HomeMy WebLinkAbout3263 ORDINANCE NO. 3~-63 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD RELATING TO THE REGULATION AND LICENSING OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS} PROVIDING FOR A SHORT TITLE; DECLARING INTENT; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING EXEMPTIONS} ESTABLISHING A CENTRAL CONTRACTORS EX~INING BOAI~} PROVIDING FOR FEES} PROVIDING FOR EI~INATION OF CONTRACTORS; PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY; PROVIDING METHOD OF RECIPROCITY; PROVIDING RESTRICTIONS} PROVIDING FOR DISCIPLINABY PROCEEDINGS; PROVIDING FOR SUSPENSION OR lIEVOCATION OF CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY} PROVIDING TfIAT THE ORDINANCE IS SUPPleNTiS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT i~ SEVERABILITY} PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE i~ PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES 913, SECTIONS 1, 2, AND 3, ENACTED 4/24/67, 1223, SECTION 1, ENACTED 5/13/74, AND 1370, SECTION 1, ENACTED 12/13/76. WHEREAS, the State of Florida has recognized in Chapter 63- 1600, Laws of Florida, as amended, and Chapters 162, 166, and 489, Florida Statutes, that it is necessary and in the interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to regulate the construction industry, and, accordingly, has delegated to the City of Sanford authority to discipline persons who violate applicable local code provisions pertaining to the activities of licensed and unlicensed contractors, including the authority to suspend and revoke their licenses and to impose monetar~ fines against such violators; and, WHEREAS, the City Commission of Sanford, Florida has determined that a single, consolidated construction trades board should be empowered to license contractors and to discipline persons who violate this and other City ordinances pertaining to the activities of licensed contractors to the full extent provided under the aforementioned grant of authority. WHEREAS, a method of local disciplinary action and oversight of contractors is required pursuant to §489.131(10), Fla. Stat. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF Ordinance No. 3263 Page No. 1 SANFORD, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. SHORT TITLE This ordinance may be known and cited as the "Contractor's Licensing Ordinance of Sanford, Florida". Section 2. APPLICABILITY This ordinance shall apply to and be enforced in all incorporated areas of Sanford, Florida. Section 3. DEFINITIONS As used in this ordinance, the following definitions shall apply in the interpretation, enforcement and intent of this ordinance. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the singular shall include the plural, and the plural the singular. The word "shall" or "must" is always mandatory and not merely directory. The word "may" is to be construed as being permissible and not as being mandatory. Masculine gender shall include the feminine or neutral gender. APPEALS BOARD means the Sanford City Commission. BOARD means the Sanford Central Contractors Examining Board. BUILDING OFFICIAL means the officer or other designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of codes and ordinances adopted by Sanford which relate to construction, permitting, inspection, and contractor licensing. BUSINESS ORGANIZATION shall mean a business entity engaging in contracting as an individual sole proprietorship, partnership, company, corporation, business trust or other legal entity. CERTIFICATE shall mean a certificate of competency issued by the Sanford Central Contractors Examining Board through the Sanford Building Division. CERTIFIED CONTRACTOR shall mean any contractor who possesses a certificate of competency issued by the Florida Department of Professional Regulation and who may contract in any jurisdiction in the State of Florida without being required to fulfill the Ordinance No. 3263 Page No. 2 competency requirements of that jurisdiction. CERTIFICATION shall mean the act of obtaining or holding a Sanford certificate of competency as provided in this ordinance. CILB shall mean the Construction Industry Licensing Board of the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. CONTRACTING shall mean, except as exempted herein, engaging in business as a contractor and includes, but is not limited to, performance of any of the acts as set forth in this ordinance or the categories of contractors established by order of the Board. The attempted sale of contracting services and the negotiation or bid for a contract for these services shall also constitute contracting, CONTRACTOR shall mean the person who is qualified for and responsible for the entire project contracted for and means, except as exempted in this ordinance, the person who, for compensation, undertakes to, submits a bid to, or does himself or by others, construct, erect, install, maintain, repair, alter, remodel, add to, subtract from, or improve any building or structure, including related improvements to real estate, for others or for resale to others. DEPARTMENT shall mean the Building Division of the Community Development Department. ECLB shall mean the Electrical Contractors Licensing Board of the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. EMPLOYEE shall mean an individual who receives compensation from and is under the supervision and control of a licensed contractor or owner/builder who regularly deducts federal withholding tax and FICA from the individual's wages and provides workers' compensation coverage, all as provided by law. GOVERNMENT/GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY shall refer to the United States, any state, county, municipal or political subdivision. GRANDFATHERED refers to the license issued by the Board to a contractor who has provided proof of experience which qualified him for a license without examination. HARV means heating, air conditioning, refrigeration, and ventilation. JOURNEYMAN shall mean a person who possesses a Sanford certificate of competency and the necessary qualification, training and technical knowledge to work in the trades of electrical, plumbing and HARV under the supervision of a Master. LICENSEE shall mean a holder of a Sanford certificate of competency issued as herein provided. PARTY shall mean any individual, sole proprietorship, person, partnership, corporation, association or any other type of business Ordinance No. 3263 Page No. 3 organization. QUALIFYING AGENT shall mean a person who possesses the requisite skill, knowledge, experience, and responsibility to supervise, direct, manage, and control the contracting and construction activities of the business entity with which he is connected, and whose technical and personal qualifications have been determined by investigation and examination as provided for in this article. The Qualifying Agent shall be directly responsible for construction activities on a job for which he has obtained a building permit. REGISTERED CONTRACTOR means any contractor who has registered his local certificate of competency with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, pursuant to fulfilling the competency requirements of the jurisdiction for which the registration is issued. Registered Contractors may contract only in such jurisdictions or where recognized by reciprocity. SPECIALTY CONTRACTOR means a contractor whose scope of work and responsibility is limited to a particular phase of construction as established by order of the Board. Section 4. EXEMPTIONS The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to the following: 1) Owners of property when acting as their own Contractor and providing all material supervision themselves, when (a) building or improving farm outbuildings (on their farm land for farm use) or (b) building or improving one or two-family residences on their property for the sole occupancy or use of such owners and not offered for sale or lease, or (c) building or improving commercial buildings at a cost of under Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00), on their property for the sole occupancy or use of such owners and not offered for sale or lease. In an action brought under this ordinance, proof of sale or lease, or offering for sale or lease, of any such structure by the owner/builder within one (1) year after completion of same creates a presumption that the construction was undertaken for purposes of sale or lease. This subsection does not exempt any person who is employed by such owner and acts in the capacity of a Contractor. For the purposes of this subsection, the term "owners of property" includes the owner of a mobile home situated on a leased lot. To qualify for exemption under this subsection, an owner must personally appear and sign the building permit application and a disclosure statement acknowledging the owners' responsibilities as stated in this subsection. 2) Any construction, alteration, improvement, or repair carried on within the limits of any site the title to which is in the United States or with respect to which federal or state law supersedes this ordinance. Ordinance No. 3263 Page No. 4 3 Any Employee of a Certificate holder who is acting within the scope of the license held by that Certificate holder and with the knowledge and permission of the Certificate holder. 4 Contractors in work constructing and/or maintaining bridges, roads, street, and sewer & water utilities incidental thereto, if such contractors possess a current and valid certificate of qualification issued by the Florida Department of Transportation. 5 An authorized Employee of a Governmental Agency, if the employee does not hold himself out for hire or otherwise engage in Contracting except in accordance with such employment. 6) Any Certified Contractor when such person is performing work authorized pursuant to his certification. 7) An officer appointed by the court when he is acting within the scope of his office as defined by law or court order. When construction projects which were not underway at the time of the appointment of the officer are undertaken, the officer shall employ or contract with a Certified Contractor or a Licensee, 8) A registered architect or engineer acting within the scope of his practice as allowed by applicable law. 9) Any person who furnishes only materials or supplies without fabricating them into or making them a permanent fixed part of the structure, such as awnings. This section does not exempt, however, inground spas and swimming pools that involve excavation, plumbing, chemicals, or wiring of any appliance without a factory- installed electrical cord and plug. 10) Any person who sells, services, or installs heating or air conditioning units which have a capacity no greater than three (3) tons (36,000 Btu), which have no ducts, and which have a factory-installed electrical cord and plug. 11) Operators of water conditioning services installing or maintaining water conditioning units for domestic, commercial, or industrial purposes. 12) Any work or operation of a casual, minor, or inconsequential nature in which the aggregate contract price for labor, materials, and all other items is less than $1,000, but this exemption does not apply: a) If the construction, repair, remodeling, or improvement is a part of a larger or major operation, whether undertaken by the same or a different Contractor, or in which a division of the operation is made in contracts or amounts less than Ordinance No. 3263 Page No. 5 $1,000 for the purpose of evading this part or otherwise; or b) To a person who advertises that he is a COntractor or otherwise represents that he is qualified to engage in Contracting. Section 5. CENTRAL CONTRACTORS EXAMINING BOARD 1) The Sanford City Commission shall establish the Board and such other examining boards as it deems necessary for the proper administration of this ordinance. The Board shall, except as provided below, consist of thirteen (13) members who have been contractors in the city for two (2) years prior to appointment. The appointments to the Board shall consist of the following: a) Two (2) licensed master plumbers; b) Two (2) licensed master electricians; c) Three (3) licensed building contractors, Class A, B or C; d) Two (2) licensed air conditioning/mechanical contractors; e) One (1) licensed swimming pool contractor; f) One (1) licensed roofing contractor; g) One (1) licensed sheet metal contractor; and h) One (1) licensed screen enclosure contractor. When necessary, an alternate choice to the Contractors listed above, may be a specialty Contractor or a certified inspector. The certification must be by Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc., Council of American Building Officials, or other recognized testing agency. In addition, the Building Official shall serve as Secretary to the Board. The initial appointments to the Board shall be made by the City Commission and each appointment shall be for a period of two (2) years. 2) Each Board member shall be a Certified Contractor or a Registered Contractor. Each Certified Contractor shall also hold a valid Certificate as appropriate to his appointment. 3) Seven (7) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum at any meeting and a majority vote of those present shall be required to make any decision. In the event the Board is short of a quorum by one (1), the Building Official may cast a vote when needed. The Board shall be on call as needed. Ordinance No. 3263 Page No. 6 4) The Board is authorized to make such rules not inconsistent with law which are necessary or appropriate to carry out the duties and authority conferred upon it by this ordinance. 5) Three (3) or more unexcused absences by a member in any calendar year shall result in the automatic forfeiture by the member of his position on the Board. Absences may be excused by the Chairman of the Board Or by the City Commission. 6) Any member of the Board may be removed for cause by a majority vote of the City Commission upon written charges and after a public hearing. 7) Any vacancy on the Board shall be filled within thirty (30) days of the vacancy by the City Commission by an appointment of an individual to serve for the remainder of the term. Section 6. CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY REQUIRED No person, other than a Certified Contractor, shall engage in Contracting or act as a Contractor unless he has first obtained a Certificate and has, when appropriate, registered in the proper classification with the State of Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 489, Florida Statutes. A contractor will also be required to have an occupational license. Contractors required to obtain a Certificate and, registration when applicable as defined by ~489.105(3)a-q, Fla. Stat; include: General Contractor, Building Contractor, Residential Contractor, Sheet Metal, Roofing Unlimited, Class "A" Air Conditioning, Class "B" Air Conditioning, Class "C" Air Conditioning, Mechanical, Commercial Pool and Spa, Residential Pool and Spa, Plumbing, Electrical Contractor, Residential Electrical Contractor, Journeyman Electrician, Journeyman Plumber, Journeyman HARV, Aluminum, Aluminum with Concrete, Electrical Sign. The Board shall have the option to delete or add to the above list of contractors as it deems necessary without a change in this ordinance. Section 7. DISPLAY OF STATE REGISTRATION NUMBER Any Contractor regulated pursuant to this ordinance shall include its State of Florida registration number, if required to be registered, in any newspaper, phone directory, or other advertising medium that is primarily circulated, displayed, distributed or marketed within the City of Sanford and that offers services of the Contractor which are regulated by this article. Section 8. FEES All fees required by this ordinance shall be as established by resolution of the City Commission. Ordinance No. 3263 Page No. 7 Section 9. EXAMINATION OF APPLICANT All applicants for a Certificate shall be required to take and pass a competency examination given by Block & Associates or other testing agency approved by the Board. The applicant shall be required to obtain a passing grade of seventy-five percent (75%) or higher before his Certificate will be issued. Further, an applicant must be eighteen (18) years of age and be of good moral character. In lieu of such examination, an applicant for a Certificate that has passed an approved Contractor competency examination in a reciprocating jurisdiction and obtained a grade of seventy-five (75) percent or higher, may provide an original letter of reciprocity on letterhead from the licensing official of the jurisdiction which sponsored him for examination. The applicant must be currently licensed, and be in good standing with the reciprocating jurisdiction. The letter of reciprocity shall include the type and class, date and score and name of agency giving the exam taken, the contractors license number as issued by the reciprocating jurisdiction, and a statement that the Contractor is in good standing with that department. Said letter of reciprocity shall be signed by the official or his designee, and be valid for a period of three (3) months from date of issue. Section 10. PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY A Certificate shall be obtained in the following manner: 1) Any person or firm required or desiring to be qualified as a Contractor shall submit an application with required fee and supporting documents and information as prescribed by the Board. The Building Department shall retain the application and all supporting documents. 2) The contractor must submit proof of having obtained a score of seventy-five percent (75%) or higher on the required examination within three (3) years of the application, or proof that the applicant has passed the examination and holds a valid and current Contractor license in another jurisdiction which reciprocates with Sanford. The letter of reciprocity shall be as set forth in Section 9 hereof. 3) Proof of compliance with insurance requirements as set forth by CILB and ECLB. In addition, all Contractors must present proof of coverage for workers' compensation insurance or provide an exemption approved by the Department of Labor. 4) A bond in the amount of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) on the form provided by the Department and issued by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Florida shall accompany the application for Certificate or renewal thereof, and shall be required of Contractors holding Certificates. Ordinance No. 3263 Page No. 8 5) It shall be the responsibility of the Certificate holder to keep the Department informed of his current mailing address, and except where required otherwise, service by regular mail at the address of record constitutes adequate notice for official communications. Section 11. ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY The Board shall, through the Department, issue a Certificate upon making the following determinations: 1) The applicant, or the Qualifying Agent, as appropriate, has complied with the provisions of Sections 9 and 10(1) and (2) of this ordinance; 2) Bond and insurance requirements have been met; 3) The applicant possesses a reputation of honesty, integrity and good character, and has not been convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or a felony during the past five (5) years, or been found by the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation, the CILB, or the Florida Electrical Contractors Licensing Board to have violated state law or regulations pertaining to the construction industry or the business of Contracting. The lack of honesty, integrity or good character may be established by evidence indicating that: (a) the applicant has committed an act during the last three (3) years which if committed by a licensed Contractor, would be grounds for suspension or revocation of his Certificate; (b) the applicant has committed an act during the last three (3) years involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or lack of integrity whereby the applicant has benefitted or whereby some injury has been sustained by another; or (c) the applicant has refused during the last five (5) years to pay just bills of at least two (2) different persons or firms. 4) If the Board, again, through the Department determines from its review and investigation of the application that the applicant is qualified to engage in the business of Contracting, the Department shall cause a Certificate to be issued to the applicant; otherwise, the Department will deny the application. 5) The Certificate shall show on its face the type of Contracting for which it has been issued. 6) The Department may refuse to issue or renew a license of any person who has failed to pay a fine and any associated interest and costs until payment is made in full. Section 12. EXPIRATION OF CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY Ordinance No. 3263 Page No. 9 1) All Certificates shall expire bi-annually at midnight on September 30; 2) Permits will not be issued to a Contractor whose Certificate has expired and it shall be unlawful for any person to engage or hold himself out as engaging in Contracting under an expired Certificate; 3) A Certificate which has expired may be restored upon payment of triple the renewal fee on or before March 31st of the year following its expiration. This option is not available to Grandfathered licensees; 4) If a Certificate holder fails to renew his Certificate by March 31st of the year following its expiration as set forth hereinabove, he shall be required to apply at the next date of expiration, for a Certificate in the same manner as for an initial Certificate, and pay an application fee and a hearing fee for the Board to consider reinstating the license. The Board will consider the application and approve or deny the reinstatement of the Certificate, depending upon the circumstances presented concerning the failure to renew. If approved, the applicant must pay quadruple the renewal fee and renew his license within ten (10) days of said approval. This option is not available to Grandfathered Licensees. Section 13. CHANGE OF STATUS 1) In the event there is a change in the status of a business organization or an individual from that contained in the original application for a Certificate which has been issued by the Board, the Certificate holder shall be required to submit a new application which reflects the change in status. The Certificate holder will not be required to take the approved examination as part of the change application process if there is no change in Qualifying Agent. 2) An application for change in status shall be submitted to the Department within forty-five (45) days of the date on which the change of status occurs. 3) All applications for change of status shall be processed and reviewed by the Department supervisor or the Building Official for approval of issuance of a new Certificate. 4) A change of status of a business organization and/or change of status of the Contractor shall cause the previously issued Certificate to be invalid and the Certificate holder shall not engage in the business of Contracting under the previous Certificate. Section 14. RECIPROCITY Ordinance No. 3263 Page No. 10 1) The Department supervisor, or the Building Official (or his designee), shall issue letters of reciprocity to Contractor licensing officials in other jurisdictions for those parties who have been issued a Certificate after passing a Sanford sponsored examination. A letter of reciprocity shall state the name and address of the Certificate holder, the type and class of Certificate issued, the title, date, and grade for the exam taken, the examining agency, and the current status of the Certificate. 2) The fee for the preparation and issuance of a letter of reciprocity shall be as prescribed by the City Commission. Section 15. DEATH OF CERTIFICATE HOLDER 1) If work remains to be completed under a contract at the time of death of a Certificate holder, the work may be completed by any person that is a representative of the company which pulled the permit even though not certified or registered. Such person shall notify the Department, within thirty (30) days after the death of the contractor, his knowledge of the contract, and his ability to complete. 2) If the deceased Certificate holder was the only Qualifying Agent for the Business Organization, the Business Organization shall have sixty (60) days from the date of death to employ another Qualifying Agent. The Business Organization shall not commence any new construction until a Qualifying Agent is employed. The Business Organization shall notify the Department of the name and hire date of the new Qualifying Agent for the Business Organization. Section 16. QUALIFYING AGENT 1) All applications for a Certificate, other than those submitted by an individual, shall be submitted through a Qualifying Agent. The application must indicate that the Qualifying Agent is authorized to act for the applicant in matters connected with Contracting and that he is authorized and responsible for supervising any construction undertaken by the applicant, including the supervision of employees on construction and/or job sites. The Qualifying Agent must be duly licensed for the Business Organization with which he is affiliated. A Qualifying agent shall serve as qualifier for no more than (2) Business Organizations. 2) A Qualifying Agent who has been designated as the sole Qualifying Agent for a Business Organization may terminate his status as agent for that entity by giving written notice to the Business Organization and the Department. Such notice shall indicate whether the Licensee intends to reapply as an individual or as the Qualifying Agent for another entity. If the Qualifying Agent is a Certified or Registered Contractor, the City Of Sanford will not issue any building permits to the Licensee until he provides the Department with a copy of his new registration. 3) In the event a Qualifying Agent ceases to be affiliated with a Business Organization which he has qualified, the Business Ordinance No. 3263 Page No. 11 Organization shall notify the Department within thirty (30) days of the date of the termination and shall have sixty (60) days from the date of termination to hire another Qualifying Agent if it does not already employ another qualifier. At any time during which such Business Organization does not have a Qualifying Agent in its employ, it shall (a) engage in no new contracting work, and (b) provide only warranty service as required under any existing warranty obligations. Section 17. RESTRICTIONS ON CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY 1) A Certificate is not transferable. 2) A Certificate holder may only engage in the type of work covered by the Certificate issued. 3) A Certificate holder shall comply with all applicable state and local laws regulating the construction industry and the licensing of construction industry Contractors and Specialty Contractors. Section 18, PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES No person shall: 1) Falsely hold himself out as a licensed Contractor; 2) Falsely impersonate a licensed Contractor; 3) Present as his own the Certificate of another; 4) Submit false information or other evidence to the Department or Board for the purpose of obtaining a Certificate; 5) Use or attempt to use a Certificate which has been revoked, suspended, placed on voluntary inactive status, or expired; 6) Engage in the business or act in the capacity of a Contractor or advertise himself as available to engage in the business or act in the capacity of a Contractor without being duly licensed by the Board; 7 Operate a Business Organization engaged in Contracting without a Qualifying Agent, except as otherwise herein provided; 8) Fraudulently depart from, or disregard, plans or specifications in material respect, without consent of the owner or his duly authorized representative; 9) Commit any willful fraudulent act as a Contractor; 10) Fail to have the Certificate holder's state-registered Ordinance No. 3263 Page No. 12 license number appear in any newspaper, telephone director, or other advertising medium that is primarily circulated, displayed, distributed, or marketed within Sanford and offers services of the contractor which are regulated by this article; 11) Commence or perform work for which a City building permit is required without first having obtained the appropriate permit; 12) Violate this Ordinance or any other City ordinance relating to Contractors; 13) Operate a Business Organization engaged in contracting after sixty (60) days following the termination or death of its only Qualifying Agent without replacing the Qualifying Agent. Violators of the provisions of this Section are subject to the issuance of a citation by the Building Official or his designee(s) pursuant to City Ordinance No. 3098. Section 19. DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS, REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY The Board may take any of the following actions against a Certificate holder: place on probation or reprimand the Certificate holder; revoke, suspend, or deny the issuance or renewal of the Certificate; require financial restitution to a consumer; impose an administrative fine not to exceed $5,000 per violation; require continuing education in addition to that required by the state; if the Contractor or Business Organization for which the Contractor is a primary Qualifying Agent is found guilty of any of the following acts: 1) Obtains a Certificate by fraud, deceit, or misrepresentations; 2) Is convicted or found guilty of, or entering a plea of nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime in any jurisdiction which directly relates to the practice of Contracting or the ability to practice Contracting; 3) Willfully disregards and violates an applicable state or local building code, regulation or law; 4) Performs any act which assists a person or business in engaging in the unlicensed business of Contracting, as defined herein, if the Certificate holder knows or has reasonable grounds to know that the person or business is unlicensed; 5) Allows a Certificate to be used by an unlicensed person to evade the provisions of this Ordinance. When a Certificate holder allows his Certificate to be used by Ordinance No. 3263 Page No. 13 one (1) or more Business Organizations without having active participation in the operation, management or control of such Business Organization, such act shall constitute prima facie evidence of an intent to evade the provisions of this Ordinance; 6) Acts in the name of a Certificate holder or in the capacity of a Contractor other than in accordance with the business status and/or Contractor status contained in the application for a Certificate as approved by the Board; 7) Fails in any material respect to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance; 8) Abandons a construction project in which the Contractor is engaged or under contract as a Contractor. A project shall be considered abandoned ninety (90) days after the Contractor terminates the project without just cause or without proper notification to the owner, including the reason for the termination, or fails to perform work under the contract for ninety (90) consecutive days. Incidental or casual work (of a duration of three (3) days or less), undertaken for the purpose of defeating this subsection shall not be considered by the Board when taking disciplinary action; 9) Signs a statement with respect to a project or contract which falsely indicates that payment has been made for all subcontracted work, labor, and/or materials which results in a financial loss to the owner, purchaser or another contractor; falsely indicates that the work is bonded, or falsely indicates that workers' compensation and/or public liability insurance are maintained; 10) Commits fraud or deceit or other misconduct in the practice of Contracting; 11) Proceeds on any construction Job without first obtaining and posting the required building permits and scheduling required inspections; 12) Advertises, bids, or performs work which exceeds the scope of work for which the Contractor has been licensed, as defined by Chapter 489, Florida Statutes or by Block & Associates; 13) Aids or abets any unlicensed person or Business Organization to evade any provision of this Ordinance; 14) Uses or attempts to use a Certificate which has been revoked, suspended, placed on inactive status or expired; 15) Fails to include his Certificate number and/or state- registration number, if applicable, on an application for a building permit; Ordinance No. 3263 Page No. 14 16) Intimidates, threatens, coerces, or otherwise discourages the service of a Notice to Owner or a Notice to Contractor as required in state statutes; 17) Fails to maintain Public Liability, Property Damage, or Workers' Compensation insurance in accordance with the requirements of the CILB and ECLB and this Ordinance; 18) Fails to have removed, by payment or by bond, within seventy-five (75) days, liens which have been recorded against the property of the Contractor's customer for supplies or services ordered by the Contractor for the customer's job, the Contractor having received funds from the customer to pay for said supplies or services; 19) Commits any of the prohibited activities outlined in Section 18 of this ordinance; 20) Fails to pay a civil judgment relating to the practice of Contracting, entered against the Contracto~ or the Business Organization qualified by the Contractor, within a reasonable time; 21) Fails to maintain a required bond. Section 20. DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS 1) Any person may file a complaint against the holder of a Certificate with the Department. Such complaint shall be in writing and signed by the complainant. Within fifteen (15) business working days of the receipt of the complaint, the Department supervisor or Building Official shall send a copy of the complaint to the Certificate holder at the address of record, allowing ten (10) business working days for the Certificate holder to reach an acceptable resolution agreement with the complainant. If the Certificate holder fails to do so, a notice sent ten (10) calendar days prior to hearing date by the Department by certified mail, return receipt requested, shall advise all interested parties of the date of a disciplinary hearing before the Board. The Certificate holder and any other interested party shall have the right to appear in person or by counsel at the hearing and to present witnesses and/or evidence in his defense. Any person so charged with a violation, who fails to appear in person or by counsel before the Board for a hearing, after having been notified by certified mail or hand-delivery of the time and place set forth for such hearing, shall hereby forfeit the right of a hearing and the Board may then proceed with action against the Certificate and/or Contractor if deemed warranted by the Board. 2) At the conclusion of the hearing, the Board shall issue findings of fact and conclusions of law, based on evidence of record, as to whether the Certificate holder has violated the provisions of this Ordinance. If the Board determines that a violation has occurred, the Board may, by affirmative vote of the majority of those present and voting, except that at least seven (7) members of the Board must vote for the action to be official, Ordinance No. 3263 Page No, 15 take any action specified in Section 19 herein. A suspension of a Certificate, without requirement of restitution or fine, shall be for a specified period of time not to exceed one (1) year. The Board may also assess reasonable investigative and legal costs for the prosecution of the violation against the violator. Said fine and costs shall be paid at the office of the Department. Suspension is imposed on every order requiring payment of restitution or a fine, with the suspension stayed for thirty (30) days to allow time for payment. If payment is not timely made, the stay automatically lifts, and the license is suspended until such time as payment is made in full. When the board orders suspension or revocation of a Certificate, the Occupational Licensing Division of the Community Development Department's Office of Sanford shall likewise suspend or revoke any occupational or business license dependent upon such valid Certificate therefore. 3) The Board may reissue a Certificate to any Contractor whose Certificate has been suspended or revoked upon the affirmative vote of the majority of those present and voting, except that at least seven (7) members of the Board must vote for the action to be official. If the Board does not reissue a revoked or suspended license, the licensee shall be prohibited from submitting an application for a new Certificate for one (1) year from the effective of the suspension or revocation. 4) Every decision of the Board shall be final, subject however to such remedy as any aggrieved party might have at law or in equity. 5) The Board shall report to the CILB any disciplinary action taken against a Registered contractor, including forwarding a recommendation which may include a recommendation for no further action; a reprimand; suspension, revocation or restriction of the registration; a fine to be levied by the CILB; restitution to the consumer; or a combination thereof. 6) The Department, the disciplined contractor, or the complainant may challenge the Board's recommendation to the CILB. The challenge shall be filed with the CILB within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the recommendation to the CILB. 7) Failure of the Department, the disciplined Contractor, or the complainant to challenge the Board's recommendation to the CILB within the time period set forth in this subsection shall constitute a wavier of the right to a hearing before the CILB. A waiver of the right to a hearing before the CILB shall be deemed an admission of the violation, and the recommendation shall become a final order according to procedures developed by CILB rule without further CILB action. The disciplined Contractor may appeal this CILB action. Section 21, ORDINANCE SUPPLEMENTAL Nothing contained in this Ordinance shall prohibit the City of Sanford from enforcing its codes by any other lawful means Ordinance No. 3263 Page No, 16 available to it. Section 22. SEVERABILITY Any section, subsection or provision of this Ordinance declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole, or any part hereof other than the parts so declared to be unconstitutional or invalid. Section 23. INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the code of laws and ordinances of Sanford, Florida. The sections of the ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such, and the work "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or any other appropriate word. Section 24. EFFECTIVE DATE The provisions of this Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of official acknowledgement from the Office of Secretary of State that said Ordinance has been filed. Section 25. All Ordinances and Resolutions, or parts of Ordinances and Resolutions in conflict herewith including, but not limited to, Ordinances 913, Sections 1, 2, and 3, enacted 4/24/67 and 1223, Sl, enacted 5/13/74, and 1370, ~1, enacted 12/13/76, are hereby repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this~ day of~ , 1995. Betty~. Smith, MAYOR ATTEST: CLERK Ordinance No. 3263 Page No. 17 As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida CERTIFICATE I, Janet R. Dougherty, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 3~3 , PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 1~ +h day of , 1995, was posted at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the ~5+h day of ~ , 1995. ~;~F~s:~nl~ Of Sanford, Florida Ordinance No. 3263 Page No. 18