SEE RESTRICTIVE NOTE) 23 BEAM ROD FI FRONT, 1 REAR CONTINUOUS 2" FROM TOP OF BEAM. /--CANTILEVER EDGE CONCRETE TILE`BACK - 1- 6" TILE 7,1 •F ::rwi �7 IT -sue #3 REBAR 12" OAW. 3-,000 PSI GUNITE OR �- SHOTCRETE ® 28 DAYS - SPA DETAIL WATER CURE FOR 7 DAYS. OF 2" OF CONCRETE COVER R ALL REBARS OR AS REQUIRED CODE, WHICHE\VtWALER. CTION Dom; - 0 E �, VAS ENGINEERING, INC. MASTER ENGINEERING PLAN CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING PERMITTING SERVICES FOR 719 IRMA AVENUE ALL SEASONS POOLS & SERVICE ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32802 (407) 872-1515 185 EAST AIRP❑RT BOULEVARD www'.evaneenginc.com SANF❑RD, FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 00006788 407-871-2020 AWING IS NOT VALID WITH❑UT THE ❑RIGINAL SIGNATURE JD RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA PROFESSIONAL -ENGINEER. EXPIRATION DATEg 12/31/07 THE SIGNATURE AND SEAL AFFIXED TO THIS AUTHORIZATION DATEa MASTER ENGINEERING PLAN JULY i 2007 HEREBY AUTH❑RIZES SAID POOL COMPANY TO USE AND MASTER FILE THIS DRAWING UNTIL THE EXPIRATI❑N DATE NOTED, TIN TRAM, P.E. *55359® Code violations found during inspection are required to be corrected. Plan/permit issuance does not grant approval of a code violation. 2004 FBC109.1 Structural plan review is limited to a general survey for code compliance. No review is implied nor was taken to verify structural adequacy No �I 10 Windows and doors that open into the swimming pool/spas area without a fence barrier to prevent direct access shall be protected in accordance with FRC R 4101.17.1.9 E The residential swimming pool barrier and or its compliant safety components shall be in place prior to filling of the pool. FRC R4101.17 Equipotential Bonding Grid Shall be provided for the first 3-feet of the perimeter of paved surfaces of swimming pools and spas. 2005 NEC Article 680.26(C). i E E CUSTOMER: All Seasons Pools STREET: 185 E. Airport Blvd. CITY: Sanford, FL ZIP: PH: 407-871-2020 OFFICE 32773 LOT: SUBDIVISION: PLAT BOOK: PAGE(S): JOB NAME: Snow Pool STREET: CITY: COUNTY: Seminole PH: ZIP: OFFICE: MA;jN DRAIN TESTED IN NCE W/ASTM/ANSI 012.19.8M AND WILL 51E ANTI ENTRAPMENT SYSTEM DECK WILL BE =N ENCLOSED ECK WILL HAVE SAFETY FENCE r ASP11X17-REVD 8-3-07 185 East Airport Blvd. Sanford Florida 32773 Office:407-871-2020 / Fax:407-323-5289 www.allseasonspoois.com e-mail: pools77@aol.com POOL= Area: 198 Perm: 63 Style: Custom Size: 22 X 12 X 10 Depth: 3 X 3.5 X 4 Rtns: 4 P.C.: Stub -Out M. D.: 2 - 2" Skim: 2" Light: SAM * Capacity: 5,198 Notes: . woe - Style: 6' Octagonal Area: 30 Perm: 20 Jets: 4 Rtns: 1 Light: SAL* M.D.: 2 Spillway: 36" Tiled Notes: . FEA 7-1J/?ES= Tile +6": 40 +12": 14 +18": 11 +24": 0 Falls: One 24" Sheer Descent* Fountains: Notes: 84 ft. of 4 ft. Knee Wall 2 Fans Sprays * 2 Rainbow Deck Jets* Bubbler In Sun Shelf* DECK: Area: 453 Type:Pavers/Artistic Pave Cantilever: 114' Riser: 31 D. 0. D.: 29 Footer: 84' Patio: N/A Fence: 0 Turn Down Deck Edge: +6i1: 0 +12": 0 + 18": 0 +24": 0 Notes: . 2 Rainbow Deck Jets EG? "/PMEN T= Pump: W. Flo. HP: TBD Filter: Cartridge SQ': TBD Chlor: IC - 20 Cleaner: PV3 P. Heater: N/A S. Heater: N/A Controlls: EZ4 with ICP Maint. Kit: Notes: EZ 4SC-IC20 520542 Indoor control panel 520548 COL ORS. Pool: See Color Sheet Tile: See Color Sheet Deck: See Color Sheet Fence: Alarms Screen: Bronze Notes: . S C/4EE/V: Roof: 660 Type: Dome Wall: 840 Height: 10 Dig: Haul X-Gutter: 0 Size: Elev: — Yds: 15 Notes:. Notes: 171 Sq. Ft. Elite Roof* Elevation per Superintendent Drawn: James E. Logan I Approved: Date: 9/20/2007 1 Date: — 9/20/2007