HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-27-2023 RM MinutesCITY COMMISSION MINUTES z - FEBRUARY 273,2023 REGULAR MEETING The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Meeting on Monday, February 27, 2023, at 7:00 PM, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, and 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Art Woodruff Vice Mayor Sheena R. Britton Commissioner Kerry S. Wiggins, Sr. Commissioner Patrick Austin City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. City Attorney William L. Colbert City Clerk Traci Houchin Deputy City Clerk Cathy LoTempio Absent: Commissioner Patty Mahany CALL TO ORDER: 1) Meeting called to order by Mayor Woodruff at 7:04 PM. [4 191 111 a U'r [o] &N 101 1 a kri 01 1 a 111 2) Legislative Prayer by Nick Drake of Action Church. 3) Pledge of Allegiance 4) Presentations, Proclamations and Awards: BUSINESS OF THE COMMISSION: 5) Minutes: February 13, 2023 Work Session and Regular Meeting. Vice Mayor Britton moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Austin and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Britton Aye CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2023 REGULAR MEETING Commissioner Wiggins Aye Commissioner Austin Aye 6) CONSENT AGENDA [Commission Memo 23-030] Mayor Woodruff pulled Consent Item 6.E per staff's recommendation. Vice Mayor Britton pulled Consent Item 6.0 and 6.1) for further discussion. A. Approve the purchase of real property assigned to Seminole County Tax Parcel Identification Number 36-19-30-874-0000-0710 and addressed as 2416 Oak Avenue, for drainage purposes; Owners David A. and Amy J. Krazeise. B. Approve a consent to sublease relating to the City owned property located at 330 and 350 East Seminole Boulevard known as the (Sanford Pizza Company) between Colimodio Investments, LLC and the City of Sanford. C. Approve a nunc pro tunc extension and restatement of the facility agreement for the City owned property located at 1211 Historic Goldsboro Boulevard between the Goldsboro Westside Community Historical Association, Inc. (GWSCHG) and City of Sanford. D. Approve a nunc pro tunc extension and restatement of the facility agreement for the City owned property located at 1213 Historic Goldsboro Boulevard between the Goldsboro Front Porch Council, Inc. (GFPC) and the City of Sanford. E. Approve a sole source procurement to Veolia Water Technologies, Inc., (dba Kruger) in the amount of $1,899,757, to complete rehabilitation work on the existing Actiflo unit located at the North Water Reclamation Facility. F. Approve a procurement for consultant services to CPH, Inc., in the amount of CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 279 2023 REGULAR MEETING $259,700, for design services related to the Main Water Treatment Plant Improvements. G. Approve a change order to purchase order #38785 for utility line and hydrant repair materials for FY 2022/2023, to Ferguson Waterworks in the amount of $200,000 not to exceed the total amount of $350,000. H. Approve a special event permit, a noise permit and a waiver to City Code 90-9, for the `Seminole County Fair', from Friday, March 24, 2023 through Sunday, April 2, 2023. I. Approve a special event permit, a noise permit and an alcohol permit, for `Sanford Indie Market', on Sunday, April 2, 2023, with street closures from 2 PM — Midnight. J. Approve a special event permit, a noise permit and an alcohol permit, for the `Trucks Gone Wild — Trucks Tugs', from 5 — 10 PM on Saturday, April 22, 2023, with street closures from 2 PM — Midnight. K. Approve a special event permit for the `Sanford Historic Garden Tour', from 10 AM — 4 PM on Saturday, May 6, 2023. L. Approve a special event permit, with a noise permit for the `Ride to Remember', from 7:30 AM — 1 PM on Saturday, May 20, 2023, with street closures from 5 AM W,A001 M. Approve a special event permit, with a noise permit, for the `3`d Annual Juneteenth — a Freedom Festival', from 5 — 10 PM, on Saturday, June 17, 2023. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2023 REGULAR MEETING N. Approve a special event permit, for `Hero Invasion of the Library', from 10 AM — 1 PM on Saturday, September 30, 2023, with street closures for 8AM to 2 PM. O. Approve a change order to existing purchase order #38573 for additional services from CPH, Inc., to include alternative water supply well elevations, construction and development of one testing well, in the amount of $199,811.15 not to exceed a total amount of $1,839,521.15. Vice Mayor Britton moved to approve Consent Items A, B and F through O. Seconded by Commissioner Austin and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Britton Aye Commissioner Wiggins Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Absent After a brief discussion, Commissioner Wiggins moved to approve Consent Items C and D. Seconded by Commissioner Austin and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Britton Nay Commissioner Wiggins Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Absent 7) PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Second reading of Ordinance No. 2023-4723, regarding creating the City's Wastewater Back -Up Grant Program; Ad published Sunday, February 19, 2023. [Commission Memo 23-031] Commissioner Austin moved to approve Ordinance No. 2023-4723, on the first CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2023 REGULAR MEETING reading. Seconded by Vice Mayor Britton and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Britton Aye Commissioner Wiggins Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Absent B. First reading of Ordinance No. 2023-4724, for the first Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment within the WDBD, Waterfront Downtown Business District and to ensure a more equitable balance of residential and non-residential development within the WIC, Westside Industry Commerce for the transmittal of the proposed text amendment to the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) and relevant agencies for the Expedited State Review. [Commission Memo 23-032] Vice Mayor Britton moved to approve Ordinance No. 2023-4724, on first reading. Seconded by Commissioner Wiggins and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Britton Aye Commissioner Wiggins Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Absent C. First reading of Ordinance No. 2023-4725, to annex 19.90 acres located at project address 3850 Sipes Avenue; Owner, Jesus Image, Inc.; Ad published February 26, 2023. [Commission Memo 23-033] Vice Mayor Britton moved to approve Ordinance No. 2023-4725, on the first reading. Seconded by Commissioner Wiggins and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Britton Aye CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2023 REGULAR MEETING Commissioner Wiggins Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Absent D. First reading of Ordinance No. 2023-4726, to annex 3.72 acres located at project address 3585 Marquette Avenue; Owner, Csaba Oszlanczi; Ad published February 26, 2023. [Commission Memo 23-034] Vice Mayor Britton moved to approve Ordinance No. 2023-4726, on the first reading. Seconded by Commissioner Wiggins and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Britton Aye Commissioner Wiggins Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Absent E. First reading of Ordinance No. 2023-4727, to amend the Future Land Use designation for 1.83 acres at project address 4357 West I" Street from HIP -TI, High Intensity Planned Development Target Industry (County) to WIC, Westside Industry and Commerce (City of Sanford); Owners, Splash & Dash Inc., Carter L. Rucker. [Commission Memo 23-035] Commissioner Austin moved to approve Ordinance No. 4727 on the first reading. Seconded by Commissioner Wiggins and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Britton Aye Commissioner Wiggins Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Absent F. First reading of Ordinance No. 2023-4728, to amend the Planned Development CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2023 REGULAR MEETING zoning of approximately 4.22 acres, to modify land uses and dimensional standards for the Tuscany Village PD, at project address 4201 West I" Street based on the request being consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan; Owners, MMM Investments LLC, Splash & Dash, Inc., Carter L. and Suzanne M. Rucker, and Carter Rucker. [Commission Memo 23-036] Commissioner Austin moved to approve Ordinance No. 2023-4728, on the first reading. Seconded by Commissioner Wiggins and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Britton Aye Commissioner Wiggins Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Absent 8) OTHER ITEMS A. Approve a Preliminary Subdivision Plan, for the Bryan Boulevard Subdivision, at 1209 West 20th Street, based on the consistency with the goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan and all associated requirements. [Commission Memo 23-037] Commissioner Austin moved to approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan at 1209 West 201h Street. Seconded by Commissioner Wiggins and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Britton Aye Commissioner Wiggins Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Absent CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2023 REGULAR MEETING B. Approve a Preliminary Subdivision Plan, for Kentucky Square located at project address 3700 Kentucky Street subject to conditions recommended by staff. [Commission Memo 23-038] Commissioner Austin moved to approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Kentucky Square located at project address 3700 Kentucky Square. Seconded by Commissioner Wiggins and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Britton Aye Commissioner Wiggins Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Absent C. Continued: Approve Resolution No. 3115, to amend the budget in the amount of $64,350, and the procurement to Allied Universal for City Hall armed security services. [Commission Memo 23-039] (WS 53) After a brief discussion, Mayor Woodruff passed the gavel to Vice Mayor Britton. Commissioner Wiggins moved to approve Resolution No. 3115. Seconded by Mayor Woodruff and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Britton Aye Commissioner Wiggins Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Absent Vice Mayor Britton returned the gavel to Mayor Woodruff. D. Approve Resolution No. 3116, to amend the budget in the amount of $80,078.54 for the procurement of items for the Sanford Marina. [Commission Memo 23-040] CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2023 REGULAR MEETING Commissioner Austin moved to approve Resolution No. 3116. Seconded by Commissioner Wiggins and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Britton Aye Commissioner Wiggins Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Absent 9) CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT Mr. Colbert followed up on the continuation of Public Hearing advertising. The Florida League of Cities has sent a letter of amended language. Mr. Colbert asked if the Commission would like the Attorney's Office to draft a letter of support. The consensus of the Commission is to move forward with the letter of support. 10) CITY CLERK'S REPORT Traci Houchin, City Clerk, provided the Commission with board applications for the Race, Equality, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Board. There are a total of four positions available, one position for Mayor Woodruff to appoint, one position for Commissioner Austin to appoint and two positions for the City Manager to appoint. Mayor Woodruff, Commissioner Austin and Mr. Bonaparte are going to interview applicants separately and appoint the members at the March 13, 2023 meeting. 11) CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Mr. Bonaparte said he received a message that there is no sound on YouTube. He said Commissioner Mahany asked if the Commission would approve a $1,000 donation to support the Cat Club of the Palm Beaches. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2023 REGULAR MEETING After a brief discussion, Commissioner Austin approved $1, 000 (of her funding) to be donated to the Cat Club of the Palm Beaches. Seconded by Commissioner Wiggins and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Britton Aye Commissioner Wiggins Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Absent 12) CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Christina Hollerbach, resident and business owner, expressed concern regarding the Commission wanting to decrease the amount of special events. Special events provide jobs and make profits benefiting the community. Other cities have contacted the City to help them boost their special events. Mike Smith, resident and business owner, said he thought that having back to back events would help with the setup and break down of street closures. The special events draw thousands of people and generate much money. Commissioner Britton said she does not want to get rid of special events. She just would like to discuss the possibility of relocating some of them. Mr. Smith said he tried other locations for the food trucks and sofa and suds and it did not work. Cobin McGee, resident, expressed frustration with the City and the arrest of his wife. 13) CITY COMMISSION REPORTS Vice Mayor Britton said a resident contacted her regarding the City having CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2023 REGULAR MEETING handicap sections available for residents with disabilities during specific special events. There are two residents off Palmetto Avenue who are not able to connect to City water and sewer and would like some assistance from Utilities. Vice Mayor Britton asked the Commission to approve a donation of $1,000 to the Sanford Historic Trust for their annual calendars. Commissioner Austin moved to approve a $1,000 donation to the Sanford Historic Trust. Seconded by Commissioner Wiggins and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Woodruff Aye Vice Mayor Britton Aye Commissioner Wiggins Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Commissioner Mahany Absent Commissioner Wiggins thanked City staff for their continued support with meeting and events. He would like the event he held on February 25th regarding Black History Month to become an annual event. Commissioner Austin attended the Cat Show and had a great time. He attended Commissioner Wiggins' great event on February 25th. Opening Day at the Stadium was fantastic. He said there is a Community Meeting tomorrow, February 28, 2023, 6 PM at Action Church. Commissioner Austin has received several phone calls regarding a train in District One that was running but has not moved. Mayor Woodruff said Opening Day at the Stadium was great. He also attended a ceremony with the Daughter of the War of 1812 at the cemetery. He requested City staff look into the number of handicapped spaces that are available downtown close to 1" Street. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 279 2023 REGULAR MEETING Mayor Woodruff appointed Sarah Elbadri to the Metroplan Community Advisory Board. He congratulated Cindy Lindsay, Finance Director, and City staff on receiving the GOFA recognition for the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. He congratulated, Bill Marcous, Utilities Manager, for obtaining the 1.4 Dioxane Grant. Ms. Lindsay and Mr. Marcous spoke regarding their accomplishments and thanked the Commission for their support. Mayor Woodruff said the Police are voting on contracts starting tomorrow. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM. (CL)