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Planning and Zoning Commission
September 1, 2022 - 10 AM
City Commission Chambers
City Hall, Sanford, Florida
Members Present
Michael Loader, Chair
Derrick Thomas
Ashlee Woodard
Zachary Miller
Dominick Fiorentino III
Maverick Von I-lerbulis
Robert Fonseca — Alternate
Members Absent
Victoria Wilson
Others Present
David Hall, Assistant City Attorney
Eileen Hinson, Planning Director
1 --leather Urwiller, Planning Manager
Giuliana Pieras, Administrative Coordinator, Board Clerk
Darren Ebersole, Planner
Miten Patel, Senior Planner
Mr. Loader called the meeting to order at 10:01 AM.
Moment of Silence
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Mr. Fiorenlino made a motion to excuse Victoria Wilson's absence—Mr. Miller seconded Motion carried
Mr. Fiorenlino moved to approve the minutes with corrections for the August 4, 2022 meeting. Mr. Miller
seconded. Motion carried, 7-0.
A " T
CP -1 Comprehensive Sign Program for Vintage North Apartments at project address 2400 Cherry
Laurel Drive.
Application Number: DP22-000022
Sqlcnihcr i. '�022 iVhetiiiu
Tax Parcel Numbers: 32-19-30-301-008D-0000 & 32-19-30-301-00817-0000
Property Owner: Vintage Sanford. Owner, LLC
Applicant: I feather Adams
Mr. 1,"iorenfino moved to approve the Comprehensive Sign Program for "I'lic Vintage subject to the
conditions as recommended by staff. Mr. Miller seconded, Motion carried, 7-0.
Public Hearings
Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional
expand a non -conforming church.
Application Number: CU22-000017
Tax Parcel Number(s): 35-19-30-505-0000-0030,
Use at 1509 Historic Goldsboro Boulevard to
35-19-30-505-0000-0020, and 35 -19 -30 -505 -
Applicant: Don Allison, F Donald Allison Architect (1290 11 Avenue, Sanford, FL)
Mr. Von LIerbidis moved to approve the Conditional Use to expand an existing non -conforming
site at project address 1509 Historic Goldsboro Boulevard with modified development standards
subject to a Development Order with the conditions as recommended by staff. Mr. Miller
secon(led. Motion carried, 7-0.
PH -2A Hold a Public I learing 'I'o Amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use at prQject
address 2100 E. Lake Mary Boulevard from MDR -10 (Medium Density Residential) and LDR-
SF (Low Density Single-Farnily Residential) to (Industrial) land use.
Application Number: CP22-000008
Tax Parcel Nurnber(s): 07-20-31-300-01'913-0000, 07-20-31-300-0190-0000, 07-20-31-300-0200-
0000, 07-20-31-300-0250-0000, 07-20-31-300-0220-0000, & 08-20-31-300-0220-0000
Applicant. Susan Lorentz P.E, Kimley-Horn
Representative: Tara'l"edrow, Lowndes Law (215 N Eula Dr, Orlando, F1,32801)
Mr, Von IYerbulis moved to recommend the City Commission adopt an ordinance to amend the
future land use from MDR 10, Medium Density Residential to 1, Industrial on 52.91 acres at project
address 2100 East Lake Mary Boulevard as recommended by staf]" Ms. Tyboclard secon(led
Motion carried, 7-0.
Citizen Participation-
- Linda Barker (3405 S. Mellonville Avenue): Ms. Barker stated that she is in favor of the project
- David (2246 Park Drive): Stated that he is working and in contact with the developer in coming
to in agreement. If they do come to an agreement, they he is in favor of the project.
PH -213 Hold a Public I learing to consider a PD, Planned Development rezone at project address 2100 E.
Lake Mary Boulevard for a proposed industrial development.
und/onh-l�� Conmd'ssion
c1e c r2 0 ' 2 2 \1 N1, i
Application Number: PDR22-000004
Tax Parcel Nu7r ber(s): 07-20-31-300-01913-0000, 07-20-31-300-0190-0000, 07-20-31-300-0200-
0000, 07-20-31-300-0250-0000, 07-20-31-300-0220-0000, & 08-20-31-300-0220-0000
Applicant: Susan. Lorentz P.E, Finley-Florn
Representative: Tara Tedrow, Lowndes Law (215 N bola Dr, Orlando, FL 32801)
Ali-. Fiorenlino moved to recommend the City Commission adopt an ordinance to rezone
approximately 58.10 acres from SRIA, Single Family Residential to, PD, Planned Development
for a proposed industrial development with a project address 2100 East Lake Mary Boulevard
based on consistency with the goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan as
recon-u-nended by staff and subject to a development order that includes all recommended
conditions, including a revision to the rnasterplan. Alfr. Miller seconded. Motion carried, 7-0.
Citizen Participation:
- Linda Barker (3405 S. Mellonville Avenue): Questioned if they project will be done by the
lake and addressed lier concern about the drainage.
- Sherny Brandy (5969 Red Bug Rd, Winter Spring FL): She wanted to make sure that the 75
foot buffer was going to be part of the conditions in this request.
PH -3A Hold a Public Hearing to Amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use designation at project
address 4430 Canyon Point from. IN]".), Industrial (County), to AICP, Airport Industry &
Commerce (City).
Application Number: CP22-000007
Tax Parcel Number(s): 03-20-31-300-0090-0000, 03-20-31-300-002A-0000, 03-20-31-501-
0A00-0040, 03-20-31-300-009A-0000, 03-20-31-501-0000-0040, 03-20-31-501-0000-0080
Applicant: Robert Ziegenfuss P.F, Z Development Services (708 E. Colonial Drive, Suite 100,
Orlando, FL)
Mr. Alfiller moved to recommend the City Commission approve the request to amend the future
land use from IND, Industrial (Serninole County) to AIC, Airport Industry and Commerce (City)
on 26.94 acres at prqject address 4430 Canyon Point as recommended by staff. Mr. Fiorentino
seconded. Motion carried, 7-0.
1PH-313 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a FID, Planned Development rezone to establish a mixed
commercial development at project 4430 Canyon Point.
Application Number: PDR22-000005
Tax Parcel Number(s). 03-20-31-300-0090-0000, 03-20-31-300-002A-0000, 03-20-31-501-
0A00-0040, 03-20-31-300-009A-0000, 03-20-31-501-0000-0040, 03-20-31-501-0000-0080
Applicant: Robert Ziegenfuss P.E, Z Development Services (708 E. Colonial Drive, Suite 100,
Orlando, FL)
C k" rN c r 2022 M,ml,Hes
Mr. Fiorenlino moved to recommend the City Commission adopt an ordinance to rezone
approximately., 26.94 acres frorn A -L Agriculture (Seminole County) to, PD, Planned
Development (City) for a mixed use commercial development at project address 4430 Canyon
Point based on consistency with the goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive
Plan as recommended by staff and subject to a development order that includes all recommended
conditions. Mr. Miller secontle(l. Motion carried, 7-0.
Citizen Participation:
Michael Bartz (4421 Canyon Point, San -ford): Stated that he is in favor of the project, however,
he Would like to see some kind of barrier or a wall between the project and the residents.
Arthur Litka (2700 Richmond Avenue, Sanford): Stated his concerns about the drainage in the
area and worried about the ditch on the property of overflowing.
PH -4 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use to establish manufacturing at 600 French
Application Number: CU22-000020
Tax Parcel Number(s): 25-19-30-5AG-081 1 -00 10 & 25-19-30-5AG-0809,-0000
Applicant: Jake Herrel, Lowndes Law
Representative: Robert Love, Lowndes Law (215 N. Cola Dr., Orlando, Fl, 3 )280 1)
Mr. Fiorenlino moved to approve the Conditional Use to establish indoor non -hazardous
manufacturing use for the purpose of establishing an ice manufacturing facility at 600 French
Avenue subject to the conditions as stated by staff. Mr. Thomas secon(led. Motion carried, 6-1.
Mr. Miller opposed, stating that the use is not realistic for this property.
PH -5 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use to expand a nonconforming single-family
residence at 802 Catalina Drive.
Application Number: CU22-000030
Tax Parcel Number(s): 31-19-31-512-0000-0910
Property Owner: Didier & Juliana Alba
Applicant: Didier Alba (802 Catalina Avenue, Sanford FL)
Mr. Miller moved to al)prove the Conditional Use to expand an existing non -conforming single
family residence at project address 802 Catalina Drive with modified development standards
subject to, a Development Order with the conditions as recommended by staff. Mrs, Woo(Itird
seconded.. Motion carried, 7-0.
PH -6 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for urban infill redevelopment to modify an
existing non -conforming site at 500 Celery Avenue.
Application Number: CU22-000021
Tax Parcel Number(s): 30-19-31-522-0000-031.0
Property Owner: T D BARR CONSTRUCTION Ll..,C
Applicant: Travis Barr, TD Barr Construction (7448 John Hancock Drive, Winter Garden FL)
I move to approve the Conditional Use to apply Urban Infill Standards to modify an existing non-
conforming site at project address 500 Celery Avenue with modified development, standards
subject to a Development Order with the conditions as recorninended by staff. Mr. Miller
secon(led. Motion carried, 7-0.
Citizen Participation
Staff Reports
- Financial Disclosure Filing
- Ethics Training
Commissioners Reports
- Derrick Thomas announced in the meeting that lie is not renewing his term, and that this is
his last meeting. He thanked everyone for the opportunity and experience.
Meeting adjourned at 12:33 PM
Chairman r ike Loader