HomeMy WebLinkAbout4633 Golf Cart RevisionsOrdinance No. 2021-4633 An Ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida relating to golf carts; amending the provisions of Article IV, Chapter 94 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford and pertaining to the use of golf carts upon designated roads; providing for implementing administrative actions; providing for a savings provision; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing for codification as well as the correction of scrivener's errors and providing for an effective date. Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford has enacted Ordinance Number 4285, as amended by Ordinance Number 4489, under the provisions of Section 316.212(1), Florida Statutes, which permits municipalities to allow golf carts to be operated on municipal roads provided that they first determine that such carts may safely travel on or cross such public roads or streets upon considering the speed, volume, and character of motor vehicle traffic using those roads or streets; and Whereas, in enacting Ordinance Number 4285, as amended by Ordinance Number 4489, the City Commission also acted under the provisions of Section 166.021 (1), Florida Statutes, which details the home rule powers of Florida cities and provides that "[a]s provided in s. 2(b), Art. VIII of the State Constitution, municipalities shall have the governmental, corporate, and proprietary powers to enable them to conduct municipal government, perform municipal functions, and render municipal services, and may exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law"; and Whereas, Ordinance Number 4285, as amended by Ordinance Number 4489, is now codified in Article IV, Chapter 94 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford; and Whereas, Section 316.212, Florida Statutes, provides, in part, that: (5) A golf cart may be operated only during the hours between sunrise and sunset, unless the responsible governmental entity has determined that a golf cart may be operated during the hours between sunset and sunrise and the golf cart is equipped with headlights, brake lights, turn signals, and a windshield. (6) A golf cart must be equipped with efficient brakes, reliable steering apparatus, safe tires, a rearview mirror, and red reflectorized warning devices in both the front and rear. (7) A golf cart may not be operated on public roads or streets by any person under the age of 14. (8) A local governmental entity may enact an ordinance relating to: (a) Golf cart operation and equipment which is more restrictive than those enumerated in this section. Upon enactment of such ordinance, the local governmental entity shall post appropriate signs or otherwise inform the residents that such an ordinance exists and that it will be enforced within the local government's jurisdictional territory. An ordinance referred to in this section must apply only to an unlicensed driver. ; and Whereas, Section 316.212, Florida Statutes, also in part, generally bans golf carts from operating on public roads or streets, except that: EM (1) A golf cart may be operated only upon a county road that has been designated by a county, a municipal street that has been designated by a municipality, or a two-lane county road located within the jurisdiction of a municipality designated by that municipality, for use by golf carts. Prior to making such a designation, the responsible local governmental entity must first determine that golf carts may safely travel on or cross the public road or street, considering factors including the speed, volume, and character of motor vehicle traffic using the road or street. Upon a determination that golf carts may be safely operated on a designated road or street, the responsible governmental entity shall post appropriate signs to indicate that such operation is allowed. Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford may act in accordance with the provisions of Article Vill, Section 2(b) of the Constitution of the State of Florida, 2 1 P a g -, ,, which provides, in pertinent part, that "[m]unicipalities shall have governmental, corporate and proprietary powers to enable them to conduct municipal government, perform municipal functions and render municipal services, and may exercise any power for municipal purposes except as otherwise provided by law"; and Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford may act in accordance with the provisions of Section 166.021(1), Florida Statutes, which provides, in pertinent part, that "[a]s provided in S. 2(b), Art. Vill of the State Constitution, municipalities shall have the governmental, corporate, and proprietary powers to enable them to conduct municipal government, perform municipal functions, and render municipal services, and may exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law"; and Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford may act in accordance with the provisions of Section 166.021(3), Florida Statutes, which provides, in pertinent part, that "[t]he Legislature recognizes that pursuant to the grant of power set forth in S. 2(b), Art. Vill of the State Constitution, the legislative body of each municipality has the power to enact legislation concerning any subject matter upon which the state legislature may act" except for certain very limited matters; and Whereas, this Ordinance is enacted under the general home rule and police powers of the City of Sanford; and Whereas, the City has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance as well as the necessary and required studies and reports that support the provisions of this Ordinance from engineering and 3 1 P" a, g -- law enforcement perspectives; and Whereas, the City Commission hereby determines that the adoption of this Ordinance is in the best interests of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Sanford; and Whereas, for purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, *** shall constitute ellipses to the original text and strikethrough shall constitute deletions to the original text. Now, Therefore, Be it enacted by the People of the City of Sanford: Section 1. Legislative Findings and Intent. The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby ratifies and affirms the legislative and administrative findings and intent of the City Commission as expressed in Ordinance Number 4285 enacted on February 11, 2013 and all subsequent actions taken by the City with regard to the regulation of golf carts. Section 2. Amendment to Section 94-133, City Code, Golf Cart Registration and Inspection. Article IV, Chapter 94 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford is amended to read as follows: ARTICLE IV. - USE OF GOLF CARTS UPON DESIGNATED ROADS Sec. 94-131. - Legislative purposes, findings and intent. (a) It is the purpose and intent of this Article to permit and regulate the operation of golf carts on designated public roadways located within the City Limits of the City of Sanford and the City Commission has studied and evaluated the use of golf carts in other local governments throughout the State of Florida. (b) It is also the purpose of this Article to: 41, a g e (1) Provide for the orderly operation of golf carts on designated City roads and streets; and (2) Set standards for the operation of golf carts. (c) The regulations that are set forth in this Article relating to the regulation of golf carts are, to some extent, more restrictive than those set forth in F.S. § 316.212, in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of SaRfGFd in such manner as the City Commission of the City of SanfbFd has determined to be appropriate for the needs of the City of Sanford. (d) The provisions of this Article shall not be construed or interpreted to authorize any use of the City's rights-of-way, roads or streets of the City that is not authorized by controlling law such as, by way of example only, the operation of all -terrain vehicles or ROVs. (e) The City staff report and City Commission agenda memorandum relating to this matter are hereby adopted as if fully set forth herein. (f) The City of SanfoFd has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Article. (g) The foregoing recitals (whereas clauses) to this Article are hereby adopted as the legislative findings of the City Commission of the City of Sanford and incorporated into this Ordinance as if set forth in haec verba. IMMOR VMI, I (a) The following terms shall have the following meanings in the application and enforcement of this Article: 5 1 P a g e (1) The term all -terrain vehicles or off-highway vehicle shall have the meanings set forth in the definitions as stated in F.S. § 317.0003(1); F.S. § 317.0003(10); and F.S. § 317.0003(6). (2) The term bicycle path means that part of any road or street that has been designated or physically separated from the area used by motor vehicles by striping, signing or pavement markings for the preferential and exclusive use of bicyclists. (3) The term designated City street or road means the paved area of an improved street or road which has been determined by the City Commission as a street or road on which golf carts may be operated under the provisions of this Article. (4) The term golf cart shall have the meaning set forth in the definition as stated in F.S. § 320.01. Golf carts operating within the City of SaRfgFd shall meet minimum equipment standards as set forth in controlling law and shall not be modified to have increased power, wheel base or tire modifications from a standard manufactured gas or electric golf cart. (5) The term operator means the person registering a golf cart with the City of SanfeFd for use within the City or any person who is using a golf cart within the City. (b) The definitions set forth in F.S. § 334.03, are incorporated herein by this reference thereto and shall be applicable to the extent applicable in the context of the provisions of this Article. 6 FIII z?,, (a) Golf carts may be operated on all City roads and streets in accordance with F.S. § 316.212, but only as implemented and permitted by the provisions of Section 2(b) this (b) In addition to the requirements of F.S. § 316.212, which is applicable to the operation of golf carts on the aforementioned designated roads and streets, the following restrictions and limitations shall also apply to the operation of golf carts within the Cita: (1) Golf carts may only be operated on roadways specifically designated which may be modified as set forth in a duly adopted resolution by the City Commission. The Code codifier shall modify the map and codifV the map when the roadways designated by the City Commission are revised. The map shall indicate and depict areas of the Cit V within which golf cats may operate and particular street routes on which -golf carts may (2) Golf carts may cross at any intersection of two roads or G#y streets within the designated area and as set forth in the attached map with the a I'MA-MM". aw"WWWAM 7 1 P a g (3) All traffic control signs, signals and controlling law for such crossings must be adhered to while crossing at intersections and it is prohibited and unlawful to fail to abide by such signs, signals and laws. (4) Golf carts operating subject to this Article may only be operated between official sunrise and official sunset except that golf carts may also operate during the hours between official sunset and official sunrise if possessing operational headlights, brake lights, tail lights, turn signals and windshields. (5) Golf carts shall be equipped with efficient brakes, reliable steering apparatus, safe tires, a rearview mirror, and red reflectorized warning devices on both the front and rear at all times while operated on the designated roads and streets. (6) The number of occupants in any golf cart operated on City roads and streets shall be restricted to the number of seats on the golf cart. No 81 "', @, g -(' occupants of a golf cart shall stand at any time while the golf cart is in motion. (7) Consistent with F.S. § 316.613, children aged through three years shall be restrained in a properly attached and separate federally approved child restraint device and children aged four through five years must be restrained with a seat belt. (8) A golf cart may not be operated on public roads or streets by any person under the age of 16 years of age. (9) Golf carts shall be registered prior to use in the City. Registration is required on or before January 31 of each year. The City Manager, or designee, shall implement a registration program and the City Manager is hereby authorized to adopt administrative rules and promulgate forms in order to implement the provisions of this Article. The City shall charge a registration fee in an amount determined by resolution adopted by the City Commission as amended from time -to -time. Each golf cart that is registered shall be issued a registration certificate which shall be affixed to the front of the golf cart and be visible at all times. Registration fees shall be paid on an annual basis on or before January 31 of each year and shall not be prorated. Liability insurance is recommended by the City for all operators of golf carts on City streets and for all golf carts which operate on City streets. Golf carts shall be subject to inspection at the time of registration to ensure that they are equipped with efficient brakes, 9 1 P a, g - reliable steering apparatus, safe tires, a rearview mirror, and red reflectorized warning devices and, if operated on the designated roads and streets between official sunset and official sunrise, operational headlights, brake lights, tail lights, turn signals and windshields. All required equipment must be determined to be in good working order prior to registration. (10) The City Manager shall report from time -to -time to the City Commission relative to the effectiveness of this Article and the safety of golf cart operations and activities within the City of SanfeFd and shall make any recommendations that are deemed appropriate based upon the experiences of the City under the implementation and administration of this Article. roadway or any intersection not authorized by this Ordinance at any time. Sec. 94-134. - Prohibited and unlawful acts relating to the use of golf carts on City roads and streets. (a) It is prohibited and unlawful to engage in any act or inaction in violation of this Article. Each failure to adhere to the requirements of this Article shall be a separate (b) Without limiting the generality of subsection -94-134(a), the following acts are prohibited and unlawful: (1) To operate a golf cart on a road or street not specifically designated by the City Commission in a duly adopted resolution. g (2) To cross at an intersection with a golf cart at a location where crossings have been prohibited. (3) To operate a golf cart without required equipment. (4) To operate a golf cart with an unauthorized number of occupants. (5) To operate a golf cart without children aged through three years being restrained in a properly attached and separate federally approved child restraint device or children aged four through five years being restrained with a seat belt. (6) To operate a golf cart without required registration. (7) To operate a golf cart upon a bicycle path, sidewalk, sidewalk area, or other area not designated for motor vehicle use or not specifically RMT (8) To operate a golf cart at an excessive speed or in a reckless manner, (9) To operate a golf cart in a manner that endangers a pedestrian. (a) The City Manager, or designee, shall post signs as may be required by controlling law to implement the provisions of this Article and all signage installed by the City shall be in a form and installed as may be required in accordance with the controlling provisions of law and sound and generally accepted engineering practices and principles as determined by the City; provided, however, that it is not the intent of this 11 1 P a g e Article to require the City to install or maintain any signage that is not required by controlling State law. (b) It shall not be a defense to any enforcement action under the provisions of this Article, in any forum or of any type or nature, that signage was not in place or was not noticed or understood by an operator of a golf cart. (c) The posting or failure to post signage under the provisions of this Article shall not be the basis of any liability of any type or nature against the City or any of its officials, officers or employees Sec. 94-136. - Penalties/enforcement/collections (a) Any person found to be in violation of this Article shall be subject to the fine provisions and code enforcement provisions to the maximum extent authorized by State law and the City of SaRfOrd may take any enforcement action and seek any legal remedy available under controlling Florida law (b) Under certain circumstances, it is a violation of State law for a person to refuse to take action at the time a citation is issues and the City shall enforce those laws and pursue statutory violations in accordance with controlling Florida law (c) Without in any way limiting the generality of the provisions of Subsections (a) and (b) of this section, violations of this Article shall constitute a non -criminal infraction enforceable pursuant to the provisions of F.S. § 316.212(8). The use of a golf cart resulting in violations of the Florida "Uniform Traffic Control" statute and the Florida "Uniform Disposition of Traffic Infractions Act" are enforceable according to F.S. Chs. 316 and 318. All other City ordinances pertaining to the use of motor vehicles shall 12 1 P F�, g ,-, also be applicable to the operation of golf carts. The City may enforce the provisions of this Article in any way authorized in accordance with controlling law and may seek any legal remedy as may be authorized by controlling law (d) The owner of a golf cart is responsible and liable for paVment of any fine unless the owner furnishes clear and convincing evidence that the golf cart was, at the time of the violation, in the care, custodV or control of another person. In such instances, the owner of the golf cart is required to, within a reasonable period of time as determined by the City, furnish the Cit V with an affidavit setting forth the name, address and driver's license number of the person who leased, rented or otherwise had the care, custodV or control of the golf cart. The affidavit submitted shall be admissible in a proceeding charging a violation and raises the rebuttable presumption that the person identified in the affidavit is responsible for payment of the fine. The owner of the gol cart is not responsible for a violation if the golf cart involved was, at the time of the violation, stolen, but in all other cases a rebuttable presumption shall exist that the owner is the violator and owes the fine to the City. (e) The City Manager is hereby authorized to pursue collection activities relative to fines imposed against code violators in such manner, and using such processes, as may be in the best interests of the City and may authorized collection agencies and the City Attorney to pursue collections in a manner consistent with controlling law. Section 3. Implementing Administrative Actions. The City Manager, or designee, is hereby authorized and directed to implement the provisions of this Ordinance and to take any and all necessary administrative actions to bring into effect the provisions of this Ordinance including, but not limited to, the promulgation and adoption of rules and forms. Section 4. Savings; Effect Of Ordinance. The prior actions of the City of Sanford in terms of the matters relating to the regulation of golf carts as well as any and all actions and activities of the City pertaining thereto or of an associated nature, are hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 5. Codification; Scrivener's Errors. (a). Sections 2 of this Ordinance shall be codified and all other sections shall not be codified. (b). The sections, divisions and provisions of this Ordinance may be renumbered or re -lettered as deemed appropriate by the Code codifier. (c). Typographical errors and other matters of a similar nature that do not affect the intent of this Ordinance, as determined by the City Clerk and City Attorney, may be corrected with the endorsement of the City Manager, or designee, without the need for a public hearing. Section 6. Conflicts. All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 7. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance, or application hereof, is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion or application shall be deemed a separate, distinct, 14 1 P ;a g e and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon enactment. Passed and adopted this 8th day of November, 2021. Attest., t1tj I An gs�2 9�fto" Traci Houchin, MMC, FCRM City Clerk Approved as to form and Legality: William L. Colbert, Esquire City Attorney City Commission Sanford, Florida, Florida- 0 �rl see of the City of Seminole County, 151 M.etroCount Traffic Executive Speed Statistics SpeedStat-115 •- English (ENU) Datasets• Site: Direction: Survey Duration: Zone: File: Identifier: Algorithm: Data type: Profile• Filter time: Included classes: Speed range: Direction: Separation: Name: Scheme: Units: In profile: [2445] Nb and SB Two ILane posted 26mph 5 - South bound A>13, North bound B>A. Lane: 2 16:37 Wednesday, October 21, 2020 => 10:01 Wednesday, November 18, 2020 S Mellonville Nov2020.EC2 (Plus) KM59YI48 MC56-1-5 [MC55] (c)Microcom 190ct04 Factory default (v3.21 - 15315) Axle sensors - Paired (Class/Speed/Count) 16:38 Wednesday, October 21, 2020 => 10:01 Wednesday, November 18, 2020 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 6 - 99 mph. North, East, South, West (bound) All - (Headway) Default Profile Vehicle classification (ARX) Non metric (ft, mi, ft/s, mph, lb, ton) Vehicles = 108033 / 120681 (89.52%) SpeedStat-I 16 Site: 2445.2.0SN Description: Nb and SB Two ll -ane posted 25mph Filter time: 16:38 Wednesday, October 21, 2020 => 10:01 Wednesday, November 18, 2020 Scheme: Vehicle classification (ARX) Filter: Cls(l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ) Dir(NESW) Sp(6,99) Headway(>O) Vehicles = 108033 Posted speed limit = 25 mph, Exceeding = 89491 (82.84%), Mean Exceeding = 42.52 mph Maximum = 99.4 mph, Minimum = 6.5 mph, Mean = 38.9 mph 85% Speed = 57.5 mph, 95% Speed = 85.5 mph, Median = 32.9 mph 10 mph Pace = 26 - 36, Number in Pace = 44390 (41.09%) Variance = 358.15, Standard Deviation = 18.92 mph Speed Bins (Partial days) Speed Bin Below Above Energy vMult VMUIt 0 - 5 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 108033 100.0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 - 10 86 0.1% 86 0.1% 107947 99.9% 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 - 15 501 0.5% 587 0.5% 107446 99.5% 0.00 j 0.00 0.00 15 - 20 3602 3.3% 4189 3.9% 103844 96.1% 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 - 25 14353 13.3% 18542 17.2% 89491 82.8% 0.00 0.00 0.00 25 - 30 21237 19.7% 39779 36.8% 68254 63.2% 0.00 0.00 0.00 30 - 35 22829 21.1% 62608 58.0% 45425 42.0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 35 - 40 15767 14.6% 78375 72.5% 29658 27.5% 0.00 0.00 0.00 40 - 45 7742 7.2% 86117 79.7% 21916 20.3% 0.00 0.00 0.00 45 - 50 3281 3.0% 89398 82.8% 18635 17.2% 0.00 0.00 0.00 50 - 55 1665 1.5% 91063 84.3% 16970 15.7% 0.00 0.00 0.00 55 - 60 1548 1.4% 92611 85.7% 15422 14.3% 0.00 0.00 0. 0C 60 - 65 1709 1.6% 94320 87.3% 13713 12.7% 0.00 0.00 O.00 65 - 70 1815 1.7% 96135 89.0% 11898 11.0% 0.00 0.00 O.00 70 - 75 2135 2.0% 98270 91.0% 9763 9.0% 0.00 0.00 O.00 75 - 80 2093 1.9% 100363 92.9% 7670 7.1% 0.00 0.00 O.00 80 - 85 1992 1.8% 102355 94.7% 5678 5.3% 0.00 0.00 0. 0C 85 - 90 2004 1.9% 104359 96.6% 3674 3.4% 0.00 0.00 0.00 90 - 95 1903 1.8% 106262 98.4% 1771 1.6% 0.00 0.00 O.00 95 - 100 1771 1.6% 108033 100.0% 0 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.0( Total Speed Rating = 0.00 Total Moving Energy (Estimated) = 0.00 Speed limit fields (Partial days) I Limit I Below I Above 0 1 25 (PSL) 18542 17.2% 1 89491 82.8% WeeklyVehicle-116 -- English (ENU) Datasets: Site: Direction: Survey Duration: Zone: File: Identifier: Algorithm: Data type: Profile: Filter time: Included classes: Speed range: Direction: Separation: Name: Scheme: Units: In profile: -- - 11MIN4 MOMA [2445] Nb and SE Two (Lane posted 25mph 5 - South bound A>B, North bound B>A. Lane: 2 16:37 Wednesday, October 21, 2020 => 10:01 Wednesday, November 18, 2020 S Mellonville Nov2020.EC2 (Plus) KM59Y148 MC56-1_5 [MC55] (c)Microcom 19Oct04 Factory default (v3.21 - 15315) Axle sensors - Paired (Class/Speed/Count) 16:38 Wednesday, October 21, 2020 => 10:01 Wednesday, November 18, 2020 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 6 - 99 mph. North, East, South, West (bound) All - (Headway) Default Profile Vehicle classification (ARX) Non metric (ft, mi, ft/s, mph, Ib, ton) Vehicles = 108033 / 120681 (89.52%) Site: 2445.2.OSW Description: Nb and SBTwo [Lane posted 25mph Filter time: 16:30Wednesday, October 21.2020=> 10:01 Wednesday, November 18, 2020 Scheme: Vehicle classification /ARX\ Mon roe vwaa nszu Fri Sat� Sun Averages 0000-0100 ^ + « O 38 60 62 i 19.0 40.0 0100-0200 ° ° ^ 8 16 34 39 | 8.0 23.3 0200-0300 ^ ^ ° 0 lO 24 29 | 5.0 15.8 0300-0400 ^ ° + O 22 29 26 11.0 19.3 0400-0500 ° ° ° U 29 lS 15 14.5 14.8 0500-0600 ° ° * O 77 37 25 38.5 33.3 0600-0700 ° ° ° 0 145 56 31 72.5 58.0 0700-0800 ° ° + V 276« 85 58 138-0< lO«.8 nnoo-oeuu ^ + + 0 268 171 97 134.0 134.0 0900-1000 ^ + ° O 203 208 174 101.5 146.3 zuVV-zzoV + + + O 248 275< 203<1 124.0 zaz.s« 1100-1200 ^ ^ + o^ 250 268 202 125.0 180.0 1200-1300 + ° ° V 262 345< 359 131.0 216.5 1300-1400 ° ° ° 174 388 232 276 | 231.0 242.5 1400-1500 ° ° ° 388 290 296 368 289.0 285.5 1500-1600 * ° + 375 364 284 254 369.5< s1g.o« 1e00-1700 * ° O 405 382 281 319v1 262.3 277'4 1700-1800 ° ° V 465< 413< 237 240 292.7 271.0 1800-1900 ° ° O 356 325 265 347 227.3 %38.8 1900-2000 * ° O 274 275 260 221 183.0 206.0 2000-2100 * ^ 0 214 188 192 I70 127.3 148.8 2100-2200 + ° O 138 145 145 I07 94.3 107.0 2200-2300 ° ° 0 144 153 I30 91 99.0 101.6 2300-2400 + ° 0 71 97 118 57 56.0 68.6 Totals 0700-1900 * * * 2063 3570 2947 2597 2425.3. 2597.5 0600-2200 * * * 2689 4303 3600 3126 2902.5 3117.3 0600-0000 * * * 2904 4553 3838 3274 3057.5 3287.5 0000-0000 * * * 2904 4745 4027 3470 3153.5 3431.7 AM Peak * * * 1100 0700 1000 1000 * * * 0 276 275 203 PM Peak * * * 1700 1700 1200 1600 * * * 465 413 345 319 I * - No data. Site: 2445.2.0SN Description: Nb and SB Two ll -ane posted 26mph Filter time: 16:38 Wednesday, October 21,2020=> 10:01Wednesday, November 18,2020 Scheme: Vehicle classification (ARX) . Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Averages 0000-0100 ]] 23 21 34 47 69 64 | 31.6 41.6 ozoo-000n 14 12 30 24 24 40 36 i 18.8 24.] 0200-0300 l] 9 15 15 lO 29 39 | 12'4 18.6 usVu-naon 18 8 I] l] 14 zG 33 13'2 17.9 0400-0500 25 20 23 14 33 16 35 23.0 33.3 osno-nsno 88 92 93 40 57 38 21 73'8 61.1 0600-0700 168 185 174 69 126 53 45 144.4 117.1 0700-0800 281< 292 286 164 258 103 42 356.3 203.6 oono-oeuo zsa onr^ sos< 162 277 168 85 260.8< %%z.4 0900-1000 222 226 272 127 239 232 89 217'2 201.0 1000-1100 205 240 299 168 238 313< 116 230.0 aos.o° 1100-1300 260 202 173 178^ 279^ 305 132^1 218.4 218.4 1200-1300 257 311 185 383 239 364 134 253'0 251.9 1300-1400 378 299 239 149 287 358 180 248'8 254.0 1400-1500 322 299 306 266 349 365 215 308.4 303.1 1500-1600 367 431 358 440 417 323 212 403.6 ]64.O 1600-1700 ssa 417 348 oaz 377 3e0^ 149 i 382'2 350.0 1700-1800 455x 524« 460^ 545^ 503^ 357 232x1 497.4< esg.4< 1800-1900 ]O] 378 328 465 364 356 159 367'5 ]36'I 1900-2000 260 266 295 419 294 317 155 306.8 286.6 2000-2100 206 309 243 245 245 248 112 229'5 2I5'4 2100-2200 I15 I81 125 154 177 192 69 150'4 144.7 2200-2300 81 Yl 120 143 150 143 73 II7.0 114.4 2300-2400 50 61 65 104 110 98 50 78'0 76.9 Totals 0700-1900 3531 3926 3559 3380 3817 3633 1745 3642.6 3370.1 0600-2200 4280 4767 4396 4267 4659 4443 2126 4473.8 4134.0 0600-0000 4411 4919 4581 4514 4919 4684 2249 4668.8 4325.3 0000-0000 4602 5083 4765 4654 5104 4902 2467 4841.6 4511.0 AM Peak 0700 0800 0800 1100 1100 1000 1100 281 307 305 178 279 313 132 PM Peak 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1600 1700 455 524 460 545 503 390 232 * - No data. Site: 2445.2.0SN Description: Nb and SBTwo ll -ane posted 25mnph Filter time: 16:38 Wednesday, October 21,2020=> 10:01 Wednesday, November 18.2020 Scheme: Vehicle classification (ARX) Non cue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Averages 0000-0100 26 46 52 59 81 94 49 52.8 58.1 0100-0300 16 23 30 52 40 46 26 32.2 3].3 0200-0300 3 22 16 23 15 42 26 15.8 21.0 0300-0400 o 12 13 1 14 25 34 8.4 I].V 0400-0500 19 16 19 16 33 25 26 20.6 22.0 0500-0600 14 30 24 27 33 33 16 23.6 23.9 0600-0700 26 76 41 45 89 30 19 55.4 46.6 0700-0800 79 161 91 184 196 47 29 126.2 101.0 nmou-oemo 195< 242 zoz 188 sss^ 129 27 228.0 185.1 0900-1000 182 osr° 208^ 277^ szy 209 sz 248.e° 214.7 1000-1100 191 327 156 163 263 256 75 200.0 190.1 1100-1200 186 197 145 240 288 or,< zno*| 21I.2 2os.e< 1200-1300 180 283 165 247 319 292 156 238.8 234.6 1300-1400 213 307 229 272 308 410^ 142 265.8 268.7 1400-1500 363 282 285 2I3 289 249 171 266.2 250.1 1500-1600 244 292 277 339 380 237 163 365-4 247'4 zeoo-r,00 ]sy 339 sse 284 348 188 184^1 ]]9'8 295.9 1700-1800 372^ 362 355 360 378 178 145 385.4 3O7'l 1800-1900 371 393^ 445° 406< 43*^ zss zas 410'8« nmm.s^ 1900-2000 315 386 386 348 348 146 125 336.6 z?9.I 2000-2100 237 209 203 319 288 88 108 | 225.2 187.7 8100-2200 198 161 207 205 253 103 135 | 203.8 179.6 2200-2300 95 93 I07 200 176 78 126 134.2 125.0 2300-2400 89 68 135 103 114 86 80 101.8 96.4 Totals 0700-1900 2845 3342 2897 2992 3760 2777 1414 3167.2 2861.0 0600-2200 3607 4074 3734 3809 4717 3144 1793 3988.2 3554.0 0600-0000 3791 4235 3976 4112 5007 3308 1999 4224.2 3775.4 0000-0000 3871 4384 4130 4290 5213 3573 2166 4377.6 3946.7 AM Peak 0800 0900 0900 0900 0800 1100 1100 195 257 208 277 333 417 108 PM Peak 1700 1800 1800 1800 1800 1300 1600 372 393 445 406 439 410 184 * - No data. Weekly Vehicle Counts Site: 2445.2.OSN Description: Nb and SB Two Lamm posted 25mph Filter time: 16:38 Wednesday, October 21,2020=> 10:01Wednesday, November 10,202Q Scheme: Vehicle classification A\RX\ uman rue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Averages 0000-0100 34 ]] Sl 51 65 74 67 46.8 S].6 ozon-Vomo 26 25 29 26 32 55 56 37.6 35.6 0240-0300 12 g 14 16 21 32 43 ! 14.4 19.6 0300-0400 18 lO 11 3 zl 24 38 10.6 16.4 0400-0500 34 ? 13 13 a? 28 18 16.8 18.6 0500-0600 25 23 21 27 30 23 14 25.2 %3.] 0600-0700 55 24 74 65 69 42 26 57'4 5o'7 0700-08$0 Oz 67 148 149 171 57 52 i 123.2 103.6 0800-0e00 147 I37 239 272 osr^ 109 75 218.4 IV2.] 0900-1000 210< 154^ arz^ 274^ zol uuz zns aao.n^ o13.7< 1000-1100 I19 86 201 217 341 215 183 172.8 l8U.] 1100-1200 I14 lI] 214 214 247 296« nVs^| 180'4 200.6 1200-1300 132 123 208 244 267 344 247 194.8 3O9.] 1300-1400 138 165 248 267 285 oon« ]Ol | 220'6 %4].4 1400-1500 134 184 237 229 258 255 249 208.4 220.9 1500-1680 178 322 280 295 336 289 260 | 283.2 280.0 1600-1700 189 350 JOl ]JS 377 264 325^1 308.4 ]O4.4 1700-1800 227 341 344< 326 347 371 218 317.0 296.3 1800-1900 264< 433^ auz agox 433^ 273 osz 367'4^ ss7'6^ 1900-2000 182 285 228 276 323 253 216 258.8 251.9 2000-2100 129 304 305 173 211 199 157 184.4 182.6 2100-3200 76 135 140 146 208 165 117 141.0 141.0 2200-2300 87 140 101 119 158 146 I16 12I.0 I3].9 2300-2400 60 78 82 87 125 126 63 | 86'4 88.7 Totals 0700-1900 1933 2475 3013 3197 3540 2774 2474 ( 2831.6 2772.3 0600-2200 2375 3123 3660 3857 4351 3433 2990 ( 3473.2 3398.4 0600-0000 2522 3341 3843 4063 4634 3705 3169 ( 3680.6 3611.0 0000-0000 2661 3448 3982 4199 4820 3931 3405 3822.0 3778.0 AM Peak 0900 0900 0900 0900 0800 1100 1100 210 154 271 274 297 296 206 PM Peak 1800 1800 1700 1800 1800 1300 1600 264 433 344 385 433 300 325 * - No data. Weekly Vehicle Counts Site: 24452lXSN Description: Nb and SBTwo ll -ane posted 26mmph Filter time: 16:38 Wednesday, October 21,2020=> 10:01 Wednesday, November 18,2W20 Scheme: Vehicle classification A\RX\ xm,u roe Wed nsou Fri Sat Sun Averages 0000-0100 35 58 O * ° * + � 31.0 ]l.O 0100-0200 20 33 O ^ ° + + � 17.3 l7.] 0200-0300 IS 14 O + ° + + � 10.0 10.0 0300-0400 I] 11 O ° ° ° + � 8.0 8.0 V«Vn-nmoV 15 18 O ° ^ ° ° � 11.0 11.0 0500-0600 27 24 O ° ° ° * | 17'0 17.0 0600-0700 84 85 O ° ^ ° ° � 56'3 56.3 0700-0800 193 176 O ° + � * � 123.0 I2].O oann-oguo 284 383 0 ^ ° ° ° � 189.0 189.0 oeoo-z000 297v aonx n ° ° ° ^ � 199.0 I99'U 1000-1100 211 243 8 + ° ° � � I5I.3 l5l.] 1100-1200 206 247 + ^ ° ° � � 326.5^ zoo'5< 1200-1300 339 220 ° ° ° ° * | 229'5 229.5 1300-1400 264 268 * * ° + + � 266'0 266.0 14$0-1500 262 266 + ° ° ° ° | 264.0 264.0 15$0-1600 284 285< * ~ + + + � 384.5< oo4's< 1600-1700 341 222 ° + ° + + � 281.5 %8l.5 1700-1800 35I O + * ° ^ ° � 175.5 175.5 1800-1900 473^ O * * * + + � 236.5 236.5 1900-2000 301 0 ° ^ + ° + � 150.5 150.5 2000-2100 200 U + * ° + + | I08.0 100.0 2100-2200 174 O + ° + ^ ° � 87.0 87.0 2200-2300 lJl O * ^ + ° ° � 60.5 60.5 2300-2400 74 0 ° ° + * + � 37.0 37.0 Totals 0700-1900 3405 2510 * * * * * 2626.3 2626.3 0600-2200 4164 2595 * * * * * 3020.2 3020.2 0600-0000 4359 2595 * * * * * 3117.7 3117.7 0000-0000 4485 2752 * * * * * ( 3212.0 3212.0 AM Peak 0900 0900 297 300 PM Peak 1800 1500 473 285 * - No data. 37.0 Totals 0700-1900 3405 2510 * * * * * 2626.3 2626.3 0500-2200 4164 2595 * * * * * 3020.2 3020.2 0600-0000 4359 2595 * * * * * 3117.7 3117.7 0000-0000 4485 2752 * * * * * 3212.0 3212.0 AM Peak 0900 0900 297 300 PM Peak 1800 1500 473 285 * * * * * I * - No data. ClassBin-117 -- English (ENU) Datasets: Site: Direction: Survey Duration: Zone: File: Identifier: Algorithm: Data type: Profile: Filter time: Included classes: Speed range: Direction: Separation: Name: Scheme: Units: In profile: Class Bin Chart [244.5] Nb and SB Two (Lane posted 25mph 5 - South bound A>B, North bound B>A. Lane: 2 16:37 Wednesday, October 21, 2020 => 10:01 Wednesday, November 18, 2020 S Mellonville NOv2020.EC2 (Pius) KM59Y148 MC56-1-5 [MC55] (c)Microcom 19Oct04 Factory default (v3.21 - 15315) Axle sensors - Paired (Class/Speed/Count) 16:38 Wednesday, October 21, 2020 => 10:01 Wednesday, November 18, 2020 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 6 - 99 mph. North, East, South, West (bound) All - (Headway) Default Profile Vehicle classification (ARX) Non metric (ft, mi, ft/s, mph, Ib, ton) Vehicles = 108033 / 120681 (89.52%) Class Bins Class 1 - 529 (0.49%) Class 2 - 75085 (69.50%) Class 3 - 170 (0.16%) Class 4 - 29943 (27.72%) Class 5 -1624 (1.50%) Class 6 - 56 (0.05%) Class 7 - 290 (0.27%) Class 8 - 287 (0.27%) Class 9 - 30 (0.03%) Class 10 - 18 (0.02%) Class 11 - 0 (0.00%) Class 12 - 1 (0.00%) rD 1:14 Ct CO -0 (13 0 fn CD rl A 1 S1. C, LN C=) crj rd C14 — r-, LLJ 0 cl C-, L7— rS7 CCI -r,3 Co Tj Ll is OD m 0 G) In = E 41 (A in LL " U) co C14 C,4 . -It t= , I I r-, 1 C,4 C-) C, 10 LP f) ;7,J co C14 CD . -It t= "--k I r.0 C14 C-) 40 f) ;7,J r, 0.0 ro I-ro 0,j e—I V7 co A, <n A CD "r) CN v) 0 Cl Chi ,x— CU m a) F, cO V- o rn E 4-3 co LL W- t I -- �� U) Ln as r"4 co fj) CD, U) � � „ v r� r r/i1✓ �l��rrlti/ri O •� i �l ' 1f �/ ��i j r�i j �/6y/r/��/r;�rf; r CS; CI) qJ Xr /f� %01 °rp rr%%f//rr�ir UY � 1 �l it ' r � ✓�' i�l � � � ii/// r//i/� 4/Ir%%ir//� co IN CS ci � }�� •�y i rr �i/ X / / Ci /11 / mz�<. /IRA � e .'+..�+ x. •� �iiaSG /i%1 /i/piei r // r � /i � r O + i I Jill U) d ° _....... tn ID 10 rXsF L' r CSI _ O r r f"- C5 E3" 2cr / C:3 U)�; ��i����l � rn I/i/al l"%��/ L. %i ri l (i7 ri ti.. SC cXG r U/' %' p i% pf / r � r sd. fR r 1r /%Ip r% r // i/1 / %f �i/ /f ;' �r%j%a/�/`l i� %'%//i/r/%�/i% Ui �- d ID ©a LO Q S*S l %?;. cG 5,.. +CD � U � ✓p� + CcLo as % Rif A// fi d D�� % r���/'r�✓ ! °�r�, %-' ,, ,.. � •_ L77 Lf �r�/✓��ri� �rrb �i��jj���/� �',"r: I/i/ /� �! 'w',�'; r ��. Ua ''- LO /iii /.� c� 0azWaR gr..'g ' Al.3W eg'�OV� 14 0 S N mWVMWS SA- �.M ..Ms 9 W Liaffll wlw AV *111A 0-7-13 7 CC JA� AVSOVj"," AVSOIUV, rip , pp Avg AV R31 AVAVO AVM(JIPM AVMOTM vs _j ui rz �f AVICn= e. nva Am3W' LIJ WAO" AYAM.2 A uj AV Wn "CSMdA I 111, On' f i Ul GHOHNVS ougmw "'aw AV ailm ov" pG mm, A.OWIM� AVWZ� 0q• Ov t4 CQ* IL OUPSE AV 3HAVI AV HON3M:l AV AnaW *.a AV WM. iR I Od AV I"n ISI.9.W.)ON W >00� w7v .wnlg wlLm- 0 'o.im AV— SAtM to > IMAM% 1 es mwwVAm AV U10-3'KI r CV phw'F3 OID S .1 ­tV-1 AV Al mm, .2t AV NOWWISHU I' � o f �! t =O .5 - -6 - �; - -. 't � t 0'- > 2 O=E0 'm !� z '0 0 0 0 :R 15 -0 0 co 2. 0 0 ro 2 r. u c lo' 72 Zo v -8 --m00 v a• ro 105 0 "o r c I 0. o2'PEt-'2w-� m E lo� wm 0 < 0 -0 S. r_ c 0'_ gym, Q m '.o .2 moo -0 w 0 cO m'5 75 tN CL 'o E Eccm lOn c u E.2 o o MC7 < < 2 'T E.6 -6". -6 2 2@o ox.�O. is- m , . U-0 Q 0 u of' v - a l7 u of AHVW 3?v-1 010 c 0 or- 'a -0 4) 4) o 2 - 0 - L N w (a C o. 0- 0-a r 0 Lu _j o f �! t =O .5 - -6 - �; - -. 't � t 0'- > 2 O=E0 'm !� z '0 0 0 0 :R 15 -0 0 co 2. 0 0 ro 2 r. u c lo' 72 Zo v -8 --m00 v a• ro 105 0 "o r c I 0. o2'PEt-'2w-� m E lo� wm 0 < 0 -0 S. r_ c 0'_ gym, Q m '.o .2 moo -0 w 0 cO m'5 75 tN CL 'o E Eccm lOn c u E.2 o o MC7 < < 2 'T E.6 -6". -6 2 2@o ox.�O. is- m , . U-0 Q 0 u of' v - a l7 u of AHVW 3?v-1 010 o��,��FORp yrCG • v WS _X_ RM X Item No. CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM 21.237 NOVEMBER 8, 2021 AGENDA TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission PREPARED BY: Police Chief Cecil E. Smith and Michael Cash, Michael Cash, CFM, Public Works Engineer SUBMITTED BY: Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr., ICMA-CM, City Manager SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 4633; Golf Carts; Amending City Code STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: ❑ Unify Downtown & the Waterfront ❑ Promote the City's Distinct Culture ❑ Update Regulatory Framework ❑ Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities SYNOPSIS: Adoption of Ordinance No. 4633, amending the City Code relative to the use of golf carts within the City is proposed. FISCAL/STAFFING STATEMENT: There are no substantial fiscal or staffing issues impacted by the approval of the proposed ordinance. BACKGROUND: Ordinance No. 4285, as amended by Ordinance No. 4489, is codified in Article IV, Chapter 94 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford (City Code) and the provisions thereof relate to the lawful operation of golf carts within the City with regard to specified areas of the City, subject to certain provisions and conditions. The provisions of the City Code and the map providing for areas within which golf cart usage is permitted have proven to be inadequate under a contemporary analysis of the legislatively enacted provisions. The revised map indicating areas and roadways for the lawful use of golf carts within the City and implements the direction given to City staff by the City Commission to address land locked areas and areas located east of Mellonville Avenue. Ordinance No. 4633 provides for areas in which golf cart usage is permitted, and the roadways on which golf cart usage is allowed to be depicted in a map (which is an attachment to this memorandum) which map may be modified by adoption of a resolution by the City Commission. The provisions of Ordinance No. 4633 also simplify and clarify which intersections golf carts may lawfully use within the City Limits of the City. Further, Ordinance No. 4633 clarifies that the owner of a golf cart is responsible and liable for payment of any fine unless the owner furnishes clear and convincing evidence that the golf cart was, at the time of the violation, in the care, custody or control of another person. In such instances, the owner of the golf cart is required to, within a reasonable period of time, furnish the City with an affidavit setting forth the name, address and driver's license number of the person who leased, rented or otherwise had the care, custody or control of the golf cart. The affidavit submitted shall be admissible in a proceeding charging a violation and raises the rebuttable presumption that the person identified in the affidavit is responsible for payment of the fine. The owner of the golf cart is not responsible for a violation if the golf cart involved was, at the time of the violation, stolen, but in all other cases a rebuttable presumption shall exist that the owner is the violator and owes the fine to the City. The Public Works Department certifies that all required studies have occurred as to the areas within, and roadways upon, that golf carts may safely be used within the City Limits of the City. LF -GAL RF-viF-w: The City Attorney who has assisted in the development of the subject proposed Ordinance No. 4633 and this agenda memorandum. The City Commission approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 4633 on October 11, 2021. The City Clerk published notice of the 2nd Public Hearing in the Sanford Herald on October 17, 2021. On October 25, 2021, the City Commission continued the 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 4633 to November 8, 2021. RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends that the City Commission adopt Ordinance No. 4633. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4633." Attachments: (1). Ordinance No. 4633. (2). Amended Golf Cart Map. (3). Engineering study relating to Georgetown area.