HomeMy WebLinkAbout205-207 E 25 St 25060 Load Calcs Fire Alarm Ace Hardwarerice +a W`L 5-ao E as 5+ PP,M - asoc FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SECTION 5 • BUILDING DESIGN BY COMPONENT PERFORMANCE APPROACH FORM 50OA-89 Non -Residential Buildings ADMINISTERED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS Residential Buildings over 3 stories ALL CLIMATE ZONES PROJECT NAME: GE, AIAG Gd• ZONE: ADDRESS: 2015 E, QS TR Isr, F+ BUILDING CLASSIFICATIONS : A -IL, CITY ZIP CODE: SAS 0 5Z (-7 1 BUILDING PERMIT NO.: 56 t2 d BUILDER: PERMITTING OFFICE: OWNER: JURISDICTION NO.: % I BUILDING INFORMATION WALLS ROOFICEILING FLOORS DOORS GLASS TYPE U AREA TYPE U AREA TYPE U AREA TYPE U AREA TYPE U AREA Concrete (CBS) Under attic jCZ eM Slabon-grade i3 Cjt0 Wood Single, wall Wood frame Single Assembly Raised Wood Metal Double, wallp Metal frame Other: Raised concrete Insulated Single, roof Insulation R-value Insulation R-value Insulation R-value Other Double, roofrJ SYSTEMS INFORMATION AIR CONDITIONER HEATING SYSTEM HOT WATER TYPE EFFICIENCY TONS TYPE EFFICIENCY BTUIH TYPE Unitary & Heat Pump . 8 (p 35 Central Heat Pump Electric 65,000 Btu lh SEER 65,000 Btu/ h HSPF Resistance 65,000 Btu/h 4e:E&: EER J 4 65,000 Btu/h COP Dedicated Heat Pump Water cooled EER Water cooled COP Gas Evaporatively cooled EER Evaporatively cooled COP Natural PTAC EER Electric resistance COP LPG Chillers COP Gas/Oil (circle one) Oil Other. 225,000/300,000 Btu/h AFUE 225,0001300,000 Btu /h Et HRU Other: LIGHTING a Lighting Budget (from Table 5-13): i = Watts/sq. ft: t•02TotalLightingWattageTotalConditionedFloorArea PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (Must be met or exceeded by all buildings.) COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECK Windows 502.4 Maximum of 0.5 cfm per linear foot of operable sash crack. V Doors 502.4 Maximum of 11.0 cfm per linear foot of operable sash crack. V Joints/Cracks 502.4 To be caulked. easketed, weathersiN.Pped, or otherwise sealed. v Reheat 503.3 Suopiy air restricted to set cold/hot deck temperature to meet load of worst case zone. U Ventilation 503.4 Supplied with readily accessible switch for shutoff and/or volume reduction when ventilation is not required. V HVAC Efficiency 503.4 Minimum efficiencies — Heating: Tables 5-5, 5-6; Cooling: Tables 5-7, 5-8, 5-9. Transport Energy 503.5 Minimum of 8.0 Balancing 503.6 Provide means for balancing HVAC air system & water distribution system. 1, HVAC Controls 503.7 Seoarate readily accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. HVAC Duct Construction 503.9 Constructed in accordance with industry standards & local mechanical codes. Ducts must be insulated to minimum R = d t115 (hr °F ft z I Btu). Piping Insulation 503.10 In accordance with Table 5-10. Water Heaters 504.2 Must bear ASHRAE label indicating compliance with ASHRAE Standard 90 or comply with efficiency and standby loss requirements. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker (electric) or cutoff (gas) must be provided. Heat traps required. Must meet minimum water heating equipment efficiencies in Table 5-11 after 1 11 /90. Swimming Pools Spas 504.2 Spas & heated pools must have covers. Non-commercial pools must have pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have minimum thermal efficiency of 75% (78% after 1 /1 /90). Hot Water Pioes 504.4 Insuiaiion is required for recirculating systems. Piping heat loss is limited to 17.5 Btulhllinear foot of p;De: see Table 5-12. Water fixtures 504.5 Water flow restricted to maximum of 3 gpm at 80 psig: toilets maximum 3.5 gallon flush. Public lavatory fixture maximum flow of .5 gpm or .5 gallon if has self -closing valve. v Lighting 505.1 Lidhtino power budqets are listed in Table 5-13, Ballast efficacy factors are listed in Table 5-14. Uo wall Allowable Uo wall Actual If complying under the provisions of S. 502.1, enter the combined Uo values for the entire envelope Uo rooflceiiing Allowable _ Uo roof/ceiling Actual in this section. Uo floor Allowable _ — U. floor Actual Uo envelope Allowable Uo envelope Actual OTTV wall Allowable _ _ OTTV wall Actual OTTV roof/ceiiing Allowable.r_ OTTV roof/ceilino Actual All plans and spec;iic&tions_snail be signed and sealed by a Florida registered engineer or architect Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with with the exceptions wowdod for i0 Section 481.229, F.S. apd Section 471.003, F.S. I hereby certify the Florida Energy Code. Bef re construction is completed, this building will be inspected for that the plans and specifications c_,vend b> this :alcuIaticn are in c mptiance with the Florida compliance in accordan w Section 553.9008 F.S. Energy Code.__— OFFW l/W iSIGNATURE: ? ] j BUILDING ICI Lei nnTF /./"'LAB _ DATE: a 4 L PERMIT NO CHECKED by SECTION 5 WORKSHEET FOR ENERGY CALCULATIONS BUILDING DESIGN BY COMPONENT PERFORMANCE APPROACH FORM 50OA-89 Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building Construction HEATING DESIGN Uo — WALLS Wall Surface Winter Totals Type Area, ft2 U-Value Type 1 Type 2 4 1 Q 1t2 x x 4t'6 = ce— Jyp Type 3 x Type 4 x Type 5 x Total A wall 1. 23 ` Total 2. 1 c Door Surface Winter Type Area, ft2 U-Value Type 1 x 5 = Type 2 x Type 3 x Total Adoor 3• (°' Total 4. Q Glazing Surface Winter Type Area, ft2 U-Value Type 1 21 x _ 0 1 Type 2 x Type 3 x Total Aglazing 5. 1 Total 6. Total 2 Total 5Aow7• ft2 Heating 8. line 1+3+5 line 2+4+6 S Io 5} Uow = 9. line 8 line 7 Uow Actual 3FromTable5-2: Uow Allowed COOLING DESIGN OTTV — WALLS Wall Surface Summer TDeq Totals Type Area, ft2 U-Value See Table Type 1 Type 499 x x x TB) x— 3.071 Type 3 x x Type 4 x x Type 5 x x Total Awall 10. 23 + Total 11. Door Surface Summer TDeq Type Area, ft2 U-Value Type 1 2-6 x 5 x Type 2 x x Type 3 x x Total Adoor 12. 20 Total 13-4-40— Glazing Orient. Surface OSF Shading N, S, E, etc.) Area, ft2 Coefficient x ( x)— x ( x)= llT x ( x x ( x Total Aglazing 14. 4 Total 15A. Sum e x Or U Value x3) Total 15B. line 14 Total Aow 16. Total Cooling 17. 1 1 + 4- 14 OTTVow = 2 ) _ — s 11 +1 +15A+15B line 17 line 16 OTTVow Actual From Table 5-2: 01<•11! OTTVow Allowed Roof Type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Total Aopaque roof Skylight Type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Total Askylight Total Aor HEATING DESIGN Uo — ROOF Surface Winter Totals Area, ft2 U-Value x x — x - Surface Winter Area, ft2 U-Value x x x Total 20. 1 O2<0 Total 22. C) Total -,Heating 24. line 20 + 22 Uor = i a2 _ ,7Jj 500 = 25. - line 24 line 23 Uor Actual From Table 5-2: - UorAllowed 21. O 23. _ ft2 line 19 + 21 HEATING DESIGN Uo — FLOOR Floor Surface Winter Totals Type Area, ft2 U-Value Type 1 6M x Q-5 = Type 2 x = Type 3 x — Type 4 Total Afloor 33. x = ft2 Total Heating 34. Uof = n1 5:> — 13,35. 2, fJ— line 34 line 33 UofActual From Table 5-2: h 2 Uof Allowed COOLING DESIGN OTTV — ROOF (If skylights used) Roof Surface Summer TDegr Totals Type Area, ft2 U-Value See Fig. 54) Type 1 x x _% Type 2 x x Type 3 x x = Type 4 x x = Total Aopaque roof 26. (3i Total 27. Skylight Surface Shading Type Area, ft2 Coefficient Type 1 x 138 x Type 2 x 138 x Type 3 x 138 x Total Askylight 28. -© Total 29A. Summer U-Value A T x ( x Total 29B. line 28 Total Aor 30_ 13150c) Total Cooling 31. 7f, li,e 26 28— 27 + 29gA + 29B OTTVor = i 35. line 31 line 30 OTTV Actual From Table 5-2: OTTVor Allowed HEATING DESIGN Uo AVERAGING* (sec. 502.2(a)) U Envelope Allowable (take U values from Table 5-2): x )+( x )+( x ) UoW AoW (line 7) Uor Aor (line 23) Uof Aof (line 33) AE (line 7 + line 23 + line 33) U Envelope Actual (use actual calculated U values): = UE Allowed x )+( x )+( x ) U'ow (line 9) AoW (line 7) Wor (line 25) Aor (line 23) U'of (line 35) Aof (line 33) AE (line 7 + line 23 + line 33) = UE Actual Cooling OTTVs may not be averaged. WALL R-VALUES BUILDING COMPONENT DESCRIPTION WALL TYPE 1 WALL TYPE 2 WALL TYPE 3 WALL TYPE 4 WALL TYPE 5 Exterior air film 17 l / Stucco Block Stud Firring strip Insulation l ,O O Wall board 4-rj Solid Other t k*% Other Other Interior air film R TOTAL-5 U=11R 8 08 AREA q''q 1 Gig Weight (Ib/.sq. ft.) 5 7 IF FRAME: Size x t Inches O.C. ROOFICEILING R-VALUES BUILDING COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ROOF TYPE 1 ROOF TYPE 2 ROOF TYPE 3 ROOF TYPE 4 ROOF TYPE 5 Room air film Wall board Truss Insulation Other ki Other ptoa,6-r_ _ N' 2 5 Other Lin Other Outside air film R TOTAL U = 1 /R r., AREA (sq. ft.) U _ TC IF FRAME: Size x Inches O.C. Roof Type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Total Aopaque roof Skylight Type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Total Askylight Total Aor I Uor = HEATING DESIGN Uo — ROOF Surface Winter Totals Area, ft2 U-Value q 11 $do x x - x - 19. 15 Surface Winter Area, ft2 U-Value x — x — x = Total 20. Ol— 21. Total 22. 23. ft2 Total Heating 24. 1, o(2 0 line 19 + 21 line 20 + 22 25. line 24 line 23 Uor Actual From Table 5-2: © Uor Allowed HEATING DESIGN Uo — FLOOR Floor Surface Winter Totals Type Area, ft2 U-Value Type 1 3" j40 x 2. S = 33.75C Type 2 x — Type 3 x — Type 4 Total Afloor x = 33• 13, — ft2 Total Heating 34. Uof = 3 k 1 SIC) 35. line 34 line 33 Uof Actual From Table 5-2. 3' 0- Uof Allowed COOLING DESIGN OTTV — ROOF (If skylights used) Roof Surface Summer TDegr Totals Type Area, ft2 U-Value (See Fig. 5.1) Type 1 Type 2 j I 1 x_ x _, 3 Type 3 x x = Type 4 x x = Total Aopaque oroof26. 134 Skylight Surface Type Area, ft2 Type 1 x Type 2 x Type 3 x Total Total 27. 8 `-t6 Shading Coefficient 138 x ) _ 138 x ) _ 138x )_ Askylight 28 _© Total 29A. b Summer U-Value A T x ( x ) = Total 29B. • 4' line 28 Total Aor 30 13i scC o Total Cooling 31. 1 9,84 8 line 2 28 27 + 29 + 29B 1 J{SOTTVor = I _ 35. S• line 31 line 30 OTTV Actualr From Table 5-2: .5 OTTVor Allowed HEATING DESIGN Uo AVERAGING* (Sec. 502.2(a)) U Envelope Allowable (take U values from Table 5-2): x )+( x )+( x ) Uow Aow (line 7) Uor Aor (line 23) Uof Aof (line 33) r t III IG / T III IG L0 t III m JJf U Envelope Actual (use actual calculated U values): = UE Allowed x )+( _ x )+( x ) U'ow (line 9) Aow (Ilne 7) U'or (line 25) Aor (line 23) U'of (line 35) Aof (line 33) AE (line 7 + line 23 + line 33) = UE Actual Cooling OTTVs may not be averaged. WALL R-VALUES BUILDING COMPONENT DESCRIPTION WALL TYPE 1 WALL TYP-E2 WALL TYPE 3 WALL TYPE 4 WALL TYPE 5 Exterior air film I7 Stucco Block Stud Firring strip Insulation 1 Wall board Solid Other LAIL 2b Other Other Interior air film R TOTAL U=11R AREA Weight (lb/,sq. ft.) IF FRAME: Size 2 x 4: Inches O.C. t 4: ROOF/CEILING R•VALUES BUILDING COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ROOF TYPE I ROOF TYPE 2 ROOF TYPE 3 ROOF TYPE 4 ROOF TYPE 5 Room air film 8 Wall board Truss Insulation f Ct1 Other Other Gac iSfi, h N 1 + 2 Other I V-SI, un Other Outside air film RTOTAL 2AA QL`, 1 U = 11R AREA (sq. ft.) U _ TC U 7(b IF FRAME: Size x Inches O.C. SANFORD ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 2522 S. PARK DRIVE • P.O.BOX HH o SANFORD, FLORIDA 327731@PHONE (407) 322-1562 • FAX (407) 330-1764 June 12, 1990 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN RE: Load Calculation for Ace Hardware, Sanford, Florida 10 Loads: 18) 2'x4' layins @ 160 watts 2,880 watts 150) 8' 2-lamp strips @ 144 watts 21,600 watts 8) 4' 2-lamp strips @ 80 watts 640 watts 4) 175 watt dusk -to -dawn 700 watts 3) exit lights @ 100 watts 300 watts 3) emergency lights @ 100 watts 300 watts 16) duplex receptacles 3 circuits @ 18.00 watts 5,400 watts 31,820 watts 240 volts 132.58 amps 30 Loads: 4) 18.71 kw heat strips 74,840 watts 1) 10 kw heat strips 10,000 watts 84,840 watts 240 volts 353.50 1.73 204.33 amps 10 Load 132.6 amps 30 Load 204.33 336.93 amps We are proposing a 600 amp 30 service fused at 500 amps. lnf&e H79-fd urm+- c Z,5 Z-Z- F:t, 5Z-77) 3zz A Components and accessories 8112 Fire Control Panel Microprocessor -based fire alarm control and reporting Cost-effective add -on capability Expandable system capacity Integrated security or process monitoring control Remotely controllable from central station Improved lightning protection Reduced false alarm Supplemental power supply Fire test Alp hwff • Visual, audio and tactile feedback • Trouble annunciation Fire Alarm _ Easy to read English display Easy to use CoMmand • Decorator finishes • Alarm memory Cen • One -touch control "function" keys 360 Fire Alarm • See system status at a glance Command • Arm your system quickly, easily Center • One -touch control "function" keys System expansion • 134 individual points of protection Pinpoint alarm sources Control each point individually Accessories You can monitor a wide range of security and environmental processes and equipment with the 8112 system. Smoke detectors Fixed temp. heat detectors Heat rate of rise detectors Sprinkler system monitoring Fire bells and horns Listings, Approvals L260 71-04937-000 The 8112 has earned the following: Underwriters Laboratories UL) listings Household Burglary and Fire Commercial Burglary —Local Commercial Burglary —Central Station B Commercial Fire —Local Commercial Fire —Central Station Commercial Fire Transmitter Commercial Burglary and Fire — Local Commercial Burglary and Fire — Central Station Supervision of audible devices Elevator recall Door release Chemical extinguishing systems Phone line supervision Dual phone line capability Local Fire Test Factory Mutual approved Commercial Fire California Fire Marshal approved New York Bureau of Standards and Appeals approved Pending: Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (U.L. C.) Radionics The Security -Communications Company A few good words about r1re protection: Value The 8112 Fire Control gives you the advantages of a system that fulfills the tough requirements of NFPA 71.5 Central Station and 72A Local in the same control panel with the industry -leading 8112 security system. That not only gives you today's most advanced fire alarm control, but also saves you money, time and headaches trying to match dissimilar systems to provide both fire and security protection. _.Aa State-of-the-art The 8112 Fire Control Panel uses microcomputer electronics to offer extensive flexibility and a variety of features rarely available in other fire alarm systems. The 8112 has earned a reputation for unsurpassed reliability in numerous government, industrial and commercial applications. The 8112 Fire Control Panel is enclosed in a tamper -resistant steel cabinet. System status is provided at command stations mounted near the fire panel, orremotely in other convenient locations. a Expandable You can get instant reporting of up to 134 individual points of protection. Reports from specific devices in a fire system could include waterflow, valve tamper, smoke detectors, thermostats and manual pull station alarms. Simple programming allows for additions, deletions or changes in types of sensors as your needs change. The 8112 expansion system can surround your building in a tight network ofsecurity. You oryour central station operators will be able to identify the precise source of an alarm or trouble. Easy Yo)u control the system from the attractive Alpha II Command Center 011VIf IF ,`/ !]% H„ I I Programmable The 8112 fire control is an eight -zone reporting system. The eight zones may be expanded to report up to 134 individually annunciated points of protection. Each zone is individually programmable and may be used for all types of fire alarm initiating devices, supervision of automatic sprinkler and other fixed extinguishing systems, industrial process supervision and as a burglar alarm. The display of the Alpha II can precisely define the source of an alarm or trouble condition. Savings The 8112 system has been designed to greatly reduce installation and maintenance costs. Since the 8112 is power -limited, Article 760 of the National Electrical Code permits the use of UL listed fire cable rather than conduit for external circuits, thereby further reducing installation costs. Flexibility Between fires, the 8112 is at work 24 hours a day as a multi -featured high security system. In addition to system expansion, the 8112 may also be used to report intrusions, medical emergencies or other disturbances. It may even be used to control and monitor almost any device or appliance in your building. COMMAND It speaks your language. The Alpha II can identify individual smoke or heat detectors, waterflow alarm switches, supervisory devices for suppression systems, or any other type of sensor in the installation. From the Alpha II, security or fire alarm personnel can also silence audible alarm devices and reset the control panel or smoke detectors. Reference A convenient reference guide provided with the Alpha II indicates the code entries to be used for the control functions and contains explanations of possible system trouble displays. This guide is inserted behind the Alpha II for quick reference by responding fire fighters or other authorized personnel. Code entry files may also be maintained at appropriate fire department dispatch centers for quick reference. Printouts Records of user, service and alarm activity may be printed out at the central station or are locally at your facility. r'idylxbvffr.i'i^!'++i"e°'!r'r`.fi,.'VG'.!} r>"r".`''...t''",t..-"e_ ysi.``.n'r"W"" g"' '4 4.r•'>-r s.-..,,.rn.TM"`M;.Mw ^r-y+-s,:-!. ,..,..,y+•y'•v=;Y`^"TM'•u,-r a --• i ENGINEERING LAYOUT AND SURVEY PROFESSIONAL ALARM SERVICES, INC. SENTRY ALARM SYSTEMS SONITROL SOUTHEAST, INC. ALLGUARD/DICTOGRAPH ALARMS SONITROL OF POLK COUNTY, INC. SONITROL OF FT. MYERS, INC. CONSOLIDATED SOUTHERN SECURITY, INC. SONITROL OF JACKSONVILLE DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR Prospect's Name .5 qA —" V e 6 Date g ` a'? - a Address i , S t4L Submitted By Telephone # _ AS5 Tk FF T- 1 SQUARE _ FT. w it AR. -f t4 l RE 1,4 Q Rlsxx SAPIFORDJFI E EAR M N 130 RE WHITE -CUSTOMER YELLOW -SALES PINK -FILE COPY