HomeMy WebLinkAbout1910 W 16 St 04-2919 New SFHPERMIT ADDRESS \%m A ) k-- CONTRACTOR ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTOR PERMIT NUMBER FEE MISCELLANEOUS CONTRA.(TOR PERMIT NUMBER FEE SUBDIVISION PERMIT # C,- y PERMIT DESCRIPTION PERMIT VALUATION 1 U _ C' CC SQUARE FOOTAGE DATE ' a - p j City of Sanford Certificate of Occupancy This is to certify that the building located at 1910 W 16`h St for which permit number 04-2919 was issued and has been completed according to the plans and specifications filed in the permit, to wit a Single Family Residence complies with all the building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, as well as City of Sanford codes and ordinances and with the provisions of these regulations. Staff Approval Date Conditions (if blank, no conditions apply) Building: B. Oden 02/ 16/05 Engineering: D. Richards 02/ 24/05 Public Works: J. Crumpton 02/ 21 /05 Utilities: V Fire Department: Zoning: Lionel Southward Property Owner 02/ 22/05 YvnQ„ _ 02/24/ 05 Building Official Date CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTION DATE: PERMIT #: ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: New Single Family**** 02/21 /05 04-2919 1910 W 161h Street MS WEST PHONE #: Lionel Southward 407-314-6564 The building division has prepared a Certificate of Occupancy for the above location and is requesting final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please sign off and date the C. O. or submit addendum if it has been denied or approved with conditions. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. DEngineerinng z -2 / Ok" Public Works Utilities CONDITIONS: (TO BE COMPL t 2 - I 1 1 Fire DZoning ElLicensing ONLY IF APPRO I CONDITIONAL) 2 it Ids- ,' .Z'_ '' .. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTION DATE: PERMIT #: ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: PHONE #: New Single Family**** 02/21/05 04-2919 1910 W 161h Street MS WEST Lionel Southward 407-314-6564 The building division has prepared a Certificate of Occupancy for the above location and is requesting final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please sign off and date the C. O. or submit addendum if it has been denied or approved with conditions. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Engineering Fire ublic Works o J 4 Zoning Utilities Licensing r CONDITIONS: (TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF APPROVAL IS CONDITIONAL) FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY O.M.B. No. 3067-0077 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM Expires December 31, 2005 ELEVATION CERTIFICATE Important: Read the instructions on pages 1 - 7. SECTION A - PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION For Insurance Company Use: BUILDING OWNER'S NAME Policy Number BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Company NAIC Number 1 tC r CITY STATE ZIP CODE 5,19 ly -fo L I Z -7 2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Number, Legal Description, etc.) r- 4 . zr rs> ,z d s ti -,r, „- r, B r i,J /o f BUILDING USE (e.g., Residential, Non-residential, Addition, Accessory, etc. Use a Comments area, if necessary.) RIf// lI--.vZ;y4 LATITUDE/ LONGITUDE (OPTIONAL) HORIZONTAL DATUM: SOURCE: _ GPS (Type): or ##.#####) 1_1 NAD 1927 1_1 NAD 1983 USGS Quad Map 1_1 Other SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION B1. NFIP COMMUNITY NAME 8 COMMUNITY NUMBER B2. COUNTY NAME B3. STATE I G 0f -Po ,-'% "e ni7 1 lVo /e r_L- 64. MAP AND PANEL B5. SUFFIX B6. FIRM INDEX B7. FIRM PANEL B8. FLOOD B9. BASE FLOOD ELEVATION(S) I NUMBER DATE EFFECTIVE/REVISED DATE ZONE(S) (Zone AO, use depth of flooding) Z dZ O045 ZE lri1/7 414 XNA B10. Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) data or base flood depth entered in B9. 1_I FIS Profile 1_1 FIRM 1_I Community Determined 1-1 Other (Describe): B11. Indicate the elevation datum used for the BFE in B9: I_-NGVD 1929 I_I NAVD 1988 1_1 Other (Describe): B12. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? 1_1 Yes 1_1 No Designation Date: SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Building elevations are based on: I_IConstruction Drawings' I_16uilding Under Construction' I_ inished Construction A new Elevation Certificate will be required when construction of the building is complete. C2. Building Diagram Number t (Select the building diagram most similar to the building for which this certificate is being completed - see pages 6 and 7. If no diagram accurately represents the building, provide a sketch or photograph.) C3. Elevations — Zones Al-A30, AE, AH, A (with BFE), VE, V1-V30, V (with BFE), AR, AR/A, AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, AR/AO Complete Items C3.a-i below according to the building diagram specified in Item C2. State the datum used. If the datum is different from the datum used for the BFE in Section B, convert the datum to that used for the BFE. Show field measurements and datum conversion calculation. Use the space provided or the Comments area of Section D or Section G, as appropriate, to document the datum conversion. Datum Conversion/ Comments Elevation reference mark used Does the elevation reference mark used appear on the FIRM? I_I Yes I_I No a) Top of bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) 3 3 ft.(m) I b) Top of next higher floor s saErt _ ft.(m) U) Q c) Bottom of lowest horizontal structural member (V zones only) A1.4 . _ ft.(m) o O d) Attached garage (top of slab) 33 0 ft.(m) E D e) Lowest elevation of machinery and/or equipment `'. d servicing the building (Describe in a Comments area.) /Vie _ ft.(m) n f) Lowest adjacent (finished) grade (LAG) 3 7 / ft.(m) z' g) Highest adjacent (finished) grade (HAG) h) No. of pehnent openings (flood vents) within 1 ft. above adjacent grade AIA p i) Total area o all permanent openings (flood vents) in C3.h —(— sq. in. (sq. cm) J SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information. I certify that the information in Sections A, B, and C on this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME LICENSE NUMBER TITLE COMPANY NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE SIGNATURE DATE TELEPHONE FEMA Form 81-31, January 2003 See reverse side for continuation. Replaces all previous editions IMPORTANT: In these spaces, copy the corresponding information from Section A. For Insurance Company Use: BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. I Policy Number CITY STATE ZIP CODE I Company NAIC Number SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for (1) community official, (2) insurance agent/company, and (3) building owner. COMMENTS 11 Check here if attachments SECTION E - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zone AO and Zone A (without BFE), complete Items Ell. through E5. If the Elevation Certificate is intended for use as supporting information for a LOMA or LOMR-F, Section C must be completed. Ell. Building Diagram Number (Select the building diagram most similar to the building for which this certificate is being completed — see pages 6 and 7. If no diagram accurately represents the building, provide a sketch or photograph.) E2. The top of the bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) of the building is 1_I_I ft. (m) I_I_I in. (cm) 1_1 above or 1_1 below check one) the highest adjacent grade. (Use natural grade, if available.) E3. For Building Diagrams 6-8 with openings (see page 7), the next higher floor or elevated floor (elevation b) of the building is 1_1_I ft. (m) 1-1_Iin. (cm) above the highest adjacent grade. Complete Items C3.h and C3.i on front of form. E4. The top of the platform of machinery and/or equipment servicing the building is 1_1-1 ft. (m) 1_1_1 in. (cm) 1_1 above or 1_1 below check one) the highest adjacent grade. (Use natural grade, if available.) E5. For Zone AO only: If no flood depth number is available, is the top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? 1 I Yes I I No 1 I Unknown. The local official must certify this information in Section G SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sections A, B, C (Items C3.h and C3.i only), and E for Zone A without a FEMA-issued or community -issued BFE) or Zone AO must sign here. The statements in Sections A, B, C, and E are correct to the best of my knowledge. PROPERTY OWNER'S OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE SIGNATURE DATE TELEPHONE COMMENTS 1_1 Check here if attachments SECTION G - COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local official who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete Sections A, B, C (or E), and G of this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable item(s) and sign below. G1. 1_1 The information in Section C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and embossed by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by state or local law to certify elevation information. (Indicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2. 1_1 A community official completed Section E for a building located in Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or community -issued BFE) or Zone AO. G3. 1_1 The following information (Items G4-G9) is provided for community floodplain management purposes. G4. PERMIT NUMBER G5. DATE PERMIT ISSUED _—TG6. DATE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE/OCCUPANCY ISSUED G7. This permit has been issued for: 1_1 New Construction 1_1 Substantial Improvement G8. Elevation of as -built lowest floor (including basement) of the building is: —ft. (m) Datum: G9. BFE or (in Zone AO) depth of flooding at the building site is: —ft. (m) Datum: LOCAL OFFICIAL'S NAME TITLE COMMUNITY NAME TELEPHONE SIGNATURE DATE COMMENTS I I Check her^ if attachments FEMA Form 81-31, January 2003 Replaces all previous editions M. EDWARD CORDON f REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR No. 2259 P.O. BOX 1557 SANFORD, FL 32772.1557 407) 324-5720 MEMBER FLORIDA SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS FEBRUARY 21,2005 RE: THE WEST 46.00 FEET OF SOUTH %2 OF LOT 48 M. M. SMITH 2ND SUBDIVISION 1910 16TH STREET) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THE FINISHED FLOOD ELEVATION OF THE STRUCTURE LOCATED AT 1910 WEST 16TH STREET ( THE WEST 46.00 FEET OF SOUTH '/2 OF LOT 48 M. M. SMITH 2 ND SUBDIVISION) MEET OR EXCEEDS REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN THE CITY OF SANFORD CODE CHAPTER 6, sec. 6-7(a). SINCERELY, M. EDWARD GORDON171 PL fi T OF SURVEY DESCRIPTION THE WEST 16.00 FEET OF SOUTH 1 /P OF LOT 18 m f SMITH 8-NO SUBBI VISION NS RECORDED IN PL H T BOOK 1 _ PMECS 7 101 OF THE .PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOL E COUNT Y, FL ORIOH SET REBAR N 90'00'00" E FD REgAR d SO . 4 6.0 0 o CM PART OF LOT 48 VA CANTPROPE'RTY LOT 49 3 IB.3 0 0 0 l0 ' - o 0 o cn o o o o o - 2 STY 117 _ Z RES #1910 m w 17.3 g 8 11.7 a - 30.30' SET REBAR 90 30N : 0'00" E O. FD REBAR d CAP 46.00 1_6 TH_ STREET _c 50,_ R/W_) PAVED B. B. NOTES: I NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER 2 THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED FROM TITLE INFORMATION FURNISHED 'TO THE SURVEYOR. THERE MAY BE OTHER RESTRICTIONS OR UNRECORDED EASEMENTS THAT EFFECT THIS PROPERTY. 3 NO UNDER GROUND IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN LOCATED UNLESS OTHER WISE SHOWN 4 DIMENSIONS SHOWN FOR THE LOCATION.OF••IMPROVEMENTS HE EON SHOULD NOT BE USED TO RECONSTRUCT-SOUNDARf LINES. 5 BEARINGS ARE BASED ON ASSUMED DATUM AND ON THE LINE SHOWN AS BASE BEARING (B.B.). 6 VERTICAL CONTROL (NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM 1929) - CONCRETE LEGEND: ELEV - ELEVATION N&D - NAIL AND DISK BLK -BLOCK FD - FOUND POS - PONT OF BEGINNING ESMT - EASEMENT THIS PROPERTY. LIES IN ESMT - EASEMENT POC - POINT OF COMMENCMENT IF -IRON PIPE ZONE A ACCORDING STY -STORY CB -CHORD BEARING rt- CENTERLINE R/W - RIGHT OF WAY R - RADIUS n- DELTA TO FIRM MAP tJ242g9 0045 E DATE X-X-X - FENCE PL - PROPERTY LINE C - CHORD RES - RESIDENCE PC - POINT OF CURVE L - LENGHT BLDG - BUILDING CONC - CONCRETE P -PLAT WD FRM - WOOD FRAME MON - MONUMENT NUMBER PREPARED FOR LIONEL SOUTWARD • IL FD LITY REBAR • 0 - SET REBAR •2259 E -FD CONC MON • p -SET CONC MON 02259 IBM - TEMPORY BENCH MARK INV - INVERT N.G.- NATURAL GROUND FF FINISH FLOOR BM - BENCH MARK M. EDWARD GORDON SURVEYING TYPE S1AevEr FWAL DATE 21221 2005 DATE: PERMIT #: ADDRESS: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTI ; 1= I ' ' Q I I c I I 1 New Single Family**** %A ' 1 , I 1 1 1 1 1 02/21 05 = 1 J 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 CONTRACTOR: PHONE #: 04-2919 1910 W 161h Street MS WEST Lionel Southward 407-314-6564 of c 4A 1 I d v 1 V u C I u F:! O Co n G E) 40 a, o Gj Cc oft V V y c 1 G LA- U- The building division has prepared a Certificate of Occupancy for the above location and is requesting final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please sign off and date the C. O. or submit addendum if it has been denied or approved with conditions. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Engineering ID Fire Publ'c Works iOZoning Utilities _ Licensing CONDITIONS: (TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF APPROVAL IS CONDITIONAL} LMBC1001 CITY OF SANFORD Address Misc. Information Inquiry 2/22/05 08:18:20 Location ID . . . . . . Parcel Number . . . . . : Alternate location ID . : Location address . . . . : Primary related party . : Type options, press Enter. 5=View detail Opt Description CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES 21285 1910 W 16TH ST S & S PROPERTY ENTERPRISES Free -form information DON'T TURN ON WATER. BLDG IS CONDEMNED NO SW DEV FEE OR WA DEV FEE NEEDED PER PM IF NEED NEW WA MTR OR SW TAP HAVE TO PAY CHARGES FOR THESE F2=Address F3=Exit FS=Special Notes F9=Parcel Notes F12=Cancel F16=Related pty data LMBC1001 CITY OF SANFORD Address Misc. Information Inquiry 2/22/05 08:18:04 Location ID . . . . . . . Parcel Number . . . . . . Alternate location ID . . Location address . . . . . Primary related party . . Type options, press Enter. 5=View detail Opt Description CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CONDEMN BUILDING 21285 1910 W 16TH ST S & S PROPERTY ENTERPRISES Free -form information METER PULLED AND USED AT NEW LOC GOTCHA LBR 733 TR 737 - PULLED GOTCHA LBR 761 TR 762 SENT OUT 6/29/98 B-LOCKED R-762 6/30/98 GOTCHA LBR 779 TR 781 SENT OUT 7 /19/99 B-LOCKED R-785 7/21 GOTCHA LBR 843 TR 844 6/26/00 PULLED 7/3/00 R-845 #235 CITY COMM CONDEMNED ON 3/25/02 F2=Address F3=Exit F5=Special Notes F9=Parcel Notes F12=Cancel F16=Related pty data fob i Truss Truss Type IQty Ply MSW304/DT 304 A 1 ROOF TRUSS 1 1 optional) 4.201 SR 1 s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:22:21 2004 Page 1 a° +' " •T-YO 4-7-4 7-0-0 11-4-0 13-8-12 18-4-0 19.8-0 4-7-4 2-4-12 4-4-0 2-4-12 4-74 1-4-0 _-• Scale = 135.1 4.7 = 4z8 = 4 12 5 i W3' W4 , 8 - T1 -...W1 ! WS 73.. LU US = 3z8 = 3.4 = 3.5 = 7-0-0 _ 11-4-0 18-4-0 7-0-0 4-4-0 7-0-0 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [5:0-5-4,0-2-0] LOADING(pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Udetl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.92 Vert(LL) 0.26 9-11 >810 M1120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.96 Vert(TL) 0.20 9-11 >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.15 Horz(TL) -0.08 7 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) I st LC LL Min I/det1= 360 Weight: 85 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-7-0 oe purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 3-7-14 oe bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 REACT IONS(lb/size) 2=1419/0-7-8, 7=1375/0-7-8 Max Horz 2=-103(load case 5) Max Upli ft2=- I 383(load case 4), 7=-1291(load case 5) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=32, 2-3=-2736, 3-4=-2594, 4-12=2402, 5-12=2402, 5-6=-2485, 6-7=2631, 7-8=32 BOT CHORD 2-11=2437, 11-13=2302, 10-13=2302, 9-10=2302, 7-9=2341 WEBS 3-11=-70, 4-1 1=455; 5-1 1=122,5-9=481, 6-9=-77 NOTES 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end _roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 Ifend.verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1383 lb uplift at joint 2 and 1291 Ib uplift at joint 7. 5) Special hanger(s) or connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s) 264.21b down and 500.51b up at 7-0-0. and 128.81b down and 283.71b up at 9-0-12, and 95.31b down and 216.71b up at 1 1-4-0 on top chord, and 348.61b down and 299.41b up at 7-0-0, and 46.31b down and 160.1lb up at 9-0-12, and 302.31b down and 459.51b up at 11-4-0 on bottom chord. Design for unspecified connection(s) is delegated to the building designer. LOAD CASE(S) . Standard j I ) Regular: Lumber Increasel.25, Plate Increase 1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) .a Vert: 1-2=-61.0, 2-3=-62.0, 3-4=-61.7, 4-5=60.0, 5-6=-61.7, 6-7=-62,0, 7-8=-61.0, 2-7=-20,0 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 4=-224.2 5=-95.3 11=-348.6 9=-302.3 12=-128.8 13=46.3 nnn& MA1 u 1 - - y ' 304 A2 ROOF TRUSS Scale 1 34.J 4.4 LOADING(p st) SPACING 2-0-0 CS1 DEFL in (loc) I/defi PLATES GRIP LUMBER BWALCING BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or9-4-6 oc bracing. FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only NOTES 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psftop chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 Ifend verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) Provide mechanical connection (by others) oftruss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 369 lb uplift atjoint 2 and 369 lb uplift at joint 6. Job s Truss Type Qty Ply MSW304/DT 304 FA3 ROOF TRUSS 2 1 optional) 4.201 SR 1 s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:22:21 2004 Page I J -1-4-0 4-10-14 9-2-0 13-52 18-4-0 19-8-0i 1-4-0 4-10-14 4-3-2 4-3-2 4-10-14 1-4-0 Scale = 1:36.8, 4.4 = cc 4 3x4 = 3.8 = 3,4 = F 9-2-0 18-4-0 9-2-0 9-2-0 LOADING(pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/detl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.39 Vert(LL) 0.04 9 >999 MI120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.53 Vert(TL) -0.17 6-9 >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.13 I Horz(TL) 0.03 6 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 i 1st LC LL Min 1/deft = 360 Weight: 80 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-6-12 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-10-5 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 REACTION(Ib/size) 2=828/0-7-8, 6=828/0-7-8 Max Horz 2=124(load case 4) Max Uplift2=-369(load case 4), 6=-369(load case 5) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=16, 2-3=-1208, 3-4=-901, 4-5=-901, 5-6=-1208, 6-7=16 BOT CHORD 2-9=1 100, 8-9=1100, 6-8=1100 WEBS 3-9=-295, 4-9=419, 5-9=-295 NOTES I ) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 fl above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 369 lb uplift atjoint 2 and 369 lb uplift at joint 6. LOAD CASE(S) Standard MAY 2 J- 2004 123 - j Job Truss Truss Type 304 +A4 ROOF TRUSS i 1-44J 5-3-6 1-4-0 5-3-6 4 Qty Ply MSW304/DT 1 2 _ optional) 4.201 SR 1 s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:22:22 2004 Page 1 9-2-0 I 13-0-10 18-4-0 19-8-0 3-10-10 3-10-10 5-3-6 - '1-4-0 Scale = 1:34.6 9 4.7 4 '.d 2z4 I 5 5.00,12 2z4 II 3z4 .. 3 6 yyg jW6 T1 W4 N.. pI i B1 n B2 - 12 11 10 9 4.4 = 3.4 = 4.6 = 1000 = 2z4 II 3.7 5-3-6 9-2-0 1 13.0-10 18-4 0 5-3-6 3-10-.10 3-10-10 5-3-6 ! LOADING(pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CS1 DEFL in (loc) I/dell PLATES GRIP . TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.45 Vert(LL) 0.13 10 >999 M1120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.49 Vert(TL) -0.19 10 >999 s BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner NO WB 0.81 Horz(TL) 0.04 7 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 1st LC LL Min 1/det1= 360 Weight: 212 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYPNo.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-8-12 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SYP No.I D BOT CHORD; Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 *Except* W6 2 X 6 SYP No. ID REACT 10N!Ib/size) 2=2661/0-7-8, 7=3396/0-7-8 Max Horz 2=127(load case 4) Max Uplift2=- 12 1 0(load case 4), 7=-1547(load case 5) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=18, 2-3=-5921, 3-4=-5886, 4-5=7572, 5-6-7572, 6-7=-7770, 7-8=18 BOT CHORD 2-12=5433, 11-12=5137, 10-11=5137, 9-10=7130, 7-9=7130 WEBS 3-12=-184, 6-10=-189, 6-9=74, 5-10=-120, 4-10=5074, 4-12=413 NOTES l ) This truss has been checked for unbalancedloading conditions. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches `exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber IDOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate,capable of withstanding 1210 lb uplift atjoint2 and 1547, lb uplill at joint 7. 4) 2-ply truss to be connected together with 1 Od Common(.148"x3") Nails as follows: I' op chords connected as follows: 2 X 4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2 X 6 - 3 rows at 0-4-0 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2 X 4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc- 2 X 6 - 2 rows at 0-9-0 oc. 5) Special hanger(s) or connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s) 4400.01b down and 2016.71b up at 10-7-12 on R.. bottom chord. Design for unspecified connection(s) is delegated to the building designer. i LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 j Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-2=-61.3, 2-3=-61.8, 3-4=-61.7, 4-6=-61.7, 6-7=-61.8, 7-8=-61.3, 2-7=-20.0 Concentrated Loads (lb) 9 _ Vert:10=-4400.0 MAY 2 1 004 4 R 3 Job Truss a _, • Truss Type e • . l Qty !ply MSW304/DT. 304 A5 ROOF TRUSS I3 L 1 optional) 4.201 SR 1 s Nov 162000 MiTek Industries, Inc.., Wed Apr 07 1622:2age I 1- 4-0 5-9-0 - 9-2-0 10-6-0 1- 4-0 5-9-0 - 3-5-0 1-4-0 E - - Scale 1.31 1 I 4.4 4 3x4 S T2 5 2. 4/( l i - WCR2Ey2 v - - T1 ` 1 wl i h 2 2 oil " I' 9-2'0 I 10- 6-0 9- 2-0 1.4-0 p 6 LOADING(pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/dell PLATES GRIP " TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.23 Vert(LL) 0.00 7 >999 Mll20 249/190 I_ TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.33 Vert(TL) -0.14 2-7 >855 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.11 Horz(TL) 0.00 6 n/a ' BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 ISt LC LL Min Udell= 360 Weight: 56 lb LIIMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 REACTION( Ib/size) 2=515/0-7-8, 6=410/0-3-0 Max HoYz 2=246(load case 4) i Max Uplift2=-259(load case 4), 6=-189(load case 4) I FORCES( lb) - First Load Case Only j TOP CHORD 1-2=16, 2-3=-389, 3-4=-121, 4-5=-121, 5-6=-399 i BOT CHORD 2-7=355, 6-7=0 WEBS 3-7=-292, 44=-54, 5-7=335 - i NOTES 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 11 aboveground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I y enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 if end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33.. and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 259 lb uplift at joint 2.and 189 lb uplift atjoint 6. l LOAD CASE(S) Standard d i MAY 2 -1, 2004- i Job lTruss Truss Type Qty Ply MSW304/DT' 304 BI ROOF"TRUSS I o tional 4.201 SR 1 s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:22:23 2064 Page l 12b0 ,. 15-B 2 19-6-0 }-2-0- 19 1 0- 14-0 3-9-14 3-2-2 5tr0` 3-2-2 3 9 14 - 1-4-0 6.6 = 5.00112. 3.4 .- -. .. - 3.1 fir3 / W3 .W4 W5 rr W6 T3... 71 7 I i a 1 L 8 13 - 12 11 - 10- 4x5 = 2.4 11 3x4 = 3x4 = 3x6 = 2.4 11 - 46 = 3-9-14 1. 7-0-0 12-6-015-8-2 - 19-6-0 1 3-9-14 3-.2-2. 5-&0 3.2-2 3-9-14 Plate Offsets 7t,Y : 2:0-1-14,0-0-2j= 5:0-3-0,0-2-9], [7:0-1-14,0-0-2] - LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CS1 DEFL in (loc) Udetl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.41 iVert(LL) 0.16 12 >999 M112O 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC, 0.85 Vert(TL) ` ' -0.26 10-12 >882 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.26 1 Horz(TL) 0.09 7 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 1st LC LL Min Udetl = 360 Weight: 99 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 *Except* TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-2-7 oc purl ins. T2 2 X 6 SYP No.1 D BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-0-11 oc bracing. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 REACTIONS(Ib/size) 2=1712/0-3-8, 7=1712/0-3-8 Max Horz 2=-101(load case 5) n Max Uplitt2=-849(load case 4), 7=-781(load case 5) FORCES(Ib) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=16, 2-3=-3625, 3-4=-3386, 4-5=-3178, 5-6=-3386, 6-7=-3625, 7-8=16 BOT CHORD 2-13=3315, 12-13=3315, 11-12=3178, 10-11=3178, 9-10=3315, 7-9=3315 WEBS 3-13-70, 3-12=-197, 4-12=796, 4-10=-6, 5-10=796; 6-10=-197, 6-9=70 NOTES l) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions: . 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category II, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001.If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. " - 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 849 lb uplift atJoint 2 and 781 lb uplift at joint 7 5) Special hanger(s) orconnection(s) required to support concentrated load(s) 556.1lb down and 591.51b up at 12-6-0, and 556.11b down and 591-51b up at 7-0-0 on bottom chord. Design for unspecified connection(s) is delegated to the building designer. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I) Regular: Lumber, Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads.(plt) Vert: 1-2=-61.2, 2-3=-61.9, 3-4=-61.6. 4-5=-138.2, 5-6=-61.6. 6-7=-61.9, 7-8=-61.2, 2-12=-20.0, 10-12=-45.5, 7-10=-20.0 Concentrated Loads (lb) ' rAVert:12=-556.1 10--556.1 MA Y 200, 1 8243 , jJob - Truss Truss Type Qty 'Ply MSW304/DT 304 B2 ROOF TRUSS 1 1 optional) 4.201 SR 1 s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:22:23 2004 Page I 10-6-0 13-9-5 19-6-0 1-4-0 5-8-11 3-3-5 1-6-0 3-3-5 " 5-8-11 1-4-0 — I. Style = 1:37.0. 4.4 = .. . 40 = 4 5 -. L 5.00 FF2 2Y4/C _ 2x4 ;- 3 IW2W3, 4 ' 2 - 7 Ell 11 10 930 .— 3.4 = 3.8 = 3.4 9-0-D- 10-rr0 .. 19 6 0 9-0-0 1-6-0 9-0-0 Plate Offsets {,Y : 5:0-5-4,0-2-0 LOADINC(pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/detl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.28 Vert(LL) 0.05 10 >999 M1120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.51 Vert(TL) -0.18 7-9 >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.10 i Horz(TL) 0.03 7 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 1 st LC LL Min Udell = 360 Weight: 93 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-3-4 oc purlins. BOT CHORD, 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directlyapplied or 8-7-14 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 REACTIONTb/size) 2=878/0-3-8, 7=878/0-3-8 Max Horz 2=-123(lond case 5) Max Uplift2=-391(load case 4), 7=-372(load case 5) FORCES(Ib) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=16, 2-3=1322, 3-4=-1058, 4=5=-986, 5-6-I058, 6-7=1322, 7-8=16 BOT CHORD 2-11=1212, 10-11=1212, 9-10=986,.7-9=1212 WEBS 3-10=-283; 4-10=258, 5-1 0=0, 5-9 258, 6-9=-283 NOTES. 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to - wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase.is 1.33 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 391 lb uplift at joint'2 and 372 I6 iphtt at joint /. j LOAD CASE(S) Standard Q1Y Ply MSW304/DTJobTrussTrussType Job Truss Truss Type QV Ply MSW304/DT 304 B4 ROOF TRUSS optional) 4.201 SR l s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:55:26 2004 Page 1 j 5-5-0 - F 9-0-0 15-IG-0 .. 19-6-0 r 1-4-0 -. 5-5-0 - 3-7-0 8-10-0 3_&0 - Scale = 1:35A 4.7 44 = 4 5 14 5.00 — 3.4 <; / T3-. U4 S W4 pl A01 Yn WCR2 C112 02 L 11 10 9 U4 = 2z4 II 3.4 = 3t4 = _ 3.8 = - 2r/ I! I-- - —5-5-0 5-5-0 3-7-0 8-10-0 . 3-8-0 " Plate Offsets ;Y : 4:0-5-4,0-2-0 I LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CS1 DEFL in (loc) I/dell PLATES GRIP TCLL , 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.65 Vert(LL)0.05 11 >999 M1120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.40 Vert(TL) -010 8-9 >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress7ncr YES WB 0.46 Horz(TL) 0.03 7 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 1st LC LL Min I/deft 360 Weight: 101 lb L11MBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-1-4,oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD` 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 7-9-15 oe bracing. WEBS. 2 X 4 SYP No.3 j REACT[ONS(lb/size) - 2=875/0-3-8, 7=777/Mechanical Max Horz 2=211(load case 4) Max Uplift2= 430(load case 4), 7=-283(load case 4) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=16, 2-3-1419, 3-4=-1051, 4-5=-599, 5-6=-652, 6-7=-741 BOT CHORD 2-11=1301, 10-11=1301, 9-10=1301, 8-9=981, 7-8=0 WEBS 3-11--K 3-9=7389, 4-9=307; 4-8=-439; 5-8=-62, 6-8=712 NOTES 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) "this truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 fi above ground level, using:5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roofzone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are: not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections: 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 430 lb uplift at joint 2 and 283 lb uplift at joint 7. ' j LOAD CASE(S). Standard s Type Qty Ply MSW304/DT F TRUSS 1 1 optional) 4.201 SR 1 s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:55:26 2004 Page 1 47 = 1 12-5-0 17-10-0 19-6-0 5-5-0 5-5-0 1-6-0 Scale - 1:1 A If 2x4 11 5x5 - ` y 4 5 R 6 h4 = 2c4 11 3.1 = 1Y8 = 3.4 = 7-0-0 5-5-0 7-1-0 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [3:0-5-4,0-2-01 LOADING(pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in loc) Well PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.71 Vert(LL) 0.05 10 999 MII20 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.39 Vert(TL) 0.10 7-8 999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES WB 0.30 Horz(TL) 0.02 7 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 1 st LC LL Min Udefl = 360 Weight: 94 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-2-2 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-3-8 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 REACTIONSlb/size) 2=872/0-3-8, 7=773/Mechanical Max Horz 2=190(load case 4) Max Uplift2=-44I(load case 4), 7=-324(load case 4) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=16, 2-3=-1254, 3-4=-1155, 4-5=-1155, 5-6=0, 6-7=47 BOT CHORD 2-10=1152, 9-10=1158, 8-9=1158, 7-8=338 WEBS 3-10=123, 3-8=-3, 4-8=-322, 5-8=931, 5-7=-739 NOTES 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 R above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category II, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 441 lb uplift at joint 2 and 324 lb uplift at joint 7. LOAD CASE(S). Standard MAY- 2 1 2004 Job Truss Truss Type 304 B6 ROOF TRUSS 4.201 S 1.4-o s-ao 9-10-9 1.4-0 5-0-0 4-10-9 Qty Ply MSW304/DT I 1 optional) 1 s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:55:26 14-7-7 19$0 4-8-13 4-10-9 4.7 = 2x4 II 3 4 U5 = 2.4 ii 3y8 = Sri = U4 = 5 5-0-0 4-10.9 4-8-13 4-10-9 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [3:0-5-4,0-2-0] LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl PLATES TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.73 Vert(LL) 0.18 10 >999 M1120 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.67 Vert(TL) -0.25 10 >936 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.82 Horz(TL) 0.05 7 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 1 st LC LL Min I/det1--- 360 Weight: 93 lb L1IMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-8-9 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-6-14 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP Nq.3 REACTION$Ib/size) 7=1377/Mechanical, 2=1379/0-3-8 Max Horz 2=164(load case 4) Max UplifU=-658(load case 4), 2=-703(load case 4) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=16, 2-3=-2709, 3-4=-3171, 4-5=3171, 5-6=-2325, 6-7=1295 BOT CHORD 2-1 1=2482, 10-1 1=2508, 9-10=2325, 8-9=2325, 7-8=0 WEBS 3-1 1=386, 3-10=723, 4-10=-504, 5-10=928, 5-8=-881, 6-8=2549 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 3) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 658 lb uplift at joint 7 and 703 lb uplift at joint 2. 5) Special hanger(s) or connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s) 252.81b down and 268.91b up at 5-0-0 on bottom chord. Design for unspecified connection(s) is delegated to the building designer. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.25. Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-2=-61.2, 2-3=61.8, 3-6=-105.7, 2-11=-20.0, 7-11=-34.7 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 1 1=-252.8 MAY 2 1 2004' 104 Page 1 I Scak = 1:35.! 1 i i, 3.8 = 6 2.4 16 i GRIP 249/ 190 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply MSW304/DT 304 Cl ROOF TRUSS 1 1 optional) 4.201 SR I s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:55:27 2004 Page I 7-6-0 124)-0 16-6-0 19-" 20-10.0_, 1-4-0 3-0-0 4-6-0 4-6-0 4-6-0 3-0-0 1-4-0 Scale = 1:37.0 4.5 = 3%f = 3%4 = 4.5 =. 5.00 712 3 13 14 4 15 16 5 17 18 6 4J ` W3 W41NI2 -' i . T3 .. 72 , Tt { 0 ' C 62 ........ 8 o 12 19 20 11 21 10 22 23 24 9 3%4 = 3,4 = 3%4 1R4 = SY4 3%4 = F 3-0-0 + _--- 9-9-0 16-6-0 19-6-0 3-0-0 6-9-0 6-9.0 3-0-0 LOADINC(pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CS1 DEFL in (loc) Well PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.68 Vert(LL) 0.39 10 >589 MII20 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.59 Vert(TL) 0.32 10 >714 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner NO WB 0.43 Horz(TL) -0.08 7 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1 st LC LL Min I/detl = 360 Weight: 87 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-8-13 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 3-6-3 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 REACTIONS(Ib/size) 2=864/0-3-8, 7=871/0-3-8 Max Horz 2=-62(load case 5) Max Uplift2=-910(load case 4), 7=-908(load case 3) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=31, 2-3=-1641, 3-13=-1513, 13-14=-1513, 4-14=-1513, 4-15=-2693, 15-16=-2693, 5-16=-2693, 5-17=-1526, 17-18=-1526, 6-18=-1526, 6-7=-1657,7-8=31 BOT CHORD 2-12=1464, 12-19=2553, 19-20=2553, 11-20=2553, 11-21=2553, 10-21=2553, 10-22=2557, 22-23=2557, 23-24=2557, 9-24=2557, 7-9=1478 WEBS 3-12=438, 4-12=-1085, 4-10=161, 5-10=156, 5-9=-1076, 6-9=429 NOTES I ) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 910 lb uplift at joint 2 and 908 lb uplift atjoint 7. 5) Special hanger(s) or connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s) 45.O1b down and 201.91b up at 3-0-0, 79.91b up at 5-0-12, 79.91b up at 7-0-12, 79.91b up at 9-0-12, 79.91b up at 10-5-4, 79.91b up at 12-54, and 79.91b up at 14-54, and 60.71b down and 122.01b up at 16-6-0 on top chord, and 18.21b down at 3-0-0, 6.31b down at 5-0-12, 6.31b down at 7-0-12, 6.31b down at 9-0-12, 6.31b down at 10-54, 6.31b down at 12-54, and 6.31b down at 14-5-4, and 12.01b down and 175.21b up at 16-6-0 on bottom chord. Design for unspecified connection(s) is delegated to the building designer. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 3=-5.0 6=-20.7 12=-18.2 9=-12.0 13=15.7 14=15.7 15=15.7 16=15.7 17=15.7 18=15.7 19=-6.3 20=-6.3 21=6.3 22=6.3 23=-6.3 24=6.3 MAY 2 1 2004 i Sob Truss Truss Type Qty Ply MSW304/DT 304 C2 ROOF TRUSS I 3 optional) 4.201 SR I s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:55:27 2004 Page 1 4-11-8 9-9-0 14-5-4 1448 19$0 20-10-0 4-11-8 4-9-8 4-8-4 0.1-4 4-11-8 1-4-0 -- Scak = 1:34.61 4.7 = 2.4 II 40 = S 00 rJ 2 3 4 i J Ed\` n Iry nJ 5 305 10 11 12 913 11 811 16 7 .i 4x4 = 2x4 It 7x8 = 2.4 It 4x4 — 4-11-8 I 9-9.0 145-4 14-g-8 19-6-0 4-11-8 4-9-8 4-8-4 0-1-4 4-11-8 Plate Offsets ,Y : 1:0-3-5,0-0-2 , 2:0-5-4,0-2-0 , 4:0-5-4,0-2-0 , 5:0-3-5,0-0-2 , 8:0-4-0,0-4-8 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl i PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.30 Vert(LL) 0.16 7-8 >999 M1120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.51 Vert(TL) -0.24 7-8 >945 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner NO WB 0.30 Horz(TL) 0.04 5 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/deft= 360 Weight: 299 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SYP No. ID BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 I REACTION$1b/size) 1=4694/0-3-8, 5=3650/0-3-8 Max Horz 1=-99(load case 5) Max Uplift l=-1855(load case 4), 5=-1548(load case 3) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=-9043, 2-3=-10705, 3-4=-10705, 4-5--8776, 5-6=36 BOT CHORD 1-10=8310, 10-11=8310, 11-12=8310, 9-12=8310, 9-13=8467, 13-14=8467, 8-14=8467, 8-15=8179, 15-16=8179, 7-16=8179, 5-7=8036 WEBS 2-9=2171, 2-8=2429, 3-8=-205, 4-8=2742, 4-7=1992 NOTES 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category II, condition f enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 Ifend verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1855 lb uplift at joint I and 1548 lb uplift at joint 5. 5) 3-ply truss to be connected together with 10d Common(.148"x3") Nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2 X 4 - I row at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2 X 6 - 2 rows at 0-6-0 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2 X 4 - I row at 0-9-0 oc. 6) Special hanger(s) or connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s) 765.91b down and 284.81b up at 0-6-12, 765.91b down and 284.81b up at 2-6-12, 765.91b down and 284.81b up at 4-6-12, 765.91b down and 284.81b up at 6-6-12, 765.9lb down and 284.81b up at 8-6-12, 757.21b down and 293.11b up at 10-54, and 753.01b down and 334. lIb up at 12-54, and'' 1357.31b down and 668. fib up at 14-5-4 on bottom chord. Design for unspecified connection(s) is delegated to the building designer. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) MAY 2 1 2604 Vert: 1-2=61.7, 24=-60.0, 4-5=-61.7, 5-6=61.6, 1-5-20.0 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert. 7=1357.3 10=-765.9 11=-765.9 12=765.9 13=-765.9 14=-765.9 15=-757.2 16=-753.0 i Fi .job I Truss 304 CJ 1 I Truss Type Qty P ROOF TRUSS i 5 1 4.201 SR I s Nov 16 2-0-0 220 12 2 T1 MSW304/DT optional) iTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:55:28 2004 Page 1 1-0-0 1-0-0 3 _- Scale = 1:6.1' 2.5Y4 = 4 1.0-0 100 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/detl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.26 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a M1120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.00 Vert(TL) 0.05 1 >476 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.00 3 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 (Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/detl = 360 Weight: 6 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 1-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACT]ON$b/size) 3=-103/Mechanica), 2=295/0-3-8, 4=9/0-1-8 Max Horz 2=29(load case 2) Max Uplift3=- I 03(load case 1), 2=-302(load case 2) Max Grav 3=143(load case 4), 2=295(load case 1), 4=9(load case 1) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only j TOP CHORD 1-2=14, 2-3=-52 BOT CHORD 24=0 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers, exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 3) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate at joint(s) 4. 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 103 lb up] i11 at joint 3 and 302 lb uplift at joint 2. LOAD CASE(S) Standard MAY 2 1 2004 4- a Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply MSW304/DT 304 CJ3 ROOF TRUSS 10 1 optional) 9.LV I al%1 S IVUV 10 LVVV IV1I ICK lnaustrles, mc. wea Apr V / 10:33:28 2004 Page 1 1-4-0 3-0_0 I 5.00 F12 2x4 = 7 Scale. 1:11.5,, LOADING(psl) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/detl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.19 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a MII20 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.03 Vert(TL) 0.04 1-2 >471 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.00 3 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 (Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/detl = 360 Weight: 12 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS(Ib/size) 3=44/Mechanical, 2=244/0-7-8, 4=26/Mechanical Max Horz 2=83(load case 4) Max Uplift3=-66(load case 5), 2=-165(load case 4) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=32, 2-3=-49 BOT CHORD 2-4=0 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 tl above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psl'bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I I enclosed building; with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 1 2) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 13) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 66 lb uplift at joint 3 and 165 lb upliftl at joint 2. LOAD CASE(S) Standard AY 2 12004 182A.3 R_ t —, ._--_— - . job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply MSW304/DT 304 CJS ROOF TRUSS 8 1 o tional 4.LU 1 JK 15 NOV 10 LUUU MI I eK InUUstrles, inc. wed Apr U / 16:55:28 2004 Page 1 s 1-" bap 214 = 3 Scale = 1:16.6 LOADING(pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/detl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.23 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a M1120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.10 Vert(TL) 0.06 1-2 >318 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES WB 0.00 I Horz(TL) -0.00 3 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/detl = 360 Weight: 18 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-0-0 oc purlins. j BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACT]ON$Ib/size) 3= 12 1 /Meehan i cal, 2=310/0-7-8, 4=46/Mechanical Max Horz 2=130(load case 5) Max Uplift3=425(load case 5), 2=-152(load case 4) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=32, 2-3=38 BOT CHORD 24=0 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category II, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33. and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Refer to girdcr(s) for truss to truss connections. 3) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 125 lb uplift at joint 3 and 152 lb uplift at joint 2. LOAD CASE(S) Standard MAY $ 1 2004 18243 iI 4 Job i A Truss Truss Type Qty Ply MSW304/DT 304 Dl MONO TRUSS 2 1 optional) 4.201 SR 1 s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:55:29 2004 Page I 1 -+- 8-10-5 15-2-0 8-10-5 6-3-11 2.00 ,12 Scale - 1:27.5 20 11 5 job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply MSW304/DT 304 D2 MONO TRUSS 8 1 o tional 4.201 SR I s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16.55.29 2004 Page 1 1Io a-to-s 1s-z-o 1-4-0 8-10-5 6-3-11 Scale • 127.5 2.00 FIT 2z4 11 4 r f I 3 _ d _ s L- U7 -" 6 5 .=j 2.4 If 8-10-5 6-3-11 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [2:0-0-8,0-1-8], [3:0-2-8,0-3-0] LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Udetl PLATES GRIT' TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.89 Vert(LL) 0.13 6 >999 M1120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.53 Vert(TL) -0.15 6 >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.45 Horz(TL) 0.03 5 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Ist LC LL Min Udell = 360 Weight: 62 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-0-12 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-5-4 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 WEBS I Row at midpt 3-5 REACTION$Ib/size) 2=688/0-3-8, 5=597/0-3-8 Max Horz 2=188(load case 2) Max Uplift2=-442(load case 2), 5=-375(load case 2) I FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=6, 2-3=-1438, 3-4=-0, 4-5=-182 BOT CHORD 2-6=1417, 5-6=1405 WEBS 3-6=149, 3-5=-1449 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 9 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition 11 partially enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to %%ind. If porches exist, they are exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 442 lb uplift at joint 2 and 375 lb uplift at joint 5. i LOAD CASE(S) Standard MAY 2 1 2004 18243 Lob Truss Truss Type Qty Ply MSW304/DT 304 D3 MONO TRUSS 2 2 optional) 4.201 SR I s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:55:29 2004 Page I 6-1-11 8-10-5 15-2-0 i 6-1-11 2-8-10 6-3-11 Soak 1:25.2 N4 4 i 2.00, 12 ___ -_ L 3.4 3 _ _ __ ___ 2.4 J— _ W3 i 7 B 3e7 = - lr! _ 6 36 = 8-4-12 9-4 Plate Oft -sets ,Y : 1:0-0-8,0-1-8 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/detl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.67 Vert(LL) 0.25 1-6 >709 M1120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.73 Vert(TL) -0.40 1-6 >451 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner NO WB 0.32 Horz(TL) 0.03 5 n/a j BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/det1= 360 Weight: 127 lb j LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 REACTIONS[Ib/size) 1=1943/0-3-8, 5=679/0-3-8 Max Horz 1=143(load case 2) Max Uplifll=-876(load case 2), 5=-321(load case 2) FORCES(Ib) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=-2852, 2-3=-2044, 3-4=-112, 4-5=-193 BOT CHORD 1-7=2809, 6-7=2809, 5-6=1988 WEBS 2-6=-890, 3-6=637, 3-5=-1960 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33. and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 876 lb uplift at joint I and 321 lb uplift at joint 5. 3) 2-ply truss to be connected together with 10d Common(.148"x3") Nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2 X 4 - I row at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2 X 4 - I row at 0-4-0 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2 X 4 - I row at 0-9-0 oc. 1) Special hanger(s) or connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s) 1428.01b down and 654.51b up at 1-0-0 on bottom chord- Design for unspecified connection(s) is delegated to the building designer. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plt) Vert: 1-5=20.0, 1-2=-60.3, 2-4=60.3 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 7=-1428.0 MAY 2 1 2004 4-3 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply MS 304/DT 304 D4 MONO TRUSS 4 1 optional) 4.201 SR I s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:55:30 2004 Pau T 6-8-5 12-10-12 1-1-10 6-8-5 6-2-7 Scale: 17-1' 2x4 11 2.00, IT --------- N4 IEV2. iW1 9. B1 L 5 3A = 2X4 11 3x$ 1-1-10 6-8-5 12-10-12 1-1-10 6-8-5 6-2-7 LOADING(pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CS1 DEFL in (loc) I/defl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.63 Vcrt(LL) 0.08 5 >999 M1120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.85 Vert(TL) -0.11 5 >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner NO WB 0.83 Horz(TL) 0.02 4 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 1st LC LL Min I/defl = 360 Weight: 52 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-6-1 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-1-7 oc bracing. VEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 REACTION$lb/size) 1=507/0-3-8,4=506/0-3-8 Max Horz 1=132(load case 2) Max Up] i 111 =-218(load case 2), 4=-242(ioad case 2) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=-1224,2-3=-0,3-4=-183 BOT CHORD 1-5=1200,4-5=1200 WEBS 2-5= 126, 2-4=- 1229 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 fl above ground level, using 5.0 pst'top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end rool'zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 218 lb uplift at joint I and 242 lb uplift at joint 4. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1, job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply MSW304/DT i 304 El ROOF TRUSS 1 1 optional) 4.201 SR I s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:55:30 2004 Page 1 4-10.6 0-y0I 4-10.8 1-10.8 Ic1 = Scale • 120.7 2 w ' 5.00 12 W7 \\ rz 1 d 1.5 = 4.5 = LOADING(pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/detl PLATES GRIP j TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.33 Vert(LL) 0.05 14 >999 MII20 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.47 Vert(TL) -0.06 3-4 >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.50 Horz(TL) 0.01 3 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) I st LC LL Min 1/deft = 360 Weight: 49 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-0-9 oc purl ins. BOT CHORD 2 X 8 SYP No. ID BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-6-11 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 REACTION$Ib/size) 1=1428/Mechanical, 3=1428/Mechanical Max Horz I=54(load case 5) Max Upliftl=-781(load case 4), 3=-781(load case 5) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=-2282, 2-3=2282 BOT CHORD 1-5=2020, 5-6=2020, 6-7=2020, 7-8=2020, 4-8=2020, 4-9=2020, 9-10=2020, 10-11=2020, 1 1-12=2020, 3-12=2020 WEBS 2-4=1547 NOTES 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 11 above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition 1 enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 781 lb uplift at joint I and 781 lb uplift at joint 3. 5) Special hanger(s) or connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s) 10.81b up at 0-114, 532.81b down and 323.31b up at 1-1 1-4, 10.81b up at 2-1 1-4, 532.81b down and 323.31b up at 3-1 1-4, 10.81b up at 4-1 1-4, 532.81b down and 323.31b up at 5-9-12, 10.81b up at 6-1 1-4, and 532.8lb down and 323.31b up at 7-9-12, and 10.81b up at 8-1 1 4 on bottom chord. Design for unspecified connection(s) is delegated to the building designer. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-2=-62.0, 2-3=-62.0, 1-3=-20.0 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 4=10.8 5=10.8 6=-532.8 7=10.8 8=-532.8 9=-532.8 10=10.8 1 1=-532.8 12=10.8 MAY 2 1 2004- - 43 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply MSW304/DT 304 EB ROOF TRUSS 8 1 optional) 4.201 SR 1 s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:55:30 2004 Page 1 1+0 z , o 1 2xt = 4 Scale - 1:1 IS LOADING(pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Vdetl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.19 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a M1I20 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.03 Vert(TL) 0.04 1-2 >471 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.00 3 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min 1/def1= 360 Weight: 12 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACT]ON$b/size) 3=44/Mechanical, 2=244/0-7-8, 4=26/Mechanical Max Horz 2=83(load case 4) Max Upliti3=-66(load case 5), 2-165(load case 4) FORCES(Ib) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=32, 2-3=-49 BOT CHORD 2-4=0 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psi'bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 3) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 66 lb uplift atjoint 3 and 165 lb uplift atjoint 2. LOAD CASE(S) Standard MAY 2 1 2004 i 304 Truss EJ5 Truss Type ROOF TRUSS 1-4-0 2 2.4 = QtY PIY 8 1 4.201 SR 1 s Nov 16 2000 P so-0 5-0-0 t/DT Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 1 3 / J 5.00 ,12 LA T1/ / LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/detl PLATES TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.25 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a MII20 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.10 Vert(TL) 0.04 1-2 >450 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.00 3 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/detl = 360 Weight: 18 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing REACT IONS(1b/size) 3=130/Mechanieal, 2=303/0-3-8, 4=48/Mechanical Max Horz 2=160(load case 4) Max Uplift3=-I 13(load case 4), 2=-184(load case 4) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=31, 2-3=40 BOT CHORD 2-4=0 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 3) Provide mechanical connection (by others) oftruss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 113 lb uplift at joint 3 and 184 lb upliftl at joint 2. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Page 1 Scale • 1:16.8 I GRIP 2491190 I. r ,6ob A Truss e ' i i 304 EJ7 Truss Type ROOF TRUSS 1-" 2 N4 = Qty Ply 8 I 4.201 SR 1 s Nov 16 2000 7-" 7-0-0 7-0-0 7-0-0 a LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/detl PLATES TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.52 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a MI120 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.20 Vert(TL) 0.22 1-2 >95 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.00 3 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/detl = 360 Weight: 24 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing REACTIONSjIb/size) 3=189/Mechanical, 2=386/0-7-8, 4=66/Mechanical Max Horz 2=177(load case 5) Max Uplitt3=-I82(load case 5), 2=-150(load case 4) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=32, 2-3=60 BOT CHORD 2-4=0 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 11 above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 3) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 182 lb uplift at joint 3 and 150 lb uplift at joint 2. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Page Scale • 121.6 GRIP 249/ 190 I Job 304 Truss Truss Type Qty Ply F 1 FLOOR 1 2 4.201 SR I s Nov 16 2000 r 3-9-4 7-7-0 3-9-4 3-,12 M 11 3.4 = 1 2 3 3.4 = Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 1 2.4 11 Page I Scale • 1:22.0 I LOADING(pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Udetl PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plates Increase 1.00 TC 0.10 Vert(LL) -0.00 6-7 >999 MII20 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.00 BC 0.08 Vert(TL) -0.01 6-7 >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.12 Horz(TL) 0.00 5 n/a j BCDL 5.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1 st LC LL Min Udet1= 360 Weight: 112 lb LUMBER I BRACING TOPCHORD 2 X 6 SYP No. l D TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purl ins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SYP No.1 D BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 REACTION$ b/size) 8=1167/0-3-0, 5=1167/0-7-8 FORCES( lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-8=-233, 1-2=-33, 2-3=-741, 3-4=-34, 4-5=-244 BOT CHORD 7-8=741, 6-7=741, 5-6=741 WEBS 2-8=-1103, 3-5=-1089, 2-7=134, 3-6=123 NOTES 1) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 2) 2-ply truss to be connected together with l Od Common(.148"x3") Nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2 X 4 - I row at 0-9-0 oc, 2 X 6 - 2 rows at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2 X 6 - 2 rows at 0-9-0 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2 X 4 - I row at 0-9-0 oc. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Floor: Lumber Increase=1.00, Plate Increase=1.00 1 Unitorm Loads (plt) Vert: 14=-260.0, 5-8=-60.0 MAY ' 2 1 2004- 1 8- r Job' 'Truss Truss Type Qty Ply MSW304/DT m i 304 I HJ3 ROOF TRUSS 2 1 i optional) 4.20 SKI s Nov 16 2000 Mi fek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:55:32 2004 Page I 1-10-10 4.2_3 I Scale - 1:11.3 LOADING(pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CS] DEFL in (loc) 1/detl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.33 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a M1120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.05 Vert(TL) 0.10 1-2 >257 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.00 3 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) I st LC LL Min I/det1= 360 Weight: 16 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-2-3 oc purl ins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIO\,IJIb/size) 3=8 1 /Mechanical, 2=307/0-4-15, 4=32/Mechanical Max Horz 2=88(load case 2) Max Uplitl3=-97(load case 5), 2=-228(load case 2) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=31, 2-5=-47, 3-5=18 BOT CHORD 2-6=0, 4-6=0 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 it above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category II, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 3) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 97 lb uplift atjoint 3 and 228 lb uplift at joint 2. 4) Spccial hanger(s) or connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s) 18.21b up at 1-6-1 on top chord, and 21.51b up at 1-6-1 on bottom chord. Design for unspecified connection(s) is delegated to the building designer. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: 1-2=-60.6, 2-3-61.0, 2-4=-20.0 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 6=21.5 j .. MAY 2 1 2004 18,943 R fob Truss Truss Type 304 HJ5 ROOF TRUSS 1-10-10 Qry Ply MSW304/DT 1 1 I (optional) 4.201 SR 1 s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, 7-0-2 7-0-2 154,12 5 2 7 2x4 = 6 0 Apr 07 1.6:55:33 2004 Page I 3 _ Scale - 1:16.6 I 0 41 LOADING(pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CS1 DEFL in (loc) Well PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.92 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a M1120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.25 Vert(TL) 0.29 1-2 >88 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner NO WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.00 3 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 (Matrix) Ist LC LL Min I/dell = 360 Weight: 24 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS(1b/size) 3= 1 63/Mechanical, 2=396/0-4-15, 4=7 1 /Mechanical Max Horz 2=159(load case 2) Max Uplitl3=-249(load case 2), 2=-350(load case 2) FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=31, 2-5=-63, 5-6=0, 3-6=36 BOT CHORD 2-7=0, 7-8=0, 4-8=0 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category II, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 3) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 249 lb uplift at joint 3 and 350 lb uplift at joint 2. 4) Special hanger(s) or connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s) 159.81b up at 44-0, and 18.21b up at 1-6-1 on top chord, and 21.51b up at 1-6-1, and 12:51b down at 4-4-0 on bottom chord. Design for unspecified connection(s) is delegated to the building designer. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-2=-60.6, 2-3=-60.9, 24=-20.0 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 6=31.4 7=21.5 8=-12.5 MAY 2 1 2QD4 124-.. Job Truss I 304 HJ7 1-ia-io 1-10-10 Truss Type Qty Ply MSW304/DT ROOF TRUSS 4 1 optional) I 4.201 SR I s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:55:33 2004 Page--1 52-9 4-7-8 2:4n ---- 4 R-1..1 11 S'. L 5-2-9 4-7-8 LOADING(pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/detl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.75 Vert(LL) 0.06 6-7 >999 MII20 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.37 Vert(TL) -0.07 6-7 >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner NO WB 0.33 Horz(TL) -0.01 5 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) Ist LC LL Min I/detl = 360 Weight: 41 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins. . BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-7-1 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 REACTIONS(lb/size) 4=155/Mechanical, 2=553/0-10-10, 5=322/Mechanical Max Horz 2=181(load case 2) Max Uplift4=-215(load case 5), 2=-517(load case 2), 5=289(load case 3) FORCES(1b) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=31, 2-8=852, 8-9=-777, 3-9=-779, 3-10=-68, 4-10=36 BOT CHORD 2-11=771, 11-12=771, 7-12=771, 7-13=771, 6-13=771, 5-6=0 WEBS 3-7=158, 3-6=-821 NOTES I) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 120 mph winds at 19 It above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category It, condition I enclosed building, with exposure B ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 3) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 215 lb uplift atjoint 4, 517 lb uplift atjoint 2 and 289 lb uplift atjoint 5. 4) Special hanger(s) or connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s) 159.81b up at 44-0, and 122.51b down and 375.1lb up at 7-1-15, and 18.21b up at 1-6-1 on top chord, and 21.51b up at 1-6-1, and 12.51b down at 4-4-0, and 52.51b down at 7-1-I5 on bottom chord. Design for unspecified connection(s) is delegated to the building designer. i LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plt) Vert: 1-2=-60.5, 2-3=-61.0, 3-4=-60.8, 2-5=-20.0 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 9=31.4 10=-122.5 11=21.5 12=-12.5 13=-52.5 MAY 2 1 2004 - 23 I Job Truss Truss Type IQty Ply MSW304/DT FLR FLOI FLOOR 2 1 optional) 4.201 SRI s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:21:19 2004 Page I 141 0-11-10 0-11-10 . 0-60 j Scale = 1:30.2 4x6 - 2.4 = 36 FP= 3.4 = 3x4 '= 30 = 2x4. 11 2.4 4.4 = 3.3 == - 3.4 = 46 = 1 2 3 4 5 687 8 9 10 TES—' 1! ! 7 311w -. 1W we w9w10 08 22 1-}-Bt.— 108 -- 2t 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11. 3x3 U. 46 = 3.4 = 3.3 = 30 = 4.4 = 3.3 = 3x6 FP= 4.5 = ail 11 3.4 = 18-3-12 18-3-12 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [l:Edge,0-1-8]_[5:0-0-8,Edge]_[6:0-0-8,Edg 16:0-1-8,Edg], 22:0-1-0,0-1-81_L3:0-1-0>0.1.81 LOADING(psl) TCLL 40.0 SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1.00 CSI TC 0.34 DEFL in (loc) 1/detl PLATES GRIP Vert(LL) -0.26 17 >814 M1120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.00 BC 0.89 Vert(TL) -0.36 17 >592 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES WB 0.53 Horz(TL) 0.07 11 n/a BCDL 5.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/det1= 360 Weight: 98 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 4 X 2 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 4 X 2 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 4 X 2 SYP No.3 REACT ION$Ib/size) 21=987/0-5-8, 11=987/Mechanical FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 21-22=-945, 22-23=-980, 1-23=-945, 10-1 1=-980, 1-2=-994, 2-3=-2460, 34=3321, 4-5=-3637, 5-6=-3637, 6-7=-3637, 7-8=-3319, 8-9=-2461, 9-10=-994 BOT CHORD 20-21=-0, 19-20=1877, 18-19=3017, 17-18=3596, 16-17=3637, 15-16=3603, 14-15=3016, 13-14=3016, 12-13=1877, 11-12=0 WEBS 1-20=1323, 10-12=1323, 2-20=-1228, 9-12=-1228, 2-19=81 I, 9-13=811, 3-19=-775, 8-13=-773, 3-18=423, 8-15=421, 4-18=-383, 7-15=-395, 4-17-62, 7-16=81, 5-17=43, 6-16=48 NOTES (5) 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 3) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks, on edge, spaced at 10-0-0 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-16d nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 4) CAUTION, Do not erect truss backwards. 5) This truss design conforms with Florida Building Code 2001, based on parameters indicated LOAD CASE(S) Standard MAY 2 1 2004 43 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply MSW304/DT --- — FLR FL02 FLOOR 1 l optional) 1!3-0 h 46 = 2.4 = 2.4 1 I 1S 6 _L1 ! 13:\' 16 3.3 II 4x4 y.w l J1.1 b 19uv i u zvuu m1 i eK mausrrles, Inc. wea Apr u / 16:21:19 2004 Pagc I 2-0-11 -- Scale = 125.4' 3.3 = 3.3 = 2x4 II 2x4 II 3x3 -- 3.3 3.5 2 3 4 6 6 T 6 9tTt4- L' r W6 W7 20 t t s 1,4 13 12 30 = Dab = 30 = 30 = 3.5 = 3x3 15-5-3 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [I:Edge,0-1-8], [4:0-0-8,Edge , 5:0-0-8,Edge]_(18:0-1-0,0-1-8], [19:0-1-0,0-1-8] LOADING(pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plates Increase 1.00 TIC 0.35 Vert(LL) -0.14 13-14 >999 M1120 249/190 ; TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.00 BC 0.62 Vert(TL) -0.19 13-14 >971 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.44 Horz(TL) 0.04 10 n/a ! s BCDL 5.0 Code FBC2001 (Matrix) 1st LC LL Min Well = 360 Weight: 81 lb a LUMBER -- —1 BRACING TOP CHORD 4 X 2 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. 3 BOT CHORD 4 X 2 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 4 X 2 SYP No.3 i 3 REACTION$Ib/size) 17=828/0-5-8, 10=841/0-3-8 I FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD .17-18=-793, 18-19=-821, 1-19=-793, 10-20=-836, 8-20=-835, 1-2=-816, 2-3=1948, 3-4=-2544, 4-5=-2544, 5-6=-2544, 6-7=-1947, 7-8=-818, 8-94 1 BOT CHORD 16-17=-0, 15-16=1538, 14-15=2329, 13-14=2544, 12-13=2330, 11-12=1536, 10-11=43 WEBS 8-11=1054, 1-16=1087, 7-11=-998, 2-16=-1004, 7-12=571, 2-15=570, 6-12=-533, 3-15-531, 6-13=291, 3-14=292, 4-14=-175, 5-13=-174 NOTES (4) 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks, on edge, spaced at 10-0-0 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-16d nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 3) CAUTION, Do not erect truss backwards. 4) This truss design conforms with Florida Building Code 2001, based on parameters indicated LOAD CASE(S) Standard F, Jpb 1 Truss Truss Type Qty jPly MSW304/DT i FLR FL03 FLOOR I Iiff optional) 4,201 SR 1 s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:21:20 2004 Page I 1-3-0 h 3.6 - N4 = 2,4 = 1 1-9-11 2-a0 30 = 3.3 = 2 3 4 3.3 =. 3.3 = 5 13-5-3 Plate Offsets (X,Y): 111:0-0-8,Edg,_ 12:0-0-8,Edge _[16:0-1-0,0-1-8], [17:0-1-0,0-1-8] LOADING(pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plates Increase 1.00 TC 0.44 Vert(LL) -0.10 12 >999 M1120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber increase 1.00 BC 0.57 Vert(TL) -0.13 12 >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES WB 0.37 Horz(TL) 0.03 8 n/a BCDL 5.0 Code FBC2001 (Matrix) I st LC LL Min I/detl = 360 Weight: 70 lb s r LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 4 X 2 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. } BOT CHORD 4 X 2 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 4 X 2 SYP No.3 REACTIONalb/size) 15=718/0-5-8, 8=731/0-3-8 FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only ¢ TOP CHORD 15-16=-686, 16-17=-71 I, 1-17=-686, 8-18=-727, 6-18=726, 1-2=-698, 2-3=-1586, 3-4=-1921, 4-5=-1595, 5-6=-694, 6-7=0 BOT CHORD 14-15=-0, 13-14=1317, 12-13=1921, 11-12=1921, 10-11=1921, 9-10=1292, 8-9=38 WEBS 6-9=892, 1-14=930, 5-9=-832, 2-14=-861, 5-10=422, 2-13=374, 4-10=-444, 3-13=-399, 3-12=-23, 4-1 1=65 NOTES (4) 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks, on edge, spaced at 10-0-0 oc and tastened to each truss with 3-16d nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 3) CAUTION, Do not erect truss backwards. 4) This truss design conforms with Florida Building Code 2001, based on parameters indicated LOAD CASE(S) Standard MAY 2 1 2004 P43 j i w._ ... .. _ . ..-.. d fob Truss Truss T eyp QtY PI y MSW3 04/DT t' FLR FL04 FLOOR 5 optional) 4.201 SR I s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:21:20 2004 Page I I 1-3-0 1-10-12 2-0-0 h ' Scale = 1:20.1i 3.6 2x4 2x4 = 2x4 1 23x3 = 3 4 3x3 —_ n TI Slxl US 6 Li EU W3 W4 WS ERt I 14 i 13= 12 11 10 93`3 = - 83.4 3x3 = 2.4 3x3 it 30 II I—_ 4- 10-12 610-12 12-3-4 12- 3-4 Plate Offsets X,Y : 3:0-0-8,Edgel 10:0-0-8,Edg_e L[14:0-1-0,0-1-8), 15:0-1-0,0-1-8] LOADING( pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/detl PLATES GRIN TCLL 40.0 Plates Increase 1.00 TC 0.36 Vert(LL) -0.08 10 >999 MI120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.00 BC 0.50 Vert(TL) -0.10 10 >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.33 Horz(TL) 0.02 7 n/a i BCDL 5.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) I I st LC LL Min Udell = 360 Weight: 65 lb LUMBER BRACING S TOP CHORD 4 X 2 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. I BOT CHORD 4 X 2 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 4 X 2 SYP No.3 i REACTIONS( Ib/size) 13=654/0-5-8, 7=654/0-3-8 FORCES( lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 13-14=-623, 14-15=-646, 1-15=-623, 6-7=-648, 1-2=-611, 2-3=-1579, 3-4=-1579, 4-5=-1392, 5-6=-620 I '; BOT CHORD 12-13=-0, 1 1-12=1151, 10-11=1579, 9-10=1579, 8-9=1165, 7-8=0 WEBS 6-8=825, 1-12=813, 5-8-758, 2-12=-752, 5-9=315, 2-11=502, 4-9=254, 3-11=-206, 4-10=-32 NOTES ( 4) 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks, on edge, spaced at 10-0-0 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-16d nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 3) CAUTION, Do not erect truss backwards. 4) This truss design conforms with Florida Building Code 2001, based on parameters indicated LOAD CASE(S) Standard c i I I I s i CLAY 2 1', 2004' 43 f 1 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply MSW304/DT FLR FL05 FLOOR I I optional) 4.201 SRI s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed May 12 15:46:06 2004 Page 1 1-3-0 2-3-12 scale . 1:17. 3x6 = 1 30 = 70 = 3214 II 4 2U II 3z3 = a4= 5 6 2x4 = Ti Li cog4IqV7-- 108 3 11 - 10 9 30 = 6 30 = 7 30 = 3.3 = 3.3 II 30 II 4-1-8 8-5.4 10-84 10-8.4 Plate Offsets X Y : 3:0-0-8 Ed e , 4:0-0-8 Ede , 13:0-1-0,0-1-8 , 14:0-1-0,0-1-8 LOADING(pso SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Udefl PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plates Increase 1.00 TC 0.30 Vert(LL) -0.03 9-10 >999 NU120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.00 BC 0.29 Vert(TL) -0.05 9-10 >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.27 Horz(TL) 0.01 7 n/a BCDL 5.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) Ist LC LL Min Udefl = 360 Weight: 57 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 4 X 2 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 4 X 2 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 4 X 2 SYP No.3 REACTION$Ib/size) 12=567/0-3-8, 7=567/0-3-8 FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-12=562, 7-13=542, 13-14= 562, 6-14=542, 1-2=515, 2-3=1170, 3-4=1170, 4-5=-1170, 5-6=514 BOT CHORD 11-12=0, 10-11=960, 9-10=1170, 8-9=960, 7-8=0 WEBS 6-8=685, 1-1 1=685,5-8=620,2-11=-620, 5-9=286, 2-I0=286, 3-10=-169, 4-9=168 NOTES (4) 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks, on edge, spaced at 10-0-0 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-16d nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 3) CAUTION, Do not erect truss backwards. 4) This truss design conforms with Florida Building Code 2001, based on parameters indicated LOAD CASE(S) Standard MAY 2 1 2004 . 18243 Job Truss Truss T FLR FL06 FLOOR Qty Ply 1 2 s i I F 1-3-0 0 3x6 FP= 3x3 = US = 1 3x6 = 2 3 R21 20 19 16 30 II 3x4 = 30 = 2x4 II 30 = s Nov 16 0.1 LL Inc. Wed May 12 15:56:29 2064 Paee I 1-2-4 l I 1-0.12 Sple • 1:27.4 4.6 = 3x3 = US = 3.3 It 44 = 2x4 = 4 53x3 = 6 7 6 92.4 = t rn Ei an 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 2x4 II 2x4 II 3.3 = 2x4 11 3x6 FP= 07 = US = 30 11 16-9-4 Plate Offsets X : 16:0-0-8 Ed e , 17:0-0-8 Ede 23:0-1-0 0-1-8 , f 24:0-1-0 0-1-8 LOADING(pso SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plates Increase 1.00 TIC 0.34 Vert(LL) -0.17 15-16 >999 MI120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.00 BC 0.81 Vert(TL) -0.23 15-16 >847 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.53 Horz(TL) 0.05 10 n/a BCDL 5.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) Ist LC LL Min Udefl = 360 Weight: 192 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 4 X 2 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 4 X 2 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 4 X 2 SYP No.3 REACTION$b/size). 22=1193/0-5-8, 10=1861/0-5-8 FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-22=1186, 10-23=-1787, 23-24=-1852, 9-24= 1787, 1-2=-1229, 2-3=3114, 3-4=4446, 4-5=5042, 5-6=-5264, 6-7=5179, 7-8=5179, 8-9=-1984 BOT CHORD 21-22=0, 20-21=2325, 19-20=3921, 18-19=3921, 17-18=5042, 16-17=5042, 15-16=5042, 14-15=5377, 13-14=5377, 12-13=5377, l 1-12=3765, 10-11=0 WEBS 9-11=2641, 1-21=1637, 8-11=-2478, 2-21= 1524, 8-12=2014, 2-20=1097, 6-12=-264, 6-14=-9, 3-20=-1097, 3-19=27, 6-15=-154, 3-18=713, 5-15=302, 4-18=-810, 4-17=255, 5-16=-239, 7-12=9 NOTES (6) 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) Trusses to be fastened together to act as a single unit. All loads to be distributed equally over the 2 plies. 3) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks, on edge, spaced at 10-0-0 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-16d nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 4) CAUTION, Do not erect truss backwards. 5) Special hanger(s) or connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s) 1250.01b down at 12-9-0 on bottom chord. Design for unspecified connection(s) is delegated to the building designer. 6) This truss design conforms with Florida Building Code 2001, based on parameters indicated LOAD CASE(S) 1) Floor: Lumber Increase=1.00, Plate Increase=1.00 Uniform Loads (plo Vert: 10-22=-10.0, 1-9=100.0 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 12=1250.0 MAY 2 1 2004. A2 3 r JAb I Truss Truss Type i Qty I Ply MSW304/DT FLR I FL07 FLOOR 6 I optional) 4.201 SR 1 s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:21:21 2004 Page I 2-0-12 Scale = 1:29.6 36 FP 46 _ 3.4 = 30 = 30 = 46 3.3 = 3.3 = 30 = N4 _ 1 T23 4 IM 5 6 7 820 -- q^ l W8,1 21 L 108 20 99 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 3. 3 H 4.5 = 3.4 = 3c3 = 244 1I 2.4 3.6 FP= 3x4 = 4.5 = 30 30 7- 10-8 9-11-4 17-11-4 17- 11-4 Plate Offsets X,Y : I l:Edge,0-1-8], [14:0-0-8,Edge], [15:0-0-8,Edge], [20:0-1-0,0-1-8], [21:0-1-0,0-1-8] LOADING( pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/detl PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plates Increase 1.00 TC 0.34 Vert(LL) -0.24 14-15 >868 M1120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.00 BC 0.86 Vert(TL) -0.34 14-15 >629 BOLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.52 Horz(TL) 0.07 9 n/a BCDL 5.0 I Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min Wet] = 360 Weight: 93 lb I LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 4 X 2 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 4 X 2 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 4 X 2 SYP No.3 REACTION'( lb/size) 19=966/0-3-8, 9--966/0-7-8 I FORCES( lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-19=-959, 9-20=-925, 20-21=-959, 8-21=-925, 1-2=-971, 2-3=-2395, 34=-3210, 4-5=-3483, 5-6=-3210, 6-7=-2395, 7-8=-970 BOT CHORD 18-19=0, 17-18=1832, 16-17=2930, 15-16=3483, 14-15=3483, 13-14=3483, 12-13=2930, 11-12=2930, 10-11=1832, 9-10=0 WEBS 8-10=1291, 1-18=1292, 7-10=-1199, 2-18=-1199, 7-11=783, 2-17=782, 6-11-744, 3-17=-744, 6-13=389, 3-16=389, 5-13=-372, 4-16=372, 4- 15=16, 5-14=16 NOTES ( 4) 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) Recommend 2x6.strongbacks, on edge, spaced at 10-0-0 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-16d nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 3) CAUTION, Do not erect truss backwards. 4) This truss design conforms with Florida Building Code 2001, based on parameters indicated LOAD CASE(S) Standard MAY 2 12004 F Job Truss Truss Type Qty ply MSW304/DT FLR FI-08 FLOOR 2 1 optional) 4.201 SR I s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:21:21 2004 Page I r 34 FP= 3.4 = 3c= 3.3 = 2.4 I I 3.35 Jay = Scale: 318'=l" 46 2M4 = 2e4 :_ iljl) rly 1V1J WiV4/LJl FLR i FL09 FLOOR 1 lI optional) 4.201 SR I s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Apr 07 16:21:22 2064 Page I Scale = 1:19.1 30 '' 13c3 II 220 11 32.4 :1 4N4 !! 520 II 6214 2z4 7 2.4 = iJl o EL T1 $T ST ST4 STS ER3 Erit o 1 I 81_ I I 16 3. 3 11 2.4 11 h4 11 2.4 11 2K4 11 2.4 11 30 I I 11- 7-14 11- 7-14 Plate Offsets X,Y : 15:0-1-0,0-1-8 _[16:0-1-0,0-1-81 LOADING( pst) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/detl PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plates Increase 1.00 TC 0.13 Vert(LL) n/a n/a M1120 249/I90 j TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.00 BC 0.04 Vert(TL) n/a n/a BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Iner YES WB 0.04 Horz(TL) 0.00 8 n/a BCDL 5.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1 st LC LL Min Well = 360 Weight: 50 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 4 X 2 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 4 X 2 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 4 X 2 SYP No.3 OTHERS . 4 X 2 SYP No.3 I REACTIONXIb/ size) 14=93/11-7-14, 8=70/1 1-7-14, 13=224/11-7-14, 12=220/11-7-14, 11=218/11-7-14, 10=227/11-7-14, 9=189/11-7-14 FORCES( lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-14=-85, 8-15=-53, 15-16=-59, 7-16=-61, 1-2=-15, 2-3=-15, 3-4=-15, 4-5=-15, 5-6=-15, 6-7=-15 BOT CHORD 13-14=15, 12-13=15, 11-12=15, 10-11=15, 9-10=15, 8-9=15 WEBS 2-13=-204, 3-12=-200, 4-11=-199, 5-10=-205, 6-9=-178 NOTES ( 7) 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 13) Truss to be. fully sheathed from one face or securely braced against lateral movement (i.e. diagonal web). 4) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. 5) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks, on edge, spaced at 10-0-0 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-16d nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 6) CAUTION, Do not erect truss backwards. 7) This truss design conforms with Florida Building Code 2001, based on parameters indicated LOAD CASE(S) Standard I I MAY 2 1 2004 LL 18, 243 ob Truss Truss Type Qty Ply MSW304IDT FLR FL10 FLOOR I I optional) 4.201 SRI s Nov 16 2000 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed May 12 15:49:10 2004 Page 1 1-30 i r 0.3 Sple • 1:12. 1 US = 2x4 II 2 7x7 = 5x8 2x4 II 7 7x7 = Z:I = 4 T1 7 W1 WI 0 1 W1 T 2z4 II 2.4 II S 70 = 7 4x5 = 8 Sx5 = 7x7 II 7x7 11 7-0-4 7-0-4 LOADING(psO SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Udefl PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plates Increase 1.00 TC 0.34 Vert(LL) -0.01 7 >999 M 120 249/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.00 BC 0.14 Vert(TL) -0.01 7-8 >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.16 Horz(TL) 0.00 5 n/a BCDL 5.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min Udefl = 360 Weight: 45 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 4 X 2 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 4 X 2 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 4 X 2 SYP No.3 OTHERS 4 X 2 SYP No.3 REACTION$Ib/size) 9=372/0-5-8, 5=372/0-3-0 FORCES(lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-9=-367, 4-5=-376, 1-2=-299, 2-3=-494, 3-4=-104 BOT CHORD 8-9=-0, 7-8=550, 6-7=411, 5-6=0 WEBS 1-8=398, 2-8=349, 2-7=-78, 3-7=116, 3-6=-427, 4-6=333 NOTES (4) 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 2) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. 3) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks, on edge, spaced at 10-0-0 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-16d nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 4) This truss design conforms with Florida Building Code 2001, based on parameters indicated LOAD CASE(S) Standard r MAY 2 1 2004 1 324 3 R W R W Building Consultants, Inc. B Canstlthng and Engineering Services for the Building Indnsbry P.O. Boot MO Vairico, FL M594 Plane 813.684.3831 Facsimile 813.684.3954 ENGINEER'S NOTICE OF UALIIATiON #1 PSZE-Z02F Therma-Tin Corp. 108 Mutdeld Road Butler, IN 46721 Phone 219.868.5811 Facsiml7e 219.868.5190 DIiSC1a1P'1'dON OF SNIT Model Desigllatiom Premium Series Wood Edge Sted Door (Opaque) with at Without Sid 4fts Maximum Overall Na nkal Size: up to 8'4. x 6'8 Usable b-owing caftwedow X. OXO, XO, OX, XX dt OXXO General DescriptIUM The head andjambs are wood measuring 4.5" x 1.25" with an elm ahimimlm saddle thredid d. The door panels and sidelm: panels are 1.68" thick and coma of two 24 page (min 0.022") shad skin ghled to wood stiles and rails with a urethane com The glazed siddioes are ruutod to receive K" insulated tamed lip ute inserts manubcou ed by Therms-ThL FRC ISda 1707 Materials and Assens_t>ty Teft 1707. 4.3 Exterior Door Assemblies; 1707.4.5 Mullions Door Asser*f1es) Tat DwaiWm Tat f amtiw Dale RevM No AMU E330 1 n" Sta is Mr, Roctloer NY Jdy 6. 2001 01741-11006.0 Jaoeph L Daida % P.E. # 42M Air Peaeare 15 2001 01-741-10639.0 WW" P.L#54158 TAB 202 pgwdPam, ETC- R , NY,. Jolt' 6. 2001 01741-1100" Joe* L Doldm, P.B. # 42929 MAY 15 2001 01-741-10639.0 Weodefl Hmwv.P.E 054138 AMU E331 Wd MrC RodaRar, NY JdY6, 2001 01-741-11006.0 JoovO L Dolma P.L # 42M Pmeenmon 13 2001 01741-106".0 P$ #54138 AM EM Air TdHWatkm ETC- Rodho>kr. NYLL Jdy 6. 2001 Ol 741-11006.0 Joxgh L Dabbk P.B. # 42929 may 13 2001 0174I-1009.0 Waodoll PJKL 034138 TAS 20VM NY Jdy6, 2001 01-741-1100" hoWh L Doldm P.E. 0 42929 hnoodACychna 13 2001 01-741-10639.0 Wmde!! Hany, RE #54138 t Opoquo peoaLcb red ImRe meeo7e AR glazed psodatb amat be sbomsedb meet w da6rio Q ia Deaim Pnesaane Ratings: COafiguration Maximum Size Design Pressure: Ratings Single X Up To 3'0 x 6'8 75.00 -75.00 OMW S' with Sidelites XO OX OXO LJR To 51 x 618 65.00 -65.00 Sid Ahem Astragal Coastal Alum Astragal Opaque Double XX Up To 6'0 x 618 40.00 - 40.00 + 65.00 - 65.00 Opaque Doable with Sidelibes OXXO To 8'4 x 6'8 40.00 - 40.00 + 65.00 - 65.00 a installation and Anchorium See reverse side this page Use 1. Evaluated for use m locations adhering to the Florida Building Code and where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7 Miinimusa Design Lamb for BuJildrugs and Othw Structures do not exceed the design pressure r4UW listed above. _ 2. For Masonry installations Where the sub -back is less than 1-W inches (FBC melon 1707.4.4 Auchosa$e Methods and sub-sdcfim 1707.4.4.1 and 1707.4.42) same diameter Tapcop type concrete anchors must be d length num be such that a minimum WAC engagement of the Tapoon into the masomy wail is obtained. - Certification: Florida Professional Engineer - Seal No. 43409 April 22, 2002 Lyndon F. ' = 19506 French Lace Drive Lutz, FL 33558 Thierma-Tho'* Premium seiies wood Edge in -swing Steei Door Maximum Size Up To 8"4 x 6"S 6.0. &0* ao* 3.0" 6. 0 3. 6.0'-! 0. 3.0' SEE 64 TV 6 6 X When attaching Sidelite the above anchoring applies. cWi SEE DETAIL_ '183' SEE NOTE I110 X 2' LG. A PFH WS X JIO314' LO. #10 X I* LG. ID IIPFHWSPFHWSSEENOTE46 -- 4 6- f to x 314- LG. G. 6PFH WS Note. SAIL C• When attaching the strike & d60db0lt plates to the strike dt SEEbuckUSO110X2* Lg. PFH WS. DETAIL 'r When attaching the stdke ' & deadbolt plates to the astmgal Zuse 18 x 2 112' Lg. PFH WS. 6- When ,attaching the strike iamb do 6. 3 6. sidelite iamb use #to x 1 314, 3. WS. Q,: ( 2)18 X 2 112- LG- Lg. PFH PFH WS (2) J8 X 2 1/2- LG. PFH WS SEE al SEE DETAIL DETAIL WCO ALUMINUM ASTRAGAL COASTAL ODO ALUMINUM ASTRAGAL tISUA--"C X X ATrACH ASTRAGAL THROW SOLT T STRIKE PLATE TO FRAME AS SHOWN. vi DRILL THRU FOR DRILL THRU FOR V047A - 35ro BOLT DEEP A .357'0 BOLT DEEP A'— ENOUGH FOR A I' ENOUGH FOR A 20 SOLT T14ROW T THROW L T- 6- 3 ALUMINUM ASTRAGAL COASTAL ALUMINUM ASTRAGAL 12ETAlL ' F' SEE DETAIL -r ASTRAGAL THROW BOLTS AT THE THRESHOLD It nwm-hu M-Srbp Oaor Mood Aiemm 4eism uunuuu eueeu imOhOW S M S" up to 5'4 x WO a/wo eiao wo .. Doubb UP to 0'4 x Oro */we xl**kv - .. year LYlM 0.•!!ne x. Ox. XO. OXO. XK, OM ' M Mod and SW jumbo am M W'Mnt piss • • meosurbq a rink 4-9/10' with a •/t' mEOsbd step '* • ANC 1 : ! leabp 1r' NQplR1' 1WO, , .i ••. sxS-W POW 0! ED r t-leSara DESIGN MESSURE 19MAnur. single PasiO4e.67.0 PSF Negative 07.0 PS' Single with SA)elltew Positive $0.0 PSF Negative 60.0 PSt Ooubfs else SWNit a Positive .47.0 PSF Negative 47.0 PSr r omtea,, 1 r neiaro tworwr ts,nc Ix 2lxx l a/,r vim Le wet. J) MODAMMY BLOCK 1x ws- ED A aW TAPM OR t'OI & 7J6 t,R. wirAR R411m) lwr Ir O.C. 1/J' pRtNll{J. x islet 5.' • y4mm y. AXMM y y 4 ± r:. tea'+ I- Y" MAW j Sm 1r An 1, Ibis 47018 boll bM ewWad for we In b0a0om ddWbV to the nW4o &Mang Dodo a . • . i 1 yr est and where WOMI x kdWrWN*IrMas dote kW bT A= 7 Mntmum WtleNgawed. row BuJeInW as and Other Strtxiwn do not axaeed the design pmave OtMp rated MnWb Z Far lnate"We .Nue the W*-buss is Np ON" 1-1/1• (FIX eeotion IM7.4.4 M0Mr0W Usttads and VA- secdons 17074,4.1 and 1707.4.4.2) Tapeon b" oanoryte michors must be wed and the length must be i&" flats mbdmum, 1-1/4" enpaganent or.the fdpean Into-tM naxawy wee IS obtained. 1 mot• j. 9 tl e P jig SEE SHE 3 ASTRAGAL RETAINER a BOLT &0' LG. TOP dk BOTTOM (2) BOLTS AT TOP O (2) AT BOTTOM, T AL caes< gECT J O ASTRAGAL 37 8 CTO ACTIVE p 0 o, •+ , • 1 t\jO C&N`I'RAL F1LORI'DA. B. ®o A. F. a 1 rvjj4p FA N = 3MASTERFILE # SEE NOTE 8 NOTE 5 SHT 4 12 I1.15' MIN. EMB. 1 7 MAX. SHIM 15" MIN. 11 o C-SINK E NOTE 312 34 o e a : ' . .L, . o• ",e q - • o J A .• .... eR :moo: O •Q N go12 28 4 t a 10 1 w e'. SNT 4It Ix N HARI7ANTA Cran r qp JB Lq 3 O HftCE JAMB TO SQaAE 17 8 41 eta 1 Anifim 18 a SHG 4 1 OB Da 01 N.T.S. f HORI20N7 1 CReee CT10N T." 3 O SIDEUTE TO BUCK on R1Y I Boa S-2130 i wjL p Bonn an Big 00 on- Iil I_I Iil ili i i i i III IJ IJ < il! III I I! 'I' Ili III AAA _ _ AAA I I II 171III 17t It U I Ili I I l i l II. Fill l i I! I I I i I I >I II II !1! III 111 iil iii Ill'll III 11! QI QI Ill Il! . {t III III ui 1FSCRIM (MIE X PER aCD P(il l (UNIRIL 01VIS1111 1-20-M 9CE12. 2-- '- VCEI I L 2. - J-IG-M PRODUCT RENEWED CC0r,M1q 02-orZa.o1 WMATfO(I OAT r jI 00 E M = °C9LDR 0MCe THERMANTRU* CORPORATION PRODUCT RENEWED II x M STEEL QRSVING UULE Ulf! r r p r ACCZ"jJu Of- D_ 2 2 R.F. - - HIr qF' xAT"DIATE FEB 2 8 2002 Amov(0 AS CONPLrmc; yarn TIN 01(' Af, C07tltlr:x0 W:III IN( ny r CtiNTNo1. IIUI CODEcoA(rIJAr:Ct SOUIN (( OA Bdl0lNta000( yr p _ Gb• f0U111 1 0 a':1 In.Nt wuc q DA!( RLiV. 71 or LleC. er moor C KIIId nIPf TIPIIOOUqOlOlvfCii OUI(OiNC C00( nCOWIstMa( 011lq 110. i UYIIO:x6 COUI CUW'(.ANC( n111C1 AtaFuxa Na.9_1: Y L 3-_°>: ACC(r1AKC( Sl1JL20_ MODEL: 110RW4 (25 GA. STEEL SKIN) MODEL: 120RW4 (24 GA. STEEL SKIN) OPTIONAL DSB CLASS OR B ACRYLIC UTES AVAILABLE I) INTERMEDIATE STILE la; SECTION B-B)„ ATTACHED W/ TOG-L-LOG (TOP & BIT) 20 Gh MIN. END STILES ATTACHED TO DOOR _ AND URETHANE ADHESIVE (ALONG CENTEq) SKIN WITH PATENTED TOO-L-LOG SYSTEMSKIN COATED WITH GE60 r• •-•A 70P, BOTTOM k CENTER). GALVANIZING, BAKED -ON PRIMER, AND A BAKED -ON POLYESTER TOP COAT APPLIED TO BOTH SIDES OF STEEL SKIN. R1E OPRONAL QAJ3NR SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING MEETS T1 a THE WACT RESIST, W(DIO Ld0 EO)NRLLDOS OP TTTHE FLORA BULDINO CODE PEGUREMOR FM WM RNE OEBPoS EWONS A4 DENNo IN SECT. 16011.1.4 OF THE FLORID TRAIpNo COOL E I 3" TALL U-8AR 20 GA. GALV. STEEL THICK 50 KSI MIN. 3. d 1 -7/8' 14 G G1LV. STEEL TOP ROULR BRACKET. EACH BRACKET ATTACHED W/ 3) N.S/a' SHEET NET SHIP LAP JOINTS. LOOK POSITION ' S: 0 (BOTH POINT L 14 u OALv, STM Q Dw DOOR 1W0 POINT LOCKING a 2S FASTENED TO2' CALV. STEEL TRACK, aONE 3' TALL x 20 GA. t ° i3/4' •• MIN. TRACK THICKNE55:.080' SELF 50 K51 MIN. U-BAR TAPPING SCAM DOOR SECTION. END SLIDE BOLTt S S 3 tl STU LOCK ENGAGES TYP. 2-1/2'x 12 GA. MY. STEEL TRACK BRACKET. LINTO VERTICAL 3' TALL 8AR GA GALV. 'STEEL U-8N1. ONE ALV. z ( 4) TRACK BRACKETS PER SIDE (FACTORY ATTACHED). INGLLCA1L TNL po TRACK. ONE L"tPER SECTION GENE U-BIN ATTACHED 1j OPl'IONALIOVENT9 A LEACH SIDE Bin[rtiP[ROCKONI 46711Y4LOGATgx o OPTIONAL OUTSIDE KEYED LOCK POSITION OF DOOR. T DOOR S L DESIGN MAX. DOOR WIDTH 9'0' LOADS FOR THE WIND SPEEDS LISTED BELOW ACCORDING TO THE OR E FOLLOWINGBIND- ' j14x3/8' SHEET METAL SCREWS CODE (ASCEIONS: 1) FOR THE FOLLOWING. CONDITIONS: 1) ENCLOSED SUITING, 2) 1100R 1 HAS 2' OF WIDTH IN BUILDING'S END ZONE. 3 USE FACTOR OF 1.0. 4T ANY ROOF SLOPE, 13 GA GN.V. STEM ORoM 4RACKET. D 5 0 FACT R NOTE 1, A WSHEET 1MS 14.3/e'. WIND SPEED MPH 100 t 10 110 120 O I DOORS UP TO 7'-Q' HIGH CONSIST OF ((4) SECTIONS (SHOWN). EOKPOSUR B o C B C -8 1 4"xJ/4' SELF DOORS OVER T-0 RICH CONSIST OF (S) SECTIONS (NOT SHOWN)._ ALUMINUM EXTRUSION FRONT FRAME WITH U.V. MEAN ROOF HEIGHT 30' 30' 20' 30' A VINYL WEATHERST W. COATING ON OUTSIDE SURFACE TAPPING SCREWS. . SECTIC,V A -A (SIDE NEW) 14 .A. NO HINGE S ,1n GA INTERMEDATE HINGE Vim 'B. NEW "C• VERTICAL JAMB ATTACHMENT (G! I I , OPTIONAL 10 SCREWCONCRETECIH.UI jSB CLASS OR vnNDow 1JTE 3/8-0- SLEEVE ANCHOR SOUS ON 24- CENTERS 1/B ACRYLIC LITE STOP MOULDING BY DOOR INSTALLER (TO SUIT) ((C-90 BLOCK OR 2.000 PSI MIR CONCRETE OR MOLDED INSIDE cECRON B-B 2x6 YELLOW PINE JAMB-,_ 20 GA. MIN. GALV. STEEL END STILE (/4'x4' TAPCON SCREWS ON 24' CENTERS f2.000 LITE RETAINER - PSI MIN. CONCR WASHERS NLCLUDED M11TN.. IBXJ( 10 PAN HEAD SCREW 10 SCREWS PER LITE) 20 GA. GALV. STEEL INTER. STILE SLEEVE MICHORS 1-1/4'MAY 35IC WASHERS REQUIRED END WITH TAPCONS. A{iCHORS MAY efi COUNTERSUNK STILE BUT NOT REQUIRED) TO PRONOL'.A FLUSH INTER 12 GA. GALV. STEEL TRACK MOUNTING SURFACE HORIZONTAL JAMBS DO NOT SNAP LATCH ENGAGES STILEBRACKETSFASTENEDTOWOODJAMBTRANSFERLOAD. ONTO VERTICAL TRACK. WITH ONE S/18'xl-S/8'LAG SCREW ONE SNAP LATCH ON PER TRACK BRACKET. \ EACH SIDE OF DOOR. LOCK BAR IS GA. GALV. STEEL CENTER HINGE INTER. STILE ENGAGES IN FASTENED TO INTER. STUS W/(4) OUTSIDE TRACK ON I14x5/8' SHEET METAL SCREWS. HANDLE EACH SIDE 2` GM,V. STEEL TRACK FASTENED TO 14 GA. GALV. STEEL ROLLER HINGE OUTSIDE KEYED OF DOOR. 12 CA. GALV. STEEL TRACK BRACKETS: FASTEN D TO ENO STILES EACH W/(4) HANDLE ENDTRACKATTACHEDTO. EACH BRACKET 14x38' SH(( ET METAL SCREWS ANb WITH ONE 1/4"x5/B" BOLT h-NUT c4) 1 4'x3/4 SELF TAPPING SCREWS PER END HINGE STILE ' OR TWO 1 /4' OL1. RIVETS. , r, INSIDE HANDLE OCK BALRLOCHKK 2' CIA. SHORT STEM, 10 BALL STEEL ROLLER. ENGINEER: MARK WESTERFIELD. P.E. JAMB CONFIGURATION FLORIDA No 48495 DESIGN LOADS: +2§.0 P.S.F. & -32.0 P.S.F. PREPARATION OF JAMBS BY OTHERS. SECTION C-C _ - g— OPTION TEST LOADS: +37.5 P.S.F. do -48.0 P.S.F. h!C, cno i n.o„xs — I me's "Avon - I')'••' IMNUFACTUREO 1 1 101979 NOTE 2: THE DESIGN OF THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS - to, F GMe FT DESCRIPTION SHALL BE THE E BUILDING O OF THE PROFESSIONAL OF SINGLE CAR MODEL 110RW4 h 12 QRECORDFORTHEBUILDINGORSTRUCTUREANDINACCORDANCE - (Y' 1'' D"R +25.0 -32.0 PSF DESIGN LOAD 1WITHCURRENTBUILDINGCODESFORTHELOADSUSTEDON / ±••`"' NatED / THIS DRAWING. , MAX. 9/7W/19 MAX. DOOR SIZE 9'O1V X 3'0'H — 1 2.] RAG SCREWS ON 24 CFs•fTERs. 1-1 4 O.D. MIN. APR 6.4 INu 1'y'.a. -:` (513) 3BI-4800 WASHER REQUIRED. LAG SCREWS LIAY BE COUNTERSUNK P.F.r o4aa n.Axr FIN.. • oF.• A,.4 / D / ' I'•+)` Q- / Jl f` J CIN WALNUT STREET SUITE 1600BUTNOTRECURREDTJPROVIDEAFLUSHMOUNTINGMal •R1 saxes XUK I. e.,E.,..a 4PM A•Y w M + CINCINNAfI, OH 43262 SURFACE. HORIZONT JAMBS 00 NOT TRANSFER LOAD. ""'m ki !' Pr-- °" S', a" r'Ti".w F..+w OESGIPTUIN ROCK ATTACHMENT TO ONE BOLT AND NUT HORIZONTAL TRACK SUPPORT DOOR INSTALLER (TO S 13 GA GALV. STEEL FLAG BRACKET. EACH FASTENED TO WOOD JAMB WITH 3) s/18"xl-s/8' WOOD LAC SCREWS. TRACK CONFIGURATION SCREW INSTALLATION ANCHOR CHART N01 t1^! 3='- QUANTITIES IN HEAD & SIl_l_ QU-^+N T I 1 :=S IN EA. JAMS QU-NTITI'-EES IN EA. HOOK STRIP DG UP TO c46PSF TO 61 PSF ip oU. TO t FSF TO E1 PSF T<] UP T 146 PSF TO 61 PSF TOS!Z :=' S, CONFI'SUY= 1 :0 j 45 PSF I 60 PSF 70 PSF a5 PSF 50 PSF 70 PSF a5 ?SF 60 PSF 70 PSF 4068 XX, EX, X0 48 X 80 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 J068 xx. =1x, x0 60 x 80 6 6 6 2 8 8 4 4 4 oG63 Xx, :--X, X0 72 X 80 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 08068 -XX, X, X0 96 x 80 10 I 10 10 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 10068 XX, X. X0 120 X 80 1 2 12 1 12 8 1 8 10 5 5 5. 5080 Xx, SIX, x0 60 x 96 6 6 6 10 10 10 5 5 5 6080 XX- 0X, X0 72. X 96 8 8 8 10 i0 10 5 5 5 8060 xx, rx, x0 96 X 96 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 10080 XX Ox. X 120 X 96 ' 10 10 12 12 12 6 6 6 50100 XX, 0X, x0 60 x 120 6 6 6 12 12 12 6 6 7 60100 XX, OX, x0 72 X i20 8 8 8 12 12 12 6 7 8 80100 XX. 0X. x 96 X 120 8 8 8 4 4 4 9068 .`XQ 109 1/8 X 80 12. 12 12 4 4 12068 G CO 145 US X 80 14, 14 14 8 8 8 4 4 4 15068 GXG 181 1/6 X 80 16: 16 16 8 8 4 5 5 5 9080 2X0 109 1/8 X 96 12 12 12 10 10 10 15. 5 12080 0X0 145 1/8 x .96 14 14 14 10 10 10 5 5 5 15030 0x0 181 I/8 X.90 16 16 10 10 10 10 5 7 8 90100 Ox0 109 1/8 x 120 12 12 12 12 I 12 12 5 7 8 120100 0X0 I45 1/8X 120 14 14' 14 12 12 12 5 9068 XXX 106 5/8 x 80 12 12 12 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 12068 XXX 142 5/e X' 80 14 14 14 8 8 8 4 4 4 15068 XXX 178 5/8 x 80 16 16 16 8 8 1 8 4 4 5 5 9080 xxx 106 5/' X 96 12 12 12 t0 10 10 5 5 5 120c,1) XX'( 142 5/' X S6 14 14 14 10 10 10 5 5- 5 150S0 XXX 178 5/3 X 96 16 16 16 i0 10 10 5 7 8 90 i0G xXX 106 5/5 X 120. 12 12 12 I 12 j 12 I t2 6 I 81?0t01) XXX I? 5/8 x 120 4 4 t- 2 j 12 12 6 7 10058 GXx O 1!9 5i3 x 80 12 12 12 8 i 9 8 4 4 4 12069 QXXL 143 5IS x 80 14 14 t4 g 8 3 4 4 ti 160" -XXO i9t 5/c x 80 18 18 8 8 2 8 4 4 4 5 100S0 = xXO Iy j/x yb 12 12 12 lU iU I U 120= 0 = x:te I 1 ^3 5/2 x 96 14 14 i4 i0 i0 5 5 j 16C2) EXXO I ! 9! 5/2 X 96 18 18 18 i -1 0 7 8 10ri;C4: = xx0 I19 55 x 120 12 12 12 12 i2 12 6 tr0:'?G 77 _°X;il1 f :43 5/2' X 12O 14 1- 14 i? it 1? 0 7 7 8 8 8 a' 10 G 19 I ! v 170G='3 xxxx i i i/= x o i2 12 I2 8 4 4 4 12068 XXXX ict t/= X 80 14 t4 i4 8 I e 4 4 4 068 xxxx i:,a t; _ x 80 16 1.6 16 8 I 8 8 4 iGGSO "XXX I ':.7 1/- x 9I 12 12 12 iU J IO J J 5 C'i 18G80 XXi= i 1 i - x C. I 14 14t0 I 10, I _ 1^V xVX. X tt79 t/-- x 96 J 1 7 8 G ::c XXxx 7 !/= x 120 12 2 2 i_ 12 i2 0 2^.GC Xxxx 141 1/= X 120 1.2 7 xxxx I Ij: X 12G I/= lr jI eAn 1 x li VCHOR NOTES I) FOR hJAS, nNRY GPrra(N1_ w/TWC ?Y WGOL' 2UC<. I S= SAMC rl`1CHGR CCU:.P T ITICS r FLORIDA=xTRuDrrS INT. IN. S.'. NFGRJ, r'-• T::,I i _: NG G_=.SS DOOR N 1 I H n 85 S.. I_ R V 'S' n iVil_ SCALE' N. T.S. I'wc- aLv-L_EXC-027 0 SHIM AS RE'0'D ISHEATHINGBYpTHERS STUCCO _ OR SIDING BY OTHERS PERIMETER CAULK BY OTHERS M :' ._ :: v.i.i! . :*'.. ids' ....:•. `! i _ d' v 11lc J./L r J c f I -at :T• . t iI SLIDING CLASS DOCK F R;-"•_ SIL_ ' 111 1 I. D a 1 J A??LY —/ CAL:: -KING UNI-ER SILL INSTALLATION ANCHOR ae SCREW TWO BY WOOD BY OTHERS 1/4' MAX. SHIM SPACE SLIDING CLASS DOOR FRAME HEAD DOOR HEIGHT 1 EmH DMENT c D D SET S:_L IN BED `— INS TALLAT;-N AN•=HOR SECTION A -A COGR WIDTH SLIDING GLASS DOOR FRAME JAMB TEMPERED GLASS TYP.) PERIMETER CAULK 3Y OTHERS SECTION B-B 4' MAX. SHIM SPACE TW(3 BY WOOD 1-1/8 MIN, BY OTHERS I EMBEDMENT SLIDING GLASS HOOK STRIP SHIM AS REO•D. SEE NOTES) INSTALLATION ANCHOR a8 SCREW CAULK BETWEEN DOOR. FLANGE 8 SHEATHING SHEATHING BY OTHERS TEMPERED G STUCCO (TYP.) OR SIDING BY OTHERS w- Ex I c- E LE,H 1I10N 2 PANEL DOrj° SHG`. N SLIDING GLj.__ INTERLOCK INSTALLATION ANCHOR HOOK STRIP DETAIL WOOD RS HULK BETWEEN 30K STRIP 4EATHING 1-1/8' MIN. EMBEDMENT NOT,- : 1) DOOR MATERIAL: ALUMINUM. ALLOY 6063. 2) 4S INSTALLATION SCREWS MUST BE CF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TC ACHIEVE M1N. EM3EDMENT OF I-1/8' INTO WOOD. TAPCON TYPE INSTALLATION ANCHORS AT SILL MUST BE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE MIN. EMBEDMENT OF 1-1/4' INTO MASONRY OR CONCRETE. 33 INSTALLATION ANCHOR CHART ON BACK OF THIS SHEET. 4) USE SILICONIZED ACRYLIC CAULK BE=END DOGR FLANGE AT 6 JAMBS. 5) USE SILICCNIZED ACRYLIC CAULK FOR ?ERIMETER SEAL AROUN_ ExTERIOR OF DOOR. 6) IF EXACT DOOR SIZE IS NOT LISTED !N ANCHOR CHART. USE ANCHOR OUANTITY LISTED WITH NEXT LARGER SIZE. FOR THE APPRC?R!ATE 7ES!GN PRESSURE REO'3 7) FOR PGCxET DOOR SIZES USE C_0SES7 3YPASS DOOR SITE L CONFIGURATION TO FINISHED OPENING. PLACE INSTALLATION ANCHORS. ;N F.'.GNi OF HOOK STRIP AS SHOWN. 8) GLASS THICKNESS MAY VARY PER RE3L:!REMENTS OF ASTM E!300 GLASS CHARTS 9) DOOR UNIT 1S APPROVED USING TEM? :E3 GLASS IN SINGLE S_AZED GR INSUL-T:NG GLASS. I0) JAMB / SILL CORNERS ARE TO BE SE-__D WITH A SMALL JC!`.i SEAM SEALER. II) SHIM AS. REO•D. AT EA, SET OF !NSTAL'_-TIGN ANCHORS. MAX. aLLOWABLE SHir. STACK TO BE 1/4'. 12) ALL INSTALLATION ANCHORS MUST BS 3E OF CORROS!GN R-37STANT MATERIALS 13) `:HERS 'x• RE?RESENTS MOVING ?AT:E VaND '0' RE?RESENTS ":xSD P NEL AP?=GV_D CONFIGURATiGNS ARE AS LISTED ^_N AtZ'r.CR C-.ART ON BACK F T::!S SMEET. 14) NOT ALL CONFIGURATIONS LIST:) A3C'_ ARE SHOWN ON T7-!S -3RAW;NG. HO EVE.: !NSTALLAT!ON SECTIONS 'A -A'. 3-B' L HOOK STRIP :ETAIL APPLY TG INS aL'_ATION OF ALL APPROVED CONE iGUF.A T IONS. 15) FLORIDA =xTRUDERS 1000 SERIES SL!::-NG GLASS DOOR iS S'r-C':V. THIS PRINT ALSO APPLIES TO 2000 SERIES AND 500 SERIES. REVI DESCRIPTION DATEFINI I ( T T /-XTRUDE,:SLaIP1DANI. Ivy. $?NF!] J -L. TITLE: S_ :DING GL ;.SS DOOR I NS T ALLATIi' WITH g SCREWS DRAWN E`: ?d I APPROVED BY: ATE: I2/ %!0I SCALE: N I ; IDWG ` ILExODc 7 SH T t CE " enro.r+ — --a . pp..r.r.no Vr pan .aTrPv,-.n.. •: b• 1-Tr pen ,,.. _on., r-101M. 121.c •n7_aR_Tc ra. .n -e_ INSTALLATION ANCHOR CHART QUANTITY IN OUANTITY IN CALL WINDOW HEAD do SILL EACH JAM8 r I Lr SIZE UP TO 70 PSG UP TO 700sd-`_= 2':21 22 1/2 x 27 1/2 2 2 2=•3'D I3 1/2 x 35 t/2 2 2 203's 23 1/2 x 43 1/2 2 3 20-C 23 1/2 x 47 1/2 2 3 20-4 23 1/2 x 51 1/2 2 3 2C:rl 23 1/2 x 59 t/2 2 3 2c6e 23 1/2 x 71 1/2 2 4 2070 23 7/2 x 83 1 2 2 4 2424 27 1/2 x 27 1/2 2 2430 27 1/2 x 35 1/2 2 2 243d 27 1/2 x 43 1/2 2 3 2510 27 1/2 x 47 1/2 2 3 2444 27 1/2 x 51 1/2 2 3 2450 27.1/2 x 59 1/2 2 3 2460 27 1/2 x 71 1/2 2 4 2470 27 1/2 x 83 1/2 2 4 2 " 2 4 31 1/2 x 27 1/2 2 2830 31 1/2 x 35 t/2 2 2 2838 31 1/2 x 43 1/2 2 3 2810 31 1/2 x 47 1/2 2 3 28-4 31 1/2 x 51 1/2 2 3 2850 31 1/2 x 59 1/2 2 3 2860 31 1/2 x 71 1/2 2 4 E70 31 1/2 x a3 1/2 2 4 3024 35 1/2 x 27 1/2 2 3C30 35 1/2 x 35 1/2 2 2 3C38 35 1/2 x 43 1/2 2 3 3040 35 1/2 x 47 1/2 2 3 3044 35 1/2 x 51 1/2 2 3 3050 35 1/2 x 59 1/2 2 3 3060 35 1/2 X 71 1/2 2 4 3070 35 1/2 x 83 1/2 2 4 3424 39 1/2 x 27 1/2 3430 39 1/2 x 35 1/2 3 2 3-38 39 1/2 x 43 1/2 3 3 3i40 39 1/2 x 47 1/2 3 3 3444 39 1/2 x 51 1/2 3 3 3450 39 1/2 It 59 1/2 3 3 3160 39 t/2 x 71 1/2 3 4 3-70 39 1/2 x 83 1/2 1 3 1 4 3224 43 1/2 x 27 1/2 3 3830 43 1/2 x 35 1/2 3 2 3C3i: 43 1/2 x 43 1/2 3 3 3240 43 1/2 x 41 1/2 3 3 R44 43 1/2 x 51 t/2 3 3 R;c 42 1/2 x 59 1/2 3 3 3caG 43 1/2 x 71 1/2 3 4 S '•, 43 1/2 x 33 1/2 1 3 a A,24 47 1/2 x 1 3 2 4 ;c, 47 1/2 x 35 1/2 / 3 2 anj` 47 1/2 x 43 1/2 3 3 ' aC.-C 47 1/2 x 47 1/2 3 3 } eras 47 1/2 x 51 1/2 3 3 I AC_J 47 1/2 x 59 1/2 3 3 41:j0 47 1/2 X 71 1/2 j 4 I en 47 1/2 x 83 1/2 t 4 INSTALLATION ANCHOR CHART QUANTITY IN QUANTITY IN CALL WINDOW H'C'-'.AD & SII—' EACH JAMB SIZE SIZE UP TO 70 PS. I UP TO 70 Pz 12 Ia t/a x 25 2 2 13 18 1/8 x 37 3/a 2 3 14 18 1/3 x 49 5/8 2 3 1.45'•.fl 18 1/8 x 55 1/4 2 3 15 18 1/8 x 62 2 4 16 18 1/8 x 71 2 a 17 18 i 3 x 33 2 a IH2 25 1/2 x 25 2 1113 25 1/2 x 37 3/8 2 3 1H4 25 1/2 x 49 5/8 2 3 1H45 25 1/2 x 55 1/4 2 3 IH5 25 1/2 x 62 2 4 I146 25 1/2 x 71 2 4 IH7 25 1/2 X 83 2 4 30 1/2 . 26 29 1/2 x 25 2 30 1/2 x 38 3/3 29 1/2 x 37 3/8 2 3 30 1/2 x 50 5/8 29 1/2 x 49 5/8 2 3 30 1/2 x 56 1/4 29 1/2 x 55 1/4 2 3 30 1/2 x 83 29 1/2 x 62 2 4 30 1/2 x 72 29 1/2 x 71 2 4 30 1/2 . 84 29 1/2 x 83 2 4 22 36 x 25 2 23 36 x 37 3/8 2 3 24 36 It 49 5/8 2 3 245 35 It 55 1/4 2 3 25 36 x 62 2 4 26 36 X 71 2 4 27 36 It 83 2 4 42 x 26 41 X 25 42 x 38 3/8 41 x 37 3/8 3 3 42 x 50 5/8 41 x 49 5/8 3 3 42 x 56 1/4 41 x 55 1/4 3 3 42 x 63 41 x 62 3 4 42 x 72 41 x 71 3 4 42 x 84 41 x 83 3 a 48 x 26 47 x 25 3 43 . 38 3/8 47 It 37 3/8 3 3 48 x 50 5/8 47 x 49 5/8 3 3 4a x 56 1/4 47 x 55 1/4 3 3 48 x 63 47 x 62 3 4 48 x 72 47 x 71 3 4 48 A'7i 47 x 83 1 4 32 52 1/a x 25 3 2 33 52 I/a x 37 3/a 3 3 34 52 1 /8 x 49 5/ a 3 3 345 52 1/8 x 55 1/4 3 3 35 52 1/8 x 62 3 36 52 I/8 x 71 3 4 37 52 1/8 x 83 3 REVj R_ DATE IC I sJVFLORIDAEXTRvDLRSOPDFLORIDATITLE: SGL. HUNG -iN S 1000 , .500 & 2000 ki CAULK BETWEEN VINDOV r;N L SHEATHING INS --ILLATION ANCHOR ra WOOD SCREW STUCCO_ By OTHERS WINDOW HE:GHT SHEATHING BY OTHERS GLAZING (TYP.) SEE NOTES) PER:METER CAULK BY _THERS 1 ` f NS- -AT ?T MIN ANC-u' Vnc._ S__Z--*,.V UCC_ CALK tr__N WIN'_`: = IN SHEATHING i SHEAT*-:NG 3Y OTHERS S=C -!'ON A -A V MIN. EMBEDMENT TWO BY WOOD BY OTHERS SHIM AS REO'D. SEE NOTES) I/4- MAX. SHIM SPACE GLAZING (TYP.) SEE NOTES) FIN TYPE WINDOW FRAME HEADER FIN TYPE WINDOW FRAME SIWARBLE SILL STOOL BY OTHERS TVO BY WOOD BY OTHERS r---- WINDOW WIDTH r 1/4' MAX. SHIM SPACE TWO BY WOOD SHIM AS RED'L. STUD BY OTHERS SEE NOTES) Aj.,"' NAME' EMBEDMENT U GLAZING (T) EL f (SEE NOTES) 1 SHEATHING i BY OTHERS CAULK BETWEEN FIN TYPE WINDOW FIN WINDOW FRAME 3 SHEATHING WINDOW JAMB PE=iWIDTH METER INSTALLATION ANCHOR CAULK vB WOOD SCREW Al BY OTHERS STUCCO BY OTHERS 1- 24. O.C. MAX. (TYP.) WINDOW HEIGHT — L rf— 'MIN. EM3EDMENT - i: EQUALLY SPACE ANCHORS (TYP.) p. 6' MAX. J TYF.) 6. MAX. (TYP.) Ei_EVATION v1EwED FROM EXTERIOR SECTION B-B NOTES: 1) SHIM AS REC-D. AT EACH INSTALLATION ANCHOR. MAX. ALLOWABLE SHIN STACK TO BE 1/4'. 2) WINDOW FRAME MATERIAL: ALUMINUM ALLOY 6063. 3) INSTALLATION ANCHOR MUST BE OF SUFFICIENT LTH. TO ACHIEVE MIN. EMBEDMENT OF 1" INTO WOOD BUCK. 4) USE SILICONIZED ACRYLIC CAULK BEHIND WINDOW FIN AT HEAD. SILL do JAMBS. 5) USE SILICON::ED ACRYLIC CAULK FOR PERIMETER SEAL AROUND EXTE?IGR OF WINDOW FRAME. 6) IF EXACT wi.100W SIZE IS NOT LISTED IN ANCHOR C-ART, USE ANCHOR C•VANDTY LISTED WITH NEXT LARGER SIZE. 7) GLASS THICKNESS MAY VARY PER THE REOUIREMENTS OF ASTM E1300 GLASS CHARTS. 3) FLORIDA EX';_'OERS 1000 SERIES SINGLE HUNG IS SHOWN. THIS PRINT A-50 APPLIES TO THE FLORIDA ETRUDERS 1500 AND 2000 SINGLE HUNG W:NOOWS. 0 •_: ]v :IJn l': i __-'t-r .-t-.:\.-.-:N(. i,yl iil IIYi R.r.a l l.v .:.. <'.l . :. a _. _-;_ __. r... -. ... --- ONE BY WOOD BUCK BY OTHERS CAULK BETWEEN WINDOW FLANGE - a WOOD BUCK STUCCO BY OTHERS PERIMETER CAULK BY OTHERS RIGID VINYL GLAZING BEAD WIH. (TYP.) WI,;DOW HEIGHT) CAULK BETWEEN B.W. CONCRETE OR WOOD BUCK L (BUCK WIDTH) MASONRY OPENING MAS'Y. OPENING BY OTHERS BY OTHERS INSTALLATION ANCHOR ONE BY WOOD 3/16' DIA. TAPCON BUCK BY OTHERS a t c EMBEDMENT SHIM AS REO'D. RIGID VINYL 1/4' MAX. N GLAZING BEAD ( SEE NOTES) q INSTALLATION ANCHOR (TYP.) c d t 3/16' DIA. TAPCON SHIM AS REO'D. 1/4' MAX. GLASS SEE NOTES) (TYP.)(SEE NOTES) FLANGE TYPE FLANGE TYPE WINDOW FRAME / WINDOW FRAME JAMB CAULK BETWEEN / HEADER WINDOW FLANGE ---/// 8 WOOD BUCK P'RCAULK GLASS BY OTHERS TYP.) ( SEE NOTES) W.V. WINDOW WIDTH) CAULK BETWEEN WINDOW FLANGE t3 PRECAST SILL W/ VULKEM 116 ADHESIVE CAULK, OR APRV'D. EQL. PERIMETER CAULK BY OTHERS a FLANGE TYPE WINDOW FRAME SILL B. H. BUCK HEIGHT) PRECAST SILL f Q a BY OTHERS NOTES: SECTION A —A 1) SHIM AS REO'D. AT EACH INSTALLAPON ANCHOR. MAX. ALLOWABLE SHIM STACK TO BE 1/4 D 2) WINDOW FRAME MATERIAL: ALUMINUM ALLOY 5063. 3) INSTALLATION ANCHOR MUST BE OF SUFFICIENT LTH. TO ACHIEVE MIN. EMBEDMENT OF 1-1/4- INTO MASONRY OR CONCRETE. 4) USE SILICONIZED ACRYLIC CAULK BEHIND WINDOW FLANGE AT HEAD JAMBS. SILL MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE SUBSTRATE WITH J VULKEM 116 ADHESIVE CAULK OR APPROVED EQUAL. 5) USE SILICONIZED ACRYLIC CAULK FOR PERIMETER SEAL AROUND W.H. EXTERIOR OF WINDOW FLANGE. F 6) IF EXACT WINDOW SIZE IS NOT UST' IN ANCHOR CHART, USE L ANCH6R- QUANTITY LISTED WITH NEXTARGER SIZE. FOR THE APPROPRIATE DESIGN PRESSURE REC D. 7) GLASS THICKNESS MAY VARY PER T'r.E RECUIREMENTS OF ASTM E1300 GLASS CHARTS. 8) LETTER DESIGNATIONS ON THE TA?CON LOCATION CHART INDICATE WHERE TAPCON. ANCHORS ARE TO BE INSTALLED WHEN USING THE EXTERIOR ELEVATION AS A KEY. 9) ALL FACTORY APPLIED HOLES NOT DESIGNATED FOR TAPCON ANCHOR SHOULD BE FILLED WIT- r3 SCREWS OF SUFFICIENT LTH. TO PROVIDE MIN, 5/8 IN. EMBEDMENT INTO WOOD BUCK. 10) FLORIDA EXTRUDERS 1000 SERIES SINGLE HUNG IS SHOWN. THIS SECTION B—B j W.W. PRINT ALSO APPLIES TO THE FLORIDA EXTRUDERS 1500 AND 2000 E LE VAT I 0 N SERIESSINGLERUNGS. I ) WHERE WINDOW IS INSTAL ED IN MACONR" OPEN, G ITH STRUCTUAL TWO BY WOOD BUCK, USE #10 SCREWS OF FICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE 1-3/8- MIN. EMBEDMENT AT VIEWED FROM EXTERIOR INSTALLATION FASTENER LOCATIONS. 1- 1/4' MIN. EMBEDMENT D STU 0 BY OTHERS Jii O I I 1 D CAULK BETWEEN OOD BUCK y x-' S•Y. OPENING 3'.' CTHEA Z- 7NCRET7, LR MASONRY G?ENING Sy 07HERS TAPCON LOCATION CHART CALL BUCK LOCATIONS IN HEAD I LOCATIONS IN JAMB SIZE SIZE 30PSF TO 40PSF 4 1 PSr TO 70PSF 30Ps.- TO 40PSF 1 4 1 PSF TO 70PSr 12 18 1/8 x 25 B B F.G I F.G 13 18 1/8 X 37 3/8 8 9 F.G. F.G 14 18 1 /3 x 49 5/8 B j F,G F.G 145 18 1/8 X 55 1/4 8 9 F,G F,G 15 18 1/8 x 62 B B F,G i F,G 16 18 1/8 X 71 B 8 F.G F.G.H.1 17 18 1/8 x 83 a 9 F,G F,G IH2 25 1/2 x 25 8 B F,G F,G IH3 25 1/2 X 37 3/8 a B F.G F,G 1H4 25 1/2 X 49 5/8 8 8 F.G I F,G,H,1 IH45 25 1/2 X 55 1/4 B B F,G F.G,H,I IH5 25 1/2 X 62 B 8 F.G F,G,H,1 1H6 25 1/2 X 71 8 a F,G F,G,H,I 1H7 25 1/2 -X 83 B 8 F,G,J,K F,G,J,K 30 1/2 x 26 29 1/2 x-25 B 8 30 1/2 x 38 3/8 29 1/2 X 37 3/8 e 6 30 1/2 x 50 5/8 29 1/2 X 49 5/8 8 F,G FF. H,I 30 1/2 x 56 1/4 29 1/2 X 55 1/4 B 8 F,G F,G.H,1 30 1/2 x 63 29 1/2 x 62 9 9 F,G F,0.H.1 30 1/2 x 72 29 1/2 x 71 9 B F.G.H.I F.G.H,I I301/2 x 84 29 1/2 x 83 e 8 F.G.J.K F,G.J.K 22 23 36 X 25 5 8 3 F,G I F.G 24 36 x 37 3/8 36 X 49 5/8 B a F.v F,F. G 245 36 X 55 1/4 B 6 F,G F,G,H,I 25 36 X 62 9 a F,G,H,I F,G,H,I 26 36 X 71 3 B F.G,H,I D,E.F,G.H,I 27 36 X 83 8 3 F,G,J.K F,G,H,I,J,K 42 x 26 41 X 25 8 8 a B F,G F,G,H,I 42 x 38 3/8 41 x 37 3/8 8 8 F,G F,G.H,1 42x505/8 Al x 49 5/8 8 B F,G,H,I F,G,H,I 42x561/4 42 x 63 41 X 55 1/4 41 X 62 B B F,G,H,I D,E,F,G,H,I 42 x 72 41 X 71 B 9 F,G,H,I D,E,F,G,H,1 42 x 84 41 X 83 B 8 F,G,J,K F,G,H,I,J,K 48 x 26 47 X 25 3 A,C F.G L; 48 x 38 3/8 47 X 37 3/8 B A,C F,G F, G F. G,H,I F, G,H,I 48 x 50 5/3 47 X 49 5/8 B B A. 0 A, C F.G,H,I F,G,H,I 48 x 56 1/4 48 x 63 47 X 55 1/4 47 X 62 B A,C F,G,H.I D,E,F,C.H,I 48 x 72 47 X 71 8 A.0 F,G,H.I D.E.F,G,H,I 48 x 84 47 x 83 cr FGJK OEFGHIJK 32 52 1/8 X 25 I a A,C F,G F.G 33 52 1/8 X 37 3/8 I a A,C F.G I F,G.H,I 34 52 1/8 X 49 5/8 6 A,C F,G.H3 F,G,H,I 345 52 1/8 x 55 1/4 I 8 A.0 F.G.H,I C.E.F.G.H.I 35 52 1/8 x 62 B A.0 F,G.H.1 u.E.F.G.H.I 36 52 1/8 x 71 a A,C G.H.1 D.E,F.G.H.I 37 152 1/8 X 83 8 C FF. G.J.K D.E.F.G.J.K,J.K 37 SIZE NOT AV.4ILAELE IN 1000 OR 1 5C0 NATINAL, INC FLORIDAEXTRL` DER' I S4 RORDo FLORIDA TITLE: INSTALL A. ON DE 1 , .. L J SGL. HUNG F LAIv6E w i NS - S: R 1 ES ! 000 :500 & %OiO DRAWN BY: B' iAPPROVED SY: DATE: 10/ 09/01_ SCALE: NITS iDWG.: rLL;(?[l10 2EPARE0 3Y: PRODUCT & APPLICATION ENGINEERING. INC.. 250 IKTERNAT;ONAL PKY., SUITE 250. HEATHROw, FLORIDA 32746 PHONE 407 805-0355 FAX 407 805-0366 FORM 600A-2001 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: 2050 Address: City, State: , Owner. Climate Zone: Central 1. New construction or existing 2. Single family or multi -family 3. Number of units, if multi -family 4. Number of Bedrooms 5. Is this a worst case? 6. Conditioned floor area (ft2) 7. Glass area & type Single Pane a. Clear glass, default U-factor 234.0 ft2 b. Default tint 0.0 ft2 c. Labeled U or SHGC 0.0 ft2 8. Floor types a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation b. N/A c. N/A 9. Wall types a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior b. Frame, Wood, Exterior c. Frame, Wood, Adjacent d N/A e. N/A 10. Ceiling types a. Under Attic b. N/A c. N/A 11. Ducts a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Unc. AH(Sealed):Interior b. N/A Glass/Floor Area: 0.13 New _ Single family _ 1 4 _ Yes _ 1770 fN Double Pane _ 0.0 ft2 _ 0.0 ft2 _ 0.0 ft2 R=0.0, 150.0(p) ft _ R=4.1, 930.0 112 _ R=11.0, 672.0 ft2 R=1 1.0, 202.0 ft2 - R=30.0, 1770.0 ft2 Sup. R=6.0, 1.0 ft Builder. Permitting Office: Permit Number: Jurisdiction Number. 12. Cooling systems a. Central Unit b. N/A c. N/A 13. Heating systems a. Electric Heat Pump b. N/A c. N/A 14. Hot water systems a. Electric Resistance b. N/A c. Conservation credits HR-Heat recovery, Solar DHP-Dedicated heat pump) 15. HVAC credits CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, HF-Whole house fan, PT -Programmable Thermostat, MZ-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) Total as -built points: 26282 Total base points: 29303 I hereby certify that the plans and specificatio covered by this calculation are in com n w' F o ' a Energy Code. PREPARED BY,• DATE: I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. OWNER/AGENT: DATE: PASS Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: S+S PROPERTY ENTE Cap: 36.0 kBtu/hr _ SEER: 12.10 Cap: 36.0 kBtu/hr _ HSPF: 8.00 Cap: 50.0 gallons _ EF: 0.86 WE Ener Ga e® V9Yu9t ersiu,i: rLrctstt vs.sU) FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , BASE GLASS TYPES 18 X Conditioned X BSPM = Points Floor Area Type/SC1181770.0 25.78 8213.5 Single, Clear Single, Clear Single, Clear Single, Clear Single, Clear Single, Clear Single, Clear Single, Clear Single, Clear Single, Clear Single, Clear Single, Clear Single, Clear As -Built Total: WALL TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type Adjacent 202.0 0.70 141.4 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior Exterior 1602.0 1.90 3043.8 Frame, Wood, Exterior Frame, Wood, Adjacent Base Total: 1804.0 3185.2 As -Built Total: DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type Adjacent 22.0 1.60 35.2 Adjacent Insulated1Exterior20.0 4.80 96.0 Exterior Insulated PERMIT #: AS -BUILT Overhang Omt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF = Points NW 1.0 16.0 23.0 40.72 1.00 934.4 SW 4.0 8.0 7.0 56.99 0.69 276.0 SW 4.0 6.0 23.0 56.99 0.61 793.5 SE 1.0 16.0 16.0 61.07 1.00 976.8 SE 1.0 14.0 7.0 61.07 1.00 427.3 NE 1.0 6.0 23.0 47.10 0.97 1051.9 SE 1.0 8.0 41.0 61.07 0.99 2484.3 NW 1.0 3.5 10.0 40.72 0.90 366.1 SW 1.0 6.0 16.0 56.99 0.96 877.8 NE 1.0 6.0 16.0 47.10 0.97 731.7 SW 1.0 6.0 20.0 56.99 0.96 1097.2 SW 1.0 6.0 16.0 56.99 0.96 877.8 NW 1.0 6.0 16.0 40.72 0.97 632.7 234.0 11527.5 R-Value Area X SPM Points 4.1 930.0 1.18 1097.4 11.0 672.0 1.90 1276.8 11.0 202.0 0.70 141.4 1804.0 2515.6 Area X SPM = Points 22.0 1.60 35.2 20.0 4.80 96.0 Base Total: 42.0 131.2 As -Built Total: 42.0 131.2 CEILING TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points Under Attic 1770.0 2.13 3770.1 Under Attic 30.0 1770.0 2.13 X 1.00 3770.1 Base Total: 1770.0 3770.1 As -Built Total: 1770.0 3770.1 FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Slab Raised 150.0(p) -31.8 0.0 0.00 4770.0 0.0 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 150.0(p -31.90-4785.0 Total: lit T 50.0 EnergyGauge® DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGaugeWFIaRES2001 FIRCSB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:,,, PERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUILT INFILTRATION Area X BSPM = Points Area X SPM Points 1770.0 14.31 25328.7 1770.0 14.31 25328.7 Summer Base Points: 35858.7 Summer As -Built Points: 38488.1 Total Summer Points X System = Multiplier Cooling Points Total X Component Cap Ratio X Duct X System X Multiplier Multiplier DM x DSM x AHU) Credit Multiplier Cooling Points 35858.7 0.4266 15297.3 38488.1 38488.1 1.000 1.00 1.087 x 1.150 x 0.85) 0.282 1.069 0.282 1.000 1.000 11592.8 11592.81 EnergyGaugeTM DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge®/RaRES7001 FLRCSB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES 18 X Conditioned X BWPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Omt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Points 18 1770.0 5.86 1867.0 Single, Clear NW 1.0 16.0 23.0 14.97 1.00 344.1 Single, Clear SW 4.0 8.0 7.0 11.59 1.13 91.8 Single, Clear SW 4.0 6.0 23.0 11.59 1.21 321.8 Single, Clear SE 1.0 16.0 16.0 10.59 1.00 170.2 Single, Clear SE 1.0 14.0 7.0 10.59 1.01 74.5 Single, Clear NE 1.0 6.0 23.0 14.70 1.00 338.3 Single, Clear SE 1.0 8.0 41.0 10.59 1.01 439.4 Single, Clear NW 1.0 3.5 10.0 14.97 1.00 149.3 Single, Clear SW 1.0 6.0 16.0 11.59 1.01 187.5 Single, Clear NE 1.0 6.0 16.0 14.70 1.00 235.3 Single, Clear SW 1.0 6.0 20.0 11.59 1.01 234.3 Single, Clear SW 1.0 6.0 16.0 11.59 1.01 187.5 Single, Clear NW 1.0 6.0 16.0 14.97 1.00 239.1 As -Built Total: 234.0 3013.2 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM Points Adjacent 202.0 1.80 363.6 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.1 930.0 3.31 3073.7 Exterior 1602.0 2.00 3204.0 Frame, Wood, Exterior 11.0 672.0 2.00 1344.0 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 202.0 1.80 363.6 Base Total: 1804.0 3567.6 As -Built Total: 1804.0 4781.3 DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type Area X WPM Points Adjacent 22.0 4.00 88.0 Adjacent Insulated 22.0 4.00 88.0 Exterior 20.0 5.10 102.0 Exterior Insulated 20.0 5.10 102.0 Base Total: 42.0 190.0 As -Built Total: 42.0 190.0 CEILING TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM X WCM = Points Under Attic 1770.0 0.64 1132.8 Under Attic 30.0 1770.0 0.64 X 1.00 1132.8 Base Total: 1770.0 1132.8 As -Built Total: 1770.0 1132.8 FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM Points Slab 150.0(p) 1.9 285.0 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 150.0(p 2.50 375.0 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: 285.0 As -Built Total: 150.0 375.0 EnergyGauge® DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge®/FlaRES'2001 FLRCSB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT INFILTRATION Area X BWPM Points Area X WPM Points 1770.0 -0.28 495.6 1770.0 0.28 495.6 Winter Base Points: 5976.8 Winter As -Built Points: 8996.7 Total Winter X Points System = Multiplier Heating Points Total X Component Cap Ratio X Duct X System X Multiplier Multiplier DM x DSM x AHU) Credit = Multiplier Heating Points 5976.8 0.6274 3749.8 8996.7 8996.7 1.000 1.00 1.078 x 1.160 x 0.87) 0.427 1.093 0.427 1.000 1.000 4194.9 4194.9 EnergyGaugeTM DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge&AaRES2001 FLRCSB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 4 2564.00 10256.0 50.0 0.86 4 1.00 2623.63 1.00 10494.5 As -Built Total: 10494.5 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE AS -BUILT Cooling + Heating + Points Points Hot Water Points Total Points Cooling Points Heating + Hot Water = Total Points Points Points 15297 3750 10256 29303 1 11593 4195 10495 26282 PASS EnergyGauge'rm DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGaugeWFIaRES2001 FLRCSB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: 6A-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CNFrvi icT Water Heaters 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements in Table 6-12. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker electric or cutoff as must be Provided. External or built-in heat trap re uiiSwimmingPools & Spas 612.1 Spas $ heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal alwl w er minute ai tlU WS1G- Distribution Systems 610.1 All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, insulated, and Installed In accordance with the criteria of Section 610. iau, a icy i nos a[ TOr eacnInsulation604.1, 602.1 Ceilings -Min. R-19. Common walls -Frame R-11 or CBS R-3 both sides. Common ceiling & floors R-11. EnergyGauge- DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGaugeg/FlaRES'2001 FI-RCSB v3.30 ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE SCORE* = 85.3 The higher the score, the more efficient the home. 1. New construction or existing New - 12. Cooling systems 2. Single family or multi -family Single family - a. Central Unit Cap: 36.0 kBtu/hr - 3. Number of units, if multi -family 1 - SEER: 12.10 - 4. Number of Bedrooms 4 - b. N/A 5. Is this a worst case? Yes - 6. Conditioned floor area (ft') 1770 W c. N/A 7. Glass area & type Single Pane Double Pane - a. Clear - single pane 234.0 ft' 0.0 ft' - 13. Heating systems b. Clear - double pane 0.0 ft' 0.0 ft' - a. Electric Heat Pump Cap: 36.0 kBtu/hr - c. Tint/other SHGC - single pane 0.0 ft' 0.0 ft' - HSPF: 8.00 - d Tint/other SHGC - double pane b. N/A 8. Floor types a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0, 150.0(p) ft - c. N/A b. N/A c. N/A 14. Hot water systems 9. Wall types a. Electric Resistance Cap: 50.0 gallons - a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior R=4.1, 930.0 ft' - EF: 0.86 - b. Frame, Wood, Exterior R=11.0, 672.0 ft' - b. N/A c. Frame, Wood, Adjacent R=11.0, 202.0 ft' - d N/A c. Conservation credits e. N/A HR-Heat recovery, Solar 10. Ceiling types DHP-Dedicated heat pump) a. Under Attic R=30.0, 1770.0 ft' - 15. HVAC credits b. N/A CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, c. N/A HF-Whole house fan, 11. Ducts PT -Programmable Thermostat, a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Unc. AH(Sealed):Interior Sup. R=6.0, 1.0 ft - MZ-C-Multizone cooling, b. N/A MZ-H-Multizone heating) I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before final inspection. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed based on installed Code compliant features. Builder Signature: Address of New Home: Date: City/FL Zip: NOTE: The home's estimated energy performance score is only available through the FLARES computer program. This is-t a Building Energy Rating. Ifyour score is 80 or greater (or 86for a US EPA/DOE EnergyStar 'designation), your home may qualify for energy efficiency mortgage (EEM) incentives ifyou obtain a Florida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 3211638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at www.jsec.ucf edu for information and a list of certified Raters. For information about Florida's Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of Community Affairs at 8501487-1824. EnergyGauge® (Version: FLRCSB v3.30) PROJECT SUMMARY Entire House DEL AIR HEATING,AIR CONDITIONING,R Job: 2050 6.7.04 109 COMMERCE STREET, LAKE MARY. FL 32746.6206 Phone: (407) 831-2665 For: S+S PROPERTY ENTERPRISE Notes: Weather: Orlando AP, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Outside db Inside db Design TD Heating Summary Summer Design Conditions 38 OF Outside db 70 OF Inside db 32 OF Design TD Daily range Relative humidity Moisture difference Building heat loss 30837 BtuhVentilationair0cfmVentilationairloss0Btuh Design heat load 30837 Btuh Infiltration Method SimplifiedConstructionqualityAverage Fireplaces 0 Area (ft2) Volume (ft3) Air changes/hour Equiv. AVF (cfm) Heal g0 Co 11770 14156 14156 0.80 0.40 189 94 Heating Equipment Summary Make CARRIER Trade Model Efficiency Heating Input Heating output Temperature rise Actual air flow Air flow factor Static pressure Space thermostat 8 HSPF 0 Btuh @ 470F 0 OF 1200 cfm 0.039 cfm/Btuh 0.30 in H2O 93 OF 75 OF 18 OF M 50 % 43 gr/lb Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure Ventilation 22708 Btuh Design temperature swing 1485 3.0 Btuh OF Use mfg. data n Rate/swing multiplier 0.98 Total sens. equip. load 23709 Btuh Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Internal gains Ventilation 1380 Btuh Infiltration 2212 2783 Btuh Btuh Total latent equip. load 6375 Btuh Total equipment load 30083 BtuhReq. total capacity at 0.80 SHR 2.5 ton Cooling Equipment Summary Make CARRIER Trade Cond Coil Efficiency Sensible cooling 12.1 EER Latent cooling 28400 7100 Btuh BtuhTotalcooling35500BtuhActualairflow1200cfmAirflowfactor Static pressure 0.053 cfm/Btuh Load sensible heat ratio 0.30 79 in H2O Bo/ditllc values have been manually ovenldden Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. t Wr-ig:11tSOf'C Right-Sufte Residential 5.5.17 RSR26017 E:'FileslS&SPROPERTYENTERPRISEX205012050.rsr. 2004-Ju"7 16:30:18 Page 1 RIGHT-J CALCULATION PROCEDURES A, B, C, DEntireHouselipDELAIRHEATING,AIR CONDITIONING,R Job: 2050 6.7.04 109 COMMERCE STREET, LAKE MARY, FL 32746-6206 Phone: (407) 831-2665 Procedure A - Winter Infiltration HTM Calculation* 1. Winter infiltration AVF 0.80 ach x 14156 ftx 0.0167 = 189 cfm 2. Winter infiltration load 1. 1 x 189 cfm x 32 °F Winter TD = 6644 Btuh 3. Winter infiltration HTM 6644 Btuh / 276 ft2 Total window = 24.1 Btuh/ft' and door area Procedure B - Summer Infiltration HTM Calculation 1. Summer infiltration AVF 0. 40 ach x 14156 ft3 x 0.0167 = 94 cfm 2. Summer infiltration load 1. 1 x 94 cfm x 18 °F Summer TD = 1869 Btuh 3. Summer infiltration HTM 1869 Btuh / 276 ft' Total window = 6.8 Btuh/ftz and door area Procedure C - Latent Infiltration Gain 0. 68 x43 gr/lb moist.diff. x 94 cfm = 2783 Btuh Procedure D - Equipment Sizing Loads I. Sensible sizing load Sensible ventilation load 1. 1 x 75 cfm vent. x 18 Sensible load for structure (Line 19) F Summer TD — 1485 Btuh Sum of ventilation and structure loads 22708 Btuh Rating and temperature swing multiplier Equipment sizing load - sensible x 24193 0. 98 Btuh 23709 Btuh 2. Latent sizing load Latent ventilation load 0. 68 x 75 cfm vent. x 43 Internal loads = 230 Btuh x 6 gr/ lb moist.diff. = people + 2212 Btuh Infiltration load from Procedure C 1380 Btuh Equipment sizing load - latent 2783 Btuh 6375 Btuh Construction Quality is: a No. of Fireplaces is: 0 9010t0lic values have been manually overridden Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed wnghtsoft Right-Suke ResidenUal 5.5.17 RSR26017 E: 1FIIes1S&SPROPERTYENTERPRISE120501205o.rsr 2004-Jun-07 16:30: 1 a Page 1 P RIGHT- J WORKSHEET Entire House DEL AIR HEATING,AIR CONDITIONING,R Job: 2050 6.7.04 109 COMMERCE STREET, LAKE MARY, FL 32746-6206 Phone: (40 831-2665 MANUAL J: 7th Ed. 1 2 Name of room Length of exposed wall Entire House 260.0 ft DINING LIVING RM MSTR BDRM3 4 Room dimensions Ceiings Condit. Option 8.0 R heat1cool d 27.5 ft 12.0 x 11. ft 44.0 ft 15.0 x 18.0 R 12.5 ft 12.5 x 18.0 ft8.0 R of 6.0 R heat/cool 8.0 ft heat/coolTYPEOF EXPOSURE CS1 HTM NO. Htg Clg Area ftj Load (Btuh) Htg Area Load (Btuh) Area Load (Btuh) Area LoadClgftjHtgClgR Ht CI Btuh) 5 Gross a 14B 4.6 2.1 1100 84Exposedb12C2.9 1.9 756 0wallsandc13C3.2 1.2 224 138partitionsd0.0 0.0 0 0e0.0 0.0 0 0f0.0 0.0 0 0 6 Windows and a 1C 37.0 •- glass doors b 8C 37.0 -- 193 7133 23 850 Heating C 9C 38.7 -- 41 0 1515 0 0 0 d 3C 23.2 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0e0.0 " f -- 0 0 0 00.0 0 0 0 0 7 Windows and North 20.4 9 176 0glassdoorsNE/NW 42.4 131 5552 23CoolingE/W 0.0 0 0 0SE/SW 47.4 94 4474 0South0.0 0 0 0Horz0.0 0 0 0 8 Other doors a 11A 18.9 12.7 42 7113 535 22 415b10D14.7 9.9 0 0 0 0 0 IC 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Net a 14B 4.6 2.1 exposed b 12C 2.9 1.9 930 672 4285 1915 61 281 walls and c 13C 3.2 1.2 202 1935 636 1306 236 0 114 0 359partitionsd0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0e0.0 0.0 f 0 0 0 0 0 00.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Ceilings a 16G 11 14 1140 1 9 9 R) Htg Clg 30 1109 16 591 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 906 0 30 0 1343 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 16 758 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 280 20 378 255 0 0 000000000000000 126 0 214 986 441 84 387 173 133 0 88 0 277 0 103 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b 16C 2.8 3.5 0 203 0 1579 0 0 0 0 0 198 209 274 0 0 0 c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0d0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0.0 f 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Floors a 22A 25.9 0.0 150 3888 0 28 0 0 0 0 p Note: room b 19G 1.1 0.0 0 0 0 713 0 44 1140 0 13 324 0 perimeter c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0isdispl. d 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0forslaba0.0 floors) f 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Infiltration a 24.1 6.8 278 6644 1869 45 1083 0 0 0 0 0 305 13 Subtotal loss=6+8..+11+12 50 1204 339 18 385 108 Less external heating 28034 0 3702 5303 1688Lesstransfer0 0 p 0Heatingredistribution00 14 15 Total loss =13+14 0Duct0 10°/ 0 3 0 0 30837 0°/ 4072 5833 10°/ 16 Int. gains: People @ 300 6 1800 1856858 17 APpI• ® Subtot RSH gain =7+8..+12+18 1200 1 1200 1 p 300 0 0 0 0 1 300 Less external Cooling 20843 2050 0 2754 0 .... 0 Less transfer 0 0 1340 Cooling redistribution 0118 19 Duct gain Total RSH gain=(17+18)•PLF 10°/ 0 2084 10°/ -•-- 0 0 0 0 20 Air required (cfm) 1.00 1200 21200 1.00 -•-- 2255 1.00 -•'- 3030 1.00°/ -•-- 1200 158 119 227 180 72 1474 78 Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. wr 917t5oR Right -Suite Residential 5.5.17 RSR2601714ME:1FIIes1S8SPROPERTYENTERPRISE%2050 2050.rsr 2004-Jun-0716:30:18 Page 1 0 RIGHT -I WORKSHEET Entire House DEL AIR HEATING,AIR CONDITIONING,R Job: 2050 6.7.04 109 COMMERCE STREET, LAKE MARY, FL 32746-6206 Phone: (40 831-2665 MANUAL J: 7th Ed. 1 Name of room 2 Length of exposed wall MSTR BATH 9.0 ft POWDER FAMILY RM KITCHEN3Roomdimensions 4 Ceiings Condit Option 8.0 ft x 13. of ft 6.0 0.0 ft x 8.0 ft 18.0 46.0 ft x 12.0 ft 11.0 11.0 ft x 12.0 ft8.0 ft heat/cool 8.0 ft heat/cool 8.0 ft heat/cool TYPE OF EXPOSURE CS NO. HTM Htg Clg Area ft Load (Btuh) Htg Clg Area Load (Btuh) Area Load (Btuh) Area Load (Btuh) tip H CI g ft Htg Clg 0I Htg Clg5Grossa14B4.6 2.1 72 0Exposedb12C2.9 1.9 0 0 368 88 walls and c 13C 3.2 1.2 0 0 0 partitions d 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 e 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 f 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0---- 6 Windows and a 1C 37.0 7 259 0 0 0 glass doors b 8C 37.0 0 0 0 0 0 23 850 "-- 10 370 ---- Heating c 9C 38.7 -- 0 41 1515 '--- 0 0 ---- d3C 23.2 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---- 0 p ».. e 0.0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 "" 0 0 ---- f 0.0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •-» 7 Windows and North 20.4 0 0 0 -'-' glass doors NE/NW 42.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 134 0 0CoolingE/W 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 624 SE/SW 47.4 7 332 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 South 0.0 0 57 2721 0 0 Horz 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 Other doors a 11A 18.9 12.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 b 10D 14.7 9.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p p c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2. 1 9Neta12C85 300 134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 exposed b 12C 2.9 1.9 2.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 304 1401 626 78 359 161 wallsandc13C3.2 1.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 partitions d 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 f0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 10 Ceilings a 16C 1.1 1.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b 18C 2.8 3.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 218 228 299 102 108 141 c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 d0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e0.0 0.0 p f 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Floors a 22A 25.9 0.0 9 2333 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: room b 19G 1.1 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 46 1192 0 11 285 0 perimeter c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 isdispl. d 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 forslaba0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boors) f 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Infiltration a 24.1 6.8 7 169 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 Subtotal loss=6+8..+11+12 ---- 0 0 84 1541 433 10 241 88 960 ---- Less external heating - 0 0 .... 6727 ---- 1363 ---- Lesstransfer »» 0 „-, 0 "-- 0 „-- Heatingredistribution00 "-- 0 .... 1415 Duct loss 10° 98 -^- Totalloss = 13+14 0 `" 0 .... 10°/ 0 --» 673 ---- 0 ---- 1058 --- 10 0 .... 7400 ---- 10°/ 136 ---- 16 Int. gains: People @ 300 0 ---- 0 1499 ---' 17 APpl. @ 1200 0 ---- p SubtotRSHgain=7+8..+12+16 ---" ---- 0 0 .«. 0 0 1200 0 0 ---- 0 510Lessexternalcooling - »-- 0 0 ---' 6414 ---- 1 1200 2194 Lesstransfer »-- - 0 ---- 0 Cooling redistribution ---- -»- 0 .... 0 18 19 0 '--- Ductgain10°/ ---- 51 TotalRSHgain=(17+18)'PLF 1.00 "-- 10% "'- 0 .... o .... 0 0 0 20 564 Airrequired (cfm) "'- 41 30 ---- 1. 00 -'-- 0 1.00 5958 1.00°/ '--- 2219 0315 ---- 58 128 Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. wghtsOftRight -Suite Residerdiat 5.5.17 RSR26017 CE:1Files%SBSPROPERTYENTERPRISE1205012050.rsr 2004-JurW716:30:18 Page 2 RIGHT-J WORKSHEET Entire House DEL AIR HEATING,AIR CONDITIONING,R Job: 2050 6.7.04 109 COMMERCE STREET. LAKE MARY. FL 32746.6206 Phone: 40 831.2665 MANUAL J: 7th Ed. 1 2 Name of room Length of exposed wall STAIRWELL MECH ROOM BATH 2 3 Room dimensions 25.0 ft R 10.5 15.5 R x 5.0 11ft BDRM 3 24. 5 ft 4 Ceiings Condit Option 8.0 ft heat/cool5 8.0 R ft heaV000l 6. 5 8. 0 R x 10.0. heat1cool ft 9.5 x 14.0 ft TYPE OF EXPOSURE CS HTM Area Load (Btuh) Area Load (Btuh) 8. 0 ft heaUcool Area NO. Htgr R Htg Cig ft Htg Clg Load ( Btuh) Area Load (Btuh) 5 Gross a 14B 4. 0""124 M Htg Clg Rl Htg Clg b 12C 2. 200 Exposed0.... 0walis andc13C3. 0---" 0 92 198 partitions d 0.0. 0 0 0 0 f0.0 0.0 0 6 Windows and a 1C 37.0 16 591 0 glassdoorsb8C37.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 591 Heating c 9C 38.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d3C 23.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0.0 " 0 0 0 0 f 0.0 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 Windows and North 20.4 0 0 0 0 0 glass doors NE/NW 42.4 16 630 0 0 0 0 0 2 41 CoolingE/W 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SE/ SW 47.4 0 0 0 0 South0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 683 Horz 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 8 Other doors a 11A 18.9 12.7 0 0 0 0 0 p b 10D 14.7 9.9 Ic0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 0. 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Net a 14B 4.6 2.1 exposed b 12C 2.9 1.9 0 184 0 530 0 124 571 255 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 walls and c 13C 3.2 1.2 0 0 358 0 0 0 0 0 92 265 179 180 0 518 0 350 partitionsd0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 8 0.0 0.0 0 0 f 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 10Ceilingsa16G1.1 1.4 58 59 78 b16C2.8 3.5 0 53 55 73 68 72 95 00c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 133 0 140 184 0 0 d0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0.0 0.0 0 O 0 f0.0 0.0 0 0 0 O p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 11 Floors a 22A 25.9 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 Note: room b 19G 1.1 o.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 perimeter c 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 isdisp1. d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0.0 0 0 0 forslaba0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0floors) f 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Infiltration a 24.1 6.8 16 385 108 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 Subtotal l0ss=8+8.•+11+12 "" 0 0 0 0 18 385 108 1568 ---- Less external heating "-- 0 --" 827 --'- 337 "" 1635 ---- Lesstransfer -". 0 ,,,- 0 .." ---- 0 ---. 0 Heating redistribution --" 0 ..-- 0 ---- 0 -'" 0 .... 1415 Duct loss Total loss = 13+14 ---- 0 100 0 - ---- 10 °/ 0 ---- 34 1722 --" 690 "" ---- 371 100 164 --" 16 Int. gains: People ® 300 0 ---- 0 1799 '--' 17 APpl. @ 1200 0 ---- 0 SubtotRSHgain=7+8..+12+16 --" -••• 0 0 .... 0 0 - 0 0 "" 0 1170Lessexternalcooling "" -... 328 -'-- 0 273 ---- 0 -"- 0 Less transfer -". .... 0 .... 0 "" 0 --.- 1340 Coolingredistribution ---- -"- 18 19 0 -'" Ductgain10°/ ---- 117 TotalRSHgain=(17+18)'PLF 1.00 "" 10°/ -'-- 0 "« 33 10°/ "-- 0 .... 27 10 / -'" 0 0 20 Air required (cfm) "•• 87 12B8 „--00 361 1.00 301 1.00 ---- 135 1481 27191416 ---- 70 78 Printout certified b ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. wr79 "tsOft Right -Suite ResidenUal 5.5.17 RSR26017 14ME:1FIIes1S&SPROPERTYENTERPRISE1205012050.rsr 2004-Jun-0716:30:18 Page 3 t t RIGHT-J WORKSHEET Entire House DEL AIR HEATING,AIR CONDITIONING,R Job: 2050 6.7.04 109 COMMERCE STREET. LAKE MARY. FL 32746-6206 Phone: (40 831-2665 MANUAL J: 7th Ed. 1 2 Name of room Length of exposed wall BDRM 2 BDRM 4 3 4 Room dimensions Ceiings Condit. Option 8.5 8.0 8.0 x 19.0 ft ft 14.5 25. x 10.5 ft ft ft heaVcool 8.0 ft heaUcool TYPE OF CS HTM EXPOSURE NO. Htg Clg Area Load (Btuh) Area Load (Btu ftj Htg Clg ft2) Htg 5 Gross a 14B 4.6 2.1 0 0Exposedb12C2.9 1.9 64 204wallsandc13C3.2 1.2 0 partitions d 0.0 0.0 0 0 e 0.0 0.0 0 0 0f0.0 0.0 0 0 6 Windows and a 1C 37.0 " 20 739 32glassdoorsb8C37.0 " 0 0 1183 Heating c 9C 38.7 0 0 d 3C 23.2 " 0 0 0 0 0 e 0.0 " 0 0 0 0 0f0.0 " 0 0 0 0 7 Windows and North 20.4 0 0glassdoorsNE/NW 42.4 20 788 0 32CoolingFJW0.0 0 0 0S47.4 0 0 0uSWSouth0.0 0 0 0Horz0.0 0 0 0 8 Other doors a 11A 18.9 12.7 0 0 0b10D14.7 9.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0c0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Net a 14B 4.6 2.1 0 0 0 0 0exposedb12C2.9 1.9 walls and c 13C 3.2 1.2 44 127 86 172 495 partitions d 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0.0 0.0 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Ceilings a 16G 1.1 1.4 162 171 224 152 161 h) Clg Area Area Htg Clg Htg Clg 0 1261 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 334 0 0 0 0 2b16C2.8 3.5 0 0 0 0 0 11 0c0.0 d 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 e 0.0 f 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Floors a 22A 25.9 0.0 0 0 0 0 0Note: room b 19G 1.1 0.0 0 0 0 0 p perimeter c 0.0 Is displ. d 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 for slab a 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 floors) f 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Infiltration a 24.1 6.8 20 481 135 32 770 217 13 Subtotal 10ss=6+8..+11+12 1518 Less external heating 0 2609 Less transfer 0 0 Heating redistribution 0 0 14 15 Duct loss Total loss = 13+14 10°/ 152 10 °/ 0 281 1670 2870 16 Int. gains: People ® 300 0 0 0 17 APpl. ® Subtot RSH gain=7+8..+12+16 1200 0 0 0 0 0 ^- .... Less external cooling 1233 2023 Less transfer 0 0 Cooling redistribution 0 0 18 19 Duct gain Total RSH gain=(17+18)•PLF 10 °/ 1.00 '"" 0 3 10° .... 0 20 Air required (cfm) 65 1358 72 1.00 " 2225 .... .... 112 118 "" .... Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. wr gl-tsof7t Right -Suite Residential 5.5.17 RSR26017P. E:1Files%SBSPROPERTYENTERPRISE12050%2050.rsr 2004-Ju"716:30:18 Page 4 i I r RIGHT-J WINDOW DATA DEL AIR HEATING,AIR CONDITIONING,R Job: 2050 6.7.04 109 COMMERCE STREET. LAKE MARY. Fl- 32746-6206 Phone: (407) 831-2665 W S N K D I W A G L S S O N A S L O O O W C W S D Y R L T H V G N H A W R A H L G C V R V R H H N H W L Z E M D G Z L O X Y G T T M A R A R DINING a n ne a C n 0 d 1 1 90 1.0 1.0 11.0 5.0 39.4 23.0 0.0 LIVING RM a n a n nw nw a a C n 0 n 1 1 90 1.0 C n 0 d 1 1 90 1.0 4.0 1.0 7.0 62.4 7.0 0.0 4.0 1.0 5.0 39.4 23.0 0.0 MSTR BDRM a n sw a C n 0 d 1 1 90 1.0 1.0 11.0 5.0 47.4 16.0 0.0 MSTR BATH a n sw a C n 0 d 1 1 90 1.0 1.0 11.0 3.0 47.4 7.0 0.0 POWDER FAMILY RM a n b n se sw a a C n 0 d 1 1 90 1.0 C n 0 d 1 1 90 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 47.4 23.0 2.9 1.0 7.0 47.4 41.0 3.7 KITCHEN a n ne a C n 0 n 1 1 90 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 62.4 10.0 0.0 STAIRWELL a n nw b C n 0 d 1 1 90 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 39.4 16.0 0.0 MECH ROOM BATH 2 BDRM 3 a n se b C n 0 d 1 1 90 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 47.4 16.0 2.0 BDRM 2 a n nw b C n 0 d 1 1 90 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 39.4 20.0 0.0 Sj, WnghtSoft Right-Sufte Residential 5.5.17 RSR26017 ACCK 2004 Jun-07 16:30:16E:1Files1S&SPROPERTYENTERPRISEV050U050.rsr Page 1 BDRM 4 a n nw b c n 0 d 1 1 90 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 39.4 16.0 0.0 se n ne b c n 0 d 1 1 90 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 39.4 16.0 0.0 C 1 wnghtSOft Right-Sufte Residentlal 5.5.17 RSR26017 2004-Jun-07 16:30:18 E:%Files%SBSPROPERTYENTERPRISE12050%2050.rsr Page 2 35am xu FRAM.,.., 2ww8w Z" FxArm °mod ^yp) BEDROOM rw R 1'BA Y 15 10xl0 rag 2 x4 iw 80 IOx6 iwcd A/C PAD 12' Ox10 ra 6' 7' 6• 4x14 6' 4' lOx6 iwcd 6' 70 Bx lwc 120 IOx6 iwcd 70 lox 0 rn BED OOM BED OOM Z / ij aFw ew L W WAra UAL a 4OW ew car wai am ew VI rtrni UPPER FLOOR FLAN LOWER FLOOR FLAN N 3.0 Tl1N W/10KW 2240V 1PH 18xl3 plen 2444 rad z-t platform by bldr scn e t _ Must have a minimum clearance of 4 Inches around the air handler per the State Energy code. All duct has an r=6 Insulation value. N mZ O N W W a 0 W H L.L L1J a_ 0 l.L n O O Ln r,- o n (U U D Rating o n m W > Z z o w 3 D J O O Q w ma_J(n00 I I I----------- 46.00 60.00' Mcov92m coNCRere Il.bb' J Q o aLL0 $ 0 O ) g Q r a na o 30.00, I i 8Q D O 30.00, 0 WATER METERIi / 46.00- + Ei------- W. 1&TH STREET --------------- PAVED R/W SITE PLAN._._.,.,_, LEGAL DESCRIPTION Leg W 46' of S 1/2 of Lot 48, Block A, M M Smiths 2nd Subdivision ae recorded Ih Plat Book 1, Page 101 of the Public Records of Seminole County, FL Parcel 10 034-IS-30-FAK-0A00-0480 Otherwise known as. 1910 W. l6th Street Sanford, FL 32111 5cltg SCOPE OF WORK Conetnrct a new two stony single famliy residence on a now vacant land pahael. The new structure Is to have a concrete slab on grade foundation, with concrete block exterior lower walls, frame uppers. LiL Lj' D CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Permit # Job Address: 1(1 10 &TI" 51 Date: Z rID Description of work: N 67W I WO S7U y 5Z1V 6 4 f=lf /YI Lt( 9CST-P&1aCts Historic District: N t7 Zoning: rh VQ_ Value of Work: $ 90 00o Sze Permit Type: Building _y— Electrical Mechanical Plumbing Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Pool Electrical: New Service - # of AMPS / 5-y Addition/Alteration Change of Service Temporary Pole_ Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Replacement New (Duct Layout & Energy Calc. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines Plumbing/New Residential: # of Water Closets -2-1— Plumbing Repair - Residential or Commercial Occupancy Type: Residential _)0( Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: 709` 1 Construction Type: SFF- # of Stories: 2 # of Dwelling Units: _ Flood Zone: _>C_ (FEMA form required for other than 7G Parcel #: 34 - 1 a -36 " 5-A K` 0 Aoo - o-4 a %> (Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) 5OwnersName & Address: i 5 peyrgm eA/ rE e Pliers L% 607 HrC CZy AVE, SAN'0?-r-> 32-7-71 Phone: 407 31.4 eos-64 Contractor Name & Address: M r 5, WE-577 TN a ttv ce v u1 — e • • 77 - 'State •.. c6-c Q6zo10 Phone& Fax: 407 to on: Phone:407 yOZ 4843 Bonding Company: !:ON' M Address: Mortgage Lender: --iv A!E —QAAr Address r Architect/ Engineer: KEd Clio LE S . 'Pa;-E, ' P 07 Zq S 0/ 55 Address: O t 5 C = ;F9a." Ao7 Z9 5 0 A Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the worlcen4installat i i all no work osf5 allation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to ince"t standards f afifaws regulating construction in thi diction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUM&WeSIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and P AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER' S AFFIDAVIT: 1 certify that all of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requi cots of this permit, t may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, there may add i naI permits requi from other governmental entities such as wat r gement districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. Acceptance o permit is veri i ati tha I no the o r of the property of the require *Lin 1 4- 5) rJ11// / Signature of Owner/Agent Date Signature of Contractor/AgenttX,5. r rACDateLTo uA eiA CNR EL `' u,'IT WE57-ees P ' nt Owner/Age is Na e S F' aFm 50; ,_! Print Contract %ens Name mil, 5 , U/C5'T-, =A/C , 0 J. gnature of otaryto Florida Date nature of Notary-StAteof Florida Date Owner/Agent is Personally Known to Produced ID bt .7 30T, I t o reel ze4=CAO St.XewtcAPPLICATIONAPPROVED BY: Bldg: Zoning: Initial & Date) Special Conditions: DIANA HERNANDEZ MY COMMIS & 11X%%t EXPIREy B= W Thru M IL Initial & Date) 01 3L"` l. L Utilities: FD: Initial & Date) ( Initial & Date) IS(4 a Page I of I JOANN JOHNSON - 1910 W. 16th St From: PAUL MOORE To: FLORENCE DEGRAVE Date: 6/11/2004 3:57 PM Subject: 1910 W. 16th St. CC: DAN FLORIAN; JOANN JOHNSON; JOHNNIE BLAKE; NANCY JERMYN; RICHARD BLAKE Flossie - I have been contacted by a Mr. West who is applying for a building permit for 1910 W. 16th Street. He said he needed a letter from the Utility Dept. concerning water and sewer services. This email shall serve as this letter. The property in question had a house that was demolished. The old house had water and sanitary sewer services. They will not need to pay water and sewer impact fees on the replacement house. Should they need a new water meter or need the city to install a new sewer tap there would be charges for these. If you need additional information from me on this please let me know. Thanks. 6- I%j•oy iv- 0 tea. ?rop.c O'O ra i Sc g nows qb' Sys'. CID r rc d' St ,tk file://C:\Documents%20and%2OSettings\johnsonjo\Local%2OSettings\Temp\GW }OOOOI .H... 6/22/2004 Seminole County Property Appraiser Get Information by Parcel Number Page 1 of 1 IPARCEL DETAIL T,u:f7fZ',.« t ...`_ ":, .',t;x,.,I :,c. • 1 Back C- 1 4/ Sa r„ifi+>I l r,unt 17 ,IV rt9 &-frpf rat7, cArrirec 1 IBI R. kirst %#. SAstaru 1-1.327?1 meld a"T Parcel Id: 34-19-30-5AK-OA00-048D Tax District: Si- SANFORD Owner: JACKSON CONSUELO E & Exemptions: DAVID Address: 1704 HAWKINS AVE City,State,ZipCode: SANFORD FL 32771 Property Address: 1910 16TH ST W SANFORD 32771 Subdivision Name: SMITHS M M 2ND SUBD Dor: 00-VACANT RESIDENTIAL Ir 2004 WORKING VALUE SUMMARY Value Method: Market Number of Buildings: 0 Depreciated Bldg Value: $0 Depreciated EXFT Value: $0 Land Value (Market): $5,111 Land Value Ag: $0 Just/Market Value: $5,111 Assessed Value (SOH): $5,111 Exempt Value: $0 Taxable Value: $5,111 SALES Deed Date Book Page Amount Vac/Imp 2003 VALUE SUMMARY WARRANTY DEED 07/2001 04150 1136 $100 Improved 2003 Tax Bill Amount: $87 WARRANTY DEED 12/1989 02150 1701 $2,000 Improved 2003 Taxable Value: $4,181 WARRANTY DEED 01/1977 01125 1097 $3,000 Improved DOES NOT INCLUDE NON -AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS Find Comparable Sales within this Subdivision LAND LEGAL DESCRIPTION PLAT Land Assess Method Frontage Depth Land Unit Land LEG W 46 FT OF S 1/2 OF LOT 48 BLK A M M Units Price Value SMITHS 2ND SUBD FRONT FOOT & 46 145 .000 110.00 $5,111 PB 1 PG 101 DEPTH NOTE: Assessed values shown are NOT certified values and therefore are subject to change before being finalized for ad valorem tax If a homesteaded property your next year's property tax will be based on Just/Market value. http://www.scpafl.org/pls/web/re_web.semitiole_county_title?PARCEL=3419305AKOAOO... 6/ 16/2004 City of Sanford Building Division Submittal Requirements for Residential Building Permit l . Two (2) recent boundary and building location surveys showing setbacks from all structures to property lines for permit for structures (not fences). 2. Two (2) complete sets of construction design drawings drawn to scale. Complete sets to include: a. Foundation plan indicating footer sizes for all bearing walls. Provide side view details of these footers with reinforcement bar replacement. fib. Floor plan indicating interior wall partitions and room identification, room dimensions, door, window, and/or opening sizes, smoke detector location(s), landings, decks, stairs, bathroom fixtures, and distances from walls. "The State of Florida requires bathroom compliance with Florida Accessibility Code. c. An elevation of all exterior walls - east, west, north, and south. Finish floor elevation height as per Engineering Department or subdivision plat. d. Cross sections of all wall sections to be used in the structure, bearing and non -bearing interior and exterior walls, show all components of wall sections. e. Framing plan for floor joists where conventionally framed. Plan is to indicate span, size and species of materials to be used. f. Engineered truss plan with details of bracing, engineered beams for spacing openings to carry and support trusses. fig. Stair details with tread and riser dimensions, stringer size, methods of attachment, placement of handrails and guardrails. h. Square footage table showing footages: 1. Garages/Carports Z LL' sq. ft. 2. Porches/Entries (pq sq. ft. 3. Patio(s) sq. ft. 4. Conditioned Structure 1 7 *1 D sq. ft. 5. Total Gross Area Zcgcl sq. ft. 3. Three (3) sets of completed Florida Energy Code Forms. Vjf Soil analysis and/or soil compaction report. If soils appear to be unstable or if II structure is to be built on fill, a report may be requested by the Building Official or his representative. 5. .ther submittal documents: We) r Utility letter or approval when public water supply and/or sewer system connection to be made. 0cb. Septic tank permit issued by Seminole County Health Dept. U c. Arbor permit when trees to be removed from property. Contact the Engineering Dept. for details regarding the arbor ordinance and permit. Seminole County Road Impact fee statement. e Property ownership verification. U 1 L/ . Driveway pen -nit issued by City Engineering Department. 6. Application to be completed thoroughly and signatures provided by a licensed and insured contractor and property owner. If electrical, mechanical, or plumbing permits have not been issued, inspections will not be scheduled or made and subcontractors will be subject to penalty under city ordinances. 1 jDatetsI Owner/ Agent Signature Return to: (enclose self-addressed stamped envelope) S&S PROPERTY ENTERPRISE ass: t 607 Hickory Ave. Sanford, FL 3 Instrument Prepared by: te: Cynthia Hamilton -Smith, E.D. ass: 417 E. 2nd Street, Sanford, FL any Appraisers Parcel Identification 3 4 -1 9 - 3 0 - 5AK- OA 0 0 - Number(s): eee[ l S.S. a (s) II 02 95 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR PROCESSING DATA MARYANNE MORSE, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT SEMINOLE COUNTY BK 05339 FIG 0717 CLERKIS 0 2004089615 R1413RDFD 05/09/M4 09103:11 AN DEED DOC TAX & 70 REUIRDING FEES 10a00 RECORDED BY L McKinley SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDING DATA Ia hiS QUit (flaiM PEBbTi, Executed the 8th day of David & Consuelo E. Jackson June first party, to S&S PROPERTY ENTERPRISE whose post office address is 607 Hickory Ave_ Sanford, FL 32771 second party. 2004 , by Date Wherever used herein the terms 'first party' and 'second party' include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives. and assigns of individuals. and the successors and assigns of corporations. wherever the context so admits or requires.) Witnessrtli, That the first party, for and in consideration of the sum of $ in hand paid by the said second party,the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release, and quit claim unto the second party forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said first party has in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Seminole State of Florida ,to -wit: LEG W 46 FT OF S 1/2 OF LOT 48 BLK A M M SMITHS 2ND SUBD PB1 PG101 CERTIFIED COPY MARYANNE MORSE ERK OF CIRC IT COLIRT COU R7DA O " JUN 9- 200 Zio Pufte anbr to olb The same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, lien,i equity and claim whatsoever of the said first party, either in law or equity to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said second party forever. Jn Witness Whereof, the said first party has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. Signed, se ed and del* red in the presence of. Witness Signature (as to fi raator) 6 &,y fl- mc. // Printed Name _ # 14 4 % L c5 S S/ Witness Signature (as to rant Grantor) Printed am Witness Signature (as to Co -Grantor, if any) Printed Name Witness Signature (as to Co -Grantor, if any) Printed Name STATE OF F/O)` J COUNTY OF Gran Signature 0 Printed Name 1 k) tv 10 St pe-4 SA n 5L0 Post Office Address f i 1 n n Yost Office Address I hereby Certify that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, who acknowledged before me that executed the same, and an oath was not taken. (Check one:) O Said person(s)• is/are personally known to me. O Said person(s) provided the following type of identification: J S- `/ /9.• ¢ d ( - A a J-0 _ J 12 - 0 0 NOTARY RUBBER STAMP SEAL I aitw+'u`ee., EMANUEL L. HILLER tih Corn public - S of Roffd Commlt CgOM 71,an DD 144191nd0dByNvUonalNotaryAn'. Witness m Viand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this day of .) C Date Notary gnature Printed Name 1+146.00 ti 624.00 1 1 +77,; • 010 1 1 +7700C + 69-ou + 6,:•OG 2+,,99•U 4 _ 17242.00 260• , 20 - 592.,•U.1 ?, r 9ScG•o,! + 1124 2•t;;; 5+20 ,•00 7'/9.'rt2•;; 9A:9• - 2• ' 01 - 10•5", o A 'I:1•49 + 10•5; f 2•94.' , COUNTY OF SEMINOLE IMPACT FEE STATEMENT STATEMENT NUMBER: 04100006 BUILDING APPLICATION On 04-10000649 BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER: 04-10000649 UNIT ADDRESS: 16TH ST W 191O TRAFFIC ZONE:022 JURISDICTION: SEC: TWP: RNG: SUF: SUBDIVISION: PLAT BOOK: PLAT BOOK PAGE: OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: APPLICANT NAME: WEST MICHAEL SCOTT ADDRESS: M.S.WEST INC. LAND USE: SMITHS M M 2ND SUBD TYPE USE: WORK DESCRIPTION: CITY-SANFORD SPECIAL NOTES: CREDIT GIVEN FOR PRIOR SFR DATE: June 10, 2004 34-19-30-5AK-OA00-048D TRACT: BLOCK: LOT: FEE BENEFIT RATE UNIT CALC UNIT TOTAL DU TYPE DIST SCHED RATE UNITS TYPE ROADS -ARTERIALS N/A Single Family Housing 705.00 1.000 dwl unit 7O5'O0 KOADS-LL COECTORSN/A Single Family Housing 142.00 1.000 dwl unit 142.00 FIRE RESCUE N/A 00 LIBRARY N/A Single Family Housing 54.00 1.000 dwl unit 54'0O SCHOOLS N/A Single Family Housing 1,384.00 1'000 dwl unit 1,384'0C, PARKS N/A 00 LAW ENFORCE N/A 00 DRAINAGE N/A ` 00 CREDIT FEES: CI LIBRARY Single Family Housing 54'00 1'000 dwl unit 51.00- 121I ROAD ARTERIALS SinSle FamilZ Housin 705.00 1,000 dwl unit 705.00 SCAD COLLECTORS NORTH IRU- SinQle Family Housing 142.00 1,000 142'00- qrT Sr/nm Single mily Housing 384.00 1.000 dwl unit 1,384'0O AMOUNT DUE/ STATEMENT RECEIVED BY: __ IGNATU8E: x _Aw .. .... ......... .... ... .... ... PLEASE PRINT NAME) DATE:, __________--- NOTE TO RECEIVING SIGNATORY/APPLICANT: FAILURE TO NOTIFY OWNER ANY.) ENSURE TIMELY PAYMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR LIABILITY FOR THE FEE. *** DISTRIBUTION: 1-BLDG DEPT 3-APPLICANT 2- FINANCE 4-LAND MANAGEMENT NOTE** PERSONS ARE ADVISED THAT THIS IS A STATEMENT OF FEES DUE UNDER THE SEMINOLE COUNTY ROAD FIRE/RESCUE, LIBRARY AND/OR EDUCATIONAL ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. PERSONS ARE ALSO ADVISED THAT ANY RIGHTS OF THE APPLICANT, OR OWNE8, TO APPEAL THE CALCULATION OF ANY OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED IMPACT FEES MUST BE EXERCISED BY FILING A WRITTEN REQUEST WITHIN 45 CALENDAR DAYS OF THE RECEIVING SIGNATURE DATE ABOVE BUT NOT LATER THAN CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OR OCCUPANCY. TH REQUEST FOR REVIEW MUST MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE' COPIES OF RULES GOVERNING APPEALS MAY BE PICKED UP OR REQUESTED, FROM THE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION OFFICE: 1101 EAST FIRoT STREET, SANFORD FL, 32771; 407-665-7356. PAYMENT SHOULD BE MADE TO: SEMINOLE COUNTY OR CITY OF SANrOR0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1101 EAST FIRST STREET SANFORD, FL 32771 PAYMENT SHOULD BE BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER AND SHOULD REFERENC THE COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER AT THE fE OP LEFT OF THIS STATEMENT. THIS STATEMENT IS NO LONGER VALID IF A BUILDINY PERMIT IS NOT*** ISSUED WITHIN 60 CALENDAR DAYS OF THE RECEIVING SIGNATURE DATE ABOVE DETAIL OF CALCULATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUESTCA4L 407-665-7356' hJJP?, .. ..H. .. .. •'' lF•flr9.st'T Y-".,i:1aj'{:V '-•••3,rt. 'y` u•;i4`••:':1.::•.•' v/_t 3'C) T'i' fYi Ti ,r+. r,i"Jt. • C•1171 tF m t,. , z'13'3'l 7'a,f't,.'),.. FerMil A J )? Adulrt? sveseripliep s: ff I'Ilmetlfi' III t.-let; y 71 Perrnii bite: 1=uilcli:,g Electroiral lu<e l£L iWa1 tc"Ixt.,rnitig Fir6,Fgninlcle,/filarim I l xricnii New Set -vice — of AMPS .ldit oalA33€taticn Change cf Se, rice Temra,.r( Feee - Metrhsnlca ! Residential Von -Rend$, tizi rs ;acrFnes+ IES+ (Eels; Layott'ii c, Eiae C it •e:utrc ) 1 >E.. I"ItlrrebitlJ New Carattttercixt6: # of Fitt tt of Fuaae? Lit Sere-, I ;toes t of Gw Lynam Flurtibing Idew Residedtixtl: # of Watt `{Closers plumbing3iepair — eside ttial or Corr r 7ePal O slpaney Type: Residential Co„ , rsial Iaedat (, "at TyU'll 5clAaare I;"tag.e: --.•. _.. _._ Cotistrutfiotl Type: N of Stories: 3t e, Vvelli_ng Uti,it.: l oss 7 olm FtE1b9A foerrr rtgePcd l6r (etll(:,' flls:Ca ti) Parcel P: Owners Name & Address: Contractor Fume & Address: i L/-t.J.-v, Phone AFaz: _ r.,ifit kR TAT ,,., , Bonding Company: Address Mortgage Lender: Address: — _ rill Prmc,f of Oaynet-shipt A Legof Vescrip eiorr) Phon, Mat; Lieenst Number RUSSO it /;,,', r•,/' P.- t ..;'j.,, t:-'=;.C', Ali Archiiect/ Engineer: Address:' ' Phone:- Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the vyork and installations. as indicated. I certify thar no work or insiallation has eon-un',cn(.ed prior t(, the issuanceofapermitandthatallworkwillbap-rfbrTrmd to meei standards of all laws regulating cortstivction in this jurMiction. ! undmtand '(fiat' a sepa aif PermitmustbesecuredforELECTRICALWORE, PLUA913ING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOiN, FUPUNACE,'r, BOILERS, HEATERS, TPJdKS, and AIRCONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER' S AFFIDAVIT: ] construction and coming. ':'Ay that all of the foregoing infortation is aesurlie and ittat all work -ill be done in so fiance ro all applical-dc.. ikw:. r.p.jjatinp P.tNjT1IG TO OWNEF- YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF CONU,1 i 16E ,ET,1T MA'' RcH:SUL'f DJ Y()I f) TWICEFOP. IMPROVEMEISFTS TO YOUrIR PROPERTY. IFYOUTENurlDTOOBTAMFIItIAHCI1HG, Cs' T WITH OUR LENDER Ok A)-4 ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDINGYOURNOTICEOFCOMMENCEMENT. NOTICE; In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions app this county, andtheremaybeadditionalpermitsrequiredfromothergovernmentalentitiessuchAcceptanceofpermit is verification that I still notify the owner of the property of the requ mme Signature of Owner/ Agent Print Owner/Agent' s Name Signature of Notary - State of Flonda Owner/Agent is _ Perxonalh Kno,,n to Me or Produced ID Date lure to It» roppl, Pha y be found in pfu - records of T, a gement d' 'cts, stau agenrfr , ru I,.dr.t;,l agencies. 1/nda L n w, FS 7I;. o ct gent Date T G. D LLO RUSSO Print Contractor Agent' s Name Date Stgnature ofe of Flonda Date APPLICATION APPROVFD UY: Bldg Ao,l/n b Initial & Date) C onli-Mor/ Ae,-::s V Personal.., Known to Me or Producr" :.-) Inival fi Datel ng. 61 muat, at. aaect5ll'nduions: a`.°iy;,: MIRINDAC.TURNER 1v C01it4iss N r" r 212893 4 o_;. 7r• .r: r r,r,1 ant•.„sue CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION n/ Permit #: 1 I Date: !/D ( U' Job Address: / 7Z!/ 444 /4— " -z4 Description of Work: Historic District: zL14 Zoning: Value of Work: $ Permit Type: Building Electrical —X— Mechanical Plumbing Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Pool Electrical: New Service — # of AMPS Addition/Alteration Change of Service Temporary Pole _ Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Replacement New (Duct Layout & Energy Calc. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines Plumbing/New Residential: # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair — Residential or Commercial _ Occupancy Type: Residential Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: Construction Type: # of Stories: # of Dwelling Units: Flood Zone: (FEMA form required for other than X) Parcel #: Owners Name & Address: Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) nn / r Phone: Contractor Name&Address: y e/ / State License Number. Phone &Fax: O ! - 5 yY Contact Person: L) SST /7 rQ—lithone: Bonding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender: - Address: Architect/Engineer: Address: Phone: Fax: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. 1 certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work till be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this prop rsy that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water ma ge t distri , state agen 'es, or federal agencies. Acceptance of permit is verification that I will notify the owner of the property of the requir entstof Florid Li w, 13. Signature of Owner/Agent Date ignature of Contractor/Agent Date Print Owner/Agent's Name Signature of Notary -State of Florida Date Owner/Agent is _ Personally Known to Me or Cent Produced ID APPLICATION APPROVED BY: BOW 0 "Zoning: Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) Special Conditions: ctor/Agent's Name 0-0 Notary -State of Florida Date DEBBIE BLANTON MY COWO.S,,S 110I,N O DD 1,a;or tsIc` r otAW, j 'eo Ids- Utilities: FD: Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) Sys e ABRAMS — TOWN & COUNTRY ELECTRIC PO Box 2014 Apopka FL. 32704 Please refer all calls to*: A Complete Electrical Service Co. JOSEPH ABRAMS, P.E. EC 0000148 407) 884-9648 Box 2014, Apopka To Whom It May Concern: Please accept this letter as my authorization for the following individual: i o wd -.-4C> 6 c4i w &PJ Print Name) To acquire an Electric Permit in my behalf for being constructed at: Street Address: \ C \ o W Lot #: Property Owner: ? d- Subdivision: JOSEPH A EC 000014 Sig Stat ej 407) 884-9648 Box 2014, Apopka re / J6seph L. Abrams rtification #EC0000148 Sworn and Subscribed before me this ly Dav of OARCAJ (Month) 2 (Year) In '*A-j 6fi:' County Florida Signature r Notary 110 State of Florida My Commission Expires: MFREDDY ALEQUIN Y COMMISSION r 00108t-08 EXPIRES: April 24. 2006 t-eW3- pTARY FL Notary Service i BorwirQ. m as PLAIT OF SURVEY DESCRIPTION THE WEST 96.00 FEET OF SOUTH 1 /P OF LOT 18 M- X. SMITH PNO SUBOI VISION AS RECORDED IN PLAIT BOOK 1 PACE[S 7 101 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOL E COUN T Y, FL ORIDFl LOT 49 SET REBAR SET REM N an•nn•nA" 1= O• 46.00 3 0 o o o o VACANT PROPERTY o cn < o v o < r 0 N 90.00'00" E '90 e) FD REBAR t CAP PART OF LOT 48 FD REBAR t GIP 16 TH_ STREET _( 50'_ R/W_) PAVED NOTES: - — I NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER 2 THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED FROM TITLE INFORMATION FURNISHED TO THE SURVEYOR. THERE MAY BE OTHER RESTRICTIONS OR UNRECORDED EASEMENTS THAT EFFECT THIS PROPERTY. 3 NO UNDER GROUND IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN LOCATED UNLESS OTHER WISE SHOWN 4 DIMENSIONS SHOWN FOR THE LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENTS HEREON SHOULD NOT BE USED TO RECONSTRUCT BOUNDARY LINES. 5 BEARINGS ARE BASED ON ASSUMED DATUM AND ON THE LINE SHOWN AS BASE BEARING (B.B.). B VERTICAL CONTROL (NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM 1929) LEGEND: ELEV - ELEVATION NNSD NAIL AND DISK BLK -BLOCK FD - FOUND POB - POINT OF BEGINNING ESMT - EASEMENT ESMT - EASEMENT POC POINT OF COMMENCMENT IP - RON PIPE STY - STORY CB - CHORD BEARING R - RADIUS CENTERLIN[ R/W - RIGHT OF WAY a - DELTA X-X-X - FENCE PL - PROPERTY LINE C - CHORD RES - RESIDENCE PC - POINT OF CURVE L - LENGHT BLDG - BUILDING CONC - CONCRETE P -PLAT WD FRM - WOOD FRAME MON - MONUMENT NUMBER UTIL - UTILITY RD - ROAD Ill-FD CONC MON • FO REBAR • Q - SET REBAR 92259 p - SET CONC MON 02259 TBM - TF-MPORY BENCH MARK INV -INVERT N.G.- NATURAL GROUND FF - FIMSH FLOOR BM - BENCH MARK M. EDWARD GORDON SURVEYING TYPE StRVEY SouwARr DATE.- 410112004 SCALE r - JO• DRAI NG N0.- REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR r2259 PO Box 557 SANFORD . FLORIDA 32772 PHONE 324 5720 509 WEST R TH STREET SANFORD . FLORDA JOB NO.: SHEET- 1 OF- 1