HomeMy WebLinkAboutDO #22-25_500 Myrtle Avenue_RecordedGRANT MALOY, SEMINOLE COUNTY CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER CFN# 2022109226 l3k:10322 P:470-475(6Pgs) REC: 09,/2612022 10:37:57 AM %y koneal RECORDING FEES $52.50 This Instrument Prepared By and Return To: Julie Adams Scof"Od, A]CP Historic Preservation Planner Planning and Development services Department City Hall \J9 300 North Park Avenue \\ Sanford, Florida 32771 Tax Parcel Identification Number: 25-1940-5AGA0706-0010 bile #: 22-004755 Permit #: COA22-000157 1 I 11"Alum"11114=1111 APPROVING CERTI]FICATE OlF APPROPRIATE NESS �1� ill �� i lll�lpl MMMI= Order relating to an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness under the provisions of Schedule "S" of the City's Land Development Regulations (LDRs) and controlling Florida law relating to and touching and concerning the following described property: 500 Myrtle Avenue, "1TzW=T4MC- County Property Appraiser. Property Owner: Oliver and Jessica Bond 5Myrtle Avenue Sanford, Florida 32,771 Applicant: Oliver Bond 500 Myrtle Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Project: A request for a Certificate: of Appropriateness to construct a new 16'x 22 garage relative to property located at, and addressed as, 500 Myrtle Avenue. Requested Development Approval: The Applicant requested approval to construct a new 16" x 22" garage on property located at 50:0 Myrtle Avenue. Details were: provided in site plans. — Additional Findings: The project is located on a corner lot at 500 Myrtle Avenue in the Sanford Residential Historic District. The twoory structure was built circa 1912 in a frame vernacular stylei,. The Applicant requests approval to construct a 16'x 22' garage in the location a garage I � I' a g 0 I �AMV ry 1"N"Al 01A A; : 1 At HAPS •10 Yl ! 1 j if I its u WAM -4( f-ei R VVI WIXTRYM Us! 01, DAM ANA "kinunq IS , Wall UPW 001- •{f 4t YUMMY vlh ld 0hw�AF0Q2JjW-Q-a! JH `/: HKE W&A VTV 10 Wull "I Q.) avgluqq-, 17, it "bW i C"Ok vn 51 wdwu Lan in hwwnl jw"ON (n a Ow -j-, lqqk -,i!-F v)-0 �), -- - - mot OR AL K nuab "A Aj no, v . w WAMmal mWil v & OR wil 1duo %V1 Uwavy V!iie f1 OEM lM5QqA A)* OEM using cement lap siding similar to the siding on the house, a gable roof clad with metal matching the main structure and carriage style doors. The plans submitted include a porch on the south side of the garage. The north elevation, with garage doors fronting 5th Street, is the only portion of the garage that will be visible from the street. Schedule S, Historic Preservation, City of Sanford LDRs states: Residential Lot Layout (S-23) Setbacks apply to both principal and accessory structures. Residential lot development shall have the following setbacks: • Front yard: Twenty-five feet (259; • Rear Yard. • Two feet (2 j; • Side Yard: Five feet (5); When a side yard is located adjacent to a street, the side yard setback shall be seven and one-halffeet (7.59. S-23) To protect the pedestrian character of the community and discourage front -loaded garages, new curb cuts are not allowed within the historic districts for properties that have alley access. (S-24) Where alleys are available, new garages shall be detached and located at the rear of the lot and shall be located no closer than thirty-ftve feet (35') to the front property line and curb cuts shall not be allowed. Schedule S, Historic Preservation (S-39) accessory structures states: • Prefabricated storage structures shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area, and are subject to the setback requirements of the district. • .There shall be a minimum separation of ten feet (10') between principal and accessory structures. • Accessory structures, such as garages, sheds, etc., shall not exceed the height of the main structure. • Accessory structures shall be of similar style, color, design and materials as used for the principal residence. The proposed garage does not exceed the height of the main structure. The location is 9 feet from the primary structure; separations of less than 10 feet has been approved and is acceptable in this situation since the footprint of a historic structure is proposed for the replacement structure. The garage has a gable roof with metal to match the primary structure. Windows and 21Pat, c saidswul fulsal A& fah Kv lWal 1: aluo, A no WK ',Si. �. wum qn1w; ryl innnya pla 10 no nuq pq --"f I I ;'.i f*!Q Qrtad amb ugmul A a jit!1' 'l-, !tww WA IsAwl 1 K vp ) wasmalf! om do! j A, NOW 1110tV :Q luhuuhiwf�. 1AP14A A, Anlyi to" "kin ,':1':`1 I&A I C N!1'! wi nabuDel AT 0TUMUS Novi W in ldtild If Kwayn lop Vol wylq Walm'( 'i , A7f, rr :i 6,vnrvqcp: rum, !f, -, , insusiny>i wig A twegal J wasuip ahapid a jo wivism sic soule tunuh mid; --i Ac PwASII N �w.ifrlilq 00; Mal ,Jt L;J.-AJ4,�.! j, ME door are fixed and horizontal sliding windows that though modern and will not be seen from the street. (S-29) The following materials are generally acceptable for principal and accessory structures within the historic districts: 1) Wood clapboard, wood shingle, wood drop siding, wood board and batten siding or equal as determined by the Board The proposed material is cement lap siding in a profile similar to the main structure. The porch deck is composite, no details are provided. (S-35) New garage doors may be constructed out of wood steel or fiberglass and shall not exceed a maximum width of nine (9) feet for a single door on front loaded garages and sixteen (16) feet on alley facing garages. (S-35) Garage doors must be architectural, carriage -style doors that complement the main building and garage building. The carriage door with cross bracing is an acceptable style but the specific material was not provided. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW (a). Pursuant to Section 8.0 of Schedule "S" of the City's LDRs, the HPB has reviewed the proposed Certificate of Appropriateness and all application documentation and matters relating thereto in accordance with the procedures for altering historic landmarks or structures within historic districts as set forth in Schedule "S." (b). Specifically, Schedule "S" and Schedule 'W" of the City's LDRs provide as follows: M. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials that characterize the property. (2). New work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale, and architectural features to protect the architectural integrity of the property and its environment. (3). New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity ' Signate regulations were recently consolidated into Schedule "K"' of the City's LDRs. 3 1 P a g e A mul ?muk 5d mi A a Wo mmAw" dymAt W m0my; yKA irmyruS WL imb sit -A '07W Wry is n A 14 -".. 11, V t I) "I %"'Amiulimo "(, IkItiv,Ve. Ii 1'9)a w, �"'N CCU qmInd mr; door mun ON= 10, WC6 Ejqjj yj ,AQq t1iJ iC{i 1,! -?" J-) C" :-' —� .{!if MUM, W OWN&A W orgy m evolp"I jon pun haska 10 Mill)! mA.'; FrIC)IMA)i; MOW jymay." ')Ifiw!icjfm�.j HIAL AS bb) WH mot WhIMAHM 16 low AmF was n 0 ':;-I!j "') I 1021:,7(1 01 .I(Y) !"1.; " r7.. 2I' yqxroq W in Q10m; : * H, v) ban aommbp Ov/ AQ jf, ";0?. 1 1;'1 W'..' -Cl L. 1. -4 howls, A mwdi A "i !."IMUC S f".A-le. .!i 5011 fit! WN "A- 9YM qu" WW"mo Omm a"- imowgv unji? of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired (4). For new construction, additions and alterations, the use of the wall finishes most acceptable for the architectural style is required. (5). New materials shall be installed so as not to conceal or damage historical architectural elements. (c). To the extent that a conclusion of law as set forth herein also constitutes a factual finding, then such shall be taken to be so as part of this Development Order. (d). The proposed Certificate of Appropriateness is hereby found and determined to comply with the aforestated (e). Additionally, the proposed changes are consistent with the purpose and intent of Schedule S and complies with the design guidelines in Schedule S. (f). This is a Development Order and shall not create contractual rights of the property owner against the City nor contractual obligations of the City to the property owner and, to that end, the property owner shall have no contractual rights or remedies against the City with regard to any land use action of the City. (g). The City has not waived any rights or remedies by taken the action set forth herein or any successive development orders and reserves any and all rights and remedies available to the City under controlling law including, but not limited to, the protections under the laws pertaining to sovereign immunity. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED THAT: (1). The aforementioned application for a Certificate of Appropriateness is APPROVED subject to the following conditions: and (a). The design of the garage must be in character with the surrounding area; (b) Details for garage doors must be submitted to City Planning Staff for approval as meeting Schedule S standards; and 41P age awl Udy AnWrals ban IMIAN&O WOUNd IgnivirS is 1050u0s. U; ;'.,, ;)i 9C, lij::,'i^ ',t_) 1COMI it MaINNUOU aeb:Ef 'L'J t! ff:161 10, no Val in 10120NOO E ludl Mrs in! 0 ; A 0 010 Iner"qi, WIG Ad; 10 nap �; a .0 1 1 11`1Am ad A& dow not A qWbIji `Jac SWA lima: J lu smwnw) hs.qWj AT lb", brit; Grrlfflil �fk !ijivl P.yHcdj W&TAY as AWSAIA yukke Q 4010owt! 0100 At do, T�ky no bin a Opody'-, ,,nmqnq, Lpuj�:,i;ilf t,,j Amu ion Und? M4 %W) msm F Owl s ei ad r - 'I ; IRMU W4 noon yd aw"Wh a w W.,!i-i %':jk; L, J011 tlifi 't tis ba" ps a"I"ns Ulu, whilo layajohnsh .1030OUZ in" w. RON nib 0011 .110 Si A 13110 WIT if fitful 3.,X" '.' 1 "i M, M000 W zeinsh, *Ic, n v.4 W40%; 6nmbowwriob M 111 iu= gassibnWk to Avg lWainmb fu SCI uw ,t Ll Id! W ajaw ad F .(6) bm: '0 PjAlf"M ad Ineni ana") Iyoug 61 klwocl 1A (c). Any dispute between City Planning Staff and the Applicant/Property Owner shall be submitted to the Historic Preservation Board (2). This Development Order granting approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness touches and concerns the aforedescribed property and is subject to code enforcement action in accordance with the controlling provisions of law. Done and Ordered on the date first written below. AS aPPPVft%-aaQ,2�1tft0f1Ze1 10r eAeClUOn 0 - Sanford at its meeting oif July 27, 2022. A TTEST: A"ISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD F, H CITY NFORD Fo Traci Houchin, MMC, FCRM, X one pro tune to July 27, 2022 40 Gin HP13CY IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the subject Property Owners have signed and sealed these presents the day and, year written below and AGREE to all of the terms and conditions of this Development Order, the undersigned named persons having full authority to execute this in IM M1IT in ONFAMM MZ-VUll/ 'I gi-g—nature WiAtnei Oliver Bond 'r Printed Name: 'lap &_ure Witness # r ,lesBond PrintcdName_ 5 Pa �! c V: IP 1-14. J., -fit 4 '.R) J bill: 3 1 ) j I I _,� I �, 1*1 1 ;! �, I %? ,,I (I w '. i � * I - , I ( I ,.f -i ) ;wiibj 1" bru; arn-m "o f!", "-!I '15PDA bli-, hiif� ijib "'d! P ij Ti i j [ I' u (1, 1 --1 1 Nrlt.AA 1� 0 .."i f T -A r L .114- Mj it '.R) J bill: 3 1 ) j I I _,� I �, 1*1 1 ;! �, I %? ,,I (I w '. i � * I - , I ( I ,.f -i ) ;wiibj 1" bru; arn-m "o f!", "-!I '15PDA bli-, hiif� ijib "'d! P ij Ti i j [ I' u (1, 1 --1 1 Nrlt.AA 1� 0 ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF SEMMOLE) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of ELphysical presence or D online notarization, this o—S day of J'W2022 by Oliver Bond and Jessica Bond. They are personally known to me or produced F1--) D t.. as identification. a Notary Pubft State of Pionaa Smit Suryakant Shut My Commissia� GG 318656 E VpCn. 041pgr2pg3 TARY PUBLIC My commission expires: 61Page Ll