HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_01.06.22 Planning and Zoning Commission January 6, 2022Meeting Minutes Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission January 6,2022-10 AM City Commission Chambers City Hall, Sanford, Florida Members Present Michael Loader, Chair Dominick Fiorentino III, Vice-Chair Victoria Wilson Derrick Thomas Zachary Miller Maverick Von Herbulis Robert Fonseca –Alternate Members Absent Ashlee Woodard Others Present Lonnie Groot, Assistant City Attorney Eileen Hinson, PlanningDirector Giuliana Pieras, AdministrativeCoordinator, Board Clerk Sarah Sheibenberger, Administrative Specialist I Miten Patel, Planner Darren Ebersole, Planner Mr. Loadercalled the meeting to order at 10:01 AM. Moment of Silence Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Mrs. Wilson excusedAshlee Woodard absence.Mr. Miller seconded.Motion carried 7-0. Minutes Mr.Fiorentinomoved to approvethe minutesfor the December 2, 2021meeting. Mrs.Wilsonseconded. Motion carried, 7-0. Public Hearing PH-1Hold a Public Hearing to consider aConditional Use to expand an existing church in an AG, Agriculture Zoning and to establish a Master Plan for future expansions at 3101 West 1st Street. Application Number: CU21-000032 1 Planning and Zoning Commission January 6, 2022Meeting Minutes Tax Parcel Number: 26-19-30-5AE-330A-0000 Property Owner: CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH OF SANFORD FL Applicant: Maverick Von Herbulis-McKee Construction (717 Monroe Road, Sanford FL) Maverick recused himself from this item due to beingthe applicant Mr. Millermoved to approvethe request for a Conditional Use to expand an existing church in an AG, Agriculture Zoning and to establish a Master Plan for future expansions at 3101 West 1st Street subject to a Development Order with the conditions as recommended by staff.Mr. Wilson seconded. Motion carried, 6-0. PH-2AHold a Public Hearing to consider a Rezone of a 0.42 acre parcel and a portion of a 0.83 acre parcel fromRI-1, Restricted Industrial to GC-2, General Commercial,at 600 French Avenue. Application Number: RZ21-000013 Tax Parcel Number: 25-19-30-5AG-0809-0000& 25-19-30-5AG-0811-0010 Property Owner: DOLPHIN ICE & WATER V LLC Applicant: John R. Keeler, PA –The Keeler Group (500 Elm Avenue, Sanford, FL) Mr. Von Herbulismovedtorecommend the City Commission approvethe request to rezone a 0.42 acre parcel of a 1.25 acre site from RI-1, Industrial to GC-2, General Commercialat project address 600 French Avenue.Mr.Fiorentinoseconded.Motion carried, 7-0. Derrick Thomas left the meetingat 10:52 AMdue to prior engagement PH-2BHold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use to establish an indoor non-hazardous manufacturing use on a 1.25 acre site at project address 600 French Avenue. Application Number: CU21-000005 Tax Parcel Number: 25-19-30-5AG-0809-0000 & 25-19-30-5AG-0811-0010 Property Owner: DOLPHIN ICE & WATER V LLC Applicant: John R. Keeler, PA –The Keeler Group (500 Elm Avenue, Sanford, FL) Mr. Fiorentinomovedto continue the item to the next meeting on February3, 2022. Mr. Miller seconded.Motion carried, 6-0. Intermission 11:26AM Meeting Resume 11:30AM PH-3AHold a Public Hearing to consider a Comprehensive Plan Amendment of approximately 2.39 acres from HIP-TI, High Intensity Planned Development –Target Industry (Seminole County) toWIC, st Westside Industry and Commerce (City) at project address 3831 W. 1Street. Application Number: CP21-000017 Tax Parcel Number: 28-19-30-506-0000-0130 Property Owner: Ethel M. Bullard, Ruth M. Parker & Rodney G. Bullard Applicant: Michael Wojtuniak –Engineered Permits INC. (311 S. Woodland Blvd., Deland, FL) 2 Planning and Zoning Commission January 6, 2022Meeting Minutes Mr. Fiorentinomovedtorecommend the City Commission approve the Small Scale st Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change 2.39 acres at 3831 West 1Street from HIP-TI, High Intensity Planned Development Target Industry (County) to WIC, Westside Industry and Commerce (City).Mr.Von Herbulisseconded. Motion carried, 6-0. PH-3BHold a Public Hearing to consider a Rezone for 2.39 acres from A-1, Agriculture (Seminole st County) to PD, Planned Development (City) at project address 3831 W. 1Street. Application Number: RZ21-000014 Tax Parcel Number: 28-19-30-506-0000-0130 Property Owner: Ethel M. Bullard, Ruth M. Parker & Rodney G. Bullard Applicant:Michael Wojtuniak –Engineered Permits INC.(311 S. Woodland Blvd., Deland, FL) Mr. Firentinomoved to recommendthe City Commission adopt an ordinance to rezone approximately 2.39acres from A-1, Agriculture (Seminole County)to PD, Planned Development st for the proposed Oyster Bay Carwash at project address 3831 West 1Street, based on consistency with the goals, objectives and policies of the City’s Comprehensive Planas recommended by staff and subject to a development orderthat includes all recommended conditions and standards.Mr. Millerseconded. Motion carried, 6-0. PH-4AHold a Public Hearing to consider a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from SE, Suburban Estates (County) to LDR, Low Density Residential (City) at 3700 Kentucky Street. Application Number: CP21-000016 Tax Parcel Number(s): 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0880, 03-20-31-5AY-0000-087B, 03-20-31-5AY- 0000-088A Property Owner: Alan H. Herbst, James T. Murdaugh, Sara Murdaugh,Bernard &Tamara McPherson Applicant: Israel De La Rosa –Appian Engineering LLC Representative: Major Stacey(221 Lee Road, Winter Park, FL) Mrs.Wilsonmoved to recommend the City Commission approvethe Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment amending the land use of approximately 11.29 acres from (SE) Suburban Estates (County) to (LDRSF) Low Density Residential –Single Family (City) at project address3700 Kentucky Street.Mr.Millerseconded. Motion carried, 6-0. PH-4BHold a Public Hearing to Rezone and Amend the Kentucky Square PD by adding 11.29 acres for a total of 51.02 acres for a mixed-use commercial and residential project at 3700 Kentucky Street. Application Number: PDR21-000011 Tax Parcel Number(s): 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0580, 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0850, 03-20-31-5AY- 0000-0870 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0880, 03-20-31-5AY-0000-087B, & 03-20-31-5AY-0000-088A Property Owner: Bernard and Tamara McPherson, Alan H. Herbst, James T. Murdaugh, Sara Murdaugh, HFB KENTUCKY SQUARE LLC Applicant: Israel De La Rosa –Appian Engineering LLC. Representative: Major Staceyand Ben Snider (221 Lee Road, Winter Park, FL) 3 Planning and Zoning Commission January 6, 2022Meeting Minutes Citizen Participation: -Bret Canada (3710 Kentucky Street, Sanford, FL): Stated his concerns on the impact of increase traffic, flood concerns, and construction issue in the area. He also stated the loss of privacy with this project. Moreover, heinquired the status on the Oak tree on lot 128. -Robert Hunter (3730 Kentucky Street, Sanford, FL): he stated his concerns on flood, drainage issues, and traffic problems in the area. Moreover, question about the railroad right of way on lot 66. -Sean Canada (3710Kentucky Street, Sanford, FL):Question about the boundary lines and stated that the two-story construction by his property will affect his garden. Staff advised the boardthat the follow conditions are no longer beingconsidered for this item: #8: Fence and landscape buffer with trees shall be provided on the east side of Parcel 1 as it is required on Parcels 2 and 3. #9: The fill used during the implementation of the development on the PD site shall be of a grade no more than 12% passing the number 200 slope. #10: Single-Family detached shall comply with the following design standards: a.Gutters shall be required on residential structures on lots with less than 7.5 foot side yard setbacks. b.House plans shall have a variety of architecture and character, such as alternating roof lines, window patterns, and entrances. Building shall include articulation along the facades facing and visible from public rights-of-way. Flat blank walls are discouraged. At least two of the following methods shall be included: i.Distinctive roof forms; ii.Changes in materials; iii.Window patterns; iv.Recesses/offsets. c. Neighborhood Park –Neighborhood parks shall have a direct connection to the pedestrian system and include a tot lot, gazebo, fitness station, rest station or similar recreation amenity. Neighborhood parks shall not be located within areas designated for drainage, storm water management or other utility purposes and shall be installed then owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association. i.Dog stations shall be located along walking trail. ii.Large specimen tree on Parcel 1 shall be protected and recreational/park amenities shall be incorporated in area. d.Decorative Paving –Decorative pavers or other decorative hardscape elements deemed acceptable by the City Commission shall be provided at the development entrances and incorporated into recreation areas. Mr. Von Herbulis movedtorecommend the City Commission approve amending the Kentucky Square PD to add 11.29 acres for a total of 51.02 acres for a mixed-use commercial and residential project at project address 3700 KentuckyStreet subject to theconditions recommended by staff. SpecificallyincludingCondition #6,stating thatall adjacent residential structure will be single story, explicitly lot 128 to 138. 4 Planning and Zoning Commission January 6, 2022Meeting Minutes Mr. Millerseconded. Motion carried, 6-0. Assistant City Attorney, Lonnie Groot, left the meeting at 1:05 PM PH-5AHold a Public Hearing to consider a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from HIP-IT, High Intensity Planned Development (County) to HI, High Intensity (City) on 3.43 acres located at 2461 Cherry Laurel Drive. Application Number: CP21-000018 Tax Parcel Number: 32-19-30-301-008E-0000 Property Owner: SPACEBOX SANFORD LLC Applicant: Javier Omana –CPH, INC(1117 E. Robinson Street, Orlando, FL) Mr. Fiorentino movedto recommendthe City Commission approve the Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change 3.35acres at 2461 Cherry Laurel Drive from HIPTI, High Intensity Planned Development Target Industry(Seminole County) to HI, High Intensity I- 4(City of Sanford).Mr. Miller seconded. Motion carried, 6-0. PH-5BHold a Public Hearing to consider a PD, Planned Development Rezone of 3.43 acres located at 2461 Cherry Laurel Drive. Application Number: PDR21-000013 Tax Parcel Number: 32-19-30-301-008E-0000 Property Owner: SPACEBOX SANFORD LLC Applicant: Javier Omana–CPH, INC (1117 E. Robinson Street, Orlando, FL) Mr. Fiorentino movedto recommend that the City Commission adopt an ordinance to rezone approximately 3.35 acres from the Cherry Center PDto the Spacebox Self-StoragePD at 2461 Cherry Laurel Drive basedon consistency with the goals, objectives and policies of the City’s Comprehensive Plan as recommended by staff and subject to a development order that includes all recommended conditions and standards.Mr. Miller seconded. Motion carried, 6-0. Citizen Participation -None Staff Reports -Introduce Planning & Zoning new staff member: Sarah Sheibenberger Commissioners Reports -None Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 1:19PM. _______________________________________________ Chairman Mike Loader 5