HomeMy WebLinkAboutACL0035-Storm Sewers Reinforcedom 04 OPM PART ON norm 3530 2, THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this... .... ..... !6ay of._ ! .................. 1 19........ by and between the ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY, a corporation created and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of ViF ,"ginia, hereinafter for conveni- ence styled the Railroad Company, the first party, and the. -...f ..................p............................................ ................................................................................ a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of. -.f' ' .Aj!:1,d& ...................................... the second party: WITNESSETH, That the Railroad Company, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar to it in hand paid by the second party, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the performance of the covenants hereinafter contained on the part of the second party, does hereby give and grant unto the second party the right and privilege to ls3uLrA maintain, for the purpose of (sters, o,orreroi lines of pipo s alretidly, In IAavae rokn the ;*rtiozi f Utte x,,Jy a ,ht ofIg"y. ranch 'I"A Sanford' saj Of Vie "Al"laritic (;oast, Line !,,UiJ,3, ""In 1"air Ularm "read, (4,12,11,�"iuv ce 3, rel"Low"s: (iit) A line of 00TIC111'arte JApe at a, .1acittion 1,11722 trzmd alorq,,� (""J"Jal , OW th,ii�� aeritor line of" t1tie, saita, truck f a:,ixi fr ii mile ;;,Poa,t V-111700 sit"" ;Ajoo o"'Ktionding westwart,,11,y 1.3 d�viO��lY'Md.h eet frwk the Imundary lirle cif 'e�aj d, I'lig 0'r I 4r td t"i""te 4&ilrawl, row0food, , ascated alon,�! )a athsoiiaterl s * of U'a,� :rc db 4, of Att'0 ma"Intitin a eorovte lums wa-ifi-I k c4110 � p 'r%jw said zain tr&&,�kt 71ri,621", ol', i, t"I ,&* at tto 'W"eatism 61"I'd Of t"W&W pif"P4,0 and to divatiart6ge w,.,ater fras Said pi've inim $&I'dUtah'; &I.$* (b) �k 11tte, of pipe 1:wgirming WL V""I'm e&"Witem fr�d of 'the 244,nat?v east iren, jApe cu"I've"I't tas located under sa,,JA truck WIL apain't, 2*222 f(�,twt uwasUrOd alenag 9&1d, contor 11no., frest a, al,'le post) arad, eats ndivig, south ViurdIr 52, featf'o and thenne eastwardl�i 1!) feat to the eastem bmaxiary lim, of soid r4,t of 'Wafy- Ii'0411111"i the right taw ioon- stmat aild U&Uttaln a catah baWAXI at, U, U% Def 8011th ends of" tohe 52 -feet section lial Saul lifte of pipe; all of Said p1pop the h*ALiW,,&U tuid, eatah basirks be,,Ixig shown 1zi rod ari til,)* bluo tadhed horete and =We a part 1jwr000f; said riglit of way, bein prin't at g 25 feet vlAq on, sash side of" said eazit.*r Una- tlw 520-f *at seation. boing, 15-iztch vit rif iod clop 1pi;w, and the 1',,I-foet sectim beteg 1,2 -inch raI.nforcod eonerato yxfipe; said pipe,p and catch ba,sitis bleing Ivereitjafter for rjonvenimee referred �to as ftpipcell# SOM 945 cpco Extracts from minutes Of-Usekka-If------------ --of-----t--h------ 1jAy Swiord,,., Fl held idao on the v_Z .....--day -- ---------------------------------- 19_5�_ Be it resoWed by the--..--. ----------- --------- ------------ ------------------ of the-Aity. of in_._---- --_ 4,uUr__m&Liu4 ---_--__------------- ------------assembled, that the _____._.._____.__________--_---___.be, and lie hereby is, authorized to enter into an agree- ment with the.__AT1A1,1.' -________________-_RAILROAD COMPANY, and to sign same on behalf of said-------__ ---=4 - -------------- whereby the sald 1`11ailraad Company gives and erants to the WA Cit',y 'the �t arch 1(,prlir il.age to mutintaixi" for the purpose of storno eewriore,, lines of pipe on the eastern portion of the High" of way of the said Railroad Cam,�,,)arqyla I.Lice Obarm Braneh at Sanford, Florida, to-, gather with a heaAwal."). al catch basins, all as particularly described in said, agreement,, whiah agreement is dated Auis 281, 1956,, S -IM 9-56 cpco. PART TWO—Form 3530 S The wordho Oflay, and$ in the '4tmxisoth Clauso &M in Article (1) were strialcon out, prior to execution horeaf* It is understood and agreed that this contract shall not be binding until it has been ratified , " � Cowdasionters by proper ordinance or res0l�UU(111 of t'he ................ ....... ....... ........ .........-of the second party, a certified copy of whieb. resolution or otdIname is attached hereto and rnade part of this agneament; IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have &xecuted these presents in duplicate the day and year first above written. Witnesses for Railroad Company: ATLANTIC COAST LINE 4A.UJ�ROAD COMPANY. .................................. ................. ,, L� . . ........ . .................................. ....... 7 ;iend M ,ej, ........... Witnesses for Second P y: ...................... CiTr 0? SUiNFORD ................... ........................ ............................... - By ...... I . .. .... ............... Mayor Attest: By............. . ...... . ........................Cler........... . k.