HomeMy WebLinkAboutTed Toliver No permit# (from 1977)r, FL OR IDA 342. 53 Ada ' e3 C� o 1,00 AA Suva ` `O 338' t C'Ov 774.7 538.O o C E p�. pA - --- 337-- - _ .'[w•' * .•ram_ � �.' �, _ PARCEL 1: Lots 1 and 2 (less the 5aat 250.�) feet); the North 25.0 feet (less the East 5138.0 feet), the North 96.5 fnet of the West .' W.0 feet of the East 560.0 fcret, the South 3.50 fact of the West 16s3.0 feet of the Eaet 566.0 feet, all in Lot 7); the North.56.5 foet of the West VA3.0 feet of the East 5B8.0 feet of Lot 4; oll in the AMENDED PLAT OF DRUID PARK, as recorded in Plat Book 7, pages 5 and 0 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; ir, the aggregate more particularly dnrcribed as follows: Beginning at the Intersection of the Sout'oeasterly li.nn of U. S. 17 and 92 with the South line of Plorida (27th) Street, beinf; the Northwnst corner of said Lot 1; run thence Eas t 34?.53 feet to an. iron; thence South 290.0 feet, thence ',Nest . parallel with Florida Street 170 feet; thence south 60 feet; thence Wort Fnra11e1 with Florida Street JC43 feet; thence Forth 131.5 feet; thence 'Jest parallel with Florida Street 140.7 feet to an iron in the Southeasterly line of U. S. 17 and 92; thence Northeasterly along the Southeasf,erly line of U. S. 17 and 92, 258.2 feet to the point of beginntng. PARCEL 2: The South 3.50 feet of the West 170.0 feet of the East 420.0 feet of Lot Z; the North 5� ..5 feet of the West 170 feet of the Last 420.0 feet and the South 4, ., feet of the 'Nest 336.0 feet of the East 588.0 feet of Lot 4; the East 688.0 feet of Lot 5, also beginning at a point along the Southeast right of way line on U. :,. 17-92, which point is 43 feet Northeast of the Southwest corner of Lot 5, thence proceed in a iJortheaetcrly direction along said right of way line for sa distar.ct-� '+ of 75.1 feet to a point, thenoe Fast for a distance of 149.9 feet, thence South for a distance of 100 feet, thence West .for a distance of 112.11 feet, thence North 641 521 West for a distance of 85.45' feet to point of beginning; and this East 686.0 feet of Lot 6; all in the AMENDED PLAT OF DRUID PARK, as recorded in Plat Book 7, pages 5 and 6 of.the lublic Records of Seminole Count;v, Florida. PARCEL 3: The West 536.0 feet of the East 698.0 feet of Lot 7, all In the A�TEi1DED PLAT OF DRUID. PARK, as recorded in Plat Book 7, pages 5' and 6 of the ,Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. CERTIFICATE: This is to certify that the accompanying map is a correct representation of the property hernon dencribod. 7 (: 31 May 1963 1:.'.'.. Lossing, Jr. T ke . I -and, Su,vcy,) No. t «4 as n!'ord , Plo r ilia 1-1-,lk 1JO ',r.^ c.