HomeMy WebLinkAbout3158 ORDINANCE NO. 3158 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD ESTABLISHING A "WATERFRONT MASTER PLAN STEERING COM~4ITTEE", RECITING THE PURPOSE OF THE COMMITTEE, PROVIDING FOR THE COMPOSITION OF THE COMMITTEE, PROVIDING FOR PROCEDURES FOR APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS, PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida has determined that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City and the residents of Seminole County to enhance the Lake Monroe waterfront through the involvement of all interested persons and organizations; and WHEREAS, The City Commission has determined the formalization of the "Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee" represents the best way to insure continuance and coordination of all planning and development issues related to the Lake Monroe waterfront; and WHEREAS, the "waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee" must represent the many public and private interests that play a role in the development of land adjacent to Lake Monroe as well as in the protection of the environmental resources of both the land and water. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: AUTHORITY FOR THIS ORDINANCE: This Ordinance is adopted pursuant to Chapter 166, Florida Statutes, and other applicable provisions Of law. SECTION 2: WATERFRONT MASTER PLAN STEERING COMMITTEE: There is hereby created a "Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee" in the City of Sanford which shall consist of not more than twenty (20) members who shall be appointed by the City Commission. SECTION 3: COMPOSITION OF THE COMMITTEE: The City Commission shall select members of the Committee from the following organizations and professions: A. Mayor or Member of the Sanford City Commission as a ex-officio member. B. Seminole County Commission: Preferably the District 5 Commissioner plus one planning staff member as ex-officio members. C. Greater Sanford Chamber of Commerce. D. Downtown Cultural Organizations such as the St. Lucia Festival. E. Seminole Tourist Development Council. F. Sanford Scenic Improvement Board. G. Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission. H. Marina Isle Businesses. I. Downtown Merchants such as the Sanford Historic Downtown Waterfront Association. J. Sanford Mainstreet. K. Lakefront Property Owners such as Central Florida Regional Hospital and Apartment Complexes. L. Central Florida Zoological Society. M. U.S. Highway 17 & 92 Redevelopment Committee/Seminole County Chamber Of Commerce. N. Sanford Historic Preservation Board O. Sanford Historic Trust P. Persons with Design Background such as Architecture or Landscape Architecture Q. Environmental Organizations such as the Friends of the St. Johns River. R. Other Businesses, Individuals and Organizations as deemed appropriate. S. Ex-officio Members such as the Sanford City Manager and Sanford Director of Planning and Development. SECTION 4: TERMS OF OFFICE: Members of the Committee shall serve terms of two (2) years. Members shall serve until expiration of their term or until their successors are duly chosen and qualified, or until death, resignation, or removal. Members may be reappointed to succeed themselves. If a member representing a designated organization or profession ceases to be a member of that organization or if a vacancy occurs for some other reason, a new appointment shall be made by the City Commission for the unexpired term. Initial terms shall be staggered in one-year and two-year terms. SECTION 5: COMPENSATION: Members shall serve without pay. SECTION 6: ORGANIZATION, OFFICERS, RULES, MEETINGS: A. At their first meeting, the appointed Committee members shall elect officers including a Chairman, vice chairman and secretary who shall serve for terms of one (1) year and may be re-elected. B. The Committee may establish any rules necessary for the orderly conduct of its business. C. All meetings of the Committee shall be open to the public. D. All documents or records that the Committee develops shall be open to public view, including resolutions~ proceedings, and actions. E. Removal may be recommended at any time by an affirmative vote of the Committee or by the City Commission, provided notice of intention to remove is included as an agenda item of said meeting notice. F. Absenteeism. A member who shall miss three (3) consecutive meetings without reasonable justification shall be dropped from the Committee. The Committee shall determine what is reasonable justification. SECTION 7: AUTHORITY OF THE COMMITTEE: The Committee shall consider, recommend, initiate and review programs and projects related to the Lake Monroe Waterfront. The Committee shall serve in a coordinating capacity and as a forum towards developing and enhancing the Lake Monroe Waterfront in a manner that, to the extent practicable, considers the entire community and its residents. While the Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee shall not have the authority to approve or deny specific development projects or otherwise issue permits or development orders, the Committee shall have the authority to review designs, recommend projects, consider cost estimates and generally develop, coordinate and oversee strategies and programs related to enhancement of the Lake Monroe Waterfront in Sanford and Seminole County. The Committee shall encourage and recommend public/private partnerships and projects in meeting the community's goals and objectives. While the Committee will be advisory in nature, the City Commission recognizes the importance of the Committee's broad representation and recommendations regarding the future of one of the community's most important assets and resources, the Lake Monroe Waterfront. SECTION 8: That this ordinance establishing the Lake Monroe Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. MAYOR ~/~ ~ ° ~ O IN NCE NO. J / S' AN ORDINANCE OF ~ CrrY OF SANI~ORD BSTABLBHIN~ A "W'ATEtLM{ONT MASTER PLAN STEERING COMMITTEE", RECITING TI-tB PURPOSE OF TIE COMMITTEE, PROVIDING POR THE COMPOSITION OF THE COMMITTEE, PROVIDING FOR PROCEDURES FOR APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS, PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The City Commlssion of the City of Sanford, Florida has determined that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City and the residents of Sem!nole County to enhance the L~ke Monroe waterfront through the involvement of all interested persons and organizations; ~nd WI-IEREAS, The City Commission has determined the formalizatlon of the "V,/'aterfront Master Plan Steering Committee" represents the best way to insure continuance and coordinatlon of all planning and development issues related to the Lake Monroe waterfront; and WHEKEAS, the "~X/'aterfront Master Plan Steering Committee" must represent the many public and prlvate interests that play a role in the development of land adjacent to Lake Monroe as well as in the protection of the envlronmentM resources of both the land and water. NOV, r, THEREPORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OP SANPORD, PLORIDA: SECTION 1: AUTHORITY FOR TI-iB ORDINANCE: Thls Ordinance is adopted pursuant to Chapter 166, Florida Statutes, and other applicable provisions of law. SECTION 2: WATEII.~KONT MASTER PLAN STEEKING COMMITTEE: There is hereby created a "Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee" in the City of Sanford which shall consist of not more than twenty (20) members who shall be appointed by the City Commission. SECTION 3: COMPOSrrION OF THE COMMITTEE: The City Commission shall select members of the Committee from the following organizations and professions: A. Mayor or Member of the Sanford City commission. B. Seminole County Commission: Prefenbly the Distrlct 5 Commissioner plus one planning staff member. ' · C. Gre~ter Sanford Chamber of Commerce. D. Downtown Cultural Organizations such as the St. Luda Festival. E. Semlnole Tourist Development Council. F. Sanford Scenic Improvement Board. G. Sanford Planning and Zoning Commlsslon. H. Marina Ifle Businesses. I. Downtown Merchants such as the Sanford Historic Downtown Wat~er{ront Association. J. Sanford Mainstreet. K. Lakefront Property Owners such as Central Florida Regional Hospital and Apartment Complexes. L. Central Florida ZoologicalSodety.. M. U.S. Highway 17 &: 92 Redevelopment Committee/Seminole County Chamber of Commerce. N. Sanford Historic Preservation Board O. Sanford Historic Trust P. Persons ~rlth Design Background such as Architecture or Landscape Architecture Q. Environmental Organizations such as the Friends of the St. Johns River. R. Other Businesses, Individuals and Organizations as deemed appropriate. S. Ex-officio Members such as the Sanford City Manager and Sanford Director of Planning and Development. years. Members shall serve .~-~1 expiration of thei~ term or until their~-~,'cessors are duly chosen and qualified, or until death, resignation, or removal. Members may be reappointed to succeed themselves. If a member representing a designated organization or profession ceases to be a member of that organization or if a vacancy' occurs for some other reason, a new appointment shall be made by the City Commission for the unexpired term. Initial terms shall be staggered in one-year and two-year terms. SECTION 5: COMPENSATION: Members shall serve without pay. SECTION 6: ORGANIZATION, OFFICERS, RULES, MEETINGS: A. At their first meeting, the appointed Committee members shall elect officers including a chairman, vice chairman and secretary who shall serve for terms of one (1) year and may be re-elected. B. The Committee may establish any rules necessary for the orderly conduct of its business. C. All meetings of the Committee shall be open to the public. D. All documents or records that the Committee develops shall be open to public view, including resolutions, proceedings, and actions. E. Removal may be recommended at any time by an affirmative vote of the Committee or by the City Commission, provided notice of intention to remove is included as an agenda item of said meeting notice. F. Absenteeism. A member who shall miss three (3) consecutive meetings without reasonable justification shall be dropped from the Committee. The Committee shall d~termine what is reasonable justification. SECTiON 7: AUTHORITY OF THE COMMITTEE: The Committee shall consider, recommend, initiate and review programs and projects related to the Lake Monroe Waterfront. The Committee shall serve in a coordinating capacity and as a forum towards developing and enhancing the Lake Monroe Wate~ront in a manner that, to the extent practicable, considers the entire community and its residents. While the Wateffrom Master Plan Steering Committee shall not have the authority to approve or deny specific development projects or otherwise issue permits or development orders, the Committee shall have the authority to review designs, recommend project. s, consider cost estimates and generally develop, coordinate and o~'e~see strategies and programs ,related to enhancement of the Lake Monroe Waterfront in Sanford and Semin61e County. The Committee shall encourage and recommend public/private partnerships and projects in meeting the community's goals and objectives. While the Committee will be advisory' in nature, the City Commission recognizes the importance of the Committee's broad representation and recommendations regarding the future of one of the community's most important assets and resources, the Lake Monroe Waterfront. SECTION 8: That this ordinance establishing the Lake Monroe Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. ATTEST: CERTIFICATE I, Janet R. Donahoe, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the attached Ordinance No. 3158, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 28th day of June, 1993, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 29th day of June, 1993. '~ty~of Sanford, Florida