HomeMy WebLinkAboutACL0034-Recreation Area near Harrison St on 16th2AIS 101PURSo Mad* a0d OWWO 4 lot* We 1220101 day 10 4Crp"Arl, I hr OW botweas %bo ATURTIC COAST UNI ROUR00 CAN1010 * corporation mested aad 1'"r�g"pals" under tho I= of Mstate of Virginia# NDoWkWnGUnce q A1104 lesser* 'J"mixty of", t!? wrat part, *ad the CITI OF W&ALI f=W# tho C;1114,10 WASSIUMS chd W DOW A fuslic INOTRUC2106 of SAWIN01A CCUUTIV rlau, 1�6k,# iwtini; Jainatly, mad sevvrallyp hervinaftew ?Awr 4,,x im zn(t,* styled lessees$", S tv That Lassarp Ar and to ecaulderettanit at unto x,41.1mr, (10 1*0un 0) to It In hand paid by Lessaaaw receipt of Wok is horeby aaknowledgedt 41tt"1, '"Lkwk evv*- ,powv, tits port of tho lospoes to bo kept aad performed 'has's bthow rigtit an,41 mstyy dealat'so and W000 unto lassees who that oertain opeae 1 0 ��mj,k of oIrrf th* Leaver at 300fordo rw,l � strip of land 10 foot Wq, being 5 feet Wido on saah side of tho contfaXle line of 1000W a pipe line as now loomted" of tho NRY of ieetiaa 15# Toonahlo 19 iauth# nuage 30 Net; begUnIng ot the point of Intersection ot the soamulul Ila* of 36th Itreet (harriaon Street) with the sauthomt bounAry line of Losearlis right of ay $ which baua4ary Ila* to parallel with nod 20 foot southavatmrdly AV9,111 the asnAr line of the foramr main track of said NUPOM71 V"aning themon 1001mawthh- weetwardly Wall"armag, fur'Y"JA line 27 feet to the center Ila* of said p1pe linel thela's* sautmemetwordly *long the *enter line of said pipe lime 1541, feet to 'the ""Lo"mot"111 !VW -Wt of beginning of ','10-fnall,', strIT , of Isgiu,! bmwity loased; running thence sautheestwardl 500 fasto measured along We 000ter line of said 14pe line; thelocation of 004 pip line being shown in green am &aid, ot"W"ah"'ad tz�Xt"W, Said spaeo U"I b%'q hq f"'zvat I, "J"n't* 114t, -,foot Until, this lease Wall, towe bW thirty (3D) dSY0 writ natilee rmyn 11"A yr 11)"wfty, helvto to the, unerl And L000000 hereby 00vVnent and mjfgmea Is tbereaft Firsts That the Wasees will not use the Wd apsm of land for any othow, purpose than In connection with a rawroatime pork astoblishodp or to be establiaheQ by the Leasees, and that no pwaament structure of any kind be placed an mall''I praoises by tho Leasse, sacandl 100*00a shall have Khre at tAmlz t,4w 110,1tw Un"a fs)sa t"s of the teasor*v pipe line running across said promises to not lose then tefte,0101(12) ischas below the surf*** of the grovadp It boing expressly vaderotood that such wwotk fA- of gailt Le, * ammo*r apprvved by WAS will Wo 4one ututer tho 41rectian and supervisie Engineer Nalatenamee of Wal of Lessor* 7100 Lessees shall and do hareby agre to Imisisakify am varve,t"Urra6le" la* - oar, its sueseavers and assignap from and against all 20SK OWN 6WOMP claims# suits and judgments whatsoever Is injur, poram j, CA" d1bdilth ALRY "') ,, or persaws, or I= of or damage to any property caused bl or ta sal way sonneeted witill taw 3,0110flar, of asid pipe line as provided in parogrip1b Wond hereof, as well as far-fe"M and agalatt all lexxv coots, dxpobsop 614isop suits and JuAgments whAsoeivr In ties with Injury to or death of any pervon or personev or the Inawas of 4mr, 'd"amooke")e to prop- orty eaused by, #,%r 11s,%, tiny iaw, eannoated with leaseW %USe *11' the 'Ieaseef proms se 10110othkIlter such Injuryi death$ less or dems"ge from any anus* 1batS00VWw,,p and rdieth*r reorult- Ing f Vontho negUlginerawe'* of the its agawta or otherlime. Fourths That Leaveles, tri"'T.2 n®rt, ,pg this leave or anj rights hereunder, nor suffer or permit any other person or earparat"ies. �W, mal'o afty Jpnort at said spae* of US10011 except with the consent 11a, Writive, of UW leasm. ItIs Undars"t000d, 4"Ind ag"reed ta/lie"t this eowtmet shall nol; yto, �9 gm of ti,,%a, ,,J,es of tho seeand partp has been ratified by proper ordinance or r000lutia t ipg - I - —&MAA -A ---& --'--A..A4— .— 4a, .+,*a-ftbi,mA '%wftv6,ft+,,ft ww)"'I mma"Alas a nwvi 18.600 10-66 CPCo. PART THREE— ­Form .3530' Extracts from minutes __ -- --- f Uty ("WWASifters of U0 atty of USCU44 narleiao held on the ----_ RES®LIMI4N Be it resolved by the w______ ------------ ----- -------------- of the_--___ Of __ --------- -- - ----- asserrabledp that the and he hereby is, authorized to enter into an agree meat_ with the_ .... ' "`i �_ ." _n_-- _----RAILROAD COMPANY, and to sign same on behalf of said _ hery the Paid Sal paq 1 r ��"A a Board of cquaty W right d privilegoovaupyin; amd using that eartain strip of landt prappawrt.yof said Railroad t Svv to sold agreement* Alch agrVement Is dated April 200 2951y'' d„ ,� -nuu kV -b 4 1'f.iC. PARTTHREE--Formq530 v INW� 1(� V�rl1Nv�91 of mooting of the Board cIW "I"'It o k,, �i Vl°"��<�;� a� �� � Seminole elft �„Il��' V, � .1�� Extracts from minutes_--_ __-_.. .._ __.-__ _- _._-- held on the ------ day of__-- Be it resolved by the- �� �� � �G�t� � �.� � �� � �° ��.�;"�'...._______-___________.._-___...,.of thhe__92Q., :_ _____ of if" i -- _ ! --- ---- in ------------- _ " `f" ^ __ i ' �' '____ ____-___ ___----- ___- --- assembled, that the Qua1____-----_-----__---_-__---------------_.___-._-__be, r - and he hereby is, authorized to enter into an agree- ment ment Frith the_u ! I � �% ° jh� �` RAII.aIIOAI.I COMPANY, and to sign same on behalf of said_ rd- -20 + 1 n . whereby the MIMIC West ne WC/al demises line mises d iod of / d leases Jit/y, untosaid ubfrrc of Sanford, a`ndao anduard the board od 0 r* Gu, ,,tl wni Us right and y m 1„� ",���"� �k�'�``�f e *11” o ✓�"'t-pr, m �"'��� 1r � d'��,)yi�Jo t,1 f�ry I +err°"� ��,� xw'; '��� ; 6'�`�' "�r�`��fl�r�'�'�ay of said WNW , GlY rat Sanford,F'da; as particularly desuribed in said ` Fg' "C"Wy"9r,A��W� N%gi amenr in dated April i 1956* Extracts from minutes-.., held on the_AA"-)!��__ 11. 1111-il-611k lair of) '17 Be it resolved by of in ------------- that the - ----------------------------------------__b , and he hereby is, authorized to enter into an agree - Ment with the ---44 4 ----------- -- _ RAILROAD COMPANY, and to sign same on behalf of said -------- I whereby t,�t trN t, ',e Ila* Railroad Campany'denimos and lease tvlt"�I;") COMMISAOMOrSs MY of Sanford* MAU aud the Board (of, of tl,,�';i Ld County tho r1ght and privilearg 1 !"#" 1 9 all Using that aertals strip of la property of esid RK0004 COMPaMY' at Sanford, Florida; as particularly describek"11"111, 'n "A 09resumnto WHO agreement in dated April 20, 1936. alp '"` as ��� �WMWWwN wowW v ,¢wWkNkW snweuf m�onr JtiiO/ ho orry, ,iii off' f BOARD OF G U,lik; GT 'l �muor'.0 oath i n r�w'w�wwnmmuw;vtlmwemmgww,vmry kewaw �wvmw«wwxmwu i mwnN��rm wrw.wx;•rwawiwvww�,unvw'ww'wv, mmWion. ,wu, wwwiomrtaww� wmw rwvavowwiwvmwrowr rmm+,�mwamamuw�wwuw wawa>!'wvu�,o`�+^wwmlvv.:,wNr ,�o��w ,,, RsrAN,LJ„dJ OF PUBLIC C MEN, a ,I'll", �j�fA&CGi A , o a'ib .',Y N; IV�hYpilN,M �%� &«« �"�WN ��a^'� 4�.."��.���,� � "4N iia.,, ,•� t,� v...uwlrwwaamwwwuwun�umw�munu'a�mmww'w.rvw�uumiwwww nurvmn�w i w+ wummawu ,uoiwwnw;�,mw'N,w mwv�,dnrva't vm�um�uwrcwm�vi�r. � . mw ww wu mxw mwommrvuwmoav aiwmmwvmrwunrew�w w. �pN;�C�NJYf�'�wNS'Ni�Nf �M m�v'. rR r orry, ,iii off' f BOARD OF G U,lik; GT 'l �muor'.0 oath i n r�w'w�wwnmmuw;vtlmwemmgww,vmry kewaw �wvmw«wwxmwu i mwnN��rm wrw.wx;•rwawiwvww�,unvw'ww'wv, mmWion. ,wu, wwwiomrtaww� wmw rwvavowwiwvmwrowr rmm+,�mwamamuw�wwuw wawa>!'wvu�,o`�+^wwmlvv.:,wNr ,�o��w ,,, RsrAN,LJ„dJ OF PUBLIC C MEN, a ,I'll", �j�fA&CGi A , o a'ib .',Y N; IV�hYpilN,M �%� &«« �"�WN ��a^'� 4�.."��.���,� � "4N iia.,, ,•� t,� v...uwlrwwaamwwwuwun�umw�munu'a�mmww'w.rvw�uumiwwww nurvmn�w