HomeMy WebLinkAbout303 Fairfield Dr 04-2875 COPERMIT ADD �03 Ca �eld�r SUBDIVISION lest US *441 CONTRACTOR ADDRESS Maronda Homes 1101 N Keller Rd., Ste F Orlando, FL 32810 407-475-9112 PHONE NUMB) CRC 058496 PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTOR PERMIT NUMBER MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTOR PERMIT NUMBER FEE FEE PERMIT # (� "" S- DATE Eli D PERMIT DESCRIPTION %lj� S j F PERMIT VALUATION l c0 81 !ae- SQUARE FOOTAGE 1 7� v 8- C�-- City of Sanford Certificate of Occupancy �'k�o.KOl10� 4 This is to certify that the building located at 303 Fairfield Dr for which permit number 04-2875 was issued and has been completed according to the plans and specifications filed in the permit, to wit a New Single Family Residence complies with all the building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, as well as City of Sanford codes and ordinances and with the provisions of these regulations. Staff Approval Date Conditions (if blank, no conditions apply) Building: F. Ortiz 02/25/05 Engineering: D. Richards 03/02/05 Public Works: J. Crumpton 03/02/05 Utilities: R. Blake 03/09/05 Fire Department: Zoning: Maronda Homes YV1Qo,p�, 03/10/05 Property Owner Building Official Date E CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTION DATE: PERMIT #: ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: PHONE #: **** New Single Family**** 03/01/05 04-2875 303 Fairfield Dr Maronda Homes Joe 321-869-2233 0) The building division has prepared a Certificate of Occupancy for the above location and is requesting final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please sign off and date the C. O. or submit addendum if it has been denied or approved with conditions. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. ngineerin 3 z OPublic Works OUtilities ❑Fire OZoning ❑Licensing CONDITIONS: (TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF APPROVAL IS CONDITIONAL) CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTION DATE: PERMIT #: ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: PHONE #: **** New Single Family**** I 03/01/05 04-2875 303 Fairfield Dr Maronda Homes Joe 321-8 0-2233 The building division has prepared a Certificate of Occupancy for the above location and is requesting final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please sign off and date the C. O. or submit addendum if it has been denied or approved with conditions. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. ❑Engineering ❑Fire ublic Works OZoning _ OUtilities OLicensing CONDITIO S: (TO BE COMPLETED ONLY I/APPROVAL S CONDITIONAL) i i CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY n , , REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTIONz ' **** New Single Family**** "j. :a `' ; 1 DATE: 03/01/05 V1 O PERMIT #: 04-2875 N J (V� r c ,y ADDRESS: 303 Fairfield Dr a `' © .a 5'c u , CONTRACTOR: Maronda Homes " ~ V V a. �:� ;: w r- �. Cr 6u 'U r PHONE #: Joe 321-869-2233 The building division has prepared a Certificate of Occupancy for the above location and is requesting final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please sign off and date the C. O. or submit addendum if it has been denied or approved with conditions. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. ❑Engineering OPublic Works ❑ Fire ❑Zoning 1 Utilities ❑Licensing age- 6- C NDITIONS: (TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF APPROVAL IS CONDITIONAL) LMBC1001 CITY OF SANFORD Address Misc. Information Inquiry 3/02/05 14:58:41 Location'ID . . . . . . Parcel Number . . . . . . Alternate location ID Location address . . . . . Primary related party . . Type options, press Enter. 5=View detail Opt Description 269495 303 FAIRFIELD DR PLANNING & ZONING COMMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES Free -form information CELERY LAKES, PHASE 2 SW DEV FEE $1700.00 WA DEV FEE $650.00 BP04-2875 PD 8-23-04 SEE REC#7135 3/4"WA METER SET FEE $190.00 PD 8-25-04 REC#7135 F2=Address F3=Exit F5=Special Notes F9=Parcel Notes F12=Cancel LMBC1001 CITY OF SANFORD • Address Misc. Information Inquiry 3/02/05 14:58:46 Location•ID . . . . . . . Parcel Number . . . . . . Alternate location ID . . Location address . . . . . Primary related party . . Type options, press Enter. S=View detail Opt Description _ CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES 271005 303 FAIRFIELD DR Free -form information 3/4"RC METER SET FEE $190.00 PD 8-25-04 REC#7135 F2=Address F3=Exit F5=Special Notes F12=Cancel a cs)'1•C f. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY O.M.B. No. 3067-0077 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM Jpjres December 31, 2005 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Important: Reid the Intitniotlon• on pages 1 .7. SECTION A - PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION For Insurance Company Use: BUILDING OWNER'S NAME /114/2aN0' , .- : Polley Number ES BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Comp"&ny 10 Number 303 - O3e/ v2 CITY ; STATE ZIP CODE PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block Numbere, Tax Parcel Number. Legal Datediltion, etc.) Lo 2 c,e5 �s AS6 �r 5 ecs. Z9 f 30. BUILDING USE Wo., Re identlel. Nonresidential. Addition. Accessory, *to. Use S Comments aroa, If necessary.) .S/n/G[E Z ¢ /L s' T/A/L. LATITUDE/LONGITUDE (OPTIONAL) HORIZONTAL DATUM: ( #ir° • tttl' • #q.N!{' or q#,#tt###°) 13NAD 1927 LJ NAD 1983 SOURCE: LI GP9 (Type): LJ USGS Quad Map 100ther o SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION IFIP COMMUNITY NAME S COMMUNITY NUMBER 82. COON3. STATE GiYY of 9.iJF0/Pp /Z0294 J�6Myn/ot.E Cvy.UTY I A o IP,4 ea. MAP AND PANEL BS. SUFFIX B6. FIRM INDSY 87. FIRM PANEL 68. FLOOD >i. BASE. LOOD ELEVATION(S) NUMBER /2�/ 7coDG5 DATE I ,4m.17, /9�5 EFFE THE/REVISED DATE &VW417, /995 Z9NE S) iC f (Zone AO use depth of flooding) � n ►u. inaiceie the source or the tease Flood Elevation (t3FE) data or base flood depth entered In •B9. J_J FIS Profile JJ FIRM LJ Community Determined IJ Other (Describe):%4 Bit. Indicate the elevation datum used for the BFE In B9:IN NGVD 1929 JJ KAVD 1988 J Other (Describe): 812. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? LJ Yes JB(No Designation Dater 4a - SECTION d - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED C1. Building elevations are based on: "Construction Drawings* JJBulkllng Under Construction' . IFlnished Construction 'A new Elevation Certificate will be required when construotlon of the building is complete. C2. Building Diagram Number ,- L _ (Select the building diagram most similar to the building for which this certificate Is being oompleted - sea pages 6 and 7. It no diagram accurately represents the building, provide a sketch or photograph.) C3. Elevations - Zones Al-A30, AE, AH, A (with BFE), VE, V1-V30, V (with BFE), AR, AR/A, AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, AR/AO Complete Items C3.a-i below according to the building diagram specified In Item C2. State the datum used. If the datum Is different from the datum used for the SIZE In Section 8, convert the datum to that used for the BFE, Show field measurements and datum conversion calculation. Use the space provided or the Comments area of Section O or Section 0, as appropriate• to document the datum conversion. Datum WKSIP11—:0 Converslon/Comments Elevation reference mark used Doss the elevation reference mark used appear on the FIRM? LJ Yes o • a) Top of bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) . 29.25 ft.(m) O b) Top of next higher floor N�L_ ft.(m) 9 ' O c) Bottom of lowest horizontal structural member (V zones only) _ ft.(m) • d) Attached garage (top of slab) 28.50 fl.(m) gs a e) Lowest elevation of machinery and/or equipment w {I servicing 6 the building (Describe in a Comments area.) 2B.o ft.(m) g uspJ� a 0 Lowest adjacent (finished) grade (LAG) 2 A , 5 ft.(m) � In ,.I �00cJ • g) Highest adjacent (finished) grade (HAG) 2B. ft,(m) Q h) No. of permanent openings (flood vents) within 1 ft. above adjagent grade —4�,14 �Z . G 1) Total area of all permanent openings (flood vents) In C3.h, aq. In. (sq. cm) SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation Information. i certify that the information In Sections A, 8, and C on 'this cvrUlioste represents my best efbrts to hrterpret the data available. I understand that any false statement maybe punishable by fine orlm risonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. CERTIFIER'8' NAME � LICENSE NUMBER • •••-' _ ST7,* v -Z y E 5AP-17W A7.4- P. S. /YJ, 373to TITLE• CANY NAME _ �✓7� . /1 �J/TN D.¢AFTir/G f ��,tQJ/6Y/t/6 l.✓c . AGGRESS � riT 44J(U7 7d6-, %.7d92L- FEMA Form 81-31, idqaa See reverse side for continuation. Replaces all previous editions . i. .; i4. �. •. IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy the cormsP9ndI!1 Intonrlatlon from Section A. For Insurance Company Use: BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt., Unit, Sulte, andthe GW. No.) OR P.O. ROLITE AND 84 NO. I Poliev Numb ..,, , - STATE_'... ZIP CODE I Company NAIC Number -32771 SECTION D - SURVEYOR. ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) Copy both sides of this Elevation Corllfloate for (1) oommunky offldel, (2) insuranoo agent/company, and (3) building owner. O M NTS Chock h12 if attachments _ SECTION E - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT. REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT EFB) For Zone AO and Zone A (without BFE), complete IM18.E1. through E& •If they Elevation Certificate is IntenQed for use as supporting Information for a LOMA or LOMR-F, Section C must be oomplsted. El. Building Diagram Number (Select the bWlding diagram moat elmller to the building for which this lieRificate Is being completed - see pages 8 and 7. If no diagram accurately represents the building, provide a sketch or photopriph.) i E2. The top of the bottom floor Onciuding basement or enclosure) pf the bulfding Is 1_I-1 h- (m) I_LJ In. cm) U above or I_J below. (check one) the highest adjacent grade. (Use natural grade, If available.) E3. For Building Diagrams 6-8 with openings (see page 7), the next highee floor or elevated floor (slevatiomb)•of the building is I_I_.I n• (m) I—I_lin. (cm) above the highest adjacent grade. Complete Items C3.h and C3.1 on front of form. E4. The top of the platform of machinery and/or equipment •servlcing the building Is I_j_l ft. (m) U-1 In i;(cm)1_1 above or 1_I below (check one) the highest adjacent grade. (Use natural grade, If available.) E8. For Zone AO only: If no flood depth number Is evadable, Is. the lop of. the bottom floor elevated In accordance wit h.the cornmunfty's flood lain mena ement ordinance9 •Yes No' Unknown. The local official must certifythis information In Section 0. SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property owner or owner's authorited representative who completes Sections A, ]�, C (Items t.3.h and C3.1 only), 'arid E_ for Zone*A (without a FEMA-Issued or community -Issued 8FE) or Zone AO must sign here.. TNe statements In Sections A. S. C. and E am correct to the best or me2n wted e, . PROPERTY OWNER'S OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE SIGNATURE DATE TELEPHONE COMMENTS I_] Check her if attachments SECTION G - COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local official who Is authorized by law or ordinance to adminlater the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete Sections A, 8, C (or E), and O of this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable Item(s) and sign below. 01. 1_1 The Information In Section C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and embossed by a licensed surveyor, bnglneer, or architect who is authorized by state or local law to certify elevation Information. (Indicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2. 1._1 -A community official completed Section E for a bulldiny-located In Zone A (without a FEMA-Issued or oommunity-Issued BFE) or Zone AO. G3. i_I The following Information (Items Gil-G9) Is provided for community floodplain management purposes. � c Ga, PERMIT NUMBER ab. DATE PERMIT ISSUED as. DATE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE/OCCUPANCY _ ISSUED G7. This pemtil Itas been issued tor: 1_1 New Conetruotion 1_1 Substantial Improvement G8. Elevation of as -built lowest floor (including basement] pf the building Is: fl. (m) Datum: G9. BFE or (in zone AO) depth of flooding at the building bits Is: ^_ _ ft. (m) Datum: LOCAL OFFICIAL'S NAME TITLE -- COMMUNITY NAME : �; < `.TELEPHONE SIGNATURE GATE COMMl_N1'S I —I Chock here if-attachmenis FEMA Form 81-31 •January 2003 Replaces all previous editions 0 SMITH DRAFTING & SURVEYING, INC. P.O. Box 4518 DeLand, FL 32721 (386) 734-7047 2005 To: City of Sanford, Florida; Building Department 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Re: Lot 2 ; Celery Lakes Phase 2; Plat Book 65, Pages 29 and 30, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. aka: 303 F�►�.¢F/Et o RRIVc' Sanford, Florida 32771 Dear Madam or Sir; This is to certify that the residence constructed at the above referenced property and address meets or exceeds the requirements of "Sec. 6-7. Finish Floor Elevations" of the City of Sanford Building Code. Respectfully; Stanley E. Smith; �/ Florida Professional Surveyor and Mapper, Certificate No. 3736 \r' CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Permit # : 4 � J Date: ;- / / r /,o Job Address: 3 O j FA,'r A; ;e / d Lo t "A- G4 /s n L- `C`1 Description of Work: Se Ga of +. 0w 1 - Low i/o /'ktac,L Historic District: Zoning: Value of Work: S 300 Permit Type: Building Electrical Electrical: New Service - # of AMPS Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures Plumbing/New Residential: # of Water Closets Occupancy Type: Residential Commercial Construction Type: # of Stories: Mechanical Plumbing Fire Sprinkler arm Pool Addition/Alteration Change of Service TemporaryPole Replacement New (Duct Layout & Energy Calc. Required) # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines Plumbing Repair - Residential or Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: # of Dwelling Units: Flood Zone: (FEMA form required for other than X) Parcel #: (Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) Owners Name &Address: AkArool J A 140M e— s % S f G A ! fA n /,a SO )e /. Phone: Contractor Name & Address: Br; — Kf Hy Mt .� G Gln ✓1 r� YL k A F: 1 O G State License Number: Phone & Fax' J:&& - .3 } 1- 507 gr / y47 — o �9 Cont ct Person: Bonding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender: . Address: Architect/Engineer: Address: EF0000 9 7- Phone: Fax: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. 1 certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: 1 certify that all of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management distriy, state agencies, or federal agencies. Acceptance of permit is verification that l will notify the owner of the property of the requirements of Florida Lien Nw� S 713. Signature of Owner/Agent Date Signature of ;-//Yl0 5- Date Print Owner/Agent's Name Cont tor/A ent's Name LL Signature of Notary -State of Florida Date Signa re of Nomry-State o Florida D e Owner/Agent is _ Personally Known to Me or Contractor/Agent is Personally Known to Me or _ Produced ID _ Produced ID APPLICATION APPROVED BY: Bldg: Zoning: Utilities: FD: (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) Special Conditions: 00*4 VIC j 1::, � � HIM r T TCZCZI 11::'Y1 Vv CITTV (.)I::- CZT eVy, I'-- IV! I::,).j,y, !,!I )ITIT-*4I::T:. (N C) 7 F,I::*I:",IyI*I­Y, CY)l INITY HI I 11-41""T f 1: v r, T F% 7F)KIF, .'Y I I V 5-; Y) T F—T-T F'I I'l (N A f"I''Y'V VIC: CA1,11-:-C)l::-Y%. ?:`I I Y'.. Y% T k T C .1. V) 1% 1 Ir"Pi U14 LJ46 65 1-.-1 fne-l/. ClIkINF1,11 ININVIV, MaroMo_ 1 Yome-3 A YN T) 1:;, I*_- (:'I- CZ Tf`f-�.WT lLel let- AI fam or)4r, rf �3j A T) T) F"ll F, ..,:%, I I LAI-4) HRP, F%A"FP-f*-',F)I:;,Y!! 001 .-- T y F, 1,:,:, U f35 1:,:: :: F,k, <.; 1. cl n -I- i ;-1 'I UJ C) R V Y) 1::'53 (" R T P'T T f I N !: 5:%, - i I n f I I va 1:7 ;a (1) 1 *1 v I. -I cl I !! T) f- t ;-) f .. 1.) (...N (1 (" c) 1.) ct r I I f .- t -i f ) 1.) T-*(P*I%II::'I*-- TT F't'ATP R (-01:7 I::' I::' R U x I*y1::11::, ITITAI T'll ll:.. TY F, 1::- 1) .1,. ST (3) (:;I-1 1::, 1) U I F, J) I::- c, r'. I. I I% -I T T Ell F I IK[ T T (11 S (:;0 w 11) 1::- C) d w T u. I-) J. 1:. Is 70'151.00 7 0 !.-5 0 o 0 A 1) C) C C .) L. I _. 1::'(*,'T* 01 3 1.-1 0 d vj 1. i -L st> 4. 4 2 .. 0 0 y (:;(:)....WE I)!::- C) dw]. unit 1" 4 0 A. T. Z.3 .. r'l 0 1�3 (::I I CI 0 1. C 1 0 w T 1) 1:-,. 0 d vi 1 J. t R el .. 0 0 ANOUNT DUF,. 2", 8 0 I:'l%1F,C%I,:'TVI::,D BY:: OW D.,3h M-L STC3NATLJRE: • Y) ^ T I::, I,lf*I,Y,I::* 'TTI RI::('lP_TWI'1%Ir, C'T F�.I%l ^ T C) 1:;l Y / &C:, I::, I TF%AI-XY*-- 1:7^1"1 1 'YT) I%1(TT­I*I::*v r*1hII,11::,I::. AMY) F­11-IS1 'Y''HylFA y Rr:,�.l 11 T T I'l y F) I 11:;, 1 T A T'l T I T T y 1::, FI R T 1::, F:, T-'i I ITT F) N !! 'I F­F)I IKITY F%TTY I'l ("(')I IN'TY A N FIT 1::, I::- I: -I. F-I jq!:; % A T) V T q F'T) TIAnT T VIT R T 5, TA T F* lyl T (-)I::- r.:- p I::- I.M.-IT F**I. I 1: i J:: T)l If:- (1.4T) P11:;1"l, r*ll:;. TF) T 0 CZ I 11% M F% p . Fll::* A T-A I T I T)Tklf'; [::q::-I:.,c,Fi % THAT ANY f'lt::' 'T*I..I!::' P r:- I T F% 6 NT .. FIR f"1411-4F. 1:. %, TO f I f­ I it n'r *r n i-,icz (.If::- n_w:, TPI-_-'(^.0-_.'Y CZ'YCTl::'IVI AkIT`i/FjI:- , F'DUCATTONAL ( 5, r I. -I ri n! 1 -r Ivjj::- A. r% ' 'T Ill IRT Vi F F,YF,RrlTR.r_­f) T'i y F''I'l T1-J(,:ll f) IdTTI.-ITI-4 Cl',f*'^[ I::'WT)6X;- T)AYC% CiP T1.41::1 ST. Fil IT I%lr)'T I ATPR THAN F% P R T T F- 'I . f .% . t% . y . P. FW7 f"IM-1 II::,Af%!(`Y Flf:", 'T*I-.!I::' 1:.*.,I::*f:)l !P'5:,T PTIR MI KIT ly!l::,I::,*r -r I:;. I::, Ivll::*I%l Y. 1:% Z iml 1:7 1. 1 COUNTY I. Ably) DFA)V'l nr:* TI-.11:7 RI 11 F'R r:lFllJ1:7RIl-I T Nf*:,, ()I::1I::-r.:- e..,! MAY 1-.11 AKI 'I*Iyll::'l I::'IvlI::'I,ITA*T*"I*C)I%I f'll:71::­F(­j::'-! :1. :1, Ol R n I -,I PTI R Y) .. vi ru'l-I'DA *",,':l77'l !, ( 407 ) .1, A 5 i 4';, 4 .. 11 T) F%TTY f**tl::' T'll ITI T)*1'1%1('-. C, ^ NI 1:7 CI I:;. YN 1:71 i::,ny!V!i*-**!,rr cn--irwi n r4r* T:iY f­I--W:*i­Il f*ll::. lTIf**H%1C:,%1 f*11:,Y\C_­I-.- Al,lY*N C^L.W)i 11 YN TI--lF' CTATFAYIF. 1.4 . T . NI 111 F4 F, I:", ANT) F'TTY T-741 ITI Y%i T Klf*:', 1::, W P MT f III 11•IF41:71:1" AT "f*l..I!::' "TT)V, 1 !:71::­Y, C1I:7 TI-41:7 I%IfTY'TC%I:7 .*Mx­f'I--H R 5TA­f,I::*IvII::'M"F T5:, WAI TT) f*11%11 Y TKI f"FIN1,11 IKIF'T*rnI-%I LLI*I'*T*I-.l TRC�.l A**' y P1 ITI 1 1:7(.. IYITI Lmid�ronda Homes =j AN EASILY OBSERVABLE BETTER VALUEI 955 KELLER ROAD SUITE 1500 • ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32714 407-475-9112 • FAX: 407-475-9115 LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION ❑ CITY OF DELTONA ® CITY OF SANFORD ❑ VOLUSIA COUNTY ❑ SEMINOLE COUNTY I hereby name and appoint Lee Emerson, Joyce Stark and Silver Streak to sign his/her name on my behalf in order to apply for and/or pickup building permits for Maronda Homes, Inc. of Florida work to be completed at Lot 2, 303 FAIRFIELD DRIVE at CELERY LAKES PHASE 2. l� RUSSELL KEITH SUMMERS, CRC058496 MARONDA HOMES, INC. OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE Sworn and subscribed before me this 6TH day of JULY, 2004 by RUSSELL KEITH SUMMERS who is personally known to me. ..... N.N......NN.N..N...N. NOTARY PUBLIC LAURIE PELLEGRINON.N W N i Fpp.Muuul /���� /�32eN 7t16i2007 1................. FbAtla Notary Assn... Inc Legend of Symbols and Abbreviations:•.ss�/,�,,,,4ie,,,�AbV Boundary Line Brg. Bearng Field Field Measured PCP Permanent Control Point P T Point of Tangency Cented+ne Calc. Calculated Fnd. :Found P.I. :Point o1 Intersection R Radius . Right-ol-way Line C B. Concrete Block Gov't Government P L.S Professional Land Surveyor R L S Registered Land Surveyor Overhead Utility Line Ch. Chord L.D. Licensed Business P O B.. Pont of Beginning RAN Rightol-way - - - - - - - - : Easement Line Conc. Concrete O.R : Official Records P.O.C.Point of Commencement Sec. Section _�. Central Angle Const. Construction Pav'1 Pavement P.R C.: Point of Reverse Curve SR Septic Tank ARC Arc Length Its Concrete Slab PC. Point of Curve P.R M : Permanent Reference Monument T B M Temporary Bench Mark Blk Block Elev Elevation P C.C.: Point of Compound Curve P.S.I Point of Street Intersection W/ With Boundary Surveys _ o-.�L_cvr�� sp. -1 zo - Z-999:•eif9BFq ;Arco • `�' \ � ✓ \Ld �/It.rlfE v.OL � �e �� 2's Je r Q r. • ' ,• . \ .e - //.O�t T.dQ rv��s �• %�C{�c��G �, PCP'AT �3t Fit2 . r � • � F,.�o• �8 RE,ec+o YI d' r �) E N <16, I :w ., Z It u7°��a �•Sr S 9 It E q �. PiL'O�SED o d d $ W/�t/i"_NESfER A i Fy BRA �v I LL W Y v _W_ 4 a - d. o� "J.— ' F,vo. • j/o,. ,QLi¢oo NOA�s✓ES r �q�.vE.V, Lo r✓, P.P.s•J' pR.vw.oGE E.v1E/�'IE.vT w/o" v - z19 `t OT Z � C'EGE,ej/ _Zi✓ Pc�9T 13oo.rc � S, COv,✓T/� FLO.Q/�.Q. CERTIFIED TO . h h O •� so• oo �u�r�FiEco F.vo �o .�E,aYly J%a.i/cow l.5 - 2919 9¢ L.'�9.�E.5� �isi.9.SE ��• i9 S'vl30idis/o/✓ fi'C'C'O.PO�i✓G To /J.vo �.9G E S 29 A,✓o 3Q j ��/BL/C .PECOR�S OF �SEi+'�i,✓OLE SMITH DRAFTING & SURVEYING, INC. 414-B. N. SPRING GARDEN AVE. DELAND.FL 32720 DELTONA•FL (386) 734.7047 (386) 789.2855 DRAWN BY: pE FcOu/E.eS REVISIONS' CREW CHIEF: ��� Grwi.✓iE0 SCALE- /'r 20 DATE. le, 2c�D4- woe• !o- 73(:',1"-O� I hereby certify that this map depicts a survey performed under my supervi- sion• and is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief• and that [his survey meets the minimum technical standards set forth by the Florida Board of Profess onal Land Surveyors in Chapter 61G17-6. Florida Administrative Code. pursuant to Section 472.027. Florida Statutes 4-S I y E "SmnnF2a Regrstered Land Surveyor Certificate Number 3736 NOT VALID. UNLESS SEAL IS EMBOSSED Note: No instruments of record reflecting easements,hmiiations, owner- ships. reservations, restriftions andlof.6ght-of-ways. if any, have been pro- vided to this surveyor, except ee'sho;vn No underground installations or utifities have been located, except as shown b ` aL CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATI Permit #: _ d Job Address: Description of Work: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Historic District: Zoning: Value of Work: Permit Type: Building Electrical Mechanical X Plumbing _ Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Pool Electrical: New Service — # of AMPS Addition/Alteration Change of Service Temporary Pole Mechanical: Residential X Non -Residential Replacement _ New X (Duct Layout & Energy Calc. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines Plumbing/New Residential: # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair — Residential or Commercial Occupancy Type: Residential X Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: Construction Type: VI # of Stories: # of Dwelling Units: 1 Flood Zone: X TEMA form required for other than X) Parcel #: (Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) Owners Name & Address: Maronda Homes Inc of Florida I101 N. Keller Road, Suite F Orlando, FL 32810 Phone: 407475-9112 Contractor Name & Address: GARY CARMACK 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD FL State License Number: CAC043900 Phone & Fax: (407) 321-0064 Contact Person: Laurie Pelle rino Phone: 4 659-3719 Bonding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender: Address: Architect/Engineer: Tomas Ponce Phone: (407) 321-0064 Address: 4005 Maronda Way Sanford FL 32771 Fax: (407) 321-3913 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced pnor to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: 1 certify that all of the foregoing informaion is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities sugh as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. Acceptance of permit is verification that I will notify the owner of the property of th rreqlirttsofflorida Lien Law, FS 713. gla.�o� lam Signatuant Date Signa re of ontractor/Agent Date re f Owne Russell Keith Summers GARY CARMACK Print Owner/Agent's Name Print Contractor/Agent's Name Signature of Notary -State of Floda Date Signature of Notary -State of o 'da Date LAUWE P�GRINO .........................«••a U►URIE PEU.EGRINO OOOQ32W6 illtstd�d tl m (WO)432-4204: )N, gondeaMM ($W�.254..:bAOn..NotaryAmon.�tm�s ?ppddallotarY!�^ Inc O`wriee/�igent is Personally Known to Me or CoriiraetodltgeM'tS"'X_ parsonally Known to Me or _ Produced ID APPLICATION APPROVED BY: Bldg F ? 23 Oy Zonin (Initial & Date) Produced ID Utilities: FD: (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) Special Conditions: / CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Permit # Job Address: Date: Description of Work: Single Family Residence Historic District: Zoning: Value of Work: Permit Type: Building_ Electrical Mechanical _ Plumbing X Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Pool Electrical: New Service — # of AMPS _ Addition/Alteration Change of Service Temporary Pole Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Replacement _ New (Duct Layout & Energy Cale. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines Plumbing/New Residential: # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair — Residential or Commercial Occupancy Type: Residential X Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: Construction Type: VI # of Stories: # of Dwelling Units: 1 Flood Zone: X (FEMA form required for other than X) Parcel #: (Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) Owners Name & Address: Maronda Homes Inc of Florida 955 Keller Rd Ste. 1500 Altamonte Sprines, FL 32714 Phone: 407475-9112 Contractor Name & Address: WILLIAM T. SELF 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD FL 32771 State License Number: CFC057039 Phone & Fax: (407) 475-91 12 Contact Person: Laurie Pellegrino Phone: (407) 659-3719 Bonding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender: Address: Architect/Engineer: Tomas Ponce Phone: (407) 321-0064 Address: 4005 Maronda Way Sanford FL 32771 Fax: (407) 321-3913 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. Acceptance of permit is verification that 1 will notify the owner of the property of the requirements of Florida Lien Law, FS 713. Signature of;0!�er/,Agent Date Jaturee of Contractor/gent Date Russell Keith Summers Print Owner/Agent's Name Signature of Notary -State lorida Date +LAUR1@ trdMttr alp ibrl0ta �Assn. G l.. I i rso Owif twILPS— _ enally.Known to Me or _ Produced ID WILLIAM T. SELF Print Contractor/Agent's Name Sigrnature ofN..,Staleo orida Date ...LAURIE �PELLEGRINO Can,,# 00 Erns 711&2WI Fvillonad tnn'(WD)4324254: napFkxft Nosy Ann•, Inc ConlractoriAgent is —6r7 onally Known to Me or Produced ID APPLICATION APPROVED BY: BldgDF 7 27dy Zoning: Utilities: FD: (Initial & Date) (initial & Date) (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) Special Conditions: ' CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Permit # : C7 � = n / • ,r� !� Date: O Job Address: jJ I P VC/� LOTA OhA Description of Work: Single Family Residence Historic District: Zoning: Value of Work: Permit Type: Building _ Electrical X Mechanical _ Plumbing _ Fire Sprinkler/Alarm • Pool Electrical: New Service— # of AMPS 200 Addition/Alteration Change of Service Temporary Pole Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Replacement _ New (Duct Layout & Energy Cale. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines Plumbing/New Residential: # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair — Residential or Commercial Occupancy Type: Residential X Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: Construction Type: VI # of Stories: # of Dwelling Units: I Flood Zone: X (FEMA form required for other than X) Parcel #: (Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) Owners Name & Address: Maronda Homes, Inc. of Florida 955 Keller Rd. Ste. 1500 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Phone: 407475-9112 Contractor Name & Address: DANIEL G. PUGLISI 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD. FL 32771 State License Number: EC0001663 Phone & Fax: (407) 475-9112 Contact Person: Laurie Pellegrino Phone: (407) 659-3719 Bonding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender: Address: Architect/Engineer: Tomas Ponce Phone: (407) 321-0064 Address: 4005 Maronda Way Sanford, FL 32771 Fax: (407) 321-3913 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. 1 certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: 1 certify that all of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. Acceptance of permit is verification that I will notify the owner of the property of the requirements of Florida Lien Law, FS 713. e_4 --� � � - - - i5IIlk_+ Signatum of O /Agent Date Russell Keith Summers Print Owner/Agent's Name Signs of Contractor/Agent Date ANIEL G. PUGLISI Print Contractor/Agent's Name 5)ao� Signature of of Notary -State of rida Date Signature of Notary -State of rids Date L/111ii1E P� l EG.. a .........n...........«««•� LAURIE PELLEGRINO L Con me 000732W4 Coma 00�04 EVM 7A&2001 a E,o,,.a 7ntvtoo7 bdae ttru (OW)432-4254 39�i @doe tttru (SW)4 24254 ,4aw Fbrft Notary Assn., Inc awFbr" NOWN Assn.. Inc bfWiiGI Ngent is _ Personally Known to Me or Con3tdbtbr�Ageni is *R_ Personally Known to Me or Produced ID Produced ID APPLICATION APPROVED BY: Bidg: F 1 �•7 e / Zoning: Utilities: (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) Special Conditions: (Initial & Date) CITY OF SANFORD BUILDING DIVISION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT Lot: 2 Subdivision: CELERY LAKES PH 2 Property Address: 303 FAIRFIELD DRIVE ❑x 1. Two (2) recent boundary and building location surveys showing setbacks from all structures to property lines for permit for structures (not fences). ❑x 2. Two (2) complete sets of construction design drawings drawn to scale. Complete sets to include: ❑x a. Foundation plan indicating footer sizes for all bearing walls. Provide side view details of these footers with reinforcement bar replacement. D b. Floor plan indicating interior wall partitions and room identification, room dimensions, door, window, and/or opening sizes, smoke detector, distances from walls are to be shown. Note the State of Florida requirements for bath door for compliance of Handicapped Code (F. S. 553, Part 5). ❑x c. Elevations of all exterior walls, east, west, north and south. Finish floor elevation height as per City Engineering Department or subdivision plat. 0 d. Cross sections of all wall sections to be used in the structure. Bearing non -bearing interior and exterior. Show all components of wall section. ❑ e. Framing plan for floor joists where conventionally framed. Plan to indicate span, size and species of materials to be used. ❑x f. Engineered truss plan with details of bracing. Engineered beams for spacing openings to carry and support trusses. ❑ g. Stair details with tread and riser dimensions, stringer size, methods of attachment, placement of handrails and guardrails. ❑x h. Square footage table showing footages: Garages/Carports 402 S.F. Porch (s)/ Entry(s) 16 S.F. Patio(s) S.F. Conditioned structure 3,004 S.F. Total (Gross Area) 3,422S.F. ❑x 3. Three (3) sets of completed Florida Energy Code Forms (Form 600-A-97). ❑x 4. Soil analysis and/or soil compaction report. If soils appear to be unstable or if structure to be built TO FOLLOW on fill, a report may be requested by the Building Official or his representative. N/A 5. Other submittal Documents: N/A a. Utility letter or approval when public water supply and/or sewer system connection to be made. N/A b. Septic tank permit to be obtained from Seminole County Health Department at: 400 West Airport Boulevard, Sanford, FL (407) 665-3600. N/A c. Arbor permit when trees to be removed from property. Contact the City Engineer for details regarding the arbor ordinance and permit. ❑x 6. Application to be completed thoroughly and signatures provided by a licensed and insured contractor. OWNER/BUILDER MUST APPEAR IN PERSONS TO SIGN APPLICATION AS PER FLORIDA STATE STATUTE 489. Subcontractor license numbers must be included on the application. If electrical, mechanical or plumbing permits have not been issued, inspections will not be scheduled or made and subcontractors will be subject to penalty under the City Ordinances REQUIRED INSPECTIONS DURING AND UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION 1. Footer 2. Underground, electrical, mechanical and plumbing 3. Foundation elevation survey 4. Slab 5. Lintel — tie beams — columns — cells 6. Rough electrical 7. Rough mechanical 8. Rough plumbing 9. Tub Set 10. Framing 11. Tenant Separation/firewall 12. Insulation, walls and/or ceilings 13. Electrical final, mechanical final and plumbing final 14. Building Final 15. Other l DATE: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 SIGNATURE: 1� (By Lw,ner or Authorized Agent) a c 0 0 A U.1Lnr4 IL rl M O W U I:; LL O�NL7 Z W Q Z �F0Oa uj O Ix J = Cd Y J LU �„ J Z �0be gfo Ln a a a v MARYANNE MORSE, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT SEMINOLE COUNTY BK 05375 FIG 0198 CLERK'S 0 2004106967 REWNDE_D 07/08/2M 01153135 PM REMRDINO FEES 10.00 REWRDF,D BY L McKinley NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT TAX FOLIO NO. 25-133-6949 PERMIT NO. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain and real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Legal Description and Street Address) Lot 2 303 FAIRFIELD DRIVE: Subdivision: CELERY LAKES PHASE 2 General Description of Improvement Construct a Single Family Residence OWNER INFORMATION Name and Address Maronda Homes, 955 Keller Road, Suite 1500, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Interest in Property (Fee Simple, Partnership, etc.) Owner NAME AND ADDRESS OF FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDERS (If other than owner) CONTRACT (Name and address) SURETY (Bonding Company) Name and Address Amount of Bond Altam W1111FIED corl MARYANNE MORSta WK OF CIKUIT COURT LENDER 'III O a Name and address Bank of America, NA, 750 S. Orlando Ave., #102, Winter Park, FL`32T89 ATTN: DAN FINNEGAN Phone (407) 646-6304 Fax (407) 644-2388 Persons within the State of Florida designated by owner upon whom notice or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1), (a), 7., Florida Statutes. Kampf Title, 200 W. 191 St., Sanford, FL 32771, Fax: 407-330-5062 Phone: (407) 322-9484 (Name and address) In addition to himself, Owner designates provided in Section 713.13(2), (b), Florida Statutes. Expiration Date of Notice of Commencement or to receive a copy of Lienors Notice as (The expiration date is 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified.) RUSSELL KEIT4,&UMMAS Maronda Homes, Inc. of Florida Vice President - Construction Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6TH day of JULY, 2004. �R-Q,c,�.,t,c,c J ........................................».., Notary Public LAURIE PELLEGRINO 'p 1 4kE Ewe.7nsnoo7 Banded Vuu (SW)492-4254C FbrldaS.uw..uu».w...... NOta.u..........a FORM 60OA-2001 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A PROJECT NAME: WINA43B 2CL02 ADDRESS: 303 FAIRFIELD DRIVE CITY, STATE: SANFORD, FL OWNER: MARONDA HOMES CLIMATE ZONE: CENTRAL Builder: IVV.u'on cLu- Permitting Office.{,' k-A Permit Number: oy . d �, Jurisdiction Number: I S1C9 rJ I. New construction or existing New _ 12. Cooling systems 2. Single family or multi -family Single family _ a. Central Unit Cap: 34.0 kBtu/hr 3. Number of units, if multi -family 1 _ SEER: 12.00 _ 4. Number of Bedrooms 4 _ b. Central Unit Cap: 28.8 IcBtu/hr 5. Is this a worst case? Yes _ SEER: 12.00 _ 6. Conditioned floor area (ft') 3004 ft' c. N/A _ 7. Glass area & type Single Pane Double Pane a. Clear glass, default U-factor 312.0 ft' 0.0 ft' _ 13. Heating systems b. Default tint 0.0 ft' 0.0 ft' _ a. Electric Heat Pump Cap: 35.4 IcBtu/hr _ c. Labeled U or SHGC 0.0 ft' 0.0 ft' HSPF: 7.40 _ 8. Floor types _ b. Electric Heat Pump Cap: 28.8 kBtu/hr _ a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0, 167.0(p) ft _ HSPF: 7.50 _ b. Raised Wood, Adjacent ft' _ c. N/A _ c. N/A _ 9. Wall types _ 14. Hot water systems a. Concrete, Int lnsul, Exterior R=4.1, 869.0 ft' _ a. Electric Resistance Cap: 66.0 gallons _ b. Frame, Wood, Exterior R=11.0, 1194.0 W _ EF: 0.88 _ c. Frame, Wood, Adjacent R=11.0, 278.0 W _ b. N/A _ d. N/A e. N/A c. Conservation credits _ 10. Ceiling types _ (HR-Heat recovery, Solar a. Under Attic R=19.0, 1663.0 ft' _ DHP-Dedicated heat pump) b. N/A _ 15. HVAC credits PT, _ c. N/A (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, 11. Ducts _ HF-Whole house fan, a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Con. AH(Sealed):Interior Sup. R=6.0, 150.0 ft _ PT -Programmable Thermostat, b. Sup: Unc. Ret: Con. AH(Sealed):Interior Sup. R=6.0, 140.0 ft MZ-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.10 Total as -built points: 34208 PASS Total base points: 39935 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED B 7!) _4� DATE: JUL - 4 I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance with the FI rida Energy de. • OWNER/AGENT haD_ DATE: IIII - 6 2nnL Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIALPLANS REVIEWS DATE: Lily OF SANFIn�n FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES I .18 X Conditioned X BSPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF = Points .18 3004.0 25.78 13939.8 Single, Clear E 1.0 13.0 10.0 63.97 1.00 636.8 Single, Clear E 1.0 16.0 40.0 63.97 1.00 2550.0 Single, Clear E 1.0 15.0 30.0 63.97 1.00 1911.4 Single, Clear W 1.0 15.0 30.0 57.68 1.00 1723.8 Single, Clear W 2.0 14.0 10.0 57.68 0.98 567.3 Single, Clear E 1.0 6.0 16.0 63.97 0.97 991.6 Single, Clear E 1.0 6.0 32.0 63.97 0.97 1983.2 Single, Clear E 1.0 6.0 16.0 63.97 0.97 991.6 Single, Clear N 1.0 6.0 16.0 30.19 0.97 470.7 Single, Clear W 1.0 6.0 30.0 57.68 0.97 1675.9 Single, Clear W 2.0 7.0 36.0 57.68 0.89 1840.7 Single, Clear S 1.0 6.0 16.0 48.22 0.94 728.4 Single, Clear W 1.0 6.0 30.0 57.68 0.97 1678.8 As -Built Total: 312.0 17750.3 WALL TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 278.0 0.70 194.6 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.1 869.0 1.18 1025.4 Exterior 2063.0 1.90 3919.7 Frame, Wood, Exterior 11.0 1194.0 1.90 2268.6 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 278.0 0.70 194.6 Base Total: 2341.0 4114.3 As -Built Total: 2341.0 3488.6 DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type . Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 18.0 1.60 28.8 Exterior Insulated 20.0 4.80 96.0 Exterior 20.0 4.80 96.0 Adjacent Wood 18.0 2.40 43.2 Base Total: 38.0 124.8 As -Built Total: 38.0 139.2 CEILING TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points Under Attic 1663.0 2.13 3542.2 Under Attic 19.0 1663.0 2.82 X 1.00 4689.7 Base Total: 1663.0 3542.2 As -Built Total: 1663.0 4689.7 FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Slab 167.0(p) -31.8 -5310.6 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 167.0(p -31.90 -5327.3 Raised 378.0 -3.43 -1296.5 Raised Wood, Adjacent 11.0 378.0 1.80 680.4 Base Total: -6607.1 1 As -Built Total: 545.0 -4646.9 EnergyGauge® DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge®/FlaRES'2001 FLRCPB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT INFILTRATION Area X BSPM = Points Area X SPM = Points 3004.0 14.31 42987.2 3004.0 14.31 42987.2 Summer Base Points: 58101.2 Summer As -Built Points: 64408.1 Total Summer X System = Cooling Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DSM x AHU) 64408.1 0.541 (1.079 x 1.150 x 0.85) 0.284 0.950 9987.2 64408.1 1 0.459 (1.079 x 1.150 x 0.85) 0.284 0.950 8459.7 58101.2 0.4266 24786.0 64408.1 1.00 1.061 0.284 0.950 18446.9 EnergyGauge'rm DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge®/FIaRES'2001 FLRCPB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUILT FGLASSPESditioned X BWPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Point .18 3004.0 5.86 3168.6 Single, Clear E 1.0 13.0 10.0 12.37 1.00 124.1 Single, Clear E 1.0 16.0 40.0 12.37 1.00 496.0 Single, Clear E 1.0 15.0 30.0 12.37 1.00 372.1 Single, Clear W 1.0 15.0 30.0 13.25 1.00 397.3 Single, Clear W 2.0 14.0 10.0 13.25 1.00 132.6 Single, Clear E 1.0 6.0 16.0 12.37 1.01 199.7 Single, Clear E 1.0 6.0 32.0 12.37 1.01 399.4 Single, Clear E 1.0 6.0 16.0 12.37 1.01 199.7 Single, Clear N 1.0 6.0 16.0 15.07 1.00 240.5 Single, Clear W 1.0 6.0 30.0 13.25 1.00 398.4 Single, Clear W 2.0 7.0 36.0 13.25 1.02 484.4 Single, Clear S 1.0 6.0 16.0 9.90 1.01 159.7 Single, Clear W 1.0 6.0 30.0 13.25 1.00 398.4 As -Built Total: 312.0 4002.2 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 278.0 1.80 500.4 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.1 869.0 3.31 2872.0 Exterior 2063.0 2.00 4126.0 Frame, Wood, Exterior 11.0 1194.0 2.00 2388.0 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 278.0 1.80 500.4 Base Total: 2341.0 4626.4 As -Built Total: 2341.0 5760.4 DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 18.0 4.00 72.0 Exterior Insulated 20.0 5.10 102.0 Exterior 20.0 5.10 102.0 Adjacent Wood 18.0 5.90 106.2 Base Total: 38.0 174.0 As -Built Total: 38.0 208.2 CEILING TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM X WCM = Points Under Attic 1663.0 0.64 1064.3 Under Attic 19.0 1663.0 0.87 X 1.00 1446.8 Base Total: 1663.0 1064.3 As -Built Total: 1663.0 1446.8 FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Slab 167.0(p) -1.9 -317.3 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 167.0(p 2.50 417.5 Raised 378.0 -0.20 -75.6 Raised Wood, Adjacent 11.0 378.0 1.80 680.4 Base Total: -392.8 1 As -Built Total: 545.0 1097.9 EnergyGauge® DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge®/FlaRES'2001 FLRCPB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT INFILTRATION Area X BWPM = Points Area X WPM = Points 3004.0 -0.28 -841.1 3004.0 -0.28 -841.1 Winter Base Points: 7799.3 Winter As -Built Points: 11674.5 Total Winter X System = Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points (DM x DSM x AHU) 11674.5 0.551 (1.068 x 1.160 x 0.87) 0.461 0.950 3054.0 11674.5 1 0.449 (1.068 x 1.160 x 0.87) 0.455 0.950 2451.5 7799.3 0.6274 4893.3 11674.5 1.00 1.083 0.458 0.950 5505.3 EnergyGaugeTTM DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge®/FIaRES'2001 FLRCPB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE I AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier = Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 4 2564.00 10256.0 66.0 0.88 4 1.00 2564.00 1.00 10256.0 As -Built Total: 10256.0 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE AS -BUILT Cooling + Heating + Points Points Hot Water Points = Total Points Cooling Points + Heating + Hot Water = Total Points Points Points 24786 4893 10256 39935 1 18447 5505 10256 34208 I PASS EnergyGaugeTm DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge®/FIaRES'2001 FLRCPB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: 6A-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK Exterior Windows & Doors 606.1.ABC.1.1 Maximum:.3 ctm/s .ft. window area; .5 cfm/s .ft. door area. Exterior & Adjacent Walls 606.1.ABC.1.2.1 Caulk, gasket, weatherstrip or seal between: windows/doors & frames, surrounding wall; foundation & wall sole or sill plate; joints between exterior wall panels at comers; utility penetrations; between wall panels & top/bottom plates; between walls and floor. EXCEPTION: Frame walls where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that extends from and is sealed to the foundation to the top plate. Floors 606.1.ABC.1.2.2 Penetrations/openings >1/8" sealed unless backed by truss or joint members. EXCEPTION: Frame floors where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed to the perimeter, penetrations and seams. Ceilings 606.1.ABC.1.2.3 Between walls & ceilings; penetrations of ceiling plane of top floor, around shafts, chases, soffits, chimneys, cabinets sealed to continuous air barrier, gaps in gyp board & top plate; attic access. EXCEPTION: Frame ceilings where a continuous infiltration barrier is Installed that is sealed at the perimeter, at penetrations and seams. Recessed Lighting Fixtures 606.1.ABC.1.2.4 Type IC rated with no penetrations, sealed; or Type IC or non -IC rated, installed Inside a sealed box with 1/2" clearance & 3" from insulation; or Type IC rated with < 2.0 cfm from conditioned space, tested. Multi -story Houses 606.1.ABC.1.2.5 Air barrier on perimeter of floor cavity between floors. Additional Infiltration reqts 606.1.ABC.1.3 Exhaust fans vented to outdoors, dampers; combustion space heaters comply with NFPA, have combustion air. 6A-22 OTHER PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES must be met or exceeded by all residences. COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECK Water Heaters 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements In Table 6-12. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker electric or cutoff as must be provided. External or built-in heat trap required. Swimming Pools & Spas 612.1 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal efficient of 78%. Shower heads 612.1 Water flow must be restricted to no more than 2.5 gallons per minute at 80 PSIG. Air Distribution Systems 610.1 All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, Insulated, and installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 610. Ducts in unconditioned attics: R-6 min. Insulation. HVAC Controls 607.1 Separate readily accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. Insulation 604.1, 602.1 Ceilings -Min. R-19. Common walls -Frame R-11 or CBS R-3 both sides. Common ceiling & floors R-11. EnergyGaugeT" DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge®/FlaRES'2001 FLRCPB v3.30 ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE SCORE* = 86.1 The higher the score, the more efficient the home. ELECTRIC, , , , 1. New construction or existing New - 2. Single family or multi -family Single family - 3. Number of units, if multi -family 1 - 4. Number of Bedrooms 4 - 5. Is this a worst case? Yes _ 6. Conditioned floor area (ft') 3004 ft' 7. Glass area & type Single Pane Double Pane - a. Clear - single pane 312.0 ft' 0.0 ft' - b. Clear - double pane 0.0 ft' 0.0 ft' - c. Tint/other SHGC - single pane 0.0 ft' 0.0 ft' - d. Tint/other SHGC - double pane 8. Floor types - a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0, 167.0(p) ft _ b. Raised Wood, Adjacent R=11.0, 378.0ft' - c. N/A 9. Wall types - a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior R=4.1, 869.0 ft' - b. Frame, Wood, Exterior R=11.0, 1 ] 94.0 ft' _ c. Frame, Wood, Adjacent R=11.0, 278.0 ft' _ d. N/A _ e. N/A 10. Ceiling types _ a. Under Attic R=19.0, 1663.0 ft' _ b. N/A - c. N/A 11. Ducts - a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Con. AH(Sealed):Interior Sup. R=6.0, 150.0 ft - b. Sup: Unc. Ret: Con. AH(Sealed):Interior Sup. R=6.0, 140.0 ft 12. Cooling systems a. Central Unit b. Central Unit c. N/A 13. Heating systems a. Electric Heat Pump b. Electric Heat Pump c. N/A 14. Hot water systems a. Electric Resistance b. N/A c. Conservation credits (HR-Heat recovery, Solar DHP-Dedicated heat pump) 15. HVAC credits (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, HF-Whole house fan, PT -Programmable Thermostat, MZ-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before final inspection. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed based on installed Code compliant features. Builder Signature: Date: J U L - 6 2004 Address of New Home: City/FL Zip: Cap: 34.0 kBtu/hr - SEER:12.00 _ Cap: 28.8 kBtu/hr - SEER: 12.00 Cap: 35.4 kBtu/hr _ HSPF:7.40 _ Cap: 28.8 kBtu/hr - HSPF: 7.50 Cap: 66.0 gallons - EF: 0.88 *NOTE: The home's estimated energy performance score is only available through the FLARES computer program. This is not a Building Energy Rating. If your score is 80 or greater (or 86 for a US EPADOE EnergyStarTmdesignation), your home may qualify for energy efficiency mortgage (EEM) incentives if you obtain a Florida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 3211638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at www.fsec.ucf edu for information and a list of certified Raters. For information about Florida's Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of Community AfaiRggrgyU1W UQVprsion: FLRCPB v3.30) PT' - MAY-06-2009:11:03 FP.OM:NISUS CORPORATION 865+577+5e25 TO:4072653751 National'Evaluation Service, Inc. 5203 Leesburg Pike; Suite-000, Falls.Church, Vlrglnla 22041-3401 Phone: 703i031-2107 • • Fax 703/931-0505 webalte: wNw.nateval.org P.002/003 ,Icc NATIONAL EVALUATION REPORT Report No. NER-617 Copyrfghr 0 2001, National Evaluation Ssrntice; ire. issued October 1, 2001 ISORA-CARED TERMITICIDE, INSECTICIDE MAD The Instructions within•this report govern 11 there are any conflicts FUNGICIDE between the manufacturees published Installation instructions and this report. NISUS CORPORATION 100 NISUS DRIVE ROCKFORD, TENNESSEE 37e53 800-2"4970 ' • fllspe ftlauaooro.r.mi lti ww.niaMsporn.corn 1.0 SUBJECT 60RA-CARE0 Termi iclde, Insecticide and fungicide 2.0 PROPERTY FOR WHICH EVALUATION IS SOUGHT Protection Against Termites 3.0 DESCRIPTION BORA,CARE Termitlelds Is used to prevlda protection against subterranean termites. SORA-CARE Is a Federal EPA reglstered Terrniticlde that Is applied to wood surfaces by spraying, brushing,'and injections and prevents Infestation of subterranean termites. 80RA-CARE kills the termite% through Ingestion. The active Ingredient In BORA CARE Is Dlsodlum Oetoborate Tatrahydrate (DOT), which Is a mbdure of borax and boric acid. BORA-CARE utilizes a patented formulation of this mineral matt (OOT) and glycols to penetrate -and protect the wood. When BORA-CARE Is applied to bare wood, It penetrates the wood. and deposits DOT. Diffusion of BORA-CARE Into the wood continues after application until there is uniform distribution of the active Ingredient In the wood member. BORA-CARE Is water soluble. When -fresh wood with no sealants Is treated with SORA-CARE, the borate penetrates completely through the wood member, therefore, the wood member Is parTnitted to be cut after treatment Is complete. 4.0 INSTALLATION 4.1 General BORA-CARE Termlticlde Is Installed In accordance with the manufacturers published Installation Instructions and this report. Applicators of SORA-CARE shall be trained by the Nisus Corporation and shell be licensed pest control operators. The manufacturer's published installation instructions and this report shell be strictly adhered to and a copy of these instructions shall be available at all times on the Job site during Installation. 4.2 Application 190RA-WE Is it coneehtrata that must bs'diluted with water before use. The dilution rate is one pert water to one pact BORAr- . CARE for all pretreatment applications. - Pdor to dilution, 80RA- CARE Is a thick viscous liquid similar In mppetoranca to honey. When diluted and mixed, the solution has the same consistency as water. 80RA-CARE Is applied by spraying, brushing, and injection. BOP-4-CARE is not a resVlcted category pesticide, but shell be ■ppliedbyaprofessional pest control operstorin accordencewith local, state, or federal pest control regulations. BORA-CARE Is clear and odorless. All wood surfaces shall be treated according to label directions when protecting the structure for subterranean lermiles. Pretreatment for subterranean termite protection consists of treating a two, foul band of wood around the pailmeter of- a structure containing o crawl space or basement when the wood corns Into contact with the foundation walls or support piers. This treatment Includes.the jolots, headers, ellls and subflooring areas. Pretreatment of a slab on gradit structure consists of treatment of the bill plate and two feet up on the well studs and wood sheathing. On wood when access Is limited to one or two sides of wood members.such as sills and plates on foundation walls, apply two costs of solution to exposed sides, allowing for a minimum of 20 minutes between applications. Pretreatment Is performed at a point during the construction process when the greatest access to all wood members Is available. Typically at the dried -In stage of construction when all structural wood and sheathing Is In place yet prior to installation of Insulation, mechanical systems, • electrical wiring, -end plumbing. 4.3 Protection from Water Since SORA-CARE Is water soluble, treated wood shall be protected from rain and snow. For long term protection, exterior surfaces shall be coated with a water resistant paint or stain. Interior surfaces exposed to repeated moisture contact, -such as shower stalls, both houses, etc. shall be protected by a water resistant point or stain. 7 th report It limited to the specoc prodact and data and tern •rporti submitted ey the aapppplicant In ru appleeadon requevina this report. No independent tests were performed by the National Evaluation Service, Inc. fNES). and ally does ntu mate any warranty, either rgreurd ar lm�ppU d. as to any finding or other mutter In this report or as to airy prodacr toured by this report. This ditelaimer inclades. brt is rat limited to, a+ erehantobtttty. This report is also sakjret to the limitation Hired herein, , _MAY-06-2004 11.03 FROM:NISUS CORPORATION 865+577+5B25 T0:4072653751 P.003,003 Report No. tVER-0> a Pne 2 of 2 7:1 This. Evaluation .Report and •tile manufacturers 5.0• IDENTIFICATION published installation Instructions, w left, raquirad 6ihs r Each container of BORA-GAREO Termiticide, insecticide, and code oitleial, shell be submitted at the lima of pet,nit Fungicide covered by this report shell be labeled with -the application. manufacturer's name/and or trademark and this National Evaluation Service etidiue��,.n rc;�.� �'-�•= =:. •"•`^ � 7'^-' t°etd T.2 -60FL4=CARE shall be•epplled by applicators trElned by thr Nisus Corporation and shall be licensed peat control Identification. operators. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 7.3 BQRA CARE shall be Installed In accordance with the manufacturer's published installatlonv Instructions, and 6.1 Manufacturer's descriptive literature, specifications, and this report Installation Instructions. 6.2 Test report, lab* lost of SORA-CARE treated wood.enu 7.4 In areas where s Boll treatmsnt/bar ier termlticids . -treatment Is required by the -applicable code of local. untreated wood exposed -to -subterranean. termites. code official, •BORA-CARE iB applied only ma a. Formosan Subterranean Termite and Eastern -supplemental pretreatment and Is not a replacement for Subterranean Termite, FL Lauderdale Research a required treatments or barriers. Education Center,.Unhrerslty of Florida, Document No. IRQ%VP/1504,. April 2. 1991. by Nan-Yeo and Rudolf T.S • BORA-C,ARE .rvee evaluated only for resistance to tachelirahn. sutnerraneen termites. 4.3 Teat report, lab test of oral toxicity of BORA-CARE against Formosan Subterranean Termite and Eastern 7.6 BORA-CARE is water soluble And shall be protected es Subterranean Termite, Ft. Lauderdale- Research 8 noted In Section 4.3 above. Education Center, IFAS, University of Florida,• May, 1993, Masahiko Tokoro and Nan-Yao Su. -7.7 SORA-CARE has hot been evaluated as a treatment (or resistance to termites on LVL products. 6.4 Test report, January 1997 Progress Repoli, 57 months exposure, field evaluation of BORA-CARE treated wood 7.8 Thls-report •Is .subject .to .re-eyAmination on. s periodic the this the subtemmne>an termite feeding and tubing near basis. •For.lnformetlon on current status of J Gutfbort, Mississippi, comWison - of treated -and Evaluation Report, consult the NES Product Evaluation untreated wood•floor Joist, Mississippi State University Llating or contact the NES. Forest Products Laboratory, Tarry L Amburgey. . 6.5 Test report, January 1998 Progress Report, 73 months exposure, field evaluation of BORA-CAJ:ZE treated wood the subt■rranean termite feeding and tubing 'near• Gulfport, • Mississippi, • comparison of - bsated . and untreated wood. noorjoist, Mississippi State University Forest Products Laboratory, Terry L Amburgey. 9.6 Teat report, January 2001 Progress Report, 110 months exaesure, field ovrluatlon of BORA-CARE-treeted wood the subterranean termite feeding and tubing - new. Gulfport, Mississippi, • comparison of treated • and untreated wood floor joist, Mississippi State University Forest Products Laboratory, Tarry L Amburgey. 6.7 Test report on efficacy of SORA-CARE applied to OSS, plywood, pressure treated wood and FRTW, June 12, 2000, Mlsslcslppl State University Forest Products Laboratoy, Dr. TerYyL. Amburgey and MS.-S.V: Perlkh. 7.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The National Evaluation Service Committee rinds that the SORA- CARE® Termiticide, Insecticide and Fungicide described in this report. compiles with or is a suitable alternate to that specified in the 2000 International Building Codem wrih 2001 Supplement, the 2000 infemefloner Re3idenf1e1 CodeO wish 2007 Supplement,, the BOCA Nellonal Building Code11999, the 1999 Standard Building Cod@C,• the 1907 Uniform- Building Code^', .and the .1998 inremefional One. end;Tlao- Fampy Dwelling Code subject to the following condilions: `V,R• — Maronda Systems Maronda Systems 4005 Maronda Way Sanford FL 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 Engineer of Record: Tomas Ponce, P.E. 1005 Vannessa Dr. Oviedo, FL 32765 FL PE # 50068, Design Criteria: TPI Design: Matrix Analysis TEE-LOK software PLAN JOB # LOT ADDRESS DIV/SUB MODEL 6CL00202 2-2 FAIRFIELD DR ORO-CEL WINA4 LEFT WINCHESTER A 4 This structure was designed in accordance with, and meets the requirements of TPI standards and the FLORIDA 2001 BUILDING CODE for 125 M.P.H. Wind Zone. Truss loading is in accordance with ASCE 7-9R_ These trusses are desinned fnr an enclnsed huildinn_ Truss ID Run Date Drawing Revi ed Truss ID Run Date Drawing Reviewed No. of Eng. Dwgs: 27 Truss Layout 3-26-03 Roof Loads - VT 4-11-01 TC Live: 16.0 psf TC Dead: 7.0 psf BC Live: 0.0 psf BC Dead: 10.0 psf HIP 10-20-00 A 3-21-03 Al 4-1-03 A2 3-21-03 Total 33.0 psf A3 4-1-03 DurFac- Lbr: 1.25 DurFac- Plt: 1.25 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" A4 3-21-03 A5 3-21-03 A6 3-21-03 Floor Loads- A7 3-21-03 A8 3-21-03 TC Live: 40.0 psf TC Dead: 10.0 psf BC Live: 0.0 psf BC Dead: 5.0 psf A9 3-21-03 B 3-21-03 B1 3-21-03 132 3-21-03 Total 55.0 psf H 3-21-03 DurFac- Lbr: 1.00 DurFac- Plt: 1.00 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" H1 3-21-03 J 10-9-03 11 10-9-03 J 1 A 10-9-03 J2 10-9-03 J213 10-9-03 • J3 10-9-03 J 36 10-9-03 J4 10-9-03 J413 10-9-03 INV # DESC QNTY DATE: 18331 THD26 18330 THD28 18360 SKH26R 18361 SKH26L 18363 JUS26 18370 THJ26 4 PLANS REVIEWED CITY OF SANFM J 40-0 ICY A W N T — — — — — I — — I J3 "� N D Z I N D Z I t 3 J2F �. m m ,a !�/=U J ' !v J li IJ JI J � / I I J _ C3 I' W J JI N D `D D " D Cn D W D D D D IQla D• D CD D co co J ODD SPACE i J IIA o I I J J1 ODD SPACE PP CEILING ` I I 1 ;' I `•i I \`• J I J I ODD SPACE J 1 7-0 7 0 11 = I 111 � I I Li J J1 _ j jI I 2B { J2 - 36I z - ` i II I z "'IJ31 J41 46 � \ �, I I t' I ci X I s� I �` II ' II ` II`� co 0o co 1 A CONVENTIONAL FRAMED ENTRY c� 17-8 I 8-4 - • , 14-0 r _ JOB NUMBER: W1NA4 CUSTOMER. REVERSED / ~ JOB NAME: WINCHESTER A 4 DRAWN BYCt GATE: 3-26-03 PITCH.6112 -- OH:12- BEARING: 3.5" LOAD: 33# psf i U N 0 4,2004 A A 0 A N � 1I HIB-91 Summary Sheet COMMENTARY and RECOMMENDATIONS for HANDLING, INSTALLING & BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES ° Itis the resoonsibilitvofthe install er(builder buildinocontractor, licensed contractor, erector or erection contractor) toorooerfvreceive, unload store handle install and brace metal Plate connected wood trusses to orptect life and orooertv. The installer must exercise the same high degree of safety awareness as with any other structural material. TPI does not intend these recommendations to be interpreted as superior to the project Architects or Engineer's design specification for handling, installing and bracing wood trusses for a particular roof or floor. These recommendations are based upon the collective experience of leading technical personnel in the wood contractor,eu .i0'dbtaiGO:and 'an&Recoriirl' ' �: - �;�Bracing�fUleia th I-r;:Quilding'contractor iidense ntir e•booklet "Comm( :far�i�lanclling"Instal necYedtUifood Trusses O TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 583 D'Onofrio Dr., Suite 200 Madison, Wisconsin 53719 (608)833.5900 truss industry, but must, due to the nature of responsibilities involved, be presented as a guide for the use of a qualified building designer or installer. Thus, the Truss Plate Institute. Inc. expressly disclaims any responsibility for damages arising from the use, application or reliance on the recommendations and information contained herein by building designers, installe rs, and others. Copyright © by Truss Plate Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. This document or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. -.CAUTION"A-Ilte'mporaijibracingeho'uidibeholess: c ; _ :afjan :2it4 grade marke aumtie . (All ne'cfioits.; `''' ;s[ioeifii be:r►iac�e -k' mimm iiri:'of;:2=:06d�eiai6s.••;��II rr. r�nl:: _ ^:w:pf. •I:,P' ' fit. �'�:' ••.,hn,. - :usses:assut�ied:2:on-centero �i.,ss�Pill:rviiulti=•�iif. ' ...: is r p ',trusse-ishould, be connected fogetnerz:in;•accorji,- T;;e'sign--drawings!pri�r.to..ins llation:' TRUSS STORAGE �r ,^CAUTION:::T:russes:s;h6ii id:'n ot,15e',> r'~ ~ ti}'.T•1'••.1 _•• �:�>�i.,l.Y.'itw^�.�.4. �ti�•.�::I:I..r-��t:1>!,!s�,�� '.'`�=r' ��"�'�:�'iinloabedions�ough''�ierfau�••or:un-;: 'e'ven!suriaces;vGnicF ;c6u[d.cause -:a <damage to tiie-truss:.:•,;, r',:'•zts: �:.- i SIG. �.\ t "--'`' �='��,�C;4'UTION:�Trusses;;storedhorizontall �should�'be+� .L.' - 4•]::•�-i`�-.>, •Lm:�lx.i MYF''t_n:..;:tic.•;nG :.s;r.:'.':•:::1�.'::.�: vent excessive at_ral:. s� o re �" .su�pptirtedonntilocking+t ,p. ��' "��' � ±'din �;aniiilessen' �moisiure'�'airi��� .�t �;:~�.�,��-,•__:.'_;L:: _ :,,'ben .9,.. - .-,.• :,� -g ;�,:><:r: ��1• '�•�--` ��'=3,'_WARNING:":Doer'otbye_a'K:fSandng�until=installaiiori�'' j.r•, :4'='�.%u �.rt �.:4 ��, y`y1rS�:rN'.nr�IR5N"'. .'4 id': V:� - ^:4. :"tiL?. ��?... u-1','.SSt�.�� ',T ��'-�i�begins�-':Care^ahould?tieaeze�cised�in_ ��bandrig:;re;�.i ^/ +1.t':_r�'_{,l .:11 I'T �{r., `•.t Ynf. •_r: Y��' �•L••_•,iFi�l_ �..T.Ji�� . w::�;mo�(:al;to�avoid_stiiftin!�ofaneiividualEt�:u'sses:;yss:r.:;�.;;� �Ij'L r ter: -:f :.z'.. ":�.Y: Ci.Y1. •y[n i r '� I `)'�� AUTION:-%_Trusses ;stored' veriicalty siioullii� Eie ' - r_•d:•�='<r .3; A L �ifiraced••toa iev..nt.to "lin ' �or�ti • m v:5 5.• '4 . , Y - 9 P.P ...9 a• v�r".�:�}'i. �':•rt•:!:.,-.,1':•:8•k`_'S-.'Y.•rv.:p;jT{-::frSi_;:� �rx::•:vi::i,,...•r :P.i�.:��::':Y",�r� Ci'ANGER=iDoRhe -store bundlesq-upti ht un ess` . _ _ _ _ �P...-9x ct i1 o�Tt%i.� tl`f}'k� ., C,��:�•=:'-�-. ". 1Y.�.bT N..:+ rl::.. .. R: l�.•....::.)4j �� �_•,+pro.pe�ystraceii'.Do:riot�b�eaii�tia�ncis�iinti!'bundles•. •tr.: .s.;. `•rr.'.r.:. X.W;t- .yY- -•Ortr-_+'_ xa,:: Js�•rt,. - r - _ r rexplaced-,in=astableaaorazoritalE osition:=;.t ; Frame 1 / � e�I111ECH_ArNICAL�,� 60°� v6o� INSTALI)"ATIONGr or less \ or less\ Approximately Approximately Tag . Tag '/2 truss length / truss length Line LinTruss spans less than 30'. Spreader Bar Toe In ' Approximately r4 to 7/3 truss length Less than or equal to 60' Spreader Bar Toe In Approximately to ;,,.,truss length Less than or equal to 60' R Toe In Tag Line Toe In Lifting devices should be connected to the truss top chord with a closed -loop attachment utilizing materials such as slings, chains, cables, nylon strapping, etc. of sufficient strength to carry the weight of the truss. Each truss should be set in proper position per the building designer's framing plan and held with the lifting device until the ends of the truss are securely fastened and tempo- rary bracing is installed. Strongback/ Spreader Bar Approximately I Y3 to'/, truss length Greater than 60' Tag f Line Stroncback/ �\ SOreaderBar / \1> 10 At or above d V , I�•.' �'- r \ mid-heightI11 Approximately �� to truss length ' Tag Tag Line Line Greater than 60' tivn in tfiissuitimacyw,sheet?is ;ad equaie;;fora'he lrisiallaiio'n;:oi' t== i _ , f.' - Y _ -'L:/I:0411'{lJ•. i(,tYl�l•RI'I1.,cl�1�I:la: _ ... .'� V _� . ry,�-__.�:..- ___4•=:�.:c+ri__ «y �.,�.,� . _ tif, _ `•P� ::p .., £'".+rd'• ,T. :x''tat}i; .a.f.. .:e•{!.ai'a'i-:�"-{7uY.a7_:!: 1:A:iR'1'":.�tlC d.P':Fb yL. •4liY{�[.. .�3.:..1. {' -);i rrr:.'. a^ ':r'ir. ^u 1F �'- � _ �. ...F_ . 13'e:cL';Desi ri'�•S: �,. •11 � -w,= s-;-^• t;:��_,,:: .. -.a '�'F.d,ecommen 9 ,peclticaEion'�for.;Tem ora rr6�a.cln cof.-a7V/efal.o?iafe�Connecfeti.6Moods�... . V- _ r•� rt� ,ih� c11�.itr:•.ti ram. .� �7 -�.c��'.•l�;-:tat'r>•, ,.io ^<'� l:; ,r•. '+n,. ."(r_ i:'__t.,'f-'�..�,:r.•�r+'.:.:.:;_.•..�.�rnral:..'.:';-C'„_'-?I:�i't;:•:.5�;_;iiyS.F. dY;ai4Y'1,';:'•-'�'. �i.,`:. ti' i.�',,'.�n.��„�,.:3•a _ �N.!. :1� .f� :.•.1 'tt. ...C-e.A t5 - +ri l�f+:-x,.. t T_'-' 4iY:... .i' -'��,��"•��:�;1'�„�:Teusses;D'SB=_89';'`:and�inaome�cases)determine`.thatraxwaaer,;spac�n.gt(s;?poss�file.�•,�a��:,,_ xl•-,-,�;t,`�r.x�;� 5- EXTERIOR GBG,-.., ;op:nora, TYpicalverfical i EnJ Woll a LB'�� attachment I Plon t . Blocltin ,— J;I' -tip •�'• =�.• } , Ground brace i I.� '.`� =ice :S� . • �r -vertical (GBV) Ton �" V' -Cnord - GeV I - - I' _-�'=- •�� .}\ .,1 •iF Ground Brace co .' �t _�� , •���-ir�•:� I arlials ('GBV) Ground brace rC::.-. fi C �I}J.•I` 1! -_'_ diaponale (GBp) st-Utun'e•ol?brt;cdd I t \�1 u� c3�1 �� ' ' ''L'v dry '2% a % y ti 'i.' I • �_.�: ! -� r.�.. ' ` .�y. �° t, �`e' •S• 4y` ! '¶�1-: .'''''• i Ground braca t�- 1+�� Ott _•'}. .� �7F`'`, '':�^�'.tiF�'i-�=l `' vn i� l'„V / �� �'�`. � vortical (GBy) _ �.< Y �t:.� sC� ^y}lntt'! _•`` / �.; ':Jw ri: ,�..:� h, \r_ >trut S -n ntnl tie member with a (HT) rtrucn or bra, cup of Irucse (cB) Frame 2 q; 2_ 4 or greater II � •:�#�CrGi�;;6`in?ray'. is�l •� 0/ G `� �g ,�R,L`•)i �,�t,trG 110r.,r `•� ,i`l ,14w s, r q Top enoron thnt are laterally braced can buckle •\ together and cause collapse ilthere inno dlago- 1 nalbracing. Diagonal bracing should be nailed to the unaeraroe of the top chord wnen purlino ore attached to the topside of the top chord. :.�• •i.� _ •ail';a;,i:;�5:a,f��;ji,.rlwrrr,�:,'-.,;�x��.,�700'CHORD•:-"1� ,�-i. MINIMUM;;°T OP CHORD DIAGONALBRACB'• PITCfiUaTBRA'L`'BRAC= 'SPACINGi(DBr�);i ' VPAN... DIFF=R=NCB SPACING(LBS)'' ,;,(::trusses '' ) SP/DF SPFIHF UP to 28' 2.5 7' 17 I 12 Over 28' - 42' 3.0 6' 9 l Over 42' - 60' J...0 5' a I 3 Over 60' See a reaistered Professional engineer DF - Douglas Fir -Larch HF - Hem-Ftr Gontinuous T^^ rt,nr f Lateral Blac, Required 10'orGr Attachmen Required Sp - :5outnern rine SPF - Spruce -Pine -Fir All lateral braces lapped at least 2 trusses. '•'�•,j: i� �'.-n>,.;�;14�,!;� -:.i•: I,W,i" V }Irrrth^Si TOP CHORDS ...'•Jr;c•,�: ,-:r> .i�Ai 1 i �h',IF:. ry •� �'I�f,Sr%` ,: flW,r'ICJ 1fT`n i- i. 11t�Jx}K+�;tl } MINIMUM P`'CHORDI`'�''DIA.GONLILBRGCE -12'BR r,.1CI TERA'L' BRACE SPACING (DB''S) ,: � ' �^'w(ri^a k' .i!+t;�",ji .tJnl�-•�i... .,r�v'{^4AN SP; r.. ITCH t' ' SPACING'(LBg)•: UD to 32' 4/12 I 8 20 Over 32' - 48' 4/12 6' 10 1E4� Over 48' - 60' 4/12 5' 6 Over 60' See a registered protesslonal engineer DF- Douglas t-Ir-uarcn SPF �S�ruce-Pine-Fir HF - Hem -Fir P Continuous Top Chord All lateral braces Lateral Brace lapped at least 2 -Required trusses. 10' or Greater ( /. �I% t Attachment ^ rl/ Required — I i IT64_E TFiIlSS laterally braced can buckle Top chords that are H isno diago- togelhersnd cause collapse there nol bras Diagonal bracing should be nailed ti lathe underside of the top chord when purlrns top ere attschod to the topside o1 the chord _' SCISSORS"VTR 41 W.,., 12 4 or greater u 3otuon iteuo c ,na'n ',---~_—' Permanent continuous ~ lateral bracing `r as specified by the truss engineering. Frame OM -CHORD ID51AG'OiTAAL BRACE 10 )rofessional engineer � sp' SoUthern Pine spp'ap,oce-pvne'p» --- All lateral braces lapped atleast 2 trusses. -- / Cross bracing repeated / ateach end ofthe buUdimgand st2O' �ir�srvsuie. ill ' Sl w 2v 1{1^ � ,1:4• y.l 5 :.it r'.ti •,4,• :��; ^ r `r:�'.i. � .� e �•.. yi �:+v -:_It"4'�•l 1'r.; �_�5.i'_1'^ ', ri -4�a 8 • .., • �.., .... N:a N�a.r,:i7: ri:i.'n.r:_. :v,y3'•: r.'vy S'� - �{;r.,.fil.,-I%Ct', ;:ia ��•1'�'Ta`'' .I; ::'��" .. ;,�'^r,it;' `••,. Y e �'if;�•;�::n:' .TOP'CHORD.•-•.ar°:. u,•v^..,-.., �'�-r..J.t' ,( tl �' a'MIN1MUMy TOP CH,O �':., RD.,,. +ti .. ,DIAG,ONAL'8R4CE '$�,jP �14tisy+r ,. I i l >•Sr SPAN^• F,," n r�LAT,cRAL BRACE 1, �:..•� •a `SPA'CING DBF h"'L ,.,.. gib , r J� 'd 1q; .DEPTH 74 'r a „l. SPACI G N (LBS)y; nrsnrfr-r^. rA"J, , ' #"aFusses i !li%ill y^r :l:�t..2,;�'r.Y•µ;,i:..'.4�"', �::+�7 e� _' � 4w „nv: :,L c-ei 5'-ry;:� i •: +' "Ft;`;i- ;s P,'/:D F`j S P.'F, H F, Up 10 32' 1 30" 1 8' 16 1 10 Over 32' - 4811 42" 11 6' I 6 T 4 Over 48' - 60'1 48" 1 g' 1 4 2 Over 60' 1 See a registered professional engineer ur - uouglas rlr-Larch SP - Southern Pine HF - Hem -Fir SPF - Spruce -Pine -Fir i - The end diagonal brace for cantilevered trusses must be placed on vertical webs in line with the support. '2z4/2x6':1?F?ARAL'LEL': aRD TRUSS;'1;k,G Top chords that are laterally braced can buckle together a nd cause collapae it there is no diago- not bracing. Diagonal bracing should be nailed to the underside of the top chord when purling are attached to the topaide of the top chord. End diagonals are es"seniralfjd stability and must be duplica4 both ends of the truss system. 4x2'P-Ar;ALEL'ICHORD,TRUSS;TOP CHORD:! Top enordo that are laterally braced can buckle togotherand cauaa collapse if there isno diago- ,'al bracing. Diagonal bracing should be nailed to tiro undersidu of the top chord wnen purlinu are attached to file toaaide of tho top chord rrame 5 Continuous —� Top Chord Lateral Brace T Required 10' or Greater Attachment Required — ZD r oTr (Ogs) .1SP F/HF� Z 30" or greater Continuous _ Top Chord ` Lateral Brace Required , T—U�I"� I` 1 C' or Greater ---- attachment Recuired — J, I. J1'2„ 'I 1 Trusses must have lum- ber oriented in the hori- zontal direction to use this brace spacing. ,4 L I DIAGONA'BRACE L R ' WINIMM 3 R A C E SPACING aPITCH'01 ):.4. PA ING(Eb usses `,41, V r::'SF!_/DF,,1l-SPF/HF.rj 17 12 Over 24'- 42' 3/12 1 7' 1 10 6 1 Over 42'- 54' l 3/12 1 6' 1 6 4 Over54' See a registered professional engineer DF - Douglas Fir -Larch SP - Southern Pine HF - Hem -Fir SPF - Spruce -Pine -Fir rya Vol Diagonal brace also required on end verticals. Topr,ho,da that sr. laterally 1,12 a.d ..n bucitu- h h rci,s odi.Eio­ 1 brau 111G, DiaLronal brucing cuumid bo naiied to rho underside nt rho lop chord when puffins nre attached to the topside of the top chord. M&NO TFUIS;�"* 12 -73 or greater 0'e:< N All lateral braces lapped at least 2 trusses. Continuous To.r.) Chord Lateral Brace Required _7 10' or Greater Attachrrient Required ­*-, , VVARNING:- F�iilijfLm,tb%fbiloWther;t,rL-dbihffidndgtlibnscdiildfb�6.ul'Lih severe personal injury br di5�n�agfd-fo-IrQsses 'or bulidings; PLUMB Truss Depth D(in) Lesser of D/50 or 2" L INST -L "':. A MATIOWTOLERANM. BOW Length L(in) 36" 1/2" __T14 --T-3- — 2' 413" SO" 5 72" 1-1 /2" 1 6' 84" 1 1-314" 1 7' 1 96" 1 2" 1 8, F 1 _oa- - rnum Plumb Misplacement Line OUT -OF -PLUMB INSTALLATION TOLERANCES. L(in) 5C.. 1/4" 4.2' 100" 1/2" 6.3' 1 5G" 3/4" 12.5' Lesser of Lr'200 or2l" L(in) t Lesser of L/200 or 2" 200- 1" 16.T 250" 1-1/4" 20.8' 300" 11-1/2"1 25.0' OUT -OF -PLANE INSTALLATION TOLERANCES. !vnsta,ncev.i.,t*h6U1dj d I "N­­8 e., P ,;�jqftiqq� A`—9 ka- p_q,. V, ,.on.,,u M. W& d-ffl Frame 6 -- ��da ��s�erns ; VAROM?A SYSTEms 4005 Maronda Way Sanford, FL 32771 (407) 321.0064 Far (407) 321-3919 Date: March 5, 2003 To: Building Department From: Maronda Systems Tomas Ponce Professional Engineer State of Florida #0050068 Subject: Valley Trusses All valley 4russes labeled VT -I thru 100 are covered under the general valley sheet provided in the truss package signed and sealed by the engineer of record. The connections are noted on the structural info sheet of the plans. All criteria of the valley trusses are noted on the General sheet. If you have any questions please feel free to can at 407-321-0064. S incerely. Ponce, P.E. Date: 3) s f o 3 `ONX%etlillit!hP;-/// S P I/z 4r, j••= _ ray. ool;occ� ti Si r:t lip E - '•:� a � MARONDA SYSTEMS WO: VALLEY SET TI: VT QTY:1 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an Individual buUdbng camp-1 and has been basil on toformatlun provided by the client. The designer dhclalms any responsibility for damage as a result of faulty or mmr-nx Informationspedricattom and/or designs fumfahed la the trot designer by the client and the mnectnm or accuracy of this mrormatloo as it may relate to a spe- cBlc pm3aS and accepts no responsibility or e••*M+va no emntrregard ol with to fahrlca- ilon. handling, shipmmt and Installation of is trusses. Thu htrot has been deigned as an ludlvidmildi l bung tvmponcnt in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-07 to be Incorporated as put of the building deign by a Bundh4 Desimc Iregatered architect or professional mgnecel. When rcWawed for appro al by the building delgmer, the design Loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shavrn are in agecmcol with the local building codes. loml -41ov, o records for wind or arow Wads. prged specifications or special applied lad>. Unless shown, truss has not bem designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords Imp or bottom) are continu- ou> y bmccd by sheathing unless otherwise apccMcd. Where bottom chords to lenslun are not fully braced laterally by ■ properly applied rigid —ling they should be braced at ■ maamrmn spacing of 1 U'-0- o e Connector plates shall be manufaetwsd fr® 20 gauga hot dipped pbadrrd steel meeting AS(M A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shows FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrics lon. Ube fabrtcaLor •ball revlew this drawing to verify that this dra" Is in nmformanee vdlh the fabnleamds plans and to real- a continuing responsibility for such vert- Dotloa Any dLcepancfes are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Phus stall not be W taped over knothole, knots or distorted gram. Mernbers shall be nit for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- meetar plates shall be looted on both fan of the truss with nalLs fully bnbgdded and &hall be sym. about the Joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate Is5- wide x 4' long. A tics plate Is B' wide x B' long Slats Iholesl run parallel to Ines piste fca(lh speciflcd. Double ants on web members shall meet at the centrold of the webs undm othernlsa shwa Connector plate sixes Arc mmtmum she form shown based an the forsho and my need to be mueased for V tafn hand. 11.9 and/or cr=U= sbesses. Thb muss b nil to be fabricates! with W e-tordant Iroted lumber unless otherwise shwa For-dd1tu—I toformatioo on Quality Control refer to ANSIjlPI 14995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES Ali bracing and erexxlon reeatruneudatfnns .- to be (allowed in accordance wruh -Handling InstaOtng d Brad e. H1111-9I. T russo ors to be handled with partladar care during banding and buvdimg. delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permaamt bracing for hold', g muse in a aUalght and plumb pos- Rim and far reslatbhg lateral fotccs shall be designed and Installed by othera. Careful hand- ling b essential and ensllon bmctug Is always requtre Normal precaullormsy aellon for comes require such temporary bracing during �I.I +r Irrn bchvcco come to avoid toppling and dinuing. 7ha supervision of "c"I"t of trussesm.hall be under the tanlal ofpersons experienced m the instalhtiom of trnrsses. Pru[asitmi advice shall be sought if needed. ianeentralma of most ruction loads greater than the deign loads shall not be applied to trusses nt any tuna No loads other than the w;Wd of the c ectota shall be applied to tnusses until after all fastening and bract" is completed. MONO VALLEY VALLEY TRUSSES t 416 DIAGONAL WEBS OR REQUIRED WITH SPANS 214 GREATER THEN 26.0.0 316 214 0.0-4 COMMON VALLEY 11nI' IInII 'InII II II 11 O 6UPPORTING TRUSSES VALLEY TRUS{E{IIYP.I II 0 II II II ITYPI II II VALLEY AREA SUPPORTING TRUSS VALLEY TRUSSES (TYP.) COMMON OR GIRDER COMMON TRUSSES (TYP.) a VALLEY STRAPPING TO TRUSS BELOW USING MSTA12 @ 4' O.C. VALLEY TRUSSES CAN BE CANTILEVERED UP TO TWO FEET. Eff IF LESS THEN 3-0-0 THEN MOVE DIAGONAL WEB TO NEXT PANEL. It1 WHEN DIGAONAL WES PRESENT USE 4X6 PLATE it, WHEN NO DIAGONAL WEB PRESENT USE 2X4 PLATE 1 214 1 214 OR 516 OR 416 316 VALLEY MEMBERS AT 316 4X6 t 416 24' O.C. (TYP) OR 214 214 30 I VARIES 214 J UP TO T 1! 316 214 2X4 h4 ' 214 400 214 31ll 214 2t4 336 315 on 316 an 2:4 t 416 on t 416 MAX. 6.0.0 O.C. [TYP) / 2a4 I MAX 6.0.0 O.C. (TYPI MAX TRUSS SPACING 11110 BELOW a 48' O.C. I SPANS UP TO 60-0-0 �I TOP CHORDS: 2X4 SP 02 IT IS NOT REQUIRED TO SHEATH TRUSSES BOT CHORDS: 2X4 SP 02 BELOW VALLEY SET. VALLEY MEMBERS WEBS: •2X4 SP 63 PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY TOP CHORD BRACING. VALLEY MEMBERS TO BE SET TIC MUST BE CONTINUOUSLY BRACED BY ROOF PERPENDICULAR TO TRUSSES BELOW. SHEATHING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. WHEN VALLEY MEMBERS ARE NAILED DIRECTLY TO TRUSS TOP CHORDS USE (2) 16D NAILS PER INTERSECTION, OR TWO FEET ON CENTER. WHEN BELOW TRUSSES ARE SHEATHED FIRST USE (2) 10d NAILS OR (1) 16d NAIL PER INTERSECTION , OR TWO FEET ON CENTER: 2x4 BRACING NAILED FLAT TO EDGE OF WEB WITH 12d NAILS AT 8' O.C. OR A SCAB OF THE SAME DIMENSION AND GRADE AS WEB; NAILED TO FACE (S) OF WEB WITH 10d NAILS STAGGERED 8' O.C. SCAB OR TRANSVERSE BRACING TO EXTEND FOR 90% OF WEB LENGTH. ONE BRACE REQUIRED ON WEBS GREATER THAN 8' LONG t. TWO 2X6 BRACES REQUIRED ON ANY WEB EXCEEDING 14'.tt EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES: ARE T120 GA TESTED PER ANSVPPI 1-1995 Cont. Support (Maronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 1090 OREENBROOK Cr.OVIED0.1"L377aa WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this drawing Is not erection bracing, wind bracing. portal bracing or shnllnr bracing whfcb is a part of the tndldmg dolgn and which must be considered by the bolding desipor. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of truss m®ben only to reduce bucWing length. Prmvsfons must be mde to anchor lateral hracing at ends and specified homUous ddermtned by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structu s, may be rmpdred. ISen HUB-01 of TPU (Russ Ph" InsUhttq TPI. Is located at 5W D'Onofrlo Drive, Madbon. Wisconsin 55719)• Studs ® 6-0-0 ox. Eng. Job: Dwg: Dsgnr: TLY Chk: TIC live 16.0 psi TIC Dead 7.0 psf BC live 0.0 psf BC Dead 2.0 psf TOTAL 25.0 llsf Truss ID: VT Date: 4-1.1-01 vulrul. - L101. 1.40 DurFac - Pit: 1.25 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: Detirnn: Afatrir Aitofvrir Ina PnH• r•nrcv-rnnrnutr.lacc.I nrvnoc DESIGN INFORMATION This deign is fitf an io'liriJ„al huihh,t cumpunem now I., I... lo w m inl,amathm pn.,iJ,,d by d,e cli.g. Tle doe g—dlselaims any re,pnnnbilily 6ardamoge, at a remh or. faullr w incareo inhaanllm, sPcelf®miwts anHar dcsi:eat hunidtd to drc ... dedg�tcr by 11. cliens ..I ,Ito, cw,mtsess W accuracy of des inrtrtnali n as it,nay Wale, 1. a site. .ill. pouicw and mxcpn m rainmphdlsr ,a Ssacises 1tn eaund tote rcgud In nbrka- Ihm, eu.11ing, shil—w trod lauall.lhm of busses. T7us lraa, has been deigned as an baHtitee11.11Jing cxtrop mm In acn.dame rich ANSlfri'l 1-1"5 .'.1 NDS-91 m be 1.etalaaa,d as pill a1 the buihling design by a BuilJln� DmJ-.iur (r�.Isscrcd ard,itm or prof ssioul engineu) When reAktrd fur �ypprural by Hoc building dealgo.r, it. design IwJiugs lhswt MLW be cheeked W be su,n shag d. daea r11t1a-4 der. lea ag,.en.,Y .am d,L meal huibhuc Lu,IU, ['..I clinuk rccads fur .d,r or mew louts, pruica li—Irseatlms ur aperld applied IoaJs. Unless,Yorn, Ulan has as been designed fur alor.gc a =l.1 lords. Th. design auTn,, mmtplLmm ceWds Pop ,ho noI arc e"oll s- ,atdr Iraed by sheathing r a_ wle,%4= spec iflcd Where b'm— ehorda in 1.mhr, art m, h,Hy Ia,QaI lamnny by r p,nperly applied rigid cdletg, mcr dmW be hrmX,l .1 a maLleanes xroodn: of In'-0- ore. C anteela plates A.11 he tsuml'awrol fntul 70 gauge how dipoltnl rA,.danl ,Iccl mI.: ASTM A 613. GfLIe 40. u j .r Wftcr.i. s1wn. rA11RICATION NOTES ►rlr a fiabrleatim, du rabrieatn Wall eerier Ibis draadog to redfy that this dn.iog is eo c....fWnonca with the (dvi alur', plans ■ml ill roll... tmtlnuiug rcga'mU'iluy lie ua:e .n i- Ikalim. Any .GaL,cpaa:lcs ate sat be pw Ill orlHry I.f c Lotting n rahrinunn. Phoea shall ,1W be i..Hed u,cr b..Ndcs, tens ,+ dl,tor,d gnln ►saodwn shall be eu, for dgbf old„ i etaJ to .roll, hearing. Co., rteehr Idstea dull lte InCao",a Noah fares of the wss vile ,nlls fully IdscdJed and dell ee synt..bud the julm udcss o belmise dnru A 5-4 Plate is S' aide a C tart. A 6.1 glue is 6- rid. a 1- hmZ. Sloss (hok,1 ran pm.1kl 1. d. plat. te.gte Wdricd. DodMe cut. to arch moulds ,hall otea at the cemfdd o ,k .Les mtcv ,,Ibcrri- sbw . Cattircla plus does der. ai,daam,I,e, e.,d Call n. force, dat.,t and May sted w be eareasd IW owma, hand- bag uvUor.rcaina, so --Two; truss is ,sot Ica be laerkafcd ,tltb Hrc re.,ja. u-IW Iwdter rud[ss Wba As. leu.a For nwili.1 rm Infi alhm m Qu.1ily Cm,rW refer so .. ANSI11 PI 1.199S PREC&I-MONARY NOTES All bmInC ml amllm r¢unp,tculatltns are Inbe hdlwtJ in --ordure avub'lla,alli,g ""a.11ing i Or•Lht-, HI8.91. Tmascs arc m be Ita,alkd rim paninllar raft thoing hauling 2111 lauaflin=, deli ely rut imaallativa 11 amid damage. Tc°ya--y and permanen hmirt ra holdi.g hares In . ,thigh, ..I Pb,me r - hiun .M for resisting Istcnl fttrres shall Ito dcdgllcd and Installed by t91.m careful Immi. 11ag Is event., dent .—I,n hnclag 1, .1 —y, rcyrird. Momul pro tiurxy .c,l'm ha 1rtdlC raptlns soce Itanptllary bnciag during Imullati•t° earcca wiC11a ■ndJ upp,Ing .10 d'aniating. Tic saperidn, hf ereell'on. tr„593 shall Ill: andes the conual of pclims ecl.dcned in .1. 1..W Lthn of n uuea. G"desshgtal adricc dtaH le wughl if nectkJ. nremralhm otl,atltvrnnitm hods gca,cr dull the design heads shall na Ito ygdi,l,o uutse 31 any flute. No loads ad.1 Ilan the os:iglu W the taceltns shall Im 211111101 to busses unit after all [listening and bolt, Is nmtplctrJ. -- _ ,nn tt oil, I Its JSJI ISII'IJ `,\\111111i I I I111l11���� PON ���`� ` �•.f `` IC ��• I No.00630068 i o STATE OF i .a (� pO.o �••��OR1OP: k/11111111111111``` HIP GIRDER BOOM 010- 2x OF %-AIU: 11114 AIL 1'L I1TP 0TY:1 BLOCKING ADDED TO. TOP CHORD STEP HIP TRUSSES TO SHORTEN R OSB NOT TO EXCEED 24'IO.C. TO BE NAILED TO TRUSSES w/ S @ 12" ON CEN. STAGGERED PRE-ENG'D TRUS TOP WALL OF BUILDING WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON TIIIS MEET. ling. Jul): WO: HY!"DETAII, (!Mlaronda Systems A COPY OIL THIS DRAWING TO BE GNrN TO EWEC_TING Dwg: TI-IISS 1D: 1111" CONTRACTOR. I)sgnr:. ICU: hate: 10-20-00 4005 MARONDA WAY 'BRACING WARNING: TC Live 16.0 psf Dur Inc - Lbr: 1.25 SANFORD. R- 32771 Bluing damn on this Jn,r'q is uw erraion hrning, r ul muln;, rvutal 1-1,.:ur similar hoeing relish is a side la,ildinJlcusssignn TC 1)Lh1I 7.0 psT llurC lie -151L 1.25 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 pan .d dun15 uumtdhne,hsimlo ly to heedtauttdtndeteltainl g l ut111gctAh.ui4ling dcsignet Ul acing IIC hive 0.0 . S aclll : 24,0n TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 °'ark °'.,n l'u lam,al l".ring a c'•L mul q ccilicJ lrcmimu Jclnmin-J by du huildiools gncr. AJdid,ar l low ng of lix unroll miwitne may 1'e tcyui,W- (See lllH-91 al 7 PqC I,SfO.C., Dead 11 m psr Design Criteria: 'ITI g 19900REQIBR001( CT.OVIEDO.FL65!7fi8 -- (T„rss Plato, Insditim. TPI, Is located a1 511 D'Onuhm flirt, Madiwul, Wisc,own 53719). Code Desc: - - _- TO•I'AL 33.0 psf V:01-01.00- 30106- X Deign: ltolric Anolysir J08 P.17'11: CITEE-LOKLIMSI111POET-1 HCS- 01.01370 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an Individual building component and has been based on Information provided by the client The designer disclaims any responsibility for damnges as a result of faulty or Incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy Of this Information as It may relate to a spe- clflc pralect and accepts no responsibility or exerclses no conlral with regard to fabria- tlon, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. Ths truss has been designed as an Individual building component In accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as pan of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional gt enneer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the loaf building codes, Local tWnallc records for wind or snow bads, Project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown. truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy bads. The design assumes compression chords Ilop or bottom) are mi llnu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rWd ceding, they should be braced at ■ maximum spacing of 10-0' o,c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvantzed steel meeting AM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shad review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabrialo's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verl- flcatlon. Any discrepancies are to be put In writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shad not be trtsalled over knotholes. knots or distorted grain. Members shad be cut for light fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shad be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully Imbedded and shod be sym. about thejoint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate Is 5' wide x a' long. A 6x8 plate is 6 wide x 8- long Slots (holes) run parallel to the piste length specified. Double cuts on web members shad nncel at the cenimid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes ore minlnnum size based on the forces shown and my need to be Increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES Ali bracing and crection recommendatlons are to be followed In accordance with'Handling Installing & Bracing'. HID-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular are during banding and bundling. delivery and Installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pm. ttion and for resisting lateral forces shad be designed and Ins Laded by others. Careful hand. long is essenlal and erection bracing is olwaya required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during Installation between tnase5 to avoid toppling and dmnlnoing The supervision of erectlon of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced In the installation of trusses. ProfwlonaI advice shall be sought If needed. Concentratlon of conatrueUon loads greater than the design loads shad not be applied to muses at any time. No Inds other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing b completed. .ow. vvivi%,nraiCK M 4 A%-: IUS UYLII-I U.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #2 2x4 SP #3 1,9 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 965# Support 2 922# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L--0.13" D--0.14" T--0.27" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.10" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.05" RMB = 1.15 : WINA4 WE: Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 14'-0". WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C4C, V. 125irph, H. 23.0 ft, i= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type. Encl L. 40.0 ft W. 44.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -2768 0.48 2- 3 -2573 0.55 3- 4 -1912 0.50 4- 5 -1654 0.42 5- 6 -1908 0.51 6- 7 -2573 0.56 7- 8 -2768 0.55 ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 14-13 2426 0.51 13-12 2045 0.41 12-11 1651 0.30 11-10 2046 0.41 10- 9 2426 0.51 TI: A QTY:2 --- - ===Joint Locations=====___==____= 1) 0- 0- 0 6) 31- 0- 8 11) 25- 0- 0 2) 6-10-15 7) 37- 1- 1 12) 19- 0- 0 3) 12-11- 8 8) 44- 0- 0 13) 9-11- 4 4) 19- 0- 0 9) 44- 0- 0 14) 0- 0- 0 5) 25- 0- 0 10) 34- 0-12 - MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 1497 44 -965 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 1451 0 -922 BOT H-ROLL Ilk 19-0-0 1, 6-0-0 11 19-0-0 1 2 3 1 16 7 8 0 5X8 4X6 00 OAftf 8X10 4X6 8X10 4X6 44-0-0 14 13 12 11 10 g 1498# 3.50" 1100-0� `` 1452N (R0 -11-11) I I� 44-0-0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TP1 1-1995 scalf Imaronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 (407)321-0064 Fax (407)321.3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 1005 VANNESSA DROVIEDO,R33705 n..t..,. ar....:. z..-r...:. WAKNINU: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing. wind bracing, portal bracing or smdLar bracing which b a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the budding designer Additional bracing of the overall structure may be requued. (See HIB-91 of TPI). rrnus plate Institute. TPI, is [Dated at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Eq. Job: Dwg: Dsgnr: TLY Cldc: TC Live 16.0 psf TC Dead 7.0 psf BC Live 0.0 pSf BC Dead 10.0 psf TOTAL 33.0 Dsf 9-10-3 0-4-3 TT� I 3.50" = 0.1489 Truss ID: A Date: 3-21-03 DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 DurFac - Plt: 1.25 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA HCS. 08 20.02 DESIGN INFORMATION This design Is for an Individual building component and has been based on Information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect Wbrmatlon. specifications and/or designs furnished to the vuss designer by the client and the correctness or amumcy Of this Infomnallon as It may relate to a spe. clfic project and accepts no responslbWty or exercises no control with regard to fabria- Lion, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses This truss has been designed as an indlvtdual building component in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as pan of the building design by a Budding Designer (registered archllect or professional englneerl. When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sum that the data shown are In agreement with the 1=1 building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied Inds. unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are contlnu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a property applied rigid ceiling. they should be braced at ■ maxtmum spacing of 10'-0• o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured fmm 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is In rnnfomrance with the fabrt=tor's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri- fication Any discrepanaes are to be put In writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed over knotholes. knots or dL torird grain. Members shall be cut for light filling wood to wood bearing. Con- nector places shall be looted an both faces of the truss with nalis fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown A 5x4 plate is 5' wide x 4' long A BxB plate is B' wide x B' long Slots [holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwise sham. Connector plate sizes ■re minimum size based on the fort" shown and may need to be increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses This truss is no to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendarlors are to be followed in accordance with 'Handling Instaiing A Bracing', HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular are during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and pennanent bracing for holding truss" in a straight and plumb pos- Itlan and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand. [Ing Is essential and erection bracing Is always required. Normal preaullonary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during Installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing The supervislon of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought If needed. Concentration of construction loads grater than the design 1=& shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors stall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. .ru. srttnl%,ncaicK M 4 Hl.: )urr uYLtrl U.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 2x4 SP #1 D 1 2x4 SP #2 D 2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #2 2x4 SP #3 1,3,12 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 1059# Support 2 1089# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L--0.26" D=-0.27" T=-0.541, MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.28" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.14" RMB = 1.15 9-3-2 0-4-3 WU: WINA4 WE: Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 141-011. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type. Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 44.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Fact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -5063 0.82 2- 3 -3059 0.71 3- 4 -2290 0.63 4- 5 -1870 0.42 5- 6 -1784 0.42 6- 7 -2046 0.49 7- 8 -2628 0.54 8- 9 -2800 0.50 ..BC...FORCE ... CSI 17-16 4588 0.96 16-15 4209 0.95 15-14 2688 0.68 14-13 2051 0.45 13-12 1873 0.32 12-11 2128 0.38 11-10 2460 0.48 TI: Al 9TY:1 ======= -===Joint Locations=============== 1) 0- 0- 0 7) 32- 4- 8 13) 21- 2- 6 2) 4- 3- 8 8) 37- 9- 1 14) 17- 2- 6 3) 10- 7-12 9) 44- 0- 0 15) 10- 7-12 4) 17- 0- 0 10) 44- 0- 0 16) 4- 3- 8 5) 21- 2- 6 11) 35- 0-12 17) 0- 0- 0 6) 27- 0- 0 12) 27- 0- 0 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 1498 68 -1059 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 1497 0 -1089 BOT H-ROLL 11 17-0-0 '11110-0.0 17-0-0 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 0 -6 001 5X8 3X4 4X6 "•••" ��� "All/ 42LD 8-10-3 0-4-3 T_ 3.00 1 L 3.00_ 0-3-8 A 4-0-0 12-10-14 1, 4-0-0 22-9-10 7 16 IS 14 13 12 )1 1 1498N 3.50" I_-O-U �a 44-0.0 1498N 3.50" 1-0-0-0 (RO-11-11) I EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 CA TESTED PER ANSUTPI 1-1995 (1 RO-11-11) scale = 0.1457 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: WO: WINA4 Maronda Systems A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING D`vg: I Truss ID: Al CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dsgnr: TLY Clik: Date: 4-01-03 TIC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or sindLv bracing which is apart of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer Bracing TIC Dead 7.0 psr DurFae - Pit: 1.25 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown Is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be BC Live 0.0 psf O.C.Spacing: 24.U" a sc P g• TOMAS PONCE P.E. made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified localloni determined by the building designer. Additional bracing or the overall structure may be required. IS" HIB-91 of TPI). [1C Dead 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI LICENSE #0050068 (muss Plate Institute. TPI, is located at 5113 D'Onofrio on". Madison. Wisconsin 537191. Code Desc: FLA 1005 VANNESSA DMOVIEDOSI-32766 TOTA 1, 33.0 psr V•09.05.02- 20365- .--.•s•• 1.1,...1,., , t"Alr. I—.6 ij. VVQJn nrin'A4 w NCS.- 08.20.02 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs furnWred to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as It may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control wash regard to fabrica- tion, handling, shipment and Installation of louses. This truss has been designed as an Individual building component in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as pin of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes. local clinulic records for wind or snow toads. project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu. ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a property applied rigid ce8mg, they should be braced at ■ moxlmum spacing of 10'-V o c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review, this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricators plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri. Bolion. Any discrtpancles are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plato shall not be installed over knotholes. knots or distorted gram. Members shall be cut for tight Ruing wood to wood leartng. Can. nectar plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise sham. A 5x4 plate is 5- wide x 4- long. A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8- long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length apecified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the cenlroid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be mcreaaed for certain hand. ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is no to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise sham. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with"Handling ImiaWng & 8racmg-, HIB-91. Thus" art to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pw. Ilion and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Irsmiled by others. Careful hand. eng is essential and erection bracing ls always required. Normal pmcauUonary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during (nstalhUon between trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of peraors experienced in the installation of trusses. Professbnnl advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design Inds shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after ail fastening and bractng Is completed. .lu. vrfim%,ncalcK m 4 Hl,: IUR UPIIH U.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #2 2x4 SP #3 1,10 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the couposite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 979# Support 2 936# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L--0.13" D--0.14" T--0.2711 MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.10" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: To 0.05" RMB o 1.15 9-3-2 0-4-3 rT� I WO: WINA4 WE: ®Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 141-0". WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C4C, V. 125rrph, H- 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Xzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L. 40.0 ft W- 44.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL- 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC... FORCE...CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -2797 0.46 15-14 2457 0.48 2- 3 -2625 0.51 14-13 2130 0.40 3- 4 -2053 0.47 13-12 1858 0.37 4- 5 -1790 0.39 12-11 2130 0.40 '5- 6 -1790 0.39 11-10 2457 0.48 6- 7 -2053 0.48 7- 8 -2625 0.52 8- 9 -2797 0.52 TI: A2 CITY:I __- - ----==Joint Locations=====___==== 1) 0 0- 0 6) 27- 0- 0 11) 35- 0-12 2) 6- 2-15 7) 32- 4- 8 12) 27- 0- 0 3) 11- 7- 8 8) 37- 9- 1 13) 17- 0- 0 4) 17- 0- 0 9) 44- 0- 0 14) 8-11- 4 5) 22- 0- 0 10) 44- 0- 0 15) 0- 0- 0 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 1498 44 -979 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 1452 0 -936 BOT H-ROLL 17-0-0 10-0-0 1117-0-0 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 Q 4X6 3X4 4X6 -lu 0A1U 115 14 13 1498N 3.50" 11000 (R0-11-11) I ie 44-0-0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Lmaronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD. FL. 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 1005 VANNESSA DFLOVIEDO.IL3276a -6 00 1 8X10 8X10 WAKNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING D`vg: CONTRACTOR. Dsgnr: TLY C11k: BRACING WARNING: TC Live 16.0 psf Bracing shown an this drawing is not erection bracing. wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a par of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. TC Dead 7.0 psf Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length Provisions must be BC Live 0.0 p$f made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the Overall structure may be requtred. (See r113-91 of TPI). BC Dead 10.0 psf ff7uss Plate Institute. TPI, is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. Wisconsin 53719) TOTAL 33.0 Dsf 4X6 1452N 3.50" scale = 0.1489 Truss ID: A2 Date: 3-21-03 DurFac - Plt: 1.25 O.C. Spacing: 24.01, Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA Design: Marra Artdlyrii JOB PATH: CATEE-LOKUOBSHV1NA4V HCS.• 08.20.02 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an Individual building component and has been based on Information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect Information. speclBcatlons and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy or this Information as It may relate to a ape- clflc project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrica• tlon, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an Individual building component In accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated ns pan of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engtneerl• When reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement with the local building coda. local climatic records for wind or snow loads. project specifications or special applied loads. Unless sham, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads The design msumes compression chords hop or bottom) an contlnu• ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a Property applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0' o c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Crude 40. unless otherwise sham. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabdcotor shall review this dmwing to verify that this drawing is in conformance wsth the fabricator's plans and to realize a con[ au` ing responsibility for such vert- Hcallon. Any dlscmpancles are to be put in writing before culling or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed over knothole. knots or distorted gram. Members shall be cut for light fitting wood to -,.ad fearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of line tress with ails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint uhless olhervelse shown. A See Plate is 5- wide x a' long A 6z8 plate Ls 6- wide a 8' long Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the e-trold of the webs unless othenvLse sham. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain hand. ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with Me retardant treated lumber unless olherwI3c shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with 'Handling Installing & Brocing'. HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with panlcular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses In a slnlghL and plumb Pos- Won and for rusting latcml forty shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful hand. Iing is essential and erection bracing is always required. Norval precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during Installation between pluses to avoid toppling and dominobig The supervision of ereelion of muses shall be under the control of persons experienced In the Installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought If needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be appled to trusses at any tmle No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing Is completed. -. .aIIaVIICJICr% rt H M%.,. IUff urLlrl U.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #2 2x4 SP #3 1,2,3,14, MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 1051# Support 2 1094# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L=-0.24" D=-0.25" T=-0.49" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.26" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: Tei 0.13" RMB = 1.15 8-3-2 0-4-3 WO: WINA4 WE: ®Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced 15 segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.120" nails spaced 81, o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 141-011. WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 23.0 ft, 1- 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt- 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 44.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL- 4.2 psf, BCDL- 6.0 psf Fact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -5364 0.71 2- 3 -3264 0.65 3- 4 -2522 0.58 4- 5 -2325 0.43 5- 6 -2117 0.35 6- 7 -2120 0.35 7- 8 -1920 0.37 8- 9 -2189 0.46 9-10 -2679 0.50 10-11 -2827 0.48 ..BC...FORCE ... CSI 20-19 4902 0.78 19-18 4776 0.75 18-17 2875 0.42 17-16 2195 0.31 16-15 2406 0.37 15-14 2061 0.37 14-13 2211 0.39 13-12 2489 0.46 TI: A3 QTY:1 ========---===Joint Locations====-========= 1) 0- 0- 0 8) 29- 0- 0 15) 21- 2- 6 2) 4- 3- 8 9) 33- 8- 8 16) 17- 2- 6 3) 9- 7-12 10) 38- 5- 1 17) 15- 0- 0 4) 15- 0- 0 11) 44- 0- 0 18) 9- 2- 4 5) 17- 2- 6 12) 44- 0- 0 19) 4- 3- 8 6) 21- 2- 6 13) 36- 0-12 20) 0- 0- 0 7) 25- 1- 3 14) 29- 0- 0 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 1498 92 -1051 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 1498 0 -1094 BOT H-ROLL 15-0-0 14-0-0 15-0-0 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 II 6.00 02i 5X8 3X4 2X4 3X4 4X6 J 1 -3_00 2- 2U r9 18 17 116 115 1498N 3.50" 1-0-0-0 0� (I10-11.11) 1 44-0-0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Lmaronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 (407)321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 1005 VANNFJ' SA DR.OVIEDO.R327GIS f),6- sea",,,, i,.. )-i, Q 7-10-3 0-4-3 12' 14981/ 3.Ij50"" I (RO-11-11) scale = 0.1457 WAKNINU: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: O; A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING D%vg: Truss ID: A3 CONTRACTOR. Dsgiur: TLY Clik: Date: 4-01-03 BRACING WARNING: TC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 Bracing shown on this drawing Is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar brocbmg which Is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing TIC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - Pit: 1.25 sham is for Lateral support of truss memben only to reduce buckling length. Pnwlslons must be BC Live 0.0 PSI* O, C, Spacing: 24.prr made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Addllloal bmcblg of [lie overall stricture may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPI). BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI rrrusa Plate Institute. TPI, is totaled at 583 D'Onairio Drive. Madison. Wisconsin 53719) Code Dese: FLA TOTAL 33.0 psf I V:09.05.02- 20368- 11CS: 08.20.02 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual budding component and has been based on Information provided by the client. The designer dtsclabns any responslbWty for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this Information as It may relate to a spa clllc project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrica. tion, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an indMdual budding component in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated ns part of the budding design by a Building Deslginer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the budding designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the local budding codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied bads. Unless shown, trust/ has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are mnitnu. ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension arc not fully braced laterally by a property applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum apacbV of I V-0- o.c. Connector plates shad be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvantwd steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall revlew this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricators plans and to rsallre a gnUnuing responsibility for such veri- fication Any dlscmpanclo are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes. knots or distorted gram. Members shall be cut for tight BLLmg wood to wood bearing Can. nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with malls fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the Joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 Plate is 5- wide x 4- long. A 6x8 plate is 6- wide x 8- long. Slats (holes) run parallel to the plate length 3WMed. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centraid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum awes based on the fortes shown and may need to be increased for certain hand- 8ng and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information an Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with 'Handling Installing A 8mcing'. HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos. Ilion and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others Careful hand. ling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during Installatlon between trtrssn to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of Uusses shad be under the control of persons experienced in the instathtlon of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought If needed. Concentration of construction loads grater than the design Inds shall not be applied to Lrussn at any time. No bads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed -iu. rrilv%,n CafCK A 4 TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP WEBS: 2x4 SP 2x4 SP Al-: IUS U1'Llhl U.L. #2 #2 #2 #3 1,2,10,11 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 984# Support 2 940# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L--0.14" D=-0.15" T=-0.29" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.10" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.05" RMB - 1.15 8-3-2 0-4-3 t1 WO: WINA4 WE: MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type. Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 44.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC...FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -2828 0.44 16-15 2489 0.46 2- 3 -2680 0.46 15-14 2209 0.36 3- 4 -2190 0.42 14-13 1915 0.33 4- 5 -2144 0.54 13-12 1915 0.33 5- 6 -2144 0.54 12-11 2209 0.36 6- 7 -2190 0.43 11-10 2489 0.46 7- 8 -2680 0.47 8- 9 -2828 0.49 TI: A4 QTY:1 __ = __=_ ==Joint Locations=====__=_====== 1) 0- 0- 0 7) 33- 8- 8 13) 22- 0- 0 2) 5- 6-15 8) 38- 5- 1 14) 15- 0- 0 3) 10- 3- 8 9) 44- 0- 0 15) 7-11- 4 4) 15- 0- 0 10) 44- 0- 0 16) 0- 0- 0 5) 22- 0- 0 11) 36- 0-12 6) 29- 0- 0 12) 29- 0- 0 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION ----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 1497 44 -984 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 1451 0 -940 BOT H-ROLL 15-0-0 14-0-01, 15-0-0 1 2 3 51 7 8 9 Q 5X8 2X4 iXR or..., as of 4X6 8X 10 1116 15 14 13 1498# 3.50" 1-0-0-0 (RO-11-11) I 44-0-0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPl 1-1995 Lmaronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321.3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 1005 VANNLSSA DILOVIEDO.It.32765 Delijn: Matrix Analytic 12 WAKNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a part of the budding design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for Lateral support of truss menbcn only to reduce buckling length. Provisions roust be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified lonlia ci determined by the budding designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See ItIB-91 of TPI( rrruss Plate Institute. TPI, is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. Wisconsin 53719). JOB PATH: C:ITEE-LOKVOBS1 %'1NA4V Q 8X10 11 0-4-3 1 4X6 F Q 1452N 3.50" 7-10-3 scale = 0.1489 Eng. Job: A Dtvg: Truss ID: A4 Dsgnr: TLY Clik: Date: 3-21-03 TC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - Pit: 1.25 BC Live 0.0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.01, BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09 05.02- 199 6- 1 HCS: 08.20.02 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on Information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs fumtshed to the taus designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as 11 may relate to a spe- clflc project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrica (ion. handling, shipment and In - stallatlon of trusses. This truss has been designed as all Individual building component In accordance with ANSVTPl 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as pan of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professlonal engineerl When reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement with the local building codes, local clinwue records for wind or snow loads, pmjmt specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are contmu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigd calling. they should be braced at a maximum spacing of II7-00 o c. Connector plates slmB be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanised steel meeting AS` M A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fdbrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is In conformance with the fabricaloell plans and to reallra a continuing responslbWly for such van. fkalion. Any de crepancles are to be put In writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed war knotholes. knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con. nector plates shall be located on both fain of the truss with rolls fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about thejomt unless otherwise shown. A 5v4 plate is 5- wide x V long A 6.8 plate is (r wide x 8- long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts an web members shall meet at the tt Irold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sixes are minimum sues based on the forces shown and may need to be Increased for certain hand. ling and/or erection stresses This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant lrwted lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed In accordance with -Handling Installing & Bracing. HIB-91. Trusses arc to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling. dellvcry and Installallon to amid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding muses In a straight and plumb pos- Itlon and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is shvays required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during (ns1211a1(on between trusses to amid loppling and dominating. The supervision of erection of trusses shag be under the control of persons experienced In the Installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought If needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design Inds shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No Inds other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed jD.yyfi4%_ncafcK H 4 At..: ILIR UN1.11'1 U.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #2 2x4 SP #3 1,2,3,4,6 13 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H- 23.0 ft, I- 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 44.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL- 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L--0.28" D=-0.29" T=-0.56" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.29" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T. 0.14" RMB = 1.15 T 7-3-2 0-4-3 TI I 4AU OJ) 3.00 0-3-8 II WO: WINA4 WE: Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 141-011. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 978# Support 2 1039# ..TC... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -5380 0.73 2- 3 -5324 0.85 3- 4 -2785 0.54 4- 5 -2753 0.42 5- 6 -2448 0.36 6- 7 -2452 0.38 7- 8 -2062 0.42 8- 9 -2368 0.60 9-10 -2808 0.63 ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 18-17 4907 0.71 17-16 2980 0.64 16-15 2435 0.51 15-14 2846 0.45 14-13 2339 0.45 13-12 2457 0.46 12-11 2460 0.47 TI: A5 9TY:1 ==---=---- ===Joint Locations=============== 1) 0- 0- 0 7) 26- 1- 3 13) 31- 0- 0 2) 4- 3- 8 8) 31- 0- 0 14) 21- 2- 6 3) 8- 7-12 9) 37- 0-12 15) 17- 2- 6 4) 13- 0- 0 10) 44- 0- 0 16) 13- 0- 0 5) 17- 2- 6 11) 44- 0- 0 17) 4- 3- 8 6) 21- 2- 6 12) 37- 0-12 is) 0- 0- 0 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 1497 119 -978 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 1498 0 -1039 BOT H-ROLL 13-0-0 18-0-0 13-0-0 11 l 2 3 5 6 7 9 i �- 6.00 5X8 3X4 2X4 6X8 4X6 440-0 12-10-14 1, 4-0-0 1, 22-9-10 8 17 16 l5 14 13 12 11 1498# --�3.50" 1-00 1498# 3.50(" (R0e 44-0-0 1 0-0- 11) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 scale = 0.1457 (Maronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 1005 VANNESSA Dn.OVIEDOXI-3270a WAKNINU: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or slmllar bracing which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length Provisions must be made to anchor Literal bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPI). rrrum Plate Institute. TPI. Is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive. Madison, Wisconahn 53719) Eng. Job: Ding: Dsgnr: TLY Clik: TIC Live 16.0 psf TIC Dead 7.0 psf BC Live 0.0 psf BC Dead 10.0 psf TOTAL. 33.0 usf Truss ID: A5 Date: 3-21-03 DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 DurFac - Pit: 1.25 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA Design: Afmrtr Analysis JOB PATH: C:ITEE-LOKUOBSININAIV TICS: 0.20.02 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an Individual building component and has been based on Infomatlon provided by the client. The designer disclaims any ruponsibilty for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this Information as It may relate to a Spe- cific project and accepts no responslbWty or exercises no control with regard to fabrica. tion, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. Thin truss has been designed as an indMduaI building component in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated ns part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer) When reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied Inds. Unless shown, tnrss has not been designed for storage or occuponcy Inds. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise Specified. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a property applied rigid mWng, they should be braced at a maxlmwn spacing of IIY-0- o e. Connector plaits shag be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Crude 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shagev riew this drawing to verify that this drawing is In mnrn foranee with the fabricators plans and to realize a continuing mponslbibly for such veri- fication. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knothole. knots or distorted grain Members shag be cut for tight filling woad to wood bearing Con- nector plates shall be located an both fain of the truss with nags fully Imbedded and shag be sym. about the Joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide x 4' long A 8x8 plate b 8' wide x 8' long Slots (holed run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shag meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum suo based on the forces shown and may need to be tnererued for certain hand. ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Infomation on Quality Ccnlrol refer to ANSI/TPI I-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection meow nendalions are to be followed In accordance vnth 'Handling Irulalltng d Bracing'. HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during bonding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusaes In a stralghl and plumb pm- Itlon and for misting lateral forces shag be designed and installed by others Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for tnrs3e5 requlm such temporary bmctng during InstalhUon between trusses to avoid toppling and daminoing. The supervision of erection of busses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the installation of trusses. professional advice shag be sought If needed. Concentration of construction Inds grater than the design Imds shag not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shag be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. Ju.yyii4%_nWICK H 4 Htr: Iu8 uYLlfl U.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #2 2x4 SP #3 1,10 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 1000# Support 2 1039# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L=-0.16" D=-0.16" T=-0.32" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.110 MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T. 0.05" RMB - 1.15 T 7-3-2 0-4-3 WO: WINA4 WE: Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 141-0". WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C4C, V= 125mph, H- 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Xzt= 1.0 Bld Type. Encl L. 40.0 ft W. 44.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL- 4.2 psf, BCDL- 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -2811 0.62 2- 3 -2360 0.58 3- 4 -2057 0.44 4- 5 -2442 0.45 5- 6 -2057 0.44 6- 7 -2360 0.59 7- 8 -2811 0.63 ..BC...FORCE ... CSI 15-14 2462 0.47 14-13 2459 0.41 13-12 2399 0.43 12-11 2399 0.43 11-10 2459 0.41 10- 9 2462 0.47 TI: A6 9TY:1 __==== = ===Joint Locations=============== 1) 0- 0- 0 6) 31- 0- 0 11) 31- 0- 0 2) 6-11- 4 7) 37- 0-12 12) 22- 0- 0 3) 13- 0- 0 8) 44- 0- 0 13) 13- 0- 0 4) 19- 0- 0 9) 44- 0- 0 14) 6-11- 4 5) 25- 0- 0 10) 37- 0-12 15) 0- 0- 0 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 1498 76 -1000 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 1498 0 -1039 BOT H-ROLL 11 13-0-0 11 18-0-0 13-0-0 1 2 4 51h7 8 0 -6 0000 4X6 3X4 6X8 JV6 un su .7A's 4AD 640-3 0-4-3 T7� I 11 44-0-0 115 14 13 12 11 10 1498N 3.50" 11-0-0-0 16 11498N 3.50" (RO-11-11) I 44-0-0 �f-U--O - (l RO-ll-jl) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 CA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 scale = 0.1457 Lmaronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 Was VANNFSSA DROVIEDOXI-32760 .v,.,... ..,,.t..... WAKNIN4: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing. portal bracing or similar bracing which Is apart of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer Bracing shown IS for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and apeclfled locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIS-91 of TPO. ffntss Plate Institute, TPI. is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, Wbeortsbn 53719). Eng. Job: W ; Dwg: Truss ID: A6 Dsgnr: TLY Chk: Date: 3-21-03 TC Live 16.0 psf DurFae - Lbr: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - Pit: 1.25 BC Live 0.0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA TOTAL 33.0 asf v-no ng no- looez_ T HCS: 08 20.02 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on Information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responslbWly for damages m a result of faulty or Incorrect Information• speclflcallons and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this Information as It may relate to a spe- cdle project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrim- tion. handling• shipment and Installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component In accordance with ANSI/TPI 1. 1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engneed. When reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the loot building codes, loot ellmatle records for wind or snow loods. project specifications or special applied loods Unless shown• truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compress lun chords (lop or bottom) are continu. ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a property applied rigid eeWng, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0' o c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASI'M A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrlmtlon. the fabricator shall review this drawing to vertfy that this drawing is In conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri- flcallon Any discrepancies are to be put In writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes. knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to %rood bearing. Con. nector plates shall be located on both faces of the thus with nags fully Embedded and shall be sym. about the Joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5- wide x 4- long. A 6x8 plate is 6' wide x 8' long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the cenlrold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sires ■re minimum sues based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain hand - Ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated m luber unless otherwise shown. For additional rm Infoation on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed In accordance with'HandWtg Installing Bracing. itIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular cart during banding and bundling• dellvery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trtsam in a straight and plumb pos- Illon and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is always required Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during Installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons es:perlenccd in the Installation of trust Professional advice shall be sought U needed. Concentration of construction Inds greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No toads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after W fastening and bracing Is completed. au. 4 tA%-: IUS UYLirl U.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #3 2x4 SP #2 2,4,6,8,9 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 1005# Support 2 1041# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 Lo-0.30" D=-0.31" T=-0.62" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T. 0.28" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T. 0.14" RMB - 1.15 T 6-3-2 0-4-3 WO: WINA4 WE: ®Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 141-0". WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 23.0 ftI= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt- 1.0 Bld Type. incEl L. 40.0 ft W- 44.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL- 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Islpact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -5443 0.78 16-15 4985 0.77 2- 3 -3056 0.90 15-14 4534 0.75 3- 4 -3379 0.68 14-13 2691 0.48 4- 5 -2901 0.41 13-12 3492 0.58 5- 6 -2906 0.50 12-11 2714 0.60 6- 7 -2224 0.44 11-10 2456 0.57 7- 8 -2532 0.52 8- 9 -2791 0.55 TI: A7 QTY:I ==--= -- = --===Joint Locations=====__________ 1)0-0- 0 7) 33- 0- 0 13) 17- 2- 6 2) 4- 3- 8 8) 38- 0-12 14) 11- 0- 0 3) 11- 0- 0 9) 44- 0- 0 15) 4- 3- 8 4) 17- 2- 6 10) 44- 0- 0 16) 0- 0- 0 5) 21- 2- 6 11) 33- 0- 0 6) 27- 1- 3 12) 21- 2- 6 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 1498 70 -1005 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 1498 0 -1041 BOT H-ROLL 11 11-0-0 11 22-0-0 1 2 11-0-0 4 5 6 8 6.00 5X8 3X4 6X8 3xd eve -JI 3.00 16 1498# 3.50' 11-0-0-0 (RO-11-11) I EXCEPT AS SHOWN -1 44-0-0 PLATES ARE TL20 CA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Lmaronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 1005 VANNFSSA DROVIEDO.i132768 Design: Matrix Analysis WAKNINU: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or sEnBar bracing which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the bullding designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See f118-91 of TPI). (muss Plate Inslllule. TPI, is looted at 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison. Wisconsin 537191. JOB PATH: CAT£E-L0KV0BSI1WNA41' 0 r 11 1 14981# 3.I�5o0" 100 I I (RO-11-11) scale = 0.1457 Eng. Job: WINAA Dtvg: Truss ID: A7 Dsgiv: TLY Clik: Date: 3-21-03 TC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFac - Pit: 1.25 BC Live 0.0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" DC Dead 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA TOTAL 33.0 psf •09.05.02- 955- 2 TICS- 08.20.02 .ow. rsitYVncaicrt /1 41 Ml.: iuff urLIrl U.L. WU: WINA4 WE: DESIGN INFORMATION This dnlgn is for an individual building component and has been based on Infonnallan provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a mull of faulty or Incorrect informotlon, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this Infomratlon as it may miate to a spe- cific project and accepts no mpomrbWty or exorcism no control with regard to fabrica- tion, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component In accordance with ANSVITI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated ns part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are inagreement With the foal building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied kinds. Unless shown. truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling. they should be braced at ■ maximum spacing of Ity-0- o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Poor to fabrication. the fabricator shall revlm this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabriator's plans and to rmllze a continuing responsibility for such ven- flallon. Any disaepancles arc to be put In writing before cutting or fabrication. Plasm sha8 not be installed wer knotholes. knots or distorted grain Members shall in cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing, Con- nector plats shall be bated on both faces of the truss with nabs fully imbedded and shall be sym about the joint unless otherwise shown A 5x4 plate is 5- wide x 4- long. A 6x8 plate is E wide x 8- long Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts an web members shall meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwise shown connector plate slzm R mintmum sues based on the forces shown and may need to be Increased for certain hand- llng and/or erection stresses. This truss Is not to be fabricated with fire retardant baled lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quality control refer to ANSI/TPI I-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES AB bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed In accordance with -Handling installing & Bmcing'. HIB-91 Trusses arc to be handled with particular are during banding and bundling. delivery and installation to amid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses In a straight and plumb pos. ttion and for misting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others careful hand. ling is essenllal and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for Misses requires such temporary bracing during tnslallaUon between trusses to avoid toppling and do ntnoing The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the Inatalbtlon of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of wnalruetlon Inds greater than the design loads shall not be applied to town at any time. No bads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #3 2x4 SP #2 3,4,6,7 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 1003# Support 2 1040# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L--0.19" D=-0.19" T--0.38" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T. 0.11" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.06" RMB = 1.15 1 6-3-2 0 4-3 � Tr I MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V. 125niph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt= 1.0 Bld Type. Encl L. 40.0 ft W= 44.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL- 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -2782 0.53 2- 3 -2520 0.50 3- 4 -2212 0.41 4- 5 -2924 0.47 5- 6 -2924 0.47 6- 7 -2212 0.41 7- 8 -2520 0.52 8- 9 -2782 0.55 ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 14-13 2449 0.52 13-12 2697 0.55 12-11 2697 0.55 11-10 2449 0.52 TI: Ail QTY:1 = = _ =======_ Joint Locations==___=__ 1)0- Oa=0 6) 27- 6- 0 11) 33- 0- 0 2) 5-11- 4 7) 33- 0- 0 12) 22- 0- 0 3) 11- 0- 0 8) 38- 0-12 13) 11- 0- 0 4) 16- 6- 0 9) 44- 0- 0 14) 0- 0- 0 5) 22- 0- 0 10) 44- 0- 0 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Lac Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 1498 74 -1003 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 1497 0 -1040 BOT H-ROLL 11-0-0 11 22-0-0 11 11-0-0 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 6.00 0 4X6 3X4 6XR Ilya Avg OAtU 4AD Ilk 44-0-0 14 13 12 11 1 1498# 3.50" 1498N 3.50" 1-0-0 44-0-0 11-0-0 (RO-I1-11(_UI 1-11) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 scale = 0.1457 Lmaronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD. FL. 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 1005 VANNESSA DMOVIEDO.F1-32765 WAKNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing. wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss mnnbera only to reduce buckling length Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPO. muss Plate Institute, TPI, is located at 58.7 D'Onofrto Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 537191. Eng. Job: WO: WINA4 Divg: Truss ID: Ail Dsgnr: TLY Clik: Date: 3-21-03 TC Live 16.0 psr DurFae - Lbr: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - Pit: 1.25 BC Live 0.0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA TOTAL 33.0 Dsf vno niz n,3_ loono_ 1 ncs: 03.20.02 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on lnforinauon provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responslbWly, for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this Information as It may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responsibility or u 'ro no control with regard to fabrica. tion. handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an IndMduaI building component In accordance with ANSI/TPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as pan of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engneed When reviewed for apprmal by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement with the local building codes. local climatic records for wind or snow loads. Project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown. truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy foods The design assumes compresslon chords (top or bottom) are conllnu- oualy braced by sheathing unless otherwise sPeclfled Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceding. they should be braced at a Maim um spacing of I (r.V o c. Connector plain shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Crude 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is In conformance with the fabrieators plans and to mallze a continuing responslbiLty, for such veri. flcatlun. Any discrepancies are to be put In witting before cutting or fabrication. Plain shall not be installed over knotholes. knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood tearing Con. nector plates shall be located on both faces of the law with nalls fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about thejotnt unless otherwise shown A 5x4 plate is 5- wide x 4- long A 6x6 plate is 6' wide x B- long. Slots (hot=) ram parallel to the plate length Specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and ray need to be Increased for certain hand- [Ing and/or erection stresses. Thu lrtus is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed In accordance with -Handling Installing & Bracing('. HIB-91. Trusses are 1a be handled with particular care during banding and bundBng, delivery and installation to avoid damage Temporary and permanent bracing for holding lnrsses in a straight and plumb pos- Illon and for resisting lateral force shall be deigned and btstalled by others Careful hand- Bng is essential and erection bracing Is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses require such temporary bracing during Inslallatton between lasses to avoid loppllng and domtnoing. The supervision of erecuon of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the installation of lrusso. Professional advice shall be sought If needed. Concentration of construction Inds greater than the design lands shall not be applied to tense at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. du. Sa1l1%1lIWICR h 4 A%-. Tuff umir1 U.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #3 2x4 SP #2 9,11 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. PROVIDE.UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 999# Support 2 1043# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L=-0.37" D=-0.39" T=-0.76" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T. 0.30" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTIONI T. 0.15" RMB - 1.15 WO: WINA4 WE: Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 141-0". WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V. 125mph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type. Encl L= 40.0 ft W- 44.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL- 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC...FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -5382 0.66 2- 3 -3342 0.56 3- 4 -3041 0.46 4- 5 -4339 0.51 5- 6- -3538 0.52 6- 7 -3291 0.50 7- 8 -3291 0.58 8- 9 -3291 0.58 9-10 -2632 0.45 10-11 -2840 0.47 ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 19-18 4919 0.75 18-17 4480 0.71 17-16 3764 0.62 16-15 4489 0.69 15-14 3544 0.58 14-13 2307 0.40 13-12 2507 0.46 TI: A9 QTY:1 =-- = ===Joint Locations=====_ ___====== 1) Oa=0- 0 8) 28- 1- 3 15) 21- 2- 6 2) 4- 3- 8 9) 35- 0- 0 16) 17- 2- 6 3) 9- 0- 0 10) 39- 0-12 17) 9- 0- 0 4) 13- 1- 3 11) 44- 0- 0 18) 4- 3- 8 5) 17- 2- 6 12) 44- 0- 0 19) 0- 0- 0 6) 21- 2- 6 13) 35- 0- 0 7) 23- 2- 0 14) 28- 1- 3 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 1498 85 -999 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 1498 0 -1043 BOT H-ROLL 9-0-0 11 26-0-0 11 9-0-0 t 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 I1 0 -6 00 T. U-4-3. 6a8 3.00 I 0-3� 19 1498N 3.50' 11-0-0-0 (RO-11-11) I �e EXCEPT AS SIIOWN 4X6 3X4 3X4 3X4 3X6 2X4 ff j-U-U 17 13.00 8X10 8X10 44-0-0 PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Maronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 1005 VANNFSSA DROVIEDO.r1.32766 Defign: Matrix Aiudysh 14 WAKNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown an this drawing is not erection bracing. wind bracing, port.] bracing or similar bracing which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locallom determined by the building designer. na Additiol bracing of the ovenB structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPI). rrmss Plate Institute. TPI, is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison. Wisconsin 53719). JOB PATH: C:ITEE-L0KU08Sl1V1NA4V 2X4 T 0-4-3 4 4X6 4X6 F 13 12 1498N 3.50" (RO-11-1 I ) scale = 0.1457 Eng. Job: WO: WINA4 Dog: Truss ID: A9 Dsgnr: TLY Chk: Date: 3-21-03 TC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFac - Pit: 1.25 BC Live 0.o psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 9 56- 2 HCS: 03.20.02 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on Information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any rmponslbWty, for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect tnfomnatlon, speelficatlons and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the chenl and the correctness or accuracy of this Information as It may relate to a spe- c. project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fahrtca. Icon. handling, shipment and Installation of truaaes This truss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as pan of the building deign by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer) When reviewed far approval by the building designer, the design lmdinga shown must be checked to be sum that the data sham are In agreement with the local building codes. local eWnaUe records for wind or snow loads, project specification or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) are contlnu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rtgld celling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0' o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanUed steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing Is In conformance with the fabricator's plans and to reallze a continuing responslbWly far such veri- ficatlon Any dscrepancles are to be put In writing before cull ing or fabrication. Plato shall not be Walled over knotholes. knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight tilling wood to wood bearing. Con. nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nail fully Imbedded and shall he sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide x 4' long A full plate I. 6 wide x 8- long Sloss (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centroid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sUcs based on the forces shown and may need to be Increased for certain hand - Wag and/or enecllon sircases. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless oUnerwse shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/7-PI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection me,onunendallons are to be followed in accordance with 'Handling InsaWng & Bracing', HIB-91. Tosses arc to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusso In a sin light and plumb pas [lion and for resstag lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others Careful hand- ling Is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for tnssea requbes such temporary bracing during Installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominobng. The supervision of erection of tosses shag be under the control of persons experienced in the Wallalbn of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater Ilan the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses unit] after all fastening and bracing I. completed. . ..rn�.tic�lcrt n a4 i11.. lull UrL1ri U.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #3 2x4 SP #2 3,5,7,9 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 1005# Support 2 1042# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L--0.26" D=-0.2611 T=-0.52" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.13" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T. 0.06" RMB = 1.15 0-4-3 TT� I WO: WINA4 WE: MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V- 125mph, H. 23.0 ft, I- 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 44.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL- 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -2838 0.46 2- 3 -2630 0.43 3- 4 -3228 0.55 4- 5 -3558 0.58 5- 6 -3558 0.58 6- 7 -3228 0.55 7- 8 -2630 0.45 8- 9 -2838 0.47 ..BC...FORCE...CSI 16-15 2506 0.46 15-14 2305 0.40 14-13 3258 0.51 13-12 3258 0.51 12-11 2305 0.40 11-10 2506 0.46 TI: B 9TY:1 =_ = _ __== ==Joint Locations======e== ===== 1) 0- 0-0 7) 35- 0- 0 13) 22- 0- 0= 2) 4-11- 4 8) 39- 0-12 14) 15- 6- 0 3) 9- 0- 0 9) 44- 0- 0 15) 9- 0- 0 4) 15- 6- 0 10) 44- 0- 0 16) 0- 0- 0 5) 22- 0- 0 11) 35- 0- 0 6) 28- 6- 0 12) 28- 6- 0 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 1498 74 -1005 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 1498 0 -1042 BOT H-ROLL 9-0-0 26-0-0 9-0-0 1 2 4 5 6 1 8 9 6.00 5X8 3X4 6X8 lxd t:YQ ..__ ....... +rsv OALU 4AD 44-0-0 0 4XG T 0-4-3 4-10-3 I 15 14 13 12 ll 1 1-001498a 3.50" - 1498N 3.50." (RO-1144-0-0 1�-00 (I RO-11-11) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TP1 1-1995 scale = 0.1457 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. lob: I A Maronda Systems A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING D`vg: Truss ID: B CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dsgar: TLY Chk: Date: 3-21-03 4005 MARON DA WAY TC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 SAN FORD, FL. 32771 Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing• wind bracing. portal bracing or similar bracing which s a part of the but]dtng design and which must be considered by the building dcslgner. Bracing TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - Pit: 1.25 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown is for lateral support of toss members only to reduce buckling length. Prrnsbns must be BC Live 0.0 psf O.C.Spacing: 24.0" P 9• TOMAS PONCE P.E. made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bmctng of the overall structure may be required. Ism HIB-91 of TPII BC Dead 10.0 psr Desl n Criteria: TPI 9 LICENSE #0050068 fuss Plate Institute. TPI, s located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. Wisconsin 537191 Code Dese: FLA 1005 VANNESSA DR.OVIEDOXI-32766 TOTAL 33.0 psf I V:09.05.02- 19 1- •s•• ••• •� �• v •, + rn.u: L:n1ec-atvAvvnanv1rvt4P HCS: 0320.02 r%%-. tun urUri V.L. vvV: VVINA4 WE: TI: B1 QTY:2 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an Individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or Inrnrrect information, specifications and/or designs fumished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as it may relate to a spe- ctnc project and accepts no respomflahty or exercises no conlml with regard to fabrioa- tlon. handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. This tnasa has been designed as an M indduaI building component in accordance with ANSIfM 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as pan of the building design by a Budding Designer (registered architect or professional engineer) When reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shownod are In agreement with the 1=1 building ces, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, ass has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) am continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a property applied rigid ceiling. they should be braced at a maxtmum spacing of la-0- o c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galruntmd steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this dmwtng to verify that this drawing b in confomance with the fabricators plans and to =it,. a continuing responsibility for such verl- ocation. Any dbcrepancles are to be put in writing before tutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted gain. Members shall be cut for tight filling wood to wood bearing Con- neclar plates shall be located an both faces of the truss with nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A Sx4 plate is 5' wide x 4' long A 6x8 plate is 6' wide x 8' long. Sits (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwbe ahown. Connector plate sins ■re mintmum sires based on the forces shown and may need to be meremed for certain hand - It" and/or erection stresses. This trusts is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown For addluonal information on Quably Co infontmi refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations arc to be followed in accordance with 'Handling InstaWng D Bracing•. HIB-91. Tn 33m are to be handled with particular care during bonding and bundling delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- aion and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Willed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during Installation between trusses to avoid toppWtg and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persona expertenced inthe Wtaballon of muses. Professional advice *hall to sought if needed. Concentration of comtruetin loads greater than the design Inds shall not be appbed to trusses al any time. No Inds other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing Is completed. TOP CHORDS: 2x8 SP #1 D 2x4 SP #1 D 1,6 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #1 D WEBS: 2x4 SP #3 2x4 SP #2 10,12 2-PLY TRUSSI fasten w/3"X 0.120" nails in staggered pattern per nailing schedule: TC- 2 per ft. BC- 2 per ft. WEBS- 2 per ft Distribute loads equally to each ply. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 999# Support 2 1016# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L=-0.49" D--0.51" T=-0.99" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.33" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T. 0.16" RMB - 1.00 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. This 2-PLY Hip Master designed to carry 71 0" open jacks (no webs) across center and Hip Jack Truss framed to BC WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H- 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt= 1.0 Bld Type- Encl L= 40.0 ft W. 44.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL- 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC... FORCE...CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -11813 0.60 18-17 10785 0.63 2- 3 -8935 0.42 17-16 9919 0.59 3- 4 -12580 0.24 16-15 8086 0.52 4- 5 -12601 0.26 15-14 14188 0.81 5- 6 -14332 0.28 14-13 11206 0.68 6- 7 -9730 0.18 13-12 10784 0.63 7- 8 -9732 0.21 12-11 5697 0.37 8- 9 -6371 0.20 11-10 5648 0.32 =-___ ==Joint Locations=====___=______ 1)0- 0- 0 7) 29- 1- 3 13) 21- 2- 6 2) 4- 3- 8 8) 37- 0- 0 14) 17- 2- 6 3) 7- 0- 0 9) 44- 0- 0 15) 13- 1- 3 4) 13- 1- 3 10) 44- 0- 0 16) 7- 0- 0 5) 17- 2- 6 11) 37- 0- 0 17) 4- 3- 8 6) 21- 2- 6 12) 29- 1- 3 18) 0- 0- 0 ------------ TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D -46 -1- 0- 0 -46 7- 0- 0 TC Vert L+D -100 7- 0- 0 -100 37- 0- 0 TC Vert L+D -46 37- 0- 0 -46 45- 0- 0 BC Vert L+D -20 0- 0- 0 -20 7- 0- 0 BC Vert L+D -43 7- 0- 0 -43 37- 0- 0 BC Vert L+D -20 37- 0- 0 -20 44- 0- 0 Concentrated LBS Location BC Vert L+D -429 7- 0- 0 BC Vert L+D -429 37- 0- 0 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 3095 32 -999 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 3091 0 -1016 BOT H-ROLL 2-PLYS REQUIRED 7-0-0 30-0-0 11 7-0-0 11 1 2 4 5 6 7 -6.00 I0X10 1OX10 6X8 12X12 IOX10 10X10 3X6 T 4-3-2 04_3 0-4-3 3-10-3 -� 8XI0 4X6 4X10 8X10 4X10 1-0-0 8X10 8X10 3X4 4X6 3.00 11 3.00 0-3-8 II n 4-0-0 1, 12-10-14 1, 4-0-0 22-9-10 8 17 16 15 14 13 12 ll 1 3096N 3.50" 100 3091N 3.50" (RO-1-1 44-0-0 Lo0 I"R1-O-1 430N EXCEPT AS S11OWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TP1 1-1995 43011- l 1) scale = 0.1457 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: WO: WINA4 Maronda Systems A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING DWg: Truss ID: B1 CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dsgdir: TLY Clik: Date: 3-21-03 4005 MARON DA WAY TC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 SANFORD, FL. 32771 Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing. wind bracing• pomp bracing or shnLLar bracing which b a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - Pit: 1.25 O.C. Spacing: 24.0car (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown is for lateral support of lets members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be BC Live 0.0 psf TOMAS PONCE P.E. made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bmeing of the overall structure may be required. (see 1118-91 of TPI). BC Dead 10.0 sf P Design Criteria: TPI LICENSE #0050068 (rruzs Plate Institute. TPI, b located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison. Wisconsin 53719) Code Dese: F LA loos VANNESM D0.ovlEDO.M32766 I TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 19957- 2 u qa. mart: nnaryrla was rein: h:11tt-LUAvuN3lW1NA4V 11CS: 08.20.02 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an Individual building component and has been based on infonnatlon provided by the client. The designer dlsclatnu any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect Information, speclflcations and/or destgls furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of tilis Infam illon as It may relate to a spc- ctlic project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrica- tion, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an tndMdual building component in accordance with ANSI/TPI I.1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as pan of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sum that the data shown are in agreement with the 1=1 building codes. local climatic records for wind or snow Loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy bads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced Laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling. they should be braced at a maximum spacing of I U-0- o a connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped gahanized steel meeting ASIM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is In conformance with the fabrfmloes plants and to realm a continuing responsibility for such veri. ficatlon Any discrepancies are to be put In writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Instsued wet knotholes. knots or distorted gam. Members shag be cut for tight NWng wood to wood bearing Can. nector plates shag be located on both faces of the truss with nags fully anbedded and shag be sym. about the joint unless olherwtse shown. A 5x4 plate is 5- wide x 4- long A Sx8 plate is 6' wide x 8- long Slots (holes) inn parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwise shown. connector plate sizes ze mInimum sues lased on the forces shown d may need to be Increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This muss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES Au bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed In accordance with -Handling Installing & Bracing. HIB-91. Trusses arc to be handled with particular are during banding and bundling• delivery and Migration to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses In a straight and plumb pos- Won and for resisting lateral fortes shall be designed and Wtalled by others. Careful hand- Iing is essential and erection bracing is always required Normal precautionary action for trusses requtres such temporary bracing during Installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dommoing The supervislon of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons upenenced In the trtstsllation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of mrutruction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No Inds other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. .016P. nll14%_FICJICK M 14 mt_ Iuff urUrl U.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 2x6 SP #2 2,3 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 WEBS- 2x4 SP #3 2x4 SP #2 3,5,7,9 2-PLY TRUSSI fasten w/3"X 0.1201, nails in staggered pattern per nailing schedule: TC- 2 per ft. BC- 2 per ft. WEBS- 2 per ft Distribute loads equally to each ply. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 1364# Support 2 1364# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L=-0.36" D=-0.38" T=-0.73" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.15" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.07" RMB - 1.00 T 4-3-2 04-3 1 1 WU: WINA41 WE: MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. This 2-PLY Hip Master designed to carry 71 0" open jacks (no webs) across center and Hip Jack Truss framed to BC WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 54.0 ft We: 44.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req -TC ... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -6375 0.29 16-15 5653 0.42 2- 3 -6290 0.27 15-14 5620 0.48 3- 4 -9291 0.39 14-13 9438 0.75 4- 5 -10551 0.41 13-12 9438 0.75 5- 6 -10551 0.41 12-11 5620 0.48 6- 7 -9291 0.39 11-10 5653 0.42 7- 8 -6290 0.27 8- 9 -6375 0.29 2-PLYS REQUIRED TI: B2 9TY:2 ==_= =_ ===Joint Locations=============== 1)0- 0 0 7) 37- 0- 0 13) 22- 0- 0 2) 3-11- 4 8) 40- 0-12 14) 14- 6- 0 3) 7- 0- 0 9) 44- 0- 0 15) 7- 0- 0 4) 14- 6- 0 10) 44- 0- 0 16) 0- 0- 0 5) 22- 0- 0 11) 37- 0- 0 6) 29- 6- 0 12) 29- 6- 0 ------------ TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D -46 -1- 0- 0 -46 7- 0- 0 TC Vert L+D -100 7- 0- 0 -100 37- 0- 0 TC Vert L+D -46 37- 0- 0 -46 45- 0- 0 BC Vert L+D -20 0- 0- 0 -20 7- 0- 0 BC Vert L+D -43 7- 0- 0 -43 37- 0- 0 BC Vert L+D -20 37- 0- 0 -20 44- 0- 0 Concentrated LBS Location BC Vert L+D -429 7- 0- 0 BC Vert L+D -429 37- 0- 0 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 3093 0 -1364 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 3093 0 -1364 BOT H-ROLL 7-0-0 30-0-0 7-0-0 11 1 2 A 4 5 6 8 6 00 0000 6X12 4X6 8X10 4X6 AV19 44-0-0 T 04-3 3-10-3 T_ '16 15 14 l3 12 11 1 3093N 3.50" 3093M 3.50" 1�0-0�1 44-0-0 1 1-0-0 (RO-11-I1) I 430# [o(Ro-I1-ll) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TES1•ED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 11, 430N scale = 0.1457 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: WO: WINA4 Maronda Systems A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Dwg: I Truss ID: B2 CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dsgtlr: TLY Chk: Date: 3-21-03 4005 MARON DA WAY TC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 SANFORD, FL. 32771 Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing• wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a part of the building design and which must be coruldered by the building designer. Bracing TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFac - Pit: 1.25 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown Is for lateral support of truss, members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be BC Live 0.0 psf , aC O.C. Spacing: 24.0 n p g• TOMAS PONCE P.E. made to anchor lateral bra" at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the n,•erall structure may berequired. 1SeeMID-91ofTrn. BC Dead lo.o r ps Design Criteria: TPI LICENSE #0050068 fi'russ Plate Institute. TPI, is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719) Code Desc: FLA 1005 VANNESSADILOVIEDOXI-327W TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09 05.02- 199 0- 1 ..•s••- •••WI 1.v.1,.I + rnrn l,:1ICC-LVAVUtla11Y1NA4V HCS: 08.20.02 Jtl: WINt—l1tbitK A 4 AU: IU# UPLIFT D.L. WO: WINA4 WE: DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an Individual building component and has been based on Information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this Information as 11 may relate to a spe- clflc project and accepts no resporslbWty or exercises no control with regard to fabries- llon, handling. shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an Individual building component in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as pan of the building design by a Building Designer fregtstercd architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement with the teal building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow lands. project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) arc continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a property applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing or ia-0' o.e. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall rehew this drawing to verify that tits drawing s In conformance with the fabricators plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri- flcatlon. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication Pyles shall not be installed over knolholes. knots or cistorted grain Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing Con- nector plates shall be located on both feces of the truss with nobs fully Imbedded and shag be sym. about the Joint unless otherwise shown. A 5.4 plate is 5' wide x 4- long. A 6x8 plate is 6' wide x 8' long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sties are minimum sties based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for ceriatn hand. Ling and/or erection saresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with tire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendallons are ao be followed in accordance with 'Handling Inlaying h Bractng". HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to avoid damage. Tunporary, and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- ition and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand- ling Is essential and erection bracing is always reyulmd. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during Installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominotng. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought Er needed Concentrallon of construction loads greater than the design loads stall not be applied to trusses at any time No loads other than the weight of the erec.tom shall be oppLled to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #3 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 580# Support 2 340# PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Support 1 275# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L--0.02" D= 0.00" T--0.02" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.03" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.03" RMB = 1.00 4-3-5 0-3-15 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the cottlposite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-96, CSC, V= 125mph, H= 23.0 ft, I- 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt- 1.0 Bld Type. Encl L. 40.0 ft W= 9.9 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC...FORCE ... CSI ..BC...FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 635 0.54 5- 4 -782 0.42 2- 3 -55 0.42 TI: H QTY:3 ===== __ ===Joint Locations=============== 1) 0- 0 0 3) 9-10-13 5) 0- 0- 0 2) 5- 4- 1 4) 9-10-13 ------------ TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D 0 0- 0- 0 -88 9-10-13 BC Vert L+D 0 0- 0- 0 -38 9-10-13 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 2- 8 208 275 -580 BOT PIN 9- 9- 0 423 0 -340 BOT H-ROLL 9-10-I3 1 2 3 F-4.24 3-9-15 9-10-13 11 5 4 209# 4.95" 423# 2.50" �(R 4412)) 9-10-13 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 scale = 0.4912 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: WO: WINA4 rMaronda Systems A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Divg: Truss ID: H CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dsgnr: TLY Clik: Date: 3-21-03 4005 MARON DA WAY TC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 SANFOR.D, FL. 32771 Bracing shown on this drawl" is not erection bractg, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a fart of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing TC Dead 7.0 psf Durfae - PIt: 1.25 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown is for for lateral support of tress members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be BC Live 0.0 psf O.C.Spacing: 24.Orc p 9 TOMAS PONCE P.E. made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Addluonal bracing of the overall structure my cis y RvuUed• )see HIB-91 arTPn. BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI LICENSE #0050068 muss Plate Inslitule. TPI, is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Code Desc: FLA 1005 VANNES9A DR.OVIEDO.FL37780 TOTAL _ 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 19947- 1 Ve'5 "rw"' =•""car• JUn nun: L 11tt-LUAUUH3IIV1NA4V HCS: 08.20.02 rvir VrLirf V.L. VVV: VVINA4 WE: DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an Individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The destgner disclaims any rcponslbWty for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect infomnation, 3pcc9ncollon3 and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this lnfomatlon as it may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrico- tlon. handling. shipment and Installalion of trusses This truss has been designed a an Individual building component In accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as pan of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engneed When reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sum that the data shown are In apeement with the local building codes. local climatic records for wind or snow loads. project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown. truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads The design assumes compression chords [lop or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified Where bottom chords in tenslon are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maxtmum spacing of HY-0- o.c. Connector plates shag be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless oUnerwtse shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conforma nee with the fabricator's plans and to realtu a mminuing responsibility for such veri. fication. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before culling or fabricoUon. Plates shall not be installed Over knotholes. knots or distorted gram Members shall be cut for tight Ultmg wood to wood bearing. Con- neclor plates sholl be located on both faro of the truss with nads fully, Embedded and shall be sym. about the Joint unless otherwise shown. A S.c4 plate is 5' wide x 4- long A Bx8 plate is 6' wide x 8- long Slots tholes) run parallel to Elie plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centrold of the wets unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sires arc minimum sires based on the forces shown and )nay need to be increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are tI be followed in accordance with "Handling Installing 6 Bmcing'. HIB-91. Tnmcs are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling. delivery and Installation to avoid damage. Tempomry and permanent bracing for holding lnsses in a straight and plumb pm- Itlon and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal prenullonary action for troves requires such temporary bracing during (nst28ation between tnmes to avoid toppling and dominoing The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced In the installation df busses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction leads greater than the design Inds shall not be applied to trvase! at any Ume. No (cods other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses unto after all fastening and bracing is completed. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #3 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 581# Support 2 341# PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Support 1 267# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L--0.06" D- 0.00" T--0.06" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.05" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.05" RMB - 1.00 4-3-5 0-3y1-15 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V- 125niph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type- Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 9.9 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL- 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Iatpact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC...FORCE ... CSI ..BC...FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 1164 0.71 6- 5 -1283 0.49 2- 3 1431 0.62 5- 4 0 0.16 TI: HI 9TY:1 __= _ ==Joint Locations======_====_==_ 1)0- 0- 0 3) 9-10-13 5) 6- 0-13 2) 6- 0-13 4) 9-10-13 6) 0- 0- 0 ------------ TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D 0 0- 0- 0 -88 9-10-13 BC Vert L+D 0 0- 0- 0 -38 9-10-13 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 2- 8 208 267 -581 BOT PIN 9- 9- 0 423 0 -341 BOT H-ROLL 9-10-1Ilk 3 11 I 2 3 4 4 2-9-15 1-0-0 2.12 1 04-1 1 1 . 5-7-14 I 3-9-IS 6 209N 4.95" 423N 2.50" (R1-419-] 0- l3 2) le EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/Till 1-1995 (Maronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, I-L. 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 1005 VANNFSSA DROVIEDOTI-32768 Dino„ arm,.,. L. 1 ;. WAKNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this drawing is not erecton bmcing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bmcing which is a pan of the building design and winch must be considered by the building deslgmer. Bracing shown ss Provisions is for lateral support of trumembers only to reduce buckling length. Prisions must be made to anchor Lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the buddong designer. Additional bracing of the wemll structure may be required. (See HIS-91 of TPI). rrruss Plate Institute. TPI, is located at 583 D'Onaftlo Drive. Madison. Wisconsin 53719). Eng. Job: Dlvg: Dsgnr: TLY Clik: TC Live 16.0 psf TC Dead 7.0 psf BC Live 0.0 psf BC Dead 10.0 psf TOTAL 33.0 scale = 0.4912 Truss ID: Hl Date: 3-21-03 DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 DurFac - Pit: 1.25 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA TICS.' 08.20.02 WO: WINA4 WE: TI: J 9TY:25 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an Individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client The designer disclaims any responslbWtydor damages as a result of faulty or incorrect Infomullnn. specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as it may relate to a spe- clfle project and accepts no responsibility or exemiso no control with reg cad to fabnn- tlon. handling. shipment and Installation of trusses This buss has been designed as an Individual building component in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be ncarpanned u pan of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engneerl. When reviewed for approval by the building designer• the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes• loot climatic records for wind or snow leads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown• truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy bads. The design assumes compression chords Itop or bottom) are conunu. ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a property applied rigid celLng, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0` o c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanlrsd steel meeting ASTM A 653. Cmde 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conforrnance with the fabricators plans and to mabme a continuing responsibility for such ven- flcation. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Walled over knotholes, knots or distorted gran. Members shall be cut far tight fitting wood to wood bearing Can - nectar plates shall be located on both faro of the truss with nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about the Joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 phte is 5- wide x 4- long. A 8x8 plate is 6' wide x 8' long Slots (holesl run parallel to the plate length specified Double cuts on web member shallmeet at the centmid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate at= are miNmum alms lased on the farces shown and may need to be tntreased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quarry Control refer to ANSI/IW 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES Ali bracing and erection meommendailons are to be followed in accordance with -Hand" Installing & Bracnf. HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled wuh particular care during handing and bundling, delivery and WtaBalion to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos. alon and for resisting Lateral forces shall be designed and Walled by other. Careful hand- Wy is osentW and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominomg. The supervision of erection of trusses shoo be under the control of persons experienced in the miallailon of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought If needed. Concentration of cotutruelion loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to muses al any time. No Inds other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. .fn: VVIlyl.rltJltl! A 4 AU: IUIi UFMI U.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 D BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 433# Support 2 355# Support 3 51# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/257 at Mid -panel # 1 L=-0.33" D- 0.05" T=-0.28" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTIONr T- 0.00" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T. 0.00" RMB a 1.15 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. Field Connection at Support 1 must be able transfer 168 pounds of horizontal reaction WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V. 125mph, H. 23.0 ft, I- 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type. Encl L. 44.0 ft W. 7.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL- 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -69 0.99 4- 3 -2 0.84 ..... =__... ===Joint Locations=====__________ 1) 0- 6- 7 3) 7- 0- 0 2) 7- 0- 0 4) 0- 6- 7 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz uplift Y-Loc Type 6-10-12 151 168 -355 TOP PIN 0- 1-12 274 198 -433 BOT PIN 6-10-12 81 0 -51 BOT H-ROLL I/ 7-0-o k ,I 1 — 2 Attach oe-Nails41 III 3-10-3 4-3-2 0-4-3 Attach with (2) '3X4 10d Toe -Nails I I 7-0-0 4 3 275N 3.50" 151# 2.50" la 1-0-0 7-0-0 82#3.50" (RO-11-11 C/L: 6-10-12 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Over 3 Supports scale = 0.4929 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: WO: WINA4 Maronda S stems A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Dwg: Truss ID: J y CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dsgnr: TLY Chk: Date: 10-09-03 TC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 4005 MARON DA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind brocin . portal brat or similar bra acu g building TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFac -Pit: 1.25 which is a part of the des lira Pa g design and which mull be considered by the bullding deslgher. Bracing shown is for Lateral of lass members only to buckling length. Provisions be BC Live 0.0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 support reduce must made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. BC Dead 10.0 Design Criteria: TPI TOMAS PONCE P.E. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be requited. (See HlB-9l afTN. psf Code Dese: FLA LICENSE #0050068 1005VANNESSAD0.0VIED0,n-327W rrr ss Plate Institute. TPI, is Located at 583 D'Onafrlo Dave. Madison. Wisconsin 53719). TOTAL 33.0 pSP V:09.05.02- 30516- Der(S n: Mairix Analysis JOB PATH: C:ITEE.L0KIN0ME01R HCS: 08.20.02 JD. VVIJY\.nCOICK A µ At—: Iu8 Ururl u.L WU: WINA4 WE: TI: J 1 QTY:7 DESIGN INFORMATION This design Is for an ndivldual bullding component and has been nn Inf ormal formal ion provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faully or Incorrect Inlunnatlun. specifications and/or designs fnmlshed to the In ss designer by the client and the corteclness or accuracy of this Information as It may relate to a spe- etfte pmJeet and accepts no responsibility or merci5es no control with regard to fabrim. lion, handling, shipment and Inatallallan of truss-. This truss has been designed as an Individual buildbng component In accordance with ANSlrM I-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as pan of the building deslgn by o Bulldhrg Designer Iregslered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to he sure that the data shown are In agreement with the local building codes. local climatic records for wind or snow loads. pmJeci specifications or slreclal applied loads. Unless shown. truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes ceimpresalon chards (lop or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specilled Where bottom chords in tension are and fully braced loleraily by a properly applied rigid ceiling. they should be braced at a maximum spacing of W-W o c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unicss otherwise shown FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this dmwb,g is In conformance with the fabricators plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verl. Ileillon. Any discrepancies are to be put bn writing before cutting or fabrication Plato shot it not be Installed over knotholes. knots or distorted gram. Members shall be cut for light filling wood to wood hearing Con- nector Plates shall be located on both faces of the trivia with nails fully Imbedded and shag he sym. about the Joint unless ahem-tse shown. A Sx4 plate is 5' wide x 4' long A &S plate is 6' wide x 8' long Slots (hales) rim parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on weh members shall meet at the cennold of the welei unless otherwise shown. connector plate sizes are mintmum sires based on the forces shown ■nd may need to be Increased for certain hand. ling and/or erectlim suessn. This buss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber ,..less odic FvAse shown. For adilluorul Information on Buallly Control refer to ANSI/TM 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES Ail bracing and erection recvnunendallom are to be followed in accord.... with 'I landling Installing a Brach,('. IIIB-91. 71ussm are to be handled with particular care during handing and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses In a straight and plumb I- Illon and for resisung lateral forces shall be d-Igned and installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing Is allays required Nnrtnal precautionary action for truss- -q„Ir- such temporary bracing during Inslallallon between trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing The supervision of erection of trusses sha 11 be under the control of persons experienced In the Insullatlon or trusses. Professional advice shall be sought If needed. Concentration of construction leads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to truss- al any time. No Imds other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to truss- until after all fastening and bracing is completed. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #3 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 230# Support 2 273# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/704 at JOINT # 2 L=-0.11" D--0.11" T--0.22" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.17" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.09" RMB - 1.15 4-3-2 0-4-3 t WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125niph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type. Encl L= 44.0 ft W= 7.0 ft Truss in 1NP zone, TCDL- 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf IrrVact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Support 1 240# ..TC...FORCE ... CSI ..BC...FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -166 0.51 6- 5 24 0.32 2- 3 -105 0.44 5- 4 0 0.27 === _= =Joint Locations=== 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 7- 0- 0 5) 4-=3e=8 2) 4- 3- 8 4) 7- 0- 0 6) 0- 0- 0 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 276 240 -230 BOT PIN 6-10-12 230 0 -273 BOT H-ROLL 7-0-0 1 2 3 6.00 3.00 I 03 4-0-0 11 2-8-8 , 6 4 277N 3.50" 231N 2.50" b1-0-0 (120-11-11 7-0-0 EXCEPT' AS MOWN PLATES ARE 'rL20 GA 'TESTED PER ANSU7'PI 1-1995 Maronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, Ft.. 32771 (407)321-0064 Fax (407)321.3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 1005 VANNESSA OR.OMEDOXI-32766 WAKNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Gracing shown on this drawing b not erection bracing, wind bracing. portal hmc.Ing nr slndlar bracing which is apart of the bullding design and Milch must be considered by the bulldbig designer Bracing shown Is lot laleml a,q,pnn ot tuna membem only to reduce buckling length. Pr -Ws s .mat he mad r to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations delernined bythe building desigi.— AddiZal bracing ul the overall structure may be required. ISee HIB-91 uI Till). anus, Pl.l. lnsululc. TPI. b L.-led al 583 nunnbi. un.•e nmdison. Wisconsin 537191 Eng. Job: DWg: Dsgim TLY Chk: TIC Lire 16.0 psr TC Dead 7.0 psf 13C Live 0.0 tisf BC Dead 10.0 psf TOTAL 33.0 psf 10d cToe---Nails ) Attach with (2) I0d Toe -Nails scale = 0.4929 Truss ID: J 1 Date: 10-09-03 DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 DurFac - PIL 1.25 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA IICS: 03.20.02 Jb: WINCHESIER A 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. WO: WINA4 WE: TI: J 1 A 9TY:1 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual budding component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer dbelabns any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this tnfomalbn as it may relate to a spe- clflc project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrica- tion. handling. shipment and installation of trusses Thu truss his been designed as an indNldal building component to accordance with ANSI/'IPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer{. When reviewed for approval by the building desigier, the design loadings shown must be checked to be aure that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow Inds. project specifications or special applied bads. Unless shown, true has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes Compression chords (top or bottom) ate continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise speed". Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a property applied rigid awing- they should be braced at a maximum spacing of IOr4r o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this dra" to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricators plans and to =Ilse a continuing responslbLity fqr such verl. fication. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, (mots or distorted gram. Members shall be cut for light fitting wood to wind bearing Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless of herwtse shown. A 5x4l plate Is 5' wide x 4' long A (34 plate s 6' wide: 9- long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the cenuold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sues are minimum sizes based an the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain hand. ling and/or erection douses. This truss is no to be fabricated with fire rctardant t=led lumber unless olherwtse shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES AB bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with -Handling Installing & Bracing', HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular core during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to amid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing far holding tosses in a straight and plumb pos- Itlon and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand - Ling Is essential and erection bracing is always required. Norval precautionary anion for trusses requires such temporary bracing during tnsts9alion between trusses to avoid toppling and dominomg The supervubn of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the Wmllation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction lads greater than the design bads shall no be applied to trusses at any time. No lads other than the weight of the erectors shag be applied to mosses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #3 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 231# Support 2 273# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/707 at JOINT # 2 L--0.11" D=-0.11" T--0.22" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.18" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.09" RMB - 1.15 4-3-2 0-4-3 i __ WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C4C, V- 125atph, H- 23.0 ft, I- 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt- 1.0 Bld Type. Encl. L. 44.0 ft W. 7.0 ft Truss in INf zone, TCDL- 4.2 psf, BCDL- 6.0 psf Fact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE : Support 1 236# TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -222 0.40 6- 5 55 0.35 2- 3 -122 0.55 5- 4 0 0.33 - - ==Joint Locations=== 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 7- 0- 0 5) 2- 5- 0 2) 2- 5- 0 4) 7- 0- 0 6) 0- 0- 0 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING L40CATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 277 236 -231 BOT PIN 6-10-12 231 0 -273 BOT H-ROLL 7-0-0 L �1 2 3 3.00 I 3-3-13 0-3 2-1-8 4-7-0 Plat0e6llleight 6 4� 277# 3.50" 231N 2.50" 1. 1-0-0 7-0-0 (RO-11-11 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPl 1-1995 (Maronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 (407)321-0064 Fax (407)321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #W50068 IW5 VANNESSA D&OVIEDO.FL32766 WAKNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this drawing is no erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which Is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce bucWing length. Provisions must be trade to anchor Lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPI). flluss Plate Institule. TPI, Is located at 583 D'Onafrio Dave, Madison. Wlsconsin 53719). Attach with(4) 10d Toe -Nails Attach with (2) 10d Toe -Nails scale = 0.4929 Eng. Job: WO: WINA4 Dwg: Truss ID: J 1 A Dsga r: TLY Clik. Date: 10-09-03 TC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFac - Pit: 1.25 BC Live 0.0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 30529- 1 Design: Mairix Analysis JOB PA771: CITE£-LOXIHOMED/R HCS: 08.20.02 WO: WINA4 WE: TI: J2 9TY:6 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and tuts been bused an Information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect mfomulbn, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as it may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabnea- lion. handling. shipment and WtaBalton of trusses. This truss has been designed as on individual building component in accordance wtU ANSIfM 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as pan of the budding design by a Building Designer Iregstered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data Shown ■m In agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied bads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes econpressbn chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise ■perifled. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceding, they should be braced at n maximum spacing of 10'-0' o c. Connector plates shad be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Cmde 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shad review this drawing to verify that this drawing Is in conformance with the fabricatoes plans and to realize o continuing responsibility for such verl. flcatbn. Any dbcmpanclea are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrcation. Pates shad not be Install cd over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight filling wood to wood bearing. Con. nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shad be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide i 4' long A 6x8 plate is 0' wide x lit' long Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members stud meet at the ccntratd of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate shot are minimum at= based on the form shown and may need to be Increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses This taw Is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/7PI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES AB bracing and erection recommendation arc to to followed inaccordance with 'Handling instaWng A Bracing', 11IB-91. Trusses ore to be handled with palUcular care during banding Wn and bundg, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bmcmg for holding trusses in a stralghl and plumb pas - man and for resisting lateral forces shag be designed and Installed by ashen Careful hand- ling ts essential and erection bracing Is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avold toppling and dommomg The supervision of erection of tnnsn shall be under the control of persons experienced in the iu allallon of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design bads shall not be applied to truasn at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shad be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing b completed. JO: WINk_I1tJltK A 4 AL: IU# UHLIFI U.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS- 2x4 SP #2 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 399# Support 2 278# Support 3 43# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/643 at Mid -panel # 1 L=-0.10" D= 0.01" T=-0.08" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: Te 0.00" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.00" RMB - 1.15 3-3-14 04-3 1 on Analysis based on Sinplified Analog Model. Field Connection at Support 1 must be able transfer 141 pounds of horizontal reaction WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V. 125mph, He, 23.0 ft, I- 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt- 1.0 Bld Type. Encl L. 40.0 ft W. 5.1 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL- 4.2 psf, BCDL- 6.0 psf Fact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC...FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -50 0.65 4- 3 -2 0.50 _= —Joint Locations==="=__________ 1) 0- 6-=7 3) 5- 1- 8 2) 5- 1- 8 4) 0- 6- 7 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 5- 0- 4 110 141 -278 TOP PIN 0- 1-12 213 184 -399 BOT PIN 5- 0- 4 60 0 -43 BOT H-ROLL 5-1-8 L Ilk 1 2 0 2-10-15 Attach with (4) 10d 'roe -Nails Attach with (2) 10d Toe -Nails 5-1-8 I. 4 3 213# 3.50" 110# 2.50" 1-0-0 � 5-1-8 61# 50ar (RO-11-11) C— -04 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 CA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Over 3 Supports scale = 0.6319 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: WO: WINA4 Maronda System A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Dwg: Truss ID: J2 y CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dsgnr: TLY Chk: Date: 10-09-03 TC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bnUng, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - Pit: 1.25 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 which is a part of the budding design and which must be considered by the budding designer. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of tress members only to reduce bucking length. Provisions must be BC Live 0.0 psf O.C.$ aein 24.0" Spacing: TOMAS PONCE P.E. made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the budding designer. n Addlilolbracing ofthe overall structure mayberequired. (See HIB-91ofTPn- BC Dead 10.0 g( p Design Criteria: TPI LICENSE #0050068 rrrusa Plate Institute. TPI, b located at 583 D'Onofrto Drive, Madison. Wisconsin 337191 Code Dese: FLA 1 DD5 VANNFSSA DROVIEDO,n.32766 I TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 30519- Design: hfatrfx Analysis JOB PATH: CATEE-LOKI110MEDIR HCS: 08.20.02 JD: VVII1k-rlt01tK A 4 Al,: IUR UYLII.1 U.L. WO: WINA4 WE: TI: J26 QTY:2 DESIGN INFORMATION This design Is for an Individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect information, specNtations and/or deslghs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as It may relate to a spe- c01c project and accepts no responsibility or exemsea no control with mprd to fabrta. lion, handling, shipment and Installation of r,.,..es. Thu truss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSI/7PI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement with the local building codes. 1=1 cllnatic records for wind or snow Inds. project specifications or special applied kinds. Unless shown. truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes tnmpresaton chords (top or bottom) are cont iu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords In tendon are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceWng, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of IV-7 o.c. Connector pales shall be manufactured frorn 20 page hot dipped plvrulbed steel meeting ASTM A 653. .Crude 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabrtmlor shall review this drawing to vertfy that this drawing is In conformance with the fabrtaloe's plans and to realiae a mnunuutg responsib(lity, for such veri- fication Any dbcmpancles are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrlounn. Rates shall not be installed over knotholes. knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Can. nectar plates shall be looted on both faces of the truss with Nib fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide x 4- Long A 6x8 plate s 6' wide x ff long. Slots (holes) rum parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centroid ot the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sires ■m minimum aces based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain hand. ling and/or emcllon stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Infornatlon on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI I-IM PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection reconnllendallons are to be followed in accordance with "Handling Inataitng n Bmc:;. HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular are during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid danage. Temporary and permanent bra" for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- alun and far resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful hand- Lng is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal preautfomry action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between traso to avoid toppling and dorninong. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the Installation of trusses Profeislonal advice &hall be sought If needed. Concentrallan of construction bads greater than the design Inds shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erector shall be applied to (Hasa until after all fastening and bracing is completed TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #3 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 299# Support 2 408# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L--0.02" D- 0.00" T=-0.02" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.05" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: To 0.05" RMB - 1.15 3-3-2 04-3 4 WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V- 125mph, H= 23.0 ft, i= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt- 1.0 Bld Type. Encl L= 44.0 ft W- 5.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL- 4.2 psf, BCDL- 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Support 1 333# ..TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -191 0.55 6- 5 18 0.46 2- 3 -137 0.17 5- 4 0 0.09 =Joint Locations=====_______ =1) === Oct O =0 3) 5- 0- 0 5) 4- 3- 8= 2) 4- 3- 8 4) 5- 0- 0 6) 0- 0- 0 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 211 333 -299 BOT PIN 4-10-12 164 0 -408 BOT H-ROLL 5-0-0 1 2 3 6.00 3.00 I 0-3-8 4-0-0 16 0-8-8 4 211# 3.50" 165# 2.50" 5-0-0 Di I�(RO-11 11) I- EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 WAKNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: (Maronda System y A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Dwg` CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dsgitr: TLY Chk 4005 MARONDA WAY TC Live 16.0 SANFORD, FL. 32771 Brecing shown on this drawing is not ereclbn bracing. wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a port of the building design and which mast be considered by the building designer. Bracing TC Dead 7.0 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown Is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length Provslons must be BC Live 0.0 TOMAS PONCE P.E. made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. ct Additional brang of the overall structure may be required. (see HIB-9I of TPI). BC Dead 10.0 LICENSE #0050068 rrrutss Plate Institute. TPI, is located at 563 D'Onofrto Drive. Madison. wsanstn 537191 1005 VANNESSA DROVIEDO.fL32766 I TOTAL 33.0 Attach with (3) 10d Toe -Nails Attach with (2) 10d Toe -Nails scale = 0.6440 (Truss ID: J213 Date: 10-09-03 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 psf DurFac - Plt: 1.25 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" psr Design Criteria: TPI — Code Desc: FLA vesljn: Mmm Analysis JOB PAT71: C:ITE£-LOKIHOM£D/R HCS. 08.20.02 .Its: WINCHL511az A 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. WO: WINA4 WE: TI: J3 QTY:6 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on Information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect information, specifications and/or deslgu furnished to the truss deslpner by the client and the correctness or accuracy or this information m it may relate to a spe- clfio project and accepts m responslbWly or exeretses no control with regard to fabrica- tion, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component In accordance with ANSI/TPI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated u pan of the building design by a Building Designer (regstered uehliect or professional engi kart. when reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the date shown are In agreement with the local building codes. oca ll climatic retards for wind or snow knds. project apmalcalbns ar special applied Inds Unless shown, truss has not been deslgned for storage or occupancy bads. The design assumes compreislon chords (top or bottom) are wnttnu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where botican chords in tension are not fully braced Laterally by a property applied rigid cawing, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of lU-(r o.c Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvnntaed steel meeting ASIM A 653, Gmde 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator &hall review this drawing to verify that Ihis drawing Is In conformance with the fabricators plans and to malice a continuing responsibility for such verl- 0calion. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be wu6d over knotholes, knots or distorted gain Members shall be cut for tight filling wood to wood hearing Con- nector plates shag be located on both fares of the trim with malls fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide x F long A 6x6 plate is 6' wide x E' long Sbls (holes) run parallel to the plate length spectned Double cub an web members shall meet at the centrald of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate attest are mintmum ■t= basil on the forces shown and my need to be Increased for certain hand. Ling and/car erection stresses. This lust• is not to be fabricated with fine reiardutt treated hunber unless otherwise shown. For addltional Information on Quality Control refer to AN51/TPI 1-19M PRECAUTIONARY NOTES AD bra" and erection recommendations are to be followed In accordance with *Handling Installing A Bracts(', HIB-91. Trusso are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding wsses In a straight and plumb poa- Man and for resisting lateral form shall be designed and Lmt&Ued by others. Careful hand- ling b essenttal and "=Lion bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requLm such temporary bracing during IrlstaOatbn between trusses to avoid toppling and daminobtg. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the installation of tomes. Professional advice shall be sought D needed. Concentration of construction Inds greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any lane. No Inds other than the weight of the erectora shall be applied to trusses until alter all fastening and bracing la completed TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 288# Support 2 176# Support 3 26# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 Lea-0.01" De, 0.00" T--0.01" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.00" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.00" RMB - 1.15 2-3-14 04-3 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. Field Connection at Support 1 must be able transfer 86 pounds of horizontal reaction WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V- 125niph, H. 23.0 ft, i= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type. Encl L. 40.0 ft W- 3.1 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL- 4.2 psf, BCDL- 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 29 0.25 4- 3 -2 0.19 c== _ _ ==Joint Loc=====_ ations_________ =1)06==7 3) 3- 1- 8 2) 3- 1- 8 4) 0- 6- 7 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 3- 0- 4 67 86 -176 TOP PIN 0- 1-12 148 111 -288 BOT PIN 3- 0- 4 36 0 -26 BOT H-ROLL 3-1-8 k 1 2 0 3-1-8 4 3 148# 3.50" 67# 2.50" 1-0-0 3-1-8 37a 2On EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Over 3 Supports Attach with (3) 10d Toe -Nails Attach with (2) l0d Toe -Nails scale = 0.9039 WAKNIN4: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: WO: WINA4 LMaronda Systems A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Dwg: Truss ID: J3 CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dsgftr: TLY Chit: I Date: 10-09-03 TIC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 Bracing shown on this drawing h not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or sbnflar bracing TIC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - PIt: 1.25 (407) 321-0064 FaX (407) 32 r-3913 which is a par of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown Isfor Lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be BC Live 0.0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" TOMAS PONCE P.E. made to anchor Lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPO. . BC Dead 100 yf P' Design Criteria: TPI LICENSE #0050068 rrmss Plate Institute. TPI, la located at 5113 D'Onafro Drive, Madison, Wiseonab 53719). ,�si COUe DeSC: FLA lW5 VANNESSA DR.OVIEDOXI-327116 TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 30521- E Design: Matrix Analysis JOB PAIN: CATEE-LOKI1/0MED1R 11CS. 03 20 02 JD. VV1141_nt01tK A 4 Al,: IU8 UY1.II.1 U.L. WO: WINA4 WE: TI: J313 QTY:2 DESIGN INFORMATION This design Is for an individual building component and tau been based on Womtallon provided by the client. The designer disclatms any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect kdormait Ion. specddoatlons and/or designs fumbhed to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this Information as it may relate to a spe. ante project and accepts no respomibWry or exerctses no control with regard to fabrica- tion, handling. shipment and Installation of trusses. 7hb truss has been designed as on indMdul building component in accordance with ANSI/7PI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engneerl. When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the long building codes. tool climatic records for wind or snow Inds. project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously bracer) by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a property applied rlgd cembng, they should be braced at a ma ttinurn spacing of 10-0- o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown FABRICATION NOTES Prtor to fabriolton. the fabricator &hall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conformance wish the fabrfnlors plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such ved. fintlnn. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrtntion. Rates shall not be installed over knolhoks. (mots or distorted grain. Member shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nalls fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the Joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate Is 5- wide x 4- long. A 6x8 plate Is 8- wide x 8- long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the mntiald of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for cenaln hand. ling and/or erection stresses This [ruses is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For addiuorW information on Quality Control refer to ANSIrM 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendatlons are to be followed in accordance with -Handling nsW Iling A Braein�. HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular ore during banding and bundting, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pas. Man and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand- ling Is essential and erection bmctng is always required. Normal precautionary action for tnuscs requires such temporary bracing during installation between tnsses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons ed experiencin the L..ilation of trusses. professional advice &hall be sought If needed Concentration of construcuon Inds greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No bads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing Is completed. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 284# Support 2 176# Support 3 27# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L=-0.01" D- 0.00" T=-0.01" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTIONS Ta, 0.00' MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T- 0.00" RMB - 1.15 2-3-14 0-4-3 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. Field Connection at Support 1 &mist be able transfer 88 pounds of horizontal reaction WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V- 125mph, He: 23.0 ft, I- 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Typea, Encl L. 40.0 ft W= 3.1 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL- 4.2 psf, BCDL- 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -30 0.25 4- 3 -17 0.19 _________"====Joint Locations==== 1) 0- 9-13 3) 3- 1- 8 2) 3- 1- 8 4) 0- 9-13 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc- Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 3- 0- 4 67 88 -176 TOP PIN 0- 1-12 148 119 -284 BOT PIN 3- 0- 4 36 0 -27 BOT H-ROLL AIL 3-1-8 L 1 2 1-2-7 0-8-8 I Attach with (3) 10d Toe -Nails Attach with (2) 10d Toe -Nails 3.00 I 0-3-8 2-10-0 4 3 148# 3.50" 68# 2.50" L 1-0-0 In 3-1-8 37N 2i50" I" (RO-11-11) C/L: 3-04 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSUTPI 1-1995 Over 3 Supports scale = 0.9039 W A G: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: WO: WINA4 Maronda Systems ( A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Dwg: Truss ID: J3B CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dsgnr: TLY Chk: Date: 10-09-03 TC Live 16.0 psr DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 4005 MARONDA WAY SA N FORD, FL. 32771 Bmcbtg shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - Pit: 1.25 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 which is a pan of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown b for lateral truss tel support of members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be BC Live 0.0 psf 24 O.C. Spacing: .0n TOMAS PONCE P.E. made to anchor literal bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. IS" HIB-91 of TPI). BC Dead 10.0 f Ps Design Criteria: TPI LICENSE #0050068 frruss Plate Institute. TPI, is looted at 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison. Wisconsin 53719). Code Desc: FLA 10135VANNESSADROVIEDO.F1.52766 TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 30522- t Derian: Matrix Analyris JOB PATH: CA E£-LOKWOMEDIR IICS• 08.20.02 jo. vvuV%.ncaiCK M 4 Mt—: IUS UYLIrl U.l WO' WINA4 WE: TI• J4 9TY•6 DESIGN INFORMATION TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. __= ___ =====______ =-==Joint Locations=___ This design is for an individual budding BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 Field Connection at Support 1 must be able 1) 0 6 7 3) 1- 1- 8 component and has been based onlnma fortion provided by the client. The designer dbdarns transfer 26 pounds of horizontal reaction 2) 1- 1- 8 4) 0- 6- 7 any responsibility for damages u a result of PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V- 12 h, 51� ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- faultyor incorrect information, s clfleatlans pc Support 1 166# Ha 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Ecp.Cat. B, Rzt= 1.0 X-LoC Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Lac Type and/or designs furnished to the truss designer Support 2 65# Bld Type- Enel L. 40.0 ft W. 1.1 ft Truss 1- 0- 4 24 26 -65 TOP PIN by the chentand the correctnessoraccuracy Support 3 6# in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf 0- 1-12 82 32 -166 BOT PIN of this information as a my relate to a sac- elk project and accepts no responsibility ar MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req 1- 0- 4 12 0 -6 BOT H-ROLL exerebes no control with regard to fabrim- Lion. handling, shipment and installation of L= 0. 00° D= 0. 00" T= 0. 00" ..TC... FORCE... CSI ..BC ... FORCE... CSI louses. This thus has been designed as an MAX HORIZONTAL 'DOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: 1- 2 -9 0.03 4- 3 -2 0.02 individual bulldog component In accordance with T= 0 . 00" ANSIM 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: as Pao of the building design by a Building To 0 . 00" Designer (registered architect or professional engtneed. When reviewed for approval by the RMB - 1.15 building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement with the local building codes. local cWnatic records far wind or snow lands. project specdlcatlom or special applied loods unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes eompr ion chords (top or bottorN are cominu- oust' braced by shealhtry unless otherwise specNed. Where bottom chords in tension art 1 2 not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a 6 maximum spacing of 10'-0' o.e. Connector plates shag be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galwanued steel meeting ASTM A 653. Attach With (2) Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. 10d Toe -Nails FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is In confommnce with the fabrtcatofs pram and to reagre a continuing responsibility far such veri- fication. Any discrepancies are to be put In O1 O-l$ ' writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes. knots or distorted gram. Members shag be cut for tl&t fitting wood to wood hearing Con- 1-3-14 nectar plates shall be located on both faces of 0-4-3 the truss with nabs fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5a4 plate is 5' wide x V long A 6x8 plate is 8' tt tt Attach with (2) wide x 8- long. Slots m motes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web 3X4 1 Toe -Nails members shall meet at the centroid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sties are mmtmum stress based on the forces show and may need to be Increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown For addltlonal informtation an Quality Control refer to ANSlfrPl 1.1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bmcting and erection recommendations arc to be followed inaccordance with -Handling installing A Bracing". HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding 4 3 and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damaage Temporary and permanent bracing . S3/! 3SOhr 25N 2.Sou for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- itun and for resisting lateral forces shag be n 1-0-0 1-1-8 13# 2.5 designed and Insla" by others. Careful hand- (RO-11-11) CIL. 1- 4 Wig b bracing essential and erection brang b always EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Over 3 Supports required. Normal precautionary action for scale = 1.5869 lrttsses requires augh temporary bracing during installation between trusses to amid toppling WARNING: READ All NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: , and datnmoing The supervision of erection or trusses shall be under the Contra] ofperson Earonoda Systems A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING DWg: Truss ID. J4 experienced In a the shaag beesoug u� needed. CONTRACTOR. Dsgnr: TLY Clilc: Date: 10-09-03 Core Lusatian b n of construction ads greater than the design Inds shag not be applied to 4005 MARONDA WAY BRACING WARNING: TC Live 16.0 psf DurFae - Lbr: 1.25 ds other than the anuses al any lone. No InIsm"w weight of the erectors shag be applied to SANFORD, FL. 32771 shaven on this drawing is not trection bracing, wind bracing, po" bracing or similar bracing which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - Pit: 1.25 t trusses until after all fulening and bracing (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be BC Live 0.0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.or is completed. TOMAS PONCE P.E. made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and spectfled locations determined by the building designer. Additionalma bracing of the be BC Dead 10.0 Design Criteria: TPI overall structure y required. ISee IfIB-91 of 7Pq. Titus- Plate Institute. TPI, Is bated 583 D'Onofno psf Code Desc: FLA LICENSE #0050068 1005 VANNFSSA DP OVIEDO.FL32756 at Drive. Madison. Wisconsin 537191 TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 30523- 7 Design: Matrix Analysis JOB PATH: CATEE-LOXIHOMEDIR HCS: 08.20.02 Jo: VV114l.P1tJItK A 4 At.: IUri U11MI U.L. WO: WINA4 WE: TI: J4B QTY:2 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been bored on Information provided by the client. The designer disclamns any mponsmWty for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the mrtcclness or accuracy of this Information as It may relate to a ape- ctnc project and accepts no mponslblt0y or exereises no control with regard to fabrics. lion. handling. shipment and Installation of tnnsses. This hors has been designed as an Individual building has in accordance with ANSI/7PI 1.1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as par of the building design by a Bugding Designer (registered architect or professional eng iced. When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes. local climatic records for wind or snow loads. project specifications or special applied bads. Unless shown. truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension arc not fully braced latently by a property applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at ■ maximum spacing of IOr-W o.e. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped phantzed steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown FABRICATION NOTES Poor to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this dmwing is in conformance with the fahriarloYs plans and to reallra a continuing responsibility for such veri- fication. Any dlscreponcies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Rates shall not be Installed over knotholes. knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fllttng wood to wood bearing Con. nector plates shall be located on both fain of the truss with nulls fully bnbecided and shall be sym. about the Joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5- wide x s- long A axS plate is 6* wide x 8- long Slats (holes) run parallel to the plate length speclBed. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the eentroid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sues are minimum sires based on the forces shown and may need to be Increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresaes This loos isnot to be fabricated with fire retardant treated Lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/PI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES Ail bracing and erection reconlmendallons ore to be followed in accordance with "Handling InAtt" A Bracin(', HIB-91. Trusses ale to be handled with particular care during banding and bundbing, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding masses in ■ alralghl and plumb pos- ltbn and for misting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for hoses requires such temporary bracing during Wtallatbn between trusses to amid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons ccpertenced in the—.UaLinn of trusses. Professional advice shall he sought if needed. Concentration of construction Inds greater than the design Imds shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the eretiors stall be applied to causes until after all fastening and bracing is completed. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 163# Support 2 65# Support 3 6# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L- 0.00" Da, 0.00" T- 0.00" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.00" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.00" RMB - 1.15 T 0-4-5 1 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. Field Connection at Support 1 must be able transfer 28 pounds of horizontal reaction WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V. 125nph, H= 21.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type. Encl L. 40.0 ft W. 1.1 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL- 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req ..TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -9 0.03 4- 3 -6 0.02 = ==Joint Locations====________ 1==== )09====_ 5 3) 1- 1- 8 2) 1- 1- 8 4) 0- 9- 5 --MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 1- 0- 4 24 28 -65 TOP PIN 0- 1-12 88 37 -163 BOT PIN 1- 0- 4 12 0 -6 BOT H-ROLL 'I 1-1-8 1 2 0-8-9 0-2-8 0 Attach with (2) 10d Toe -Nails Attach with (2) 10d Toe -Nails 3.00 I 0-3-8 Ilk 0-10-0 LI 4 3 89# 3.50" 25# 2.50" le I-1- 1-1-8 1rr EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 CA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Over 3 Supports . I T scale = 1.5123 A G: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: WO: WINA4 �Mtaronda Systems A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Dwg: Truss ID: J4B CONTRACTOR. Dsgnr: TLY C►Ik: Date: 10-09-03 BRACING WARNING: TC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 4005 MARON DA WAY Bracing shown on this drawmng is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - Pit: 1.25 SANFORD, FL. 32771 which is a par of the building dmtgn and which must be camidered by the building designer. Bracing Spacing: n 24.0nn (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be BC Live 0.0 psf P g made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Design Criteria: TPI TOMAS PONCE P.E. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be requited (See HIB-9I of TPq. BC Dead 10.0 psf LICENSE #0050068 n1ti+s Plate institute, TR, is located at 58.7 D'Onofno Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Code Dese: FLA 1005 VMNFSSA DR.OVIEDO.F1.3276a I TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 30524- 1 Design: Afmru Analysts JOB PA771: C:ITEE-LOKIHOMEDJR HCS. 08.20.02 FLOOR fRA4/NG NOTES: Ir LWZK GAGE STEEL FLOOR MTS (MOW FLDQR CONNECTORS, N YAE.rr OL./ Ir LOff GAGE STEEL aY TRAGE rASpnA 1 IP/A, SEE DETAIL fA5•S( Y�N�fll D S�RE� FpGf G'STMCF AND SPACING ( WED STEFNER ./ IL •* • E + *'SDUIVS 4 +1{r•iwD Y'NESPEn�vFu-TLESE aFEK0N5 AIR ME D r0 THE FlAE/N1K ?THE SCRE>•. 0 TT/(TO L NM! ./ rj)•D* ,f/,'SRnSEE DETAILa.Ws•s AWE Ob AD AW i STEEL JOIST AND DOA. F/� F// Li PANEL a1"Nr. DEAD (DAD • n AI TOTAL LOAD • SE ALT *?PERT CAP AT ArTI ./ ") ." • if'SUL7 N W411 SEE DETAIL GEMS-9 DEFLECT*% U. • L/JFO FS SCUD OW Fad /LMOG SEE DETAIL Fr1S'SL TL • L/NO MW LOADS ASSUMED TO HE IIEAAAO ON RIM TRACK.2(/?• LEG UP PENMETER NAILS Ofa. F SWATHING •rNG MDDO LEOUX GLUED AND SV"ED I JOIST LDCATVV ./ •1 SVWMCOL EDGES N QOL FIELD C r//•, F//•LIFPDNT CUP LWATpN FLOOR FRALNNG: ITEM OESYNPTNU I MFMBER LFDO a/ANITT LEARN RFYARf R2 IMM MCI( I ?7DE. ASOaSO Ly U PlVXWO TARS • Er DL G/ OWN I IrrOMS;V-MNCWD r tr•*E' . G2 GOQER rr raw! fv.PUW ED r ETA - GJ canorm Ir rows it. NACWo I P9/E' /RCAM&V rSR Z MWTrbsrl J G, lAV GOWR ?rave mm PUJIMD r - Pa+•.r-*%,/Fvr•rr4ho J/ mw Lrrm WsnncLED E 431-0 1 J2 .CWST ?Tars 041; APOCWD J EY-*W LBI LADDER MW Ir Tars EpaLOIAVN1W2D ED F-0/E' SB/ saw DL¢ IF TOWS 4%p UNML PIED S NAMES i WI WER STFAR rrSO Iyp.rADOTIe'S6vM LM EO O•Ng• SEE IN= FOR IXO*r NESTED E'TONS Iyc UNMCMED SE ro • LPTA COUEnOK/Ra rRACN - W. AT b IiN,GM 44MM ♦. /SKEET (Sre SIOL C/ cw. CUP F/F•. th"s 0.so to. J MARES FELD AAM'U[D M •E ST. /ALW[N IM! ./ M D KQ /IIWsy .AD rpSTALCrU.V STOOL . far U.ER IV. We. ra RIJ TN O d EASRO M MATE 6 AWST SEE JILT L. /p Ir"-,n AC SP=NI MY SE/ /J.fA.IW[ OPEN [ :�,] :�) z;] �,i z;Io >] !�] !�] �I] -;] �Ia z;] zD z;I �i �,] 63 Ra rotcx -air TO LIE RILI rR.C( INLI TACK MI TRACK •a/r TO FLOOR DECK AO FLOOR DECK BO FLOOR DECK CO FLOOR DECK I�p IIIII�i�IfiiG9ili��l i�1WIN. �111���11111Y � 1� ArIA"I'll ►� SHEET: FDO S T E E L j 0 1 S T D E S I G N G U I D E Floor Joist Span Tables (0" Minimum Knockout Offset) Joist Member 10 psf Dead Load and 40 psf Live Load TL Deflection = U240, LL Deflection = 1-1360 Single Span TL Deflection = U240, LL Deflection = U480 Single Span Spacing in o.c. S acin In o.c. 12 1 16 19.2 24 12 16 19.2 24 7.25"TDJ18 16' 2" 14' 7" 13' 4" 11' 11" 14' B" 13' 4" 12' 7" 11' 8" 7.25"TDJ16 17' 4" 15' 9" 14' 10" 13' 9" 15' 9" 14' 4" 13' 6" 12' 6" 7.25"T DJ 14 18' 8" 16' 11 " 15' ill, 14' 9" 16' 11" 15' 5" 14' 6" IT 5" 87TDJ1.B: -.17' 8."-. .15" 4" '14' 0" 12' 6" 15' 1.1" 14' 5" 13' 7" 12' 6" 8'TDJ1'6" , 1.81 1.0"' •. 17.' 1" 16' 1"' . 14' 11" 17' 1" 15' 6"- 14' 7" 13' 7" 8"T.DJ14 20' 2" 18' 4" 17' 3" 16' 0" 18' 4" 16' 8" 15' 8" 14' 7" 9.25"TDJ18 19' 3" 16' 8" 15' 2" 13' 3" 1T 11" 16' 3" 15' 2" 13' 3" 9.25"TDJ16 21' 2" 19' 3" 18' 1" 16' 10" 19' 3" 17' 6" 16' 5" 15' 3" 9.25"TDJ14 22' 9" 20' 8" 19' 5" 18' 0" 20' 8" 18' 9" 17' 8" 16' 5" 1:1..25"T.D.116'' -24'" 11" 22' 7' 21' 3" 119' 9" 22' 7" 20' 6" 19' 4" 17' 11" 11.257DJ.1.4- k� •.26' 9" • 24' 4" 22' 10"• 21" 3" 24' 4" 22' 1" 20' 9" 19' 3" 11.25713•J12'.. 29' 10"' 1 -27' 1" 25' 6" 23' 8" 27' 1" 24' 8" 23' 2" 21' 6" 10"TDW16 23' 1" 20' 11" 19, 9" 18' 4" 20' 11" 19, 0" 17' 11" 16' 7" 10"TDW14 24' 9" 22' 6" 21' 2" 19' 8" 22' 6" 20' 5" 19' 3" 17' 10" 10"TDW12 2T 8" 25' 2" 23' 8" 21' 11" 25' 2" 22' 10" 21' 6" 19, 11" '1'2"T•DW1'6.. a •.2B' 9T,- 24'-W, '21' Al." 19' 7" 24' 4" 22' 1" 20' 10" 19' 4" -1:2"TDW1W- ' ' 28' TO"' 1 16" ;2"" , ' 24' 7"' - 22' 10" 26' 2" 23' 9" 22' 4" 20' 9" -12"T.DW12- 32' 2"' • 29' W 27' 6". " 25' 6" 29' 3" 26' 7" 25' 0" 23' 2" 14"TDW14 32' 9" 29' 6" 26' 11" 24' 1" 29' 9" 27' 0" 25' S" 23' 7" 14-TDW12 36' 7" 1 33' 3" 31' 4" 29' 1" 33' 3" 30' 3" 28' 5" 26' 5" *Please refer to span table notes on page 2.1 Floor Joist Span Tables (0" Minimum Knockout Offset) Joist Member 12 psf Dead Load and 40 psf Live Load TL Deflection = 1-/240, LL Deflection = U360 Single Span TL Deflection = 1-1240, LL Deflection = U480 Single Span S acin n o.c. S acing In o.c. 12 1 16 19.2 24 12 16 19.2 24 7.25"TDJ18 16' 2" 14' 4" 13' 1" 11' 8" 14' 8" 13' 4" 12' 7" 11' 8" 7.257DJ16 17' 4" 15' 9" 14' 10" 13' 9" 15' 9" 14' 4" 13' 6" 12' 6" 7.2570J14 18' 8" 16' 11" 15' 11" 14' 9" 16' 11" 15' 5" 14' 6" 13' 5" 8"TDJ1'8•• _ "• 17" 4:'" 15' 0" . 1'3' 8" 12'. 3" 15' 1.1" 14' 5" IT 7"• 12' 3" - 8"TDJ18• :;. t1'8:'_ t0" bT t"' 1-16, 1!, 14' 1'1" 1T V" 15' 6" 14' 7" 13' 7" :8'T.D'J.14; ` . , .20".2"- '- 18'.4" 'IT 3"' 18' 0" 18' 4"• 1.6' B" 15' 8" 14' 7" 9.2570J18 18' 10" 16' 4" 14' 11" 12' 9" 1T 11" 16' 3" 14' 11" 12' 9" 9.25"TDJ16 21' 2" 19' 3" 18' T 16' 10" 19' 3" 17' 6" 16' 5" 15' 3" 9.257DJ14 22' 9" 20' 8" 19' 5" 18, 0" 20' 8" 18' 9" 17' 8" 16' 5" 1:1..25"T13J1.6• ' w24'-1;11, : .22'..T. 2V 3" . •- . 19" 9" 22, 7" 20' 6'. "1'9' 4"• 1.7' 11. 1'1.:25'T.D'J.14- c' 26'-'-'S',' ' '.'24' 4" '22'. 10" :21' 3" 24- 4" 22' 1" 20' 9" 19' 3" 1:1;.25'TD'J.1.2: I:::29� '10"' :27":1'" 25' 6" 23' 8" < :27' 1''": 24" 8" _23' 2" 21" 6" 10"TDW16 23' 1" 20' 11" 19. 9" 18' 4" 20' 11" 19, 0" 17' 11" 16' 7" 10"TDW14 24' 9" 22' 6" 21' 2" 19' 8" 22' 6" 20' 5" 19' 3" 17' 10" 10"TDW12 27' 8" 25' 2" 23' 8" 21' 11" 25' 2" 22' 10" 21' 6" 19' 11" 1;2"TDW16:: - .:26'".9" .• 23' 6" . ' 21•' .6" 1'9' 3"` 24' 4" 22' 1" 20' 10" 19' 3" -- 112"T.DW1'4':` F: 28"10'•' :--26' 2" 24" 7" 22' 10" . 26' .2" _23' 9" 22, 4" .20' 9" 1.2"T.DW1;2- ::32";2.': _29.' Z' 27' 6" 25' 6" 29' 3" 26' 7" 25' 0" 23' 2" 14"TDW14 32' 9" 28' 11" 26' 5" 23' 8" 29' 9" 1 27' 0" 25' 5" 1 23' 7" 14"TDW12 36' 7" 33' 3" 31' 4" 28' 10" 33' 3" 1 30' 3" 28' 5" 1 26' 5" "Please refer to span table notes on page 2.1 Id T H E S T R E N G T H T O S U P P O R T 2.2 e ' 0 J U N 0 4 2004 Y O ,U " 46 0 410�6) Structural Properties of TradeReady® Rim Track SECTION- DIMENSION FULLY EFFECTIVE GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES NET SECTION PROPERTIES CAPACITY 0 HOLE _ ID A, In. 1. In. Afea, 0 WSIyn axa Ix. Y1' ly, W Sx . ite Sy. W X. In Xo. In J.1W CW- of Ro. In p Area'. of Ix', In' Mpos,1n Ills Mneg. til-0s. va. Ib5 TO 7.25 x 18 7.34 0.0451 0 493 1.612 3 550 0 196 0.068 0 092 0.350 -0.738 0.000334 0.822 3.500 1.060 0.312 3260 8829 90410 591 TO 7.25x I6 7.36 0.0566 0 617 2.019 4 448 0.244 1.085 0 115 0.349 .0.736 0.000659 1.020 3.503 1.060 0.391 4.083 17414 17861 1173 TO 7.25 x 14 7.39 00713 0.776 2.537 5.591 0.305 1.358 0,144 0.347 -0.732 0.001314 1.265 3 506 1 060 0 490 5.131 26184 27334 2335 TO 7.25 x 12 745 0.1017 1.103 3 610 7.974 0427 1.921 0.203 0.343 -0.722 0.003804 1.755 3.617 1.058 0.697 7.316 46644 51102 5875 TD 8 x 16 8.09 0.0451 1 0.526 1.722 4.606 0.700 1.007 0.093 0.328 -0 698 0.000357 1.028 3.824 1.048 0.346 4215 9734 9954 597 TO 8 x 16 8.11 0,0566 0.660 1 2.158 5 646 0 249 1 1.258 0.1 IS 1 0.326 -0.695 0000704 1.276 13,827 1 1 047 0 433 1 5.280 19241 19671 1185 TOO x 14 8.14 0.0713 0.829 2.712 7.097 0.311 1 1.575 0A45 1 0.325 -0 692 0.001405 1.058 3.031 1.047 0.544 6.635 29D49 30211 2362 TO 8 x 12 0.20 0.1017 1.180 3.859 10.117 0 436 2229 0205 0.321 -0.682 0.004067 2.194 3.843 1.046 0.773 9 456 52239 56911 6588 TD 9 25 x 1 B 9.34 00451 0.583 1 907 6 434 0.205 1.257 0 094 0.296 -0.640 0000395 1 429 4 376 1 033 0 402 6 141 11230 11423 584 TO 9.25 x 16 9.36 0.0566 0.730 2.389 8 060 0 256 1.571 0.118 0295 -0.637 0.D00780 1.772 4.380 1.033 0.504 7.692 22157 22578 1161 TO 9.25 x 14 9.39 00713 0 91 B 3.004 10 A 31 0 320 1.968 0 147 0293 -0.634 0.001556 2.113 4.717 1.028 0.633 9.666 33594 34805 2317 TO 9.25 x 12WO 7 1.307 4.275 14.435 0440 2.786 0207 0.290 -0.625 0.004505 3.047 4.399 1.032 0.900 13.770 61000 66079 6737 TO 10 x 16 6 0112 2.528 9.779 0.260 1.773 0.118 0279 -0.607 0.WO825 2 113 4.717 1.02T 0.433 8 632 24471 25145 788 70 10 x 14 3 0 972 3.179 12.291 0 324 2.221 0.148 0.277 -0 631 0.001647 2.621 4.722 1 028 0.544 10.844 36997 38669 1567 TO f 0 x 12 7 1.383 d.525 17.510 0454 1 3.146 0.209 0274 -0 595 1 0004768 1 3 631 14.7381 1.026 1 0.779 1 15444 66707 72999 4544 TD 11.25 x 16 11.36 0 0566 0 844 2.760 13 132 0.265 2.133 0 119 0.255 -0 563 0.000901 2 753 5.286 1.020 1 0.504 11.966 27453 28117 sit TO 11 25 x 14 11.39 0 0713 1 061 3A71 16 505 0 330 2.674 0.149 0.254 -0 559 0 001798 3 415 5.292 1.020 1 0.633 15.060 41675 1 43395 1615 TO 11.25 x 12 11.45 0.1017 1510 4.941 23 508 0.463 3.789 0.210 0251 -0 551 0.005206 4.729 5.811 1.020 1 0.900 21.444 75860 1 82560 4689 TO 12 x 16 12.11 0.0566 0 886 2.899 15 4157 0.267 2.364 0.120 0243 -0.539 0.000946 3A81 5.630 1.017 0.546 1,1311 29181 29849 1 Oil TO 12x 14 12.14 0.0713 1.114 3.645 19.427 0.334 2.964 0.150 0242 -0.536 O.DO1888 3.946 5.637 1.017 0.686 17.982 44370 46135 1617 TO 12x 12 12.20 0.1017 1.586 5.190 27.667 OA67 4.201 0.211 0.239 -0.529 0.005469 5.462 5657 1.016 0.976 25.603 81073 88046 4698 TO 14 x 14 14.14 00713 1.257 4.112 20.791 0.341 3 803 0 152 0.214 -0482 0.DO2130 1 5.561 16.5671 1.011 1 0 829 1 27.346 1 51330 1 53261 1 157d TO 14 x 12 1420 0.1017 1.790 5.856 40.996 0 478 5.392 0 214 0211 -0474 O.DO6171 1 7.693 16.590 1 1.011 1 1.180 1 38.936 1 94430 1 102214 1 4577 v Notes Ix Fully Effective Moment of Interia about X axis v ly - Fully Effective Moment of Inter(a about Y axis S( FNy ErTecnve Section Modulus about X axis (small nange) 0 Sy Fully Effective Section Modulus about Y axis (flange side) X Distance Between Cenvold and Web CetterOne ;0 X0 Distance Between Ceri ld and Shear Center J - St venart Torsional Constant Cw - Warping Constant Ix' - FtNy Effective Moment of Inertia at Knockout about X mas Mpos - Fully Braced Allowable Moment at Hole when Small Flange Is in Compression Mneg - Fully Braced Allowable Moment at Hole when Large Flange Is In Compression 0 va Allowable Shear at Hole L Fy - 33 ksi for 18 ga. and 50 ksl for 16, 14, 12, and 10 ga. C C .Z Tab depth 4.00 inches (lolst depth upto 9.25 inches) 0 6.00 inches (joist depth greater than 9.25 Inches) IV O O A 0 N 0 M LA n Z 1.25 1.25 l ! CTABA [?.5 A DEPTH 4 m A Tin -4 2.5 ' A -4 CROSS sEcnox KET SECTION ^ 3 70 z n 3n= � m Ln ;a m Z n -1 2 to C v Structural Properties of TradeReadyO Joist: 7 ''/4" to 1.4" Web SECTION DIMENSION GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES IO A, in. B. In. I. In. Area, In' weight, bnf I tk In' ty, In' Skin' Sy, In' 1C to %o, in J. in' Cw, In' R0, in TOJ 7.25 x 1 75 x 18 7.25 1.75 00451 0.526 1.721 3.901 0.206 1.016 0 157 0 414 -1.155 0.000358 2.228 3.025 0 854 TOJ 7.25 x 1.75 x 16 7.25 1.75 00566 0 656 2.146 4.832 0.252 1.333 0.192 4.080 • I A 46 0.000701 2.725 3.011 0.855 TDJ 7.25 x 1.75 x 14 7.25 1.75 00713 0 817 2.673 5.967 0.305 1.645 0.232 0.400 -1.136 0.001384 3.313 2 994 0.956 TOJ 7.25 x 1.75 x 12 7 25 1 75 0.1017 1.148 3.157 8.248 0.408 2.275 0 311 0.385 -1.088 0003959 4.183 2.946 0.869 TDJ 8 x 1.75 x 18 B 00 1.75 00451 0.559 1 829 4 946 0 212 1.235 0158 0 389 •1.102 0000378 2.766 3 23D 0.884 TDJ 8 x 1.75 x 16 800 1.75 00566 0 699 2.284 6.131 0.250 1.533 0.193 0,383 -1.093 0.000746 3.388 1 3.217 10.884 TOJ 8 x 1.75 x 14 800 1.75 00713 0 871 2 850 7.578 0.313 1.895 0 234 0 316 -1.082 0.001474 4.120 3198 10885 TDJ 8 x 1.75 x 12 800 1.75 01017 1.225 4 007 10.491 0 419 2.623 0.313 0 362 •1.017 0004222 5.208 TDJ 9 25 x 1.75 x 18 9.25 1.75 00451 0 616 2.015 7 042 0.219 1.523 0.160 0 353 -1.074 0.000417 3 019 TDJ 9.25 x 1.75 x 15 9.25 1.75 0.0556 0 769 2.516 9.738 0 258 1.889 0.195 0 348 -1.016 0.000822 4.679 AID TOJ 9.25 x 1.75 x 14 925 1.75 0.0713 0 960 3 111 10.815 0 325 2.338 0.238 0.341 •1 005 0.001625 5.700 7DJ9.25x1.75x12 9.25 1.75 0.1017 1.352 4.422 15.006 0.434 3 245 0.316 0.326 -0 943 0 004660 7.215 TDJ 11.25 x 1 75 x 16 111.251 1.75 1005661 0.882 1 7.886 114.1871 0.280 1 2.521 0.197 0.303 •0 914 0.000943 1 7.263 14.1511 0.952 TDJ 11.25 x 1.75 114 111.25 1 1 75 10 0713 1 1 102 1 3.605 117.584 1 0.339 1 3.125 0.239 0.297 -0 903 0.001866 1 8 860 1 4.132 0.952 TDJ 11 25 x 1.75 x 12 11 25 1.75 0.1017 1.555 5.087 24.487 0 451 4.350 0 319 0 285 -0 680 0.005358 11.865 4 099 0 954 TOW 10 x 2 x 16 110.00 1 200 1005661 0 840 2.748 111.2871 0 378 1 2.257 1 0.240 1 0.398 1 -1.153 10 000898 1 7 598 1 3.901 0.913 TDW 10 x 2 x 11 10 00 2.00 0.0713 1.049 3.432 13 991 0.460 2.798 0 292 0.391 -1.142 0.001776 9.286 3 883 0 91 / TDW 10 x 2 x 12 110.00 1 2.00 10.1017 1 1.479 4.838 19 459 0.616 3.892 1 0 392 1 0.378 1 •1.117 10.000913 112.490 1 3 850 0 916 NET SECTION PROPERTIES CAPACrrY Ale a'. In' W, In, Mk- In-Ibs Maw., In-Iba Vaw Ibs Va-. Ibs 0.372 3.797 21474 23216 651 1087 0./61 4.689 40295 43848 1266 2177 0570 5784 49745 55350 1909 4393 0.787 7.954 23587 26676 722 982 5987 44013 50418 1432 1965 7.396 57468 63703 2205 3953 10.197 M0.4064.843 6514 27867 27867 651 846 8050 53095 53208 1266 1691 9.937 65568 78627 1909 3397 13.689 0.571 13489 1 63598 63598 138 1 1383 0712 1 16.707 1 91162 89141 267 1 2774 0991 1 23144 1 124635 152082 5511 1 61-10 0 531 10.597 54175 54175 1 1456 1561 0659 13.114 77238 91103 1 246 3133 0914 18.138 111949 133745 1 4448 1 9195 TOW 12 x 2 x 16 12.00 2.00 10 05661 0 953 1 3.116 17.677 0.394 1 2.946 0.243 0 351 -1.047 0 001019 11.487 4.478 0 945 0 515 15.028 57817 64322 1323 1323 TOW 12 x 2 x 14 12.00 2.00 0 0713 1 192 1 3.098 21.943 0 479 1 3.657 0.296 0.344 -1.035 0 002017 14 031 4.460 0 946 0 677 18.6011 82699 97798 2580 2653 TOW 12 x 2 x 12 12.00 7.00 0.1017 1 682 1 5.503 1 3D.5951 0.642 1 5.099 0.397 0.332 -1.012 0.005797 18 913 4.427 0 946 0 940 25.762 121854 175234 4811 7773 TOW 14 x 2 x 14 14.00 2 00 0 0713 1.331 4.365 32.279 0 494 /.811 0.298 0.308 •0.949 0.002258 19.911 5.048 0.965 0 944 31.405 87404 112335 226/ 2264 TOW 14 x 2 x 12 14.00 2 00 0.1017 1 885 6.168 45.097 0.662 5.442 0.400 0 296 -0 925 0.008498 26 877 5,013 0,960 1 321 43.772 130051 221389 5026 I ARIA Lions h -o H - Sx O SY A x0 J - Cw Ma.. . - V%- O C va. Z Fy C 0 Knockou0iole Depth IV O O Fur/ Enema M9n10nx of Irma atim X was FuP! Enectr a Moment d Intena atlou Y aas F&; Enectrve Section M AAPS atwu A aws Rk Enoc&.-o Section Momen about Y ans Dslunce bdween cenlrotd and web carded no 019=0 Beh ten Cenboid and Shear Cemr S1 variant Torsronat Constant Warprnp CaWant Moment d Inertia at Knockout allou X ants PLOY Bracad Almado Mom9m m KndcAgG FtC/ Braced Alcw able Moment d FA Sece0rl Atonable Shear at Knockoutt ALnnable Shear m FtN Socnon 33 kst to 18 ga &t0 50 ksr kx 16. 14. 12. b 10 ga 4 251nche3 (gist depth upto 8 00') 6 25 mcnas IOU depth graatW than 8 inch, excktddlg 12 d 14 inch) CROSS SECTION 8Inch hound 0pemV (pS1 depth = 12 Inch), 10 inch round opening 11pst depth = W mth) L mam N 0.6875 KNOCKOUT A - - - DEPTH 0.625 0.625 e NET SECTION -w m m r- n C m Job Location: WA Joist ID:TradeReady® Joisl J 1 Job ID: WA Page 10l 1 JOIST DESIGN REPORT TradeReady® Joist J 1: 12.00in TDW Aga 50ksi ® 24.00" o.c Dietrich Infinity v5.19b Drat [AI [BI [�1 22-0-0 22-0-0 rz 44-0-0 THE JOIST HAS FAILED ONE OR MORE OF THE SET DESIGN CRITERIA FOR THE LISTED LOADS (3a—L0,,3 T ype I JcW Length Typical SpaciM 12-0-0 Member IrNerdcry Jasl Weight qy (Jdsl) I d Plies Bracing IUlodco111s TradeReadyO Jdsi 43.11-8 master 172 (m) I 1 1 Top Flange Cat and Bracing junicnom Members Additional Loads Member Interactlons hl Load True S1adLha EHd_LIv SSa t End SW Lj= End I = Acid frtbl Akwqth fh-b tad laadm 12110n TOW 14ga 50a10 24.110' a c hear Polo .3520 Iwo -374 0 -374 0 000 Opp M--d(W 74509 97M 0 762 22.0-0 pa MamrgKrro 10 72050 92143 0077 22.1.12 flim Rack (AI 12W TO 16p2 5OW a 0,0-0 Linear ant -=0 -3520 -374.0 -374.0 44-0-0 44-0-0 Mmod Stab. 74506 94371 0.790 22-0-0(CI 12.00' To 16ga 50W a 44-0-0 pa Eho lb We6Siflmn LkmePoK 0.0 0.0 •e10 -e10 0-0.0 00.0 ISo� 142211 �� 0635 2240 II 4' TSD 14g2331d 0 2200 pill LINZ Shaff(Kock) 1405 2595 0542 21-10-4 00 00 -81.0 -81.0 44-0-0 44-0-0 A a 92 �� 25'TDSB Nip 33kd vd Said Bodo 60' o.c. paPOK 9-141o11-11[ kQ 00 993 1.O00 0 9a3 22L00� Worst Case Support Reactions Sh-Mor—XI(r &) I am 1000 1063 22.1.12 Openings 5!= Wldpr lhl DravlN Load IN lhMi11 Load (bl Dell I' ild AkwWa U 0 Lcca�J hock (A) 3.50 2576 (DL+LL1) -109 PA Total Load 501 240 0 479 9.10-12 She: (h = 8.01r a w = 103•) R 350 2841(DL+LLI+L12) 0 live Load 590 360 0 610 910-12 LomIkIr Llnkn m(0 a b od ad artaae am a upparl Cr pand [C) 3.50 2576 (DL+tl2) • 109 (LLI) Mamaan Total DeOxion Mmk m L)va Ddechln 0 521n. 0.44 h 9.10-12 9.1012 bad.O rr.a1 be repaied) Designer Notes: RIM web Crborna Achral (b) A%Wrahle lb l 0 Location Now WC 0 000 2576 2822 0.913 000 Drawing Notes: WC 0 22.0-0 2641 2414 1.177 (via mid) 2240 WC 0 44-0-0 2576 2a22 0913 44-0-0 DN- I: The engineees said on hb design cierhrp apples only m ha depicted kdvlbd 1*1 Web ManeN khan Mrvabli Q cmpannb kr he loads as provided by he a61a1a4 and as Wwwn an Orb dawkp The seal WC(M 0 22-0-0 2174 150D 1.450 (m rem) 22-00 alai rdba reaed cyan 1n any ohc way. Web sinew Aekrd (bl A4 r"" Ibl 91 Loca Messages WS 0 22-0-0 2841.042 5707.OD0 0.491 22" Elm ERROR INFORMATION - Merthc I Check ErTas � • � � F ✓ �" (� /d—� Zoo w Web Cr�gMonmd hied Load Carbindon DULL 1 . 1.45 o S. Mo nenl Al Role lab d Load Coat fon DULL, 1.06 S w/ �/ F_�j .5 � (� She did nd pass el rheda / MONtENVT Rornul Lords Designted Br. IUA .M L r r t (� > ►, �j Live: Dead 40psi 12 psi Reviewed By: Ist SLbmtUA WA IUA M • 1 Vn Co cenkaled 0 b Revklm 1: IVA \` \ (o( ��) i' (•S�I�I; = I.Di < i,'J �L16A c71L w� wtfj ton: Rev6edey Rerbion Date IUA IUA J U N 0 . 200[ sn T=���vtlL T Total. Live ILrs6o He name: D:1DIeWch JobsWaylCumbedand (FL).dpr Dale: May 12, 2003 Time: 11:00 Page 1 of 1 Job Location: WA Joist ID:TradeReady® Joist J2 Job ID: WA Page, of JOIST DESIGN REPORT TradeReady® Joist J2: 12.00in TDW 14ga 50ksi ® 24.00" o.c Dietrich Infinity v5.19b DN-1 [Bj ICI fAI 22-0- 7-4-8 29-4-8 THE JOIST MEETS OR EXCEEDS ALL SET DESIGN CRITERIA FOR THE LISTED LOADS Type Jdsl Length Typical Sparing Member Irnrerdory Jdsl Weigh! City (jow Plies FLd Bradng Knockouts TradeReady®JoLU 29.4-0 2 a0 master 115 (h) I Tap Flange Cat. and Bredrrg ltldawwn Members Additional Loads Member Intersdions M MOM TDW 14pa 50ksi o 2/ 00• ac LwdTray StarUJve End Uve StahDead End StartLm End Lm I Mom. Pahrl .240.0 •240 0 -90.0 •90 0 29-" 29.4-e � qsckq MarcngKrock) I � 57116 9779e e2143 0593 0695 L 14 22-1.12 9mTi Fbbl MwentS12b. 58013 65491 0679 22414 JAI 12 01r TD 16P 5ft a 0-0.0 -3520 -3520 -374.0 •374 0 000 000 V� ;� Ackw 11) A9owWo 141 Iq 12.0T I D 16ga SOW 0 29-4•e 00 -01.0 -010 00o(O am 13 2 204 W SOmm 00 ) 1335 2595 0514 21-10J Q 4'TSB 14pa33c51022-a14 Worst Case Support Reactions sit!I kwW Akwaw. 0 LmaEkadlov Aarl 22-114 SheatMammi4K- 0705 1.000 0705 21-IOJ 2.5'TDSB1epa33ksidSabdBmkMToc � Y71dShl1�J CxevllvLOW(h1 ll1�1 ) Siremhlrireni(lfmi) 07 Loop 07 JAI 350 2535(DL/LLI) -6PA AAmrade M 0 L 0 Openings (B) 350 2402 (DLILLI #W) 0 Dal t sn ToW Load 575 240 0417 9.11.3 Iq 3.50 e6/(DL1LL2) 496(LLI) Live Load 743 360 0495 9.11-3 Site: (h = a 00• a w = a 00) Designer Notes: M®rkraan total Dellecaon 0 46 b. 9.11.3 .e L=dm Mrawn(0 ■ kncckoLd amum a uFpon cr pdd Mmdrnm Live DeAecbm 035 in. 9-11.3 I ad. it mal be repaked) (61 ttbl Field ctn Drawing Notes: wcW a0-00 25M 2e22 0M a1a0� Nora DN-I: The errptrreers sea! anMb design Aawkq applies a* b to dt*- kdvdial Iolst WC 0 22•all WC 29�-e 2402 24086A 2414 2e22 09% 0306 22.0-14 29J-e conpmmrb to he bads esprovided by he omk mm and m dawn m Ib dtawkq The seal dui rd be te6ed Wm b arry ado way. Web Mangrt Pc� 0 LocalaL wC/M 0 22414 1.7ee 1.500 1 192 (ws regd) 22-0-14 Messages web SO k-W Alawable th1 Q4 L 414 mom WS 4 24283 57e7.000 5 Norrrd Loads Deslpned By: IUA live: 40 psi Reviewed By: IUA DeCmodcarketed 120 Si btt Revkbn IUA 1Tevked By: WA IDenecWrr. Revkkn Date: IUA UND J U N 0 2004 Livelow Live LlJ60 ... ,1... 1•f •]MY, Tmn•11•M Flle name: D.1Dteldch JobsWaKAO'bedand (FL).dpr —, - - - • Page I 01 o1 1 1 Job Location: N/A Joisl ID:TradeReady® Girder G5 Job ID: N/A Page 1 of JOIST DESIGN REPORT TradeReadyU Girder G5: 12.00in TDW 14ga 50ksi @ -1.00" o.c Dietrich Infinity v5.19b �J [A) [B) [C] 22-0-0 _ 22-0 - — 44-0-0 THE JOIST MEETS OR EXCEEDS ALL SET DESIGN CRITERIA FOR THE LISTED LOADS Type Joist Length Typical Spa&V Mtsnber Inventory JJW WeIA aY (Jofsi) 1 PPees &atug Knodcouts TladeReady®Jolsl 4311-8 1-0-1-0 master 172 (lb) i 1 Top Flange Cad and Bracing Urinovm Members Additional Loads Member Interactions 1200n TDW 14pa SOlal 0 -I.OD o c Load I Start lve -800 �e •24S0 End Stfft Loc. 0 MnfiO� � otltmUSold) �r 62714 � �bl 97798 0 0641 Loco 00 cr La�cC IN 12 OD' ID I Gga 501s10 00 0 POK1 00 00 -1620 •1620 0.0.0 0-0-0 Poo b .704 0 •704 D .748.0 .74a 0 040 a-" htam�UKnorlc) Mwerd stab. 60661 62714 E2143 54GBI 0.741 22•I-12 ICI 12.00' I 16ga 5o s10 44-oa Pam• b 447.0 447.0 28.0 28.0 300-0 300-0 PouLL 0 741 2240 b 0.0 0.0 -117.0 -87a 44-0-0 44-0.0 '� Achd (lb a I61 CSI Web Sanenei PdnL b -37a 0 .3780 -401.0 401.0 44-00 44-041 Raff1w 1376 2238 0 615 �toSl II 4' TSB 14pa 33W 0 22-00 Worst Case Support Reactions Shea(14tock.) 136D 2595 0 524 21.10-4 Racing 25' IDSB 18pa 331d d Sold Block Bo' oc. St[oad Wx (in) Gieft Load lb l lloill Load IV U-1mo rent(Som 007789 1 0 789 2240 Openings IAI 350 2578(DLALt) -67PA She-&) 0814 1ODD 0814 21•10-4 I [B] 350 2449(DLALIr112) 0 (C) 350 1700(DL+L2) •10941) IDe txlbn ToblLoad A°w 497 ViableM 240 0 0483 Location 910-12 Size: (h=800'sw=ear) Designer Notes: Live Load 590 360 0610 9.1012 Locaoow Ikdmonryt a Ymiad a cos wer a Stppal a poid Maranon Total Delecton 0 53 h 9.10-12 WtLUnalberq)ded) MztirmLive Ddac6on 044In. 9.10-12 7F7d 1(G, DroWingHoles: WMCrboao AcWalfib 1 H None ON-1: The enpees seal an bb des* dawig apple only b Im depkted hdvkkW W WC 0 0-0-0 WC 0 22.00 2575 2449 22W 2414 90 14 00 cwrparnb tr he bads as prodded by he c sbia and as down at tub dawig. Ttw seal WC 0 44-M 170D 2822 1.0151ws regd) 0 6M 22.0 0 44-0 Mall nd be reled upon it arty ado way. 0 Messages Web Admal 1.500 1239(wsrayd) Low 22400 None Web StlAener Actual rod Albr-&e (lb Loca wS 0 22.0-0 2ue.637 5757.WD 004423 22-0-0 Naval Loads DesVied By. WA Live: 0 psi Reviewed Dr. N/A Dead: 0psi 151StbrdaA WA f Carcenhated 0b Revision 1: NIA 1 Revised W. UTA t Deflection: Revision Date: NIA JUNLive: O4 2004 Total. L240 U360 1 File name: DADlelridr JohslMavCumherland IFLI dor Uale: May 12. 2OD3 Tbw 10.59 Page I of 1 -;,_; ST DESIGN REPORT DN-1 i Job Lomlion: WA radeReady(RD Girder G4: 12.00in TDW 1 (A] Joist ID:TradeReady® Girder G4 a 50ksi @ -1.00" o. _ 3-6-12 3-6-12 THE JOIST MEETS OR EXCEEDS ALL SET DESIGN CRITERIA FOR THE LISTED LOADS T 1Pe Joist Length Typical Spacing Member Inventory Joist Weigh OlY TnadeReady®Joisl 3 6 4 41.0 master I I (lb) 1 ID: WA Page 10(1 Dietrich Infinity v5.19b tBl 1 of Pies I Bracing Knockouts 1 Top Flange Co -eland Bradrg I lhlat m JJ 1200n TDW I6pa SOkv 0 -I ar o c Load l voe Start lJve End Live Stmi Dead SWL&s. End Loc. Line, p0 60 60 -56.0 -5e 0 640 3412 t� Momad(Sold) Pcld lkrbl 834 ffabfe (hbl Lou InZ Worst Case Support Reactions Mo'aeAa dL) ON 64322 57531 0OR 0015 1-96 1-96 IW 12 ar ID 16pa 50m 0 a0-0 Monad Stab. 634 64322 0013 1-9-6 m 1200' TD 169a 50 sl 0 3-6-12 SlUmn WMh fn1 Giardv Load fib UM IN Dadra IN 350 e5(DLrLL1) 1p `11-1sod) �-1 85 �Jb 1116 9A Locatbn 2 5'1DS81epa 33ksl d Sold Blod 8V or. (e) 350 55(ULsLLI) qp�}) Sha r(Wrock-) 7e 1294 0076 0060 0-00 0-1.12 Openings Designer Notes: shmmlarbnl klual 4 0 Lma Shearflome^gSaYd) 0006 1o00 0006 P0_0 Sze: (n =ear,., =ear) Drawing Notes: 9r�rU--gNnmk) 0001 1.000 0004 01.12 Locelm: UnMowntl a kmdrad omen over a srpport a p*d Deflec ktus! Mumble COS loco b4 6 vial be repaked) ON-1: the engheeeB seal an this design trawlnp apples orly to lie depeted kdvibral W Total Load 152M 240 0 002 1-9 6 carpan rdi law the bods as provided by to aatrrm and as dorm on bb daft TM seal Llva Load 1324651 360 0 om 1-9 6 Rem slnl nol be Follett apm in any olm mY. in 1-9 6 Ilona Messages Madman Delxlm 0 00 1-96 Rona web Cr WC0040 05Wailb1 �Lb 092 037 locatbn 040 WC 0 3612 65 2295 0037 3-6.12 Web ki 0 t=lm Web Sala klml1b1 Alw4ft1_ib 0 Lom Nomd Loads Designed etr -- Live: 0 psi Reviewed Of. :; Dead: 0psi 1slSibrnidA Carcenbaleh 0 b Revision 1: Revised DI: JUNO O Denedlon: Totak L240 Revmon Dale: . - -- _ _ Live: U360 File name. D.1Dietdch Jobs\MaylClmibeiland (FL) dpr WA IVA WA IVA WA 12.2003 Time: 10:56 Page 1 of I .FIST DESIGN REPORT Job Location: PTA (Joist iD:TradeReady(@ Girder G3 TradeReady®R Girder G3: 12.00in TDW 16ya 50ksi @ -1.00" o.c THE JOIST MEETS OR EXCEEDS ALL SET DESIGN CRITERIA FOR THE LISTED LOADS Job ID: WA Page 1 of 1 Dietrich Infinity v5.19b [e] Type Joist Length I Typical Sparing Member Inventory I Joist Well ft Cly WOW) I of Piles &acing KrKXKD la TiadeReady1iJois1 8-3-0 -0.1.0 master 26 (lb) 1 1 Top Rarlge Cont. arxl Bladrg lkialown Members Additional Loads Member Interactions i-t Iz06nTDWl6p5oksl0.10Qoc Loadvoe SWlbhe FM Live SWO rydDead Swd Ur. End Lm Line, pa 245.0 245A 320 320 000 6-3-I M-4 Momad(S"Id) kwal(h-bl 265K 64322 cLsl 0413 Lam 4-1.12 Ma°�Stab, 26592 57531 0652 4.1.12 WTI Worst Case Support Reactions MmeNSmb. 26592 IODI3 0652 41-12 121XY1D16pa5Ba10000 (Wen 1200' 1D I6pa 5okd 0 040 WO On Gravity Load fib Liana Load Ibl �g Actual rb1 �e fib TA oCe 0-00 (� 350 0 .1105(DL41I) Shes(Sold) ME! 1116 09M 350 0-IWe(DL+LLI) loss 1294 0826 B-1-12 251DSB IEpa 33kd d SaAd Bodo air nc Designer Notes: ShearMl"menl Aclual +N141.� M- Lam� Openings SIMUM ET11(said) 0995 1.00D 0985 000 SheuMomerd(Wnck) 0661 1000 0.664 5-1-12 Size: 6011'aw=e01r) Drawing Notes: Deflection kj—" AweM 240 0 0122 L� 4.1.12 Locaam Unl0wm(il ■ Mrnctou100aa3 ors a stppal a poird DN-1. The w*teds seal m tis de* bawN apples ordr to to deplcled hdvb&W low Total Load Dve Load 1961 2217 360 0162 4-1.12 bad I must be r ed) conpawrb la to roads as prodded by to cusbms and as Shan, m tb dterhq. The anal Mm*= Total Delcton 0 05 b 4-1.12 FI*W shall rnl be id d rpm In mW o0w way. Mokun Live Dead, 0 04 h 4-1.12 None Messages WebCrbotria A1w(bl Nlorrahle(bl 0 LssaL�► Nam web AcW Pam! Local Web sliffew Actual lbi Atarr+de (1) Locs — No Loads Droned By: IUA Liva. 0psl Reviem!W. IUA Dead: 00 IstsLib ilbt ILIA P, Concenteted 0 b Revision 1: IUA R"ed W. IUA Delleceo¢ Revision Dare: IUA iotat tl210 J U N 0 4 2004_.. ibe I= File name: D..Oebidl Jobs\MaylC eland (FL).dpr Dale: May 12, 2003 Time: loll Page 1 al 1 Job Location: MIA Joist ID:TradeReady® Girder G2 Job ID: MIA Page 1 of 1 JOIST DESIGN REPORT TradeReadyDR Girder G2: 12.00in TDW 14ya 50ksi @ -1,00" ac Dietrich Infinity v5.19b DN-1 [A[ [B[ 22-0-0 22-0-^ THE JOIST MEETS OR EXCEEDS ALL SET DESIGN CRITERIA FOR THE LISTED LOADS Type Joist Length 121-11-8 Typical Spadng Member Inverdory Joist Weight CRY (Joist) 1 or Res Bracing KnDdmrts TradeReady@Jois1 -0-1-0 1masler 86 (Ib) 1 1 Top Flange Gad. and Bracing 1hd0havm Members Additional Loads Member Interactions hw Load lvoa Sad Liv End Live Start 9 FWD Start Los. End 146 mm"t Marc a flm bl loea6wh 12Dab IDW1/ga50cs10.1.00'oc Line,pll •800 -800 -240 -24o 0.00 22.0.0 Morredlso" 544I8 97795 0556 9.10.12 Rrnlrai PdnLb 00 00 -970 -870 000 04)-0 Mon-d(Krnai) 54418 52143 0662 9.10.12 IN 12 00' To 16ga 50a10 0-00 PoK b -375 0 -378 0 -401.0 -401.0 (1" 0-00 Maid Stab. 5/116 97798 05.55 9.1012 (8) 12 OD' 1 D 16aa 5OW 0 2240 kb, to Po-222.0 .2220 -83.0 -83 0 17-6-0 17.6-0 Point, to1015.0 1018.0 73.0 73.0 17-7-0 17.7-0 29K �pd f�J BA own no Loco �� 1137 2238 0 508 17-7-0 2.5'TDSe IBga 331d v1 Said Sock fry o c Worst Case Support Reactions PP Shear(Knock) 1137 2595 0438 17-7-0 Openings %EM VIM Mi rxOlvLoad fib) Will Load (b) shealManem Actual Lou (A) 350 1838(DL+LLI) 0 Sold) 0310 1000 0310 9.10-12 Kno*xtd Pi 3.50 499(DL+LL1) 0 Sh-M--q t &) 0.439 1000 0.439 9.1012 Size: h=8o(rsa=800') Designer Notes: Allonroble� 0 two Location: Unbromh(0 a knodLmd omn over a U"orl a paled TDelLoad I7/� 2ll0 7 -12 bad, 9 mrs1 be repared) Live Lard 717 360 0 502 9.10.12 Field Drawing Notes: Moira n Total Deflection 0 55In 9-1012 None MadmhnLive Deflmlm 036ih. 9- 0.12 DN-1: The engineees seal on Oils design drawing Wples only to the deptcled rdvlld WI Web Crbobha khd (b1 pA onable (pJ Localo� conpu mb for he bads as poy by Om QBbne7 and as shown an M draobg. The seat WC 0 00-0 1838 2822 0 651 0-0.0 dot nal be rsbd Wonb any obey nay. WC 0 17-&0 3055 2414 0126 17-6-0 Messages WC 0 2240 499 284 DAR 22.410 Nam �— web m � M 017.1&0 < 1 500 170 Web slOmha rA Ail (QJ Allowable I)) C� Loam ort Nomd Loads live: OW Designed By: RevievredBlr. IUA IUA Dead 0psl IslsLb"t1A IUA Corcmbated: 0 b Revision 1: IUA Revised By: WA Dellealom Revision Dale: NIA Total. L1240 live: LAW) He name: u.whemm .moswrayh enana trLl.apr - Dale: May 12, 2003 Time: 10:56 Page 1 of 1 Permit # : 0 1 - ^ 01 Job Address:,7L= Description of Work: CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Date: q 4-30 Historic District: Zoning: Value of Work: T Permit Type: Building _X_ Electrical Mechanical _ Plumbing _ Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Pool Electrical: New Service — # of AMPS Addition/Alteration Change of Service Temporary Pole Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Replacement _ New (Duct Layout & Energy Calc. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines Plumbing/New Residential: # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair — Residential or Commercial Occupancy Type: Residential X Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: Construction Type: VI # of Stories: # of Dwelling Units: I Flood Zone: X (FEMA form required for other than X) Parcel #: Owners Name & Address: Maron Contractor Name & Address: Russell Keith Summers 951 Phone & Fax: (407) 475-9112 Contact Perso Bonding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender: _ Address: Architect/Engineer: Address:4005 Mar Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) Altamonte SDrings. FL 32714 Phoi to License Number: CRC058496 r I N Phone: (407) 321-0064 .cam ' Fax: _(407)321-3913 V `,10 \'a Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. Ky that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws reg\ulating'cortgytucttion in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILER, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: 1 certify that all of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTI E: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. Acceptance of permit is verification that I will notify the owner of the property of the requirements of Florida Lien Law, FS 713. JUN 2004 JUN 1 4 2004 Signatu nE f Ow Agent Date Srg atur ofCont for/Agent Date Russell Keith Summers Russell Keith Summers Print Owner/Agent's Name Print Contractor/Agent's Name JUN 14 2004qa1AA"%­�UN 14 200 _ 4 Signature of Notary -State o lorida Date Signature of Notary -State of F rida Date Frt E PELLEGRINOCamre 000212&* aNpp� trre Ow9wr! is... ... «eo feuttto Me or _ Produced ID FQ IE PELLEGRINOSw 000 0. (WO)C 2125d! Cor$p.is...° _.: n' +� 'irSocvn to Me or Produced ID APPLICATION APPROVED BY: Bid 7 z 7 Q Y' Zoning: Utilities: FD: (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) Special Conditions: 5�8�-� �3