HomeMy WebLinkAbout205 CPH-EPA info March 1995CITY ROUTI, MEMO MANAGER'S , OFFICE MAYOR CITYCLERK0 - REC./PARKS DIR. ❑ - CITY MANAGER SECRETARY 0 - POLICE CHIEF 0 �FINANCE 0 ❑ DIRECTOR -FIRE CHIEF PERSONNEL DIRECTOR 0 -COM. DEVELOP. DIR. ❑ PLANNING/DEVELOP. DIA. CIVIL ENGINEER 0 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR BUILDING OFFICIAL 0 0 UTILITY DIRECTOR CITY ATTORNEY ACTION: 4. Please Call Me 8. Note and Return 12. Re Our Conversation 1. Your Information 5. Please Handle 9. Signature 13. Your Comments or 2. Approval 6. As Requested 10. OK "As Is" Recommendations 3. Please See Me 7, Please File 11. See "Remarks" 14. Read and Pass On REGARDING: (Attached LA1f PLEASE RESPOND NO LATER THAN: FROM DATE ,ff Lawton Chiles Governor Department of Environmental Protection Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 March 17, 1995 Mr. William A. Simmons, city Manager City of Sanford Post office Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772-1788 Re: C120586140 (Step 3) - Sanford Collection System Dear Mr. Simmons: RECEIVED MAR 2 2 1995 ak 10 C_ CITY OF SANFORD Virginia B. Wetherell Secretary The final inspection has been completed on this federal construction grant project. We determined the total eligible cost to be $4,678,480 of which the federal share is $2,573,164. The final payment of $12,556 has been authorized. Enclosed is a final payment summary for your records. All grant payments and other transactions regarding your project may be checked by a federal auditor. Please keep the records for this project together and available for three years should an audit be scheduled. We commend you and all others engaged in the planning, design, construction and operation of this project for your service to your community and contribution to water pollution control. Proper operation and maintenance of these facilities will assure their maximum useful life and benefit for your community while protecting Florida's water resources. Guidance entitled "Grant Regulations Requiring Action by Applicant" is enclosed to assist the City in continuing to comply with applicable requirements. If you have any questions, please call Troy Mullis at 904/488-8163. sino6rely, D34on. Berryh� Chief Bureau of Wat Facilities Funding DWB/mpk Enclosures cc: Mario Machado - EPA Carolyn C. Small - Sanford Terry M. Zaudtke- Conklin, Porter & Holmes -Engineers, Inc./Sanford Christianne Ferraro - DEP/Orlando John Tennant - COE/Jacksonville Norwof PROJECT NUMBER C120586 ,0 L-= January 9, 1995 APPLICANT Sanford PREPARED By Bryan Goff REVISED: February 20, 1995 FINAL PAYMENT WORKSHEET CONTRACTS* AMOUNT ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS TOTAL EPA ELIGIBLE TOTAL DAYS 1 2,703.000.00 624,240.56 217,863.57 3.109.376.99_ 3,063,300.16 2 833.178.00 37.658.73 1.036.05 869.800.68 859,925.28 1A FA 28.141.08 28 141.08 21.056.33 - Total Amount 4 , 007.318.75 *See attached worksheet for each contract Total 3, 944, 281 .77 EPA Eligible Total Construction 4.007.319 3,944,282 Design Allowance 195.945 Land Acquisition (if applicable) J Relocation (if applicable) Relocation Expense Appraisal Costs Legal sic Fees Other A/E Fees 547,267 538.253 Inspection Fees Administrative Expenses Total Eligible 4.678.480 Grant Amount EPA 55 I 2,573,164 Grant Amount (Other Funds) Grant Amount I/A Funds Total Grant Amount 2,573,164 Previously Paid 2, 560, 608_ Final Amount Due 12.556 Eligible amount exceeds grant amount. GRANT REGULATIONS REQUIRING ACTION BY APPLICANT 1) The project records must be maintained (stored) for a minimum of three (3) years following the date of approval of the final payment request for the last project of the grant or three (3) years after settlement of the final audit. 2) Federal Regulations require that any income derived from interest earned on Federal grant dollars must be returned to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as required by 40 CFR 30.620-3. If you have not already done so, we encourage you to pay promptly all persons and firms involved in the construction and design of this project. 3) The User Charge must be reviewed at least every two (2) years for compliance with 40 CFR 35.929-2(b) as follows: Biennial review of operation and maintenance charges. The grantee shall review not less often than every two (2) years the wastewater contribution of users and user classes, the total costs of operation and maintenance of the treatment works, and its approved user charge system. The grantee shall revise the charges for users of user classes to accomplish the following: a. Maintain the proportionate distribution of operation and maintenance costs among users and user classes as required herein; b. Generate sufficient revenue to pay the total operation and maintenance costs necessary to the proper operation and maintenance (including replacement of the treatment works); and c. Apply excess revenues collected from a class of users to the costs of operation and maintenance attributable to that class for the next year and adjust the rate accordingly. 4) Compliance with 40 CFR 30.810 as follows: Section 30.810 - Property. Except as otherwise prescribed by statute or the grant agreement, Sections 30.810-1 through 30.810-9 prescribe policies and procedures governing management and ownership of real property and tangible personal property whose acquisition cost is borne in whole or in part by EPA as a direct cost under a grant. Grantees are authorized to use their own property management standards and procedures as long as the minimum standards of these sections are included. Section 30.810-1 - Definitions. The following definitions apply for the purpose of Sections 30.810-1 through 30.810-9. -- (5) Acquisition date (or date received, if the property was furnished by the Federal Government) and cost, (6) Location, use, condition of. property, and date the information was reported, (7) Ultimate disposition data, including sales price or the method used to determine current fair market value where a grantee compensates EPA for its share, (8) Unit acquisition cost. b. A physical inventory of property that is taken, and the results reconciled with the property records, at least once every two years. The grantee shall, in connection with the inventory, verify the existence, current utilization, and continued need for the property. c. A control system which insures adequate safeguard to prevent loss, damage, or theft to the property. Any loss, damage, or theft of nonexpendable property shall be investigated and fully documented. If the property was owned by the Federal Government, the grantee shall promptly notify the Project Officer. d. Adequate maintenance procedures which insure that the property is maintained in good condition and that instruments used for precision measurement are periodically calibrated. e. Proper sales procedures for unneeded property which would provide for competition to the extent practicable and result in the highest possible return. f. Identification of property owned by the Federal Government to indicate Federal ownership. Section 30.810-4 - Title to property. Except as may be otherwise provided by law in this subchapter or in the grant agreement, title to all real or personal property whose acquisition cost is a direct cost under a grant project shall vest in the grantee, subject to such interest in the United States as may be provided for in this subchapter or in the grant agreement. For all property with an acquisition cost of $10,000 or more per unit the grantee shall assure that the interest to the United States in the property is adequately reflected and protected in compliance with all recordation or registration requirements of the Uniform Commercial Code or other applicable local laws. Section 30.810-5 - Real Property. a. The grantee shall use the real property for the purpose of the original grant. -3- upgrading expansion, replacement, or reconstruction of treatment works associated with the project. Section 30.810-6 - Federally -owned nonexpendable personal property. a. Title to the federally -owned property (property to which the Federal Government retains title) remains vested by law in the Federal Government. b. Upon termination of the grant or need for the property, such property shall be reported to EPA for further agency utilization or, if appropriate, for reporting to the General Services Administration for other Federal agency utilization. Appropriate disposition instructions will be issued to the grantee after completion of EPA review. Under no circumstances shall grantees sell Government-ownedproperty. Section 30.810-7 - Nonexpendable personal property acquired with Federal funds. a. Use. (1) When nonexpendable personal property is acquired by a grantee as direct cost under a grant, the grantee shall retain the property in the grant program for its useful life or as long as there is a need for the property to accomplish the purpose of the grant program, whichever is shorter. (2) During the time that nonexpendable personal property is held for use on the project or program for which it was acquired, the grantee shall make it available for use on other projects or programs if such other use will not interfere with the work on the project or program for which the property was originally acquired. If the property is owned by the Federal Government, use on other activities not sponsored by the Federal Government is permissible subject to prior approval by EPA. User charges will be made, if appropriate. (3) Except,as may be provided in the grant agreement, when there is no longer a need for such property for the grant program, the grantee may utilize the property in the following order of priority: i. Other grant activities sponsored by EPA, ii. Grant activities sponsored by other Federal agencies. b. Disposition. When the grantee no longer has need for the property in any of its federal grant programs, property disposition will be as follows: (1) For all grantees except profit-making organizations, nonexpendable property with an acquisition cost of less than -5- iv. EPA shall issue disposition instructions to the grantee within 120 days. If disposition instructions are not received within 120 days after reporting, the grantee shall sell• the property and reimburse EPA an amount which is computed by applying the percentage of Federal participation in the grant program to the sales proceeds, less $100 or 10 percent of the proceeds, whichever is greater, for selling and handling expenses. Section 30.810-8 - Expendable personal property acquired with grant funds. Title to expendable personal property shall vest in the grantee upon acquisition. If there is a residual inventory of such property exceeding $1,000 in total aggregate fair market value upon termination or at the conclusion of the project period, and the property is not currently needed for any.other federally -sponsored project or program, the grantee shall retain the property for use on nonfederally-sponsored activities, or sell it, but must in either case, compensate EPA for its share. The amount of such compensation shall be computed by applying the percentage of Federal participation in the net cost of the project to the current fair market value of the property. Section 30.810-9 - Property reports. Property reports must be furnished in accordance with Section 30.635-5. 5) Maintain flood insurance if applicable. 6) Assure proper economic and efficient operation and maintenance of the treatment works (including the sewer system). 7) Assure that the treatment works meet the requirements of the NPDES permit. 8) Comply with any special conditions placed on the grant that require action after completion of construction. -7- RECEIVEV Department of -:F A MAR 22 1995 FLOO A Environmental Protection cITY OF SANFORD Twin Towers Office Building Lawton Chiles 2600 Blair Stone Road Virginia B. Wetherell Governor Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Secretary March 15, 1995 Ms. Linda Mobley office of policy & Management Grants Administration U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 345 Courtland Street, Northeast Atlanta, Georgia 30365 Re: C120586140 (Step 3) - Sanford Collection System Dear Ms. Mobley: Enclosed are amendment documents to transfer funds within this grant based on final payment. There is no change to the grant amount of $2,573,164. If you have any questions, please call Betty Carpenter at 904/488-8163. Sincerely, Don W. Berryhill, P.E., Chief Bureau of Local Government Wastewater Financial Assistance D' VM, / bck EnclosU,re cc:(,'William A. Simmons - Sanford Carolyn C. Small - Sanford Terry M. Zaudtke - Conklin, Porter & Holmes -Engineers, Inc./Sanford Christianne Ferraro - DEP/Orlando John Tennant - COE/Jacksonville "Protect, Conserve and Monage Florido's Environment ond Naturof Resources" Pr led - recycled Pepe,.