HomeMy WebLinkAboutNew construction Southern Bell Phone Center StoreTEN STRIKE” trim shown for illustration purposes only Special Purpose Doors . Latchbolt by knob. either side `unless outside knob is locked by stop button. N When outside knob is locked; latch bolt by key outside and knob ,inside. E> Dead bolt by key either side. E Continuous turn of, key outside retracts both latch and No A20481/a; dead bolts. ; Anti - Friction. m i Latch Bolt ; I No. A20481/2-For doors 13/4" minimum. Corridor and 'O f fice`Doors m Latch bolt by knob either side unless outside knob is locked by stop button. When outside knob is locked, latch bolt by key outside and ` knob inside. El Auxiliary latch deadlocks latch bolt: A2056 available with 141 throw latch bolt, specify A23056. No. A2056 0. No. A2056 - For doors 13/a"minimum. No. A1056 ID No A1056 — For doors'l3/8" minimum. AIIti- FriCtlOnI.,A1056 Conforms to Federal Specification 85E. A2056 to 88E. Latch Bolt Entrance and Public Rest Room Doors t 1 l 1 1. — •J— 0 Litieh bolt by kiiou eldier slue unless outs a ob :s locked by master- key from inside. 0 ` When. outside knob- is locked,' latch bolt by, key out ids and knob inside. Auxiliary latch cleadlockslatch bolt. Available with latch hold -Back feature, prefix "H" to number. A20581/ e available with 8/P throw latch bolt, specify A23058'h. @ f When so specified, will be furnished with change key -,to operate inside No: A2058t/s No. A10581/2 m . cylinder. No.. A205811* -For doors 13/+" minimum. Anti - Friction ° ,-. ATo: A10581h Ford! 13/8 " minimum, , 1 LatchBolt. AZ056/ i Conforms to Federal Specification eBG. CIassroom Doors C3 Latch .bolt by knob either side unless outside knob, is locked by key outside: . m: Inside knob- always free. E1 When outside knoll is locked, latch bolt by key outside and knob inside. Auxiliary latch,deadlocks=latch.bolt. f I Available with Iatch hold -back feature, prefix "H" to aumbtu. A2058'// available with'/." throw latch bolt, specify A230581h: No. A2058%- For doors 13/a" minimum, No. AIV585/s -For doors ,1'Xa" minimni um: A20. 5ss/e To accomplish Hold=Back: No. s No. A1058 /s 1—Turn keytowards hinge side of door. Anti - Friction 2—Depress latch bolt .tivithhand f latch Bolt 3 = Turn key away from` hinge.side of door. To rele»se, sifnrl_y tItrn key tnwardc hinge side-nf, door. gain: 4A205& s Conforms, to Federal Specification 66f., 1;05 SPECIFY NUMBER,., HAND AND FINISH L...,. e.m .—... — .. a.... ..... ...... . .. ,... 2 .,,> ,.. ,., ...s v .. . . ,. .... .. ..-.,..e.. e—........... .... . ...aa ...... —. .e.....—.. +.. .—._.—.s.,y.. ......... .o...,n... ....u.,n......J BA 4PA ORLANbO LOR6DA v g 5w0.. T- 7 D T r.. 1. PRODUCT NAME Gypsum -coated wall fabric FLEXI-WALLO, "Plaster In A Roll"'" 2. MANUFACTURER Flexi-Wall Systems a Division of Wall and Floor Treatments, Inc. International Headquarters P.O. Box 477, 101 Carolina Avenue Liberty, S.C. 29657 ' Phone: (803) 855-0500 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Basic Uses: Flexi-Wall brand is a brand of gypsum coated fabric. It can be best des- cribed as a patented "plaster in a roll." It will cover ceilings and walls made of concrete or cinder block, gypsum board or blocks, plaster, wood, or any rigid surface. Supplied in rolls, Flexi-Wall plaster will hide cracks, pores, patches, mortar joints, or other irregularities in normal surface construction. Shipped to job site as an uncrystallized roll of plaster, the special high density gypsum crystallizes when applied .into a hard, durable, . attractive, fire-resistant finish. Flexi-Wall, Plaster In A Roll?" is recom- mended for use in new construction, repair, or remodel applications that are now in use for finished plaster to save time, labor and expense. — Flexi-Wall `:finish is especially useful in deco`ra_ting masonry surfaces. Flexi-Wall, Plaster In A Roll'", is especially useful in hiding problem surfaces. Flexi-Wall Adhesive #500 is recom- mended to adhere the wall covering to, the substrate. It is formulated to not only ad- here the gypsum roll to the wall but will cause the plaster in the wall covering to crystallize into a hard durable finish. Limitations: Flexi-Wall, Plaster In A Roll'", is recommended to be used in any and all applications now in use for finished plas- ter. Laboratory tests indicate that Flexi-Wall, rolled gypsum finish, is equal to or better than a conventional finish plaster coat. Composition & Material: Flexi-Wall finish is high density, gypsumcoated ` on decorative fabric. The plaster is factory ap- plied under controlled conditions to produce: a higher quality product than is possible' under field conditions. The gypsum is uncrystallized in roll form and becomes cured after being applied to a substrate surface at job site. Sizes: Flexi-Wall, plaster wall finish, is manufactured in 48 inch (1.22m) wide rolls. The standard roll contains 40 sq. yards 33. 44m `). The length of a roll is 30 yards 27. 43m). The weight of a standard roll is 55 lbs. ( 24.94 kg.). Finishes: Flexi-Wall finish is available with a natural stainless jute backing Scotland Weave). Numerous colors of gypsum are available. Special colors can be furnished upon request. A factory -applied, clear coating is available on all colors for added cleanability. Using various decora- tive fabrics, many textures and unlimited colors can be achieved. 4. TECHNICAL DATA Incombustible Class "A" Fire Rating as per ASTM-E-84-61, tunnel test ` Flame spread rating 15, Fuel contributed 0, and Smoke developed 0. Laboratory tests for shock, scratch, fadeometer, humidity and hardness indicate that Flexi-Wall finish is equal to or better than plaster applied in the conventional manner. A test for certain stains such as shoe polish or lipstick indicates that these would be difficult to remove. This is also true for conventional plastered surfaces. A special Anti - Graffiti coating has been developed which makes Flexi-Wall finish practical even in those hard use areas. This is a field applied - coating which makes removing difficult graffiti jobs less costly and easier. The gypsum used in the Flexi-Wall, Plaster In Roll'" is -superior to the normal - plaster. This plaster is characterized by high early and final strength, extreme hardness, high density, and controlled expansion. Flexi- Wall finish is applied like conven- tional wall covering, cures to be stronger than conventional plaster. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Normal Consistency 28-32 cc Time of Set 17-20 minutes Tensile Strength 375 psi(0.26kgf/mm?) Compressive Strength (Dry) 11,000 psi (7.7kgf/ mm2i Average Setting Expansion 0.10 Maximum Setting Expansion 0% 0. 200% Surface. Hardness 160* KD Load /c.01° penetration with.10 mm diameter steel ball. In addition to data herein provided, test results conduct- ed by -the National Bureau of Standards (Center of Build- ing Technology) are available from the manufacturer. These test results include: Bond Strength, Simulated Aging, Fire Hazard (Radiant Panel Method), Supported Impact. Resistance, Scratch Resistance, Abrasion Resis- tance, Water Vapor Permeance and Color Fastness test. FX A " Dpe This Spec -Data Sheet conforms to editorial style Prescribed by The Construction Specifications Institute. The manufacturer is re- sponsible for technical accuracy. PLASTER IN A ROLL' Methods: In general, the application of Flexi- Wall finish is similar to the standard practice for installing conventional wall cov- ering. Flexi-Wall Adhesive #500 is mandatory. Permanent lighting shall be available. Substrate surfaces temperature shall be a minimum of 40 degrees -F (50) c for a period of 12 hours before and after application of covering material. Craftsmen shall be highly skilled experienced wall covering installers. Adjust the amount of adhesive used according to the porosity and condition of substrate surface. Fabric finish goes to the front. Apply adhesive to the back of material. Do not paste too far ahead and allow dry pockets. Adhesive will dry clear. Use a medium nap roller for best results in spreading Adhesive. Always keep a fresh, sharp blade ill -cutter. Flexi-Wall dullsir blades rapidly. For true cuts and neat g. seams it is important to change blades in cutter often. Trim selvage edges "on the table". DO NOT DOUBLE -CUT on the wall. H Trim selvage edges deep enough to assure .. color uniformity and pattern match at :3 3 seams. ( Usually about 11h inches from %3" edge).. Install in roll sequence by lot number and 5. INSTALLATION Preparatory . Work: All substrate sur- roll number for best match, starting with highest roll' number in a lot down to first faceswhicharetoreceivegypsum -coated roll in that particular lot. Place each cut pa - wallfabricshouldbeinspectedbeforehand. beflushnel consecutively in the order that it is cut NewConcreteblockjointsshouldfromtherolls, including the spaces above or not tooled). The masonry contractor must below door or window openings as required. constructthewallasevenlyaspossible. Surfaces must be cleaned of burrs, excess Reverse every other panel for best match at On cement or other projections. seams. Install seams vertically and plumb. All 0 Other materials which would prevent bond seams are to be at least four (4) inches away of Flexi-Wall finish should be removed. from any external corner. Butt seams neat- Onoldconcreteblockwallsitisnotneces- ly and tightly together, do not overlap. On sarytofillmortarjoints .in most cases. Flexi- Wall, rolled plaster finish, is. effec- masonry or tile surfaces, do not allow seams tive in bridging these joints and render- The ton -point spec -Data format has been ing them unnoticeable. The previous use of reproduced eprd1 from publications sd copyrighted rpermission CSoll9hepainton a surface. does not affect the bond Construction Specifications institute, Inc., Washington, ing ability of Flexi-Wall finish. D.C. 20036. to fall aany vertical mortar joints. Overlap. i or, horizontal seams will not be accepted. Roll seams together with a commercial seam roller. Wipe off any excess adhesive immediately with a slightly damp (not wet) cloth. Workmen are to keep a fresh sharp blade in cutter at all times, no rough edges at seams will be permitted. The covering material should be rubbed with a stiff smoothing brush to insure good contact to the wall and secure bond between the covering and the substrate. Brush diagonally and allow the Flexi-Wall material to span minor cracks and imperfec- tions. Stretch Flexi-Wall over voids and minor imperfections. Do not force material into joints or cracks but force it into internal corners to prevent spannings. All corners are to be turned with a true and neat edge. No air pockets, wrinkles, sags or blisters will be accepted. Press the ceiling and floor edges and cut excess material true and neatly at top and bottom with a commercial razor blade cutter. Wipe off excess adhesive, if any immediately. Cut off electricity for safety and remove switch plates. Cut and fit material accurate- ly and neatly to and around switch plates. wall plates and surface mounted fixtures. Fit Flexi-Wall material neatly around all irregular objects. Replace all switch plate and other objects. Immediately, as work proceeds, all sur- faces must be cleaned of all traces o adhesive residue or dirt. Wipe clean with damp cloth. Use water, do not use carbon tetrachloride or other hazardous solvents After all trades have completed the' work, repair any nicks, patches or abrasion in a satisfactory manner. All scraps of cov- ering material must be removed from site and work area left clean to architect' satisfaction. The contractor shall provide for the pro- tection of all Flexi-Wall finishes until work is completed and accepted. Should any problems be encountered during installation, do not proceed. Notify immediately your supplier, sales represen- tative or the manufacturer. able. After curtains and/or blinds noticeable: The previous use of p been installed the "telegraphing" may surface does not usually affect the pear. ability of the covering material. Any N The workman should stretch the Flexi- Wall material over normal masonry joints, pores or crevices. He should brush the ma- terial to span or bridge minor cracks and imperfections in the substrate. He should not force the material into joints or cracks. Any physical condition that would cause im- perfections of the substrate surface to "tele- graph" must be smoothed. Scotland Weave patterns have the best ability to hide surface imperfections. Heath- er White has best "hideability" of all. Use Indian Jute weave (solid colors) on relative- ly smooth walls. leakage through the substrate surface be stopped before applying material. 6. AVAILABILITY AND COST Availability: Immediate delivery from stock directly from manufacturing plant in Liberty, S.C., or available from distributors located throughout the country. Cost: Installed cost is approximately 60- 70 cents per square foot, according to quantity and locale. Sales representatives will quote specific local prices. 7. GUARANTEES [LIMITED] Wall and Floor Treatments, Inc. war - Permanent building lights shall be avail- s f a it s e s rants against deterioration due to defective able for installation and inspection. Should material for onc, year from date of any problems be encountered during instal- application. The applicator is responsible lation, do not proceed. Notify the specifier for proper preparation of the surfaces, immediately. The material shall be applied Workmanship, bond to substrate, and in strict accordance with the latest manu- proper use application. Material deemed de- facturers' directions which are contained in fective will be replaced by the manufactur- each package. Inspect each package for da- er without charge (exclusive of freight or mage in shipment. The Plaster In A Roll'" field labor). This guarantee' does not cover shall not have evidence of water damage. failure caused by structural defects, The Flexi-Wall Adhesive No. 500 and/or malicious mischief, vandalism, Act of God, Anti- G'" No. 400 Coating must be protected or` the Public Enemy. from freezing during shipment and storage. 4' The subcontractor shall inspect all sur- 8• MAINTENANCE ' faces to receive gypsum -coated wall fabric Longevity of Flexi-Wall finish`'"can be prior to installation of any materials. He expected to. equal or exceed conventional shall report to the specifer, in writing, of plaster. The carefully -graded quality gyp - any condition detrimental to the installation sum used in Flexi-Wall rolled plaster. of covering materials. (Scotland Weave provides a tight, non -porous surface in. patterns have best hideability for use on which dirt and grime cannot easily rough surfaces; Indian Jute Weave penetrate. Except for an occasional washing patterns [ solid colors] are recommended for With mild soap and water, no maintenance relatively smooth surfaces.) Start of work is required. will indicate acceptance of surfaces as being A spot remover similar to the types used S satisfactory. for fine flocked wall _coverings now on the t r^ Workmanship must be inspected as work market may be employed if needed--""" proceeds. A test area must be applied first to assure that material and workmanship If a change in color is desired in future years, Flexi-Wall brand may be painted just 2. N are satisfactory. Observe all recommenda- as conventional plaster may be painted. The r tions as to use -limits with respect to physi- rich, elegant texture of Flexi-Wall, gypsum w 3 cal, environmental considerations, field in coated wall fabric, is maintained after paint- stallation, application procedures and ing. Also, other types of wall covering may degree and quality of inspection relevant to be applied over Flexi-Wall finish should the the type of application specified. decorator desire. All f t 1,1 h d d d Flexi-Wall plaster is available with a suracesmusecean, ar ry an Precautions; Use only Flexi-Wall Adhe- structurally sound. Remove all burrs, special clear coating which is factory sive # 500. Workmanship and bond to sur- excess putty or cement, or other applied on all colors for added washability face must be inspected as work proceeds. protrusions from the surface to receive cov- and ease of maintenance. Seams must be neat. Follow installation in- ering material. Other materials such as In addition to the factory applied protec structions carefully. Always keep a sharp grease or oil which would prevent bond of tive coating, an Anti -Graffiti field applied, n blade in cutting knife. Trim edges on table, Flexi-Wall material to the substrate must coating giving super protection against the O not on wall. Do not "double -cut". Roll seams be removed. Any physical condition that "graffiti -artist" is available. n carefully and wipe excess adhesive, if any, would cause imperfections of the substrate 9. TECHNICAL SERVICE immediately only with a lightly damp cloth. surface to "Telegraph" through the cover- Technical representatives are available Adjust amount of adhesive depending on ing material must be smoothed. Patched to Flexi-Wall, Plaster In A Roll", dealers, porosity of surface to be covered. Too much surfaces must be smooth. applicators and customers. adhesive may cause seams to open before Flexi-Wall "Plaster In A Roll"" finish is 10. FILING SYSTEMS the gypsum can set up. effective in bridging minor physical sub- Sweet's File — Architectural Some substrate surfaces may be too strate irregularities and rendering them un- Catalogs available on request. rough for Flexi-Wall material to cover with- out " telegraphing". When in question, in- stall a test wall section. Lighting has an af- fect on the "hideability" of Flexi-Wall ma- terial. Under direct light from an unshaded Fabric Pattern Line Total sq. yd. Fire Hazard Classification a Fabric Backing count) Fabric Backing Roll . Width Backing Weight sq— yd. Coating Weight sq. yd. flame spread fuel contributed I smoke developed Scotland 21-oz. 15 Statnles 48" 7.5-oz. 13.5-oz. Weave 0.71 kg) Class 1) 0 0 9 X 91/2 Jute 0.22 m) 0.23 Ike) 0.46 kill m ow to egraphing may occur while on • Using Fire Hazard Classification ASTM•E$4•61 as applied with adhesive in accordance with appll. other walls in the same room it may be un- cation instructions provided with the adhesive. U. S. & International Pats. Issued, Others Pending a 01973 Wall & Floor Treatments, Inc. All rights reserved a Printed in U1S.A. FLEXI- WALL is a Trademark Reg. U.S. and Canada FW-3 zo O.YwCT'Ow! 6iP0l w/ Fi.ESH el'l"le acrylic T e - 9p/zzzo AD iYD,vE 9//L'' `ELLOtv 15G4 fL,l7.11ls'e/C I - C.d 1iU.,1/ 1,>EO .>UO /TiS'/1EAOED% - OI.Y UU s TA,l7 il ' lL",(i>•e'= /.` 029.vco.• 2//9f-T'o.rLio - —'--__ -.-- _ ,-CO,r,oUrT LiyEo /ti/Gl.1ss /f,-v yi/,eu-N/A!!E.oirLErrE.- j.D,v/.vfy9lllr7iov CD-v>,.ara. f1D,CG `-.f",GDs 26<2 fLA>/iG.P!'L/G---____` --- ` y I -- - /? OY d.Pl rlE TD /6.( ,E./- /1%4/.!/ !/!/Ne7/O,t/ o.(- fi ilL /4o/ll/fT ./6.fi•D7By `Olirer To PEtis>,,ac a> t%P"of lh/T Jv Tv -i6.v i 120 VOLTS T ;f! O.I THDFa«lE lftr„`r /r',r o LocrD rta> SfiUhl LarDD 1 / /B+ ' f .STuol7irirEAOEaJ I dfLL f, /slE- /odosrylE- em lejexo 2" ' Er G `' I iS'O/1E9laE, 7iYE,vf,C1 •i ll/L>/ A j N//ylD/N TiGr _ • O ! Jls a,N/a/•B,<G ots/fft,Eo — —_- r r Csl/AifiE_! /r/,lr/fH I j Allzzev TiIED Idler 5c d E COPYRIGHT/f7S REV.I DR YVN DATE DESCRIPTION CH EE3Y Ems'' nTF f OYE `E!/1fC 7DYf LOCATION. I A/ / 1 C IITECt (,(/A>daa D CONIRAC70Q (llE,(/ Oi(.11jt/,41"I(la LD• j Q f .: - - INSCRIPTION TyirL,JL /OOd/nf!G_Of»!__9!// `fJ1C.!'d-.3C QfILL•ctfl/R f. w.o. SALESMAN. P`O,t/G,C .. -_.. DATF SHEET NO. OF CHf CKED 6Y _ /1DRAWNEY._f+_`J_3_v'c_ s_. /`+____ 220 PARSON ST. - WEST COLUMBIA• S. C_: 29169 -• PHONE (303) 790-I1011 i