HomeMy WebLinkAboutACL0043-Water & Sewer Lines to Academy ManorS -IM 1.59 MO. M . r"MR-7013wis 'TUTWIFIM51611U."TH PART ONF--Porm 3530 (Rev. 7-67) THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this----- .1.1th.-day of ----------- A11ut"t ----------­--- 19._ All., by and between the ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY, a corporation under the laws of the State of Virginia, hereinafter styled Licensor, and the ..... a I TI.. WL. E A MUI I D ......... ................................................................................ a municipal corporation under the laws of the State ,A ... ZIP1% . . . ............................ hereinafter styled Licensee, WITNESSETH: That Licensor, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar to it in hand paid by Licensee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and of the covenants and agreements hereinafter made and contained on the part of Licensee to be kept and performed, hereby grants unto Licensee the right or license to install and maintain, for the purpose of ,,— Anatij waterp a line of 8—inch cast Iron pipe across the right of way and mdier the tracks Li of censor at Sanfordt Florida at a point 1462*3 feet southwardly, meatsured along the centew line of iconsorts southbound nmin track from Mile Post 766; also a sanAtary sewer, a line of 6—inch cast Won pipe,across the right of way and under said tracks at a point 3460 feet southwardly, measured along said center lino from said Mile Post; all as shown in red on the print attz,,icheel law .;mets and made a part hereof; said right of way being as on said print. And Licensee hereby covenants and agrees in consideration thereof: (1) That the Licensee shall install and maintain said pipe at its expense in a manner sat& factory to the Engineer Maintenance of Way of Licensor and so as not to interfere with pipe or other structures now in place; and in the event the said pipe shall require repair or renewal, the Licensee shall make such repair or renewal at its expense; and upon the failure of the Licensee so to do, the said Engineer of Licensor shall give written notice to the Licensee, and upon the failure of the Licensee to make repair or renewal after such notice, the Licensor may make all necessary repair or renewal at the cost of the Licensee, which cost the Licensee hereby agrees to pay on demand. (2) That the Licensee shall install and maintain, above ground and in a manner and at such locations as may be designated by said Engineer of Licensor, markers to plainly indicate the lo- cation, depth at which installed and ownership of said pipe; and Licensee will, at its expense, at any time, upon thirty days' written notice given by Licensor, change and alter the location of said pipe to conform to any changes or improvernerAs that may be made by Licensor in its tracks or roadway at said location, or to permit the uhWation of licersor's right of way, or other lands, for the construction of tracks, buildings or other structures. (3) That the Licensor shall 3.-.,,ot be responsible in any mariner for loss of or damage to said pipe and the contents thereof from) any cause wh�atsaever; and Licensee shall and does hereby assume, and agrees to 'ndernmfy and hold harmless the Licensor, its successors and assigns, from nipnnrl napir4qt All Ings.e :04judgments whatsoever in connection with in- Wgo 1.50 CPCDI The portions of said lines of pipe under said tracks and roadbeel, th��reof ancased 'by and at the expense of Licensee In 16 -inch cast iron rd .pe otirtejiji,t respectively,, and placod at a rdnimum dmpth of 78 inches below -the base 01' rail of tracks, or not Imse than 12 inches NOIow the botto?r, of Licensorts roadbed di. tmhess, whic,hevar c34pth may, be 1,,,he loworo esu tints being to the 'top of sail condult. Not": Any of er once herein to InginoerMaintenance ohall btruto ?nean Divisior rnglneer; the words# *Inalungr attornmyst faes* iaare in firticle,i atvl Article 5 was aJdisd hwrotoI all Px't0y' to the ey,,",curtion hereof', It is understood and agreed that this contract shall not be binding until it has been Mtif, of party, a certified copy of which resolution or ordinance is attached hereto and made part ;.greement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed, these presents in duplicate the (14 and year first above written. Witnesses for Railroad Company: ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY. 161 - ­ --------- 7 ---- 2 ------- - - - . .................. .. Witnesses for See ond Part),,, . ... ....................................... -------------- '7 MM M= seal) .............ar ........................... . 2q.1TY .... .. ........................ By....... ... A By- I I I ff ;,w ... . I I I ff ... . .. . .. ........ . . ....... .. -4, il,31J tIjmm St Mw ... . .. . .. ........ . . ....... .. -4, il,31J tIjmm ... . .. . .. ........ . . ....... .. -4, J&B -41229 I of xtracts from minutes -- Meeting 01 Z* "held on the --Al -----day of-A4ke, PART THREE—FORM 3530 ,pf the it Cbmvissionm-s of the City of Swx�ordp Florida ----------------------- 19- 61 RESOLUTION J, Be it resolfO by the--..--____ _- -------- City Commissioners ------------ ------------------ - of the C ity ssembled, that the f Sanford# Flbrida regulw,- mesting ----- ----------- 2 --- - ---- — ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---- a -4, "i-corl"Elner'of s --id -------------- I ------ ----- and he hereby is, authorized to enter into an agree- ment with the ­'ALAITM COAST LIKVE' ---- - - ------ - ---- - --- —______------__----___-RAILROAD COMPANY, and to sign same on if City 9�sld Tlailroad ------ Anqj sWd 0,0 I s TZ 7" f wlF FF whereby rnonso o Install, oand ij,n,qintain* for the ptirposo of oondu-ting water., a IL'ie of 8 -inch cast iron TApe across thA r1ght of way and undm� the trsckr.r of the 11911road Company at Senf"or0o Florlda at a rpoint 3462.3 feet southwardlyp messured alongr tivi� center line of the Railroad Cov�p&rqgs esouthbound main track from 'Vile Post 766; also a sanitary sewart a line of 6-inal:L cast to pipe across tho right of way and unfier sald tracks at a point 3460 feot sovrthviardly, measured along said conter line. fror,,,said V6,11% Poet$o as more particularly clesc�ribv,,,O in said agreommnt shish agreevient is eluted kupv,,st Ij I �,��h a�,, g a copy of vrlil �mavopnt is filed Witil, UleSm City Gov,,arisaicn,ETRj.