HomeMy WebLinkAbout334 Lusitano Way; 18-4177; ROOF10/08/18 10:26AM EDT '8666027933' -> 4073236978 Pg 5/12 CITY OF SANFORD BUILDING & FIRE PREVENTION OCT 0 8 2018 PERMIT APPLICATION 4plicatiotl No: j Documented Construction Value: $ I I0 Job Address: j T U, f l } qk. Historic District: Yes No Vd Parcel 10: - - aQ - 31 - 50 = _1Q C) h Residential 121/Commcrcial Type of Work: New Addition Alteration Repair Demo Change of Use Move Description of Work: Plan Review Contact Person: Phone: Fax: Email: Title: flfl Property Owner Information Name _ phone: 7X7 . 199, fff ? Street: Resident of property?: City, Mate Zip, Contractor Information Numc irl] } f Phone: Street: ` r Fax: City, State Zip: IY (' 117 2a) 3l State License Name_ Street: City, St, zip: Bonding Company: Address: Architect/ Engineer Information Phone: Fax- E- mail: Mortgage Lender: Address: WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR .FAILURF. TO tt11C0RD 1 rNt)TIC.'E 01* COMMFNC:'EMENr MAY RESULT IN YUUR PAYING 'TWICE hOR IMPROVEMFNTS TO YOUR PRIOPERTY. A N'OTICC OF COMWNCEMFNT MUST BE 11b:C:ORDFD AND POSTED ON 'THE JOU SITE. 111;FORE TILE FIRST 1NSPEC.'TION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH. YOUR I,ENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING Y171.iR NOTICE OF COMMEN<::I ;M ENT_ Application is hereby made to Obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or itistallatiott Nis comnrenck! d prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be. performed to meet stividards of all laws regulatitlg constfuiaion inthisjurisdiction. 1 understand that a separate permit must be secured For electrical work, plumbing, signs, wells, pools, furnaces, boilers, heaters, tanks, and air conditioners, etc. i" RIC 105.3 Stroll he inscribed with the date of ai ppli(a;tion and the code in cne.q:t ar of that'date: 5" Edition (2014) Horida Building Code kcvisrd: June io,'Li)U Permit Application 10/08/18 10:26AM EDT '8666027933' —> 4073236978 Pg 6/12 1) CE: In addition to the requircment4 Of thiti permit, there may he additional restrictions applicable to this property that may befoundinthepublicrecordsofthiscounty, and there may hr additional Permit, required from other govcminvi tal entities such as waternlanagenientdistricts, state agencies, of federal agencies. Acceptance of permit is verification that I will noti I'y the owner of the property of the requirements of Florida Lien Law, Fti 713 Tho City of Sanford requires payinetrt of a plat) review fee at the titrie of permit submittal. A copy of the executed contract. is required in order to calculate a plan review charge and will be considered the estitriated construction value of file job at the time of submittal, Tile actual construction value will be figured bnaad oil the cuiTcnt WC Valuaiion Table in effect lt the time tile. permit is issued, inaccordancewithlocalordinance. Should calculated chirgcs figured off the executed contract exceed the actual conshruction value, credit will be applied to gout pernit fees whetl the perinit is issued. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all: of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with,all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. iignntwcuf0wncr/AgCttl 17fl1e I.SigmtkolfoC:nntrflctor/Agent Liar Print Qvnicr/Agent's Name Prit C.ontraclor/ gcm's Name i / d SignahtrcGfNotary-518te of Fltlritta l alr SiLmn 1-1m-Y-Sll : of l lurids lair anYPUR PA6LOARES My COMMISSION 9 FF 998OC6 EXPIRES: June 1, 2VII _ or r>-a Da,.d3d ThmNapl N inNSCN(C*s ,% Owner/Agent is _ Personally Known to Me or Contractor'/Agent is PL rsonally Known to Me or Producedll) _ _Type of ID _ _ Produced(1) 'Cypc of I n BELOW IS FOR OFFICE EUSE ONLY Permits Required: Building El Construction Type:_ Total Sq Ft of Bldg: Electrical[] Mechauieal PILUTIhingE] Gins[] Kot,f [-] Occupancy use: Flood Zone.- Min. Occupancy load: New Construction. Electric - # of Amps Fire Sprinkler Permit: Yes[] No # of Heads APPROVAUS: LONTNG: COMMENTS: Revisal: Jmie 30, 2015 4 of Stories! Plumbing - # of Fixtures Fire Alarm Permit: Yes No UTILITIES:— _ WASTE. "WATE.R: I. iNGINEFRlNG: FIRE: BUILDINQ Pem it Application, 10/08/18 10:26AM EDT '8666027933' —> 4073236978 Pg 3/12 Giant Maio, Cleric Ot The Circuit Court & Com troller Seminole County, FLinst #20181y14400 Book,9225 Page:470: (1 PAGES) RCD: 10/5/2018 12:45.-11 PMRECFi=10_DO _ ThIF i W aced by: Name, Address- 3,A 9 " S NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT STATE OF FLORID Permit #: COUNTY OF RFWC~ Ol F, PARCEL IAN: THE UNDERSIGNED hereby givn notice that Impravemenq will be made to tireain real property, and toaccordaaccwithChapter7MPlnridxStalutee, the following InfermpHoi III pravtdad In thts Notice of"nx-eneament, I Description of Prdpertyr (Legal detaription of the properly and street address if availah 1,05irMD Z General Otserlpuan of Improvcnicntao _ 1 e 0 Vh-d 3 Owner Name: Address: Uq Interest In prop". 4 Coatmaor's Name: Address: IL1): S Surety Namet Address: 6 Lander Name: Address: Name & Address of fee shnpte titleholder: (ifolher than owner) _ Phone: G T - DEFUiY CLERK Date 7 Ptrions within The State of Florida designatod by nor upon who notice ar other documents may be screed as provided by Section 713.13(I)(a) 7, Fiorlda Statues: Name: Phnne: _ Address- 8 in additlan to himself or herself, Owner dealgnntes the fotlowing Ptraon(i) to recclve a copy of the Llenor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(h), Florida Statutes: Name: Phone: Address: 9 Expiration Date of Notice of Commencement. 10 Vale mPimm le 1 Y< r tram data of recordrag union a dl%mt date IS apccifiad) WARNING TO OWNER ANY PAYMEKM MADE BY THE OWNER AFTF.Ii THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARECONSIDEREDIMPROPERPAYMENTSUNDFACHAPTER713. PART 1, SECTION 7 t3.13, FLORMA :YrA7IJ S, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR YAYINOTWICEPORIMPROVEMENT$ TO YOUR PROPERTY, A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE 105 SITEBEFORETHEFIRSTfNSPECTION. LF YOU INTEND To OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LEN= OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORECOMMENCINGWORKORRECORDINGYOURNOTICEOFCOMMENCEMENT. Verlhlptlen ParU/ant le 3eitto„ ai_ss a..._.Y 1-L-K ett;es of p40re'1-.&.th--,fv.—d nrc out I hie read the to going tend that the bAs steed in it ate true to ute but oaf mypknowwl-edge and belief. of---- ory'sTitt froOfficer/Director:ager inct) The tbrcgoing 4wtmmmt way acknowledged before one this a0 dqy of (2ch 20-> by i lt thine of person) as (typoofilUthotity,,,,e,g,cfliccr, ttostee,_• 1a_,,,(rramc ofpariy oo bcheif rrL whom it>sirumont was eouled), lJ ( SEAL) w v p $ignatUrc of Nola ic, State ofFlorida t`R o4" PAULOARFSd' .•., MYt;pMAti53r4HtIKF596oU@ E)MVS: June 1, 2M Print, —Type or $tampCommissioned Name afNotttry Puhlio oF oonded7lw&dyclNateN5cvtes Personally Known 0 or P*vdueodIden6fi'cation September 2017 10/08/18 10:26AM EDT '8666027933' —> 4073236978 Pg 4/12 i Altamonte Springs, Cassclberq, Lake Mary, Longwood, Sanford, ScmInOle County, Winter Springs I hereby name and appoint: an a.gcnl of: V,Ctri Ct sir Name ot'('-umpany) to he my lawful atto rney-in-faei. to act Ibr me to apply I0r, receipt for, Sign for rend do all tilings necessary to this appointment Ior (check ordy ortc option): The specific permit and application for- work located at: Street Address) Fxpiration Date for This Limited Power of Attorney: h I,iccnse llolder Narne:. N L State License Number: J -, WTISignatureofLicenseHolder:_--- STATN: OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF p {,,,.4__ The forcgoing illStrurnent was acknowle(lgcd before me this S day or (}C p200JL, by,j} who is personally knowntomeoruwholeasProducedas identi lication and w17o did (did not) take an oath. Signature Notary Seal) T'rint or ype 11attle Ahp f PABLO ARCSpA1 q MY COMMISSION 9 FF 998006 na`Q EXPIRES: Juno 1, 2020 VFVOP kr.dad h28ud at Ndary Saunas Ve,, 08.12) Notary Public - State of C".ommisGion No. My Con-unission F,Ypirc t LW/ V V / 1- . V . L V!'ll'1 LL/ 1 - - - - - - - - - - ISXNFORD Y OF FIRE DEPARTMENT Building &: Fire Prevention Division RESIMINTIAL RE -ROOF POLICY & PkUCEpURG4 PERM MTING REQUTREMENTS-NO PLAN PLVTFW Ft 'QUIR-r L'HIS-1)0(., IMEN r-(SIGNED)-ALONG-WITH AN AC CURAIT AND COMI'I,I:TED- RI:SmGNTIAr. R1-ROOI-' S('OPE OI WORK ARI: R.1-,QIJlRF.T) TU BE SUBMI'l-M-T) AS PART pF YOUR PERMI"I APPI..ICATlON. THE; SCOPE OY WORK MUST INC:LUDI: All, APPLIC'ART.H FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL NUMBERS FOR All, k00f; COMI'ONF.NTS THAT WILL BR. INSTALI.1"D ON THE PROJECT. A PRRMITWILI, NOT TQ. ISSUED IMTHOUTT-IESEDOCI.JMENIS. COPIES WII,I,BEMAIM TOPOSTONTHE.1011SITE. PROJE(.' I'S LOCATED IN THIS SANFOltD IIISTORIC DISTRICT' WILI, REOUIRE PLAN REVrEW AND APMOVAL u V '1'Hr: SANDORD HISTORIC PRESERVATIONHOARD INSPRC'I' ION POLICY & Y'ROC EDURES A FINAL Roor-1NSPE:TION IS'11IF ONLY INSPECTION RRQUIIED r•OR RESIDI;NTIAL (SIN(',I.r. FAMIC.Y,'I'OWNIIOUSF, M Bll. I, K6ffi, APARTMENT AND/(1R CONDOMINIUM) RL-RoOF PE104ITS. Ti w.. 1` 01.1.OWMG IS R.EQ1RRF.D'1-O BE PROVIDE ON 1'1 IF JOB SITT: PF,RMIT (,A1C), POSTED IN A CONSPICUOUS AND WrATHE;RP11OOF LOCA-110N, COMPLETED Rli!iIDF. N'l1AL RF-ROOI' SCOPE (:)i" WORK COMP1,11-a- D Am) NO'FARIZEL) INSPECTION AFFIDAVIT ALL FLORIDA PRODUCTAPPROVAL . AND CORRF.SPONDIM; INSTALLATION INS rituc-riONS PRODUCT APPROVAL SHALT. MA1' CII WI HAT IS ON 'rl IF SCOPE OF WORK) DI(,rrALi'HO'I' OCiRAPHS(MCJSTINCLI)DTiTFp..i-FRMITNIJM13LRORAT)UItLSSrNF.A(::FIPICTIIRI:) U EACH PLANE OF 11112 ROOF, SHOWTNt3'1'HF UNDP.RLAYMENT rN.SlALLED o 110OF DECK NAILING PArI-ERN & SPACING (INCI-UDLNCT A MFASUIUN(I DEVICE Olt RULER) U KOof DI'.(:K. NAILS USED (INCLIJDrNG A MEASURING DL'VI(',F OR RULER SHOWING SJZE OF NAII S) UNDERLAYMENT PATTERN & SPACING (INCLUDING A MIMASURINC DEVICE OR RULER) o Diu, EDGE& VALLEY AITAawEN-r(1NCLIIDTNOAMEASTJRJN(; DEVICE: OR RULER) SRINGLrC TNSTALLCT), NAIL PATMRN AND LOCATION OFNAIIS SKYLJCIFI'I'S (IF APPLICABLE) o JAGII'AL PHOTOGRAPHS SHOWING ALL INSTALLATION COMPONENTS, PER FL PRODUCT APPROVAL n DIGYI'A1, PHOT06RAPIIS SHOWING ALL MQUIRFD FLASI IING, PER FL PRODUCI APPROVAL FAILITRE't'(I FOLLOW 7'IFfL.SE SI'lu'I FIC GUIDELINES WILL RESULT IN AN AFFIDAVIT PROVIDED BY A FLORLDA IYF;ti1(.N I'ItOrE:SSIONAL (ARCM- 11CT OR EN(.INF.I?Ft), CERTIF ' ! FBC ('ODE C0911'IdANCE BY PERSONAL INSPECTION. L r CONTRACTOR (OR OWNER/131ALDER) SIGNATURE: DATE: 1 t K CITY OF SACS FIRE DEPARTMLNT log AnDlK1:tiS: 1VS P'N,RMIT # Buildhig & Fire Prevention Division RESID ENTIA 1. RE- R 0 OFSCOPE Ole' WQR K STRU(:TURL TYPE: (2 SIN(iI,H )''AMI1.Y Ttr..311,)ENCfi%f O1 VNHOA ),CH 0 MORILE RO)MN ():APARTMENT'/(:ONDOMINIMi RE-ROoir TYPA:: CyJ REPLACEMEN1' (TEAR OFF FXIS'I'IN(; ROOD AND REPLACE W1 1 H NEW COMPONENTS) O RE -(;OVER (NRW R(x)F INS'rA1,f, -:U OVER FXJS'llNG ROOF) DL4 (:K 7.'I'l'E (PI -EASE SPECIFY): avokr.*PI EASE' NOTE: ONLY IOO.>'(l(fAR'OFTI1E IsXLVTINC DEf. K I.q PL•'RMITTIiD TO ,BE PEPLAC.ED"* ROOF VENTII ATION: doFF-RIU(iF. O 14IDCiE ` J SOFFIT oPowERr r) VWNT 0'1-k IR TINES Sk'I.-IGIITS: Q VriS (/U NO 1F ybS, PLF.A$r 1'ROVirjr FLORII)A PROUIICT APPROVAL 4: MAIN RooF ARL, A ROOF SLOPE: Q T.ESS THAN 2:12 O 2:12- 4:12 d4:12 OR C_ KEATP.R TYPF ole ROOF sHIN(.IT.E O METAL O MQDIFIED BITUMEN QTORCII DOWN O INtiLILATF,l) OTIJ F. C)UTII R: MANUFACTURER y() ROOF ExTENSIONS I)E'OR(:HRS PATIOS E7'C' I *¢ITAPPlICitIIl ROOF SLOPE: 0 LESS THAN 2:12 0 2:17 - 4:12 4:12 OR CRriAT R TYPE Ol; ROOF O SHINGLE 0Mr:IAL QTVkJUIFRin Ii1TUMP.N Q TORCH DOWN DINS? 1 .-ATED Q'1'R.F. Q oTIIGR: NTAN( w-rURER FI.ORIDA PHOF)UC:1' APPROVAI. r1./f F :,r5 - P,Lj FL# FL# FLA Ml Ff.# FI,ORrDA PRODUC-r APPROVAL FLt1 FL# 1'LH FL# FT.# FL# FL#