HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-10-2022 WS MinutesCITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 109 2022 WORK SESSION The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, January 10, 2022, at 4:00 PM, in the City Commission Chambers, 1 St Floor, City Hall, and 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Art Woodruff Vice Mayor Kerry S. Wiggins, Sr. Commissioner Sheena R. Britton Commissioner Patrick Austin Commissioner Patty Mahany (Arrived 5:13 PM) City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. Assistant City Attorney Lonnie Groot City Clerk Traci Houchin Deputy City Clerk Cathy LoTempio Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert Mayor Woodruff called the meeting to order at 4:07 PM Mayor Woodruff said Commissioner Mahany should be arriving around 5:OOPM. 1. Presentation by Seminole High School Students for Environmental Science Civics Lesson. Kris Cole from Seminole High School invited several of his students to provide an environmental science lesson. Four students explained why they feel it is important for the State of Florida to name the Florida Scrub Jay as the State Bird. The students informed the Commission that Florida is one of the few states that does not have a state bird. The Scrub Jay also provides many benefits to the Ecosystem. The students said that they have taken Senator Jason Broader on a hike to see the Scrub Jay and its habitat and that they have spoken with Representative David Smith, Florida Fish and CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 109 2022 WORK SESSION Wildlife, Seminole County Soil Conservation and other Public Officials on this endeavor. The students asked the Mayor and Commissioners for their support, by providing a letter of support to the legislature. The Commission thanked the students for a great presentation and agreed to provide a Resolution that will support the Florida Scrub Jay as well as the students. Before the next presentation Mayor Woodruff called upon Tony Raimondo, Director of Development Services to introduce his recently hired employees. Each division of Development Services introduced new staff as well as staff that was promoted. 2. Presentation on Banner Proposal by Joe Dalton of Pacrim Holdings LLC. Mr. Bonaparte introduced Joe Dalton and Aaron Price from Pacrim Holdings LLC (PRP). Mr. Dalton provided a power point presentation on how the City would benefit on events and promoting downtown by instituting a banner program. PRP will be willing to pay the City $20K a year for three years. There are a total of 267 light poles on the Riverwalk and the City would be responsible for providing the banners. The City would be able to advertise on every fourth pole. The other three poles would be leased to clients that PRP oversees. Mr. Dalton said the plan would be to utilize City employees to assist with the installation of the banners. If the City does not wish to do so, this would be outsourced. Mr. Price provided a sample banner demonstrating the thickness and the double sided artwork. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2022 WORK SESSION Lonnie Groot, Assistant City Attorney advised the Commission that this type of service would have to go out for bid. Mr. Dalton explained that no local or national `for profit' business can advertise, all advertising would be limited to events and tourism within Central Florida, and final artwork must be approved by the City within five business days of submittal. Mayor Woodruff asked if this is being done in other cities and how is this different than the banner vendors the City has contracts with in previous years that have not gone well. Mr. Dalton said other cities are doing this, but not with his company. Mr. Bonaparte asked Mr. Groot if the City would have to have a legal agreement with PRP. Mr. Groot said yes. Mr. Bonaparte asked Mr. Dalton to provide the City with a contract for review, along with a list of other cities that utilize this type of service. 3. Regular Meeting Items — additional information A. Modification to Catalyst Site Development Agreement [Commission Memo 22-003] (RM 7.13) Mr. Bonaparte said the representatives for Sanford Waterfront Partners are present and willing to provide an update on Heritage Park. However, earlier this afternoon, the Assistant City Attorney advised against allowing them to speak. Mr. Groot said that this is a public hearing item and that the public hearing has not begun. It was advertised for 7 PM this evening. The Commission agreed to wait until tonight's meeting. This is an action item on tonight's agenda. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 109 2022 WORK SESSION B. Second reading of Ordinance No. 4658, redistricting of City Commission Districts. [Commission Memo 22-014] Dan Ping, Vice Chairman, Sanford Redistricting Committee (Committee), said the Committee met and did not like Plan 1 or Plan 2 and came up with Plan 1-A, keeping the districts together as best as they could with the time that they were given to work on it. Overall, the Committee would like to see the City move forward with six districts. Mr. Ping expressed his disappointment with the Commission not assigning a committee in October when the City received the data. Mayor Woodruff said he did not see how the City would be able to go to six districts so close to the elections this year. Mr. Groot said going to six districts at this election is virtually impossible. Commissioner Britton expressed she is not in favor of Plan 1-A. Commissioner Wiggins said that he would support Plan 1-A and move forward with six districts prior to the next election. Commissioner Austin said if they were to approve Plan 1-A tonight, could they recommend looking into adding two additional districts in two years on an off election year. Mr. Groot said that is what the committee recommends. Commissioner Austin said the numbers do not match on the plans, there are no Hispanic numbers. Mr. Groot said Hispanic is not considered a race. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2022 WORK SESSION Commissioner Britton said she is not in favor of Plan 1-A because it removes Washington Oaks, which is a predominantly black neighborhood out of District 1 ensuring there will not be a minority Commissioner in District 1. This will be an action item on tonight's agenda. 4. Discussion on Special Events Mayor Woodruff said having an open discussion with the public is not something the Commission normally has at a Work Session. He was clear in saying that there is no one on the Commission that is trying to eliminate special events. He opened the floor to the public to approach the podium for discussions on special events. Commissioner Britton reminded everyone that the Mayor and the Commissioners are governed by the Sunshine Law and are not able to have open discussions with each other outside of the Chambers. She is not allowed to pick up the phone and call the Mayor or another Commissioner to discuss anything. If a member of the Commission pulls an item off the agenda for further discussion it is not because the Commission does not want to approve the item it is only because the Commission is not able to discuss it outside the meeting. Several business owners and residents expressed gratitude for special events, provided suggestions on improvements, perhaps assigning a committee of stake holders to participate in the special event approval process and recommendations. There were discussions of parking, trash removal, reducing multiple events on the same day, policing, and noise. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 10, 2022 WORK SESSION Overall there was positive feedback and the willingness of the businesses and the City to work together. Commissioner Mahany said the special events are incredible, she is a lifetime Sanford resident and special events are critical to downtown. There are only a few businesses that are not following the rules and the City will continue to work with Police Chief Smith. Mayor Woodruff summarized the topics that he heard need to be addressed; enforce the rules, address the noise ordinance, determine how many street closures are too much, parking, clean-up event footprint and overflowing trash, and events taking a toll on staff. Commissioner Austin asked Chief Smith to provide the total number of complaints and who they are coming from. 5. Briefing Items Mr. Bonaparte told the Commission that he asked Andrew Thomas to provide an update on the Henderson Property at tonight's meeting. 6. City Manager Comments Mayor Woodruff asked the Commissioners to think about what boards that they would like to give up. He also reminded the Commission that they need to appoint someone to the Historic Preservation Board, he recommended Sarah Clore. And, lastly, The Boy Scouts will be leading the Pledge of Allegiance at tonight's meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:09 PM. Attest: CITY COMMISSION MINUTES ZST.1T,,;0 JANUARY 109 2022 WORK SESSION