HomeMy WebLinkAbout771 (also see Ord 362)ORDINANCE NO. :Z Z ZONING ORDINANCE City of Sanford Sanford, Florida AN ORDINANCE AiMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 362 OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, SAID ORDINANCE BEING ADOPTED DECEMBER 26, 1944, AND ENTITLED "OFFICIAL ZONING PLAN ORDINANCE10, AS AMENDED, BEING A COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROMOTING HEALTH, SAFETY, MORALS AND THE GENERAL WELFARE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REGULATING AND RESTRICTING THE USE OF LAND AND THE USE AND LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES, REGULATING AND RESTRICTING THE HEIGHT AND BULK OF BUILDINGS, NUMBER OF STORIES OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES, THE PERCENTAGE OF LOT AREA THAT MAY BE OCCUPIED, THE SIZE OF YARD, COURTS AND OTHER OPEN SPACES SURROUNDING THEM; REGULATING AND RE- STRICTING THE DENSITY OF POPULATION, AND THE LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND LAND FOR TRADE, INDUSTRY, RESIDENCE CR OTHER PURPOSES; DIVIDING THE CITY OF SAN_._:`1__'12D INTO DISTRICTS FOR SUCH PURPOSES; ADOPTING MAPS OF SAID CITY SHOWING BOUNDARIES AND CLASSIFICATION OF SUCH DISTRICTS; ESTABLISHING A ZONE COMMISSION; ESTALLISHING A EOARD OF ZONE ADJUSTMENT; PROVIDING THE DUTIES AND PURPOSES OF SUCH COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS; REGULATING AND RESTRICTING OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING; PROVIDING FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AND APPLICATIONS THEREFORE; PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT AND AMENDMENT THERECF; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN C01ITLICT HEREWITH; AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR TILE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. BE IT ENACTED 2. TUZ. PEC- LE OF _TILE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: Ordinance 362 of the City of Sanford, Florida, as amended be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: ARTICLE I. Ger.:e-ra1 SECTION 1. BASIS FORR_FOULA_TIONS AND REQUIREMENTS HEREIN RFT FC TIi The regulations and -requirements herein set forth have been made in accordance with a comprehensive plan, with reasonable con- sideration, among other things, to the prevailing land uses, growth characteristics and the character of the respective districts and their peculiar use of land throughout the city. SECTION 2. INTERPRETATION, PURPOSE, AND CONFLICT In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this ordinance shall be the minimum requirements for the promotion of public health, safety, convenience, comfort, morals, prosperity and general welfare; to conserve the taxable value of land and buildings and to protect the character and maintain the stability of residential, business and industrial areas within the city and to promote the orderly and beneficial development of such areas. Among other purposes, such provisions are intended to provide adequate light, air, privacy and convenience of access to property; to avoid undue concentration of population by regu- lating and Limiting the height and bulk of buildings and structures; the size of open spdces s%rrottnding buildings; to establish building lines; to divide the city into districts restricting and regulating therein the construction, reconstruction, alteration and use of buildings, structures and land for residence, business, industry and other specified uses and to limit congestion in public streets by providing off-street parking of motor vehicles and to define the powers and duties of the administrative officers and Board of Adjustment as provided herein. It is not intended by this ordinance to interfere with or abrogate or annul any ordinance, rules, regulations, or permits previously adopted or issued, and not in conflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance, or which shall be adopted or issued pursuant to law relating to the use of buildings or premises, and likewise not in conflict with this ordinance; nor is it intended by this ordinance to interfere with or aborgate or annul any ease- ments between parties, except that, if this ordinance imposes a greater restriction, this ordinance shall control. SECTION 3. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this ordinance, certain terms and words are hereby defined. Words in the present tense include the future; the singular number shall include the plural and the plural, the singular; the word `°building9P shall include the word "structure" and the word "lot" shall include the word "plot" or "parcel" and the word 4°usedi° or "occupied" as applied to any land or building shall be construed to include the words "intended, arranged or designed to be used or occupied". (1) ACCESSORY. A building or use customarily incidental and subordinate to the principal use or building and located on the same lot or parcel of land with such principal building or use. IW•E (2) ADVERTISING STRUCTURE. Any structure of any kind or character erected or maintained for outdoor advertising purposes, upon which any outdoor advertising sign may be placed. (3) ALLEY. A permanent public service way which affords a secondary means of access to the properties abutting thereon. (4) APARTMENT HOUSE. See Multiple Family Dwelling. (5) BASEMENT. A basement shall mean a portion of a building located partly underground, but having less than one-half (2) its clear floor -to -ceiling height below the average grade of the ground. A basement shall be counted as a story if subdivided and used for dwelling or business purposes. (6) BOARDING OR LODGING HOUSE. A dwelling other than a hotel having one kitchen and used for the purpose of providing meals or lodging or both for compensation to persons other than members of the family occupying such dwelling. (7) BUILDING. Any structure shelter or protection of persons, any kind. designed or built for the support, animals, chattels or property of (8) BUILDING, HEIGHT OF. The vertical distance from the grade to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof or to the mean height level between eaves and ridge for gable, hip or gambrel roofs. Where no grade has been established, the height of the building may be measured from the mean elevation of the finished lot at the front of the building. (9) BUNGALOW COURT. A group of two or more detached buildings under one ownership and management and being serviced as a group by public utilities, each individual building consisting of complete living accommodations for one family. (10) CLINIC. A clinic is an establishment where patients, who are not lodged overnight, are admitted for examination and treatment by one person or group of persons practicing any form of healing or health building services to individuals, whether such persons be medical doctors, chiropractors, osteopaths, chiropodists, naturopaths, optometrists, dentists or any such profession the practice of which is lawful in the State of Florida. (11) CLUB. Buildings and facilities owned and operated by a corporation or association of persons for social or recreational purposes, but not operated primarily for profit or to render a service which is customarily carried on as a business. -3- (12) DI -TELLING. A building or portion thereof, designed or used exclusively for residential occupany but not including hotels, lodging houses, motels or mobile homes. (13) DWELLING, ONE FAMILY. A building designed for or occupied exclusively by one family. (14) DT -TE- LLINIG, TWO FAMILY. (DUPLEX) . A building designed for or occupied exclusively by two families, with separate housekeeping or cooking facilities for each family. (15) DT -TELLING, MULTIPLE FAMILY. A building designed for or occupied exclusively by three or more families, with separate housekeeping and cooking facilities for each family. (16) FAMILY. One or more persons living together as a single housekeeping unit, as distinguished from a group occupying a boarding house, lodging house, club, fraternity or hotel. (17) FILLING STATION. See service station. (18) GARAGE APARTMENT. An accessory building, not a part of or attached to the main building, a portion of which contains living quarters for not more than (1) family and an enclosed space for at least one automobile. (19) GARAGE, PRIVATE. An accessory building or a portion of the principal building, used for storage of automobiles of the occupants of the principal building; a carport is a private garage. (20) GARAGE, PUBLIC. A garage other than a private garage, available to the public, operated for gain, and which is used for storage, repair, rental, greasing, washing, servicing, adjusting or equipping of automobiles or other vehicles. (21) GARAGE, STORAGE. A building or operation thereof designed or used exclusively for the storage or parking of automobiles. Services other than storage at such storage garage shall be limited to refueling, washing, waxing and polishing. (22) GUEST (TOURIST) HOME. A private dwelling in which transient sleeping accommodations are provided for compensation, especially motor tourists or travelers. (23) HOME OCCUPATION. Any occupation, business or professional service conducted entirely within a dwelling and carried on by an occupant thereof, which use is clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes and does not change the character thereof (See Article 11). -4- (24.) HOTEL. A building or other structure kept, used, or maintained and advertised as or held out to the public to be a place where sleeping accommodations are supplied for pay, catering primarily to transient guests, in which ten or more rooms are furnished for the accommodation of such guests, and having or not having one or more dining rooms, restaurants or cafes where meals are served to transient or other guests; such sleeping accommodations and dining rooms, restaurants and cafes, if existing, being conducted in the same building or accessory buildings in connection therwith. (25) JUNK YARD. An open area where waste, used or secondhand materials are bought, sold, exchanged, stored, baled, packed, dis- assembled, or handled, including but not limited to scrap iron and other metals, cloths, paper, rags, plubming fixtures, rubber tires and bottles. A junk yard includes an automobile wrecking yard. (26) KENNEL. A place where dogs and other small animals and pets are kept, sheltered and boarded for compensation. It may be equipped with fenced pens and runs. (27) LAUNDRY, SELF-SERVICE. A business that provides home -type washing, drying and/or machines for hire to be used by customers on the premises. (28) LOT. A parcel of land occupied or intended for occupancy by a use permitted in this ordinance including one principal building together with its accessory buildings, the yard areas and parking spaces required by this ordinance and having its principal frontage upon a publicly -owned or maintained street or upon an approved place. When a bungalow court is being considered, a lot shall refer to a parcel of land devoted to the individual buildings in such a bungalow court. (29) LOT, CORNER. A parcel of land at the junction of and abutting on two or more intersecting streets. (30) LOT, DEPTH. The depth of a lot is the distance measured in a mean direction of the side lines of the lot from the mid -point of the front line to the mid -point of the opposite rear line of the lot. (31) LOT, FRONTAGE. The horizontal distance measured along the narrow width of a lot abutting a street right-of-way. (32) LOT, INTERIOR. A lot other than a corner lot. (33) LOT OF RECORD. A lot which is a part of a subdivision, the plat of which has been recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Seminole County, Florida; or a parcel of land, the deed of which was recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Seminole County, Florida, on or before the effective date of this ordinance. _S_ (34) LOT, THROUGH. An interior lot having frontage on two parallel or approximately parallel streets. (35) LOT, WIDTH. The mean horizontal distance between the side lot lines, measured at -right angles to the depth. (36) MOTEL. A building or groups of buildings, whether de- tached or in connected units, used as individual sleeping or dwelling units designed primarily for transient automovile travelers, and providing for accessory off-street parking facilities adjacent to each unit and having individual unit entrances, opening to the outside. The term "motel" includes buildings designated as auto courts, tourist courts, motor lodges and similar appellations. (37) NONCONFORMING USE. A use, structure, or land lawfully occupied by a use that does not conform to the use regulations of the district in which it is located. (38) NURSING (CONVALESCENT) HOME. A home for the aged, chronically ill or incurable persons in which three or more persons not of the immediate family are received, kept or provided for with food and shelter or care for compensation; but not including hospitals, clinics or similar institutions devoted primarily to the diagnosis and treatment of the sick or injured. (39) SERVICE STATION. Any building, structure or land used for dispensing, sale or offering for sale at retail of any automobile fuels, oils or accessories and in connection with which is performed general automotive servicing as distinguished from automotive repairs. (40) STORY. That portion of a building, other than a basement, including between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it, or, if there be no floor above it, then the space between the floor and the ceiling next above it. (41) STORY, HALF. A space under a sloping roof which has the line of intersection of the roof decking and wall face not more than three (3) feet above the top floor level, and in which space not more than two-thirds of the floor area is finished off for use. A half story containing independent apartment or living quarters shall be counted as a full story. (42) STREET. A public or private thorofare which affords the principal means of access to abutting property. This includes lane, pace, way or other means of ingress or egress regardless of the term used to designate. (43) STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE. The dividing line between a lot, tract or parcel of land and a contiguous street. -6- (44) STRUCTURE. Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires a permanent location on the ground or attached to something having a permanent location on the ground, including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, advertising signs, billboards and poster panels. (45) STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS. Any change except for repair or replacement, in the supporting members of a building, such as being walls or partitions, columns, beams, or girders, or any substantial change in the roof or in interior walls. (46) TRAILER. Any so-called house trailer or mobile home and other similar objects, which are designed for use as a place of abode, by one or more persons, both temporary and permanent, irrespective of whether they are actually used for such purpose. (47) TRAILER PARK. A duly licensed camp, park or other area established to carry on the business of parking or otherwise servicing trailers or mobile homes. (48) USED CAR SALES LOT. A lot or group of contiguous lots, used for the display and sale of used automobiles and where no repair work is done except the necessary washing, polishing of the cars to be displayed and sold on the premises. (49) YARD. An open space at grade between a building and the adjoining lot lines, unoccupied and unobstructed by any portion of the structure from the ground upward, except as otherwise provided herein. In measuring a yard for the purpose of determining the width of a side yard, the depth of a front or -rear yard, the minimum horizontal distance between the lot line and the principal building shall be used. (50) YARD, FRONT. A yard extending across the front of a lot between the side lot lines and being the minimum horizontal distance between the front lot line and the principal building. (51) YARD, REAR. A yard extending across the rear of a lot between the side lot lines and being the minimum horizontal distance between the rear lot line and the principal building. On both corner and interior lots the rear yard shall in all cases be at the opposite end of the front yard. (52) YARD, SIDE. A yard extending from the front yard to the rear yard and being the minimum horizontal distance from the side lot line to the principal building. -7- ARTICLE II ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS AND BOUNDARIES THEREON, AND PLACING RESTRICTIONS UPON LANDS, BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES SECTION 1. ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS In order to classify, regulate, and restrict the location of trades and industries, and the location of buildings, designed for specific uses; to regulate and limit the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; to regulate and limit the intensity of the use of lot areas, and to regulate and determine the area of yards, courts, and other open spaces within and surrounding such buildings, the City of Sanford, Florida, is hereby divided into eleven (11) "Districts" designated as follows: The above tabulation, for purposes of this ordinance, is arranged from Districts of higher classifications to those of lower classi- fications. MINIMUM MINIMUM LOT LOT AREA WIDTH R-lAA One Family Dwelling District 10,000 sq.ft. 85 ft. R-lA. One Family Dwelling District 7,500 60 R-1 One Family Dwelling District 5,000 50 R-2 One and Two Family Dwelling District - One Family 5,000 50 Two Family 7,500 75 R-3 Multiple Family Dwelling District - One Family 5,000 50 Two Family 7,500 75 R-4 One Family Dwelling District 5,000 50 R-5 One and Two Family Dwelling District - One Family 5,000 50 Two Family 6,000 60 R-6 Multiple Family Dwelling District One Family 4,000 40 Two Family 5,000 50 C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District C-2 General Commercial District M-1 Light Industrial District The above tabulation, for purposes of this ordinance, is arranged from Districts of higher classifications to those of lower classi- fications. DISTRICT BOUNDARIES ON ZONING MIAP: The aforesaid districts and boundaries established upon a map entitled "The Zoning Map of the City of Sanford, Florida" on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida. The said zoning map of the City of Sanford, Florida, and all the notations, references, and other matters set forth thereon shall be as much a part of this ordinance as if such information set forth on such map were all fully described and set out herein. All territory which may hereafter be annexed to the City of Sanford shall be automatically classified as being within the R-lAA District until such classification shall have been changed by an amendment as provided by law. Whenever any street, alley, or other public way is vacated by official action of the City Commission, the Zoning Districts adjoining each side of such street, alley or public way shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation and all area included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all appropriate regulations of the extended districts. 3-A Where uncertainty exists as to boundaries of any district shown on said map the following rules shall apply: (1) Where district boundaries are indicated as approxi- mately following street lines, alley lines or lot lines, the center line of such street, alley, or lot lines shall be construed to be such boundaries. (2) Where district boundaries are so indicated that they approximately follow the lot lines, such lot lines shall be construed to be said boundaries. (3) In unsubdivided property or where a district boundary divides a lot, the location of such boundary, unless the same is indicated by dimensions, shall be determined by use of the scale appearing on the map. (4) In case any further uncertainty exists, the City Commission shall interpret the intent of the map as to location of such boundaries. (5) All areas within the corporate limits of the City which are under water and not shown as included within any district shall be subject to all of the regulations of the district which immediately adjoins the water area. If the water area adjoins two or more districts the boundaries of each district shall be construed to extend into the water area in a straight line until they meet the other district. SECTION 2. RESTRICTIONS UPON LANDS, BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. Except as hereinafter provided: (A) Height. No structure or building shall be erected, nor shall any existing building be moved, reconditioned or structur- ally altered so as to exceed in height the limit established in this ordinance,_ or amendments thereto, for the district in which such building or structure is located. (B) Use. No building or structure shall be erected and no existing building shall be moved, altered, added to or enlarged, nor shall any land, building structure or premises be used, designed or intended to be used for any purpose or in any manner other than a use designated in this ordinance, or amendments thereto, as permitted in the district in which such land, build- ing, structure or premises is or are located. (C) Percentage of Lot Occupancy: No building or structure shall be erected nor shall any existing building or structure be moved, altered, enlarged or rebuilt, nor shall any open space surrounding any building or structure be encroached upon or re- duced in any manner, except in conformity with the building site area, 1st floor area, lot coverage, yard and parking requirements and regulations established by this ordinance or amendments there- to, here-to, for the district in which such building or structure is located. - 9 - NOTE: This paragraph shall in no way prohibit any addition to an existing building provided the new addition meets the yard requirements. (D) Open space Use Limitation: No yard or other open space provided about any building or structure for the purpose of complying with the regulations of this ordinance, or amendments thereto, shall be considered as providing a yard or open space for any building or structure. (E) Required lot and occupancy: Every building or structure hereafter erected shall be located on a lot or tract as defined herein; and in no case shall there be more than one main building and customary accessory buildings on one lot. - 10 -- ARTICLE III. R-lAA AND R -1A ONE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT The lands included within R -IAA and R-lA One Family Dwelling Districts are developed predominately with single family dwellings on lots of generous area. The districts are designed to preserve and protect the single family characteristic. SECTION 1. USES PERMITTED. Uithin any R-lAA and R-lA One Family Dwelling District, no building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one or more of the following uses: (1) Single family dwelling. (2) Accessory uses incidental to each single family dwelling when placed on the same lot or parcel of land and not used or operated commercially, including: (a) Private garage. (b) Shed for housing domestic animals. (c) Children's playhouse. (d) Greenhouse. (e) Tool shed or workshop. (f) Servants quarters. (g) Swimming pools. (3) Public recreational areas and facilities. (4) Elementary schools. SECTION 2. CONDITIONAL USES. (1) NO CONDITIONAL USES shall be allowed or granted in R-lAA One Family Dwelling Districts. (2) In R -1A One Family Dwelling Districts Conditional Uses may be granted as follows: When after review of an application and plans appurtenant thereto and hearing thereon, the Planning Board finds as a fact that the proposed use or uses are consistent with the general zoning plan of the City of Sanford, and with the public interest, the following may be recommended to the City Commission as per- mitted uses in the R-lA One Family Dwelling Districts: (a) Public schools, nursery schools and kindergartens. (b) Libraries, community center buildings, public museums. (c) Churches and their attendant educational and recre- ational facilities. (d) Off-street parking as provided in SECTION 7. of ARTICLE XVII. Any review of an application or plan shall consider the character of the neighborhood in which the proposed use is to be located and the effect of the proposed development on the value of surrounding lands, and further, a consideration of site area as it relates particularly to the required open spaces and off-street parking facilities. SECTION 3. BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No building or structure shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet or two and one-half stories in height, unless otherwise provided herein. SECTION 4. BUILDING SITE AREA REQUIRED. Each single family dwelling shall be located on a lot or parcel of land having an eara of not less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet in an R-lAA One Family Dwelling District and seven thousand five -hundred (7,500) square feet in an R-lA District and said lots or parcels of land shall be minimum widths of 85 feet and 60 feet respectively, at the building line. Where a lot or parcel of land has an area or width less than that above and was a lot of record at the time of the adoption of this ordinance, said lot may be used for a single family dwelling provided the minimum yard requirements as set forth herein are conformed with. SECTION 5. YARD REGULATIONS. 1. FRONT YARD: There shall be a front yard of not less than twenty-five (25) feet in depth. (a) On through lots with frontage on two streets, the required front yards shall be provided on both streets. 2. REAR YARD: There shall be a rear yard not less than twenty-five feet in depth. 3. SIDE YARDS: There shall be side yards on each side of every dwelling of not less than ten (10) feet in the R-lAA District and seven and one-half (72) feet in the R-lA District. - 12 - 4. CORNER LOTS: On corner lots, the side adjacent to the interior of the block shall have a side yard as re- quired above. The side adjacent to the street shall have a side yard of at least 25% of the lot frontage and shall in no case be less than 122 feet and need not be greater than the front yard requirement. No accessory building may project toward the street side closer than the principal building line as established above. SECTION 6. LOT COVERAGE. Forty per cent of the lot area is the maximum which may be covered by the principal and accessory buildings or structures located thereon. SECTION 7. PARKING REGULATIONS. See Article XVII SECTION 8. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR AREA REQUIREMENTS. See Article XVI SECTION 9. OCCUPANCY. See Article X , Section 1. - 13 - ARTICLE IV. R-1 ONE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT SECTION 1. USES PERMITTED. Within any R-1 One Family Dwelling District, no building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one or more of the following uses: (1) Any use permitted in the R-lAA and R-lA One Family Dwelling Districts. (2) Home Occupations as defined in Article I, Section 3, Paragrpah 23, and further defined and regulated under Article XV.. (3) Churches with their attendant educational and recre- ational buildings and facilities. (4) Schools, elementary, junior and senior high, nursery schools and kindergartens, and private schools, except correctional institutions. (5) Libraries, community centers and buildings used exclusively by federal, state, county or city government for public purposes. (6) Parks, recreation facilities, playgrounds owned and operated by the City of Sanford. SECTION 2. CONDITIONAL USES. When, after review of an application and plans appurtenant thereto and hearing thereon, the Planning Board finds as a fact that the proposed use or uses are consistent with the general zoning plan of the City of Sanford, and with the public interest, the following may be considered and determined as a permitted use in the R-1, One Family Dwelling District. (a) Public Utility Substations. Any review of an application or plan shall consider the character of the neighborhood in which the proposed use is to be located and the effect of the proposed development on the value of the surrounding lands, and further, a consideration of site area as it relates particularly to the required open spaces and off-street parking facilities. SECTION 3. BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No building or structure shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height, unless otherwise provided herein. SECTION 4. BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS. Each single family dwelling shall be located on a lot or parcel of land having an area of not less than five thousand (5,000) square feet and a width of not less than fifty (50) feet, at the building line. Where a lot or parcel of land has an area or width less than the above and was a lot of record at the time of the adoption of this ordinance, said lot may be used for a single family dwelling provided the minimum yard requirements for the district as herein set forth are conformed with. SECTION 5. YARD REGULATIONS. 1. FRONT YARD: Same as for the R -IA District. 2. REAR YARD: Same as for the R-lA District. 3. SIDE YARD: There shall be a side yard on each side of every dwelling of not less than 72 feet. 4. CORNER LOTS: Same as for the R-lA District. SECTION 6. LOT COVERAGE. Same as for the R -1A District. SECTION 7. OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS. See Article XVII SECTION 8. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR AREA REQUIREMENTS. See Article XVI SECTION 9. OCCUPANCY See Article X Section 1. -15 - ARTICLE V. R-2 ONE AND TWO FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT SECTION 1. USES PERMITTED. Within any R-2 One and Two Family Dwelling District, no building, structure, land or water may be used except for one or more of the following uses: (1) Any use permitted in the R-1 One Family Dwelling District. (2) One and Two Family dwellings including their customary accessory uses. (3) One family garage apartment permitted provided the principal structure is a one family dwelling unit. SECTION 2. BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS. Same as for the R-1 District. SECTION 3. BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS. (1) For single family dwellings, same as for the R-1 Single Family Dwelling District. (2) Each two family dwelling shall be located on a lot or parcel of land having an area of not less than seven thousand five -hundred (7,500) square feet and a width of not less than seventy-five (75) feet. Where a lot or parcel of land has an area or width less than that above and was a lot of record at the time of the adoption of this ordinance, said lot may be used for a single family dwelling provoded the minimum yard requirements as set forth herein are conformed with. SECTION 4. FRONT, REAR, SIDE AND CORNER LOT REGULATIONS. Same as for R-1 Single Family Dwelling District. SECTION 5. LOT COVERAGE. Same as for R-1 Single Family Dwelling District. SECTION 6. OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS. See Article XVII - 16 - SECTION 7. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR AREA REQUIREMENTS. See Article XVI SECTION 8. OCCUPANCY. See Article X. Section 1. - 17 - ARTICLE VI R-3 MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT SECTION 1. USES PERMITTED. Within any R-3 Multiple Family Dwelling District, no building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one or more of the following uses: (1) Any use permitted in the R-2 District. (2) Multiple family dwellings. (3) Apartment Hotels. (4) Boarding houses and lodging houses. (5) Guest homes and tourist homes. (6) Accessory buildings and uses cutomarily incident to any of the above uses when located on the same lot but not involving the conduct of a business. (7) Private clubs and lodges, except such clubs and lodges the chief activity of which is customarily carried on as a business for gain. (8) Medical, dental, architectural, legal and engineering clinics or offices only. (9) Prescription Pharmacy when a part of a clinic. (10) Day nurseries. (11) Nursing, convalescent homes. (12) Hospitals, but no animal hospitals, mental or alcoholic institutions. SECTION 2. BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No building shall exceed forty-five (45) feet in height. SECTION 3. BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS. The site area requirements in the R-3 Multiple Family Dwelling District shall be: 1. For one family dwellings, same as for the R-1 Single Family District. 2. For two family dcyellings, same as for the R-2 One and Two Family Dwelling Districts. 3. For each dwelling unit in excess of two (2) added to the structure on the first and second floor, additional lot area shall be provided for each of such dwelling units added based on the following: (a) One thousand seven -hundred (1,700) additional square feet for each one bedroom dwelling unit. (b) T�•,o thousand (2,000) additional sq. feet for each two or more bedroom units. - 1R - 4. For each dwelling unit added to the structure above the second floor, one thousand (1,000) square feet of lot area shall be provided for each of such dwelling units added. 5. For structure accommodating an excess of four (4) dwelling units, the minimum width of lot or parcel of land shall be eighty-five (85) feet. SECTION 4. YARD REGULATIONS. 1. For one and two family dwellings, the front, rear and side yards shall be the same as in the R-2 One and Two Family Dwelling District. 2. For Multiple Family Dwellings, the following front, rear and side yards shall be observed: (a) A front yard of not less than twenty (20) feet measured from the front lot line to the front wall of the building. (b) Side yards of at least ten (10) feet shall be provided, however for a building more than thirty-five (35) feet in height, one foot shall be added to the yard for each story added. (c) A rear yard of at least twenty (20) feet shall be provided. 3. Corner Lots: Same as for the R-lA District. SECTION 5. LOT COVERAGE. Fifty (50) per cent of the lot area is the maximum which may be covered by the principal and accessory buildings or structures located thereon. SECTION 6. OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS. See Article XVII SECTION 7. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR AREA REQUIREMENTS. See Article XVI SECTION 8. OCCUPANCY. See Article X Section 1. - 19 - ARTICLE VII. R-4 ONE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT SECTION 1. USES PERMITTED. Within any R-4 One Family Dwelling District, no building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one or more of the following uses: (1) Any use permitted in the R-1AA and R-lA One Family Dwelling Districts. (2) Home Occupations as defined in Article I, Section 3, Paragraph 23, and further defined and regulated under Article XV. (3) Churches with their attendant educational and recrea- tional buildings and facilities. (4) Schools, elementary, junior and senior high, nursery schools and kindergartens, and private schools, ex- cept correctional institutions. (5) Libraries, community centers and buildings used ex- clusively by federal, state, county or city government for public purposes. (6) Parks, recreation facilities, playgrounds owned and operated by the City of Sanford. SECTION 2. CONDITIONAL USES. When, after review of an application and plans appurtenant thereto and hearing thereon, the Planning Board finds as a fact that the proposed use or uses are consistent with the general zoning plan of the City of Sanford, and with the public interest, the following may be considered and determined as a permitted use in the R-4, One Family Dwelling District. (a) Public Utility Substations. Any review of an application or plan shall consider the character of the neighborhood in which the proposed use is to be located and the effect of the proposed development on the value of the surrounding lands, and further, a consideration of site area as it relates par- ticularly to the required open spaces and off-street parking facilities. - 20 - SECTION 3. BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No building or structure shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height, unless otherwise provided herein. SECTION 4. BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS. Each single family dwelling shall be located on a lot or parcel of land having an area of not less than five thousand (5,000) square feet and a width of not less than fifty (50) feet, at the building line. Where a lot or parcel of land has an area or width less than the above and was a lot of record at the time of the adoption of this ordinance, said lot may be used for a single family dwelling provided the minimum yard requirements for the district as herein set forth are conformed with. SECTION 5. YARD REGULATIONS. 1. FRONT YARD: Same as for the R-lA District. 2. REAR YARD: Same as for the R-lA District. 3. SIDE YARD: There shall be a side yard on each side of every dwelling of not less than 72 feet. 4. CORNER LOTS: Same as for the R -1A District. SECTION 6. LOT COVERAGE. Same as for the R-lA District. SECTION 7. OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS. See Article XVII SECTION 8. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR AREA REQUIREMENTS. See Article XVI SECTION 9. OCCUPANCY. See Article X Section 2. - 21 - ARTICLE VIII R-5 ONE AND TWO FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT SECTION 1. USES PERMITTED. Within Any R-5 One and Two Family Dwelling District, no building, structure, land or water may be used except for one or more of the following uses: (1) Any use permitted in the R-1 One Family Dwelling District. (2) One and Two Family dwellings including their customary accessory uses. (3) One family garage apartment permitted provided the principal structure is a one family dwelling unit. SECTION 2. BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS. Same as for the R-1 District. SECTION 3. BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS. (1) For single family dwellings, same as for the R-1 Single Family Dwelling District. (2) Each two family dwelling shall be located on a lot or parcel of land having an area of not less than seven thousand five -hundred (7,500) square feet and a width of not less than seventy-five (75) feet. Where a lot or parcel of land has an area or width less than that above and was a lot of record at the time of the adoption of this ordinance, said lot may be used for a single family dwelling provided the minimum yard requirements as set forth herein are con- formed with. SECTION 4. FRONT, REAR, SIDE AND CORNER LOT REGULATIONS. Same as for R-1 Single Family Dwelling District. SECTION 5. LOT COVERAGE. Same as for R-1 Single Family Dwelling District. - 22 - SECTION 6. OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS. See Article XVII SECTION 7. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR AREA REQUIREMENTS. See Article XVI SECTION 8. OCCUPANCY. See Article X Section 2. - 23 - ARTICLE IX R-6 MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT SECTION 1. USES PERMITTED. Within any R-6 Multiple Family Dwelling District, no building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one or more of the following uses; (1) Any use permitted in the R-2 District. (2) Multiple family dwellings. (3) Apartment Hotels. (4) Boarding houses and lodging houses. (5) Guest homes and tourist homes. (6) Accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any of the above uses when located on the same lot but not involving the conduct of a business. (7) Private clubs and lodges, except such clubs and lodges the chief activity of which is customarily carried on as a business for gain. (8) Medical, dental, architectural, legal and engineering clinics or offices only. (9) Prescription Pharmacy when a part of a clinic. (10) Day nurseries. (11) Nursing, convalescent homes. (12) Hospitals, but no animal hospitals, mental or alcoholic institutions. SECTION 2. BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No building shall exceed forty-five (45) feet in height. SECTION 3. BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS. The site area requirements in the R-6 Multiple Family Dwelling District shall be: / _24_ 1. For one family dwellings, same as for the R-1 Single Family District. 2. For two family dwellings, same as for the R-2 One and Two family dwelling districts. 3. For each dwelling unit in excess of two (2) added to the structure on the first and second floor, additional lot area shall be provided for each of such dwelling units added based on the following: (a) One thousand seven -hundred (1,700) additional square feet for each one bedroom dwelling unit. (b) Two thousand (2,000) additional square feet for each two or more bedroom units. 4. For each dwelling unit added to the structure above the second floor, one thousand (1,000) square feet of lot area shall be provided for each of such dwelling units added. 5. For structure accommodating an excess of four (4) dwelling units, the minimum width of lot or parcel of land shall be eighty-five (85) feet. SECTION 4. YARD REGULATIONS. 1. For one and two family dwellings, the front, rear and side yards shall be the same as in the R-2 One and Two Family Dwelling District. 2. For Multiple Family Dwellings, the following front, rear and side yards shall be observed: (a) A front yard of not less than twenty (20) feet measured from the front lot line to the front wall of the building. (b) Side yards of at least ten (10) feet shall be provided, however for a building more than thirty- five (35) feet in height, one foot shall be added to the yard for each story added. (c) A rear yard of at least twenty (2) feet shall be provided. 3. Corner Lots: Same as for the R-lA District. - 25 - SECTION 5. LOT COVERAGE. Fifty (50) per cent of the lot area is the maximum which may be covered by the principal and accessory buildings or structures located thereon. SECTION 6. OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS. See Article XVII SECTION 7. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR AREA REQUIREMENTS. See Article XVI SECTION 8. OCCUPANCY. See Article X Section 2. - 26 - ARTICLE X SECTION 1. OCCUPANCY R -IAA, R-lA, R-1, R-2 and R-3 DWELLING RESTRICTIONS. In R-1AA, R-lA, R-1, R-2 and R-3 Dwelling Districts no building or part thereof shall be occupied or used by a person or persons of the negro race; provided, however, that this Article shall not be interpreted to prohibit any of the following: (1) Use or occupancy by a negro servant, chauffeur or other employee when the employer resides in the same building or in a building upon the same lot. (2) Use or occupancy by any person, who, at the time of taking effect of this ordinance, is the owner of the used or occupied building or of the lot upon which such building may be erected or who at said time shall have contracted to purchase the same by a valid and enforce- able contract of purchase, or by his successor in title by will or descent. (3) Use or occupancy by a member of the immediate family or servant or lodger or boarder of lessee or tenant of any person described in the above paragraph (2) at any or all times during his concurrent ownership and residence of, in or on the building or lot. (4) Use or occupancy during the period of the tenancy or lease, by a life tenant, lessee for a term of years or other lessee of the used or occupied building or lot, such tenant or lessee being of the negro race, or by the successor in title of any such lessee by will or descent, in cases in which the tenancy or lease was created before the time of the taking effect of this ordinance and is unexpired and in force and effective at said time. (5) Use or occupancy by a person described in the above paragraph (4) during the period of an extension or renewal of any such lease, in cases in which the right of renewal or extension was created previous to and is in force and effect at the time of the taking effect of this ordinance. (6) Use or occupancy by a member of the immediate family or servant or lodger or boarder or lessee or tenant of any person described in the above paragraph (4) at any or all times at which both the tenancy or lease or re- newal or extension described in the above paragraph (4) - 27 - and (5) shall be in full force and effect and said person himself resides in or on the building or lot. (7) Continuance after the taking effect of this ordinance of the residential use or occupancy of a building by persons of the negro race in any case in which such is used or occupied for residential purpose by persons of the negro race at the time of the taking effect of this ordinance, or, if such building be vacant at said time, then in any case in which the last such use or occupancy previous to said time was by persons of the negro race. SECTION 2. R-4, R-5 AND R-6 DWELLING DISTRICTS No building or part thereof shall be occupied or used by a person or persons of the white race; provided, however, that this section shall not be interpreted to prohibit any of the following: (1) Use of occupancy by a white servant, chauffeur or other employee when the employer resides in the same building or in a building upon the same lot. (2) Use or occupancy by any person who, at the time of the taking effect of this ordinance, is the owner of the used or occupied building or of the lot upon which such building may be erected or who at said time shall have contracted to purchase the same by a valid and enforce- able contract of purchase, or by his successor in title by will or descent. (3) Use or occupancy by a member of the immediate family or a servant, lodger, boarder, lessee or tenant of any person described in the above paragraph (2) at any or all times during his concurrent ownership and residence in or on the building or lot. (4) Use or occupancy during the period of the tenancy or lease, by a life tenant lessee for a term of years or other lessee of the used or occupied building or lot, such tenant or lessee being of the white race, or by the successor in title of any lessee by will or descent, in cases in which the tenancy or lease was created before the time of taking effect of this ordinance and is unexpired and in force and effect at said time. (5) Use or occupancy by a person described in the above paragraph (4) during the period of an extension or renewal of any such lease, in cases in which the right of renewal or extension was created previous to and is in force and effect at the time of the taking effect of this ordinance. (6) Use or occupancy by a member of the immediate family, servant, lodger, boarder, lessee or tenant of any person described in the above paragraph (4) at any or all times at which both the tenancy or lease or renewal or extension described in the above para- graphs (4) and (5) shall be in full force and effect and said person himself resides in or on the building or lot. (7) Continuance after the taking effect of this ordinance of the residential use or occupancy of a building by persons of the negro race in any case in which such building is used or occupied for residential purpose by persons of the negro race at the time of the taking effect of this ordinance, or, if such building be vacant at said time, then in any case in which the last such use or occupancy previous to said time was by persons of the negro race. - 29 - ARTICLE XI C-1 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT SECTION 1. USES PERMITTED. Within the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District, no building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one or more of the following uses: (1) Advertising signs relating only to the uses conducted within the building or on the land. (2) Art, antique and gift shop. (3) Automobile salesrooms with incidental servicing departments, with no outside storage. (4) Bakery, the products of which are sold at retail on the premises only. (5) Banks. (6) Bowling alleys. (7) Beauty salons and barber shops. (8) Book and stationery stores, newstands. (9) Churches, schools except vocational schools. (10) Day nurseries, kindergartens and other child-care centers. (11) Dry cleaning and laundry pick-up stations; laundro- mats and self-service laundries. (12) Dry goods, variety, sundry, drug stores. (13) Florist shop, the products of which are displayed and sold wholly within the structure. (14) Grocery, fruit, vegetable, meat market, delicatessen. (15) Hardware, bicycle, sporting goods, household and electrical appliances and service and building materials housed within an enclosure. (16) Hospitals, but not animal hospitals; medical and dental clinics; nursing and convalescent homes. - 30 - (17) Hotels and motels. (18). Interior decorating, home furnishings, furniture stores. (19) Jewelry, watch repair, china, luggage shop. (20) Mortuary. (21) Music conservatory, dancing schools and art studios. (22) Music, radio, television sales and studios. (23) Offices. (24) Paint and wall paper stores. (25) 'Photographic supplies, cameras, studios. (26) Private clubs and lodges. (27) Public utility sub -stations. (28) Shops for men's, children's and ladies' apparel and furnishings. (29) Restaurants, drive-in restaurants, tea rooms. (30) Retail upholstery shop. (31) Shoe repair, hat cleaning, shoe shinning, dry cleaning. (32) Structures for public uses such as community centers, libraries and museums. (33) Automobile service stations selling gasoline and lubricants, primarily. Only minor repairs such as tire patching but not recapping, will be permitted, also battery recharging, car wash and polish, but no body repairs, welding, painting or car rebuilding. (34) Theatre but no drive-in. (35) Any other retail business or retail service that in the judgment of the Planning and Building Official are consistent with those included above and further, that will be in harmony with the spirit of the ordinance. (36) No outdoor sales or display of merchandise or products will be permitted in connection with any of the fore- going uses; nor will the erection of billboards be permitted in this district. (37) Single and two-family residences. SECTION 2. BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No building or structure shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height except as otherwise provided. SECTION 3. BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS. None. SECTION 4. FRONT, REAR AND SIDE YARD REGULATIONS. 1. FRONT YARD: A yard or set back of at least 20 feet shall be provided from the street right-of-way line or a future right-of-way line, if same has been established and accepted by the governing body having jurisdiction. 2. REAR YARD: There shall be a rear yard of at least twenty (20) feet. 3. SIDE YARD: None, except that when the side of a lot in a C-1 District abuts upon the side of a lot in a residential district, there shall be a side yard of not less than ten (10) feet. SECTION 5. OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS. See Article XVII - 32 - ARTICLE XII C-2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT SECTION 1. USES PERMITTED. Within any C-2 General Commercial District no building, land or water shall be used except for one or more of the following uses: (1) Any use permitted in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District. (2) Advertising signs, panels and structures. (3) Automobile laundry or quick wash. (4) Business colleges, vocational schools, trade and private schools operated as commercial enterprises. (5) Office buildings, cooperative apartments, apartment buildings, and multiple -family dwellings. (6) Plumbing salesrooms and service within the building and yard storage as an accessory use. Retail electric and plumbing. (7) Printing, book binding, lithography and publishing establishments, blue printing, map making and photo - stating. (8) Public and commercial parking lots. (9) Mechanical garage. A tire retreading and recapping establishment having not more than four machines. (10) Radio broadcasting and television stations, studios and offices. (11) Used car lot. SECTION 2. BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS. No building or structure shall exceed one -hundred (100) feet in height except as otherwise provided. SECTION 3. BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS. None. - 33 - SECTION 4. FRONT, REAR AND SIDE YARD REGULATIONS. 1. FRONT YARD: None required. 2. REAR YARD: There shall be a rear yard of not less than twenty (20) feet. 3. SIDE YARD: Same as C-1 District. SECTION 5. OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS. See Article XVII MUM ARTICLE XIII M-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT SECTION 1. USES PERMITTED. Within any M-1 Light Industrial District no building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one or more of the following uses: (1) Any use permitted in the C-2 District. No one, two or multiple family dwellings permitted. (2) Aviation connected industries. (3) Bakeries. (4) Bottling works. (5) Building material storage and sales including lumber yards. (6) Cold storage and frozen food lockers. (7) Bus, cab, truck repair, storage and terminals for their storage and repair. (8) Carting, express hauling and storage yard. (9) Contractors storage yard and necessary milling operation for the contractors business. (10) Drive-in theatre. (11) Dying and laundry. (12) Fruit juice processing and canning. (13) Garment manufacture. (14) Laboratories for testing materials, chemicals and analysis. (15) Industrial and agricultural machinery sales and storage; machine shops. (16) Manufacture and assembly of scientific, electrical, optical and precision instruments or equipment. -35 - (17) Manufacture of novelties and souvenirs. (18) Milk bottling and distribution plants, ice cream manufacture. (19) Packing houses for packing of fruit or vegetables. (20) Storage and wholesale distribution warehouse. (21) Trade shops including tin smith, cabinet maker, rug and carpet cleaning, upholstering, mattress renovation, electrical, roofing and plumbing shops, retail electrical and plumbing. (22) Veterinary hospital and kennels. (23) Wholesale meat and produce distribution. (24) Petroleum storage. (25) Fertilizer storage. (26) Ice manufacture. (27) Steel storage and fabrication. (28) Sheet metal shop. (29) Mill and mill work manufacturing plant. (30) Railroad shops. (31) Concrete products, ready mix and transit mix plants. SECTION 2. BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS. There shall be no height limitation except that all buildings in excess of 45 feet shall receive the approval of the Board of Adjustment. SECTION 3. BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS. None. - 36 - SECTION fit•. FRONT, REAR AND SIDE YARD REGULATIONS. 1. FRONT YARD: There shall be a front yard of not less than twenty (20) feet. 2. REAR YARD: There shall be a rear yard of not less than fifteen (15) feet. Where a railroad right-of-way abuts on any side, said railroad right-of-way may constitute the required yard area. 3. SIDE YARD: There shall be a side yard of not less than ten (10) feet on each side. SECTION 5. OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS. See Article XVII - 37 - ARTICLE XIV NON -CONFORMING USES The lawful use of any building or land existing at the time of the enactment of this ordinance may be continued although such use does not conform with the provisions of this ordinance, pro- vided, however, the following conditions are met: (1) UNSAFE STRUCTURES OR BUILDINGS: Any structure or portion thereof declared unsafe by a proper authority may be restored to a safe condition. (2) ALTERATIONS: A building housing a non -conforming use may not be reconstructed or structurally altered during its life to an extent of more than 25% of the municipally assessed value of the building, unless said building is changed to a conforming use. (3) EXTENSION: A building or land occupied by a non- conforming use shall not be extended or enlarged, but the extension of a lawful use to any portion of a non- conforming building which existed prior to the enact- ment of this ordinance shall not be deemed the extension of such non -conforming use. (4) CONSTRUCTION APPROVED PRIOR TO ORDINANCE: Nothing herein shall require any change in plans, construction or designated use of a building or structure for which a building permit has been issued and the construction, or designated use of a building or structure for which a building permit has been issued and the construction of which shall have been diligently prosecuted within three months of the date of such permit, and the ground story framework of which, including the second tier of beams, shall have been completed within six months of the date of the permit, and the entire building shall be completed according to such plans as filed within one year from date of this ordinance. (5) RESTORATION: No building or structure damaged by fire or other causes more than fifty (50) per cent of its municipally assessed value as determined by the Building Official shall be repaired or rebuilt except in con- formity with the provisions of this ordinance. (6) ABANDONMENT: Whenever a non -conforming use, has been vacated or abandoned for six (6) months, such use shall not thereafter be re-established, and any further use shall be in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. (7) CHANGES: Once changed to a conforming use, no building or land shall be permitted to revert to a non -conforming use. A non -conforming use may be changed to a use of the same or higher classification, and when so changed to a higher classification, such use thereafter shall not be changed to a lower classification. (8) DISPLACEMENT: No non -conforming use shall be extended to displace a conforming use. (9) DISTRICT CHANGES: s"henever the boundaries of a district shall be changed so as to transfer an area from one district to another district of a different classifi- cation, the foregoing provisions shall also apply to any non -conforming uses existing therein. - 39 - ARTICLE XV GENERAL PROVISIONS AND EXCEPTIONS The foregoing regulations shall be subject to the following general provisions and exceptions: (a) SUBSTANDARD LOTS OF RECORD: When a lot or parcel of hard land has an area or frontage which does not con- form with the requirements of the districts in which it is located, but was a lot of record in Seminole County, Florida, at the effective date of this ordinance, such lot or parcel of land may be used for a single family dwelling in any residential district and in ad- dition, in an R-2, One and Two Family Dwelling District or less restricted residential district, such lot may be used for a one family or two family dwelling, if it has a width of at least fifty (50) feet; and provided that the minimum yards, lot coverage limitation, and off-street parking requirements are maintained. When two or more adjoining and vacant lots with continuous frontage are in a single ownership at the time of or after the adoption of these regulations and such ad- joining lots have a frontage or lot area less than that required by the district in which they are located, such lots shall be considered as one tract in order to create one or more lots which conform to the minimum frontage and area requirements of the district, except, that where such single lots have individual frontage of 50° or more this provision shall not apply. When two or more adjoining and vacant lots with continuous frontage are in a single ownership at the time of or after the adoption of these regulations and are substandard in land area and lot frontage, such lots shall be considered as one tract for future ownership, as indicated in the provisions above. (b) MEASUREMENT OF SET BACKS: (1) Set backs shall be measured on a perpendicular to the property line to the nearest support for the roof of the structure. (2) On irregular lots the side set backs shall be measured from the front building line when the lot frontage is narrower than the rear of the lot and from the rear building line when the rear of the lot is narrower than the front of the lot. HEM (3) The building line shall be determined from the extreme support of the roof of the principal building or appurtenance thereto. Roof pro- jections (eaves) shall not exceed 36 inches into minimum yards. (c) AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION REQUIREMENTS: (1) All pumps shall be set back at least 15 feet from the right-of-way line, or where -a future widening set back line has been established, this setback shall be measured from such line. (2) The number of driveways for an establishment shall not exceed two for each 100 feet of street frontage, each having a width of not more than 50 feet and located not closer than 10 feet to the street intersection. Two or more driveways on the same street shall be separated by a traffic island of no less than 10 feet. (d) LOCATION OF ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND USES IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS: (1) When an accessory building is attached to a main structure by a breezeway, passage or otherwise, it shall comply with the set back or yard re- quirements of the main building. (2) A detached accessory building, also a garage apartment, shall not be closer than 6 feet to any other building on the same lot. Accessory buildings shall not be closer than three (3) feet to side and rear lot lines; however, garage apartments or accessory buildings with dwelling accommodations shall not be closer to side or rear lot lines than seven and one-half feet (72') when lot line separates two lots. (3) No detached accessory building shall be located on the front half of the lot. (4) The sum of the areas of all accessory buildings or structures shall not exceed thirty-five (35) per cent of the rear yard area. - 41 - (e) YARDS: (1) Every part of a required yard shall be open from its lowest point to the sky, unobstructed, except for the ordinary projection of sills, belt courses, cornices, buttreses, ornamental features, and chimneys. (2) Where an alley exists at the rear of a lot, one-half of the width of said alley may be computed as a part of the rear yard depth requirements. (3) Where an alley exists at the side of a lot, that side yard requirement may be reduced to five (5) feet. (f) HEIGHT: Chimneys, water, fire, radio and television towers, church spires, domes, cupolas, stage towers and scenery lofts, cooling towers, elevator bulkheads, smoke stacks, flagpoles, parapet walls and similar structures and their necessary mechanical appurtenances may be located above the height limits herein established; however the heights of these structures or appurtenances thereto shall not exceed the height limitations set forth by an airport zoning. (g) FENCES AND WALLS: (1) In all residential districts, no sight -proof fence or wall structure shall be built or maintained above the height of thirty (30) inches from average ground level, in the area between building front set back lines and street right-of-way lines. (2) In all residential districts all fences or wall structures on or within 5 feet of common property lines shall not exceed six (6) feet above average ground level. (3) When a lot in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District is occupied by a permitted use other than one or two family dwellings, and abuts a lot in a residential district, it shall be separated therefrom by a wall or fence not less than five (5) feet nor more than six (6) feet above average ground level and shall be so designed as to be both sight and light proof and shall not project closer to the - 4.2 - street right-of-way line than 20 feet (the word "abuts" is construed to mean a "common property line"). (h) HOME OCCUPATIONS: (1) Uses permitted include services of a seamstress, milliner, music teacher or other teachers pro- viding individual counsel or instruction, tax consultant, typist, and others of a like nature approved by the Board of Adjustment. Home oc- cupations shall include the use of a premises by a physician, surgeon, dentist, lawyer or clergyman, or other professional or business person for consultation or emergency treatment, but not for the general practice of the business or profession. Uses specifically excluded are barber shops, beauty salons, tearooms, food processing, restaurants, sale of antiques, commercial kennels, real estate offices, or insurance offices. All other uses not in- cluded above, but not specifically excluded, shall be approved by the Board of Adjustment. Such approval shall constitute a general ap- proval of such use which thereafter may be permitted upon application to the Building Official. (2) All home offupcations are subject to the following conditions: No person shall be employed other than two members of the immediate family. All sales of home occupation work for products shall be conducted within the dwelling, and sales shall be limited to such commodities produced on the premises. There shall be no out-of-door display of merchandise or products, nor shall there be any indoor display visible from the out- doors. No mechanical equipment, except such that is normally used for purely domestic or household purposes, shall be used or stored on the premises in connection with the home occupation which creates a disturbance such as noise, dust, odor, or electrical disturbance. - 43 - Not over twenty-five (25) per cent of the floor area of any one story shall be used for the home occupation purposes. No sign shall be used other than one non - illuminated name plate attached to the building entrance, which plate shall not exceed one square foot in area. - 44 - ARTICLE XVI FIRST FLOOR REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL RESIDENTIAL FAMILY BUILDINGS All dwellings in residential districts shall have a "living areal at the first floor line of not less than those specified in the chart below. The "living area'' shall be construed to include living rooms, bedrooms, Florida rooms, baths, closets, kitchens, etc., but shall not include carports, garages, screened porches, patios and unroofed and unenclosed areas. Living areas may also include not more than 100 square feet of utility rooms provided they are accessable directly from the living area. 1 story dwelling 12 story dwelling 2 or more story dwelling Minimum first floor areas in sq. feet R -LAA R-lA R-1 & R-2 & R-3 1,300 1,000 600 1,100 800 600 1,000 700 600 - 45 - ARTICLE XVII OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REGULATIONS SECTION 1. OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIRED. There shall be provided at the time of the erection of any principal building or structure, or at the time any principal building or structure is enlarged or increased in capacity in any way that would affect the units of measurement outlined here- in, minimum off-street parking space with adequate means for ingress and egress by an automobile of standard size, as required herein. SECTION 2. PARKING SPACES. Whenever the term "parking space" is referred to, it shall be either a garage or other structure or off-street storage space on the ground for the parking of passenger automobiles. Such space shall have an area of not less than two hundred (200) square feet and of appropriate dimensions, for each automobile intended to be parked exclusive of the necessary space for approach, turning and exit to any public street, alley or way. A "parking lot" shall mean any land used or permitted to be used for the parking of auto- mobiles. - 46 - (a) OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS Number Spaces (1) Dwellings: (a) Single Family & duplex 2 (b) Apartments & Apt. hotel 12 (c) Rooming & Boarding houses 1 (2) Hotels, exclusive of requirements for restaurants and assembly rooms 1 (3) Motels and tourist guest homes exclusive of requirements for restaurants and assembly rooms 1 (4) Hospital and sanitariums Per Dwelling unit Dwelling unit Guest room 2 Sleeping units Sleeping unit 2 3 Beds (5) Nursing or convalescent homes, orphanages, welfare institutions, such as asylums and homes for the aged 1 (6) Theatre or auditorium, in- cluding gymnasiums, school auditoriums, convention halls, sports arena, stadiums, and similar uses 1 5 Beds 4 Seats - where seats are not provided each twenty (20) inches or other similar seating shall be considered as one seat for the purpose of determining require- ments hereunder. Where no seating is provided, there shall be one park- ing space for every sixty (60) sq. feet of floor area. (7) Church, mortuary 1 4 Seats in main assembly hall. Where individual seats are not provided, each twenty (20) inches of benches or other similar seating shall be considered as one seat for the purpose of de- termining requirements - 47 - hereunder. Number Spaces Per (8) Restaurants, bars, and night clubs, tearooms or the like 1 3 Seats (9) Stores, offices, and personal service establishments; except as in sub -paragraph (10) below 1 250 square feet of gross floor area (10) Supermarkets and shopping centers 1 150 square feet of gross floor area (11) Public buildings, library, (16) Any and all uses or structures not specifically provided for in the foregoing schedule, such parking space as the Zoning and Planning Commission shall determine to be necessary and consistent with the above, considering all the parking - generating factors involved in the particular case. (b) EXCEPTION: The area known as the Central Business District and more particularly described as being within the boundaries formed by Sanford Avenue, Third Street, Park Avenue and Seminole Boulevard including parcels abutting on both sides of the streets, shall be exempt from furnishing parking spaces as required herein. - 48 - community center and post office 1 250 square feet of gross floor area (12) Medical & dental clinic 6 Doctor or dentist, but not less than 1 space per 200 sq. feet of gross floor area (13) Manufacturing, industrial and warehouse uses 1 3 employees on largest work shift but not figured less than 1 space per 200 sq. feet of floor area exclusive of storage areas (14) Bowling Alleys 3 alley (15) Private Clubs or Lodges 1 3 seats in lodge or club assembly room (16) Any and all uses or structures not specifically provided for in the foregoing schedule, such parking space as the Zoning and Planning Commission shall determine to be necessary and consistent with the above, considering all the parking - generating factors involved in the particular case. (b) EXCEPTION: The area known as the Central Business District and more particularly described as being within the boundaries formed by Sanford Avenue, Third Street, Park Avenue and Seminole Boulevard including parcels abutting on both sides of the streets, shall be exempt from furnishing parking spaces as required herein. - 48 - (c) Whenever, after the effective date of this section there is a change in the number of employees or business visitors or in the lawful use of the premises or in any other unit of measurement specified in any of the foregoing paragraphs and whenever such change creates a need for an increase or decrease of more than fifteen per cent of the number of off-street automobile parking spaces as determined by the requirements of this section, more or less off-street parking facilities shall be provided within a reasonable time on the basis of the adjusted needs, as determined by this section. In case of unusual hardship arising out of the requirements of this paragraph, recourse may be had to the Board of Ad- justment, in the manner provided by law. (d) In the case of mixed uses, the parking facilities required shall be the sum of the requirements for the various in- dividual uses, computed separately in accordance with this section; parking facilities for one use shall not be con- sidered as providing the required parking facilities for any other use. Parking facilities required hereunder shall not be made available for use by motorists - parkers other than those for whom such facilities are reserved pursuant to this ordinance. SECTION 3. LOCATION OF PARKING FACILITIES. Special purpose off-street automobile parking facilities, to the extent required in Section 4. of this section, may be provided either on the same lot or premises with the parking generator or on any lot or premises a substantial portion of which, at least, is within 800 feet of such parking generator. SECTION 4. COOPERATIVE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF PARKING FACILITIES. Requirements for the provision of parking facilities, pursuant to Off -Street Parking Regulations, with respect to two or more property uses of the same or different types, may be satisfied by the permanent allocation of the requisite number of spaces for each use in a common parking facility, cooperatively established and operated; provided, that the total number of spaces designated is not less than the sum of the individual requirements; provided further, that the specifications of the section on Location of Parking Facilities with respect to location are complied with. - 49 - In order to eliminate a multiplicity of entrances and exits, and diminish traffic hazards, to conserve space where space is at a premium, and to promote orderly development generally, the Zoning and Planning Commission is hereby authorized to plan and group parking facilities cooperatively for a number of parking generators in a given area, and especially in the central business district, in such a manner as to obtain a maximum of efficiency and capacity in parking and traffic movement. SECTION 5. DESIGN STANDARDS. All off-street automobile parking facilities shall be de- signed with appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or alley as well as maneuvering areas. All parking for other than residences shall be suitably graded and surfaced as approved by the City Engineer. SECTION 6. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION The parking facilities required pursuant to the section on Off -Street Parking Regulations shall be provided and maintained so long as the use exists which the facilities are designed to serve. Off-street automobile parking facilities shall not be reduced in total extent, after their provision hereunder except under the approval by the Board of Zoning Adjustment and then only after proof that the parking spaces provided are no longer needed by reason of a change in use of the premises to which the parking facilities are adjunct, pursuant to the schedule of re- quirements contained in the Section on Off -Street Parking. Reasonable precautions must be taken by the owners or sponsors of particular uses to assure the use of the parking facilities only by the employees or the social or business visitors of the premises for which the facilities are provided. The parking facilities must be so designed and maintained as not to constitute a nuisance at any time, and must not be used in such a manner as to constitute a hazard or unreasonable impediment to traffic. SECTION 7. ACCESSORY PARKING IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS. A parcel of land in a residential district may be used to satisfy all or any part of the off-street parking requirements for a permitted use in a .commercial district after approval of the Planning Board and by complying with all of the following provisions: 1. The parcel of land in the residential district shall abut or be separated from the parcel of land in the commercial district by an alley or public way of not more than 15 feet in width. - 50 - 2. The parcel of land in the residential district shall be contained within boundaries formed by the extension in a straight line of the boundaries in the commercial district. 3. The parcel of land in the residential district shall be under the same ownership as the parcel of land it serves in the commercial district. 4. The parcel of land in the residential district shall be enclosed by a wall, fence, or dense vegetative hedge any of which shall be both sight and light proof and shall be a minimum height of five (5) feet and a maximum height of six and one-half (62) feet. Such wall, fence, or hedge shall not be closer to the property lines than the building set back lines on the sides and street fronts required in that residential zone but the wall, fence, or hedge shall completely enclose the parcel of land in the residential district except for driveway openings and the side adjacent to the commercial district. 5. The area of the parcel of land between the wall, fence, or hedge and the property line shall be suitably land- scaped and maintained in a condition equally as good as the landscaping on the adjacent residential property. 6. Lighting of the parking area shall be in such a manner that a minimum of light shall fall upon adjoining resi- dential property and there shall be no direct lighting glare into abutting residences. 7. The use of the parcel of land in the residential district is restricted to off-street parking purposes only and all other uses, including signs, is hereby prohibited. 8. Each and all portions of the foregoing provisions is subject to review and approval by the Planning Board. SECTION 8. OFF-STREET LOADING AND UNLOADING REQUIREMENTS. On the same lot or parcel of land with every building, structure or part thereof, erected and occupied for manufacturing, storage warehouse, food processing or wholesale distribution, goods dis- play, department store, wholesale store, market, hotel, hospital, mortuary, laundry, dry cleaning, or other uses in similar establish- ments involving the receipt or distribution by vehicles of materials or merchandise, there shall be provided and maintained on the same - 51 - lot as the building, adequate space for the standing, loading and unloading services in order to avoid undue interference with public use of the streets or alleys. Such space shall be a minimum cf fourteen (14) feet wide and thirty-five (35) feet long with a height clearance of four- teen (14) feet for every twenty thousand (20,000) square feet or fraction thereof in excess of three thousand (3,000) square feet of building floor area or land area used for the above mentioned purposes. - 52 - (a) (b) (c) ARTICLE XVIII SIGN REGULATIONS Definitions For the purpose of this ordinance, certain words and terms are hereby defined: (1) Sign: A sign shall mean and include every sign, billboard, ground sign, roof sign, wall sign, illuminated sign, projecting sign, temporary sign, and shall include any announcement, decla- ration, demonstration, display illustration or insignia used to advertise or promote the in- terests of any person when the same is placed out-of-doors in view of the general public and also outdoors advertising displays, all as defined by the Southern Standard Building Code. (2) Illuminated Sign: Any sign which has characters, letters, figures, designs or outlines illuminated by electric lights, gas lights, or luminous tubes as a part of the sign proper. (3) Person: Any person, firm partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind. (4) Erect: To build, construct, attach, hand, place, suspend or affix, and shall also include the painting of wall signs. Signs Prohibited in Residential Areas No sign of any character shall be erected in any R-1AA, R-lA, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5 or R-6 Residential Dwelling District, except such signs as are exempt from the pro- visions of this ordinance as hereinafter provided. Ground Signs• Ground signs shall be permitted, used or erected only upon complying with the following requirements: (1) Corner Lots: In all zoning districts all ground signs erected within 100 feet of the nearest curb line of the nearest street intersection, and with the lower edge of the face less than 9 feet above the average ground level, shall be set back from - 53 - all property lines a distance equal to the overall height of the sign plus 5 feet. Ground signs with the lower edge of the face 9 feet or more above the average ground level and maintaining clear vision below the lower edge of the face except for necessary supports and braces (as determined by the Building Official) may be located on private property as desired by the owner. No ground sign exceeding 10 square feet shall be erected on the same side of the street within the same block, within one hundred (100) feet of the nearest property line of any public park; municipal, county or state public building; religous institutions; or any public or parochial school. (2) Maximum face area of a ground sign shall be one hundred (100) square feet per face and maximum of one double face sign per establishment; a greater number or larger sign shall be subject to the approval of the Planning and Zoning Board. (d) Roof Signs Roof signs shall be permitted, used or erected only upon complying with the following requirements: (1) No roof sign shall be erected in any R-lAA, R -1A, R-151 R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5 or R-6 Residential Dwelling Districts. (2) In any C-1 Commercial District only such roof signs, not exceeding 100 square feet, as related to the business conducted on the premises or in the building on which such roof sign is located shall be erected. (e) [Tall Signs I -Tall signs shall be permitted., used or erected only upon complying with the following requirements: (1) No wall signs shall be permitted in any R-1AA, R -1A, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5 or R-6 Residential Dwelling District. - 54 - (2) In any C-1 Commercial District only such wall signs, not exceeding 100 square feet, as related to the business conducted on the premises or in the building on which such roof sign is located shall be erected. (f) Exceptions The provisions and regulations of this Section shall not apply to the following signs: (1) Offices and business permitted in the R-3 and R-6 Multiple Family Dwelling District may only have name plates not exceeding 2 square feet in area and not illuminated, in zoning districts where such profession is permitted to do business. Not more than two (2) such signs shall be located on any one office. (2) Real Estate signs not exceeding 4• square feet in area which advertise the sale, rental or lease of the premises upon which said signs are located only, when not illuminated, in any Residential Dwelling District. (3) Signs, not over 100 square feet in area, denoting the owner, architect, general contractor, the names of the sub -contractors and any statement pertaining to the building or project under con- struction upon lots or parcels of land where a building or project on said lot or parcel of land may be erected on the street side of the property, but shall be a temporary sign only and be removed when the building has been completed. (4) Memorial signs or tablets, name of buildings and the date of erection when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or other incombustible material. (5) Apartments, apartment hotels or other residential uses permitted in the R-3 or R-6 Multiple Family Dwelling Districts may have one illuminated ground sign or wall sign, provided it is not more than six (6) square feet in size indicating facilities available on the immediate premises or structure upon which such sign is located. Where an apart- ment structure is located on more than one street, one sign may be displayed on each such street. - 55 - (6) Municipal or State installed directional signs, historical markers, and other signs of a general public interest, signs relating to national defense and security and other emergency signs, and orna- mental signs of a permanent character displaying only the name of a commonly known and accepted name of a section of the City deemed by the City Commission to be of a general public in- terest, may be erected in any zoning district. (7) In One and Two Family Residence or Multiple Family Dwelling Districts, numerals used to designate street numbers, names on mail boxes, name plates of ornamental design designating the name of the occupants of the property, or signs marking a service entrance, or private directional signs, providing the letters of figures are not more than four (4) inches in height, are hereby per- mitted. (8) A sign or bulletin board not exceeding 24 square feet in face area may be erected on the premises of a church or other permitted institutions for the purpose of displaying the name and activities or services therein provided. No illuminated signs shall be permitted unless such sign and its illuminating device are located entirely within 3 feet of the wall of said building or structure. - 56 - ARTICLE XIX BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT SECTION 1. AUTHORITY The organization and procedures under which the Board operates, its arrangement of meetings, adoption of rules and its method of handling appeals, variances or any other related matters shall be in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 176, Florida Statutes of 1941 and any amendments thereto. SECTION 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT AND MEMBERSHIP A Baard of Zoning Adjustment is hereby established, which shall consist of five (5) members, to be appointed for a term of three (3) years. SECTION 3. APPEALS TO THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT (a) Appeals to the Board of Zoning Adjustment may be taken by any person aggrieved or by any officer or bureau of the governing body affected by any decision of the ad- ministrative officer. In accordance with rules adopted by the Board, such appeal shall be taken within a reason- able time by filing a notice of appeals specifying the grounds thereof. The officer from whom the appeal is taken shall forthwith transmit to the Board all papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. (b) An appeal stays all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from, unless the officer, department, or Board from whom the appeal is taken certifies to the Board of Zoning Adjustment after the notice of appeal shall have been filed with him, that by reason of facts stated in the certificate a stay would, in his opinion, cause imminent peril to life and property. In such case proceedings shall not be stayed otherwise than by a restraining order which may be granted by the Board of Zoning Adjustment or by a Court of Record on application on notice to the officer from whom the appeal is taken and on due cause shown. - 57 - SECTION 4 . POWERS The Board shall have the following powers: (a) To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the administrative official in the enforcement of this ordinance. (b) To hear and decide special exceptions to the terms of the ordinance upon which such board is required to pass under this ordinance. (c) To authorize upon appeal in specific cases such variance from this ordinance as will not be contrary to the public interest where, owing to special con- ditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance will result in unnecessary hardship and so that the spirit of the ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice done. SECTION 5. DUTIES AND PROCEDURES (a) In exercising the above mentioned powers, the Board by the concurring vote of four members may reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed from and may make such order, requirement, decision or determination as ought to be made, and to that end shall have all the powers of the official from whom the appeal is taken. (b) The Board of Adjustment shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of appeals or other matters referred to it, give public notice thereof as well as due notice to the parties in interest, and decide the same within a reasonable time. At the hearing any party may appear in person or be represented by agent or attorney. (c) In considering all proposed variations to this ordinance the Board shall, before making any finding in a specific case, first determine that the proposed variation will not constitute any change in the Districts shown on the Zoning Map and will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, or materially increase the congestion in public streets, or increase the public danger of fire and safety, or materially diminish or impair established property values within the surrounding area, or in any other respect impair the public safety, morals and general welfare of the city. - 58 - (d) The Board shall adopt rules in accordance with the general provisions of this ordinance. Meetings of the Board shall be held at the call of the chairman and at such times as the board may determine. Such chairman, or in his absence the acting chairman, may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses. All meetings shall be open to the public. The Board shall keep minutes of its proceedings, showing the vote of each member upon each question, or, if absent or failing to vote, indicating such fact, and shall keep records of its examinations and other official actions, all of which shall be immediately filed in the office of the Board and shall be a public record. SECTION 6. APPEALS FROM THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT Any person or persons, jointly or severally, aggrieved by any decision of the Board, or any taxpayer, or any officer, depart- ment of the City Commission may present to a court of record a petition, duly verified, setting forth that such decision is illegal, in whole or in part, specifying the grounds of the illegality. Such petition shall be presented to the court within thirty (30) days after the filing of the decision to the office of the Board, otherwise the decision of the Board will be final. - 59 - ARTICLE XX CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY SECTION 1. GENERALLY No vacant land shall be occupied or used, except for agri- cultural, grove, pasture or aviation purposes, and no building here- after erected or structurally altered shall be occupied or used until a certificate of occupancy shall have been issued by the Building Inspector. SECTION 2. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR A BUILDING A certificate of occupancy for a new building, or for the alteration of an existing building, shall be applied for coincident with the application for a building permit and said certificate shall be issued within three days after the request for same shall have been made in writing to the Building Inspector after the erection or alteration of such building or part thereof shall have been completed in conformity with the provisions of these regulations. Pending the issuance of a regular certificate a temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued by the Building Inspector for a period of not exceeding six months, during the completion of alterations or during the partial occupancy of a building pending its completion. Such temporary certificate shall not be construed as in any way altering the respective rights, duties or obligations of the owners or of the city relating to the use or occupancy of the premises or any other matter covered by this ordinance, and such temporary certificate shall not be issued, except under such restrictions and provisions as will adequately insure the safety of the occupants. SECTION 3. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR LAND A certificate of occupancy for the use of vacant land, or the change in the character of the use of land, as herein provided, shall be applied for before any such land shall be occupied or used and a certificate of occupancy shall be issued within three days after the application has been made; provided, that such use is in conformity with the provisions of these regulations. The record of all certificates shall be kept on file in the office of the Building Inspector and copies shall be furnished, on request, to any person having a proprietary or tenancy interest in the building affected. No fee shall be charged for a certificate of occupancy. No permit for excavation for any building shall be issued before application has been made for a certificate of occupancy. A certificate of occupancy shall be required of all non- conforming uses. Application for such certificates of occupancy shall be filed with the Building Inspector within twelve months from the effective date of this ordinance. - 61 - ARTICLE XXI PLOT PLANS Each application for a building permit shall be ac- companied by a Plot Plan in duplicate showing the actual dimensions of the lot to be built upon, the size, shape and location of the building to be erected and such other information as may be necessary to provide for the enforcement of this ordinance. A record of such applications and plats shall be kept in the office of the Building Inspector. Where application is made to enlarge an existing non -conforming use, the application shall be accompanied by an affidavit giving the description of the premises owned at the date of the passage of this ordinance. - 62 - ARTICLE XXII INTERPRETATION, PURPOSE AND CONFLICT In interpreting and applying the provisions of this ordinance they shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. It is not intended by this ordinance to interfere with or abrogate or annul any easements, covenants, or other agreements between parties; provided, however, that where this ordinance im- poses a greater restriction upon the use of buildings or premises or upon the height of buildings, or requires larger open spaces than are imposed or required by other ordinances, rules, regu- lations or by easements, covenants, or agreements, the provisions of this ordinance shall control; and provided further that this ordinance shall not be construed as superceding any Special Act of the Legislature relative to the subject matter of this ordinance. If because of error or omission in the Zoning Map, any property in the City is not shown as being in a zoning district, the classi- fication of such property shall be R-lA Single Family, unless changed by amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. - 63 - ARTICLE XXIII CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS The City Commission may from time to time amend, supplement, change or repeal the regulations, restrictions or district boundaries as set out in this ordinance after public hearing as provided in Chapter 176.06 of Florida Statutes of 1941 and any amendments there- to. -64.- ARTICLE XXIV ENFORCEMENT, VIOLATIONS, AND PENALTIES (a) The Building Inspector is hereby designated and authorized to enforce this ordinance. (b) Any person, firm or corporation who violates, dis- obeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or shall be im- prisoned in the city jail, for not more than thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the court. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. - 65 - ARTICLE XXV VAT.TT)TTV Should any section, clause or provision of this ordinance be declared by the court to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any part thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, this the 26th day of February, A.D. 1962 Attest: y Clerk 7 M or As the City Commission of th City of Sanford, Florida CER T IFI C . T E I, H. N. Tanen, Jr., City Clerk hereby certify that a true and No. 771, Pl':SSED and ADOPTED by Sanford, Florida, on the 26th. front door of the City Hall in 7th. day of March, 1962. of the City of Sanford, Florida, do correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance the City Commission of the City of day of February ti^1as POSTED at the the City of Sanford, Floiida, on the ARTICLE XXV VALIDITY Should any section, clause or provision of this ordinance be declared by the court to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any part thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, this the 26th day of February, A.D. 1962. Attest: S/ H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk s/ J. H. Crapps Mayor s/ A. L. Wilson s/ Earl Higginbotham s/ J. B. Baker s/ Thomas S. McDonald As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida G14r #attfarb 'firralb !In Independent Newspaper SANFORD. SM11NOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared ------------------------------------- ----------- Gdslow---------------------------------------- who on oath says that he is ___-____----___— ------ of the SANFORD HERALD, a Newspaper Pub- lished at Sanford, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, beinga ----------- Legal Notic----------------------------e --------------- -------------- ------- --------------- -------------- >.n the matter of -Notice of _Public Hearing .................... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------in the --------- CircultCourt, was published in said newspaper in the issues of__ November _-2-2.-196-1 Affiant further says that the said SANFORD HERALD is a newspaper published at Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Seminole County, Florida, and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this -------------------------22nd-------------------day of ED. ve-mb ex A. D. 1961- ------ -------------------- — 9R1L) NOTARY PTIBLIO v Public, State of Florida at Large nmissioa Expires Aug. 9, 1965 CELERY CITY PRINTING CO.,-SANFORD-2M-4.60 By American Fire $ Casually Co, LJ• -. 00 F'O,5�G'o 50�pl3�� .. pa,-mT '3 ':7 o'�oo Di is ff Mbt 7,m Y ro w o K:A m2 P'FW 'cdC,m s -0 a � CD O m �.1-iW r*OM (A C, C q! ~C]d o �~a0 ~1 O O W y� r\ « o x o C o ro Ut �Jy 9 y tj d rtH'. p 0r 01 `t 'W O c+�LV H m y 0y0M ti 0 o5hj�O�. O 0,M w� a �� ,p d m o� o mac, Y a, , 91 m M v Public, State of Florida at Large nmissioa Expires Aug. 9, 1965 CELERY CITY PRINTING CO.,-SANFORD-2M-4.60 By American Fire $ Casually Co, LJ• -. Tor 6�attfvrb Npralb fin Independent Newspaper SANFORD. SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared -----------------------------._ Walter A. GielOw -------------------------who on oath says that he is Publisher the SANFORD HERALD, a Newspaper Pub- lished at Sanford, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a---------------------- — NOt is e -- --- —------ ------------------------------in the matter of - -------------------------------------- Public Hearing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------in the ---------------------------Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues ofDeeember 6 1961 ---- ------------------------------------ Affiant further says that the said SANFORD HERALD is it newspaper published at Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Seminole County, Florida, and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Sanford, in said Seminole County, Florida, for a period of one year next .preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ---------------------- 6th ------------------------ day of Decembeer A. D. 19__61 - ---- --- ----- --- --- h r''AL) NOTARY PTJBLIO ry Publiic, State of Florida at Large llty Commission Expires Aug. 9, 1965 Bonded By American Fire & Casually CO, W, . 00, Mr, �0.,-!l R"M Vv�, Legal Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE. FOR TILE CITY 011? SANFORD, h`LORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held at the City Commissioners Room at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on the 21st. day of December, 1961, to consider a proposed zoning ordinance for the City of Sanford, Florida, and the regulations, re- strictions . and boundaries ' therein contained. All parties in interest and citizens shall have an op- portunity to be heard at said meet- ing. By ` order of the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of 6anford, Florida, this lith. day of December, . 1961. Clifford 111. McKibbin, Chairman. Zoning and Planning Com- mission CELERY CITY PRINTING CO., SANF0R0-214.4.60