HomeMy WebLinkAboutACL0042-8" Water Line from Lake Jennie to 16th StTL Tj C M OAST INE - OR10k B.8 VAGHAN, "U PERI NTENOWNT NEMEMMEW Sanford, Florida OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT TAMPA, FLA. February 12, 1963 * ow Referring to t1hat certain agreement dated November 8.. 1960, -with the City of Sanford, Floridacovering maintenance of 8 -inch cast iron water pipe line extending from our former Ieke Jennie property to our fo3naer main track right of way at 16th Street, at San -ford, Florida** Inasmuch as this pipe line right-of-way was conveyed to the City of Sanford as a corporate donation by quitclaim deed dated November 27, 196P-., this is to advise you we are cancelling the agree- m-,nt of November 8. 1960. Very truly yours, Superintendent. vim 509 CKO. PART THREE ---FORM 3530 CA-,, of 0 Whaas from minu of--- , --- ------- * . ....... - ------ - ----------------- ** --- ----- 60 held on the day of ........ 112Z.,�Ukk&ele ..................... —.19 ......... 7 ....... :7 0 V 7_1 i01 5 �1541 K A �Pg we M s Be it resolved by the........... 0 ` I "" ' ',, t 0 n o,,xr S .... of the..._ G.ii'�Y --------- Q -00i - --- ----------- *"* - ------ * ......... * ------• ,ffnnf ord,,fj2Q2j_, in _122 ---W ----- MO? ................................................ assembled, that the lire nn2ammissioner .................................. .......be, and he hereby is, authorized to enter into an agree- ment with --- Qoast --- Lig ............... . ...... RAILROAD CONMANY, and to sign same on ...... . ........ ...... .. behalf of said ....................... .......................... .................. rry _-, whereby COV'�IPU g"'rants tmto City the right or license to maintaln fcw a,)f c uc tin water tho Railroad SAM cast iron pipe at Flwl Jat acrose anii"! Wer a 15 -foot right of wly convoynd b` ,:Y T)avi.(G] K. 5,1,,msrv a'ad wire mate m..,.,Avmr,,,,,w 1:ly dated Jmnuary 11, 1916 Derx']W 1: tic 70 Page of the Public Records of SamincleCoiumtyr Flar 'Ila 10--footj , r,'gi',4t n�f cone �'yafi to the Railroad Company by A M. Smith (single) e; �y 3atr'x,,.3,,,TanuaZ7 19's 193,6 r(c(,,rded In Do.,,smi Book 7, Page 104 of the Public Recarde of said Goumty a d State; and I 15 loo' right of way conveyed to 'the Railroad Gompany bry A We Smith (singla) by deal dated January 19, 1916 recorded In Dead Book 1, Page 278 of lie Public Records of said %,'md mv,�,,5re partimilarly described in said agreement which agreement Is dated November 81 1960 and eapy of which agreement is filed with the City Commissionars of the City of Ganforl, Plarlds. , Va'de an)d ontered into, 8th of Noverr bvr31?60,, by f,,uld betwoon 1,11ii 4.31AW"M COAST LINE a, cnrp*r,,�,,�,timn atarlem, ttle J,aws of the State of Virgin.an hereinafter styled Licensor, anJ the CITY OF SaNFORD� a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of' Flcwrlfilap hereinaft#,!,gxa,tyjr,)d, Wensee. SE" :111at Lieer.,ivor, for and in consideration of U'v,- stmvi of ()ni,,1),ollar to it in hand paid by Licenses, the receipt of which is h.,,tweby &nrd, of thm covenants and agreements hereinafter tf*,,,le sn�, contained on the part of Wansee to be kept and h'e'arcyflry unto Licensee the Voit or license to maintain, for the purpose of conducting water, icensor's 8 -inch cast Iron pipe at Floridant across W under a 15 -foot rig R7,11t of way to Licenstvt- by David X. Shearvrr snd�), r,flife Kate A Shearer by deed dated January 11, 1916 r000rded in Deed Book 7p Page 317 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; a 10 -foot right of way conveyed to L:f c,r,!,.,nnsor 17, V. M, Smith (single) by 6eed dated January 19,, 1916 retorded In Deed BoDk 7v Page ADDA,, of U"we lie Records o! said WWI sne,3 State; and a 15 -foot right of way conveyfood to Ueemsor 'by M. 11. Sm,�!'th (1pt"Inig ie) by deed datedJanuary-A9, 1916 recorded in Deed Book 1, Page 278 of Records of said County an,"."I :731t,41te; al,� an owre particularly shown in red an the ,;-'Int hoziae'fir c a part And 11cennee her0by covenayits in consideratlon tharoof: (1) 1,"hat thMe-nese AM maintain said pipe at its expense and so my not to fi,,itarfe.,Yrs with pipe or othor now In place; tejv,r evr,,n,,,t pipe W13 require repair or (,#riable continued ass thereof by the Mcansee, the Licensee "aa ha2l make sunh repair or renewal at its expense. (2) Licensee shall and ].oes al,P,000 to indemnify and hold hnrm2vs,T,, the LUmnsar, Its sucamsearb and assigns, from and against all loss, cost, oxponssf 01alml; suits MMd Judgmento whatsoever In connection w1tla inj'ary ta mr donafl,,,,i of �rcj,jy pmrson or persons or '[,,,,.gasof or lamage to property caused by or, ir, tanqr way, bed with ina-Anteannes, use or presence oP 9 n r,,,,Ape wriiri appurterwrict,"Ps on, seat howsoever caused, ( ) It, is uz%tlerstood and agrped"between the poirtinr,,,; hereto, that this agreakent shall and will remain in full tutee and eflect for a term of two (2) years begInning --ja) ril 7 ] 0,60 4— mW thereafter until F arminat 1,,ay 1,1,iirty days written notice fror r,,�arty hereto to the otber, It is4nna2l nnJn a too,,,,,;, anH agreed at this agreement shall not be binding until it hav been ratified by proper ordinance or rpsolution of the My Commissioners of the UcRnsee, an certified cojp,,,;of resolution or or,,JUiaaov,,e L-,, attm,!ah@,md and made a part (,,'�f akr-,v,o=ent,, I 11,1,1 the parlA#es hp,3,rwbU have execut, Vese presents In duplicate) the day and year first abovo written, witnemeas rrr Lianneer: ... .. ... . . ... C"01 Iltnesses f/ Licensees .17 mAyric COAST LINE RAIILROAD COMAURITY . .. . ...... � ow Uwe C1 Y 01?, SAN]?0RD111 1 464 A* Mainvi.-MMM Mainra 0) Trc T inn MOMMUM Sanford, Flo -ins, Wbruary 1, 101. MOM, Fla. Dear Sir: - Herealth, for yvur records, Auplicate inal ("N't-,ed Novamber 8, 11960, with the City of Sanford, Fla., coQerin 8 -inch cast iron water pipe line foret, I'tukr,, !:xr 0 pert y ��O ov'n' fr,)TRV,N , 6. ki � y"","rt;.4:right d7 way at 16th Street at Snnford, for term of 2 years beginning April 7, B, 60, eRJ-idlng eipx-il 6j, 196;,,j and thereaftr?r t�cn_" .,al_nated by -thirty (30) days written notice frox"'), either partr to the other. Yours very truly. L. A. AnOp-son -