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March 3, 2022 Meeting Minutes
Planning and Zoning Commission
March 3, 2022 -10 AM
City Commission Chambers
City Hall, Sanford, Florida
Members Present
Michael Loader, Chair
Dominick Fiorentino III, Vice -Chair
Derrick Thomas
Ashlee Woodard
Maverick VonHerbulis
Members Absent
Victoria Wilson
Zachary Miller
Robert Fonseca — Alternate
Others Present
Lonnie Groot, Assistant City Attorney
Eileen Hinson, Planning Director
Giuliana Pieras, Administrative Coordinator, Board Clerk
Sarah Sheibenberger, Administrative Specialist I
Darren Ebersole, Planner
Mr. Loader called the meeting to order at 10:02 AM.
Moment of Silence
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Mr. Fiorentino excused Victoria Wilson, Zachary Miller, and Robert Fonseca absence. Mrs. Woodard
seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Election of Officers
Mr. Fiorentino moved to elect Mike Loader as Chairman, Mr. VonHerbulis seconded. Motion carried 5-
Mr. Thomas moved to elect Dominick Fiorentino as Vice Chairman, Mr. VonHerbulis seconded. Motion
carried 5-0.
Mr. Fiorentino moved to approve the minutes for the February 3, 2022 meeting. Mr. Thomas seconded.
Motion carried, 5-0.
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Consent Plans
CP -1 Preliminary Subdivision Plan t"or Towns of Lake Monroe at 2485 W. Seminole Boulevard.
Application Number: SUB21-000027
Tax Parcel Numbers: 23-19-30-300-0040-0000 & 23-19-30-501-0000-0140
Property Owner: TRIPLE B ACQUISTITIONS LLC, Leo C. Trepanier Revocable Trust
Applicant: Javier Omana — CPH., Inc. (1117 E. Robinson Street, Orlando, FL)
Mr. Fiorenlino moved to approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Towns of Lake Monroe
PD subject to conditions as recommended by staff. Mi% VonTlerbulis seconded. Motion carried, 5-
Public Hearings
PH -1 Hold a Public Hearing to consider Conditional Use for Urban Infill to establish single-family
residential in the GC -2 zoning district at 2218 Southwest Road.
Application Number: C Ur 21-000050
Tax Parcel Number: 34-19-30-51.1-0A.00-0030
Property Owner: Rood Rentals One LI.0
Applicant: Michael Rood — Rood Rentals One LLC (846 Silk Oak Terrace, Lake Mary 32746)
Citizen Participation:
- Lowman Oliver (2726 Bungalow Blvd. Sanford FL): Questioned why he received a notice
about the prqject at his property when he is in the jurisdiction of the County. The Board
explained to him that as a requirement a notice is sent out within the 500 rect radius of the
proposed project address.
Hi-. Thoinas moved to approve the Conditional Use for Urban Infill to reestablish a single family
residence in the GC -2, General Commercial zoning district at address 2.218 Southwest Road with
modified development standards sulaject to a Development Order with the conditions as
recommended by staff Mr.P-iorenlio seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
PH -2 Hold a Public Hearing to request lot of record consider a Conditional Use to subdivide and
establish two single-family residences utilizing lot of record standards at 1802 1--listoric
Goldsboro Boulevard in an RC -L, Restricted Commercial Zoning District.
Application Number: CU21-000036
Tax Parcel Number: 25-19-30-5AII-0000-0380
Property Owner: Florida Three Stars Inc.
Applicariv Rafael Ernanuelli — RED Design and Management I.I.C. (12640 Arley Drive,
Windermere Florida 34786)
A*% Tiorenlino moved to approve the Conditional Use request for a lot split and establish two
single family residences at project address 1802 Historic Goldsboro Blvd subject to modified
development standards and a Development Order with the conditions as recommended by staff.
Mr, Vonf-Ierbulis seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
N'Irlrill- and
PH -3 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use tor an exceptional use at 2541 French
Avenue to establish a tattoo parlor.
Application Number: CU22-000001
Tax Parcel Number: 01-20-30-504-0800-01.10
Property Owner: FRENCH AVE LLC
Applicant: Anna Giang — Garden of Ink (5451 Central Blvd, Altamonte FL, 32701)
Alfr. VonHerbulis moved to apl)rove the Conditional Use request to establish a tattoo parlor at 2541
South French Avenue subject to a Development Order with conditions recommended by staft". Mr.
Thomas seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
PH-4AHold a Public Hearing to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use from Seminole
County to City of Sanford general commercial at project address at 2623 Sanford. Avenue.
Application Number: CP22-000004
Tax Parcel Numbers: 06-20-31-503,-0600-0050 and 06-21-31-503-0600-0080
Applicant. Maverick Von Herbulis — McKee Construction (2307 River 'free Circle, Sanford
Maverick recused himself from this item due to being the applicant
Citizen Participation:
- David Borowski (2609 Sanford Avenue, Sanford 32773): Questions if there will be applicable
parking. He states Lemon Street has no onsite parking for their customers, workers, and
handicap which has caused excess on street parking. Worries about excess of traffic and safety.
Mr. Fiorentino moved to approve the Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change
0.92 acres at 2.623 Sant"ord Avenue, from COM, Commercial, (Seminole County) to GC, General
Commercial (City of Sanford). Mr. Thomas seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
P11-1<-413 Hold a Public Hearing to rezone from Seminole County C-2, Retail Commercial, to City of
Sanford GC -2 General Commercial, for project address 2623 Sanford Avenue.
Application Number: IU22-000006
Tax Parcel Numbers: 06-20-31-503-0600-0050 and 06-21-31-503-0600-0080
Applicant: Maverick Von Herbulis — McKee Construction (2307 River Tree Circle, Sanford
Maverick recused himself from this item due to being the applicant
Citizen Participation:
- David Borowski (2609 Sanford Avenue, Sanford 32773): He has concerns that the property
won't have acceptable parking and it will cause more on street parking, traffic, and possible
safety issues.
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Mr. Thomas moved to approve the request to rezone 0.92 acres located at the corner of the
intersection of Wylly Avenue and Gardenview Avenue from C-2, Retail Commercial (Seminole
County) to GC -2, General Commercial (City of Sanford) at projJect address 2623 Sanford Avenue.
Mr. Fiorentino seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional. Use for Urban Infill to establish warehouse use
with modified development standards at 2623 Sanford Avenue.
Application Number: CU21-000049
Tax Parcel Numbers: 06-20-31-503-0600-0030, 06-20-31-503-0600-0050 and 06-21-31-503-
Applicant: Maverick Von Herbulis — McKee Construction (2307 River Tree Circle, Sanford
Maverick recused himself from this item due to being the applicant
11r. Fiorenlino moved to continue this item to the next meeting (April 7, 2022). A11r. Thomas
seconded, Motion carried 5-0.
PH-5ALlold a Public Hearing to consider a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the Orlando -Sanford
International Airport to update I I parcels to AIC, Airport Industry and Commerce, in the Airport
Layout Plan.
Application Number: CP22-0000002
Tax Parcel Numbers: 06-20-31-503-0700-0010, 06-20-31-503-0700-0020, 06-20-31-503-0700-
0030, 06-20-31-503-0700-0060, 06-20-31-503-0,400-0010, 06-20-31-503-0400-0020, 06-20-31-
503-0400-0030, 06-20-31-503-0400-0040, 06-20-31-503-0400-0060, 06-20-31-503-0400-0070,
Property Owner: City of Sanford/ Orlando Sanford Airport Authority
Applicant: Eileen Hinson -- Planning Director, City of Sanl.'ord
Mr. Fiorentino moved to approve the Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment for I I parcels
totaling 3.17 acres from Low Density Single Family Residential to Airport Industry and Commerce
in the Airport Layout Plan at the Orlando International Airport. Mr. Thomas seconded. Motion
carried 5-0.
PH -513 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a to rezone I I parcels in the Airport Layout Plan at the Orlando -
Sanford International Airport to RI- 1, Restricted Industrial
Application Number: RZ22-000004
Tax Parcel Numbers: 06-20-31-503-0700-0010, 06-20-31-503-0700-0020, 06-20-31-503-0700-
0030, 06-20-31-503-0700-0060, 06-20-31-503-0400-0010, 06-20-31-503-0400-0020, 06-20-31-
503-0400-0030, 06-20-31-503-0400-0040, 06-20-31-503-0400-0060, 06-20-31-503-0400-0070
and 06-20-31-503-0300-0010
Property Owner: City of Sanford/ Orlando Sanford Airport Authority
Applicant: Eileen Hinson -- Planning Director, City of Sanford
Alfr. fl'onflerbulis moved to approve the request to rezone I I parcels totaling 3.17 acres from SR-
I & SRI -A (Single Family Residential) to RI -I (Restricted Industrial) in the Airport Layout Plan
at the Orlando Sanford International Airport. Mr. Thomas seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
Citizen Participation
- None
Staff Reports
- Introduce Planning & Zoning new manager, Heather Urwiller
- Introduce our new city assistant attorney, David Hall
Commissioners Reports
- 600 French Avenue (Denial IAC})
- Vistas at Lake Monroe
Meeting adjourned at 11: 16 AM
Chairm T fhe Loader