HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-13-2021 MinutesCITY COMMISSION MINUTES 9.a�.aoal SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 REGULAR MEETING The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Meeting on Monday, September 13, 2021, at 7:00 PM, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Art Woodruff Vice Mayor Kerry S. Wiggins. Sr. Commissioner Sheena R. Britton Commissioner Patrick Austin Commissioner Patty Mahany City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. Assistant City Attorney Lonnie Groot City Clerk Traci Houchin Deputy City Clerk Cathy LoTempio Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert CALL TO ORDER: 1) Meeting was called to order by Mayor Woodruff at 7:07 PM. CEREMONIAL MATTERS: 2) Legislative prayer by Pastor Bernard Jones of The Connection Community Church. 3) Pledge of Allegiance. 4) Presentations, Proclamations and Awards: BUSINESS OF THE COMMISSION: 5) Minutes: August 23, 2021 Sanford Airport Authority Joint Work Session, Work Session and Regular Meeting. Commissioner Mahany moved to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 REGULAR MEETING Commissioner Britton and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Wiggins Aye Commissioner Britton Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye 6) FIRST PUBLIC HEARING for adoption of the 2021/2022 MILLAGE and the 2021/2022 BUDGET. Publicized via County Truth-in-Millage notification to all property owners. [Commission Memo 21-180] A. Presentation of the Proposed 2021/2022 Budget by Finance Director Cynthia Lindsay. B. Public comment and questions on the proposed millage rate and budget. There were no comments C. Approve Resolution No. 2982, adopting the millage rate of 7.325 for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2021 and ending September 30, 2022. Commissioner Austin moved to approve Resolution No. 2982. Seconded by Vice Mayor Wiggins and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Wiggins Aye Commissioner Britton Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye D. Approve Resolution No. 2983, establishing the budget and capital improvement plan, presented for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2021 and ending September CITY COMMISSION MINUTES 30, 2022. SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 REGULAR MEETING Commissioner Britton moved to approve Resolution No. 2983. Seconded by Commissioner Austin and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Wiggins Aye Commissioner Britton Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye E. Allow for the delegation of budget transfers within departments, office, or agencies to the City Manager. F. Mayor Woodruff announced the final hearing of the City's 2021/2022 millage and budget will take place on Monday, September 27, 2021 at 7 PM in the City Commission Chambers at Sanford City Hall. 8) CONSENT AGENDA [Commission Memo 21-181] A. Approve an increase to solid waste and recycle collections subsequent to Seminole County Landfill increase for Waste Pro. B. Approve an increase to PO #37340 from SL Serco in the amount of $25,000 for Phase II and III for consulting services related to the development of a meter replacement program. C. Approve the purchase of a 5100E John Deere Utility Tractor with a cab and rotary cutter from D and J Equipment, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $77,424.80. D. Approve the purchase of a TPK 06475010" x 8" Mobile Pump from the Tradewinds Power Corp. in an amount not to exceed $111,806. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 139 2021 REGULAR MEETING E. Approve the special event permit application, with a noise permit and an alcohol permit, for the `First Saturday Celebration at Toro's' from 7 —10 PM on the first Saturday of every month from October 2, 2021 through December 4, 2021 with closure of a portion of their parking lot from 5 PM — Midnight. F. Approve a special event permit application, with a noise permit for `Goldsborofest' from 10 AM — 2 PM on Saturday, October 23, 2021. G. Approve a special event application, with a noise permit and an alcohol permit for `Tuffy's New Year's Eve' from 7 PM on Friday, December 31, 2021 — 12:30 AM on Saturday, January 1, 2022, with street closures from 4 PM on Friday, December 31, 2021 —1 AM on Saturday, January 1, 2022. H. Approve the Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning and School Concurrency. I. Approve the FY21 /22 insurance renewal with the Florida League of Cities. J. Approve the selection for the management and operations of Mayfair Golf Course, affirm the unanimous recommendation of the RFP selection Committee and approve the implanting Management and Operations Service Agreement. Commissioner Britton moved to approve the Consent Agenda Items. Seconded by Vice Mayor Wiggins and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Wiggins Aye Commissioner Britton Aye Commissioner Austin Aye CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 REGULAR MEETING Commissioner Mahany Aye 9) PUBLIC HEARINGS; A. Second reading of Ordinance No. 4618, to rezone 3.06 acres from RMOI, Multi - Family Residential -Office -Institutional, zoning district/classification to establish the Vistas at Lake Monroe PD, a 100 -unit multiple family residential development with a property address of 1100 East 1St Street based on the consistency with goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan. [Commission Memo 21- 182] After a lengthy discussion and multiple residents speaking against this item, Commissioner Mahany moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4618, with the following conditions on page six in the table where it states density change the 25.89 to 80, on page eight in the table where it states density change the 25.89 to 80, on page seventeen the last two conditions become 17 and 18, and the four items that Mr. Coover read and agreed to; 1) Covered parking structures and storage units shall be provided consistent with the requirements of Schedule E, Section 16.0. 2) A developed recreational facility/amenity such as a pool, fitness center, or the like, shall be constructed and applied at a rate of one hundred square feet per dwelling unit. A pedestrian trail, lawn area, park, etc. as identified in note 15 on the PD Master Olan is not acceptable. 3) A maximum of 80 units or 25.89 dwelling units per acre. 4) No vertical improvements shall be provided within the 20' setback along East Seminole Boulevard. Seconded by Vice Mayor Wiggins and carried by CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 139 2021 REGULAR MEETING vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Wiggins Aye Commissioner Britton Nay Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye B. First reading of Ordinance No. 4619, an enactment is requested in order to address recent major legislative changes with regard to the powers of local governments' ability to the powers of local governments ability to address emergencies and disasters. [Commission Memo 21-183] Commissioner Austin moved approve Ordinance No. 4619 on first reading. Seconded by Vice Mayor Wiggins and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Wiggins Aye Commissioner Britton Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye C. First reading of Ordinance No. 4620, adopting a Property Rights Element in accordance with controlling State Law in the Compliance Plan Amendment. [Commission Memo 21-184] Commissioner Mahany moved to approve Ordinance No. 4620 on first reading with the addition of a statement that the City will have a Citizen Awareness Participation Plan (CAPP) meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Austin and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Wiggins Aye CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 139 2021 REGULAR MEETING Commissioner Britton Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye D. First reading of Ordinance No. 4621, creating a Sanford Marina Fund from which capital repairs and improvements may be funded. [Commission Memo 21-185] Commissioner Britton moved to approve Ordinance No. 4621 on first reading. Seconded by Vice Mayor Wiggins and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Wiggins Aye Commissioner Britton Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye E. First reading of Ordinance No. 4622, annexing 3.35 acres located at 3883 Church Street; Owner, MJ Wellington Associates, LLC; Ad published on September 12, 2021. [Commission Memo 21-187] Commissioner Austin moved to approve Ordinance No. 4622 on the first reading. Seconded by Commissioner Britton and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Wiggins Aye Commissioner Britton Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye F. First reading of Ordinance No. 4623, annexing 11.29 acres located at 3330 Eaglewoods Trail; Owners, Bernard & Tamara McPherson, Alan H. Herbst, and James & Sarah Murdaugh; Ad Published on September 12, 2021. [Commission CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 139 2021 REGULAR MEETING Memo 21-187] Commissioner Mahany moved to approve Ordinance No. 4623 on the first reading. Seconded by Commissioner Britton and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Wiggins Aye Commissioner Britton Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Aye 10) OTHER ITEMS. 11) CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT. 12) CITY CLERK'S REPORT. Traci Houchin, City Clerk, reminded the Commission the Work Session on September 27, 2021 would include Board Interviews. 13) CITY MANAGER'S REPORT. Mr. Bonaparte commended Chief Smith, Police Chief, Chief Radzak, Fire Chief; and Lisa Jones, Parks and Recreation Director and the speaker at the September 11 " Tribute last weekend. He said the event and the speaker were amazing. 14) CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Gabrielle Milch, member of St. Johns River Keeper, invited the Commission to attend either the in person meeting at the Seminole County Extensions Office at 250 W. County Home Road in Sanford or the zoom meeting on September 22, 2021 from 5 PM to 7PM where they discuss issues with things along the St. John's River, water quality issues and illegal discharging into the river. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 139 2021 REGULAR MEETING 15) CITY COMMISSIONER'S REPORTS Commissioner Britton asked Mayor Woodruff a few details about the Sanford Airport Authority Master Plan presentation Meeting on September 14, 2021. Commissioner Britton asked Mr. Bonaparte to have Mr. Thomas present a quarterly Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Report. Commissioner Britton told Mr. Bonaparte she believes in hiring within the City. She thanked Eileen Hinson, Acting Planning Director; Giuliana Pieras, Administrative Coordinator; Chris Smith, Project Manager; and Sam Goodwin, Planning Technician for all the hard work they have done over the past few months. Mayor Woodruff seconded that comment. Commissioner Austin said he had a recent conversation with Anthony Raimondo, Director of Development Services, in regards to having Code Enforcement work on the weekends, because there are so many violations that happen on the weekends. Commissioner Mahany asked Chief Radzak how a resident could request a ride along with the Fire Department. Chief Radzak said just give them his phone number. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:51 t