HomeMy WebLinkAbout205 CPH-Amendment 52AMENDMENT NO. 52 TO AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 7, 1983 FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR STATE REVOLVING LOAN FACILITIES PLANNING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AND CONKLIN, PORTER AND HOLMES - ENGINEERS, INC. This Amendment made on the Zj3 -day of , 1998 between the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA (hereinafter called the City) and CONKLIN, PORTER AND HOLMES-ENGINEERS, INC. (hereinafter called the Engineer), is mutually agreed upon and declared an authorized Amendment to an Agreement dated December 7, 1983, between the parties, herein setting forth the scope, terms and conditions of the work herein authorized. In case of any conflict between this Amendment and the aforementioned Agreement of December 7, 1983, this Amendment shall govern for the work described herein. All other Amendments which have been previously executed provided for other municipal engineering services and have no applicability to the services covered by this Amendment. J;UOBS1Z6582.001W PIPROPOSALIDAG\DAG0317. RLP SECTION GENERAL 1.0 Gemamd . |norder tomeet the demands for water, wastewater and reclaimed water service within the City ofSanford Utility Service Area oyub*m capital improvements are needed. One nfthe most pressing needs |ethe construction ofanew, expandable 2.0 MGD Water Reclamation Facility in the vicinity of the Orlando/Sanford Airport. Wastewater service is required to support expected significant growth in the southeast portion ofthe service area. |naddition bothe water reclamation facility water, wastewater and reclaimed water mains need to be upgraded and extended to provide service. Many ofthese upgrades and extensions are associated with road improvements planned throughout the service area. Through the State Revolving Loan Program the City can obtain low interest loans for funding the proposed improvements. The low interest (2.G5-3.22% in 1997) results in significant cost savings to the City (i.e., interest savings on a $17 million SRF loan compared to conventional financing would be over $10 million over the life ofthe |oenj Due hnthe significant cost savings associated with the SRF Loan program bio proposed that the City pursue funding through the SRF program. Aeofirst step the City has submitted orequest for inclusion onthe Planning portion of the State Revolving Loan Priority List. The following three projects were submitted: Airport Vicinity Water Reclamation Facility $10.426,000.00 FnrnemainRelocations and Extensions 2.350.000.00 VVotermoinRelocations and Extensions 4,421,000^08 TOTAL $ In order to be elevated to the fundable portion the year 2001. the planning and design must proceed immediately. |naddition the plant site must beidentified and secured byJune ofthis year tomeet the schedule. The purpose of this Amendment is to authorize the Engineer to prepare a Facilities Plan and other supporting documentation to obtain funding for the project under the State Revolving Loan program. The following items must be prepared or if already pnopured, assembled and 2 approved to obtain eligibility of the project for funding under the SRF Program: • Dispute Resolution Ordinance • Sewer Use Ordinance • User Charge System • Reuse Ordinance • Facility Plan • Capital Finance Plan • Dedicated Revenue Hearing Documentation • Certification of Site Availability Input and assistance will be required from the Legal Staff, Finance Department, Geotechnical Consultant employed by the City and Financial Consultant in preparation of the planning documentation. The following actions as a minimum will be required by the City Commission: • Public Hearing for Facility Plan • Dedicated Revenue Public Hearing • Adoption of Facility Plan by Resolution • Authorization of Financial Certification Associated with Capital Finance Plan by Resolution The following outlines the major areas to be addressed in preparation of the facility plan: A. Existing Conditions 1. Population and Land Use 2. Climate and Topography 3. Soils, Geology and Groundwater 4. Surface Water Hydrology J:UOBS26582.001WP1PROPOSAL\DAGIDAG0317.RLP 3 5. Air Quality O. Plant and Animal Communities 7. Environmentally Sensitive Areas a. Wetlands, Roodp{oino.and Prime and Unique Farm Lands b. National and Natural Landmarks and Historical and Archaeological Sites 8. Existing Wastewater Management System a. Flows and Pollution Sources b. Water Conservation c. Treatment Plant Effluents d. Existing Facilities Q. Infiltration and Inflow 10. Need for Facilities B. Future Conditions 1. Flow Projections inFive Year Increments for Twenty Year Planning Period. 2. Develop Design Flows for Proposed Regional Water Reclamation Facility. 3. Design Strength ofWastewater. 4. Effluent Limits based nnvarious disposal alternatives. C. Development ofAlternatives 1. Evaluate Alternatives for Local Collection Systems which will be funded under the SRF. 2. Identify and evaluate up to two wastewater treatment plant sites and evaluate alternative treatment plants. 3. Evaluate Alternative effluent disposal options including: public access reuse, restricted access reuse, rapid infiltration basins, and surface water disposal.. 4. Evaluate sludge treatment and disposal alternatives including: aerobic digestion and liquid hau|ing, aerobic digestion with on-site dewatering facilities and land application 5. Prepare Comparison ofAlternate Treatment Plant Sites. G. Prepare preliminary treatment plant layout. 7. Prepare aCost Comparison with Advantages and Disadvantages for various alternatives. D. Description ofthe Selected Plan and Environmental Impacts 1. Proposed Site 2. Proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant Design 3. Proposed Sludge Treatment and Disposal 4. Proposed Effluent Disposal 5. Proposed Wastewater Transmission Facilities G. Proposed Local wastewater Collection Facilities 7. Summary ofProject Cost 8. Environmental Impacts ofProgram E. Implementation &Comp|ianoe 1. Implementation m. Financial Planning b. Public Participation u. Governmental Review d. implementation Responsibility e. Implementation Schedule 2. Compliance |naddition tothe Facilities Plan, Dedicated Revenue Hearing Documentation and Capital Finance Plan must beprepared. 5 SECTION 2 SCOPE OFSERVICES 2.0 Scope ofServices The Engineer will assist the City inpreparing Planning Documents aodescribed herein tomeet the requirements ofthe SRF program for funding ofthe Airport Vicinity Water Reclamation Facility and Watermain and Forcemain Projects: 1. Gather and review existing 2O1 Facility Plan and Master Planning Documents available to the City for use as base information in preparation of the Facility Plan Addendum. Assist the City in identification of up to two potential wastewater treatment plant odea. Prepare preliminary layouts for the sites. Evaluate site access, buffers and surrounding land use. Coordinate with City employed Environmental Consultant regarding any wetlands, endangered species, archeological sites etc, which may impact use of the site. City shall obtain appnoioo|e for use in comparing costs between the sites. Prepare a brief cost comparison and identify advantages and disadvantages for the sites. Assist the City infinal site selection. 3. Prepare a VVebsr Facility Plan for funding of the watennain extensions and upgrades inaccordance with FDEPRule Chapter 62-552. 4. Coordinate with City inevaluation ofwastewater treatment processes tobe considered inthe planning and final design. 5. Prepare o2O1 Facility Plan Amendment hoinclude the following: o. Chapter 'Summoq/. Conclusions and Recommendations b. Chapter 2 -Introduction o. Chapter 3 - Water Quality Objectives & other Water Management Goals d. Chapter 4 - Summary ofPollution Sources, Waste Loads and Water Quality e Chapter 5- Existing Waste Systems & Flows 1. Environmentally Sensitive Areas S 2. Wastewater Management System 3. | Analysis (based on existing sanitary sewer system records and existing flow data and infi|ltration/inflowdata). 4. Review of the existing sewer use ordinance and Industrial Water pretreatment program ordinance and determination of the revisions necessary to comply with current FDEP sewer use ordinance requirements. 5. Review ofthe existing user charge system. G. Development ofwater conservation practices. t ChapterS-FutureVVasteLoadeendF|owo 1. Description ofland use. 2. Treatment plant effluent discharge and sludge disposal constraints. g. Chapter 7 - Wastewater Management Alternatives and Proposals 1. Project justification 2. Collection system transmission facilities 3. Wastewater treatment and disposal 4. Sludge treatment and disposal h. Chapter 8' Plan Selection 1. Identification ofalternate wastewater treatment and disposal options. i ChapterQ-SalectedPbm 1. Staging/phasing of construction 2. Project costs 3. Financing 4. User charges j. Chapter 1O -Environmental Inventory and Assessment 7 K. Chapter 11' Implementation Plan G. |ncooperation with the City, complete capital finance plan worksheet 7. Preparation ufdedicated revenue hearing documentation 8. Attend City Commission meeting and assist the City staff in preparation of the needed documentation for the following listed City commission actions: o. Public hearing for the 201Facility Plan Amendment b. Dedicated Revenue Public Hearing o. Adoption ofthe 2O1Facility Plan Amendment d. Authorization of financial certification associated with the Capital Finance Plan byResolution a Adoption ofSewer Use Ordinance modification, f. Adoption of industrial waste pre-treatment program ordinance modification, if required Q. Preparation of draft certification of site availability for execution by the City 10. Prepare and submit documentation toFDEpfor review and approval 11. Coordinate with FDEP regarding publication of an environmental information document and coordination of responses for request for additional information 12. Meet with FDEPinTallahassee regarding review and approval 8 SECTION 3 SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES OFTHE ENGINEER A. If authorized by the City, the Engineer shall furnish nrobtain from othem, supplementary services of the following types which will be paid for by the City auonadditional cost eooutlined inSection B. B. Additional services due to significant changes in the scope of the project or its design inuiuding, but not limited to, changes in eioa, comp|exity, character of oonatruntion, or due to time delays in initiating or completion of the work as described herein. C. Provide through oub'cunuultonts, euneye, ooi|o, environmental scientist services, construction quality control testing, or other specialist services. Ifthese services are subsequently determined advisable during the course of the work, they may be considered for authorization as an additional service under this Section orseparately provided by the City. D. Except aaotherwise provided henain, services or additional costs associated with revising previously accepted studies, reports, or other documents prepared bythe Engineer when such revisions are due bocauses beyond the Engineer's control. E. Additional services resulting from public protests. administrative hamringa, or similar matters. F. Preparing to serve and/or serving as on Expert Witness for the City in any litigation, public hemring, condemnation pnoceeding, right-of-way or easement acquisition ornegotiation, orother legal / administrative proceeding. G. Additional engineering eomioeo required by revisions to regulations (after the date ofthis Amendment) eaapplicable tothe U.S.EPA, Florida Department of Environmental Protention, orother regulatory agency requirements. H. Additional services inconnection with the project including services normally furnished by the City as described in Section G herein and services not otherwise provided for inthis Agreement. SECTION CITY RESPONSIBILITIES In addition to the specific responsibilities hereinbefore described, the City will: L Advise the Engineer ofhis requirements for the project and designate mperson h» act as the City's representative with respect to the work to be performed under this Amendment, and such person shall have complete authorityto transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define the City's policies and decisions pertinent tothe work covered bythis Amendment. M. Identify sites to be considered for use as water reclamation facilities and access to these sites. N. Obtain and provide data requested that is reasonably available on the project along with operational and maintenance requirements and easement and right-of-way requirements. O. Guarantee access to and make all provisions for the Engineer to enter upon public and private lands as required for the Engineer to perform his work under this Amendment. P. Make facilities accessible for inspection. Q. Examine all studies, reports, sketches, schedules, and other documents presented by the Engineer and render decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time ooasnot todelay the work ofthe Engineer. R. Assist in obtaining approval of all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the project, and such approvals and consents from such other individuals or bodies aomay benecessary for completion cfthe Project. S. Furnish or direct the Engineer in writing to provide at the City's expense, any sub - consultant services not designated in Section 2, if advised by the Engineer and City concurs that they are necessary, T. Furnish, or direct the Engineer in writing to provide at the City's expense, necessary additional services as stipulated in Section 3 of this Amendment, or other services an required. U. Provide such legal, accounting, financial and insurance counseling services as may be required for the project, and such auditing services as the City may require. V. Give prompt written notice tothe Engineer whenever the City observes or otherwise becomes aware ofany defect inthe Project. SECTION 6.0 Payment & Payment for services and expenses of the Engineer tobaaoset forth below. B. Principals and Employees ufthe Engineer Compensation paid Engineer for services described herein and rendered by principals and employees oaek]ned to the project uheU be computed by multiplying direct personnel expense times a factor of 1.95 plus reimbursable expenses such as travel, long distance phone calls, prints, copies, equipment and sub -consultants. Reimbursable expenses will be paid for atactual cost thereof without increase. The Engineer agrees to perform the services outlined inthis Amendment, and asoutlined inthe Plan ofStudy (Attachment /Q.for anot-to+axoeadfee of*17S.3DQ.Q2 O. Reimbursed Expenses 1. Expenses for items not specifically valued herein are tobereimbursed hothe Engineer at the actual cost theneof. Said expenses aho8 include transportation and subsistence of principals and employees, when traveling in connection with the pnojaot, toll telephone oaUo, te|egneme, printo, photo oopieo, equipment, equipment rentals and similar project -related items. 2. Service for outside sub -consultant aervicea, as naquinsd, will be charged at cost without markup D. The City will make prompt monthly payments in response to Engineer's monthly statements without retention for all categories of services rendered under this Agreement and for reimbursable expenses incurred. E. Direct Personnel Expense used asabasis for payment shall mean the salaries and wages pekj to principals and employees of all classifications engaged directly onthe Project, plus the cost offringe benefits including but not limited to, social security contributions, workers compenecdion, health and retirement benefits, bonuses, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay applicable thereto. For purposes ofthis Amendment, Direct Personnel Expense shall bnconsidered on amount equal to1.48times applicable salaries and wages. F. Charges for the services rendered by principals and employees as witnesses in any litigation, hearing or proceeding will be computed at a rate of $1,200.00 per day or any portion thereof (but compensation for time spent in preparing to appear in any such |itigation, hearing or proceeding will be computed in accordance with the payment method aoset forth herein). Q.Kthis Agreement isterminated during prosecution of the services prior to completion of the services of Section 3, payments to be made in accordance with Section 6, Articles 6.0(B) and 6.0(C) on account of that and all prior work under this Amendment shall be due and payable, and shall constitute total payment for services rendered. |naddition, upon termination, the Engineer shall bepaid for any additional services authorized and rendered under Section 4. SECTION 7 GENERAL CONDITIONS A. Since the Engineer has nocontrol over the cost of labor, materials, orequipment or over any construction method of determining prices, any opinion of probable construction cost which may beprovided inthe services ofthis Amendment are made on the basis of his experience and qualifications and represent his best judgment as a design professional familiarwith the construction industry, but the Engineer cannot and does not guarantee that the construction cost will not vary from opinions ofprobable cost prepared by him. Similar limitations apply to construction schedules reviewed orprepared bythe Engineer. B. The City and the Engineer each binds himself and his partnem, ouocenaom, executors, administrators and assigns to the other party of this Agreement and to podnem, nucce000m, exeoubono, adminiatrmtom, and assigns of such other party inrespect boall covenants ofthis Amendment. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating any personal liability on the part of any officer or agency of any public body which may be a party hereto, nor shall it be construed as giving any rights orbenefits hereunder tnanyone other than the City and the Engineer. 13 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Amendment the day and year first above written. (ATTEST &SEAL) r City nfSanford, Florida (ATTEST &SEAL) Conklin, Porter & Holmes 'Engineers, Inc. By Vice President Attachment A Plan of Studv ITEM DESGittP1ION P E T D S ESTIMATED EXPENSES 1. Gather and Review existing 201 Facility Plan & 4 24 4 Master Planning Documents available for the City for use as base information in preparation of the Facility Plan Addendum. 2. Assist the City in identification of up to two 8 40 40 80 16 $500.00 potential wastewater treatment plant sites. Prepare preliminary layouts for the sites. Evaluate site access, buffers and surrounding land use. Coordinate with City employed Environmental Consultant regarding any wetlands, endangered species, archeological sites etc. which may impact use of the site. City shall obtain appraisals for use in comparing costs between the sites. Prepare a brief cost comparison and identify advantages and disadvantages for the sites. Assist the City in final site selection. 3. Prepare a Water Facility Plan for funding of the 40 320 240 120 60 $1,000.00 watermain extensions and upgrades in accordance with FDEP Rule Chapter 62-552. 4. Coordinate with City Staff in evaluation of 32 64 16 treatment process to be considered in the planning and final design. 5. Prepare the 201 Facility Plan Amendment a Chapter 1- Summary, Conclusions & 4 j 24 8 2 Recommendations b Chapter 2- Introduction 4 8 2 c Chapter 3- Water Quality Objectives & Other 2 4 4 2 Water Management Goals d Chapter 4- Summary of Pollution Sources, 8 8 4 2 Waste Loads and Water Quality e Chapter 5 - Existing Waste Systems & Flows 8 16 16 4 Environmentally Sensitive Areas 1 8 8 4 2 Wastewater Management System 16 40 40 16 1/1 Analysis 6 40 40 24 8 J:VOSS\Z6582.001WP\PROPOSALIDAGIDAG0317.RLP 15 ITEM S ESTIMATED EXPENSES Review Sewer Use Ordinance and IWPP 16 1 Ordinance. Determine revisions to meet FDEP Sewer Use Ordinance requirements Review User Charge System 8 16 4 Water Conservation Practices 12 4 f Chapter 6 - Future Waste Loads and Flows 8 29 16 4 Land Use 6 8 2 Treatment Plant Effluent Discharge & Sludge 1 6 8 2 Disposal Constraints g Chapter 7- Wastewater management 2 6 12 8 4 Alternatives and proposals Project Justification Collection System 2 8 8 8 4 Transmission Facilities Wastewater Treatment & Disposal & Sludge Treatment & Disposal h Chapter 8- Plan Selection 2 12 16 6 4 Identification of Alternate Wastewater Treatment 40 120 160 120 40 and Disposal Options and costs effective analysis Alternative Selection including standardization, 8 40 60 16 8 feasibility, environmental impacts, energy use and economic analysis I Chapter 9- Selected Plan 2 8 16 4 3 Staging/Phasing of Construction 1 4 6 1 Project Costs 8 8 2 Financing 16 32 8 User Charges 1 4 4 2 j Chapter 10 - Environmental Inventory and 2 8 16 4 2 Assessment k Chapter 11 - Implementation Plan 2 4 8 4 3 In cooperation with City, complete Capital 32 40 8 Finance Plan Worksheets E7.6. Prepare Dedicated Revenue Hearing 4 Documentation J:UOBS1Z6582.00\WP\PROPOSALMAG\OAG0317.RLP 16 ITEM Principal E T D S ESTIMATED $23,225.00 E Engineer = 1003 x EXPENSES 8. Attend City Commission meeting and assist in 4 12 16 = 4 x 57.72 preparing documentation for City Commission $48,831.12 D = I Draftsman = 498 x Actions = $20,567.40 S = Secretary T—= 9. Prepare draft certification of site availability for 38.00 = 4 2 execution by City Attorney $4,500.00 IL— TOTAL* 10. Prepare and Submit Documentation to FDEP for 2 8 16 8 Review and Approval 11. Coordination with FDEP Regarding Publication 16 40 40 40 8 of Environmental Information Document and Coordinate Responses to RAI's 12, Meet with FDEP Tallahassee Regarding Review 4 16 4 and Approval 13. Expenses $3,000.00 TOTAL 250 1003 846 498 270 $4,500.00 P Principal 250 x 92.90 = $23,225.00 E Engineer = 1003 x 68.80 = $69,006.40 T = Technician = 846 x 57.72 = $48,831.12 D = I Draftsman = 498 x 41.30 = $20,567.40 S = Secretary T—= 270 x 38.00 = $10,260.00 Expenses $4,500.00 IL— TOTAL* $176,389.92 FDEP allowable Planing Allowance is $391,000. Proposed planning fee is less than half FDEP's allowance due to our extensive knowledge and in house data for the City of Sanford Utility System. J:UOBS1Z6582.001WPkPROPOSALIDAG\DAG0317.RLP 17 �I Ito 11 1 Submit Request for Inclusion March 1998 2 Authorize SRF Planning Services $ 391,000.00 April 1998 3 Identify Wastewater Plant Site for Planning April 1998 4 Secure Wastewater Plant Site and apply for June 1998 Special Exception for Zoning Approval 5 Complete Draft Facility Plan, Capital Finance August 1998 Plan and User Charge System 6 City Commission Meeting August 1998 • Public Hearing for Facility Plan • Adopt Facility Plan by Resolution • Authorize Financial Certification Associated with CFP by Resolution 7 Submit Documentation to FDEP August 1998 8 Authorize Final Design for Water $ 650,000.00 August 1998 Reclamation Facility 9 Environmental Information Documentation October 1998 Issued by FDEP 10 Complete Plans & Specifications for October 1998 Watermain and Forcemain Work and submit to FDEP Tallahassee for Approval. Obtain FDEP Construction Permits. 11 Obtain Authorization to Incur Costs for 6,324,000.00 October 1998 Watermain and Forcemain work. Construct based on Road Schedule. (Depending on Road construction timing we may not be able to obtain funding for all watermain and forcemain work.) 12 Request Listing on Fundable or Contingency October 1998 Portion of Priority List for Watermain and Forcemain Work 13 Complete Plans and Specifications for Water May 1999 Reclamation Facility and Submit for FDEP Permitting and FDEP Tallahassee Approval 14 Issue of FDEP Construction Permit August 1999 15 Issue of Authorization to Incur Cost for Water August 1999 Reclamation Facility 16 Request listing on Fundable or Contingency August 1999 Portion of SRF priority List 17 Obtain SRF Loan October 1999 18 Bid Water Reclamation Facility October 1999 19 Construction and Startup of Water $ 9,832,000.00 December 1999 - Reclamation Facility October 2001 20 First Loan Payment Due March 2002 L.$1721.97,000.00 J:\,JOBS\26582.00\WP\PROPOSAL\DAGXDAG0317.RLP 18 (" I-V - e- C, UTILITY DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: March 26, 1998 TO: City Manager FROM: Utility Director RE: Engineering Services - State Revolving Loan Facilities Planning Bill - We have a number of high cost utility projects coming up in the near future. These projects are needed to meet the growth of the city especially near the Airport. With the help of our engineering consultants we have been exploring ways to fund these capital improvements projects. We have recently applied for inclusion on the planning portion of the State Revolving Loan Priority list. This loan program offers a low interest rate which will meet our funding needs. This loan program requires the completion of a number of documents. Many of these items would be needed regardless of the State loan program. Attached is a proposal from CP&H outlining the necessary work needed for our projects. This amendment would authorize CP&H to prepare the Facilities Plan and other supporting documentation to obtain funding for our projects under the State Revolving Loan Program. It is recommended that the City Commission approve this CP&H amendment. Funding for the engineering work at $176,389.92 would need to come from utility reserves. attachment PMiap Conkkw, Porter and ;Holmes O ENGINEERS, INC. p 500 W. FULTON STREET POST OFFCE March 24, 1990 SANFORD,iFLORDA 32772.2808 TEL 407-322-5841 TEL 407.831-5717 FAX #407-330-0639 cPhsaW@magicnet.net Paul Moore, P.E. City of Sanford 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, FL 32772-1788 Re: "Proposed Amendment No. 52 CPH Project No. Z6582.00 Dear Paul In order to meet the demands for water, wastewater and reclaimed water service within the City of Sanford Utility Service Area system capital improvements are needed. One of the most pressing needs is the construction of a new, expandable 2.0 MGD Water Reclamation Facility in the vicinity of the Orlando/Sanford Airport. Wastewater service is required to support expected significant growth in the southeast portion of the service area. In addition to the water reclamation facility, water, wastewater and reclaimed water mains need to be upgraded and extended to provide service. Many of these upgrades and extensions are associated with road improvements planned throughout the service area. Through the State Revolving Fund Loan Program the City can obtain low interest loans' for funding the proposed improvements. The low interest (2.65% - 3.22% in 1997) resulted on significant cost savings to the City (i.e., interest savings on a $17 million SRF loan compared to conventional financing would be over $10 million over the life of the loan.) Due to the significant cost savings associated with the SRF Loan program it is proposed that the City pursue that avenue of funding. As a first step the City has submitted a request for inclusion on the Planning portion of the State Revolving Loan Priority List. The following three projects were submitted: Airport Vicinity Water Reclamation Facility $10,426,000.00 Forcemain Relocations and Extensions 2,350,000.00 Watermain Relocations and Extensions 4,421,000.00' TOTAL $17,197,000.00 —ycioabao" Conkh.a, H Porter and Holmes ENGINEERS, INC. 500 W. FULTON STREETVBOX 2808 SANFORD,FLORIDA32772-2W8 -208 TEL 407-322.6841 TEL 407-831-5717 FAX #407-330.0639 cphsanf@magicnet.net In order to be elevated to the fundable portion of the portion of the list all planning, plans and specifications must be completed and permits issued for the project. Attachment B contains a schedule of activities required for the project. In order to have a plant online in the year 2001, the planning and design must proceed immediately. In addition the plant site must be identified and secured by June of this year to meet the schedule. As discussed in our meeting on March 24, 1998, attached is a Amendment to authorize the preparation of a Facilities Plan and other supporting documentation to obtain funding for the project under the State Revolving Loan program. If you have any questions regarding the proposal please contact us. Sincerely, Conklin, Porter and Holmes -Engineers, Inc. David A.-Gierach, P.E. Vice President c: Bill Simmons J:\JOBS\Z6582.00\WP\PROPOSAL\DAG\amdlet.wpd m Ydw papo'