HomeMy WebLinkAbout4736 Amendment of Schedule HOrdinance No. 2023-4736 An ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida substantially and comprehensively revising and amending the provisions of Schedule "H", City of Sanford Code/Land Development Regulations (LDRs), relating to parking requirements for development activities; providing for a savings provision; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing for an exhibit, codification and the correction of scrivener's errors; and providing for an effective date. Be it enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. Revision And Amendment Of Schedule "H", City of Sanford Code/Land Development Regulations, Relating To Parking Requirements For Development Activities; Legislative Intent. (a). Schedule "H" of the City of Sanford Code/Land Development Regulations is substantially revised and amended to read as set forth in the Exhibit to this Ordinance which, by this reference thereto, is incorporated herein as if fully set forth herein verbatim. (b). Current City land development regulations pertaining to parking requirements for development activities have been under review for a significant period of time with zoning in progress principles being implemented during that time in accordance with the provisions of the City's Land Development Regulations and controlling law. Section 2. Conflicts. All ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional. Section 4. Savings; Effect Of Ordinance. The prior actions of the City of Sanford in terms of the matters relating to any and all actions and activities of the City pertaining to the City's Land Development Regulations/Land Development Code, or of an associated nature, to include, but not be limited to, parking requirements are hereby 11 Page ratified and affirmed. Section 5. Codification; Scrivener's Errors. (a). The Exhibit referenced in Section 1 of this Ordinance shall be codified and all other sections of this Ordinance shall not be codified. (b). The sections, divisions and provisions of this Ordinance may be renumbered or re - lettered as deemed appropriate by the Code codifier. (c). Typographical errors and other matters of a similar nature that do not affect the intent of this Ordinance, as determined by the City Clerk and City Attorney, may be corrected with the endorsement of the City Manager, or designee, without the need for a public hearing. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon enactment. Passed and adopted this 22nd day of May, 2023. City Com Traci Houchin, MMC, FCRM ' Ar-tWoodr City Clerk `` Mayor Approved as to form and legal sufficAncy.�, 4�0 William L. Colbert City Attorney 2 1'age ission of th City EXHIBIT FOLLOWS: Sanford, Florida. 4' (Typ) PROPERTY LINE -- ------------------------'— ................. REQUIRED RAISED CURBING (TYP) L4" White (Typ) 3'Curbing Transition Starting Loss T T Stop & Do Not Enter Sign (Typ) F4 V —24— -,-..,—Handicap Parking Sign (Typ) _2oR 4'— 'Re.......... ryo —12— i-10- \Blu�e Symbol (Typ) Wheel Stops (Typ) Min. 6' Radius Inside Dimensions/4" Blue(Typ) White (Typ) Stop Bar (Typ) 4" White (Typ) —20*— —20� top Sign (Typ) Stop Sign (T yp 4" White (Typ) RIGHT OF WAY I IOTES: 1. Minimum requirements shown. 2. All signage shall comply with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Devices. PARKING ANGLE CURB LENGTH STALL DEPTH STARTING LOSS LAST CAR REQUIREMENTS AISLE WIDTH 30* 20' 18.66' 32.32' 5.00' 12' 24' 45' 14.14' 21.21' 21.21' 7.07' 12' 24' 60' 11.55' 22.32' 12.88' 8.66' 1 17' 24' 0' 10' 20' 1 5' MIN 1 10.00' 1 24' 24' ;5i Ago S CITY OF 01W DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ONE WAY ; TWO WAY PARKING STANDARDS Date: AUGUST 2004 Drawn By: M. JONES FIGURE H-1 FIGURE H-2 HANDICAP SIGN AND PARKING SPACE STANDARDS Eo 4 BLUE 12' " WHITE @ 4' O.C. W W W W 4" J �2'� L' 4- 4'J 2. L 4" FIGURE H-3 PASSENGER LOADING ZONES 20' MIN. ------------ .. ... . .... HANDICAP SIGN/PARKING CITY OF AND PASSENGER FIGURE SAN401M LOADING ZONES H-2 (o DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Date: AUGUST 2004 Drawn By: M. JONES I I 10, 21/2' 10, 4 BLUE 12' " WHITE @ 4' O.C. W W W W 4" J �2'� L' 4- 4'J 2. L 4" FIGURE H-3 PASSENGER LOADING ZONES 20' MIN. ------------ .. ... . .... HANDICAP SIGN/PARKING CITY OF AND PASSENGER FIGURE SAN401M LOADING ZONES H-2 (o DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Date: AUGUST 2004 Drawn By: M. JONES I I SCHEDULE H PARKING REQUIREMENTS SECTION 1.0 PURPOSE It is the purpose of this Schedule to establish standards which promote the orderly, efficient, and safe ayout of parking and loading areas and to minimize the necessity for impermeable surface areas. SECTION 2.0 APPLICABILITY. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided at the time of the development of any property, erection of any building or at the time any principal building is enlarged or increased in capacity by adding dwelling units, guest rooms, seats or floor area; or before the conversion from one (1) type of use or occupancy to another when the proposed use requires a greater number of parking spaces than the previous use, kcept as provided for under joint parking and shopping centers and malls, if a structure contains twe--(2) or more types of use, each use shall be calculated separately for the purpose of determining the number of total off-street parking spaces required. The total number of parking spaces required shall be rounded off to the closest whole number if the omputations based on this Sschedule result in any fractional requirement of a parking space. Fractional umbers ending in .5 shall be considered as the next whole space, with the exeeption of ealeulating a r Veauired at the discretion of the Administrative Official or designee or when the number of narkina spaces SECTION 3.0 UNSPECIFIED USES The number of parking spaces for uses not specifically mentioned herein or unique cases shall be determined on an individual basis by the Administrative OfficialPlapining and Zoning G Factors to be considered in such determination include, but are not limited to, size of building, type of use, number of employees, expected volume and turnover of customer traffic, expected frequency and number bf delivery and service vehicles and parking requirements for comparable uses specified in this Sschedule SECTION 4.0 JOINT USE OF PARKING FACILITIES Ordinance 3907d736 11449305222023 H-1 The City may authorize the joint use of parking facilities under the following conditions: IA. Shared Parking. Up to fifty per-eent (50%ep rcenO of the parking facilities of a use considered to be primarily a daytime use or a weekday use may be used to satisfy the parking facilities required by this section for a use considered to be primarily a nighttime use or a weekend use. B. Covenant Required. A binding covenant in a form approved by the City Attorney for €er any shared parking agreement shall be provided to the City and .-eeei:ded in the e ffiee e fthe fount. Cler-k, whien shall include such reasonable conditions as the City Ylaii ing and Zoning G,.mv, is&i f may impose. SECTION 5.0 REDUCTIONS AND INCREASES IN REQUIRED NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES f I'he Administrative Official Panning and Zening CeHh-aissien-may reduce the number of required off- street parking spaces when the applicant demonstrates in a parking study prepared by a traffic engineer or kaffic planner good cause or when the Administrative Official Co,. missie finds that the applicant has emonstrated by competent and substantial evidence that a hardship exists regarding the development of the parcel. In such situations, the City may require land to be reserved for parking development should he use or needs change or require a fee in lieu payment or other mechanism consistent with Section 7.0 F of this schedule. he Administrative Official lamiing and Zening Commissien may approve an increase or decrease in he number of parking spaces up to twenty- fiveafty*,,,enty percent (jq2?25% e� rcent) -of above the number required when the applicant demonstrates in a parking study prepared by a traffic engineer or affic planner good cause. The parking study must contain at least five examples of similar projects within 100 miles of the nroiect location. The Administrative Official shall have the discretion to require that an application for parking increasers be heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission at a public hearing. 1611 rronstrate a higher level of design incorporating two of the tollowmg elements: 1. Additional usable open space above minimum required open space 2. Preservation of trees 3. Hardscaping elements 4. Enhanced landscaping 5. EV charging stations or installation of electric conduit to serve future EV infrastructure. 6. Fee in lieu payment The Administrative Official shall have the discretion to require that an application for parking reduction be heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission at a public hearing. Ordinance 39074736 1QV0505/22/2023 H-2 an increase or decrease in the number of narki a traffic engineer or traffic planner good cause. The ilar nroiects within 100 miles of the uroiect location. SECTION 6.0 BICYCLE PARKING REQUIRED �A. Purpose. The purpose of this Ss�ection is to provide adequate and safe facilities for the storage of bicycles. B. Applicability. Bicycle parking facilities shall be provided for any new building, addition or enlargement of an existing building, or for any change in the occupancy of a building that results in the need for additional auto parking facilities. C. Exemptions. No bicycle parking spaces shall be required for the following uses: single-family residence, two-family residence, funeral parlor, undertaker, cemetery, automobile repair or body shop, gas station and car wash. D. Bicycle Parking Spaces Required. Off-street bicycle parking shall be provided as follows: For multi -family residences, there shall be one bicycle space or locker for every Ove (54 dwelling units or portion thereof. 2. For all other uses, except exempted uses, one bicycle parking space shall be provided for every twenty (204 parking spaces required pursuant to this Schedule4I. 3. In all cases where bicycle parking is required, a minimum of two --( 24 and a maximum of 4+503 bicycle parking spaces shall be provided and distributed throughout the project. 4. The Administrative Official may reduce or eliminate the required number of bicycle parking spaces based on competent and substantial evidence provided by the applicant confirming that fewer bicycle parking spaces are required. 4. 5. A maximum of tie -(2) required vehicle parking spaces may be used for bicycle parking spaces. E. Location of Short Term Bicycle Parking Facilities. Visibility: Cyclists should easily spot short-term parking when they arrive from the street. A highly visible location discourages theft and vandalism. Locations "off on the side", "around the corner" or in un -supervised parking structures or garages shall be discouraged. 2. Access: The parking area should be convenient to building entrances and street access, but away from normal pedestrian and auto traffic. Locations that require bicycles to travel over stairs shall be discouraged. Ordinance 3907-1736 1124F8505/22i30'_; -J Security: Surveillance is essential to reduce theft and vandalism. Parking shall be located within view of passers-by, retail activity, or office windows. 4. Lighting: Bicycle parking areas should be well lit for theft protection, personal security and accident prevention. 5. Weather Protection: Whenever possible, the bicycle parking area shall be protected from weather, using an existing overhang or covered walkway. Alternatively, a canopy or roof, either freestanding or attached to an existing building, shall be constructed. 6. Avoid Conflict with Pedestrians: Racks shall be located to ensure that parked bicycles don't block the pedestrian path. 7. Avoid Conflict with Automobile: Bicycle parking shall be separated from auto parking and road areas with space and a physical barrier to prevent motor vehicles from damaging parked bicycles. F. Design of Parking Facilities. The "Inverted U" type bike rack is the recommended � bicycle parking rack for short-term parking. Any other type of proposed rack is subject to approval by the Administrative Official based upon demonstratable common practice. Any such alternate security device submitted for approval ffixstshall provide for: a. Supporting the bike frame at t -w(2) locations (not just a wheel); b. Allowing both the frame and at least ene—(1) wheel to be locked to the rack (without requiring that the lock be placed near the bicycle chain); C. Allowing the use of either a cable or "U -type" lock; d. Bicycles which are equipped with water bottle cages; e. Bicycles which are not equipped with kickstands; and f. All types and sizes of bicycles, including various types and sizes of frames, wheel sizes, and tire widths. 2. All lockers and racks shall fxut be securely anchored to the ground or the building structure to prevent the racks and lockers from being removed from the location. 3. The surfacing of such facilities shall be designed and maintained to be mud and dust free. The use of rock or gravel areas for bicycle parking is permitted provided that edging materials, such as landscape timbers are used so that the bicycle parking area is clearly demarcated and the rock material is contained. 4. Bicycle parking facilities shall be sufficiently separated from motor vehicle parking areas to protect parked bicycles from damage by motor vehicles. The separation may be accomplished through grade separation, distance or physical barrier, such as curbs, wheel stops, poles or other similar features. 5. Required bicycle parking spaces shall be at least two (2')-fee4 bys (6°*feet per bicycle. Ordinance 39071736 1.12N9i(»/'2/_202; H-4 6. An aisle a minimum of-4ve45_)-4eet wide shall be provided behind bicycle parking facilities to allow for maneuvering. 7. Sufficient space, to be a minimum of twenty f .,.. (24")-iehes, shall be provided beside each parked bicycle to allow access. This access may be shared by adjacent bicycles. Racks shall be installed a minimum of twenty-four k24_*4Rehes from any wall or other obstruction. It is recommended that one half of the bicycle parking spaces be provided as long term parking, safe and secure from vandalism and theft, and protected from the elements. With tThe remainder other- half s',^" being provided as short term (customer or visitor) parking, and it is recommended that these parking spaces be visible and convenient to the building entrance. 9. Bicycle parking facilities shall be marked with a sign which includes a picture of a bicycle and the letter `P' or the word `Parking". Specifications for the "Inverted U" Type Bicycle Rack (if proposed, all other racks must be approved by the ;administrative Offliciaf "'^m,:.,_ )-h-^^* or designee). The Inverted U's shall be fabricated from 1 %2" Schedule 40 Pipe, in accordance with ASTM F 1083, 48.26 mm O.D. x 3.683 mm wall (1.90" x 0.145" wall). The U's shall measure 914.4 mm high x 457.2 mm wide (36" high, 18" wide). The bicycle racks shall not be welded in sections. Only the base plate shall be welded to the steel pipe with twe423 3mm (1/8") vent holes - one on the inside of each upright where the pipe is welded to the baseplate. After fabrication, the rack shall be coated with a Thermoplastic (polyethylene copolymer based) powder coating (polymer) to a thickness 200-250 micrometers (8 - 12 mils). Racks installed Downtown must be "Federal Green"- Color #14056 as specified in the Federal Paint Specifications 595B. Racks shall be mounted to concrete via 190 mm (7 ''/z") diameter baseplates 10mm (3/8") thick steel in accordance with ASTM A 36, with three 11 mm diameter (7/16") mounting holes on each base plate, spaced equidistant between the upright pipe and edge of the baseplate. Expansion anchor shall be carbon steel mushroom head, 10 mm x 76 mm (3/8" x 3") "spike" #5550 as manufactured by Rawl or approved equal manufactured in the U.S. made from grade 8.2 materials exhibiting equivalent theft -proof performance. Racks shall be set firm and aligned with a tolerance of plus or minus 1/4" from plumb. Where required, steel tapered shims shall be installed prior to anchoring in place. Any departure of base plate from grade by more than 3/8" shall require the separation to be filled with high- strength epoxy non -shrinking grout and made level. H. Long Term Bicycle Parking Facilities. Long term parking shall be provided for employees, bicycle commuters and tenants/owners in multifamily developments. Three common ways of providing secure long term bicycle parking are: fully enclosed lockers accessible only by the user; a continuously monitored facility that provides at least medium term type bicycle parking facilities; and restricted access facilities in which short tenn type bicycle racks are provided and access is restricted only to the owners of the bicycles stored therein. The easiest retrofit is the bicycle locker. Bicycle lockers are designed to be secure individual bikes with panniers, computers, lights, etc, left on the bike. Some designs of bike lockers can be stacked so there is twice the parking density. Good protection from the weather is another benefit. Bike lockers tend to be used most for long tern bicycle commuter parking in areas without a lot of continuous oversight. Ordinance 399717 6 1.1-1 410i(ws 2? 102, H-5 SECTION 7.0 OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS A. Number of Automobile Parking Spaces. LAND USE CATEGORY MINIMUM NUMBER UNIT OF MEASURE OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PER INDICATED UNIT RESIDENTIAL One -Family Dwelling 2.0 Per Dwelling Unit Mobile Home 2.0 Per Dwelling Unit Multiple -Family Dwelling 2.0 Per Dwelling Unit Townhouse 2.0' Per Dwelling Unit MISCELLANEOUS Travel Trailer 1.0 Per Travel Trailer Day Care Facility 4.0 Per 1,000 square feet Gross Floor Area (GFA)' Residential Care Facility 1.0 Per 3 beds Boarding House 1.0 Per Sleeping Room PLUS 1.0 Per Resident Manager Accessory Dwelling Unit; 1.0 Per unit Accessory Residential Structure; Accessory Agricultural Housing PUBLIC AND Noncommercial Amusement SEMI-PUBLIC Facility Indoor/Outdoor with fixed 1.0 Per seat or per person seating based on maximum Without fixed seating 1.0 capacity Per 100 square feet of GFA and/or Land Area devoted to Assembly or Recreation Use on the remises Educational Facilities Elementary School and 1.0 Per 9 students of Middle School maximum design capacity High School, College, 1.0 Per 4 students of University or Vocational maximum design capacity School Library 3.0 Per 1,000 square feet of GFA Cultural Facility Indoor 1.0 Per 1,000 square feet of PUBLIC AND Outdoor 1.0 GFA SEMI-PUBLIC Per acre of facility Continued House of Worship 1.0 Per 3 seats based on maximum capacity of Auditorium Or Principal Place of Assembly Ordinance 3907-1736 1,949305/22/2023 H-6 LAND USE CATEGORY MINIMUM NUMBER UNIT OF MEASURE OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PER INDICATED UNIT Hospital 1.4 Per bed based on maximum patient capacity Government Uses 1_0 Per parking space required based on non-government use of the same type COMMERCIAL General Retail Sales and 5.0 Per 1,000 square feet of Service Indoor including GFA commercial schools Convenience Store 7.0 Per 1,000 square feet of GFA Retail, Large Goods 3.0 Per 1,000 Square Feet of GFA Multi -tenant Shopping Center or Mall 100,000 square feet or less; 4.0 Per 1,000 square feet of Greater than 100,000 square 3.0 GFA feet Per 1,000 square feet of GFA Outdoor Display -New 1.0 Per 1,000 square feet of Merchandise; New and Used Gross Sales and Storage Vehicular Dealers; Area (interior and Outdoor Display -Used exterior) Merchandise; Outdoor Storage Business aAnd Professional 4.0 Per -1,000 square feet of Offices GFA Medical and Dental Office 5.0 Per 1000 square feet of GFA Restaurant 1.0 Per 3 seats based on maximum Fast Food Restaurant with 1.0 customer capacity Drive-through lane Per 5 seats based on maximum customer capacity Self -Storage Facility 6.0 Adjacent to the office; and temporary loading zones must be provided on each side of the driving lanes that are adjacent to the storage buildings. Buildings must be 24_ -feet apart if 1 parking lane is provided and 32_-fee4 apart if 2 parking lanes are provided. Ordinance 39071736 W24/030�/31/2033 H-7 LAND USE CATEGORY MINIMUM NUMBER UNIT OF MEASURE OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PER INDICATED UNIT TRANSIENT Transient Lodging 1.0 Per Sleeping Unit LODGING Establishment .2 Per restaurant seat or AND PLUS conference room based on ENTERTAINMENT maximum customer capacity Commercial Amusements: Indoor/Outdoor With Fixed Seating 1.0 Per 4 seats based on maximum Without Fixed Seating 1.0 capacity Per 200 square feet of floor and/or land area devoted to assembly or recreational use on the remises Health Club 10.0 Per 1,000 square feet GFA AUTOMOTIVE Automobile aAnd Truck 3.0 Per 1,000 square feet of Service; Automobile aAnd GFA. Truck Repair; Automobile aAnd Truck Rental; Automobile Rental Office; Major Equipment Rental; Major Equipment Repair; Automobile aAnd Truck Accessory Sales and Installation MISCELLANEOUS Funeral Home, Mortuary 1.0 Per 4 seats based on BUSINESS & aAnd/Or Crematory maximum SERVICES capacity of funeral service chamber or chapel Laundry aAnd Dry Cleaning 1.0 Per- 1,000 square feet of Plant GFA Domestic aAnd Business 3.0 Per 1,000 square feet of Service; Landscaping GFA Service Establishment Auction Sales Establishment Inside 1.0 Per 4 seats based on maximum Outside 1.0 capacity of place of assembly Per 50 square feet of area devoted to assembly on the remises Ordinance 39071736 1/2,1,10505/32/2033 H -g LAND USE CATEGORY MINIMUM NUMBER UNIT OF MEASURE OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PER INDICATED UNIT Veterinarian aAnd Animal 3.0 Per 1,000 square feet of Hospital; Animal Boarding GFA Kennel Welding ding Esta.l;sl,.,,o.,t4-.P Per- 1,000 square feet GFA. INDUSTRIAL Wholesale a -And Storage 1.0 Per 1,000 square feet of GFA Manufacturing 2.0 Per 1,000 square feet of GFA Junk Yard 1.0 Per Acre of Facility AGRICULTURAL Agriculture 1.0 Per acre of facility Animal Raisin I Gross Floor Area (GFA): The sum of the horizontal areas of the stories of a building or buildings, measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls or from the centerlines of walls which separate buildings. Included within such sum shall be the areas of all stories, including those areas which are not heated or air-conditioned, storage areas, interior balconies and mezzanines, and any other space reasonably usable for any purpose except parking. 2 The Administrative Official lnav reduce the reauired number of narking spaces based on competent evidence provided by a traffic eneineer or traffic planner confirming that fewer vehicle parking spaces are reauired pursuant to Section 5.0 of this schedule. Parking in the -Special Commercial Zoning District (SC -3). 1. ExistinLF Buildings, Existing Outdoor Seating Areas and Existing Sidewalk Cafes a_There shall be no off-street parking requirements for existing buildings in the SC -3 zoning district if there is no change in use or laps in occupancy in excess of 6 months. b. Existing buildings with outdoor seating on private prope , may request vesting for existing outdoor seating within six (6) months of the adoption of this Section. i. Any outdoor seating area that is not vested within six (6) months of adoption of this Section shall be deemed to have lapsed. ii. Any outdoor seating area deemed to have lapsed, shall be considered non -conforming and subject to procedures of Schedule L. iii. Expansions to existingseating eating areas shall have parking calculated consistent with Section 7. B.2. c. Existing approved sidewalk cafes are not eli ibg_ lei to vest however,j2Kgyj&4 an established sidewalk cafe is annually permitted to be renewed, subiect to the provisions of Schedule E. i. Should an existing sidewalk caf6 fail to annuallv renew, credit for up to ei-e'er;- sixteen (16) seats may be granted by the Administrative Official. Any additional seats will be assessed parking based on Section 7. B.2. 2. New Buildings, Outdoor Sseating Areas or New Sidewalk Clrfecaf6 of Change of Use for Existing Buildings Ordinance 39071736 444/"05/22/2023 H-9 a. For change of use or expansion of an existing buildingty other non-residential use, the Administrative Official may approve parking based on the pro rata share over and above the initial 5000 square feet. Any change to residential is required to meet the parking requirements. b. Outdoor seating area and event space shall be assessed parking based on the table below. c. The Administrative Official shall have the discretion to require that an application for parking reduction be heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission at a public hearing. a -A New sidewalk cafes requestingto o be permitted for more than 8 seats, shall be subject to the parking requirements in the matrix. New side ..,n, eaf s r osting to be .,, a ttia 8 e. Parking for all new buildings, outdoor seating area, and sidewalk cafes shall be approved by the Administrative Official using the parking matrix below: i. Except that sidewalk cafes are subject to approval via procedures in Schedule E: LAND USE CATEGORY MINIMUM NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES UNIT OF MEASURE REQUIRED PER INDICATED UNIT RESIDENTIAL 1-59 I 0.5 �-te P'i=Unit (with a maximum feduetien desr« Vices-ptL!j ) Space for the initial unit (I bedroom or studio) Space per additional bedroom RESTAURANT 1 Per 5 Seats TRANSIENT LODGING 1 Per Sleeping Room ASSEMBLY (NON 1 Per 200 square feet of assembly area FIXED SEATING) ALL OTHER NON- RESIDENTIAL USES 1 Per 500 square feet deer -ane the tial 1 5000 sEivare' et 1. The Administrative Official may reduce the required number of parking spaces based on competent and substantial -evidence provided by a traffic engineer or traffic planner confirming that fewer vehicle parking spaces are required pursuant to Section 5.0 of this schedule. 2. C. Maximum Number of Parking Spaces. No development shall exceed the required number of parking spaces by more than twenty five percent (25-% e� rcent). However, the Administrative Official may annrove narkina increases un to 50% uercent, when the applicant demonstrates good cause in a parking study prepared by a traffic engineer or traffic planner --,e le. At least five examples of similar projects within 100 miles of the project location must be included in the parking study. A percentage of any increase in parking spaces must include either EV charging stations or installation of electric conduit to serve future EV infrastructure. Ordinance 499:4730 1.9-4,10-50>/22/2023 H-10 D. Parking of Company Vehicles. The minimum off-street parking space requirements for trucks and other similar company vehicles shall be ene{l) space for every vehicle operated by the establishment on the premises and for automobiles as shown in this Schedule I4, Minimum Automobile Off-Sstreet Parking Space Requirements; provided however, that there shall be no off-street space requirements for existing buildings when such uses are located in an SC -3, Special Commercial Zoning District. The number of off-street parking spaces for company vehicles -shall be evaluated and approved by the Administrative Official. IE. Off -Street Parking Structures. All off-street parking structures designed to accommodate E5) or more vehicles shall comply with all area and dimension regulations for principal buildings as well as all off-street parking area buffer strip requirements included herein. All off-street parking struc- tures designed to accommodate 4) or less vehicles, shall be considered as accessory buildings unless attached to a principal building. If attached to a principal building, such off street parking structures shall be subject to all the regulations of these Lland Ddevelopment Rregulations for principal buildings and, if detached, such off-street parking structures shall be subject to all the regulations contained herein for accessory buildings. applicant cannot provide required parking spaces onsite in the designated downtown parking district, the City shall established a fee in lieu that may be paid for in its entirety�or as aportion of the required parking subject to approval by the Administrative Official. 1. The applicant must submit a written request to the Administrative Official, requesting a fee in lieu agreement. 2. Such fee in lieu shall beset by resolution of the City Commission and amended from time to time. a. The fee shall be based on a per parking space basis. b. All fractions of a parking space shall be rounded up to a fill as previously defined in this schedule -and the full space fee in lieu be paid for each required parking space not provided. c. The applicant may have the option to pay a fee in lieu for all or a portion of the required parking spaces. d. In no instance may a fee in lieu be used to eliminate any required EV parking spaces. infrastructure in existing and new development within the Ci1y limits. Definitions EV Canable: These barkina spaces prepare for future Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) installation by providing dedicated electrical capacity in the service panel 40am12 breaker for every two EV Capable two spaces) and conduit to the EV Capable space. These spaces do not require wiring to the space or a receptacle. EVSE Installed: These parkina spaces are reserved for EVs and provide drivers the opportunity to charge their electric vehicle using EV charging stations rated at a minimum of 32amp 7.2 kW. These spaces should be installed per the requirements of the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) as adopted and amended by the State of Florida. This rates and wattage may be amended from time to time dependent on current standards. 2. Number of Spaces Required Ordinance 39071736 }P4f9603/22/2023 H-11 Land Use Type EV Installed EV Ca able Non -Residential 2 20 ercent Multifamily 2 10% percent Industrial 1 5° ercent SECTION 8.0 PARKING LOT DESIGN STANDARDS A. Location of Parking Areas. Off-street parking area including required parking spaces, accessways, buffers and related off-street parking appurtenances, shall be provided for all buildings and uses on the premises; or, if approved by the City n',,.,.,:.,, ,a �:•,b �'� " �� �� ��, such off-street parking may be located a maximum distance of t -ee h ndt:ed feet (300') from the premises it serves and/or may be consolidated into a large parking area serving other buildings and uses provided that such off- street parking space shall be maintained, regulated and enforced as if it were actually located on the premises it is designed to serve. The applicant must provide a binding plan, deed or other proof necessary to show that the required parking space, if approved to be located off the premises it serves, is controlled by and available to, the applicant for as long as the use it is intended to serve is in existence. B. Design of Parking Areas. All parking area designs shall comply with Figure H-1 of this Schedule. C. Internal Circulation of Parking Areas. 1. The internal design of the parking area shall be designed to facilitate vehicular circulation and avoid conflict between pedestrian and vehicular movements. Internal circulation also shall be designed so as not to create conflict with access into or egress from the site and shall be consistent with the landscape requirements of these land development regulations. 2. Each parking stall shall be accessible from an aisle or driveway and designed so that no automobile shall back into a public street in order to exit a parking stall. 3. Parking Aisle Width. Minimum access way shall be f"'�12')-feet for one-way traffic and twenty-four f24 *feet for two-way traffic. D. Size of Parking Stalls. The minimum size of parking spaces shall be as follows: Regular (non -handicapped)! --2: 1 n�10') wide; 20 feet long; Parallel: (9') wide; 20 feet (20') long; Handieappe'ADA Spaces(plus 5' landing): 12 feet (12') wide; (20') long. 'The Administrative Official may reduce the required parking stall size based on competent evidence provided by an applicant demonstrating a higher level of design by incorporating EV parking spaces. installation of electric conduit to serve future EV infrastructure. or other site enhancements approved by the Administrative Official. '--Except in the SC -3 Zoning District. which shall be permitted with a minimum of 9' wide by 18' long for regular parkin7. 9' wide by 23' long for parallel parking and the minimum required by Federal Standards for any required ADA spaces - Ordinance 39974736 1,12=1/e505/27/2023 H-12 k.Design of Parking Stalls. All paved parking stalls shall have (4') white lines between spaces to indicate individual stalls, and each stall may be required to be equipped with wheel stops if deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Genn issi City based upon competent evidence. Wheel stops for stalls adjacent to landscaped strips shall be located twe and ene h lf-(2'/2� from the front end of the stall to prevent encroachment into required landscaped areas. The front two (2) feet of the stall may be kept as a maintained vegetative ground cover area although no credit will be extended toward the open space requirements of these regulations. F. Paved Parking and Dimensional Standards. All required parking spaces and vehicular use areas shall be paved. 1. Asphaltic paving shall provide a ene-E1_}iPch thick asphalt surface, a four- (4_)4nc-h thick base and a 4x{6_}i� thick subgrade. 2. Concrete paving shall provide a fw-e-(5_)--i*eh thick Portland concrete surface with a compressive strength of 3,000 p.s.i. and a subgrade with a Fla. Bearing Value of 75 p.s.i. 3. Such paved areas shall be provided with positive drainage and shall not permit ponding depth of greater than ene eighth (1/8_'*neh. 4. Curbing or bumper stops shall be provided to protect all required landscaped areas and buildings. 5. All parking spaces shall be striped white. Such striping shall be a minimum of 4_� riches wide and shall conform to the FDOT's Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, latest edition. All striping and other traffic control devices shall conform and be maintained to the latest edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Painted wooden regulatory signs shall not be deemed to comply with these regulations. All driveways exiting on to any public or private street shall be controlled by a High Intensity thirty E30_} ixel} stop sign. Twenty fernE24_}�h stop signs shall be used internally. The clearance from the finished ground elevation to the bottom of all signs shall be at least sem{7_�#eet. All handicap parking spaces shall be in accordance with the requirements of Florida La Department Of Community Affair-sikeeessibility Requifements Mantial. 6. Required parking spaces and vehicular use areas for residential uses with less than X10) required parking spaces may utilize a substitute surface for such off-street parking and vehicular use areas. Such surface shall be specified in terms of thickness and other relevant characteristics, must be maintained continuously in an approved condition and approved by the Administrative Official. If the substitute surface is not maintained properly, the Administrative Official shall have the authority to take actions necessary to einsure that the area in question is paved in a manner that conforms to the requirements of this- Schedule and that all actions to that end shall be at the sole expense of the owner. Small-scale nonresidential uses may request from the Administrative Official to utilize a substitute Ordinance 3907 1736 1,12'1'10(»/? _1 12033 H-13 surface for off-street parking and vehicular use areas in accordance with thesei-s Land Development RegulationsGede. G. Fire Lane Pavement Striping and Signage Standards. Buildings and sites which are required to include fire lanes shall comply with the following standards. Pavement Striping. Fire lane pavement striping shall be yellow and painted of thermoplastic or an equivalent substitute. The perimeter of the striping shall begin at the curb and extend to a width of a (8')4et parallel to the curb. The perimeter lines and required striping within the perimeter shall be {4" es wide with a tern-(10")4neh space between stripes. The stripes shall not be painted over or under the painted words required below. 2. Painted Letters on Pavement. The words "NO PARKING FIRE LANE" shall be painted within the perimeter of the fire lane striping. The stroke of each letter shall be €ems (4_') inehes wide and shall be painted in yellow MOT traffic -rated reflective paint. Each repeated phrase shall be painted not more than -Ano ,,.,.,a,._- 000'*feet apart. 3. Signs. Fire lane signs shall be installed not more than one hundred (100) feet apart and shall contain the words "NO PARKING FIRE LANE". The background and lettering of signs shall have a high intensity reflective facing. 4. Relationship of Pavement Lettering and Sign Locations. Pavement lettering and signs shall be staggered in location so that each are not more than x(50 )Teet apart. 5. Curb Painting. All curb facing shall be painted yellow for the entire length of the fire lane using a MOT traffic -rated reflective paint. H. EV Parking Space Design 1. EV installed charging stations incomorated into sites count toward the minimum required parking spaces. 2. Charging equipment must be mounted on the wall or on a structure at the end of the electric vehicle parking space provided. 3. No charging devices may be placed within the dimensions of a space, on the sides, or entrance to a space. 4. EV spaces shall be in close proximity to the building served by the associated off-street parkin area. rea. 5. Multifamily developments must provide -591044 percent of EV installed parking spaces or E capable spaces adjacent to each multifamily building_ 6. When cords and connectors are not in use, retraction devices or locations for storage shall be located sufficiently above the pedestrian surface and the parking -lot as to reduce conflicts with pedestrians and vehicle maneuvering. 7. Cords, cables. and connector equipment shall not extend across the path of travel in any sidewalk or walkway. 8. Equipment mounted on structures such as pedestals, lighting posts, bollards, or other device shall be located in a manner that does not impede pedestrian, bicycle, or transit travel. 0rdinance39071736 1Q4/0505/2)?/3023 H-14 9. Alternative designs may be approved by the Administrative Official or designee. 10. Additional landscape screening may be required for mechanical equipment such as transformers associated with charging equipment at the discretion of the Administrative Official. I. Accessibility of EV Spaces 1. When EV spaces are installed at least one space must be accessible from an ADA designated parking space. 2. All charging equipment shall be in accessible reach and in a barrier free aisle for the user to move freely between the equipment and the vehicle. 3. Charging equipment may not be located in any required access aisle. J. Parking Lot Design in Overlay Districts. Overlay Districts as defined in Schedule U, have variable parking lot design standards and shall comply with the following standards: 1. Lake Mary Boulevard and West SR 46/Rinehart Road Overlay: a. Parking bays shall not be larger than forty (40)spaces. b. Parking lot lighting shall be designed as follows: Illumination onto adjacent properties shall not exceed 0.5 foot-candles. Cut-off fixtures are required to conceal the actual source of the light which reduces glare and to direct the light to specific areas while shielding other areas. The maximum height of the light pole shall be twen -five (25) feet, including the base. The minimum setback of the light source from the property line shall be a horizontal distance of twenty 20 feet. 2. Downtown/Riverfront/Midtown Overlav District. (refer to Schedule U for street and block typolo ig es): a. Off-street parking (surface parkin lg ots). i. A knee wall shall be constructed for the length of any parking lot which fronts a "Pedestrian Priority" or an "A" street. The knee wall shall be constructed using the following standards: 1. Minimum two (2) feet in height to a maximum of three (3) feet. 2. The knee wall must be masonry or brick which complements the primary building's architecture by utilizing the same architectural style. ii. A maximum of two (2) vehicular access/curb cuts to parking lots are allowed along "A" Street block faces, subject to Access Management regulations of Schedule N. Vehicular access/curb cuts are not allowed on any block face less than three hundred and fifty (350) feet. Vehicular access drives shall connect each parking lot with at least two (2) separate streets. b. Parking Garages. Structured parking decks shall be located behind "A" Street frontage buildings with vehicular access restricted to "B" Streets. Interior landscaping_ requirements for parking garages shall be met by providing hanging baskets, landscape planters and/or flower boxes around the exterior of the first three (3) levels of the parking garage structure. Parking structures that permit access from an "A" or "Pedestrian Priority" Street shall comply with the Ordinance39071736 !P-410305/22/2023 - following requirements: i. Direct pedestrian access to each adjacent street shall be provided. ii. Except for vehicle entrances as described below, the ground floor shall be developed with enclosed commercial or civic floor space to a minimum building depth of thirty (30) feet along the entire length of the structure on each facing street. unless separated from the street by another building, parking lot and/or landscaped open space with a minimum depth of thirty 30 feet. iii. Vehicle entrances to a parking structure shall be a maximum of forty (40) feet in width and shall be separated from other vehicle entrances to the structure or other parking structures on the same side of the block by a minimum distance of four hundred (400) feet. c. Par•IiineTeEttir-ements: New. non resided baildini!s under- 5.000 sEivafe feet in the Riveffto.nt Oveflay Distfiet and Downtown Over -lay Distriet shall be souare €eek -i -n- area in �!r-ess floef area ever and above the initial 5.000 aquafe f�et i3lus no less than 1.2� par -kine si33aees peg --dwelling! unit and feEittit=ems 6'o al lav the n dfflinistfatiye Offigial. The c shall be loeated within 1.000 feet of the site. On street i3ai-kiti-L- si3uccs--rvccrtca--icr8ii�--the let rzro-imTae-iirccN, be eetinted t6wt'li= re eme s o-Dthic Code. Building- :., the Midtown n„o,.t.,., Dist iet shall „ f3k, with the r. d. Parking within the sc-3 zoning district in any of the designated overlay districts shall comply with the parking standards established herein. e. Parkin in Overlay District not within the SC -3 zoning district shall comply with the parking as determined for that use and as established herein. f. Parking lots shall be designed to allow pedestrians to safely move from vehicles to the building. g. Parking Lots containing more than thirty-six (36) parking stalls shall have clearly defined pedestrian connections provided between: i. A public right-of-way and building entrances ii. Parking lots and building entrances h. Residential Development. i. Street -facing ground floor parking, including_ garages, is not permitted on the first (1) floor of a multifamily structure on an "A" street or a "Pedestrian Priority" street. Parking shall occur underneath the multifamily structure, within parking garages, or within surface lots that do not front on either an "A" Street or a "Pedestrian Priority" Street. ii. Front garages must be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from the primary structure. iii. Rear garages must be set back a minimum of four (4) feet from an alley of rear access drive. On corner lots on `A' or `Pedestrian Priority' streets with alley access, garage doors shall not face side streets. iv. Side garages may have an access from the street and are required, at a minimum, to be set back in line with the primary structures side setback. Ordinance39071736 !P-1/0505/22/2023 H-16 v. Ground floor parking. including_ garages that are located inside the internal block are permitted on the first floor of a structure if the street facing side view of the garage blends in with the design elements of the building's primary frontage. SECTION 9.0 HANDICAPPED ACCESS. Parking spaces designated for physically handicapped people and accessible passenger loading zones that serve a particular building shall be located on the shortest possible circulation route to an accessible entrance of the building. In separate parking structures or lots that do not serve a particular building, parking spaces for physically handicapped people shall be located on the shortest possible circulation route to an accessible pedestrian entrance of the parking facility. A. Parking Spaces. 1. Any commercial real estate property owner offering parking for the general public shall provide specially designed and marked motor vehicle parking spaces for the exclusive use of physically disabled persons who have been issued parking permits pursuant to Seetiens 316.1958,3'20.09/12, 0 320.0 43> or- 4, 320 0845 320 044 > �erteFlorida LawSs. -�--� 2. Diagonal or perpendicular parking spaces shall be a minimum of twelve (I wide, as illustrated in Figure H-2, Handicap Sign and Parking Space Standards. 3. Parallel parking spaces shall be located either at the beginning or end of a block or adjacent to alley entrances as illustrated in Figure H-3, Passenger Loading Zones. 4. Each such parking space shall be conspicuously outlined in blue paint, and shall be posted and maintained with a permanent, above -grade sign bearing the international symbol of accessibility or the caption "PARKING BY DISABLED PERMIT ONLY," or bearing both such symbol and caption as illustrated in Figure H-2, Handicap Sign and Parking Space Standards. Such signs shall not be obscured by a vehicle parked in the space. All handicapped parking spaces must be signed and marked in accordance with the standards adopted by the -FDO T`Dep •*•fl^^* of T,-ansp tatio^ All spaces shall have an adjacent access aisle s-i-,Yty inehes-60") wide minimum, as illustrated in Figure H-2, Handicap Sign and Parking Space Standards. Parking access aisles shall be part of the accessible route to the building or facility entrance and shall comply with the requirements of Florida LawAeeessible Rou-te seot-ien ethe Flefida f (2) accessible parking spaces may share a common access aisle. Parked vehicle overhangs shall not reduce the clear width of an accessible circulation route. Ordinance 390717',(, �/&3�i>,"�� 'u", H-17 6. All spaces shall have access to a curb -ramp or curb -cut, when necessary to allow access to the building served, and shall be located so that users will not be compelled to wheel behind parked vehicles. 7. The minimum number of such parking spaces shall comply with the following table: Total Number of Required Number of Parking Spaces in Lot Accessible Spaces Up to 25 1 26 to 50 2 51 to 75 3 76 to 100 4 101 to 150 5 151 to 200 6 201 to 300 7 301 to 400 8 401 to 500 9 501 to 1000 2% yet i -cent of Total Over 1000 20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1000 Passenger Loading Zones. Passenger loading zones shall provide an access aisle at least feft-y- eight{48_}ides wide and twenty(20_}#eet long adjacent and parallel to the vehicle pull-up space as illustrated in Figure H-3, Passenger Loading Zones. If there are curbs between the access aisle and the vehicle pull-up space, then a curb ramp complying with therequirements of Florida Law. Requifeffients Manual shall be pfavided. A minimum vertical clearance of ene h,.ndfea eight (108_)4ne4es shall be provided at accessible passenger loading zones and along vehicle access routes to such areas from site entrances. ECTION-10.0 REQUIRED OFF-STREET LOADING AND SERVICE AREAS A. Required Area. Off-street loading and service area space shall be provided on the premises of all public and semipublic, commercial, transient lodging and entertainment, automotive, miscellaneous business and services, industrial and agricultural processing establishment uses so that no loading, unloading or servicing of buildings by refuse collection, fuel or other public or private service type vehicular activity will be generated on any required off-street parking space or on any street. Each required off-street loading, unloading and service area space shall be at least 4,�60_}fee4 in depth, unless competent evidence is provided to the Administrative Official to include a certification by a licensed Florida professional engineer, twelve e (12') in width, with an overhead clearance of not less than sixteen (I 6) feet for each such space required; or, if approved by the Administrative Official, a total area at finished grade of at least seven hun .oa twenty (720) -square feet devoted to such use Ordinance '9071,30 P-21/050 _"_'01; H-18 with an overhead clearance of not less than +„.,..teen feet (14') for each such space required regardless of actual space dimensions and design. B. Arrangement. The off-street loading, unloading and service area space shall be arranged so that it may be used without blockage or interference with the use of adjacent streets, accessways or off-street vehicular or pedestrian traffic circulation. C. Number of Spaces. The Administrative Official shall interpret and approve the amount of loading, unloading and service area space required for all public and semi-public, commercial, transient lodging and entertainment, automotive, miscellaneous business and services, industrial and agricultural processing establishment uses based on the following total gross floor area of each building located on the premises: Gross Floor Area (Square Feet) 5,000-25,000 25,001-60,000 60,001-120,000 Each additional 100,000 square feet, or major fractional thereof Number of Loading Spaces One (1) Space. Two (2) Spaces. Three (3) Spaces. One (1) Additional Space. ID. Building Alterations. The Administrative Official C4+y shall determine the amount of off-street loading, unloading, and service area for commercial uses based on a building's gross usable floor area and not the net usable floor area so as to accommodate any future alterations in the use of interior space. SECTION 11.0 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT STORAGE IN TOWNHOUSE AND MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS In the case of multi -family and townhome residential developments, the storage of recreational and other such equipment shall be regulated as follows: IA. All multi -family and townhome developments with more than twenty o(25)_ dwelling units shall provide a designated area for the parking and storage of recreational vehicles, boats and equipment. B. The designated area shall be at a distance as remote as practical and in accordance with sound and generally accepted design and land use practices and principles from the dwelling units. The parking area for boats, trailers, jet skis and similar types of equipment shall be screened with plant material, decorative walls, fences, berms or any combination thereof, in an effort to diminish any visual impact that the area may have on the rest of the site. Parking for recreational vehicles need not be screened. C. The designated area shall be a paved surface consistent with the rest of the parking area within the development and shall provide ample ingress and egress and space for easy maneuverability for the type of vehicles and equipment using the area. Ordinance 39071736 1/2,1/0505/22/2023 H-19 D. Eaeh multi faniily nd tawiiheme development shall previde a fflinifnem of ene (1) spaee pef twenty five (25) dwelling anits fef the puFpase of parkin" and Feefeational vehieles and equipment. b b Any 4-aetion of t,�N,enty five (25) shall fequife sp ees r-ounded up to the next whole nuffl SECTION 12.0 DRIVE-THROUGH LANES AND STACKING DISTANCES A. Drive-through Requirements. Drive -though lanes and windows shall be designed to the following standards: Drive through windows and lanes shall not be located on a side of the building fronting a street. 2. Hedges. A dense hedge of evergreen shrubs shall be provided in the following manner: a. At initial planting and installation, shrubs shall be at least y (30_) -ides in height and shall planted thirty k30")4nehes or less on center. b. Within ene-E14 year of initial planting and installation, shrubs shall have attained, and be maintained at, a minimum height of four: (4'*4et and shall provide an opaque vegetative screen between the street and the drive-through. The hedge must continue for the entire length of the drive-through cueing or stacking area. C. In lieu of a vegetative hedge, the use of vegetated berms with appropriate landscape materials may be used in a manner that results in the visual separation of street right-of-way and the drive-through. B. Stacking Distance. The following minimum stacking distances, measured from the point of entry to the center of the farthest service window area, are required: Restaurants, full service car washes, day care facilities: Banks (per lane): Self Service Car Wash (per bay) and Dry Cleaners: Twe hundred twenty root (220') One h.,adr-ed seventy s 4 of (176') Si)Et , f o,_ (66') Facilities not listed above with more than one drive-through lane shall provide 100') feet of stacking distance per lane measured from the point of entry to the center of the farthest service window area. In all other cases, the Administrative Official shall have the authority to determine the stacking distance for other uses on a case-by-case distance based upon the application of sound engineering practices and principles. The drive-through lane shall be a separate lane from the circulation routes and aisles necessary for ingress and egress from the property or access to any off-street parking spaces. Ordinance 39071736 1/2=40505/22/2023 H-20 For lanes greater than— one hundred seventy five feet (175'3 a pass-through lane shall be constructed adjacent to at least ene- 14 stacking lane in order to provide a way out of the stacking lane. SECTION 13.0 PARKING CALCULATIONS REQUIRED All applications for development approval shall include parking calculations indicating the required tumber of parking spaces red pursuant to this Schedule Parking calculations shall be included on equired plans in a site development table. Ordinance 3907 17 ,h 11"'W0405/22/2023 H-21 S`r�vFORp Fsr. FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM 23-095 MAY 22, 2023 AGENDA TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City C PREPARED BY: Eileen Hinson, AICP — Director of Pla ' g SUBMITTED BY: Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr., ICMA-CM, City Ma ger SUBJECT: Update Parking Requirements; Ordinance .4736. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: ❑ Unify Downtown & the Waterfront ❑ Promote the City's Distinct Culture ® Update Regulatory Framework ❑ Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities SYNOPSIS: WS RM X Item No.� On June 14, 2023, the City Commission initiated the zoning (or legislation) in progress rule after directing staff to proceed with modifications to the City's Land Development Regulations (LDRs) as it relates to Schedules H- Parking Requirements. Ordinance No. 4736 amends Schedule H to provide for improved parking design standards promoting orderly, efficient, and safe parking layouts and to implement resilience through a higher-level design while encouraging readiness for Electric Vehicles (EV). Modifications to Schedule U pertaining to overlay zoning district/classifications and Article II, Land Use and Zoning, of the LDRs to specifically remove existing parking requirements for development in the Special Commercial zoning district/classification (SC -3). FISCAL/STAFFING STATEMENT: There are no anticipated costs to the City to implement the new regulations. However, modifications to the LDRs offers possible future revenue sources as it relates to parking and potentially reduces the cost burden of providing parking for future development. BACKGROUND: After undertaking multiple parking studies and assessments, investigating downtown parking and parking management strategies, the City Commission directed various department staff to undertake actions to update the City's parking plans, requirements and opportunities. The Planning Department's role in this request included proposing changes to the LDRs to update Schedule H, Parking Requirements, and related schedules to address new parking trends and downtown parking modifications, as well as create a fee in lieu option, when parking cannot be accommodated on site. Page 118 Public and private development and redevelopment projects in the City are required to meet general criteria and provide for orderly, efficient and safe parking lot design. In the past, City requirements have provided developers in downtown to have limited obligation in this requirement. On January 5, 2023, Planning department staff held a discussion/work session with the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&ZC) to review the proposed changes to get direction and feedback on the proposed modifications. Given the extensive nature of the changes proposed, staff provided the draft Schedule H modifications to the P&ZC at its February 2, 2023 meeting with additional updates to facilitate sufficient time for review and questions prior to the public hearing on March 2, 2023. A synopsis of the proposed modifications to Schedule H follows: Section 1.0: • Revises language for clarity in intent and to promote EV readiness. Section 2.0: • Provides clarification for parking space calculations with regard to fee in lieu (if a fee in lieu provision is adopted by the City Commission). • Provides language to encourage EV readiness. ,flection _3.0 • Revises language to permit Administrative Official (AO) in lieu of the P&ZC to determine appropriate parking calculations for unspecified uses. Section 4.0: • Revises language to provide clarity and remove ambiguous requirements. ,flection 5.0 • Adds language to that AO may increase/decrease requirements by up to 25 percent, greater than 25 percent would be directed to the P&ZC for action. • Adds justification for AO's approval of parking modifications to be based on inclusion of certain site design features encouraging a higher level of design. • Provides specific requirements for acceptable competent, substantial evidence for parking increases or reductions (i.e., parking study requirements). Section 6.0: Page 218 • Provides clarity and remove ambiguous requirements. • Provides flexibility to accept alternate bike parking/bike rack designs. Section 7.0. A.: • Revise language to provide clarity. • Removes welding establishments as a specific use. • Adds a footnote to table referencing changes in Section 5.0. Section 7.0. B.: • Adds specific regulations relating to parking relative to property assigned the SC - 3 zoning district/classification. The proposed regulations replace the SC -3 parking regulation in Schedule U. • Adds new regulations relating to existing vs change of use vs new construction. • Incorporates a new table outlining the spaces required in the SC -3 zoning district/classification. Section 7.0. C.: • Modifies the maximum number of spaces and provide new requirements for justification to increase the maximum number of spaces. Section 7.0. E.: • Revises minor provisions to provide clarity. Section 7.O.F.: Adds a fee in lieu of parking section. Section 7.0. G.: • Adds and EV readiness section to support City's resilience efforts. Section 8.0: • Revises minor provisions to provide clarity. • Removes outdated references. • Provides a footnote referencing the proposed changes in Section 5.0. Section 8.0. H. & I.: Page 318 • Adds EV parking space design standards. Section 8.0. J.: • Moves overlay zoning district/classifications parking standards from Schedule U to Schedule H. Section 9. 0, 10. 0, 11. 0, & 12.0: • Revises minor provisions to provide clarity. • Removes outdated references. Section 13.0: • Modifies requirements to include a parking calculation table on all development plans. A synopsis of the proposed modifications to Schedule U follows: Sectinn 3.0 • Moves parking requirements for SC -3 zoning district/classification to Schedule H, In addition, though not specifically called out at the P&ZC hearing, administrative updates are needed to remove a portion of the definition of SC -3 within the LDRs which states in part as follows: "As such, the parking standards of Schedule H shall not apply to existing buildings in this district as of the date of adoption of these revisions to the land development regulations." On March 2, 2023, a public hearing was held before the P&ZC regarding the proposed changes. Although, 2 separate discussions were held prior to the hearing, the P&ZC had a lengthy debate and discussed multiple changes to the draft presented by staff. The P&ZC, by a vote of 5 to 2, recommended approving the modifications with a series of recommendations to present to the City Commission with staff s recommendations which are outlined in the attached table. There 2 dissenting votes were as follows: (1). Maverick Von Herbulis stated that the threshold of 8,000 square feet stated at the meeting required additional research before that size into a recommendation. It was noted that the remainder of the recommendations were found acceptable, up until that point. (2). Daniel Matthews provided the following extensive rationale to be included in the minutes of the P&ZC as to the reasons for recommending against approval. Page 418 (a). The negative effects of increasing mandatory onsite parking minimums greatly outweigh any potential benefit. In fact, increasing mandatory parking minimums: (i). Will reduce the amount of new housing built in the City's downtown by rendering most projects unfeasible and will have the knock-on effect of suppressing the overall taxable value of downtown property and is contrary to the City's stated goal of increasing the number of downtown residents and increasing residential density downtown. (ii). Will not in any appreciable way improve the parking situation in downtown Sanford. (iii). Runs counter to the trend both nationally and in Florida to eliminate parking minimums in city centers. (b), Applying parking minimums to existing buildings due to a "change of use": (i). Is counter to the longstanding City policy to not apply parking minimums to existing buildings to encourage the reuse and revitalization of existing buildings. (ii). The change is fundamentally unfair in that it will likely only apply to a single building. (iii).The proposed parking calculation rules for street cafes are unnecessary, run counter to the goal of creating a more vibrant, appealing downtown, and will result in fewer street cafes. Submitted for City Commission review on May 8, 2023 was the original regulations as presented to the P&ZC for consideration, discussion and modification as the City Commission determined to be appropriate to best meet the needs of the City. Following the discussion at the May 8, 2023 meeting and the first reading of Ordinance No. 4736, the following changes were made. Section 7.B.2 was revised as follows: LAND USE MINIMUM NUMBER OF UNIT OF MEASURE CATEGORY PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PER INDICATED UNIT RESIDENTIAL 4-.5 Pei-' nit (with ^ rnaNimum reduction .sown to 1.25 spaces 1.0 per Space for the initial unit (I bedroom or studio) 0.5 Space per additional bedroom Page 518 After review of the P&ZC concerns regarding a 50 percent minimum requirements, it was determined that Section 8.H.5 under EV parking spaces, the ratio for Multiple Family EV Parking was noted at 50 percent; however, the requirements in Section 7.G.2 state the following: Number of Spaces Required Land Use Tye EV Installed EV Capable Non -Residential' 2 20 percent Multifamily) 2 10 percent Industrial' 1 5 percent '- Requirement begins at 250 required spaces. Based on the above, the table was modified to remove the 250 space minimum but left the percentages as the lower requirement and Section 8.H.5 was updated to read as follows: Multifamily developments must provide X010 percent of EV installed parking spaces or EV capable spaces adjacent to each multifamily building. In addition, Section 7.B.2.a, as it relates to parking for existing buildings, the exemption was left at 5,000 but modified to reflect that a change of use to residential would not be exempt. a. For change of use or expansion of an existing building to any other non-residential use, the Administrative Official may approve parking based on the pro rata share over and above the initial 5000 square feet. Any change to residential is required to meet the parking requirements. If the Commission determines further adjustment is necessary, it can be modified as a condition or prior to adoption. As it relates to sidewalk cafes the originally proposed standard in Section 7.13.1.c.i has been revised as follows: i. Should an existing sidewalk caf6 fail to annually renew, credit for up to sixteen (16) eigght (8) seats may be granted by the Administrative Official. Any additional seats will be assessed parking based on Section 7. B.2. The parking standard for the SC -3 zone in Section 8.1) was reduced to 9' x 18' to reduce unnecessary impervious surfaces, increase available parking and to align the Sanford's downtown parking dimensions with other cities' downtown standards. D. Size of Parking Stalls. The minimum size of parking spaces shall be as follows: Regular (non-',.,ndioapped ADA)''2: 10' wide; 20' long; Parallel: 9' wide; 20' long; 14andi,.,,pped ADA Spaces (plus 5' landing): 12' wide; 20' long. ' The Administrative Official may reduce the required parking stall size based on competent evidence provided by an applicant demonstrating a higher level of design by incorporating EV parking spaces, installation of electric conduit to serve future EV infrastructure, or other site enhancements approved by the Administrative Official. '- Except in the SC -3 Zoning District, which shall be pennitted with a minimum of 9' wide by 18' long for regular parking, 9' wide by 23' long for parallel parking and the minimum required by Federal standards for any required ADA spaces. Page 618 The conflict in Section 8.J.2.c was deleted, as it relates to the discrepancies when transferring standards from Schedule U, Overlay Districts as follows: e. Parking- > non Fesidential s under- > 000 square feet in area in the River-frent Over -lay Distr-iet and Downtown over -lay Distriet shall be - from arks... New, non residential buildings $v�, 00 square feet in areathe River -f vnt Over --lay Distriet and Downtown- Overlay-' Distr-iet shall be required to pr-ovide one spaee per- 500 square feet of nonresidential gross floor- area over- and above the initial i parking000 square feet plus no less than 1.2=�, spaees pefdwelling par -king unit and requires approval by the Administr-ativeOffleial. The shall be leeated within 1,000 feet of the site. On street par -king sptaees--loeated along the lot fr-entage may be eaunted—tewar-d the par -king with th- of Sehedule. d. Parking within the SC -3 zoning district in any of the designated overlay districts shall comply with the parking standards established herein. e. Parking in any Overlay District not within the SC -3 zoning district shall comply with the parking as determined for that use and as established herein. The modification to rounding in Section 2 — Applicability was returned to its original language, removing the change for Fee in Lieu. The total number of parking spaces required shall be rounded off to the closest whole number if the computations based on this Schedule result in any fractional requirement of a parking space. Fractional numbers ending in .5 shall be considered as the next whole space, b a fee in lieu of • b M that ease par-kingspaee is ealeulated as an additional pai4ing . It was also changed in Section 7.17 F. Fee In -Lieu of Parking In the event that an applicant cannot provide required parking spaces onsite in the designated downtown parking district, the City shall established a fee in lieu that may be paid for in its entiretyor as a portion of the required parking subject to approval by the Administrative Official. 1. The applicant must submit a written request to the Administrative Official, requesting a fee in lieu agreement. 2. Such fee in lieu shall be set by resolution of the City Commission and amended from time to time. a. The fee shall be based on a per parking space basis. a. All fractions of a parking space shall be rounded up to a full as previously defined in this schedule and the full space fee in lieu be paid for each required parking space not provided. b. The applicant may have the option to pay a fee in lieu for all or a portion of the required parking spaces. Page 718 c. In no instance may a fee in lieu be used to eliminate any required EV parking spaces. The additional graphic relating to landing areas for ADA compliant spaces will be added as discussed. If the Commission determines additional changes are necessary after a second public hearing said changes will be made accordingly. LEGAL REVIEW: The Assistant City Attorney has reviewed the matter as it was presented to the P&ZC, has prepared Ordinance No. 4736 and has no legal objection to the enactment of Ordinance No. 4736. The City Commission approved Ordinance No. 4736 on the first reading on May 8, 2023. The City Clerk published notice of the 2°d Public Hearing in the Sanford Herald on May 21, 2023. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Commission adopt Ordinance No. 4736. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move adopt Ordinance No. 4736." Attachments: (1). Ordinance No. 4736. (2). Draft amendments to Schedule H, (Revised Version following 1" Reading). (3). Table of P&ZC recommended changes following March 2, 2023 hearing. 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