HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_02.03.22 Planning and Zoning Commission February 3, 2022Meeting Minutes Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission February 3,2022-10 AM City Commission Chambers City Hall, Sanford, Florida Members Present Michael Loader, Chair Dominick Fiorentino III, Vice-Chair Victoria Wilson Derrick Thomas Zachary Miller Ashlee Woodard Maverick VonHerbulis Robert Fonseca –Alternate Members Absent None Others Present Lonnie Groot, Assistant City Attorney Eileen Hinson, PlanningDirector Giuliana Pieras, AdministrativeCoordinator, Board Clerk Sarah Sheibenberger, Administrative Specialist I Miten Patel, Planner Mr. Loadercalled the meeting to order at 10:04 AM. Moment of Silence Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Minutes Mr.Fiorentinomoved to approvethe minutesfor the January 6, 2022meeting. Mrs.Wilsonseconded. Motion carried, 7-0. Development Plan DP-1Preliminary Subdivision Plan for All Souls Master Infrastructure Plan. Application Number: SUB21-000011 Tax Parcel Numbers: 22-19-30-5AD-0000-0050 and 22-19-30-5AD-0000-0280 Applicant: Nicole Martin -Madden, Moorhead & Stokes, LLC Mrs.Wilson movedto approvethe Preliminary Subdivision Plan for All Souls, aplanned 1 Planning and Zoning Commission February 3, 2022Meeting Minutes st development at project address 3280 West 1Street subject to conditions as recommended by staff.Mr. Miller seconded. Motion carried, 7-0. st DP-2Preliminary Subdivision Plan for the townhomes portion of All Souls PD at 3286 W. 1Street. Application Number: SUB21-000021 Tax Parcel Numbers: 22-19-30-5AD-0000-0050 Applicant: Nicole Martin-Madden, Moorhead & Stokes, LLC Mr. Miller movedtorecommendthe planning and zoning commission approve the Preliminary st Subdivision Plan for the townhomes portion of the All Souls PD at 3286 West 1Street subject to conditions as recommended by staff.Mr. Fiorentino seconded. Motion carried,7-0. DP-3Preliminary Subdivision Plan for SipesAvenue PD at 3100 Kentucky Street. Application Number: SUB21-000026 Tax Parcel Numbers: 03-21-31-5AK-0000-061A, 03-21-31-5AK-0000-0610, 03-21-31-5AK- 0000-062A, & 03-21-31-5AK-0000-0620 Applicant: Nicole Martin-Madden, Moorhead & Stokes, LLC Representative: AaronStruckmeyer (4901 Vineland Rd Suite 500, Orlando FL) Mr. VonHerbulismoved toapprovethe Preliminary Subdivision Plan for the townhomes tract for the Sipes Avenue Property PD subject to conditions as recommended by staff.Mr. Miller seconded.Motion carried, 7-0. Public Hearing PH-9Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use to alter andexpand a non-conforming site at th 417 E. 5Street to establish a mixed-use commercial and residential development. Application Number: CU21-000039 Tax Parcel Number: 25-19-30-5AG-070A-0010 Property Owner: Johnny L. Henderson Applicant: Cobbin McGee –Shantell’s Just Until Mr. Fiorentinomovedto continue the item to the next meeting on March 3, 2022. Mr. Miller seconded. Motion carried, 7-0. PH-1CONTINUED FROM JANUARY 6, 2022 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use to establish an indoor non-hazardous manufacturing use on a 1.25 acre site at project address 600 French Avenue. Application Number: CU21-000005 Tax Parcel Number: 25-19-30-5AG-0809-0000 & 25-19-30-5AG-0811-0010 Property Owner: DOLPHIN ICE & WATER V LLC Applicant: John R. Keeler, PA –The Keeler Group Representative: Rob Keeler(500 Winderley Place, Maitland,FL) Mr. Millermovedto denythe request to establish an indoor non-hazardous manufacturing use for the purpose of establishing an ice manufacturing facility at600 French Avenue based on inconsistency with the Comprehensive Plan as outlined in the staff report.Mrs.Wilsonseconded. 2 Planning and Zoning Commission February 3, 2022Meeting Minutes Motion carried, 6-1.Ashlee Woodard opposedthe motion, she stated that the Conditional Use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. PH-2Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use to alter and expand a non-conforming site at th 417 W.12Street to establish a mixed-use commercial and residential development. Application Number: CU21-000047 Tax Parcel Number: 25-19-30-5AG-1407-0060 Property Owner: Anol E. Garcia Applicant: Nancy Groves -Yellow Door Realty LLC(107 South Oak, Sanford,FL) Mr. Thomasmovedto approve theConditional Usefor a non-conforming siteto establish a baseball th training facilityat417 West 12Streetwith modified development standards subject to a Development Order with the conditions as recommended by staff.Mr.Millerseconded.Motion carried, 7-0. PH-3Holda Public Hearing to consider for a Conditional Use for Urban Infill Redevelopment for a proposed multi-family residential development in a MR-3, Multi-family residential zoning district at project address at 350 Olive Avenue. Application Number: CU21-000044 Tax Parcel Number: 25-19-30-5AG-0516-0000 Property Owner: Housing Authority of City of Sanford Applicant: Mark Romano-CPH, Inc. Representative: Ryan, Developer(1105 Kensington Park, Altamonte,FL) Mrs.Wilsonmoved toapprovethe Conditional Use for Urban Infill Redevelopment for a proposed 84 unit multi-family residential development at 350 Olive Avenue, subjectto a Development Order that includes the conditions recommended by staff.Mr. Millerseconded.Motion carried, 7-0. PH-4Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use at 1600 Southwest Road to establish single- Familyresidential uses in an RC-1, Restricted Commercial zoning district. Application Number: CU21-000046 Tax Parcel Number: 35-19-30-518-0400-0160 Property Owner: Sandra L. Newson Applicant: Rafael Gonzalez –Continental Investments Network Co. (400 N.New York Ave, Winterpark,FL) Mr. Millermovedto approvethe Conditional Use for Urban Infill request to establish five single family homes at 1600 Southwest Road withmodified development standards subject to a Development Order with the conditions as recommended by staff.Mr.Fiorentinoseconded. Motion carried, 7-0. Intermission 11:55AM Meeting Resume 12:00AM PH-5Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use to establish an accessory structure on a non- conforming site at 2508 Country Club Road in a GC-2, General Commercial zoning District. Application Number: CU21-000048 Tax Parcel Number: 35-19-30-5CH-0000-058A 3 Planning and Zoning Commission February 3, 2022Meeting Minutes PropertyOwner: Kitterman & Sons Trucking LLC Applicant: Maverick VonHerbulis –McKee Construction(717 Monroe Road, Sanford,FL) Maverick recused himself from this item due to being the applicant Citizen Participation: -Rick Roy (2300 Old Lake Mary Road, Sanford, FL): Stated he’s been living behind the building in question. He says about 8 -9 years ago, the old property owners built a storage structure 2 feet on the back of his property line without permits. The old owners also built a fence that’s on his property that is falling apart. When he tried to contact the prior property owner he was unable to get a response. When he contacted Seminole County, nothing was done about it. Mr. Millermovedto approvethe Conditional Use for Urban Infill Redevelopment to re-establish the nonconforming site at 2508 Country Club Road with modified development standards for a proposed wholesale distribution facility with indoor and outdoor storage of vehicles and materials subject to a Development Order with the conditions as recommended by staff.In addition, the rear yard setbackshall be a minimum of 2 feet of the rear yard setback. Moreover, the fence is to be set on the subject property.Mrs.Wilson seconded. Motion carried, 6-0. PH-6Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Variance to increase the maximum building height at 315 Harvest Time Drive. Application Number: VAR21-000033 Tax Parcel Number: 22-19-30-5AD-0000-001B, 22-19-30-5AD-0000-0020, 22-19-30-5AD- 0000-0040, 22-19-30-5AD-0000-0490, 22-19-30-5AD-0000-049A, 22-19-30-5AD-0000-049B, 22-19-30-5AD-0000-049E Property Owner: Scannell Properties 358, LLC Applicant: Gregory R. Crawford –Florida Engineering Group Inc. (5127 South Orange Avenue, Orlando FL) Mr. VonHerbulismovedto approvethe variance to increase the maximum building height from forty feet to sixty-five feet at 315 Harvest Time Drive subject to a Development Order that includes the conditions as recommended by staff, limited the variance request to building #4as depicted on the plan.Mr.Fiorentinoseconded. Motion carried, 7-0. PH-7Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for Urban infill to establish outdoor storage andmodified development standards at 2551 McCracken Road. Application Number: CU21-000040 Tax Parcel Number: 26-19-30-5AE-730B-0000 & 26-19-30-5AE-7300-0000 Property Owner: Karibu International LLC Applicant: Brooks Stickler –Kimley-Horn Representative: Kathryn (189 South Orange Avenue, Orlando FL) Maverick Von Herbulis and Zachary Miller disclosed that they had a conversation with the realtor on this property 4 Planning and Zoning Commission February 3, 2022Meeting Minutes Mrs. Wilsonmovedto approvethe Conditional Use request to establish Outdoor Storage on an RI-1, Restricted Industrial zoning district at 2551 McCracken Road and subject to a Development Order that includes the conditions recommended by staff.Mr. Millerseconded. Motion carried, 7-0. PH-8Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use to establish a two-family residential use th (duplex) at 1007 W. 7Street in a MR-2, Multiple Family Residential zoning district. Application Number: CU21-000034 Tax Parcel Number: 25-19-30-5AI-0913-0030 Property Owner: Rovira Group LLC Applicant: JuanRivera –Kon-Struck Builders Mr. Fiorentinomovedto approvethe request for a conditional use to construct a two-family th residential structure at 1007 West 7Street subject to a Development Order with the conditions as recommended by staff.Mr. Millerseconded. Motion carried, 7-0. Citizen Participation -None Staff Reports -Planning and Zoning Handbook Commissioners Reports -Lonnie informs board on the status on the Catalyst Site -Mayfair Hotelquestions and discussion Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 1:00PM. _______________________________________________ Chairman Mike Loader 5