HomeMy WebLinkAbout500 Fulton St Plans New Addition Citibank14 -y- .4 i� lit i7i if, T", ti� J J'j t'o, f: _0 IF, m v '14 it� 'i IF P 't d -fie j�, -iA "o if V"; it -1`3 P`�V'i 1, e 04­ 'FA o '14� "Fit �V. -kj 0' f qar Mv v, t" J� iWz, P fx- " �'i`l I 1� J,� -� I �1, I� .- e; �%� � "', 1,'­,1-, . , � . ­ , , z , - -, " �,� ) - " -', I ; , I i, I I I , I " I , i , 1-` 11 �; ,, . 7, Oil U f, "Pt � ­­,��i,,� - ". 'OVA 4i� J' ".j t' T�pj� Z�Iip, I,% �)_ a�r�-V� , & _A� "I" i4` X,�Y, "k _3 f."IT, I ­0 -.1 , . . i 'JI, , � ­ - '­'� 11 : Vo A jP ilt, A, o,9 :J; 'V A,05 1, T iP Jv:., V 44. npl li" 7. te" It F` tf U, jv -let, F." -T It k­ F,: it .'�; , F� 40 fl, P, % fit 5� - lit" foi n I I ,, 53� -A, to;, 4 i6t. It'i C 0�, ­i'i� W T, P, 'j, i7ii"'F w . - ". I—— , -- , _k' I;Iio,j,;�,�: W" L f-j" �-4 'ir t , ;t,e il til 1� A, 49 T f14 t Ix I, If I T 74, , , i�l t, 54" o', i, 9 7; % f Jii 7if, i, 'n Al 5 Y,..;, f4 j. jy �If V,11,'A­N"� j 71 "j, ", "- , , -, -,v I A4 tiI t 10f 'yv? 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'4 �V,� 0 k ij F" if ya �g ­Z 3 i� F ;-71t I it 'i v 1* 7 t5 �r .1s iV 'j� :.4 TEQT:.` F, 7, A RQJ P, J' l', t. 1, 4 % . i - , - �, I , ! �, , � , , q 4. 1 ;iL,." IF If w Si A V- k ....... "W 'k 7�, . 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E�,Y (!7,Ffl t��FiE� tl:- -'N560TW t�- F90�', 6TAI MAY 117 )17 0o, �0 wj A� -T C �4 2 6AVE TM�E5 IN COAA/1�95 A 0 w5s 17.4�Z' /0 7 9.16, '01 �61 7 1,5 q i - 1494 4 AJ ALON6i N09TH LJ E OF 6,w 9 31 2 1 W -1 4 3 1 5 4 5 4 1 3 Jz i 5 2 >; V-% ?-A St.- V� !'-W� �1: r L,-avp., I CCAIC. FL UME (OVIR PO :'%(176. OF 5 Ot? - ... .. ....... 6 TE'- to 10 76. 6EE 5HT Z FOR,/ 611 0 (rAVP-) I 17-� -7 7 7 ...... ..... PPOP6,551D 2-G-Ty /0 LANP-55, Z-' 9,E-j;41L) . .... .......... . .... . . . .... .......... V r:::: N P 1AT W 1�e CAP 0OV1-t7EFj5 . .. ........ y CONC. ....... . 7 I' -.: .. I 1 1 611� 422 S.F. 6 ? 6U,95 W1 3'77�AN51TI�N PPiOP05EV PICNIC AMEA5 HT ON EA 6 H EAIP ...... ......... ........... �; V.-ICINITY. -MAP . ....... .... ..... ..... ..... ...... .. ... 0 0 SCALE;. '-��---,P;EL.06A7E EXI57. 51TE'Ll6NT ... ...... .... DA A .. ...... ...... 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S.F. 9,368 ..... ................... . . ...... w N .... ......... ..... . ....... N .. .......... .. ......... w ..... ........ ....... ....... .......... ..... ........ -17 S F 8,783 17% N 'LL S.F' 19,876 38% U) 43 15UMPFP- E3L0rK---1 F t:-- w t-164 0 L w FT. -ryp 0 ICAL) 4 -Ty, t44 r q� . - FF IG.76 ''S.F. 23 541 45% -Amf I � I 0 6Wzt W 119 r:: FAINT15-V W. WHITP- 0 iyr. v'! KI t7t;, KI-O. 1��4 100% TO M5E clryr M A 4 ��EXISTING SQIL TYPE(S) S1 12 6 0 V- IF- e( C� 15AW CUT -P�/Iovp r2 g V t-- Y O�TYIOF,SANFORD, C�TY,OF SA TP\ A YSTEM. NFORD; (WW E Y/-':5TING PALM5 -VUI;2e GI. FU pgoPo,-7iff 0 5IGN K (5EE ATTAC14ED Off TAIL) 46 .... ...... RECLAIMEDNATER SYSTEM STATEMENT-., Vl� -T 4-* —.EX15TIN6 MULTj-TP;1JNK PALM TO THE USE OF CITY. OF D, PgoposEp 6/wv AM)ITIONAL P R 6 F. TO BE 21,000 G.F.D. TO BE E THE AMOUNT Q -L2 PETAIL.), FIZW. 4'WM.74 �,ow T7 a. oo UTILIZED, FOR SITE AND LANDSCAP 9 FOR'USE ...... . . ..... L PL H 0 M 6A Fr, ,A .......... . . ..... . ...... . .. ... .......... ........... 2AIN-Ttat? 7�2MZFIG r­?IF-eHC�r 1P WAT EV2� 7+4 Le 4J Wlr,?r�: . 5FFE L162H -T �Aa OWNER: ZPA -T\; . .. . ................ .. z- H w Y. EX15T A&E 5 500 WEST FULTON ST�EET . . ............ No*re: UbLE 6" V.(- P ,,�FLORIDA 3 771 PH: (407) 322'-6841 Or-� SIG T .......... . . .......... . . . . ...... —,;; . . ............. 'It, . . . ... ...... . ...... .... . PARKING . CONKLIN, PORTER &,�OLMES-ENGINEERS., INC ....... . . . ....... NOTE: 9 -A -.-TULTON ST 10,494 -!-100 X .50 - 3 OOR AREA = S.F. 1 04, 1-1 . - . ...... .................... . . . . . ......... ........... .......... . ..................... . ............... ._-____;_ rVIV 49 -N. RVEYING.,SERVICES, 1104 E. ROBINSON STREET. PVM7. 3�801 .... . . . . . .......... . ..... --- --- ................. ........... ------ . .... ........ . . . ............. ........... .......... . . ........ ... .. . ... ... .... ... ..... .......... . 7' ARCHITECT. 6ON6,12 -T ANDREWS, INC F11.761 rA > /?.53 133,WEST AIRPORT B�VD. , PA 3�773 0, 10,76 MIN. -87 PH: (407) 3 23 46 0,76 F. Pv5��rr( of=.� No-r ir--� THAM TA V5WVI�i 7& L-r-. r--X V 5�0 -Ty 0F NOT L A �TL? CV�z 1­4,&Vt� A MIN: IN-V -71 r, LAC, t- PtiWE -TIZ06-f 2 L?120? 0 - HYC) M r-_ NVT raCTI,ok TIV A'��, NATO;2A� �!5Ve�76 �,H41­ ej�� To AL I:Z PHAUT AWt2 4-17 N'.5. COWP�12 or -rY OF NO -1m t2- I -r ' NAGE I N L DIME S-ITE NSIONI I 01. V. t5�0 pl� 1. 01I9M9,4CTr--V -F-Vt 0 SEFCTION. oe "'TH1014- !�,000' 5ECTION "Al STRIPING & LANDS AP PLAN tH091Z. ACTIVITY NAME DATE SCALE: 1"=20' DESIGNED BY: J.M.DAVIS 4/89 DRAWN BY: C.D.PULVER 4/89 DATE: APR. 1989 CHECKED BY: J.M.D.. 4/89 1. q ,:)A PVM '1510MALV CUR61W LAONMOA& kr-U­T-Vxr, J.MA2. JOB NO. APPROVED BY: B. C. CONKLIN 4/89 t 4-1 Z4- --MCH AVE.51&N, REL06. Fgl:� NE -�,NOVJEO 79� W r-u/-Tom N. U REGISTRATION NO. 11092 N 0.,,.D ATE REVISION APPROVED FI LE: CPHBASE J Saw cut 3" deep Not less than 6" conc. slab tT— Resurfacing extent indicated elsewhere on these plans. Saw cut 3" eep \ BACKF LL —, o Existing rigid pavement • t Preserve existing Compacted to 98/0 GENERAL 'NOTES / \ / reinforcement if any, / density as 4�"d max _ - imum \ / iam. to bond in new conc: See NOTE determined by new ,earth fill / Item 2. Below. AASHTO T '180 / in .6" layers For identification in contracturalfagreements,, this set of,'dravrings,is dated SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM \ A ril 7,`1989. -Any ,revisions thereafter will be .noted and dated on the \ max. / "I If p -- --- -- - --- __ - -- i The utility that will own and operate the system after construction is the 'City I�0 - - \ - - - min D + I� 4" max. l O I 0 affected drawings) : of Sanford Water & Sewer Department. The Contractor will be expected to .meet — _ min. min: all requirements of the utility including advance notification to the utility - — - - - Materials ,.and.construction'methods;for proposed additional patrking•and drive q area shall be in accordance with t,be Florida Department of. Transportation and the Engineers so that they cari witness all required tests of the Sanitary— Standard"Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 1986 or latest Sewer System. - edition.', l — x — x X i All. sani.tax-y sewer pipe shall be PVC sewer pipe conforming to ASTM D3034 9oo �� i 00 A. Pro o"sed arkin and, drive areas shall be constructed of 6 stabilized SDR-35.. Installation of PVC sewer pipe shall conform to ASTM D2321. See ASTM P parking p g� � ;... subbase Florida Bearing Value 50.psi, 6" limerock base and 1-1/4" ± 1/4" of C-12,- latest edition, for construction methods, except. for backfilling, which Type S-III' asphaltic concrete surface: will be a$ shown on the Standard Sanitary Detail Sheet. A horizontal ------ 1 separation of at least 1.0' shall be maintained between water and sewer lines. Over Excavation to be filled with C e with When water and sewer lines crosses beneath the sewer line at any depth, the B. As an alternate, the Contractor may construct a 6 stabilized subbase approved tamped material. (typ.) 5" concrete, 3000 psi. Contraction, and expansion joints shall be sewer line shall be encased in concrete or the sewer shall be ductile iron pipe constructed in';accordance with'D.O.T. Standards, Section 350-12, for a distance of 10' either side of the crossing. Ductile iron sanitary sewer gravity pipe shall be Class 52 ductile iron polyethylene lined. NO SCALE No SCALE NO SCALE C. All ,pipes noted on the plans as RCP shall`be reinforced concrete pipe Class BACKFILL METHOD NO. I' BACKFILL METHOD NO. 2 BACKFILL METHOD N0.3 III with rubber gasket joints.,' Backfill for the sanitary sewer systeni'under,.roadways shall be compacted to 9896' Inc density as determined by AASHTO T-180. Other compaction o_f baekfill' For backfilling in open areas, such as crop -land For backfilling in and beneath- or along and For backfilling beneath rigid paving, including 1 line shall be Class 200 SDR-21 i e. should be. 90� maximum density as. determined •by AASHTO T-180.` railroad property, or other zone with uncloss- near non fall surfacing. See Specs. walks, drives, parking areas, etc.; and in - D. P.V:C. 'storm sewer outfa 1 e P p other locations where so indicated: This in ified and non- improved surfaces. See Specs. 1 plan. eludes beneath proposed paving. See Specs. a E Curb radii at intersection shall be. as shown on F. The concrete for curbs shall be Department of Transportation Class "I" r concrete, and have a compressiye strength of 2500 psi (minimum). All curbs I shall have contraction joints not to exceed 1.0'-0" on center. TYPICAL TRENCHING, LAYING, BACKFILL, AND. RECONSTRUCTION DETAILS Contractor shall notify the Engineer.when all work is laid out (survey staked), NOTE °LBockfill methods and construction Details do not vary with sloping or vertical trench walls so that a determination may be made_of.specific trees to -be removed. In a, I addition to clearing and grubbing for the streets, the Contractor shall provide 2, For open cute hi existing pavement, where permitted;, the pavement replacement shall in - addition corporv,te 6 thick cone. slab bearing on not less than I -0' of undisturbed sub -grade on each side j clearing and grubbing as required for the installation of utilities, and of trench and constructed to provide -for type and thickness of wearing surface to match drainage facilities. All materials excavated shall. remain the property of the existing pavement. Owner and shall be stockpiled at onsite locations specified:by the Owner. 1 Materials shall be stockpiled separately into useable (nonorganic) fill stockpiles and organic (muck) stockpiles.,if muck is encountered.'. The locations of al.l existing utilities shown on the Plans have been determined - 'from the best information available, and are given for the convenience of the 16' I .:,Contractor. The Engineer assumes no responsibility for their -accuracy. Prior 1�- 2" 10" SLOPE TO FIT I to 'the start of any -construction activity, it sha.11 be the Contractor s 12" _� TRANSITION FROM LOW , D IVEWAY responsibility to notify the various utilities and to make the necessazy POINT TO GUTTER TO _ l arrangements for any relocations of these utilities with the owner. of the OIN � � • _PAVEMENT— utility.' The Contractor shall exercise caution when crossing, an uriderground a SLOPE OF utility, whether shown on the Plan or located by the utility company. All utilities that interfere with the proposed construction shall be relocated ' ~PAVEMENT 'SLOPE' _ 3�4" R. _ the` 'respective utility company,' and the'Contracfor shall cooperate with them relocation operations. Any;delay or inconvenience caused to the = ~ during p' Contractor by the relocation of vari,ous!.utilities shall be incidental to the ED i o contract, and no extra.compensation will be allowed. I _ 2-0 The:pavernent;elevati'ons shown are limited spot elevations only. The standard 2�_ O° CONCRETE .DROP CURB cross-section shown will be used to establish grades for the proposed improvements. All paving surfaces in intersections and adjacent sections shall be graded to SPILL TYPE C 81 G at drain positively'in the direction shown by the flow arrows on the Plans and to provide a smoothly.transitioned driving `surface for vehicles with no sharp SLOPE of PAVEMENT Q�,� ��,• -,breaks in grade, or no unusually steep or reverse cross slopes. Approaches to � �v tl, intersections and entrance and exit gutter grades to intersections will have to Q/�� be staked in the field at different grades them the centerline grades shown on Cli O�v� . the Plans.. In these areas, it may also become advisable to make minor local field adjustments in the centerline grades to accomplish the purposes / w outlined. In addition,. the standard crown will have to be changed in order -to I.. J drain positively in the area of `intersections: It is the Contractor's \ Q4�Q� �Q o� - VERTICAL CURB & % responsibility to accomplish the above and the Engineer shall,be consulted so r that he may make any. and all required - interpreta,tions of the Plans or give �' GUTTER supplementary instructions to accomplish the intent of the Plans. \� ��QO ' RADIAL LINE TREE REMOVAL g 1 The.only"trees to'beiremoved for the site improvements are those that conflict with the proposed parking, drive area and proposed retention DROP - facility. Design efforts have' been to save any significant trees in ` CURB GUTTER LINE � the proposed improvement areas'. N N _ NOTE SEE PLAN >a PROFILE SHEET S, GENERAL NOTES. i OR SPECIAL DETAIL FOR LOCATIONS 81 LENGTH OF DROP CURBS. DETAIL of DROP CURB , u " 1 1 GENERAL. NOTES l i AND DETAIL , CAL 1 =20' SHEET N 0. ACTIVITY NAME DATE SCALE: PH ENGINEER,S INC. Conkn Porter and o n�eS DESIGNED BY: J.M.DAVIS 4 89 ! ENGINEERS, INC.' DRAWN • BY: C.D.PULVER 4/89 DATE: APR. 1989 OFFICE & PARKING EXPANSION POST OFFICE "BOX 1976 • CHECKED BY: J:M.D. 4/89 B NO P0401 00 3 OF 9 O SANF R 500 W. FULTON STREET DATE - TO FOR � APPROVED BY: B. c. CONKLIN 4/89 JOB O D, FLORIDAFLORIU�A � r 13 DECcar SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 TEL 407 322-6841 TEL 4Q7 ;831-5717 REGISTRATION NO. PROJECT CONTROL .11092 NO.DATE REVISION APPROVED FILE: cPHBASE f r Y U J. r , BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY FOR CONK /N, 'PORTER 8 HOLMES ENGINEERS, INC. • r: N \ - -- --------- - - - . -- -- - II y r \ DESCRIPl'ION - Section 25, Township 19 South, Range ,30 East, Begin 56-feet ast o \ o of Southeast corner, Block 1 N Tier 9 of The Town of Sanford,r.un -! 92 .,o, .o• .o East 198 feet North 180 feet West 198 feet South to''Beginn ng, State Ro ad. oad. / s-rot�tnw�Er / AND: A tract of land lying' in Section 25, Township 19 Sa th, -I . / 19, 1zEG x cu-r I Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, and City of Sanf�rd, j E RED. 11= Florida; said tract being more specifi.ca.11y described as follows: • 21 00.E W T' Z.93.00 � i ��/�N iy • /% NORM ���ET �.� ; .---��,�- � � -�:— — _ Begin at a point on the North. right of wa,y. of Fulton Street and 3e z oo j,' •o Ay J ,� 254 00 feet East of the -Southeast corner of Block 'l N, Tier 9 a oo'U4'� ti according to the plat of E.R. Trafford's Map of the Tow of I 198.00 / Sanford as recorded in Plat Book 1 Page 61 of the Puplic l ' • '. � , E, . t tit J = S -t 1 `� i I ,� l a / t � r s, eG✓- -- ----'' / tny, Florida; said point being 172.OIU Ifeet / - --- - _- -- - - - -- -- Seminole right of way of French Avenue (U . S. Records of Se e Cou East of .the sent East � g�w Hi.ghway.,17-92 and State Road 15 & ,600> ; `thence run East, along 61 �,.z' - , .��0. \y Iz $ A9 I the said North. right of way of Fulton Street, a distance of $-� �2�,�� 121.00 feet; thence run North, parallel, with the , present (East i g / „ 2 right of wa of said French Avenue, a distance of 180.00 feet; ;o. IsA�t_Ec�'r•coK_\c: Z,9' thence run West, parallel with the said North right of way of I. P��"^ / 1 2 s.o aaa. roc Fulton Street, a distance 'of 121.0.0 feet to a point' lying 172.00 I I I I feet East of said resent right ofway of French Avenue; thence P g Y , run South, parallel with the said present East right of way of O "I / / Q French Avenue, a distance of 180.00 feet to the Point ofl I �. 0� 4'./4�N` �Z e Q Beginning. Containing: 0.500 acres, more or less. O 3 � z C3 o�v< flsat�•` - /c3A��J tI• 'l PALM (L%Ot�Y _ / ASrr'-1L�1_ - W lJ ne ram ?• c� SQSp PLA z �C-Is1G� I gU�LJE C Qt�`AR�rUCSTccuC TUCLE 2SD SE0 0�1 OESLR\oT 101 j Pa�� I�E�GtZ1v �toK1 r—L)W_ SNEo i3� C_,tEa-r Id Cr 8 - / WpAt j / GO►JG' aLOG� SURJE! Pt2EPta�EO VJIT�IOU r �EUEGc OF -t �-rLt= v.IO��C i I, / � o Yn` o/ Spa Na ^' O to �O/ N ..cOn. C< \ -_. —_ / \ \3• �9`' - (00• ` V r 3.` 'p o3 y UNj Q n 6o W � rAV EKrc � >-- P o / Z' G O Lo v PA r� LIJ0 41 0 l.i... 11 Q J. ? .0 0 Pt_ -1,A W \ I A n. pwn ct3tz v 47 2 10 -v • ti . \ti' L imp sG .=.o'r• /�' 19" �jv �rr � . �, POt_M PALM rD . I Co OAK Ito / 1�, / JI OL Al V_a mil_ tS.O 0 1 Tt:B' \ ' ta" Yn _.n N �.g n EXISZ. C-0. , } t8"ov / ti/ Pray rn INV. 13.8$ I 8.1/�. l oG M `� JS Rr M A N Hot_E I - _ o-q• - PALM' L�RgvrFzlt-/c ---- _/ t+ 'f' 0. _ _ 198.00 A 1� IZI.DO A� C SEwEK A 9 ly OTGC-H _ C P Gt (C T k7 0o R G. GFYt'. o rq •sg slw E sz. O A U E-Iq Z�/ \P t 2 \ r `nJ �— l8 Pc . Tr Y �� t ��n �1 ' C o �s �_ S•. o ;� 6 t c II ' f ,� .,9 tizEc. X co EAST Z.. I Q Z J .00 �Ec c►� S E Go�LIJE 2 ` / (('��3 L./' PA.(• I `� V '.%IO�" M/ 16.. PALM 1 ! L4' G 4-C PIPE _ Z9' C_L.A! PIPE PIPE E.R.TteAFFOKD'� MAP -/!— — --- 18"CLAY 01= -THE rol, Lw� OF �AtJPotZD �nvn yji ( / / `WATE12 MEaI=R _— __ —=_ ,N II — — 2 c y ly cj -29Co 8 v.�.p==- alI y \2. 9� / g� I , in to"VG.P sv / " Q 2- �v4p m STORM MA�1F 1oLE -' s " F STORM IA6,NuoLE a = .)C1t.A EL= %A,01.\�1. t1 tIJJ 10.�5 I _ E. tvJ = to.o5 \P. sANITAI2Y MANHbL� n F U LTO N S T RIM EL. = 14.l00 I S wJ = 9.q� a _ S' W. iNv. - 9.37 . - --- _ N.W. - --- ---- - - -- ---- -- ----- ---- - -- - tE.NINY. V - 511 I .. P. pVER.>-IE P� U L.\T`! s W I J - 1 104 E. Hobinson SI 1 hereby allum ihdl Ihr 5urvey relu e5rnler) hr. nron a In)r Jnd Lortecl to Tinklepau�h_ ,ofland0 Florid' n�2$01 / I illy knuwledtr and behet. aril Ihdt 'rt hd5 been NteNated it, SURVIVING tlHYIClt. IMC (40714z2rQ957 the hest U Y .1 -dt LUtddnt.r wllh rlllrrin ❑)rn lY,lhnll dl. 5l alldaf d!"a5 WI. IUIIh try the Florida t SITE SHEET Board 01 Land tJwvi-YulS {)ur5uaru IU Se�lrun 4!?027 FlandJStatutes FIELD BY: ✓/)CIBE.2f DATE:.� j j FIELD 8Y: -FOr r-_ W_ DATE _5 _ � �_. $� j DEC 2i 7 N t s r10 _/- I AL 14 RAWN BY: SCALE. �.•? �0 ACTIVITY NAME DATK1111 -1 SCALE: 1 —2o SHEET NO. COr1k11I1 Porter' ar1C� HOII7IE'.5 DESIGNED BY: �.M.DAVIS 4 89 t r EN�7�N��� INC ENGINEER INC. DRAWN BY: C.D.PULVER 4 89 / DATE: APR. 1989. OFFICE• & 'PARKING EXPANSION II POST OFFICE BOXY 1976 CHECKED BY: J.M.D. 4/89 OF O JOB N0. P0401.00 ' `4 500 W. FULTON' STREET ` � SANFORD, FLORIDA, 32771 DATE TO FOR APPROVED BY: B. C. CONKLIN 4/89 S A N F O R D F L O RBI D A TEL 407 322-68 1 TEL 407 831-5717 REGISTRATION N0. 11092 NOBATE REVISION APPROVED FILE: CPHBASE • PROJECT CONTROL I I • Y i , ,:,. •. _ -- --- F , ,r l / ( .i •.:..ARCH <y ,/ JLo tA T. r. ry r r.. ,. d' .. , h .. , ., .,, , I /. H _ ,, . w_, s s. l..,. .. , FU T N k»Q 2 .,.. : A r � 5 4 � rS R _ �J w' n _ . . 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