HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-28-2022 WS MinutesCITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 28, 2022 WORK SESSION The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, February 28, 2022, at 4:00 PM, in the City Commission Chambers, 1St Floor, City Hall, and 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Art Woodruff Vice Mayor Kerry S. Wiggins, Sr. Commissioner Sheena R. Britton Commissioner Patrick Austin Commissioner Patty Mahany (Arrived at 4:49 PM) City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. City Attorney William L. Colbert City Clerk Traci Houchin Deputy City Clerk Cathy LoTempio Mayor Woodruff called the meeting to order at 4:06 PM. Chris Smith, Project Manager, demonstrated the new audio visual equipment that was installed in the Commission Chambers. 1. Discussion re: Premium Pay for Essential Workers. Mayor Woodruff said at the February 14, 2022 Commission meeting the Commission agreed to review the Premium Pay for Essential Workers Program at tonight's Work Session. The original program was for $100 per quarter, for 11 quarters per employee totaling $1 M. Commissioner Austin asked how much of pipe lining project would be lost for the $1 M to fund this program. Cindy Lindsey, Finance Director, said the project would not lose anything, the funds would come from State Revolving Funds. After a brief discussion the Commission agreed to six quarters of the premium pay. Ms. Lindsey said she would begin this program April 1, 2022. 2. Discussion re: Civic Center Assessment. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 289 2022 WORK SESSION Julie Scofield, Historic Preservation Planner, provided a presentation of the assessment prepared by Jerry Mills, Architect, for the restoration of the Civic Center. There are some immediate needs estimated to cost $356K. The roof will need to be replaced within five years, along with new panels, electrical and flooring. Ms. Scofield said the goal is to restore the Civic Center back to the original design. Commissioner Britton asked if the interior would be able to be modernized and have new landscaping. Ms. Scofield said the architecture and historical value meet the National Register Designation. Ms. Scofield said if the Commission agrees with moving forward she would present this to the Historic Preservation Board in March to proceed with the National Register. The consensus of the Commission was to move forward with the National Register. Mayor Woodruff suggested moving forward with the grant process but Ms. Scofield said it would be better to work on deferred maintenance first, then submit for a grant restoration. Mr. Bonaparte said that Ms. Scofield would work with Parks and Recreation on a plan for maintenance and renovation. Mr. Mills said the assessment was completed about nine months ago and with the increased costs of construction materials the City will need to get revised estimates. Mr. Bonaparte said he would get with staff for maintenance costs. 3. Discussion re: 417/Sanford Airport Connector. Tom Tomerlin, Economic Developer and Promotions Director, said this project is the ability to create an interchange to Red Cleveland Boulevard creating a business center. He said he is in favor of the City supporting the project. Mayor CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 289 2022 WORK SESSION Woodruff said the idea is for the Commission to send a letter to Seminole County supporting the project. Eileen Hinson, Planning Director, handed out a draft letter for the City's support. After a brief discussion the Commission agreed to send a letter in support of the project. Mr. Bonaparte introduced Ronnie McNeil as the new Fire Chief. 4. Discussion re: Special Events. Jennifer Brooks, Special Events Coordinator, said she submitted a memo with a summary of the last meeting in the Commissions agenda packets. Commissioner Britton asked how many members are on the SERC Committee. Ms. Brooks said there is a representative from each department at the City. Mayor Woodruff asked if the City keeps a calendar of events of the City's website. Mayor Woodruff and Vice Mayor Austin asked if the Commission would be able to receive a calendar of events when the Commission receives new events to approve. Ms. Brooks said there would be verbiage on the revised application regarding events that become larger than requested. Commissioner Britton asked to have verbiage about events ending at l OPM unless approved by the Commission. Mayor Woodruff said he drove into town this past Saturday at 11 PM after the big event on Sanford Avenue and recommends events should not go past IOPM, with things he saw. Ms. Brooks said that until the year 2020 events would go to midnight, last year the Commission moved the time to 11 PM and now the Commission would like them to end at 10 PM. Paul Williams and Christina Hollerbach, business owners said CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 28, 2022 WORK SESSION their events end at 10 PM. Vice Mayor Austin said the Commission needs to be cautious regarding this process as it could cause the City to lose really big events. Ms. Brooks said the owners of Wops Hops and the Sanford Brewing company may be attending a meeting to request their Anniversary event go to 11 PM. Mayor Woodruff said when he came down last Saturday evening there were three people walking down the middle of Sanford Avenue after the road had reopened and two out the three were clearly intoxicated. He then drove around the block and there were a new set of people in the same condition. He said there are some businesses he was not sure what was happening behind the establishments. There were two golf carts and a motorcycle parked on the sidewalks and very loud music coming from behind Throwbacks. Commissioner Britton said she addresses people when she sees things. She said there are golf carts not obeying the rules and people urinating on the outside of buildings. Vice Mayor Austin said the City needs to give more personnel to Chief Smith, Police Chief and Tony Raimondo, Director of Development Services. If the City is not able to enforce the rules this problem is going to continue to happen. The residents and businesses know that Friday through Sunday all rules can be broken. Mr. Raimondo said the City can site businesses but these things take time and the businesses are allowed time to respond. He said there are some businesses that CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 289 2022 WORK SESSION will be attending the Special Magistrate Meeting in April. Mr. Raimondo agreed the City has grown and is in need of night-time compliance. Chief Smith said there were three arrests on Saturday night. Two for fighting and the other was for public intoxication, and a citation was issued to the Torch Bar. He said arrests take anywhere from one to two hours to process. The officers are telling people to turn the music down and doing the best they can. Chief Smith said he is looking for a few more Community Service Officers (CSO) for downtown. Commissioner Mahany asked the difference between a CSO and a regular officer. Chief Smith said the CSO can do many things and is allowed to give out citations. However, they are not allowed to make arrests, there must be a sworn officer to make arrests. Commissioner Britton said sometimes it is not loud music going on, it's the patron's that are loud. Mr. Raimondo said what the City needs is a plain dressed officer to be in the crowd to address the noise levels before it is out of control. Vice Mayor Austin said the City of Orlando has CSO's that walk the street. 5. Regular Meeting Items — additional information. Commissioner Britton asked for Item 6.13 be pulled from the agenda. She said $4K to replace one window at the Sanford Information Center makes no sense. Christina Hollerbach, Sanford Main Street, said the one window that really needs to be replaced is on the Palmetto Avenue side. This is an old building that needs to meet Schedule S codes. Commission Britton would like to see the back-up documentation. 6. Briefing Items. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 28, 2022 WORK SESSION Mr. Bonaparte has placed flyers out at the dais urging the Commission to hand out in their neighborhoods for the Sanford Speaks upcoming meetings for the Race, Equality, Equity and Incentive Committee. He said he was not able to attend this evenings meeting. Commissioner Mahany concerned about the residents who do not have computer access or capabilities and the Zoom meetings were not necessarily a good idea. Kenneth Bentley, Chairman of the REEI Committee, said there are three separate meetings that day, to ensure we do no not exclude anyone. Commissioner Britton would like to speak with staff regarding the painting of the curbs, No Parking Sings and No Trailers and Boat signs on Palmetto Avenue. Commissioner Mahany thanked Lisa Jones, Parks and Recreation Director, and her staff for all their hard work with the Cat Show. She said it was Travis's last day at the Civic Center that day and he will be missed. She would like to meet with Paul Williams on Food Truck information. Mayor Woodruff reminded the Commission to appoint the vacant positions on the Public Art Commission and the Museum Board at tonight's meeting. Mayor Woodruff passed out a flyer for the Neighborhood cleanups coming up in April. He asked the Commission to get with Lisa Holder, Communications Officer and Emily McCabe, Solid Waste Cooridinator, to inform them on locations for the clean ups in their Districts. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 28, 2022 WORK SESSION Mayor Woodruff handed out the criteria for Volunteer Recognition and asked for each Commissioner to select one or two volunteers in their district to recognize. Mayor Woodruff said the state selected grants for African American Cultural History and the City recieved three locations that were granted funds for improvements; Hopper Academy, Goldsboro and St. James AME Church for a total grant amount of $1.3M. 7. City Manager Comments. Mr. Bonaparte said Mr. Thomas is meeting with the appraisers on the Henderson Property and the Westside Property. There being no further business, the meeting was,,adjourr4d at 6:01 PM. Ef Attest: P" S, Z9 r �T CTilty (CL)Cler 5 , Q