HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-27-2023 WS MinutesCITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 27, 2023 WORK SESSION The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, March 27, 2023, at 4:00 PM, in the Commission Chambers, I" Floor, City Hall, and 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Art Woodruff Vice Mayor Sheena R. Britton Commissioner Patrick Austin Commissioner Patty Mahany City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. City Attorney William L. Colbert City Clerk Traci Houchin Deputy Clerk Cathy LoTempio Absent: Commissioner Kerry S. Wiggins, Sr. Mayor Woodruff called the meeting to order at 4:07 PM. 1. Presentation: Update on pending bills, by Oscar Anderson, State Lobbyist. Oscar Anderson and Kaley Slattery, State Lobbyists, from the Southern Group, provided a power point presentation on the 2023 Legislative Update. Topics included the legislative session 2023 budget process update and the City of Sanford 2023 appropriations projects. The City recommended the following projects that the Senate fully funded in the proposed budget; Sanford Nutrient Reduction at Lake Jessup and Lake Monroe, Cybersecurity Zero Trust Program, Sanford Fire Department Air Pack Replacements, and Sanford Fire Department New Engine. The Senate did not approve the Lake Carola Restoration Project. Mr. Anderson and Ms. Slattery, discussed the following bills of interest; CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 27, 2023 WORK SESSION • Affordable Housing, increasing funding for the production of more units, creating a property tax incentive for market rate apartment developers to reduce rates, and limit local government's ability to reduce the size and speed the market mixed-use workforce housing projects. • Government and Corporate Activism, to require investment decisions, including bonds, government contracts, and public funds, to meet a specified requirement related to the consideration of factors that have material effect on investment. • Residential Building Permits, that would deem a building application approved if municipalities fail to provide a timely notice that the application incomplete. It would reduce the time period a municipality could ask for more information and require the local jurisdiction to reduce the permit fee by 75% if an owner hires a private contractor to review plans or provide building inspection services. • Public Construction, requiring contracts between local governments and contractors to include all cost estimates and restrict municipalities from withholding payments. This would require municipalities to deem an application approved if it is still under review after 180 days. • Water and Wastewater Facility Operators, require the Department of Environmental Protection to issue a license by reciprocity to an out-of-state water or wastewater operator that has an active and valid license from that other state with license requirements that are similar to Florida. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 279 2023 WORK SESSION • Vacation Rentals, would create additional preemptions on how Cities regulate short-term rentals, such as limiting what kind of parameters municipalities can set on properties, such as occupancy limits. • Local Ordinances, add to the process for local governments passing ordinances and gives certain additional rights of those challenging local ordinances. • Financial Disclosures for Local Officers, to require specified local officers to file a Form 6 financial disclosure instead of the Form 1. This bill would also add Commissioners of Community Redevelopment Agencies to the list of officers exempt from having to complete ethics training when they begin their term, if the term begins after March 31. • Sanford Airport Authority, Seminole County, seeks to extend the lease agreement and contract period for the Orlando Sanford Airport, changing the lease agreement timeframe from 50 years to 99 years. 2. Update — Vacuum Sewer System Bill Marcous, Utilities Support Services Manager, said the Cedric Coleman, Utility Operations Manager, was unable to attend tonight's Work Session. He is cross -training employees from the Parks and Recreation Department who have offered to help Utilities with the Vacuum Sewer System Repairs. He thanked the Parks and Grounds Department for assisting Utilities with the repairs. Since Utilities is a Revenue Funded department, they are able to pay the other employees for overtime. Lisa Jones, Parks and Recreation Director, said staff volunteered to assist the Utilities Department CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 27, 2023 WORK SESSION and get overtime pay. She said if it starts to affect their performance in their daily work they would be advised to stop. Mr. Marcous provided a power point of the progress of the repairs. Mr. Marcous said a Utilities employee was hit by a resident's vehicle while vacuuming out a man hole. Vice Mayor Britton asked about the precautionary measures that are being taken to handle this incident. Mr. Marcous said he would be meeting with Mr. Coleman to discuss. She expressed concern that the staff is not equipped with the proper personal protective equipment. Vice Mayor Britton thanked City Staff for the Community Meeting last week at the Civic Center. Since the meeting, she has taken a tour of some of the pump stations and provided a photo of a pump station with duct tape all over the entire unit. She expressed extreme frustration and said she does not see things getting better. She said the residents and businesses need to be told the truth. Mr. Marcous said he would speak with Mr. Coleman and provide her with answers. Commissioner Mahany was contacted by residents asking if their septic tank fails, is the City going to make it mandatory for them to switch to City sewer. Mr. Marcous said no it would not be mandatory. The City would refer them to Seminole County Health Department. They are the ones who handle septic tanks. She said there is also very poor water pressure in their reclaimed water lines. Mayor Woodruff asked for the status of the Richman repair. Mr. Marcous said the repair is completed. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 27, 2023 WORK SESSION 3. City Financial Report I" Quarter Ended December 31, 2022 Cindy Lindsay, Finance Director, provided the 1St Quarter Financial Report. She said the general fund budget is aligned where it needs to be. She said the big item showing the -$12.6M is due to the repairs performed after last year's hurricanes. The City has to have all repairs completed within 18 months of a hurricane in order to be reimbursed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Ms. Lindsay said the pension funds are improving. 4. Update on Development Services Department Tony Raimondo, Development Services Director, introduced the newest employees to the Development Services Department. He provided a brief power point presentation on updates within the department. Mr. Raimondo, walked the Commission through the steps it takes to obtain a building permit when a customer has all the completed information versus a customer who does not have all the completed information. He said currently Development Services is staffed at 100% and one of the new employees would be the downtown code enforcement officer for nights and weekends. Commissioner Austin asked Mr. Raimondo to please review the legislative bills presented at the beginning of the Work Session to let the Commission know if the City of Sanford is for or against the bills pertaining to the Development Services Department. 5. Discussion re: Special Event Guidelines CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 27, 2023 WORK SESSION Jennifer Brooks, Special Events Coordinator, reviewed the information regarding special events she provided to the Commission. She said the Special Events Review Committee (SERC) is comprised of a City staff member from each department, along with the applicants and other event coordinators. SERC meets on the opposite weeks the Commission does. After a lengthy discussion, Mayor Woodruff, suggested to revise the Ordinance to reflect applicants would need to apply for a special event permit four months in advance. Ms. Brooks suggested 120 days in advance. The Commission agreed the City should have a Town Hall meeting, with staff, applicants and events coordinators to discuss further and come up with a compromise. Commissioner Austin said applicants who hold standing yearly events, should submit an application for the following year as soon as the current event is over. Vice Mayor Britton expressed she is not against special events. She is concerned of the problems they bring to the City's infrastructure until it can be resolved. She asked about the possibility of relocating some of the events and the applicants are not in favor of the locations suggested. The Commission expressed concerns of the after parties in the parking lots after the events are over. Commissioner Austin asked if Code Enforcement has been issuing tickets for illegal parking. Mr. Raimondo said the Code Enforcement Division is issuing parking violations. Cecil Smith, Police Chief and Mr. Raimondo ensured the CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 27, 2023 WORK SESSION Commission the City Events are being overseen. Chief Smith and Mr. Raimondo informed the Commission to call them any time of day or night for assistance. 6. Regular Meeting Items — additional information • Sanford Avenue and Georgetown Residential Historic Districts (RM 7.A) This item to be discussed at tonight's meeting. • One -Time Annual Salary Increase (RM 7.1)) This item to be discussed at tonight's meeting. • Acceptance of Service of Process (RM TE) This item to be discussed at tonight's meeting. 7. Briefing Items 8. City Manager Comments Mr. Bonaparte handed out a March 2023 City Manager's Monthly update. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:26 PM. B, F% Mor Art Woodruff Attest: I-Ap City Clerk (CL)