HomeMy WebLinkAbout3273 ORDINANCE NO. 3273 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, TO PROVIDE AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM; PROVIDING FOR APPLICATION PROCEDURES; AUTHORIZING THE CITY COMMISSION TO APPROVE COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM; DEFINING QUALIFIED COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT; DEFINING ANNUAL SALARY LEVELS FOR REQUIRED CREATED JOBS; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, recognizes the need for economic development stimulation for specific industry types and specific City geographic areas; and, WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida desires to encourage the development of strong healthy Commercial/Industrial activity for the City of Sanford; and, WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida desires to provide incentives in the City economy which will encourage job development; and, WHEREAS, an economic development incentive program can provide needed capital for Commercial/Industrial development and thereby encourages economic expansion and job creation; and, WHEREAS, assisting Commercial/Industrial development and encouraging job creation serves a valid public purpose as it provides for an expanded tax base and for enlarged employment opportunities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That Chapter 2, Article 21, of the City code is hereby created to read as follows: Article 21, Economic development incentive program (for Commercial/Industrial development other than residential housing). A. Subject to an availability of funds, the City may enter into agreements to participate with Commercial/Industrial developers and entrepreneurs in the establishment or expansion of new or existing Commercial/Industrial business. Eligible Commercial/Industrial development must be located within areas delineated by the City Commission, as areas of need or said development will create at least ten (10) full time equivalent jobs for every $20,000 of City resource injection. These jobs at a minimum must, minus ~ employer paid fringe benefits, pay fifteen (15) thousand dollars per annum per full time equivalent job and be expected to have at least a five (5) year duration, or at a minimum must, including all employer paid fringe benefits, pay twenty (20) thousand dollars per annum per full time equivalent job and be expected to have at least a five (5) year duration. Eligible Commercial/Industrial developers which apply for City incentive program assistance may be awarded assistance in the form of a direct grant which may or may not require an interest or non-interest bearing payback. The City Commission shall, based upon consideration with regard to the City's return on their assistance in the form of ad valorera tax base expansion, determine the type and amount of economic development incentive program assistance granted. The City shall designate the specific use of funds, and terms, if any, for pay back of City incentive participation. Prior to the City entering into any agreements with Commercial/Industrial developers and from time to time thereafter, the City Commission shall identify a specific source of funds to be used for the provision of economic development incentive assistance, the costs of such funds, including all expenses or costs incidental to obtaining or providing same, the interest rate that the City will employ, if any, in offering economic development assistance with interest; and a reasonable estimation or description of the administrative costs or expenses associated with administering the economic development incentive program. The economic development incentive program is available to qualified Commercial/Indnstrial developers to expand the City's tax base and/or to increase the number of jobs available in the City. B. Any Commercial/Industrial developer except those excluded herein, seeking to participate in the City of Sanford economic development incentive program shall file with the City Manager a written application for participation in the economic development incentive program. The application for participation in the economic development incentive program shall contain, but not be limited to, the following: 1. A description of the type of all existing Commercial/Industrial activity and/or the type of all proposed Commercial/Industrial activity. 2. The legal description and address for the physical site relative subject Commercial/Industrial activity; --2-- Ordinance No. 3273 3. The name and address of all owners, equity holders, or major participants in the proposed project and if applicable the corporation, partnership (of any kind), or other; 4. The number of jobs to be created, the per annum salary with itemized employer/employee paid fringes, and method(s) to be utilized for the solicitation of employees; A listing by job title(s) and associated job description(s) for all current and proposed employees; 5. A detailed description of all identified sources of funds to be utilized in the project and the proposed use of said funds, with all letters and/or proof of financial commitments. 6. A detailed description of the developers request, including type of assistance being requested and proposed use of assistance being requested. After review by the City Manager and or his/her designee, the City Manager shall make written recommendation to the City Commission for formal consideration and possible approval in the City's economic development incentive program. C. If the Commercial/Industrial developer/applicant meets the requirements, for economic development incentive assistance, and specific funds or resources are available, then the City may enter into an agreement to provide economic development incentives. Said agreement shall be binding on the qualified developer/applicant, and any and all subsequent owners, purchasers, successors in interest, and assigns of the Commercial/Industrial development. The agreement, and any other associated documentation, shall be in a form approved by the City Commission and acceptable to the City Attorney and said agreement shall be recorded in the Official Records of Seminole County, Florida. Simultaneously, the developer shall provide an acceptable surety bond or the City shall place a lien on the real property to secure payment of the City economic development incentive and any expenses associated with providing the economic development incentive. D. The obligation(s), relative any City economic development incentive program resources, and the benefits derived therefrom shall run with the real property as identified in the economic development incentive program agreement. E. Should any payments due the City become delinquent as set forth in the economic development agreement, as defined above, the City shall serve, by certified mail return receipt requested, a notice of delinquency upon the beneficiary of the City's economic development assistance, at the address appearing on the most recent records maintained by the Property Appraiser of the County. The notice of delinquency shall serve to notify the beneficiary of the Ordinance No. 3273 City's economic development assistance, that failure to pay the momhly paymere will cause the City to demand payment from the developer provided surety bond or to foreclose on the City's lien in the Circuit Court of Seminole County, Florida. F. Upon mailing of the notice of delinquency, without further direction of the City Commission, City staff shall proceed to expeditiously collect or otherwise enforce said lien or bond pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance. G. The City Clerk shall, if appropriate, file a Notice of Satisfaction of Claim of Lien with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for recording in the Official Records upon satisfaction of the terms of the agreement or receipt of full paymere of all delinquem monthly payments, interest due, and any recording expenses. Said Notice of Satisfaction of Claim of the Lien shall reflect the appropriate information shown on the previously recorded lien. H. All liens imposed hereto shall be superior on a parity with the lien of any City taxes until paid as provided herein. I. Upon sale or re-sale or charge in applicant control, as delineated on the original application forms, at any time before the full amoum of the money due the City has been paid, the full amount of the money due the City shall become due and payable. The burden of notification of any change, as so noted above, shall apply to both the original and subsequent owner(s)/participant(s). The new owner(s)/participant(s) may apply for participation in the economic development incentive program and if all criteria as set forth in this Ordinance and said agreement are met the benefit of the economic developmere program may pass through emirely and on the same terms to the new owner(s)/partieipant(s). J. Commercial/Industrial developmere which has been initiated or has been in operation prior to the enactment date of this Ordinance, but said commercial/industrial development has not occupied real property named as commercial/industrial developmere for economic development incentive program assistance, or has not actively provided employment for person(s) assigned in Section 1, paragraph A, of this Ordinance, may apply for economic development incentive program assistance. SECTION 2: Codification. That this Ordinance shall be codified and made a part of the City Code of Ordinances. --4-- Ordinance No. 3273 SECTION 3: Severability. If any section or portion of a section of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or pan of a section of this Ordinance. SECTION 4: Conflicts. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby revoked. SECTION 5: Effective Date. Shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida CERTIFICATE Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 3273, PASSED AND ADOPTED bx the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the ~7~ day of City of Sanford, Florida, e day of October, 1995. - As the Deputy City Clerk 0f the C3~ty of Sanford, F10r~_da --5-- Ordinance No. 3273