HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-27-21 WS MinutesCITY COMMISSION MINUTES oca SEPTEMBER 279 2021 WORK SESSION The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, September 27, 2021, at 4:00 PM, in the City Commission Chambers, 1St Floor, City Hall, and 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Presen t: Mayor Art Woodruff Vice Mayor Kerry S. Wiggins, Sr. Commissioner Patrick Austin City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. Assistant City Attorney Lonnie Groot City Clerk Traci Houchin Deputy City Clerk Cathy LoTempio Absent: Commissioner Sheena R. Britton Commissioner Patty Mahany Mayor Woodruff called the meeting to order at 4:10 PM 1. Presentation re: Building Inspection Fee Study by Raftelis. Cindy Lindsay, Finance Director, introduced Tony Hairston, Vice President of Raftelis. Mr. Hairston introduced Joe Williams of Raftelis who provided a power point presentation regarding the Building Inspection Fee Study. Mr. Williams reviewed the study objectives which included: identify the cost of providing service, update schedule of fees and charges, evaluate the ability of building fees to fund revenue requirements and ensure the City is compliant with Florida Statutes. He presented and discussed the existing permit fees. He said the building department is part of a special revenue fund generated by processing permits, the amount of this fund is determined by the amount of construction activity. Mr. Williams provided historical activity from 2011 to 2020 to show how CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 WORK SESSION the building inspection fund has accumulated a balance of approximately $8M over the last 10 years. He said this balance currently exceeds the statute limitations for operating reserves and the City should lower permit fees by 60% to meet statutory requirements. This willreduceoperating funds nearly $500K per year. He said the City should establish a capital reserve within the building inspection fund to set funds aside for future capital needs and should monitor permit fee levels annually to ensure the fee levels are adequate and are achieving intended goals. Commissioner Austin said he is concerned how this balance became so large. He said there are pay issues that could have been addresses instead of hiring contractual staff to perform work. budget. Mr. Bonaparte said staff is looking for new ways to reduce the $8M Mr. Williams said the handout is a report on the impact fee comparison that the Commission requested at the last meeting. Mayor Woodruff and Commissioner Austin asked why the City does not have impact fees on roads. Bilal Iftikhar, Public Works and Utilities Director, said the City did consider it at one time, however the majority of new development is on County roads. 2. Presentation re: Public Art Commission CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 279 2021 WORK SESSION Mr. Bonaparte introduced Lisa Holder, Communications Officer and City Liaison for the Public Arts Commission (PAC), who then introduced Virginia Poe, PAC Chair Person and Kim House, PAC Board Member. Ms. House presented a power point of the Seagulls ontheRiverwalk Project. She said the artist's name is Dale Rogers, who lives in Massachusetts, however is a frequent visitor of the Central Florida area. She said PAC would like to install the five seagulls behind the brick building by the roundabout on the new Riverwalk. She said PAC has met with City staff and Chris Smith, Project Manager, who said the City can come up with a nice foundation, where the seagulls will be high enough so that no one can touch them. They can be installed so they can be removed in the event of bad weather. Ms. House said PAC is asking the City to help them with the cost of $17,610 for landscaping. She said the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is providing funds for the lighting. After a brief discussion, the City Commission agreed to assist PAC with the $17,610 for landscaping. Ms. Lindsay said she will process a budget amendment for the next meeting. Commission Austin asked for an update on the Utility Box Wrap Project. Ms. House said PAC is currently working on the one located at 1st Street and Park Avenue. 3. Interviews for Boards/Committees Traci Houchin, City Clerk said the Commission needs to reappoint Josh CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 279 2021 WORK SESSION Snyder, CRA Board Member and Joyce Qualls, Museum Board Member at tonight's meeting. Mayor Woodruff, Vice Mayor Wiggins and Commissioner Austin interviewed several applicants for open board member positions. After interviewing there was a brief discussion. The Commission agreed to discuss their -recommendations with Commissioner Britton and Commissioner Mahany at tonight's meeting. 4. Regular Meeting Items — additional information 5. Briefing Items Mr. Bonaparte asked Mr. Thomas, Community and Neighborhood Engagement Director to update the Commission on the status of the property located at the Westside Community Center. Mr. Thomas said the City has had a couple of discussions with the Sanford Housing Authority and the Orlando Housing Authority in regards to the 4.6 acres on William Clarke Court. He said there was a market study was performed on the land in 2020 that came back at approximately $400K. He said the Housing Authority was not looking to sell the property at that time, but to save it to negotiate a trade. The first proposal was for the City to do a 99 -year lease on the property. He said after discussions with the City and representatives of the Housing Authorities, it was decided that the first proposal was not in the best interest of the City He said the second option was that the City would purchase the property and provide office space for the Sanford Housing Authority. He said the other property the City is interested in is the Henderson property for a federally certified health clinic. Mr. Thomas said the City is in the process of obtaining a market analysis on the Henderson property. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 279 2021 WORK SESSION He said Mr. Smith is working on drawings for what the City could place on the property. He said the City is very interested in the Henderson property. He said there have been some scheduling conflicts, in getting all parties who need to attend the meeting discuss the swap of the properties. Commissioner Austin asked Mr. Bonaparte why the City is against a 99 - year lease. Mr. Bonaparte said if the City is going to invest in this kind of money, the City should own the property outright. Commissioner Austin asked if the market study included discussions in recreational space. Mr. Thomas said yes, that was part of the Goldsboro Transformation Plan that the land would not be developed for housing, but considered for recreation space for parks. Mayor Woodruff asked what the size is the land by Mulberry and Westside. Mr. Thomas said there is about four acres. Mayor Woodruff asked what the property was appraised for. Mr. Thomas said about $370-$380K. Mayor Woodruff said if the City comes up with a good plan it might be easier to just purchase the property. He said if the City purchases it, he wants to know what the money would be spent on. He said he wants the funds to be spent on something big and would like to see a resource center or some kind of facility that would be advantageous for the Goldsboro Community. Commissioner Austin said if the City wants to offer to buy the property, and not have any commitment or ties to any other deals with the Housing Authority, then does the City have a say of what to do with the funds. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 279 2021 WORK SESSION Mayor Woodruff said the Sanford Housing Authority are supposed to be developing housing for our residents. Mr. Bonaparte said City staff is looking at different options into acquiring - the property and ideas to turn them into fields. - - Commissioner Austin asked Mayor Woodruff if the Commission should give staff an amount of money they feel is adequate for the purchase. Mayor Woodruff said he does not wish to provide an amount, he would rather let them negotiate. Commissioner Austin asked if the City has a real estate person contracted to assist the City with the purchase. Mr. Bonaparte said the City has access to that. Mayor Woodruff asked what the plan is for the other side of Mulberry Avenue. Mr. Thomas said Castle Brewer Court will be single family, for sale units, about four sections, totaling about 90 units. Commissioner Austin asked if the Henderson property belongs to the City. Mr. Thomas said yes. Mr. Bonaparte said it has some restrictions on it and that is what the City is working on with the Housing Authority. Commissioner Austin asked if the City is thinking along the lines of a land swap. Mr. Bonaparte said the City is looking into getting in a mutual agreement. Vice Mayor Wiggins said basically the City needs to schedule the meeting with the Housing Authority the find out where things stand. 6. City Manager Comments Mr. Bonaparte wanted to publicly thank Tom George, Deputy City Manager, and all the City staff who assisted on the USW Agreement on tonight's agenda. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 279 2021 WORK SESSION Mr. George provided information regarding the Agreement that is on tonight's agenda. He said the main item that changed was the wage article and non-union employees. Mayor -Woodruff- said the Commission received an email regarding concerns about special events. He said he will pull those special event items and review then at tonight's meeting. Vice Mayor Wiggins said he went to a Habitat for Humanity open house for a family who spoke very highly about Mr. Thomas for all the work he did with them during the process. He said Habitat for Humanity is looking to build a few more homes in the community. Mayor Woodruff said the representative who was assigned to the Seminole County Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) Board has been having scheduling conflicts so he is appointing Commissioner Mahany to serve on this board. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:14 PM.