HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-25-2021 WS Minutes6 (Zrn CITY COMMISSION MINUTES 1. S . cO�06'24 OCTOBER 25, 2021 WORK SESSION The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, October 25, 2021, at 4:00 PM, in the City Commission Chambers, I" Floor, City Hall, and 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Art Woodruff Vice Mayor Kerry S. Wiggins, Sr. Commissioner Sheena R. Britton Commissioner Patrick Austin Commissioner Patty Mahany (Arrived 4:24 PM) City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. Assistant City Attorney Lonnie Groot City Clerk Traci Houchin Deputy City Clerk Cathy LoTempio Mayor Woodruff called the meeting to order at 4:08 PM 1. Presentation: Stonnwater and Utility Updates by Bilal Iftikhar, Director of Public Works and Utilities. Mr. Iftikhar presented a power point presentation on the City's underground infrastructure. He said that when the City installed the underground pipes, the water and sewer lines were combined. In 1990 these lines were separated. Mr. Iftikhar said that the City has completed several major stormwater projects since 2004. The projects include; First Street Streetscape in 2004, Second Street Interceptor in 2004, Cloud Branch Drainage Improvements from 2005-2018, Pump Branch Drainage Improvements in 2012, Sanford Avenue Streetscape in 2015, Persimmon Avenue Road and Drainage in 2016, Historic Goldsboro Boulevard in 2018, Oak Avenue Streetscape in 2019, Hidden Lake Sidewalk, Roadway and Drainage in 2020, and Park Avenue Stormwater Education Park in 2021. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 25, 2021 WORK SESSION Mr. Iftikhar said that the City currently has several ongoing projects that include; Riverwalk Phase III, Roadway and Drainage Improvements; Chase Avenue and Marshall Avenue Drainage Improvements, Myrtle Avenue Streetscape and Drainage Improvements; Elm Avenue Drainage and Sidewalk Improvements; and the US Army Corp of Engineering study of the Hidden Lake and Lake Minnie Basin. Commissioner Britton asked if the City is preparing any precautionary measures for future rain events. Mr. Iftikhar said yes, they are going to be utilizing funds from the American Rescue Funds for additional pipe lining throughout the City. Mr. Iftikhar thanked his amazing staff for all the hard work that they do. He specifically thanked Russ Sheibenberger, Public Works Senior Superintendent, Cedric - Coleman, Utilities -Systems -Maintenance Supervisor and Richie Cassella, Utilities Plants Manager. Mr. Iftikhar provided a quick overview of the sanitary sewer system. He said the vacuum sewer system can be installed in very shallow areas. The majority of them are installed in the City's alleyways. Mr. Iftikhar then introduced Mr. Coleman and asked him to explain the system in more detail. Mr. Coleman said there about 500 vacuum sewer systems in the City. Each system costs about $1,400 and there are six employees that handle pipe lining for the entire City. Mr. Coleman said moving forward, the plan includes; smoke testing to locate illicit connections, evaluation of the lift station run times, video inspection of existing pipe, and continue the pipe rehab citywide. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 259 2021 WORK SESSION 2. Discussion re: 2022 City Commission Regular Meeting Schedule by Traci Houchin, City Clerk. [Commission Memo 21-232] Ms. Houchin provided the Commission with a list of dates for Calendar Year 2022 for the upcoming City Commission meetings. After a brief discussion the Commission agreed on the dates. Ms. Houchin will prepare an agenda memo and resolution for approval at the November meeting. 3. Community Development Block Grant, Quarterly Report by Andrew Thomas, Community and Neighborhood Engagement Director. Mr. Bonaparte said Mr. Thomas is out sick and will provide his report at the November 8, 2021 Work Session. -4. Discussion re: Cottage Homes Update by Tony Raimondo, Development Services -- - - Director. Mr. Raimondo handed out information regarding the Cottage Homes. He said that this is a program that got set aside. He said since this program was put together, several of the Codes have changed and will need to be updated. The architect that put the program and plans together, Jerry Mills, is willing to update the plans at a cost of $2,500. Mr. Raimondo said that he believes that this is a good program and recommends that they move forward with the updated plans. Mr. Bonaparte suggested the Commission approve the $2,500 for Mr. Mills to update the packet with the current codes. After some brief discussion, the Commission agreed to approve the $2,500 to update the information. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 259 2021 WORK SESSION Commissioner Austin asked Mr. Raimondo to put together step by step instructions on how to use this program. Once that is in place, he would like to see staff inform the residents of this option. 5. Discussion re: Allocation of American Rescue Funds Mr. Bonaparte said Public Works and Utilities have submitted projects for the allocation of the American Rescue Funds. Mayor Woodruff asked if the pipe lining upgrades are additional to what is done annually. Mr. Iftikhar said they are additional but will make the flow faster. He said the pipe lining and smoke testing would be expedited quickly. Commission Britton asked how pipe lining is COVID related. She said she thought the funds were supposed to be used for COVID related items. Cindy Lindsay, Finance Director, said it is not COVID related, however, the plan lists infrastructure as one of the projects that the funds can be used for. Commissioner Austin asked if healthcare costs can be reimbursed. Ms. Lindsay said they can only be reimbursed from March 1, 2020. Commissioner Austin said the City needs to find a way to compensate the employees and provide them with a bonus. Commissioner Britton and Commissioner Mahany were not in favor of using funds for a joint project (incubator) in which the City would give funds to Seminole State. Mayor Woodruff said the City would be contributing to the small businesses. Economic Development Director, Tom Tomerlin, said he will discuss options with CITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 259 2021 WORK SESSION Seminole County and the surrounding cities. Commissioner Austin said there is a great office at the incubator, however, the office is located in the Port of Sanford which is not located in the City. 6. Regular Meeting Items — additional information ■ Ordinance No. 4633, City Code pertaining to Golf Carts. Mr. Iftikhar said the City has installed wooden bollards along the path so that the golf carts cannot drive through the playground. Staff is also in the process of creating a dedicated path near Willow Avenue and Yale Drive that includes signage. Commissioner Mahany asked what the Police Chief thinks about these changes and Chief Smith said it is safe to cross over Mellonville if you do it in a safe - - manner. Commissioner Mahany asked if the Ordinancecanbe revised to state that the - golf cart area will no longer be extended. After a lengthy discussion, the Commission agreed to continue this item. 7. Briefing Items 8. City Manager Comments Mr. Bonaparte said the Commission received a hand out at their seats this evening. This is a draft Ordinance to rename Academy Manor Park to Academy Manor Park in Honor of Mother Ruby Wilson. Lisa Jones, Parks and Recreation Director said in 1985 the City Commission approved the remaining of Academy Manor Park and no action was taken. It has been brought to her attention that the City needs to formerly rename the park in honor of Ms. Wilson or a singular name. After a brief discussion, Ms. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 25, 2021 WORK SESSION Jones said that she will prepare an agenda memo and a resolution for the November meeting. Mr. Bonaparte said the City has received information from the County today pertaining to the Census. The Commission will need to determine if they would like to establish a Redistricting Committee as well as two new districts. If so, this must be completed within 130 days. Assistant City Attorney, Lonnie Groot, said this is something the Commission has to act on as soon as possible. After brief discussions, the Commission agreed not to form a committee and favored keeping four districts. The Commission would like to have an update at the December work session and asked that Mike Jones, GIS Technician, attend the meeting with his input. Mayor Woodruff said it is that time of year again and the City Manager's evaluation is due. He said he would like everyone to have the evaluation completed by the next meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjpqrned q6:23 PM. r Art oodruff Attest: ° t��' a N�� A City Clerk (CL)