HomeMy WebLinkAbout3065?-L~R~ OF CI&CU~T CO, ~ RECO~OED & VERIFIED ORDINANCE NO. 3065 ~,.,~ ORDINt~'CE OF THE CIT~ OF S2LNFORD, FLORIDA, 2~'~NDING CttAPT~.R 28 OF THE CODE OF ORDINJL-'~CES OF THE .' CITY OF S..zLNFORD ENTI~LED~ "WATER, SEtteRS AND SEWAGE ' DISPOSAL AND RECLAIMED WATER PAUSE"; ESTABLISHING ARTICLE IX OF CHAPTER 28 TO BE ENTITLED, "STORMWATER MANAGEMENT UTILITY PROGRAM", CONSISTING OF SECTIONS 28-170 THROUGH SECTION 28-177; CREATING A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT UTILITY; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING DUTIES AND POWERS OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT UTILITY; ESTABLISHING A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT UTILITY FEE; PROVIDING FOR SETTING HATES BY RESOLUTION; PROVIDING FOR BILLING AND COLLECTION OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT UTILITY FEE; PROVIDING FOR CREDITS TO THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT UTILITY FEE; PROVIDING FOR APPEAL OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT UTILITY FEE OR CREDIT; PROVIDING FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT UTILITY FUND; PROVIDING CITY NOT LIABLE FOR FLOODING; SEVERABILITY CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford desires to improve the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Sanford by establishing a stormwater management utility program; and, WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford finds, therefore, that a need exists for funding for the stormwater management utility program of the City and that the use of utility service charges is the most equitable method of providing this funding; and WHEREAS, Section 403.0893, Florida Statutes, specifically authorizes the City to consider stormwater management as a city utility function for which service fees may be charged; and WHEREAS, those elements of the system for the collection of and disposal of storm and surface water are of benefit and provide services to all property within the City including property not presently served by the stormwater elements of the system; and WHEREAS, the cost of operating and maintaining the City stormwater management. utility program and financing necessary repair, replacements, improvements, and extension thereof should, to the extent practicable, be allocated in relationship to the use, benefits enjoyed and services received therefrom; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable and in the best interest of the City of Sanford to establish a stormwater management utility fee to fund the construction, operation, maintenance and administration of a~ublic stormwater management program. NOW T~MFOR, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF S~F~, FLORIDA: SE~ION 1: A new Article IX entitled "stormwater Manag~ent Utility Program", of Chapter 28 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, Florida, is hereby created and shall read as follows: ~TI~ IX. Stor~ater Management Utility Progr~. S~tion 28-170. Creation of Sto~at~ ~ag~nt Utility. Inter. There is hereby created and established in the City a sto~water management utility in accordance with Section 403.0893 and Chapter 166 of the Florida Statutes. This utility shall be responsible for the city's stormwater manageent progr~ and shall have e~al status with the other utility services provided by the city of Sanford. This utility is intended to acquire, own, construct, e~ip, operate and maintain open drainageways, underground sto~ drains, e~ipment and appurtenances necessary, useful, or convenient for a complete stormwater control system; and also including maintenance, extension and reconstruction of the present stormwater control system of the City; to minimize by suitable means said system's contribution to flooding; to minimize by suitable means said syst~s adverse effect on the water ~ality of stre~s and lakes; and to seek the cooperation of the State of Florida, Seminole County, municipalities and other gover~ental entities, in minimizing the effects of all such systems and other sources of accelerated runoff to said flooding and water ~ality, water conservation, replenis~ent and enhancement of groundwater. S~tion 28-171. Definitions. The following words when used herein shall have the meanings indicated, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: A. Beneficiaries of Drainage Service - shall include all developed real properties and undeveloped real properties platted or zoned for development as a residential, comercial, industrial, or higher use within the City of Sanford which benefit by the provision of maintenance, operation and improvement of the sto~water control system and all newly - 2 developed real properties which will ultimately benefit from the ~r 1 city drainage systems in both tangible and intangible benefits ~ benefits may include, but are not limited to, the provision of adequ~C~ release of stormwater, the reduction of hazard to property and life resulting from stormwater runoff, improvement in the general health and welfare through reduction of undesirable stormwater conditions and improvements to the water quality in the storm and surface water system and its receiving waters. B. Contributors of Drainage Waters - shall include all real properties within the city. C. Detention - The collection and temporary storage of stormwater rate. D. Developed - shall mean any property altered in appearance by removal of 40% or more of its vegetation, grading of the ground surface or construction of a structure or impervious surface, except agricultural property in an Agricultural Zoning District. E. Director - means the Director of Public Works. F. Equivalent Residential Unit (E.R.U.) - The average impervious area in square feet for all residential dwelling units in the city and the basic unit for the computation of stormwater management utility fees, as established by Resolution of the City Commission. G. Fee - stormwater management utility fee enacted herein and set by separate Resolution of the City commission. H. Hydrologic Response - the manner and means by which stormwater collects upon real property and is conveyed from real property, and which iS a function dependent upon a number of interacting factors including, but not limited to, topography, vegetation, surficial geologic conditions, antecedent soil moisture conditions and ground water conditions. The principal measures of the hydrologic system may be stated in terms of total runoff volume, as a percentage of total precipitation which runs off, or in terms of the peak rate of flow generated in the event of a storm of given 3 duration and intensity, or statistical interval of return (frequency). I. Impervious Areas - those hard surfaced areas which either prevent or retard the entry of water into the soil mantle, as it entered under natural conditions prior to development, and/or cause water to run off the surface in greater quantities or at an increased rate of flow from that present under natural conditions prior to development. Common impervious surfaces include, but are not limited to, rooftops, sidewalks, walkways, patio areas, driveways, parking lots, storage areas and other surfaces which similarly impact the natural infiltration or runoff patterns which existed prior to development. J. Multiple Dwelling Unit - means a building or facility consisting of more than one dwelling unit, each such unit consisting of one or more rooms with bathroom and kitchen facilities designed for occupancy by one family, regardless of whether more than one unit in such building or facility is served by a single water meter. K. Nonresidential Unit - any building, structure or facility used other than as a residential dwelling unit. L. Open Drainageway - means a natural or man-made open-cut which has the specific function of transmitting natural stream water or storm runoff water from a point of higher elevation to a point of lower elevation, such as swales, ditches, canals, streams and creeks. M. Peak Flow - the highest instantaneous rate of stormwater runoff, measured or estimated in cubic feet of water per second. It is differentiated from total flow volume by the introduction of a unit of time measure during which the maximum rate of flow is measured, calculated or estimated. N. Residential Dwelling Unit - means one or more rooms with bathroom and kitchen facilities designed for occupancy by one family such as houses, townhouses, apartment units, duplex units, condominiums, zero lot-line units mobile homes, etc., where the units are sold, deeded or leased as single-family units whether or not they have individual water meters. O. Retention - The prevention of discharge of a given volume of - 4 - stormwater runoff by complete On-site storage. Removal Of the wMer is caused only by percolation with or without underdrains, eva oratl p on~ r evapotranspiration. ' __ P. Stormwater Control System any and all structures or appurtenances used in the control, treatment or conveyance of stomwater. Comon systems include, but are not limited to, retention and/or detention ponds, swales, inlets, pipes, gutters, filters, weirs and other control structures. Q. Total Plow - the accumulative volume of stor~ater discharged from a property, basin, or watershed. The total flow is ~antified in measures such as acre feet or cubic feet of water, over a stated period of time. R. Undeveloped - a piece or parcel of land that is not developed as defined herein, and is without any building, structure, appurtenance, impervious area, or improvement. It does not mean recreation, green, or open space created around private or public facilities, and parcels connected thereto or contiguous with such facilities for such reason. S. Undeveloped, Platted or Zoned for Develo~ent - shall mean those parcels of real property which have been platted or zoned for development as a residential, co~ercial, industrial or higher use, but have not been "developed" as that term is defined herein. T. Utilit~ - the Stormwater Management Utility. Section 28-172. Duties ~d PMrs. The stormwater management utility shall have all powers necessary for the exercise of its responsibility for the drainage from all properties within the City including, but not limited to, the following: (1) Preparation of plans for improvements, including treatment, to the stormwater control system. (2) Construction of improvements to the sto~water control system. (3) The promulgation of regulations for the use of the stor~ater control system, including provisions for enforc~ent of said regulations. (4) Review and approval of all new development permits within the City for compliance with stormwater management regulations included in present City ordinances or ordinances later adopted. - 5 - (5) Performance of routine maintenance to the stormwater c6~ntrol system. C~ -- (6) Evaluate water ~ality concerns for discharges ~ ~ stormwater control system. ~ (7) Access to premises served by the city, at reasonable times, for inspection, repair or the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter. (8) Issue bonds and incur other debts if needed to finance, in whole or in part, the cost of the stor~ater control syst~. (9) Performance of all normal utility functions to include construction, operation, a~inistration, and maintenance of the City's stormwater control syst~ including, but not l~ited to, the hiring of staff, the selection of special consultants, the entering into contracts for services and construction of facilities, and the handling of purchase, lease, sale or other rights to property for the stormwater control system. section 28-173. Sto~ater ~ag~ent Utility F~. A stormwater management utility fee may be imposed by separate Resolution of the city Coeission upon all owners or occupants of each lot and parcel located within the City for services and facilities provided by the sto~water management utility progr~. For purposes of ~posing the sto~water fee, all lots and parcels within the City shall be classified as residential; nonresidential; undeveloped platted or zoned for develo~ent; or undeveloped property. The City Manager or his designee is directed to prepare a list of all lots and parcels within the City and assign a classification of residential, nonresidential, undeveloped platted or zoned for development, or undeveloped to each lot or parcel. Stormwater fees set by separate Resolution of the City comission shall apply to all properties within the classification, including those properties designated as non-profit, tax-exempt for ad valorem tax purposes, or owned or occupied by a gover~ental entity, including the City of Sanford. S~tion 28-174. Sto~ater ~g~t Utility F~s set ~ Resolution. Stormwater management utility fees shall be est~lished by separate Resolution of the City Comission in accordance with the following classifications: (A) Residential: Each residential dwelling unit, regardless of residential class, shall be considered one (1) E~ivalent Residential unit (ERU) for billing purposes. The charge for one - 6 - (1) ERU shall be set at a flat rate by separate Resolutioncef the City Commission. For residential accounts not indivMua_~_y metered for water, the account holder of the master water me~r shall be billed the fee established for one (1) ERU multiplied by the nu~er of residential units. (B) Nonresidential: Each nonresidential customer shall be charged a stormwater fee based on the nu~er of ERUS computed by using the following formula: No. of ERU = Total impervious area of each parcel Average ~pervious area of one (1.0) ERU A minimum value of one (1.0) ERU shall be assigned to each nonresidential property. The charge for one (1) ERU shall be set at a flat rate by separate Resolution of the City Co~ission. The total impervious area of each parcel of property shall be determined by the City Manager or his designee. The average impervious area of one (1) ERU shall be established by separate Resolution of the City Comission. (c) Undeveloped, platted or zoned for development. The City Comission may by separate Resolution establish reasonable stormwater fees based on the nu~er of E~ivalent Residential units (ERU) that each parcel of property represents. (D) Undeveloped: Stormwater fees shall not be charged for undeveloped property as defined in Section 28-171 (R), herein. Section 28-175. Credits for on-site sto~ater m~nag~t facilities. Credits for on-site stormwater management facilities shall be allowed and calculated as follows: (1) In order to encourage a reduction in stormwater runoff and improvement of the ~ality of stor~ater runoff, a credit against the stormwater management utility fee is authorized for those develo~d properties which are served by a stormwater retention facility designed and constructed for the purpose of stormwater flow mitigation and pollution reduction, if it meets designated standards. Detention facilities are not eligible for the credit. (2) A reduction in a stormwater fee may be allowed for a - 7 - particular property only if the stormwater runoff from the prop tYC~s FrO served by a stormwater management facility that has been deign ~o constructed and is maintained properly for the purpose of stor~ater flow mitigation and pollution reduction as measured against a defined standard established by the city. To be eligible for the sto~water retention credit, the facility must be constructed, o~ed, operated and maintained by other than the City. The facility must also be on land o~ed by other parties than the City and upon which there are no drainage easements dedicated to the public for the general purposes of drainage retention, flow mitigation or stormwater pollution abatement. (3) For applicable properties, a credit may be calculated and the fee may be reduced based upon defined standards and a formula the City co~ission may establish by Resolution from time to time. No property shall have a verified right to the use of any particular formula or fee reduction other than that established by the City Co~ission by Resolution. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to apply for the retention credit and supply all information needed to substantiate the credit under the defined standards, formula and procedures established by the City. The City Manager or his designee shall be responsible for verifying or disallowing any fee reduction credit for a stormwater retention facility. In no event will the reduction in fee cause the fee to be paid to be less than 50% of the fee due without the credit. Section 28-176. Billhg ~d ~ll~tion of Sto~at~ ~g~nt Utility F~. The fre~ency of billing is to be est~lished by the City Manager based on an evaluation of the most efficient, effective and e~itable method of billing and collections available to the Utility. The stormwater fee shall be billed at least annually by the City but no more than twelve (12) times in one calendar year. The City Manager is to assure that the most efficient and effective billing and collection techni~es are being used. All stormwater fees not paid within thirty (30) days after the bill is due, or that are not under active appeal, shall be considered delin~ent. All charges delin~ent hereunder shall be subject to an - 8 - RECORDS ' 'PAGE 23 !3 885 SEH t OLE CO. FL. interest charge at the Florida statutory rate. In the event such premises shall be served by the waterworks or sanitary sewer system of the city, the city shall cease to serve such premises with all utility services until all delinquent utility fees and interest have been paid, as allowed by law. The stormwater fee shall constitute a debt to the City for which the owner, tenant and/or occupant shall be jointly and severally liable. The records Of the City shall be kept open for the inspection by the Owner, tenant or occupant, and it shall be the responsibility of the owner, tenant, or occupant to ascertain that the prescribed fees are paid. Charges which remain unpaid for a period of sixty (60) days shall be a lien upon the property to which such fee is associated, as allowed by law, from the date said fee becomes due until the delinquent fee and interest are paid. The City Commission may direct the City Attorney to file suit thereon, by an action at law to collect all such unpaid fees and interest, or a suit to enforce the lien in the same manner as the foreclosure of mortgages. In the event of either action, the city shall be entitled to recover the actual attorney's fees and costs of the City for the collection. The City shall not be required to look to any person or entity other than the owner for the payment of the delinquent fees and interest. The failure of any owner to learn that he or she purchased property against which a lien for delinquent fees exist, shall in no way affect the property owner's responsibility for such payment. Section 28-177. Appeals. (1) Any customer or property owner who feels that the stormwater fee or credit for their property has been calculated or computed incorrectly may petition in writing to the City Manager or his designee for a review of their account. (2) If not satisfied with the determination of the City Manager or his designee, the petitioner may ask for a hearing before the city commission, whose decision shall be final. Any credits authorized by the appeal process shall only be effective against billings subsequent to the date of the appellate decision. 9 , OFF$C,.'AL RECORDS ""' BOO!' RAGE ] 3 1886 SEHff ,OL:E CO, FL. Section 28-178. Stormwater Utility Fund. (1) A Stormwater Management Utility Trust Fund is hereby established into which all revenues from users fees, grants, or other funding sources shall be deposited and from which all expenditures related to the City~s stormwater management utility shall be paid. Accounting and reporting procedures shall be consistent with State law and reported to the City Commission by the City Manager or his designee, annually. (2) Expenditures for activities that are not related to the City~e stormwater management utility shall not be permitted from the fund except for a prorated charge for general City government services as is in effect for other City utility funds. Section 28-179. Flooding~ Liability. Floods from stormwater runoff may occur which exceed the capacity of storm drainage facilities constructed, operated, or maintained by funds made available under this Chapter. This Chapter shall not be construed or interpreted to mean that property subject to the fees and charges established herein will always, or at any time, be free from stormwater flooding, standing water, water pollution or flood damage, or that stormwater control systems capable of handling all storm events can be cost-effectively constructed, operated, or maintained. Nor shall this Chapter create any liability on the part of, or cause of action against, the City, or any official or employee thereof, for any damage that may result from floods, storms, rains or the runoff thereof. Nor does this Chapter purport to reduce the need or the necessity for obtaining flood insurance by individual property owners. SECTION 2: Specific authority is hereby granted to codify and incorporate this Ordinance in the existing Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford. SECTION 3: If any section or portion of a section Of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or part of this ordinance. SECTION 4= That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby revoked. - 10 - SECTION 5: That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and final adoption. The stormwater management utility fees shall become payable on or after October 1, 1991. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of ~- , A.D. 1991. City of Sanford, Florida CERTIFICATE I, Janet R. Donahoe, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 3065 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 8th day of July 1991, was posted at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 9th day of~uly, 1991. a -hereUnto set my hand and the In witness whereof, I h ve official seal of the City of "San~c~/Florida, this 9th day of July, 1991. , ~... - 11 -