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City of Sanford
Planning and Zoning Commission
Thursday — September 16, 2010
City Commission Chambers
Sanford City Hall 1 Floor
300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida
Meeting Agenda
10 AM
Approval of Minutes
• August 19, 2010 Regular Meeting Minutes
Acceptance of Proof of Publication
Public Hearings
PH -1 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to rezone 0.43 acre located at 2550 Sanford Avenue
from MR -2, Multiple Family Residential to RC -1, Restricted Commercial.
Tax Parcel Number: 01 -20 -30 -506- 0000 -0340
Property Owner: Charles W. Lansing, Trustee
Representative: Charles W. Lansing
PH -2 Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use request for Urban Infill Redevelopment to
allow a funeral home at 1109 French Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 25- 19- 30 -5AG- 1308 -0060
Property Owner: BLB, Inc.
Representative: Betty Brown
PH -3 Hold a Public Hearing to consider amendments to the Sanford Land Development Regulations,
Schedule S — Historic Preservation.
Representative: Christine Dalton, Historic Preservation Officer — City of Sanford
Staff Reports
Citizen Participation
Commissioners Reports
In accordance with the Americans with Disahilities Act, persons with disabilities needing assistance to
participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk at 407.688.5010 at least 48 hours in
advance of the meeting.
Advice to the public: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at
the above meeting or hearing, he or she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the
testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105)
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Planning and Zoning Commission
September 1, 2010 - 10 A M
City Commission Chamber
City Hall, Sanford, Florida
Members Present
Carol Dennison, Chairman
Andy Kut, Vice Chairman
Brian Volt
Michael Loader
Bobby VonHerbulis
.ferry Mills
Members Absent
Ram Yosefian - excused
Eddie Green - excused
Others Present
Mary Moskowitz, Planner
Christine Dalton, Historic Preservation Officer
Mary Muse, Administrative Coordinator
John 1 ctsop loos, Planning & Zoning Commission Alternate Member
Stew Bier,, Planning & Z oning Commission Member (effective October 1 �t
Robert Kinney, , Historic Preservation Board Member
Ms. Dennison called the meeting to order at 10 AM
Mr. Mills moved to approve the Minutes of the August 19, 2010 Regular Meeting. Mr. Loader seconded.
All in favor. Motion carried 6 -.
Proof of Publication
Mr. Kutz moved to accept the proof of publications. Mr. VonHerbulis seconded. All in favor. Motion
carried 6 -.
Public Hearings
Hold a Public Dearing to consider a request to rezone 0.43 acre located at 2550 Sanford Avenue from
MR -2, Multiple Family Residential to RC-1, Restricted Commercial. Charles W. Lansing, Trustee,
property owner; Charles W. Lansing, representative. Ms. Dennison read a letter from Bernice Tracy
stating she was in opposition of the request due to them being too many vacant commercial properties an
no activities in the area.
Mr. VonHerbulis moved to recommend approval to the City Commission per st affs recommendation.
Mr. Mills seconded. All in favor. Motion carried 6-0.
Minutes — September 16, 2010
Planning and Zoning Commission
Hold a Public Dearing to consider a Conditional Use request for Urban Infill Redevelopment to allow
funeral hone at 1109 French Avenue. BLB, Inc., property owner; Betty Brown — owner and John M.
Schultheis - Civil Engineering Services, representatives. Present to speak in favor of the request was
Bernard Brown.
Mr. Loader moved to approve the conditional use request per staff s recommendation. Mr. VonHerbulis
seconded. All in favor. Thin carried -.
Hold a Public Hearing to consider amendments to the Sanford Land Development Regulations Schedule
S — Historic Preservation. Christine Dalton, Historic Preservation Officer — City of Sanford,
representative. Present to spear in favor of the revisions was Robert Finney, Historic Preservation Board
member. Mr. Charlie Hull was present to seek clarification regarding new structures and use of synthetic
materials. Present to speak in opposition was Jim Dunn. His concern was the prohibition of synthetic
materials n commercial buildings.
After reviewing the revisions and making minor changes, Mr. Mills moved to recommend approval to the
City Commission the Schedule S revisions, with noted changes, and suggested that somewhere in
Schedule S them needs to be a consideration for the use of synthetic material on a case by case basis. Mr.
Loader seconded. Motion carried -1. Mr. Kutz in opposition.
Staff Reports
A staff report was included in the agenda packet. Ms. Muse informed the board the City Commission
appointed Steve Esler to serve on the Planning & Zoning Commission and introduced him. ibis. Muse
informed the board there may not be an October 7
Citizen Participation
Commissioners Deports
Ms. Dennison acknowledged Mr. Volk and Mr. VonHerbulis for their years of service since their terms
expire September to and requested them to attend a future meeting so she could present therm with
recognition plaque.
Mr. Mills suggested having an alternate member sit on the board when there is a vacancy, not just when
there is quorum issue.
Where being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:24 PM.