HomeMy WebLinkAbout130 Kelly Cir 95-825, 95-892, 95-914 New SFH30 q 5- slizp ZONE DATE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS PHONE # LOCATION ,C &g OWNER ADDRESS 1 U \K / C'S".L 4 PHONE #/ <7 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR C-1-0 V-nq 2-, T ADDRESS PHONE # ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ADDRESS PHONE # MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR 11-5 b ADDRESS PHONE # MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTOR ADDRESS SEPTIC TANK PERMIT NO. SOIL TEST REQUIREMENTS (__) FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION REQUIREMENTS (_) ARCH I i ECTURAL .APPROVAL DATE: PERMIT # S 02 JOBD COST $ L2 FEE $ lt I ,T• STATE NO. FEE $`Q vU FEE $ FEE $ W,. f _ SUBDIVISION: LOT NO. BLOCK: SECTION: SQUARE FEET: / Q MODEL: OCCUPANCY CLASS: INSPECTIONS TYPE DATE OK REJECT BY FEE $ ENERGY SECT. EPI: CERTIFICATE OFrOCCUPANCY / 7SISSUED # y DATE: _ 3 FINAL DATE This s tp certhat the' buildigcated, at 130 4 KELT CR 1{ , for which permit _ 95-00000825 has heretofore been issued on 2108195 has been completed according to plans and specifications filed in the office of the Building Officikl prior to the issuance of said building permit, to wit as complies with all the building, plumbing, electri, a oning and subdivision regulations ordinances of the City of Sanford and with the provisions of these regulations. STAFF APPROVAL Subdivision Regulations Apply: Yes No DATE APPROVAL DAM APPROVAL BUILDING: FIRE:, Finaled i Inspected l ZONING: Inspected UTILITIES: Water Sewer Lines In Lines,In Meter Set gf. y/r Sf ewer-lfi Tap'_ Reclaimed Water ENGINEERING: Drainage 4 Maintenance Bond PUBLIC WORKS: Street Name Signs — Storm Sewer Street Work. Street --- 4 -Paved tCR aL: i DESCRIPTION WATER -SEWER IMPACT FEES FEES PAID DATE sf AMOUNT J, 2,fe° 4c.4 2167 01-APPLCTN FEE -BUILDING 2/08/95 10.00 01-FIRE IMPACT - RESIDENT 2/08/95 59.27 01-LIBRARY IMPACT FEE 2/08/95 54.00 01-OPEN SPACE 2/08/95 279.61 01-POLICE IMPACT - RESID 2/08/95 91.93 01-RADON GAS TAX FEE 2/08/95 8.02 01-ROAD IMPACT FEES 2/08/95 473.00.;: 01-RECOVERY FD/CERT. PGM. 2/08/95 8."62 PAGE: 2 This is to certify that the building located at 130 KELLY CH for which permit 95-00000825 has heretofore been issued on 2 08/95 has been completed according to plans and specifications filed in the office of the Building Official prior to the issuance of said building permit, to wit as complies with all the building, plumbing, electrical, zoning and subdivision regulations ordinances of the City of Sanford and with the provisions of these regulations. Rekulations\Alpiply: NoSTAFSubdiviBioh\ 01-SCHOOL IMPACT FEE ..2/08/95 639.00, OWWER NN SS BUILDP6 OFFICIAL /%bATE/ V LJ CONTRACT FOR SALT; AND PURCRASE 1, PARTIES:uA, N U1t RngTI t -- i.i-I"p I Q $ 1 171 ? y4 }r_ MA, ONTE B 1Rj NC; 1 Lit. . t__.-..,._..._. o r # YIIONC _- hereby Agree'" fiat the Seller shall sell `arid te Buyer(s) sha' I following ( Property) upon the following ter-rti.; and corrclitiests INCLUDE THE STANDARDS FOR REW. ESTXTC TRANSACTIONS set forth 1 ; }," Arza on the reverse side hereof or attachad liere 0 (standards) int= uulnj rlrt,. Addendums 2. DESCRIPTION (a) Legal description of l'ropert,, incited in Seminole County F',lorida, LOT #MONROE MEADOWS, PH 46, PGs 16 h 1.7 re t arldre:Lsf Prralaerty laEring cvneyayd Sr7nP c! FL 3,.'i73 c) M o d'e 1 6 Y `' F. I I: v a l i o n m l' t I Total SrPAYMENT. S ` i r_ 3.1 PURCHASE PR I U AND METHOD Utz PAYMENT : „ s. e Price___.-. Deposit; f•'a abl to SUOA, tNC, ESCROW N"I'* Appr, oxirnate { - rincipal arnciunt u1' hlortgUge to tie ol,tuarietl - dit411aI DENS I payment schedule: Approximai' te balance of funds''to be paid at closing (cast} or cashier's check) 4- CL4 ,i,taC, Funds to be released to Suda, lire, upon lean approval and riar to construction, i 4. THIS CONTRACT CONTINGENT UPON the Buyer(s) quali.fyin6 for. - a) ( ) V.'A. b) ( )' CONVENTIONAL c) ( ) CONSTRUCTION PERM 5, BUYER TO APPLY', 4-'ORMOKTC AG1L :W I I'll 1 N v I VI ( 5) WORK 1 NC DAYS aratl r, written loan commitment for the loan within days of" dal- Contract: Buyer will use all reasonable; dIIigence to t.btain t,-. pail comrni tment and thereafter, to merit the terrors aiiJh condi t ious, of "a(e commitment and to close the loan. 11' 3uyer(s) fails to obtaA.11 thm- Ioari commitment,' .' And promptly notifies Seller. in w,itiriir; or after- d& ,,gent effort f'ei is 'to tweet the te:rins and conch t ions of the contini tmer;t wi thin the time s'tatccl ror obtainingtiiu r,uniraritrrrerrt, ttle=ri citlie'r party r,rr:;y cancel the Contract and lluyer(s) sli+ill lac rcturncd ilic dcpo itiS t, .1 a -1 'p {'. l 1` t, Y .i. r + i p . v L i • v o ri f _ li. cs i" a v t v 2. a{ +u u . i r . r .i —1 : o w their ability. to obtain writ ten loan approval, such as, but,A n(+ miied to, ir curring additional debt'(s), or voluritaari ly re-:ignirclf 1r-o-! i.' ; Job, or changing employers wi thout not if icat lon. to the 1+eridcr. S. MORTGAGE IIOLD ER TO HE AP11ROVED I1Y SELLER. 7. TIME FOR'. A'C''C 'P'TANCE: If Abis Contract is riot executod and tleil4-, by Seller Arid `Buy' er(s) on or before /f °'°)r` the aforesaid {deuc. shall be returned to Buyer(s) and this aureXier,t dull be ii?rll anc: Void. The.:date of this Cortract, for purpo: es of performance strap he regarded as (4)'' Q date when the, Iiast one of the Seller and Buver(s) leas signed this Contract, j S. CLOSING DATE: Tilis Contract siialI be cl ,ed and the deed and othi--r closing papers' delivered on or before extended .by` other provisions, 0r, this Contrrac't. This sale slash I tic closed in" the' bf f i:,e DETERMINED 13Y SELLER. 9s CONVEYANCE:" Seller shall r'c nvey title to the aforesaid propert',, ., tort Buyer(s), by GENERAL WARRANTY DEIED subject to matters contain'- r Contract and 't, xes for the year of closing. 110.RESTRICTIONS AND I'aASCMI*,NTS: Thel3uyer(s). shoal l 1.ra.ke I i tar. slate t:ct to; a) Zonira'g rintt/,.)r restriction:, and prohibitioris imposed by goVe.rri;ag authority., (b)' Restrictions nJ)peaarin6 on the plat or imposed by (lie Developer'., (c} other io itic Iu'eie Covenant, EestrictiLns and fay -Laws of Monroe Meadows homeowners As, or- i .a i i rin. 11.SPE;C1AL CLAUSI' S:----------SE A DI NDti A-1 .iii A Z -- - - - - -- ! 12. FAILURE 'OF PERFORMANCE, If nityer(s) f a i is to perforin tlyis Conti uct i within th`e t' inte specified (irac„ludirig pai.,yriierit of call deposits hereunde'r), ,t,]rc> depose is paaid by lire Buyers) may bi- reIiairicd b 14r for the ac6o,rint of the Seller as ;ragrc•ed upon iiquida ted datfia-- I considerat.i64" for the execution) of this Curl traac.t and in fuel settIemei't'of, any claims; wiivr'eupori 13uyer(s) arid Se?I I e r sl;aal relieved, of.'al l obligations under this Contract. If, 1'nr ar;r _ <S0It tom. e.... ... ....__ ......._.m. .., .... ., T_7 r '0 s fo1her.th9h ' A 11 U U ellpr to make Seller's t! L v marki!tabl t: t e, r diligentVeffqrt, Seller fails, niglects qr refuses to lierform,this Cantra&00 Uuyer(s)kay acep.specific performanke or Met to receive i,Q,hex,elurn of Buyer(s)deposit(s) witkouL thfghby wpixiog any( action fir Ofach amaxes resultingQomSellersre. 13. TIME OFTUSVESSENCU: Titre Q; of the u9seape of this And Purchnis. 14, 1i110RATION§j. toxes ind M-M,H2O.A. d"es shell be proraied aw E' u U1,2 of delivlry or deed untass otherwise spidifiad. Ir'Ahp swountlof FQj4AKqaurreqt year gannot bn ascertained, rptes, milcgos, rani WissidINAGUations for thelpreyioui year, wito kJawn ;hanger, shall be usedii due li,llowahce being We for homuntuzd or other exempliuns if allover jqTu;,prur4tion ny based on nestimatemdjmaybe redusted subspquR0tjj,whvresoagreedin th; closing sjatvmv"j, H. BUYER SHALANTAOLISH gSCROVACCOUNTS AS REQUIRED UY MORTCACM 1q. REFI)SAL P"V01POOSE, TO SIGNi Fbi I uru or retusa I of the wi fe or AuNband of any or,"the,Huyeys who isg married person to execute MY und ur fviortgagylidlei"nunder shall bp deenind akfault or the parL ul wk S i I DUN.& (3) 17. RISK OPI Wof the japroyptyants are damaged by fire v&cL..yj1._ beforedly"ery of the deed and can be rest red to substmo 11y ?hL syme-FondtAlWas now, withk a period of 00 days Lherearler, 0[jur naball. SOS MA& thi Improvidents 'rand the closing daLe,and daiv of del AN' ' ' her,ynbeforn provided shal 1 1 he htende(I 01 posiessions adcdrding) Y.,; If Seller -failp,lo do so, the Huyer(s) phall havp the aptiqn Q-'(1)"takine the properLy"ag is, Log then. wjUh'insuranwn prou0ds5pany or (2) canuelling the Contraut, aud all depwils Nee 16 bq,fqFAhyjIh Aturhed to the Buyer( s) and,ill l papties sh"j! pe reteaseddfjany and all obligativies and liability. 10, TYPEWRITTENWI) HANDWRETTEN PROVISIONS: Typewrilten and hand4rillva provISIvANTAtfJorted in this Antract-shall control all prinki proMfods, 19. 0TqRX!AGdVUM7.2vT$h No"agreemoks or representations, unless Vw,, pofaild kj%fs Contract shnEi be binding upon-anj of the pa.5. Z0.,APPL1tATfOWQ) DEPOSkT ON DEVn e AULT: Ithevent the By uer(w)'Fm is 19 perform addIdIedeposik(s) arbresaid nre retained, thenmount ol 40th deposit dhjlj`, be divibed,equolly butween the Co-op Renitur and he Seiler! 1 ' Widid-howeyer, that the amount to he r retmined oreWyed by the Md.LtoKshall not ,excavd the full amuunt of the coAmissiahandginy excelf" whl be paid to SvIler. If thu trayou ntion shal; AQk be C I os Pdbly WilAr failure of '.the be SelArr toperform,then SePup, sa tl'i V , pay saidiroj Md , I , Asiona run ty th" Co-op Realtor on-dewanO, 21..PURSONSiMOU DAY.TeUn he Cov" IsPerein contoined shall Lnd i. n.i benelits SAW" nluwRs uhallbro ibup tthe rem pnutiyo hairs a Hutsucouseops of the par lies0hu.0 Wh6noverUElf'We singular numbev shall include the Plur&, F0pIur&l,QAa-sT1"gularand The use of any gnndur shall'ilia lude a?'' tenders,. ' UISOCONTRACT SHAWN= RH ASSIGNED B ' Y HiTHER SELLIN CA BUYER(S) Vf7f11bUT 'WRITTEN CONSENT OV TOE 01hra, 22. INFISSTATON'"AFJOSISIONS: S,elleF Whm ihxpenKe shall furnish to layer prior to 4 4, fig a Termity,Sof! TyeaAmenl Guarantee., is. Suve Ry; SAW will at hA,Qxprnsc.furnijh Huyvr a jwptjfjQd survky, 24. XRONTAGE PROPERTY! The two pohnel s 6t the ntrance vor in side; and, ono V•661 1. h a suuth sid0f The entrance ntrovi as shown up the V k , , AttnQC4 WWI. A) ure resqrvqd for future commersial doylluwAW Such dqyAdpQn1 way include bhA hot limited to branch bankirg, wpil avort, convOn'"1011"Ce store and Qluv buildinvs. Hoyer(n) notice &f j"Al"US& of, theye JAP& I i es and agree to the devhlu, a w. 1 ss stated, Thi*01hagraph shallisAvivi the closing of 1hiN : ran IAPA00. Am 11 U Y In g S i i,'A,L TOR: S el I COMM I S S 1,011 "k hnowfudges W umployment uyjhu 10''.11 1 Q U A 1A And agreestg#jy the Rgall 4&Q11 Ernest money,dip"ohilAvreceivedfieldinescrown"Oblott lo'Abis PT. n , 1, a , n 0 will Q J 01 A Q) cummission in acqurda"Ve with 1 UXL1(_,VwElj, BY SELLKR ON !A SUVA, INC. BY WILLIAM R. 'M MR- 7 p t i s I I) f: r on t4i, d a y 193q to 6 u COT a C I Q X 7— P R — 2 121 Ij A—JDADDUNDLIMT6PURCHASE COINT, ("T IN RFFERENCE TO. AGREEMENT OF SALE BETWEEN: INAMEI:, tj 1, 1 1 AND S U DA I NC 108 Robin Rd. Ste. 20027,. Al $Aluonte Sp6l;, i DATE'.-11-13 -9v COVER I NG,?&.:'REAL, PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS: LOT #.,____,MONROE MEADOWS Pia 46 VGS 16 & 17 THE UNDERSIGNEDPURCHASER AND SELLER HE.KEBY AGREES TO I`QIA)W I IlCi. 1. Layout andcopstruction of home on said si lo I! bili kier's 2. Seller to pay acquisition and closing itc-111's, not Lit tachedl. Real, Property Sales Disclosure formi 3. Buyer( s)',-to be responsible for acquisi lion cu-,t 1 t0ffl.s as VilUc; :o )It ;:I. attached,Real Property. Sales Disclosure Forin. 4. Buyer( s).,to furnish requasted soar) ilifurnksLic,11 wit'hill J'ol of request:'. by,, Lender, Seller or Seller's wg'vnt, 5. This Contraptt ' shall be close within seventy tva-j fif luvs (72) notification,h a,s been gjVenrtU''jJUyLj"s) J)y tt)(' istaililtr l)j lJlj' 'i'j and Bull ld,ev,,.;a rees todeliver, the deed and a t cl o - i 6. Buyer(s) to,,,, s e l ec t colors f r ow,, I b Q B u i I d e v 's S 14J. lida 1.0 C%o)or svi(,i i,) I,,, within ey.en t y two hours (7 2) 1'( e r no t i fic,Il t I on bBu i I d'-, agent or . Buyer.( s ), agrees that after sevell (.) t.vu 11wirs Bli 1 1 J 1 11.1 1 1 make Color, selections. Buyer(,;) furtItc-1, chanLres , of 'any.,'-t, Ype, are nor permi t I ed m r tor co I Or t,(, I ou I I 011S 7. In any I itigat.i,,(jn; arising ouL of' this cont vac. t , the PI'C"I'l I I I it., I I V S be entitled.' ..tip;';recovey reAsoriable attuvrlt.v fv z ould cool-1, vain 8. Radon is:aAnaturally occuring Aadioactive G.4s that, vitivit tl' h-::., accumulated in a building in stiff icicnt r isk.s to, persons who are: expospd to i.t oyer°. t ijsir,=e v I, I s n, i.' exceed' F, e a* n'd - S t' a to gu i de I i ii c s , ha v o bo vo 16 omid III III,-- i it! i: i J Florida. .'40ditional information .1 obtained fr.om,,,your: County Public llcalLh Unit. 9. Seiler s, er! makeno, Warranties, exp ' ressed or impl ie<J, about tile fix j oil it incj ud i lig os I, future enO,ronmental conditions Uri (Ife prup(-k pr,,esent or,.future -put I u: t ion of , the a ir , Wat eLl QV «i 1 i 1, om >111 such as unoe!,.ground mi gra't 1 on: yr s ecjlvujiic 1 1) (1 1 tig it a 1- 1 10 Seller wakes -,,,no warranties, ekpve!Stld UP i I 11, TP I ic.t1, A S t 0 t 1 c' k; X' lk )-1 tbe,landsco,pjng,i.e. trees. 11 There arel.'J,hro, ki j parceLS , WIJIllit the 001111AWH LY , L iU`V I k I. I I i Oil E, and F that ybel ong to the Homeowners AS 011 Th 0,t4 V vfI t-, used- f or-pAs4,i,e-rre6r.eat ional act i vi t ic-s or iliairitairied as opo; li.O.A " will -,de.jermine the use. 12. Sanfo;d',Ave. ;;,•is', scheduled for W' ideoing, to four i anes, to i II c 0 11 median.. Widening =is scheduled" to tuke plaue In 1i- Jil 13 . The, Cornmun i, ty s i gns at the en t Aane n w i I I bc, mu v cd !'I, ow I) v I v .i t i" V :1 0 t, I Y upon complptioij:,of the. -subdivision to perlim-lic'nt lots I and-,60,,,I 14.BASE PRICC QFJ10ME: EO--T #.... ., MQf)E I I to I Ir F71( 7 JLAN No.c. v A EXTRAS,: 2. r79 iLi 3. kAze-3, 7. 10. C-4 TOTAI, UVJ,'RAS: $ 77 TOTAL, SAI-J; IS 1 The upon i ts executiviz b) i botb f)ttit I made an ii n t eg IWart of the,,af orame. n iont-J uveefD-H I f, Sn I DatDa t ed tt ------ BUYER V BUYER UDA, INC. BY MIAJAM Rhill t; lt BOYER P P — 2 Cl -- 'D -,F.v-l U 1 2, : -5 D Cr' A-2 PURCHASE CONTRACT AM111'NDME'!Vf FOR VALUABLE", CONSIDERATION f, the unde r S i "'lled Se ikild Ilui ),,:)I "A- hepeby amend the sales Contract beLween theSS ,,l ter P', 1-.Ih t L-'! 4'' C, cover i nif the fo I I owi ng proper - y I ni-z) t rd i 11 County, F o ida: by inciorporat , 1 on, in and adding to L lit, pr ov i e i ons, I , I ; a 1 the • to), lowing", F11A APPRAISAL4 It is expressly a -reed that 1,oh,li ihs L; ild i ljo a Itr•, A_ pr o Y i s i ons o f - t h i s Cori t P ac t , the pij I, ch;_.ks it I, complete the puvchase of the property de.Scl V i h 1 4, i penalty by for fei ture of earner t moricy dtpos s v utt,Qvv, mor tgagee has ' 'del i vered to the purchaser a wi, L 't en i tti tt'tf+t',; Federal Hous-ing'Comm! ss iorier or 4 Di rec, t Endot si,ml-ri 1 1 f, rld k'r F, the appEa i se& value of the Propor ty exu I Ild i Ili, c a it'-s co:z 1 than $ a,/ 1, wh i ch s t a t emen t t if e pio I, t u lat;c c, hCj-0,,Y aVrcv,- 1, vo i, to -IL h e lilt chas6r, , p r omp t I y of ter' +u c h a p 1.) 1- a, j sc,d v A 1 i., o ,; t a 1 vilic il 1 -4 available t ' o, the mortgagee" The purchasQr..ShnllI t3 v ; I i i' Id V 7 1 prjYi1ege- a;-id option of proceedifkl Wi tit Ilk' cul) I 1- 1) T, without 'regard to the amount of the appralsi,-d r1 ii a oli. VAI' Li Aj'jjQN TO THE MAXIMUM M1.)RTCACU 11 DE", 1 1`1! OF HOUSING AND -URBAN DEVV1.0PMEN,r WILL V, A" V A L iTFN di THE, CONDITION 0 THE PitQjlf-'.RTY_. 12iJ.' PUR('IIASI,k S, ITIMTIL 1?. 3) PA, I C C2n D T I ON UP C, C TA 13 L P . It s expr ess I y agreed that it:) t, w i t Its t and this Cont ract, , !'the Purchaser shal I rout, ificur ul)V fl;l I ernest ' ixioney..:.or.m (v ' otherwisebeobligatedto ("umplvthe t1w property described herein. If the corltrac PuVr1lAs.. pr I e k t 1, 1 ked k) y V " I c the reasoriablei,va)ue oVthe property f_,!3taWz:- Administratiori,,: The Purchaser hoviever, rlav:,- the: priyi i Option of PrPCep,djn,1-, with the cofislillmiatioli Or tili '4 (1(), 1 1 1 % w to' the atuouk,of the' reasonable value es(ablislhivd I'll the k-.Iv` Adni 1 n i st r a t i orl 4 TJ LIRA o. I /Wo hervily t i fY t rLQN_ hattlw 1. u -f, - conditions ofAhiq Sales Contract for the Sal(- of prop('-Ly C and correct jo j 4j, t;les I. ' of our k now I cdge Lind fic I ; "I' - r I sn j have been enteria,d, into by any of the urldersigniVil Othor tflim disclosed of) jhej Sa I es Contract*" WARNING! f Section 1010 Of T! Lie 18, UzS.(:- Whoever for the purpose of o b t 4. i tk i 11 r acceptedby, I X' e i'i 1) n Par tiliclit 0 r Ho S i lit" V c m or for the 1 purp9s 0f illf I ueric i Il i il tiny Y ttatt Q Q "1 0 Departjoent u ' t t 01, PU)' I sang to be false sttatl be i Tied n (j t !if o r a 11 a 1) 5 trio r e t Ian, (A i.', s or bo t It cr Ls, SUDAo, INC. 8 Y,-_.W L L I AIM R. IM I TUER P E S .1 D E NT Al CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA PERMIT NO 50aft"g5w 3erl a DATE ,;—> — 3 TNC IINnGR4zIr-wrn NFRFRY APPI IFS POR A PFRUIT TO INSTALL THE FOL. LOWING PLUMBING WORK: OWNER'S NAME Suc3af Tnc- — ADDRESS OF JOB 130 Ke11 yi r T,nt #45 MnnrnP Meadows PLUMBING CONTR. Gomez Pt hg. Res. X _ Comrn._ Subject to rules and regulations of Sanford plumbing code. Residential: Number Amount Alteration, Addition, Repair ! New Residential: One Water Closet_ _ 1 52 00 Additional Water Closet 1 5 00 Commercial: Fixtures. Floor Drain, Trap Sewerr Water Piping Gas Piping Factory - built housing Mobile Home Application Fee 10 94 Minimum Commercial Permit: $25..00 Total 67 00 Masfer P1 j COMPETENCY CARD NO—,,,010-e--fG a CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA PERMIT NO. C- V'- `1 DATE 2 - -95- THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY APPLIES FOR A PERMIT TO INSTALL THE FOLLOWING H.A.R.V. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT: I OWNER'S NAME ADDRESS OF JOB S l U MECHANICAL CONTR.A RESIDENTIAL 41/ COMMERCIAL Subject to rules and regulations of Sanford mechanical code. NATURE OF WORK Number AMOUNT FUEL MOTOR H.P. B.T.U. INPUT OUTPUT VALUATION 61 APPLICATION FEE 1ro p TOTAL Master Mechanical COMPETENCY CARD NO. 3S CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT R-i.SQo /k 20 0 H b U 0 N a x 0 PERMIT ADDRESS I fx) *1 1V Total Contract Price of Job Describe Work rf)trli't'1I! Type of Construction 0-13 Number of Stories / Number of Dwellings Occupancy: Residential. V Commercial LEGAL DESCRIPTION TAX I.D. NUMBER OWNER ADDRESS CITY A PERMIT NUMBER Total Sq. Ft.j Flood Prone (YES) (NO) V A Zoning Industrial lease attach printout from Seminole County) STATE PHONE NUMBER MI'5aQy2___ ZIP j TITLE HOLDER (IF OTHER THAN OWNER) ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP BONDING COMPANY ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ARCHI ADDRE CITY MORTGAGE LENDER ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CONTRACTOR ,. PHONE NUMBER ,-gV® ADDRESS ST. LICENSE NUMBER 6A 0287463 CITY STATE ZIP Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, SIGNS, POOLS, ETC. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with :all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. A COPY OF THE RECORDED COPY,OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT WILL BE POSTED ON THE JOB SITE WITH PERMITS NO LATER THAN SEVEN (7) DAYS AFTER THE PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOU PAYING TWICE FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional,,permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. ACCEPTANCE OF PERMIT IS VERIFICATION THAT I WILL NOTIFY THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF FLORIDA LIEN LAW, FS713. 3 d` CC16; D D C plp Signature of wner/Age & Dane S ature of.Contractor & Date 0 w 111 LI e, H Type or P t Owner/Agent Name Type or Prin Contractor's 'Name C Of f is iaQ$§AL 80N. LAKE Nola Public -Florida Of f is i C FI I a E}7L ONNIE R. LA.KE Notary PublicNNFlorida 1c a c a 3 ro Q Z rl H U) .- i ro w 1 c o 4 0 ro En a) 4J u a o a) >• Z w F SEMINOLE COUNTY E `.", i" SEMINOLE COUNTY My Comm. Expires Oct. 28 1996 Y PYIy Comm. Expires Oct. 28 My Comm. Ni. CC 23R28 - - - - - - - My Comm. No. CC 23914 Application Approved BY: Date: -7 FEES: Building a'1 S. bb Rado `' Q Police - Open Space % _ o/ Roa Impact %((p p lication 6C PERMIT VALIDATION: CHECK CASH DATE BY ORIGINAL ( BUILDING) YELLOW (CUSTOMER) PINK (COUNTY TAX OFFICE) GOLD (CO. ADMIN') TT4T5 APPLICATION USED FOR WORK VALUED $2500.00 OR MORE 01 ro n 0 a G n fi D a f' ! Department of Community Affairs _N: E24S FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION! FORM F•[?OA-' 3 Residential Component Prescriptive Method A CENTRAL i-ROjECT NAME: R 1590 A ! E,U I LDER ; S;UDA INC. AND ADDREc = ' ©Y Ei ;i i I TT i h lc @ :CLIMATE o.,,u' N 32 7 V !OFFICE: ' Y, { ZONE: 41 _ ; Al _ OWNER: !PE RM.IT N !. i - {•!_!RISDI :TiOIN ;+o. SCb CK 1. New construction or addition 1. New Construction ---- iii+ale family detached i" Multifamily attached 2. Single -Family ---- 0. Multifamily -No. of units - ti _--- 4. if Multifamily, is this a W+c+rst case(yes/no) 4. _-__ 5, Conditioned floor area (sq.ft• ) S. ,J;_;'! 00 E'. Pred+minant eave overhang; f t . i 6. 2 . 00, ---- 7. Porch overhang length (ft.) 7. 0.00 ---- Glass area and type; Single Pane Double Pane a. Clear Glass ,_,a . 1 SS . 0sgf t• 0. 00sgf t ____ b. Tint, film or solar screen _b. O. Osgf t• 0. 00s+yt t• ---- Floor type and insulation; a. _; lab on grade (R-value, perimeter) 9a.R= 0.00 ', 149.00 ft. ---- I10. Net• Wall type area and insulation; a. Exterior; 1. Concrete (insulation R-value) 10a-1 R= 3.00, t=,-_=.(_i0sgft•.... Exterior: i fo (, i (Insulation ) 1(-: 0t3s q _-- a. id_-. fi'stiiit=' Ii t_.Ic, i _ i:'-ua1'ue. lUa-:,' R=11 .(--` 1;I 1 . __ ft._ a. Adjacent! 2. Wood frame (Insulation R-value) lira R=11 .00, 1'26.(:3(_•`sgft•.... 1 1 . Cei l ing type area and insulation: a. ! Underattic (Insulation R-value) 1 fa.R=22.(i:_i , _! {.00sqt t___._ t•i 12.Airdistributionsystems - a. Ducts ( insulation -i•' Location)I2a. R= 6.00 uncond __-- t ._ .'_ _+ol ing system 13. Type: Central A/C -_-- P4.Heating System: 14. Type: Heat. f='Limp H'= FF : 6.80 hS.Hot water system: 15. Type: Electric __-- 1 f=' . H+_+t. Water Credits: (HR-Heat Recovery, i ---- I DHr-- Dedicated Heat !-'unit+.: 1: . Inn iltrat•ion practice; 1, 2 or = 17. 2 ---- 9 . HV7- 1C Credits (F-Ceiling Fan, l.V._(_.r Iss vent., 1 t . I' HF- W{-ice+le house fan, RI^ -Attic radiant _._..-.._ barrier, MZ- Multizone:) I 19. EPI ( rr,U=_.t: not exceed 100 points) 19. 97.58 Total As, Built points 19a. 19667.6S ---- Total Base points 1 _ib. 20144.78 I L ... certify f that i... .. 1 Review i I Hereby (_ er' _•:L t''r ! la - the +la'i'i= and i _ ; ii='.+ C+t '!:!-iC plans t-tiid specifications Is pe C i (i C a t i +C' i t r.• covered by this i_ a ;. C U'-' 1 covered C+'`a' this calculation indicates da't• i n are in conir+' ic!_' with the ! compliance with the Florida Energy F1ori+_a Ene,,-* .;' f 1+.J 1 (_.ode. Before Coi1=.'Y.'f'uct•ion is completed this building will be inspected for PREPARED r = 00 compliance in accordance !:ditr7 Sei:'!:i.o'!i 1 I hereby certify that this i.+ u !... d i n'.y is I in compliance iance withh theFlorida Energy ! Code O! raER;' AtEr`1T -- ! BUILDING DFF i -:I ' _ V____--------- 1DATC.'____ r- , SUMMER CALCULATIONS 8LASS---------------- ORIEN AREA x BSPM = POINTS | TYPE SC ORIEN AREA x SPM x SOF = POINTS E 7O 00 82 2 5754 0 | SGL CLR E 40. 644.9 S8L CLR E 30 0 l09 2 75 2 600 S 40.00 822 3288 0 | SGL CLR S 40.O l002 88 35l3.7 W 4500 82 2 3699 0 | S8L CLR W 30 0 l09 2 80 263l7 SGL CLR W 15. l033.2 l5 x COND. FLOOR / TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. x GLASS = ADJ GLASS GLASS AREA AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS POINTS 15 989.0O l55.00 957 l2'741 00 l2,l9437 l43 NON 8LASS-------------- i AREA x PM = POINT ! TVPE A-V LU AREA x SPM POINTS WALLS---------------- E t 859 O l 0 x . 859 0 | E t No WtBl k I 3 0 678 O x rm ocn ' l 40 949 2 Ext Wood Frame ll 0 18l 439 Ad j l26 O 7 88 2 Adj Wood Frame ll0 l260 7O 882 DOORS---------------- Ext 20 O 4 8 96 0 | Ext Wood 20 O 7 20 l44 0 Adj l80 l 6 288 | Adj Wood 18 0 240 432 CEILINGS------------- UA 989 O 6 593`4 | Under Attic 22O 989 O 90 890l FLOORS--------------- Slb l49O - 3l8 47382 | Slab-on-6rade 0 l490 -3l 90 -4753 l INFILTRATION--------- 989 0 l09 l0780 l | Practice #2 9890 l090 l'780l TOTAL SUMMER POINTS l9,90l67 2l, 76903 TOTAL x SYSTEM = COOLING | TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT COOLIN6 SUM PTS MULT POINTS | COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS K l9,90l 67 37 7,363 62 | 2l,76903 l 00 l l0O 340 l000 8,141.62 WINTER CALCULATIONS BASE === AS -BUILT === 8LASS---- ------------- ORIEN AREA x BWPM = POINTS | TYPE SC ORIEN AREA x WPM x WOF POINTS E 4 238 0 | S6L CLR E 40 0 -22 l0 9l 1 S8L CLR E 6 240 S 4000 -3.4 1360 | S6L CLR S 40.O -109 93 4033 W 45 00 -3 4 l53 0 | S8L CLR W 30 0 -2 2 07 46 SGLCLR W l5.0 -22 ll2 368 I x COND. FLOOR / TOTAL GLASS DJ. x 8LASS = ADJ GL—ASS GLASS AREA AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS POINTS l5 527 00 -504.39 346.94 NON GLASS------------ AREA x BWPM = POINTS | TYPE R-VAL0E AREA x WPM POINTS WALLS---------------- Ext 859 O l l 944 9 | Ext NormWtBlock In O 67S 0 Q0 257 4 Ext Wood Frame I 0 181 0 200 3620 Adj l26. 0 l 8 226.8 Adj Wood Frame ll0 l26 0 l80 2268 DOORS---------------- Ext 20 0 5 l l02 f Ext Wood 200 7 60 l52 0 Adj 4. 0 Ad Wood l80 590 l062 CEILINGS------------- UA 989O 6 5934 | Under Attic 22 0 989O 90 89Ol FLOORS--------------- Slb l490 - 1 9 283l | Slab -on -Grade 0 l49 O 2 50 372 5 INFILTRATION--------- 9890 4 l 4054 9 | Practice #2 989 0 4 10 4054 9 TOTAL WINTER POINTS 5,2065l 8,393 96 TOTAL x SYSTEM = HEATIN8 | TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT HEATIN8 WIN PTS MULT POINTS COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS 5,2065l l l0 5,727l6 8,39396 l 00 l l00 500 l 000 4,6l6 68 WATER HEATING BASE === } === AS -BUILT === NUM OF x MULT = TOTAL :,TANK VOLUME EF TANK x MULT x CREDIT = TOTAL BEDRMS / RATIO MULT 2 3527.0 7,054.00 1 40 .90 1.000 3449.7 1.00 6,89933 SUMMARY BASE === | === AS -BUILT === COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL | COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS | POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS 7363. 6 5727.2 7054.0 20,144.78 1 8141.6 4616.7 6899.3 19,657 63 EPI = 97.58 * For detailed information f the EP I rating number or tor any ITEM listed, Isk your Builder for Ut_ A Formm G If ljy` -'9 e br Form e 93 ENERGY GUIDE EPI= 97.6 j the maximum allowable EHl 1:_ 100. The lower the Et -•I the more efficient the home ITEM RESIDENTIAL ENERGY PERFORMANCE RATING SHEET HOME VALUE WINDOW= ..................... Single Clear. INSULATION . .......... ...... . Ceiling F -Value. . . . . . . . . 22.0 Wall R-Value . ... ..... SASS Floor R -!Y a 1 u e . . . . . . . . . 0.0 AIR CONDITIONER .. .... ...... . SEER/EER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.0 HEATING SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electric C:OP!•H'=PF........ ,. Gas AF= i_;E . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.00 WATERER HEATER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electric EF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Gas E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0;,7i.7 Solar EF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Low Efficiency High Efficiency I NGL C:LR DBL TINT R -- 1 0 R-30 i------------ X-------- ; R-0 R-- X ----- ; R-0 R-1 9 10.0 SEER 17.0 ix-------------------- j 9.7 EErR 16.01 F._ - 'T'r r- r 12Z,) H 0 f ' G-- X .--..--'-------•-_----- i-----'------'---------------- i certify that these energy saving features :_ i Ll _ e _ for t e Florida e ;`! fit,•' CodeCodel have1_beeninstalledin this house. I 9 i- 1!ti !`,. ' f_-'._ 1 ].! ' 5C---- --- -- _' i g !.-!.. = _-{ I e V A'a!"^_ .-.--_--L`'=t '.'_ Florida ty/ z ipj%jj 5Z 7 1 Energy (.!_!! fir f _!'!'5!.I11ding Construction 199:3 Florida Department of Community Affairs FL-EPL C!"iRD93 i R I AL # S.4S 1,JHOLE HOUSE HEAT GAIN HEAT CAA- ULATION [?-.TNG EPI,9= 7:-(=LAiRE,= C c ' DATA FI1._E'-: BASED ON A . t= . -xTH EDITION (c>f.n_N 1 '_74::_ 1 t A. Nf=tME k::Ehl ` _ AIR INC ADDRE' 10.21 t= 0MMERi :E WA Y WNER : R 1 S,;C) A U I LDER _:U !DH INC. r.!ondit•ioned Floor Area , 9;_!'3 =F 3: Clirnat-ic i_:+ —ndit•ic ns C& Design Co-ndit•iileis Ge6graphical Locat•ior) . Florida i ctlitc''i'd North Lat•it•ude Elevation Deq. 1-4 Ft. t=tL`ovr= _ems Lc'`. nl Out.dc,clr Winter Dry cult! i _= Deg. t In!!_!or Wirit•er Dry Bulb i z Del- . F IWitit•t:r Act•ual'. Teuip.DiPf . Deg. i- Wirit•er Temp. Dift. (wTd.) i 40. Deq. F U-yut.l c!!_!i urf n i=r Dry Bub Deg. FOr' utdo Summer 'Wet. C'u l b 7 G, Deg. i" Out do or uniriter Hurif i d i t•y Rs t• 10 1 1 C) Indoor urrtrrter RE—lalt•i'`.:e Hurfddit•-y' Sk)7**: Indc,clr urifrrter Desil-;n Grctiris Lb. 44 Ii`rdoor S=urifrtier Dry E;ulb i 'S Deg. F I n,!_!c! r. taritrif e r- ;Wet. s; 1-4l >=! r . De f . F rb r4 G uritriter~ Daily Range 17 Deg. F - ;1 Z uritrrte r He t•uR l Temp. i > i f i . 18 Deg. F u rri ri-i e r Jser = e i ::! Temp. Di f f =•Tl:j) 2 r Deg . F HE C:j'I=_h Aih1i =r1'IMT: Y t;._;-j'.. ITHL.. i f'!'( lip )'(li;, = _ EN.=, i :_ .;.4 ;_ 1J1 i= 1_ i i 1dt l_i:! I 1, t_i 1_ i rfi .! , 0 iJj 1` 1G tb ._ DE Eh.S. E. I.T.-ICING 13451 1 I N I-• I L I iR r a 1 I r--1 i`J = 1'a' 0C i r_ flF, - N i r=•rF`PL I r= NC i:w 1 ': i.if) tr[ r DUCT L 1CJ'=+'_ 1 'f_'r_.T t:Jl; _!. 4 . r !• _ T i ; T -'- i L _" E :``•I'_ I t iE h T Tr,L Lt= r'=;'=: 'C; T t_!H T01TAL -: r=11N 1~:TU1 I Tim: I =' HtEr,T is T!hHGEt 1 53 C1 i t1)ER,=;I71_ FACTOR I . y i- i i!_r''• '::; ENS. OVRSC.- 1' T !: , Hi : T ! ! rl_ + r=r., C'E :' I EE Eh S . + t=>;; OVER _; I EE : INSTALLED rf:' ti TFjNi=H}, L- C ri:HE!=1,; ;>_': :i H:T?_!iiL 1 . S C 7 L U A D C: A L C ! 1 L A T i O N TYPE Inside =irade Sc Area Lo s/Btuh Gain/Bt.uh Pest. Single Cir Drapes/Blinds 1 30.00 1746.00 165 i.0(-- Pest. Single Clr Drapes/Blinds 1 15.00 873.00 25.0C} past. Singlei lr i^•tpes/ ;linds 1 1._i.+•_0 2328.00 i,'._r"Fr,'i_00 I East. SingleClr Drapes/Blinds1 30.00 1746.00 1%0.0r__, outi Single Clr Drapes/Blinds 1 40.00 2328.00 1200 00 ilass Infiltration Hf•m( 4.07 .. 155.00 0004 00 630.85 Window Frame !"fetal SUBTOTALS; 1.56.00 9021.00 8155.85 I R-'value Area Loss/Btuh Gain Bt•uh PA L LS----------------------------------------------------------------------- f l/W C.B. - Int• I'nsul - E ::t•. = i_,?=..00 5424.00 22_. .40 Wo„ o„d Stud - Ext•. 11 181 .Ciri 651.60 380. 10 IWood Stud - Adj. 11 126.00 453.60 163.80 I---------- SUBTOTALS; 905.00 6S29.20 2781,30 b 0-0 R =,-----•----------- o l i d Core/Wood - E::: t.. 0 20.00 670.00 218.00 3+_, l i d Core/Wood - Adj , 0 1 G 0(:'1 399. 60 64.80 ijr„_ rr I'nfilt'r''at•ir_n-Ht.Y 4.07 :}x 2.4 0 000.00 1.54.GG SUBTOTALS: 38.00 969.60 437.46 1= Oder Attic 22 989.00 01879.10 2076.90 0F L O O R S--------------•------- 1 ab on Grade 0 149.00 Lin . Ft . 4827.60 000 i ir_i TOTAL STRUCTURE SENSIBLE * 2 _ ;_ 26 60 1340.51 4_ PLAT=30UN0ARYSU EY for: NIS DESCPTION: L_.oT 45 MoNRd c tEA I ,ronn,r 4(o PAGE(SI — is, % PUBLICRECORDSOF SEMI)JO COUNTY FLORIDA. N oT P L-AT "CE I7 EAoows AS PER. PL PT of (-ION Rf 4 PaAr pooK 46, 17 N ' N.890 3Z13111E So.00 ----- lo:0 3 oler•TWnTfR u71L.aTY E^S5 NT wer,64'. Efl To p10 LE COUn(TY 7.0' R/IrJ,n6C .SEMErIT . 5 R oFF(c1NL RE ofZo3 PACES _ cx O O O 38 , sc04c0 Co i2-IIS?oA r r 44 N o 2 Z I .o• UTIL.I Y EA5EME1-1''." a o 0 N . N N N O KcLLY GIRD-E _ J .89 32'37'•E' FL000 CERTIFICATION Based oil Lhc Federal P.un:rgcncy Nalllgenlellt Al,ency flood inw/on[e rate map, tllc .property I;iCc G "WIT. 1,ercoll DOES NOT 1.1E / '7 within the 100 year flood hazard -arc.,. Lies in ZONE "C" Community 1'.,11cl N0,12D2"0o¢$8 Elleclive Dote : $-S-81 Now cE/JTEFtL.1!!E OF 1. SCARINOS ARE BASED ON THES ITV 69v— z 37 € AIBREVIATIONS QL G L•G ^ POINr OF CDRVArVR[ L !7 INDICATES ROIAMCTCR IRON Pip( WITH CAP NI. L32003 fP', C. po,N1 Of TANOC NCV S. 0 INDICATES DIAmcrrR IRON pipe WITH CAI N0. ,..1. POINT Of INTEIASEC LIA pw C. POIN:! O/ AEVERS( CVRVAIVR( 1, 0' 1n DICAr[S NAIL AND DISH NA. POINT Of COMPOUND CVAVAfURf DIANCr ER IRON ROD -,r- CAP NI. pC.C: CNORO O INDICATES CII. S. CS INDICATES 1" R 1• CONCRETE MOnV.INI Cn.BRD. CHORD BEARINO p wADIUS r. A INDICA FES A, I, s, x roDICArES .CROSS CUT IN CONCRETE CENTERLINE - B, v(N1CULIR ACCESS R/OHr! TO_---------- - co NC. CONCRETE ARE 1)(0,CATED TO 10. [L[VArION! ARE BASED ON N.O.V. OAIOM Of I.O20 I H(P(By C/Arlfr rHAr ',HISFINAL SCALE: =' IVRv(r LAi MADE e,I r Mr - FOUNDATIONpIRfCIIONANDMEftAR _ MI NINUM Tf CHNIC&& SfANOHOARDS Af .1[r FOR" wr TNl flOR'DA STAKEDIOIRO0IIRO/ES SIDNAL LAND f C'l jY J ^ 11W , pl RJVRr/O S(Cr ION E1r(Ol[ i 'i LOwO Yf Y1 /Iff f/OR10A STArVrIE• _ ' 300 SOUTH7COUNTYROAD42/VOT VALID' UIVLESS DominicK F. Covone-Presidenl Lgr GW00D FLORIDA .52730-5499 EIN©OSSED WITH Florido Professionol Land SvrveyorNo.2005 TELEPHONk: (407) B30-90B0 SURVEYORS SEAL WOSTAKF- HOUSE W.O.FORMCHECK W.O. STAK£ LOT _. .W.O.RECERT - W.O. FOUNDATION ___-, _:_ _— W.O. FINAL ---- --