HomeMy WebLinkAbout3166 Ordinance No. 3166 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1990, SAID ORDINANCE BEING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF SAID CITY SAID AMENDMENT MAKING MAJOR REVISIONS TO MINING REQUIREMENTS IN SCHEDULE B - PERMITTED USES; SCHEDULE E - ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIFIC USES; AND, MODIFICATIONS TO WELLFIELD PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS IN SCHEDULE M - ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE LANDS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: Ordinance No. 1990, said Ordinance being the Land Development Regulations of the City, Schedule B - Permitted Uses - Agricultural Section is amended to read as follows: SCHEDULE B PERMITTED USES LAND USE SR- SR- SR S MR MR MR RM RC GC SC RI MI- A P CATEGORY 1AA 1A -1 R- -1 -2 -3 OI -1 -2 -3 -1 2 G D 2 ]AGRIcuLtuRAL I II I ANIMAL C ~ * RAISING AGRICULTURAL C C C * PROCESSING ESTABLISH- MENT "C" indicates that the use listed is permitted within the corresponding zoning district only after being approved a conditional use. (See Section 3.7, Conditional Uses). "*" indicates that the use listed is permitted subject to complying with Planned Development Project Regulations. (Schedule D, Planned Development Project Regulations). SECTION2: Ordinance No. 1990, said Ordinance being the Land Development Regulations of the City, Sdhedule E - Additional requirements for specific uses is amended to read as follows: SCHEDULE E ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIFIC USES SECTION 11.0 MINING AND EXCAVATION All mining and resource extraction such as but not limited to sand and peat excavation shall be conducted according to an excavation and reclamation plan approved by the City Commission pursuant to procedures for PD, Planned Development rezonings. Because of the high potential for surface and groundwater contamination associated with mining and extraction activities, a horizontal impervious layer (:possibly including a portion of the extracted resource) shall, if feasible, be left undisturbed and unpenetrated beneath all excavated areas, The amount and location of the impervious layer to remain intact, if any, will be determined by soil surveys prior to excavation. The mining operator or owner shall submit to the Administrative Official said excavation and reclamation plan as part of the Planned Development Project Master Plan which shall include but not be limited to the following information: A. Quantity of material to be mined or extracted. B. Scaled plans and drawings that indicate area and dimensions of proposed mining. C. Timeframe, dates and phasing of each increment of mining or extraction activity. D. Soil survey prepared by a geotechnical engineer registered in the State of Florida depicting the feasibility of retaining an impervious layer of material and amount and location of such impervious layer. E. Restoration and reclamation plan including scaled drawings and plans that indicate restored elevations, restoration materials, landscape, revegetation, structures and uses after mining or each phase or increment thereof has been completed. F. Setbacks, buffers, fencing, landscaping and other methods of protecting adjacent land from adverse impact of proposed mining activities. G. Hydrologic survey prepared by hydrology engineer registered in the State of Florida depicting the ground water conditions and impact of the mining and excavation activity on same. Section 11.1 Mining Criteria All mining shall comply with the following criteria and standards: A. Setbacks to the edge of the excavation shall be a minimum of one hundred (100) feet from the right-of-way line of any public road and from all property lines provided however that the setback shall be 200 feet from land zoned residential and/or existing residential land uses located off the site. In addition, setbacks to the edge of the excavation shall be a minimum of three hundred (300) feet from wetlands or natural surface waters, two hundred and fifty (250) feet from private wells and five hundred (500) feet from public potable water wells. B. No stockpiling of earth from any mining or excavating operations may be within the setback areas. Setback areas shall remain undisturbed during the borrow operation except for access roads as shown on the approved plans. C. PropertycornersshallbesetwithPermanentReferenceMonuments(P.R.M.s) at the property corners. Buffer areas shall be flagged prior to start of work. D. The entire perimeter of the site shall be enclosed with at least four (4) feet high hog wire fence plus two (2)) strands of barbed wire reaching a total height of at least six (6) feet, or equivalent fence, prior to the start of operation. An access gate which shall be locked and secured when the borrow pit is not in operation and provides a minimum opening width of twenty (20) feet shall be installed. E. Warning signs a minimum size of thirty-two (32) square feet shall be located prominently at the perimeter of the site on each side of the property not more than five hundred (500) feet apart and at the entrance. The sign shall have "2'- Ordinance No. 3166 a white background with twelve (12) inch high red letters stating "Posted, No Trespassing, Construction Site. n The sign at the entrance shall also contain the Owner or Operator's emergency daytime and nighttime phone numbers for the Fire and Police Departments' use in the event of emergencies. Vehicular control signs shall include a thirty (30) inch hi-intensity "Stop" sign at the exit and a forty-eight (48) inch "Trucks Entering and Leaving Highway" in each direction from entrance shall be posted. Signs shall conform to M.U.T.C.D. Standards. F. Side slopes of the finished excavation shall be as follows: 1. Wet ponds - 6:1 (six foot horizontal to one foot vertical) to a water depth of three (3) feet, then 2:1 to a water depth of six [6) feet then 1: 1 to the bottom. A minimum water depth of six (6) feet and a minimum surface width of fifty [50) feet is required to prevent the creation of a stagnant pool. 2. Dry ponds - 4:1 slopes. G. Traffic control is the responsibility of a pit, mine or excavation operator. Traffic control shall be provided by the said operator when deemed necessary by the Administrative Official. H. All operations accessing paved roads shall provide a driveway paved with asphalt or concrete to industrial standards from the edge of the existing paved road to the right-of-way line, at the entrance to the site and, when located on a two-lane road, shall widen the opposite side of the road by six (6) feet from radius point to radius point to provide an adequate turning area. The applicant is responsible for restoration of any and all damages to roads resulting from the hauling operation. The gates of all trucks shall be cleaned prior to exiting the site and the pit, mine or excavation operator shall remove all dirt from the pavement at the end of each day and during the day if necessary. I. All operations accessing unpaved roads shall be responsible for full-time maintenance of the unpaved road at the applicantls sole expense in a condition satisfactory to the City's Public Works Department. Equipment for grading and watering of the road shall be available and a schedule for the maintenance approved prior to the start of work. J. Quality of effluent water shall meet Florida Department of Environmental Protection [F. D. E. P. ) regulations for the type of receiving surface water. The F.D.E.P. classification of receiving waters shall be shown and the pre- treatment methods to be used prior to discharge shall be detailed. Well point water may not require pre-treatment prior to discharge, however, all water removed by other methods shall require pre-treatment. The more stringent of F.D.E.P. regulations or this schedule with respect to dewatering shall apply. K. A minimum separation of ten feet (101) between the bottom of any pit, mine, excavation or lake pit and the top of the sub-surface limestone formation shall be maintained. M. Reclamation and revegetation planrings shall, at a minimum, be planted as follows: 1. Installation of planrings shall begin with thirty [30) days following completion of the borrow, mining or excavation operation and be "3'- Ordinance No. 3166 completed within ninety (:90) days of starting date. A Certificate of Completion shall not be issued until the reclamation plantings have been completed. 2. Borrow pits, mines or excavation activities which result in the creation of a lake or pond shall provide planrings of a mixture of at least two (2) species each of native wetland trees, shrubs, plants and grasses in, along and within fifty feet (50~) of the water to achieve a cover of at least seventy percent (:70%) above normal water level and thirty percent (30%) below normal water level at the end of one (1) year and ninety percent (90%) above normal water level and sixty percent (60%) below normal water level at the end of two (2) years. A minimum of one (1) tree two-inches (2") in diameter at breast height, and twelve (:12) tree saplings, a minimum of twelve inches (12') in height, shall be planted for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of property to be reclaimed or revegetated, 3. Planrings of a mixture of at least three (3) species each of native trees, shrubs, plants and grasses shall be planted in and upon disturbed uplands to achieve a cover of at least seventy percent (70%) at the end of one (1) year and ninety percent (:90%) at the end of two (2) years. A minimum of one (1) tree, two inches (2") in diameter at breast height, and twelve (12) tree saplings, a minimum of twelve inches (12") in height, shall be planted for every five hundred (500) square feet of disturbed uplands property. 4. Topsoil or natural organic material shall be placed in all disturbed areas to provide soils enrichment necessary for healthy plant growth. 5. Lakes shall be stocked with native freshwater fish in order to more quickly establish a wildlife habitat. Lakes shall be stocked with a minimum of fifty (50) fingerlings per acre of water after completion of shoreline planrings. 6. The property owner shall guaranty for a period of no less than two (:2) years, the growth and establishment of the planrings by the posting of a bond or other instrument acceptable to the City. During the two (2) year period, the owner shall be responsible for all continuous maintenance necessary to ensure growth, to correct and control erosion, to replace vegetation that has failed to survive and to remove all vegetation not acceptable to the City and which exceeds ten percent (:10%) of the reclamation planrings, M. The conversion or use of any borrow pit, mine or excavation site as a landfill is prohibited. No The conversion or use of any lake or pond created as a result of a borrow pit, mine, or excavation site as a stormwater retention area in circumstances in which seventy percent (70%) or more of the resulting pond exceeds ten feet (:10') in depth may be permitted only if a separate retention area provides pollution control volume for the first one-half (1/2") of runoff prior to discharge into the pit. O. If the mining is not completed or to be completed as planned and set forth on plans approved by the City, the owner shall apply to amend and modify such plans through the same procedures in which they were approved. __~__ Ordinance No. 3166 SECTION 11.2 BOND As a condition for granting of a permit for mining activities, the applicant shall post a bond or other instrument acceptable to the City in compliance with Article VI I, Improvements and Maintenance and Article IX, Development Agreements as set forth in these regulations. Such bond shall be posted prior to the issuance of a permit to conduct the proposed mining activity. The bond shall be devised so that it will be valid for as long as construction is active. Further, in order to guarantee that the applicant corrects any damage that may occur to public streets or roads, adjacent structures or wells, or to the environment, and to assure that the borrowing, mining or excavation conforms to the specific requirements of these land development regulations and to any special conditions made by the City Commission at the time of approval of this application, such bond shall be valid for a minimum period of two years and up to five years after the completion of the mining activity and issuance of the certificate of completion by the City. SECTION 3: Ordinance No. 1990, said Ordinance being the Land Development Regulations of the City, Schedule M - Environmental Sensitive Lands is amended to read as follows: SCHEDULE M ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE LANDS SECTION 6.0 WELLFIELD PROTECTION A. Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of this Section is to protect potable water from contamination by establishing primary and secondary protection zones around municipal potable water wells and prohibiting certain land uses and activities within the zones which have the potential to contaminate groundwater. B. Applicability. The regulations set forth herein shall apply to all development proposed in areas surrounding a wellfield within primary and secondary protection zones). C. Establishment of Wellfield Protection Zones. 1. Primary Protection Zone. Primary protection zones shall include all land within a two hundred (200) foot radius of any existing or scheduled public wellhead. 2. 5econdary Protection Zone. Secondary protection zones shall include all land within the 10 year horizontal capture zones of the Upper Floridan aquifer for each wellfield. Capture zone delineations are the result of analyses by St. Johns River Water Management District based on the U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyIs Wellhead Protection (WHPA) model. D. Mapping. Wellfield Protection Zone Maps shall be available for review in the Department of Engineering and Planning. Such maps will designate and graphically represent the primary and secondary wellfield protection zones and may be amended from time to time as updated information becomes available. E. Restrictions Within the Zones. Prohibited land uses and activities within the protection zones are as follows: "5'- Ordinance No. 3166 1. Primary Protection Zone. The following land use activities shall be prohibited within the primary protection zone: sanitary landfills, animal feedlots, wastewater treatment facilities, petroleum and pesticicle storage facilities, incinerators, and all other activities that store, handle, or generate hazardous materials or wastes. Above-ground or below-ground pipes which store or transfer pollutants or other contaminants as well as open drainage cuts below the seasonal high water table shall also be prohibited within the primary protection zone. All development other than wellfield facilities or passive recreation or open space shall only be permitted as a conditional use. 2. Secondary Protection Zone. The following land use activities shall be prohibited within the secondary protection zone: sanitary landfills, junkyards, solid waste disposal other than brush and stump, animal feedlots, wastewater treatment facilities, petroleum and pesticide storage facilities, incinerators, and all other activities that store, handle, or generate hazardous materials or wastes. Automotive service and repair shops, car washes, truck terminals, ground or below- 9round pipes which store or transfer pollutants or other contaminants as well as open drainage cuts below the seasonal high water table shatl only be permitted as a conditional use. F. Wellfield Protection Zone Review Process. The City shall review all site plans, master plans, and subdivision plan for consistency to the terms and requirements of this Section and no application or plan shall be approved unless full compliance is demonstrated. Permits issued in violation of this Section confirm no right or privilege on the grantee. SECTION 4: If any section or portion of a section of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or part of this ordinance. SECTION 5: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby revoked. SECTION 6: That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this q+k day of iqugus+ , A.D., 1993. _,MAyOR(~ ~' ~ ATTEST:, "" DEPUTY , ~e'City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida "6'- Ordinance No. 3166 CERTIFICATE I, Linda Brace, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the attached Ordinance No. 3166, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 9th day of August, 1993, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 10th day of August, 1993. utA s the ep y City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida c~~ z~ Revised Wellhead Protection Zones &/A~e wm.~/~ City of Sanford 11 NO ,We ield h' ~ :' ": ~ooo ~,.. ' ~""~;' """" ( Well Field No, 4" ~ raaius ~' '. ';' _~j~..."' ....:. I-4ra ms . .,~ ' 2200 t~. J / ,' ~ radius .....  Well Field No. 2 ':: ....' I-~GE~ "" ' ":~:"" ':"~'- ' :,;' '. '2(: ', ____ ~ac~,~ . . ! .I~IKE MA~IY BLVD "':' · ~. , i . . .~ '. ::' """ ;"f /' ' ',' Z:,.... Depart~nt of En~ring and Pinning, City of ~nford, Ju~ 1993