HomeMy WebLinkAbout1507 W 16 St 05-450 Roofer i iso-7 Job Address: Description of WON(: Historic District: — CITY 017SAlFORD P EIZ-11,11.1, A P V I, I UA I I ul" J'— t7- atc: D. 73 ;i: Zoning: Valtic of Work: S— 19 :92 44511, rermitType: Buildinz 1-Jcctrical Mechanical C11- 111,e of Service Tcmporl.ky Pole Electrical: New Service — I/ of ANIPS Addition/Altcration M&Ii-inical: Resi(lential Non'-'Rcsidential Replacement New (DUCL LZIYOUL r;ncrgy Clll..; Required) Plurnbin?/ New Commercial: If offixtUres 11 O[W:Itcr ,Z-, Sewer Lines fl or Gas Lines Plunibing/New Residenti.-II: 11 of W.Zitcr Closets Occuparic I y Type: Residential Commercial -- Industrial 'I'otal Square Footare: Construction Type: it of Sforics: il Or DwellinV Units: Flood Zolic: (17EPMA form required for otiter cluti X) Plireel /h Owners Name Address: Attach Proor of Ownership 'Z L '111 DIC Cl I 60o) I Z D -7 J 11 It o it C: q-o -7 - ._3 -z- ( - -7 -7 Nnine 1"Addr-cs%: 0 — e- Contractor i lZo 0 C 0 D A—'Q Fo- 1> El 7?;Z-nL 111101IC& Fax: 14t) 'I— _3.-30 — V) -3-3 -3. Cont.ict Ilerson: — I'llone: 4 JD C' C C' Bolldill. Collipam, Addms: Nlort,mgc Letidvi-: ddl-Cs5: Architect/rifigilleer: I'llolle: Address Cd I 60rio ill(: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do tile work and installations as indicated. I ccr-,ify that no work or installation has con-In"(21C ) issuance of a permit and that -,ill work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating constniction in this jurisdiction': I understand that a separate permit must be sccured for ELECTRICAL WO PJ' , P LUM 11 ING, S IGNS, WE LL-S, POO LS. F U RNACES. BO I LE M. 1-1 EATEI'S, TAN KS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. ONVNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I ect-tify thm all offlic foregoing itiromtation is nccuritc and thatall work will bc done in complinfice with :111 rc.l.."llbaing constniction and zoning. WARNING 1*0 OVINER: YOUk FAILUR.E TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENTI'.1AY RESULT IN YOUR. 'PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO FFNANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN A'rl'ORNr-Y BEFORE RECOIU)ING YOUP\ NOTICE OF COMMENCr-w:iqT. Ill addition to tile rcquircillclit!; of ilos pcililit. lll(:Ic Imly bc;I(Iflition:11 ictiow; ;Ipplic:tble to pl-(.)perty 111:1i lri:iy be found in thc public recortli of Illis county,and there may beadditiotmi purnit!; requircd from other go-rilincoUll clititic.s wch u; w:14r nunac.cnictit di:3rict, sl3le or f6de.1-:11 agc-flcies' Z Ificatiqll tl iat will, ice o' Acceplat pC11114 is Veli 'flotify dic olthe propci-tyof'thc requirei 0 sil"Ilat of' 0 Print O\viyr1Ag2'.1: N 111131 Irin, ontractor A,,ent'!; Name I . , I A i!!I' turc of, rids A-'YSi.. 4, Coll b(ai 'tat ol'Flori i K Wj"' 7r My Commission DD3599M Expires December 09. 2008 ent k IIer!;oII;jII\ Kritmii it) M.- or0%%3eAi AITLICATION AI)PROVD) Byt I I if i t in! & Da le (Inid:11 k. D.110 DEBBIE BLANTON MY COKANI.2SION # DID 188491 EXPIRES: Februa 2k,,2007Iler' Known o I, C of- RY- FL'Notary Discount Assoc. Co. Inili:ll ,, Date) Initial k- D:!l! NOTICE or, co,C\IjENCD\I EN Folio 1\10. pCrIllit'140. suitc of Florida couilty,of Scalillolo Cl widl to G(;I'L T r-'gliccl hcrrby giv(Z llOLlCc;-L1l;1Llicwidcsi. "idc(l ill Ull's !"'10LICC, of C0111111cliccinclit. Cjj;jptcv 713, Flovid l Sulw=' tho followill'ir ilifori-nation Ly- (1cfill dc scrjl)Lioli I of tll(; propuLY .-Ilid jtxcl: it' -.1%railab1c) 1. Dc5c )Lioll of propmi CERTIFIED rDP—V,— 91 clicral dG--;r'ri1%011 O.f OWI,r-r lforlvl-'lLioll N L b. 111torcst ill J)1'01)CrLyI G. NaInG alld -zlddrcss of 1'Cr, '-llnjflc utIcholdcl, 0 ;? -7--?` xlrllrMARYANN— r11 VDW n17 r'lQrl1lT rnil,DT FLOENLQ R I D A 0 0A/ acldi-u- Namc nild , , s ------ 2-2 7-/--- numba JL7 4 El (11b. pholic l)"ll1bCl I fill if of Q Iff if W [if 111116 Ill If 111 5. SureLy Nzinic ;m6 -'Iddrcss MuR14LI LaK - P-mmTruagg— Amou"L Ofb011d - 6. Lcildcr I j\jzljjjG -,Illcl addrcs.,- I . B K C) 18 V G I I 4G- 2004177G96 11/1'IMM4 lli 1659 A b. Tho"G "IllIbcr 11OLICC" tj1C SLILC of (jc,iga"LC6 by OVI'llcf 111)0i' pusolls widlill providcd by SecLi011 V.1orld-,l SUILUtCS: a. '111d addrc' g. In addition to 11 "I"Gif Of 0' cic;Iglllitc' of 0 , to rcccl-vc "' Copy Lllc Ll nor s NoCtcc 1; P Ovid' "I ill Scct'ou cording lillic-so a diffr-rcll aw yc"r fro'll ffic ChItc of. voCOL11111c,11ccillcilL (eac (;%pimtioll d 9. ExpiraLioll Cj-'jtr' O*flloticr' dawis 2 0 by bscribcd bcfoc(; 111C Uls%N'OrIl to (01' "A011-1:ll (I) at d "0 Uv, CYNTHIA E. BENNETT Lion MY COMMISSION # DID 003571 EXPIRES: May 2,2005or, 1 roduccd W011-,I[I)l j(J1OV"l1 Bonded ThR lotary Public Underwriters POWER OF ATTORNEY Date: Andrew J - (Andy)- Adcock ..do hereby authorize Ruben Birch To pull the geroof permit for iQ -7 ) I & 4 T, ST" r-O type of permit) (address) P" Linda A Keeling My Commission DD359999 Expires December 09, 2008 Stamp PeDrsonally k ow to me or driver license # of State of Florida, County of li? day of )2004.