HomeMy WebLinkAbout4114 S Orlando Dr Paving Contract Jim Lash Car salesT- i u arxi other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is herebyyacknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantees heirs and assigns forever, the fol- lowing described land, sitiiate, lying and being in Seminole County, Florida, to -wit: All of the NEV. of the SWk West of State Road (Less Begin at theintersection=bf the Westerly Line of Highway 17-92 and the NorthLineoftheSWk, run Southwesterly along road 100 feet, North 590j4'tWest,4o he Nrth ipeff t e SW Est to point of beginning) ion owns iip 2 JOuii, ange 30 bast. Begin at the No rtheastortheast Corner of the NW'k of the SW runV 351SofeettotheNorthwesterlyLineofHighway17-92,.North 22025h West 1 379.9 feet to:point West of beginning, East 144.7 feet to beginning, Sectionl4, Township 20 South, Range 30 East.. AND The South 75.52 feet of Lots 1 and 3 (Less Begin at the SE CornerofLot1, run Northeasterly along the Westerly rAght of way.ofHighway17-92 100;feet, West 275 fPe-t, Scuth 12 26' West 59.5feetSouth59a24' East to South Line of Lots 1 and 3 East tobeginning) of Lake Minnie Estates, according to Pla, ...F,rF• a recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 92, of the Public Recor6s 01 5eminoie tCounty, Florida. Continued on reverse side hereof) s F A G li E E 14 E tJ T THIS AGREEMLN-Li, entered into by and between THL' CITY Op SALYFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City"® and JIM TRASH, doing business in Sanford# Florida at 4114 So. Orlando Drive, hereinafter referred to as "Developer', iIITHRSSHTH: lfi EREAS, Developer has applied for site plan approval for the purpose of selling used cars at 4114 So. Orlando Drive, Sanford, Floriday and WHL?ZEAS, Developer has requested the City to allow him until October 20, 1975 o within which to pave the used car sales lot as approved by the Planning and. Zoning CoLamission, and the City has agreed to allow such extension conditioned upon Developer paving said used car sales lot at the expense of Developer in accordance with the plans and specifications to be approved by the City. Noll THEMPYORE, in consideration of the premises and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. City agrees to allow Developer to defer the paving of the used car sales lot until October 20, 1975 2. Developer agrees, at.his cost, to pave the used car sales lot referred to herein, and to coxrplete said paving by October 20, 1975 3. Developer agrees to secure the necessary permit for the paving of the used car sales lot and to pave the sales lot in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved by the City and to allow the City to make all necessary inspections. Page 1 of 2 pages q 4. In the event that the paving is not accomplished by October 20, 1975_ and.. no extension is granted by the City, Developer shall be liable to the City for whatever expense the City incurs to accomplish such paving. Developer further I! agrees that in the event of .default of this Agreement, Developer shall be liabl e to pay unto City in addition to the costs of paving, 6 all attorney gees and court costs incurred by the City are a result of any such default by Developer. THIS AGREEMENT shall be bindingu , p on .the inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and Developer's assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOFthe parties hereto etohave caused p these presents to be executed on the daily and year hereinafter g s set forth. I CITY OF S:;U FdRS" ,, FLORIDA HY. _ A. Hayor r e ATTESTa Witrmsses a Page 2 of 2 pages R A=-- -N-4 ol Lash ('a 411y S.Orlafyc