HomeMy WebLinkAboutJewett Lane 24648 Plans Sewer improvements City of SanfordFIELD ORDER FORM P?'oject Name• Jewett Lane Sewer improvements No. 5 Comer: _City of Sanford Date:rebruary -14, 1990 Location: Jewett bane - Sanford Project No.: Contractor: Hoenco Inc. CPH Project No.: 50602.52 F.D.E.R. Project No. N/A Descriptioa of Field Order Subject: Drawing No, 7 - Lift Station Details On the profile drawing of the lift station building, wall reinforcement is shown' as being *4 bars at 6" O.C. This spacing is incorrect. Contractor shall be required to install 44 bars only at filled cells located at building corners and openings as indicated on the attached building plan sketch. This Field Order has been issued to clarify, interpret or to order minor changes which does not effect the Contract Price or contract Time. Issued By: Accept ,d`' r: ENGINEER CONTRACTOR FIELD FORM C CX /.VSTAGL PLUG YAGYL° G * VeerIGAL CLFARANC� A.BGVE F/Ni7G GRAOL� we T'/�F, oe EQvAL' uALt 5ev- Vt<Na W/ 12 VOLT FAN "t�!R s"MIN: �A r-roF,l STANv5Y 6ATTrFRY O/1cH.re�e� Fvc/�� o-TSOP�L 1 - Ca�N��ATQiZ I I 2 ' _ 9-LURY PL416 WLV47 • /� = o" • I I AIR Lf>fsE - _ 1 I VA ;rYP.) _ I1 1A 2t� INS rl 1✓ ' FnNAU5i PI Pi~ MIN. A"5 FLQ. WVAF'- r2ap, W/ 1I�a7 IZ�KT 13'- IN���I ATION- $P I / 2'x3' ALUM• }IATG�I ��7t<�l —�' 11 cz�;�r-rPCL� jKp� O O AUX. FNG/NE TO � F, � �. d� - cw�rz w/ LOGKIF1Ca -SUYPG/E/7 Y oWAAf- ' FoR 1 O /,VSTAL L AT/O.V 1 1 1 I ` O L3Y CiJVTKACTpK • �"� ' WALL �1 3�q"x 1"YEE� � R�CE�7- JI ("--+IIGKGONG- 2Z — �—�—JI • �/ "6ATf VALVE• � ' W�.9�YC.t'FLG'W ' Pi?EYENTE/e • , L� IaOUPfLE 3 -C7" MGU.ViL'O ON WALL ' [�cr1�M t-ow�i Irlylnl^ 1a� ALUM, TF�I-1 NOi VIi rcov 7� LG�• To Lrp) CaQ6 FLAK Wi CITY 1sUtxa. Pt &u& lv/Io WWF AOV PLAN L~GN� = FILLED C E l.l. W/ za 4 R E BHR Conklin, Porter and Holmes O ENGINEERS, INC. 500 W. FULTON LTON 5TREET POST OFFICE BOX 1976 1976 . DANFORD, FLORIDA 32772-1976 ��ELD D/PDE/� 95 f1A'PR0VEy ,(3Y. Z IA 90 1\/7- GENERAL NOTES 1. The following corporations to,be contacted by the Contractor for verification of utility locations: City of Sanford (Water a0d Sewer) I Florida Public Utilities Florida Power and Light Co. Southern Bell and A; T. and T. , 2. The location of all existing utilities along the pipeline route shown on the Plans have been determined from the,best available information, and are given for the convenience of the Contractor. The Engineer assumes no responsibility for accuracy. Prior to the start of any construction activity, it shall be the contractor's responsibility to notify the various utilities, and to make the necessary arrangements for any relocations of these utilities with the owner of the utility. The Contractor shall exercise caution when crossing an underground utility, whether shown on the Plan or located by the utility company. All utilities which cannot be avoided during construction shall be relocated by the respective utility companies, and the Contractor'shall cooperate with them during relocation p p g operations. Any delay, inconvenience, or expense caused the Contractor by the relocation of the various utilities shall be incidental to the P P contract, and no extra compensation will b_ allowed. .3. All disturbed areas are to be grassed and mulched unless noted otherwise. 4. These plans do not show all service lateral locations or private buried utilities. It is the Contractor's responsibility to locate and protect all p Y buried utilities. Any interruption of service shall be coordinated with owning utility. All sewer laterals connected to the 'sewer lines to be abandoned shall be connected to the new sewer line whether shown or not al no addrhonal exPc•n5e to 'owner. 5. Pipe joints can be deflected as recommended by Pipe Manufacturer to accomplish horizontal and vertical alignment changes generally shown on plans. Fittings are required at all locations where the change in alignment is beyond the manufacturer's deflection limits per joint. At Contractor's option, fittings may be utilized to accomplish pipe alignment changes ratter than deflecting joints, with no extra compensation. 6. All piping installed within the right-of-way of City, County, State or private agencies shall be in accordance with a permit to construct issued by the regulatory agency. Whenever the specifications and drawings conflict with the requirements of the permit, then the requirements of the permit shall govern and the cost of abiding with the provisions of the permit shall be considered incidental to the 'contract. Copies are available at Engineer's office. 7. All elevations are based'on USC and GS datum. 8. Provide round valve box covers on all force main valves. 9: Unless specifically indicated otherwise, the Contractor shall be responsible for'any and all charges and/or expenses associated with the relocation and/or support of various utilities, power poles, etc. 10. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to maintain in service, all existing utilities encountered during construction unless otherwise indicated in the drawings. Any piping which may be removed during construction without undue interruption of service may be removed and replaced by the Contractor with the permission of the Engineer and Owner. 11. Before working with or around'existing utilities, the Engineer and Owner shall be contacted. 12. The Contractor shall store constructionequipment and material only in those areas approved by the Owner. Security of construction equipment and materials shall be the resporisibility of the Contractor. Public rights -of -way may not be utilized for storage of equipment or materials unless specifically approved. i 13. Where property markers, section corners, survey marks, such as stones, pipes or other monuments are encountered, the Engineer and Owner, are to be notified before ttrey are moved. The marker shall be protected and preserved until the Engineer and Owner, an authorized Surveyor or agency has witnessed -or referenced their locations. The markers strall be replaced by an approved Surveyor at the Contractor's expense. 14. For each respective pipe line construction required, the Contractor shall field verify the location, depth and alignment of all existing pipes, cables, etc., to be crossed or connected to. If the Contractor deems necessary, a change in alignment or depth, or additional fittings, bends or couplings, which require a departure from the contract drawings or a relocation of existing utilities, details of such departures, relocations, or additional fittings, including changes in related portions of the project and the reasons therefor shall be submitted with shop drawings. Approved departures shall be made at no additional cost to the Owner. 15, All buried valves to be provided with wrench nut operators, extension stems (if required) and valve boxes with rovers. See typical details. The Contractor shall supply one valve wrench of Sufficient length to operate all valves installed under this contract. 16. All buried C.I. and D.I. piping shall have rnnchanical or push -on joints unless otherwise indicated. 17. All above ground C.I. and D.I. piping shall. have flanged joints unless otherwise indicated. 18. All buried pressure piping 4" diameter and larger shall have concrete thrust blocking at all bends of 22-1/2" degree or more unless noted otherwise on plans. Thrust blocking shall be in accordance with the specifications and. typical details. 19, Minim! um, cover for force mains within public rights -of -way shall be 36" unless otherwise indicated. 20.. Where two pipes cross with a vertical clearance of'less than 6", a concrete saddle shall be provided for the lower pipeline and a concrete cradle for the upper pipeline unless otherwise indicated in the specifications. 21. D.I.P. shall be minimum thickness Class 50 unless otherwise indicated. P.V.C. gravity sewer pipe shall be SDR 35. P.V.C. pipe P sure s rei e shall be . DR 18,AWWA C-900. Conklin Norter ENGINEERS,' INC. P 500 W. FULTON STREET OST OFFICE BOX 1976 22. Typical details as shown are to illustrate the Engineer's intent and are not presented as a solution to all construction problems encountered in the field. The Contractor may alter the method of construction to suit field conditions, providing he submits a proposal for alternate method to Engineer for approval and uses materials as designated in the specifications. 23. All trees, shrubs, etc. along the lines of construction shall be protected unless otherwise noted. 24. The Contractor shall be responsible for disposal of all excavated material. 25. Chapter 553-851 of the Florida Statutes requires that an Excavator notify all gas utilities a minimum of two (2) working days prior to excavating. The drawings show only the approximate location of gas mains identified by the gas company and do not show service lines. 26. Repair and placement of all private and public property affected by this work shall be restored to a condition equal to or better than existed before commencing construction work. All drives and mail boxes shall be temporarily restored to usable condition the saine day as disturbed and restored to original or better condition within 5 working days from the day disturbed. 27. The Contractor shall upon request be provided with a copy of each permit which has been obtained by the Owner including DER permits and railroad permits. Building permits and certain other permits required to be obtained by the Contractor shall be so obtained. The Contractor shall abide by,the terms and conditions of all permits. Any discrepancy between permit requirements and details or conditions on 'these plans shall be called to the attention of the Engineer in writing. 28. Unpaved driveways are to be repaired to equal or better conditions than prior to construction. Such repair work shall be incidental and no extra pay is allowed nor is there a pay item for unpaved drives, streets, etc. 29. Overhead and above grade utilities are not shown on plans. The Contractor shall use caution when working around utilities. The Contractor shall become familiar with exposed utilities as well as buried and take them into consideration in his bid proposal. 30. Traffic controls by Contractor as per manual on "Uniform Traffic Control Devices" U.S. Department of Transportation. 31. Contractor shall notify all local emergency personnel a minimum of 24 hours prior to blocking any roadway. 32. All fittings shall be C.I. or D.I. 33. Pipe slope is to be maintained through the manhole. Main line invert given corresponds to the flow line center point within the manhole basin. 34. Manhole top elevation shown is approximate to existing conditions and may require field adjustment. See standard detail sheet. 35..A lateral separation of at least 10' shall be maintained between water and sanitary sewer lines. When water and sewer lines cross with less than 18" vertical separation, they shall be encased in concrete for a distance of 10' on either side of the crossing. "As Built" information relative to location of all valves, fittings, mains, and services shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to final inspection. 36. Disturbed or damaged grass areas designated for sodding are to be, regraded to preconstruction conditions or better. Sod shall match existing grass type and shall be maintained by the Contractor until a healthy stand of grass has been established and accepted by the Owner. � I��W � �•L_C. �JO I C7 r� VEND PIPE r� E�UX (5 E - - rc�-tAIL -I'H DAT E TO f SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 m TEL 305 322-6841 TEL 305 831-5717 PROJECT CONTROL STATLER SERVICE & SUPPLY j i i ALLC>Vvpr"1,c .I: s.' W WOOD SHEETING CR066 W/PwG_ N.T. 5 TRENCH F AS QEQ'R WIDTH U NDI STU R$ E.D 50) L I �-�EDD(NC•� REQ' O TYPICAL SECTION i SWAM GENERAL.NOTE9i 1. THRUST BLOCK AREAS SHALL BE POURED AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL. e, BLOCKS TO' EXTEND FULL LENGTH OF FITTINGS, JOINTS SHALL NOT BE -COVERED. 3. BIDE OF BLOCKS SHALL BE FORMED WOOD FORMS SHALL BE PRESSURE B 4; TREATED'WITH PRESERVATIVE. 4. BLOCKS FOR ALL BENDS SHALL BE SIMILAR TO BLOCK FOR 904 BEND. 0. RISE AND SPREAD OF BLOCKS NOT TO EXCEED 439• ANGLE. a. ALL PLUGS (STOPPERS) SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM CONCRETE WITH 3 MIL. POLYETHYLENE. NOTEi r �t'` .%'•� *LOCK HEIGHT "A" TOPE EQUAL TO OR LEGO THAN HALF THE DEPTH OF , BURY (H). "A" SHALL.NOT BE LESS THAN THE PIPE DIAMETER. TEE: W PL.0 G N T.6. TEE N.T.S. ri THRUST BLOCK AREAS IN 80. FT. (A X B) + PIPE IZE; (IN.) 900 BEND 450 BEND 22 1 /20 BEND � 11 1 /20 BEND TEE & PLUG 14 0.90 0.50 0.39 0.10 �V 0. 60 -- 6 2.00 1.10 0.86 0.30 1.40 8 3. 60 1.90 1. 00 0.50 1,0 6.30 3.00 1.30 6.80 3.90 f 12 8.00 4.30 2.20 1.10 - 5.68 1� 10.90 3.90 .3.00 1.34 - 7.70 1,6 14.22 7.69 3.92 2.01 10.05 1 1 7.99 9.74 4.96 2.55 12.70 OTEi AREAS BASED ON SOIL BEARING OF 3000 P.S.F. i DESIGN TEST PRESSURE 0 130 P.B.I. I3L_0CILING FORMS \-- UND16TUP-BED �E I TYPI CAL 90° BEND PWG DETN L N.T. 6. N.T. -5.PLLU G. N.T.3. THRUST BLOCK DETAILS c��. v_�ILSCo�rJ IIii�Illll „ � lull- • 36o M/At/. FOR R'/ 0Z414 y5, lobo "M/N. FROM BASE OF 1= �i9/G ROAD T.Qf,►Cfl TO TOP pF Ca5'/NG �'O�P .PA/L Ro.9.o � Jill I=11 1= 1= I I = I III - I =11II IIIII f;-1 L C�51r�JC�, v.J�t^_L_-rHiC_1C_r.J _;S� P�� ��� C _ice I r GASINCt F�IP� ✓NQLL �X �Mr_ FIa��T t'/W W���TH aT ALL t`'r G2C�I�1G� L _17 Ic)r\JS r\Jr-4�- I�i �` I'I rjr-�r.1%Ir•JC-7 If`�CJr�� WOOF/ jK'Jr_Jj, �ilZ[ STEEL CASING PIV_r_- BORING & JACKING: DETAIL ACTIVI TY NAME DATFE ~ DESIGNED BY M.L.C./®.A.C. /8 DRAWN BY: R.B. BUTCHER -i /8 �+ CHECKED BY' M.L.C./L.W.H. 3/8 FOR �� APPROVED BY: DAVID A. CIERACH 3/8 REGISTRATION NO: 38642 DATE VA1,V5- W>rLL �J; 1L-,\J>= - - � N �l--I Ord i?jL.SJCJ°C_ UtPC AR.'EA FOR 45 ° BEND WYE N.T. 6. I I ,q I '� • # y17 C O A l- O A C zit IZ" wl�rH TYPICAL THRUST BLOCK DETAIL SCALE, AS SHOWN DRAWING NO. 1 2 of 8 DATE' JAYV., 1 989 REVISION APPROVED JOB NO. S06102, .48 � w 4 , . i \ . f._ . - y - \\ `, I . •'\ y 1 `\ \ \ l 5CALE : 1' - 30� \ iVOTF . \ 1 ic'E-MOVIe TRFE'S, EfIVI/.5h; ETC .4S kE'QC//R.eo ,Ole NEW WCWI< ANv AS APPiPo✓EO B� \ It 1 I I * ,. \ , . f, '` \ I- a \ j{�,i//o ad q ,sp� 11q� r - Ens r R/W �.,INE � ' A �p o — _ pn : =., _ _ N N -, Q \hP r Q Q u 7}'a �D pQ \�,p ye `�4 . V lb $Q `o P .32. .3,G.J�'Q Vt I W m Ih `,ti S o Alto � Q = 3.p o `°Q ' ` LV Q It, ,`g QQ .Q Q . -\- - \ - a J F I .a' ' ti - . 19►0 ' - - 1AF00 ,`ryP 15+00 '16+00 I\� 17f00 ` 18+00 _ 11 xlyTt o cE at _ v — — *, O — — — ._. WEST R/W LtNE . I- F� , L5 MAX /0.0 aX. `rDQ \ j . I I ,- PiP�F' G F'!�C FOKG'FM.4/N I• 1`, ,Y � f I � (5' .c. F aoR,e5.' � _ J -,_ - W _ , - 1 . R J ,�/NG F-'/P,E O / CA -3 .Z �, < � � I II \ � o � iI. I 1 i� h `YAGL TH/C,E'�c/E�'� �-o ,. , 11 K II I _ 11 0 II 1 " � I� I � z ' JERRY AVENUE \ Y , . �� _ _ - _ _..__ _ _ _ .--- _- - ------ _. -- -- --- - -_--- - - _ _ - _ T _ _ -_ _ __-- --__ _._.--. _ _.-_ - - -- - -.. ----- -- -_ __--- - - - - --= .---- _-_ - -_ - - - �-.__ -___.- - - - -- - '� - -- - . ___ _ ---__ -.-__ - _- _ _ - ^- _- - - - -- - --- - _ _ _ _ _-- - -- - - _- .._- _ � _ - ._ - - -__ =-- • -,_--- - - - __ -_ --- - _.. __ - -- - - - - - - -- - _ _ - - -- _ - - - -- ._----- ---- -- -•--- -• - _ - -- ------ _ _ _...- - - - - - -- _-.----_- - -- - -- -.--------,-.----I-•- _. _ _T -- -, --•----- - - --_ ,.__. -- _-- ----•• - -- _ - - -- _ _--- ----- _ -_ -_ _ - __ _ _ .--- ------------ - - - ----. - - _ _ - _ - -- .-- __ _ __-• -- .•---_,.---- - -- --.-. - --- -- .-- -_ -_--_- - -. -.._ �_ _ - -, u-- _ _ _ ,_�� -� ._ _-- � ..... ______ Fit_ _ --_._. _.. _, - _ ___ -_ _-- __ _ _.-. -- 1. -_ - •__— -- ._---- _ ----- ----- - - _ - _ .!__ _. -� _ .. ---� - /.f_/� - _ __ _ _ _. _ _._. _ . _ - --.- -. ___ _ . _ -.. ^._ — _ _X�� - --- - — - - - - - - - - _ _ - -- __ . _,__ ..- - _ @ w --- _ _ - __. - -- - __.. _ - --- .-I.._.. - Y Y . _. .._.._-- ww —_, __.__ _ -1- -- --_ _ _ _-_. - /�� - __ _ _— __ _ __ x x -- _ _.._ _ -- ._. -_- - — - - - -- -- - - -- r� �� �J'' —_ _ _ _ :.- _ _ __ _._ - _ -- - 1-' -- - - - -- _ _-- -- _� _ _ - _... _- - - f ---- -- - __ ti r -_ __ - �- _ .._.- - ..__ _ w�� .. - —._ - _ - —_ - - - -- -- w z a _ - __ _ —_ ---- -- - - ow _ _.. - - __ - - _ --- — _ - -._— ___-. _ - - ._ --- - ---- - — - -. .. 1- _.-- _. __---L-..-_.— W a a ¢ - ___.'_ —_ --_.. ._-._--_.._ -- - _ ___ _ __ ____.- _ —_ . _ I ---.-. ,_ _ _ _ 0 - _,_ , - -__......__---.'---- ----- .--------- ---.....__._ ._—_..... .-__.__.—_ _.—_ ....,.-__..._ --__. ._-..__ --. _.._ ___. .-...-_._ -_-_ �__... ___-_ _,.__—_ - _-_'_ —__ __-- — - _ = O _ _ - __.._. /i- -- - - - - ._ - --- - — -. 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' _ ,; . .. .. r 1 .. � l __ - ,, - �' " ,; .. _ ;;� .. 1 W s 0 0 y v W W U U t- } u w 3 i " cc C)O O a a rr 0 zo a o a Ww N w 4 HYDRANT jL p �h� SWA'. 36 -k 95. 9/ V Iq i MCP 37+00 n� A^r o nfaYeR— � I I I I ? �I 4 � �I I t �- 38t0(1 39+00 40+00 J' EXISTING FORCE MAIN ?+ y T o L7u-,. JL p/40 L.,t �- �X/ST al-IA1N L /N,L� �/t/C� P�O� •NYC �O.PCE MA/,V . E)T. / R AN TAI-LAT/ON o pelopos�� W441,1 13 TH. ST. 5'OP ALI- r, s7U, ogp ,4,e,!=�,ds ,e x /,5 tW/oE REMO ✓.9 L tgN.0 l;' F'L AC EMENT I GPGQ I 3 30 BASIN j .N I 4 - pole awATFR METER : G (METER.'•; no ° WALL T6//CAAle S , oa ALL t�iSTU,P,>��� Ail AS ----- a z �now >. h VUj o yq�Ve r s a. • I ti; �1`v 44+0() iz_- MA�HoIe I - G ........ -- - - .- -- ---- -- --- - --- --- _ - .... -- ---- - -- --- - - - - --- - -- --- --- --- --- ---- - -- _ -_-- _-- _— _ --- ---.._ _ - - - - _- - - — - - ----- --- - -... -- - --- " - ---- - -- ---- ---- _ --- - __.. 0 _ _ �, - -- _ -- — - - - --- ----- --- --- - ----- -- - ---- --- -- --- - - - .. __ _ _ - _. � --__. _, ,r _ _ ___._ _ . _ _ - - --- -- - -.. _ _- _ — --- --- - - --- -- --- — -- -- - ---- -- - - - - --._ .'---- - — -- — _ -_ -- - 37 • -00 38 00 39fOD 40tGt� �/ oo �00 ( Monho)e frome„and; Ild ,: egUol , tq Neenoh R1040 .,with ;O ,typq A Brick dam set in mortar non-r%king , lid', Or U.S. Foundry 420C _. Or Approved Equal NOTE: ALL MANHOLE COVERS TO 6E SET, AT FINISH GRADE 6 in. 3• - DIA. FHSH GRADE D USE SOLID CORE M.H. ' D/2 ORICXS TO SET RING it' COVER M.H. DIAMETER TABLE d TO FINAL GRADE IF REO'D. 8" D (4 COURSES MAX.) r2ATS `I PIPE DIA V MANHOLE DIA 'M' H 8' - 24' 4,-0'2r - 3e' 3•-o'> 38' sPEgAI M.H.rr PRECA57 IAANHOLECONFOR►IING TO A5TM SPEC C416 T � $ " _— of drop sewer to be at same elevation as of largest main line sewer. 7A .: 44 t00- 7/ I NOTE: SHOP DRAWNGS REQ•O ON ALL I' ` MANHOLES AND RING COVER AsSFileLEs DROP CONNECTION DETAIL (TY ' P ' ' FlL Drop manhole is required when H is greater than 2'--0'. /F N�C�SSA,�Zy PtPOP. G/tTfE KOR-N-SEAL FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS OR APPROVED EQUAL TO BE PROVIDED @ PIPE TO MANHOLE — 1� — -- JOINT. (PVC. SAN{TAF�,`( �E4�/Ei~ LIT1E� /.9 (�aev/� ✓,�w,�-T�w�-� � I ��o��'r�� TYPICAL MAiVH®LE . P,pYJP. Co Auld {/.4LYE I I peep. p u I �•� 2�5' �„ . M/itlr�G��.r1R Tt, � I 5.►aw c,sr- �—X.I �-nlvc� i� % �%��� N. �o CLARANc� �,t"Xt'�7" 5urr-�Ic��olrrr- ►aw cs�r �xl 5 nr.►� ���'opc�,Ev �o�zc,E' tira�vs Pi�� ; � �X/�T G /� M. � •SL,�,� t�,/ ,#��/2"DC•��•W �G "" G�Oss/N!a . iFieOM Aa�MY MAN4�'i �� ol�-ro �rrldvA � vrrc--1 wl v-r H (w) *4 Coivc,�-� PiPh �l =Ur �:�raC� tM1C rG�P�+gG>=tvl�r.lr VX15-riNC-1 •� a �1 'L/NK-3EAG" I /L�p/ -- f'.�'oP. � �llC � op .4r�i"Rol/Eo ryp FORCEMAIN INTERCONNECTION OETAIL uu®III ,N � ►II _(IIII EL. �3�0 � (,pMP�TION s56 ��Ut2�t�-----�.�,I.ri I.S U�:T>=�lA p� � � ` \ k N07T TO ,3'C6ILE -¢P tFtGATkotiS IIII -� \ / i'ROP. lo'iPl/C )z" IZ' 8/, 8u f= 0r�. r�•Ar �>=IL��IV� �1=rJE=A'T}.f 2lGlp PIAVINC�I INGL1JpING K/ /• /j }. WKiU l7rz'JV!✓i, f T�JCI�IC�!q>�_�F?�i� �r-L, j iANf7 Ir�J 't' a, W. -T-HI—j I N - �j 0/:ti l G% TD 9� 07/V% �1—d • c�ua>✓5- r�.�rvE�rr-rt Pr�c�os�r� �lav►►.IG . •5.��. 5v�cs- UN/.��1z E.4Gf,/ P-00T/N6 /2 "M//N TlP`PLCAlI R 14 WAlr' REPAIROIT H CROSSING DETAIL "As" "67• rn 3 A , r k Y • /TEM POURED IN PLACE DIM. "B" _ �_.. �., — i -- GENERAL: SEEPAGE RING, STD. • r 'r - A. CONTRACTOR MUST SUBMIT SPECIFICATION, SHOP DRAWING$, O PUMPS - GORMAN-RUPP,MODEL T6A24-B,6"x6"w/12-3/8"IMPELLER, 3 SELF PRIMING CENTRIFIGUAL OR APPROVED EQUAL WITH MOUNTING,' WEIGHT GALV. PIPE r, ''' ' OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS FOR ALL EL PRICAL, MECHANICAL AND FABRICATED COMPONENTS (INCLUDING ALL ARRANGEMENT AND BASES AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURERS 5 c STRUCTURS4, PIPS, VALVES, LIFT STATION EQUIPMENT, ETC.) OF �86 GPM @44 TDH. PIPE SLEEVE FOR WALL THE SYSTEM. O ELECTRIC MOTORS - NOTE GPM AND TDH, Z6 HP, /050RPM,.;, j PENETRATION SEAL' a �� GTE: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS TO BE PHASE, 60 CYCLE WITH OPEN DRIP PROOF CONSTRUCTION. ASSEMBLY PASSING _____ � DIM. A _ _ SUPPLIED BY THE PUMP MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO 3� AUXILIARY ENGINE -� 'WISCONSIN OR APPROVF�D EQUAL OPEN GASOLINE +, PIPE SEE TABLE•^ DELIVERY OF EQUIPMENT TO JOB SITE. ENGINE WITH PORTABLE GAS TANK. ELECTRIC START AND BATTERY, ' PIPE DIM.�%�� BATTERY CHARGER AND 12 VOLT FAN. -SIZE / 2 DIM.'�8" 2 C. EACH PUMP' SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH A PRESSURE GAUGE 0-50 4. AUXILIARY ENGINE IS TO BE MOUNTED SO EITHER PUMP MAY•.BE OPERATED WITH ELECTRIC MOTORS IN PLACE. PROPER SIZE PULLEY ;. 2' I/2 2 ' psi) AND SUCTION GAUGE (30-0-30 psi) AND EACH PUMP SHALL HAVE FITTINGS TO ACCOMMODATE SUCH. GAUGE$ SHALL BE IB TO BE MOUNTED ON ENGINE SHAFT AND BELTS FURNI-SHED FOR EACH PUMP. 1�I/2 4 2 _ __ _ . r - STAINLESS STEEL HOUSING APPROPRIATE FOR' SEWAGE USE. L} DIM.��B"� D. AREA SURROUNDING THE STATION AND WET WELL SHALL BE SODDED 2 - I/2 4 2 AND SUITABILITY RESTORED TO PREVENT EROSION. MECHANICALLY ADJUST- ( 4 6 2-I/2 ABLE SEGMENTED ELAST BUILDING: MERIC SEAL ASSEMBLY ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE INSPECTED BY CITY OF 2-3/4 SANFORD AND MEET THEIR REQUIREMENTS, THE SOUTHERN .STANDARD IO I4 3 WALL PEN�rTRAT�ON DTA�Lr BUILDING CODE, THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURER'S ASSOCIATION AND UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, AND NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION CODE. 14 16 119 20 (TYPICAL) I^v./• '-12 12AIKICA4, PAINTING:�XI 3-3/4 THIz11'' ��y�7 �q��•��Qp V K+'-�`� ���1/C� `V 1� �A� 1 � YV ITN HgAT' 1. ALL PAINT SHALL BE MANUFACTURED BY INTSROL CO.. INC. OR Floe-rf7AINT 5�rtF•ve 1`•.L7".'J I'c.Y�tJ1- I/� �1 raHlwi• L-.�1-711V APPROVED EQUAL. - 2. ALL PAINT SHALL BE APPLIEA WITH BRUSH OR ROLLER. �/yTr.G SLUM• K+1�G+ yfrri ..3. ALL COLORS SHALL BE SELECTED BY THE CITY. f x4 TrzvgE, (;' -0-r0OG 4. EXTERIOR WALLS SHALL RECEIVE ONE COAT OF INTERUL PLUVOL 11 V NT V A3�'',, /M• OAe�Lt�E 1 PRIMER AND TWO COATS OF INTERUL RUMAC MASONRY PAINT, 2O Yt2 Nl n '44INQ,,t Iz >~ V,// 5. INTERIOR WALL SHALL RECEIVE TWO COATS OF INTERUL RUMAC Ifrill �1 �/�/ �oO� ,+NUJ t �( �' 1 1}�•I I I �w 2 L W �/F 1 T+ �^' 1",G1 (Q {�+ •„ ��� y I/(a{ UTILITY UNDERCOATER AND ONE COAT' OF UTILITY ENAMEL PRIOR '1'O EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION. , I,.L �M' �U{ZIG�4N GLIB G�V1�Y 6. ALL EXPOSED PIPING (EXCEPT TAR -DIPPED PIPE) VALVES, METAL �y DOOR AND PUMP SHALL RECEIVE ONE COAT OF INTERUL RUSTINHIBITIVE SHOP PRIMER NO. 621 AND TWO COATS OF INTERUL GLAMORTEX ENAMEL (OUTDOORS) OR INTERUL PUNKOTE ENAMEL a I-� I �`^ 6fALy, MIP,3 C (INDOORS) . EXPOSED TAR -DIPPED PIPE SHALL RECEIVE TWO COATS OF INTSROI, GLAMORTEX ENAMEL (OUTDOORS) OR INTEROL PONKOTE ENAMEL (INDOORS) T�/RUST BLOCK ' I i I 1ZIP 1 YF.> T . NOTE • • I I ram- �i 11 MU)FFLI~iz (I I p 11 }�� \, l`/}K.t�J FAx,- I,& CT T P• � 7. 'WOOD TRIM SHALL RECEIVE,ONE COAT OF INTERUL UNDERCOATER No. 625 AND TWO COATS OF EXTERIOR TRIM ENAMEL.°BE�I/D ' - /NTERCOMA/F'CT/O�/ OF itlE{�/ ro'' ry 2x(d }?t=_{%�%0VI2 Y�+NTGC? Art. VM, sO�FI 1 (TyF- 1 8. CEILING SHALL RECEIVE ONE COAT OF INTERUL UNDERCOATER NO. 623. // CO"D./. TEE, M.✓. 2,�." cOG. 1 l ., �v PG!/G l/.9LI�E, M../ COM�LETEOC. ,=rFR NEW L T I!2" �I.T - llv" OG. G C?I I r. 29 PJ j?T, iX1f I%� ELT I 2 _ 5 �--_ _ .--- I <v" OG, CT1''l? O..G' EX/ST. .. G, F. N/ To B,E Q: . $5°BEND, M. ✓. THE eX/ST//itlG L /FAT $TA'�T/O/t/p t _ . ,SECT/O�c/ ,q,BANoo.VEO A�iE.� START-UP OF q �° "O /'� fLlAS ,SEEN Ti9k'cGi11 OUT OF t NEW L/F/" ,STAT/0.V Co90oe�1 MO, M. J 3'CR►�/CE. (R07,4reO 45 A,&TEEF VALVE UALV5 1 HO21Z, �.AyHVG"" /1IZ II� /NST4LL '' PLUG Y.4L vE rt /"M/�t/`TLIKi VALVE !/ERT/44L CLEA,PWi/IE ,EAL G��lOE 2tyc�'ldN CA�9C�� C2 ��c}�j ._' •r� . � I �. I L2-�,aG4•a�o-I� 4dNJ • - �� I � I Cv" m iz VI✓ NT W' e Lui ETA N b I • x2�N LINK-I�II� �:L 4�M,x' 111 I SAL � �e&,e oc- W i� 1447CH 7-1 3m I I �2I, G LIZ I` I � �olv Vl�tt N -_ �22 t7IZAIN T2/lP I MOiST(?12 ICI I� 1 l WATT LAW 2 45 CONT. G Oil C2V )T To I eAC1=_:tWA`l 2A1 -�- COM�.G-T"�1� �G�PiLL ---� • Ia �o �' I, n plz���Ag CoN�. �'�--•�'t.oAi' �WITG1-I� � �Cc�..��1� GoN�oLli;7��["•�t� �I � dR j�IZI✓GA6T LV-4,`r;zIG Gv, ta- I L > 13(JL t- ISO , Mnt2I�FL od61 MANLk?Lt- To -rM k, - N0 �UilE►� 60NT2oL LIbwr 1 K1C-� -ro ot! pI2oV IDt cq r3Y �L.�-. G�NTI�d•GT012. Co" C,ONG• t=Lcotz PIZAIW. 4 0 II VvNT W/ 12 VOLT I✓AN pmt�!j2 PrOM 5-,-rAN1;'5y FATTI;*Y C��N�1zATQi2 C 478-I"ANt�,�let NtC�I� WATV. ,6L. /7 7,3 \ \ .i C 0( 6 ",o/. `%O ° ,BEND, FL G. � INV. LIrV. 15.40 _ 3�q",c 1 TEEZ d RECEP�T. y I2'� -T+aIGK comc. P,�.1� ��P� n - ��a N ►o IA7ri4 F`UM I;a „oi P N L CON ELT N ON, EL. /7.23 ,ST,gT/ON d� DUAL I?IP� To < NCrr'�Gf�2T' Iv1aN�FaGTUIZ� To PIZoVII2> g�, _ J 1 W(;T WELL cdl`Krl_ ON ,' ' LEAD Flour ,ddr l ► 10NAL 6oNGIze7m IN TO � - ` ON EL. /G.Z3 GoM So G o G"AxmU vez lie M�T�S2 C �Y I�W�E2 Co L/ "GATE 1�AL VE ' • • #��N�A`T'�'- �'fl�Z V Y,�IN Y >= WET , "04pUMI OF( �/ LL 6 "+.9,BOl�E GRADE (,2) . 31•4 „ f10.1e B/06-1 EL. /3.00 �Qr�� aN� �IIZST IZIIJC� � G`c"loN To �1 231'� e0AX Cozz-4R "'1,BACAt WZL W F'REYENTE� _ - Q I 1, 9 1Z" IN ?�G,&STING� C ONE plG1� �. MOUNTED ON Wi9LL piDIJ,�LE 3 -O X �o - 8 STEEL DOORS H// IZOV ZN �. •.- -- {0" 1 ;: ,cam`f�M LoV�l�i�1=17}��N17 41rLV /0.5U , / NoTtrl.L�GT�IGAL ALUM. -- ° IrIh►GI; ��.n�a. To G '-o►X 31Ifk411 rOOV105 c� 44VW p P •, .i L3 ND M. ✓. � � 0 o E 9 �..,2'4 (/rt7TATED 9 °� ''' MO��T �I� vVi2 �A1~ f E1zs GoIJG La$ Wi GITY 1�L. p 1zGT C.i 114L vE ,Qox 5 �1'T I' 3"CL•R. �x� 10/10 4114�i= N�a1��� A1'V• tvt�TAL t7QoQ PLAN NGRI;1�i�Iz O to o/. 9D ,BEN,D, M.✓. ' PROFILE 6 "PLUG V-44 ✓E G "�/ 45 °,QENO, M.✓. LIFT. SECTION "A" -"A" STATIUM EXIST,/PROPOSED FORCEMAIN. UETAILS, INTERCONNECTION DETAIL ACTIVI TY NAME DATE Conklin Porter lSCALE NONE DRAWING NO. DESIGNED BY: M. L. Gph�ON 3 g�T LANE! rENAVET pp�� ��++ li �1�8��N�R�7 INC. DRAWN BY: C. b hUI„V(;j2 I-L1lj•L. 3•,� ;.., .. , . s. 0POST OFFICE BOX�1976 - 500 W. FULTON STREET 4 CHECKED BY M•L•G. / L.V�I. N. g� DATE! MARCH, /y89 Tw I V' Aflik I RE_T DATE TO FOR �I\� APPROVED BY: rAv1L7 4. 6-115$?� H �-go> 1 2718f A J.Double 5t1. Doors per Cit E'MENTb SANFOR�, FLORIDA 32771 TEL 305 322--6841 TEL 305 831-5717 PROJECT CONTROL REGISTRATION NO= JOB N0. 501OZ.48 CITY,F'SANFORID" 8/a� 2 N 0. DATE REVISION , APPROVED ` SiATLER SERVICE 8 SUPPLY r OCT i 1J13J IF 15A I PI/P2/AUTO ALTER. SEL.SW. TYPI LnConklin Q Z Z m Pc MI M2 &_� " 0--i " STAT 10 r#er and Holmes ENGINEERS, INC. POST OFFICE BOX 1976 500 W. FULTON STREET DAT E SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 TEL 305 322-6841 TEL 305 831-5717 TO NAMEPLATE F—= E==1 RESET O O ETM ETM Q Q F c PI /P2/AUTO ALTER.SEL.SW.- 120/23OV, 30 4W OVERHEAD SERVI (VERIFY EXACT LOCATION W/FPL) 3.,f1/0&IW6N-21—' PROJECT CONTROL CONTROL PNL .DISC. SW. INTERLOCK W/ DOOR E M A I ENCLOSURE CONTROL PANEL FRONT VIEW ---WEATHERHEAD G.E. TRANQUELL L.A.,O 91_15ECC001 0 METER 150A 3P MB IN NEMA 3R ENCLOSURE W/ LOCKIN HASP ON COVER • 6 GNq TO 5/8'x10-0"(MIN.) COPPERWELD GND ROD a 3/4" CWP —3# 1/0 & I,# 6 N-2" 15QA,3P. n_� F_jD01__ bc—I P., 15A (TYPICAL) TO P. S. CONTROLS '---)--SPARE SINGLE LINE POWER RISER DIAGRAM ACTIVITY DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: FOR � APPROVED BY: REGISTRATION NO: PHASE FAILURE 'RELAY DIVERSIFIED MODEL SLA/ALE 'LIGHTNING ARRESTOR a SURGE CAPACITOR •240V, 3P. MOTOR CIRCUIT PROTECTOR W/ADJ. MAG. TRIP ONLY. SIZE PER -MOTOR N/P DATA -3P, SIZE I.(TYPICAL) THERMAL O.L. SET PER MOTOR N/P DATA 15 230V, 30 PUMPS 15 —*--TO P. S. LTG. —TO P.S. RECEP. CONTROL PNL. NAME DATE WCH 3 /69 DPC 3/89 CEB 3 /89 CEB 3/89 6985 N0. DATE EXHAUST FAN WITH D C MOTOR PENN VENTILATOR CO. TYPE PIOV MERCOID-860-2-65 T—STAT— TO 12V DC BATTERY WtAI HLHt 'KUUF= LAMF'HOLDER 2—PAR 15OW INCAND LAMPS, 120V 0 LEGEND ------ UNDERGROUND RACEWAY © ELECTRIC MOTOR --i �-- NORMALLY OPEN RELAY CONTACT -- NORMALLY CLOSED RELAY CONTACT �R RUN INDICATING LIGHT A ALARM LIGHT ALARM BELL LR LEVEL CONTROL RELAY PUMP FAIL TIMER NT MOTOR STARTING TIMER ETM ELAPSED TIME METER MO MOTOR STARTER °. HAND —OFF —AUTO SELECTOR NOTES I. DO NOT SCALE THE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. REFER TO THE MECHANICAL, STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS, AND APPROVED MFR'S SHOP DRWGS, FOR THE EXACT LOCATION OF QLL EQUIPMENT. 2. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH N.E.C. AND LOCAL CODES. 3. ALL CONDUITS SHALL BE SCH. 40 PVC UNLESSIOTHERWISE NOTED 4. MOTORS SHALL BE CONNECTED WITH SEALTIGHT TYPE A FLEXIBLE CONDUIT. 5. ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER TYPE THHN. ; s x r. i CONTROL PNL (CP) • • �• •.�. :w•rau�• r pow•• �w � • METER & MAIN T I EF? pu 1T R-E, I.-Ils APFIR'OVAL DOE,3� NOT GRANT PER, T ll�,IIIUATE ANY APFILICAULE CODE. jCr-7:p 'VFIIS PLAN ft�Jg JDa AT ALL THOE-3, _-w im ml